Interesting local history classes. Gubarenko S.A. Magic Crimea: lesson notes for the senior group on local history. Introduction to the Sami fairy tale “Chakhkli”

Traveling around your native village.

Target: instilling in children a sense of love for their small Motherland, their native village.
clarify information about your home village with your children;
activate words in children’s speech – definitions, practice their use simple sentences;
consolidate children's knowledge about the state symbols of Russia.
generalize ideas about the purpose of the coat of arms and flag, the symbolic meaning of color and images (eagle, horseman).
expand the understanding of the history of the appearance of the coat of arms of our region.
develop creativity children;
develop children's cognitive activity;
Develop constructive and paper skills. Help children create an image of the Russian coat of arms by gluing individual parts onto a blank. Cultivate neatness.
To cultivate a feeling of love for your Motherland - Russia.
cultivate love for one’s native village;
evoke in children a feeling of admiration and pride in their home village and its inhabitants.

Children enter the group and greet the guests.
Educator:-Guys, stand in a circle, let's greet each other:
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other.
(The teacher draws the children’s attention to a knock on the door, Dunno appears).
Educator: Dunno, where are you from? How did you come to us? kindergarten?
Dunno: I'm from Flower City, where it's very beautiful. In our city, streets are named after flowers. Every corner of our city is familiar to me and very dear. But this is my first time in your village and I don’t know anything about it. They suggested to me that the children from the kindergarten could help me.
Educator: Guys, what should we do, how can we help Dunno?
Children: You can talk about our village, you can take Dunno on a tour of our village, you can show photographs.
Educator: I agree with all your suggestions. I think the excursion will suit us best.
Dunno: What is the name of the building I'm in now?
Educator: Guys, help Dunno, tell us about our kindergarten.
Children: This building is called the Skazka kindergarten, and the street on which our kindergarten is located is called 40 Let Oktyabrya.
Dunno: Who works in kindergarten?
Children:In the kindergarten there is a manager, a caretaker, a nurse, cooks, teachers, assistant teachers, a laundress, a music director, a worker, and a watchman.
Dunno: Does your group have a name?
Children: Yes, our group is called “Dwarfs”.
Dunno: Thank you guys, I learned a lot about your kindergarten. What other buildings are there in your village?
Educator: I invite you on a tour (children approach the photographs). What kind of building do we see in the photograph?
Children: This is a children's library.
Educator: How is a library different from a bookstore?

Children: They buy books at the store, and at the library they take them home to read, and then bring them back. There is a reading room here where you can copy down the necessary information.
Dunno: Thank you guys for the information, this is a very nice building, I will definitely come here to read books. (Dunno draws attention to several photos that are together) What is shown in these photographs?
Educator: Guys, tell Dunno about these buildings.
Children: This building is called music school, in which children learn to sing and play the musical instruments. And this is a sports school, here children play sports. And this is an art school, where children learn to draw and sculpt. And these are general education schools, where children learn to read, write, count, and learn a lot of new things.
Dunno: Oh, how interesting, I want to visit all the schools and I will definitely learn something new and something new. (Draws attention to the photo with the museum) What is the name of this building?
Educator: Guys, do you know this building?
Children: This is a museum.
Educator: And in front of the museum there is playground, which we will now play on.
Fizminutka: Children stand in a circle. They pronounce words in chorus, accompanying them with movements.
We are walking around the city (marching)
Let's sing a song loudly (clap hands)
We are walking down the street (marching)
We raise our legs straight (marching, stretching out their toes)
Take a step - one, two
Wave your arms - three, four
Turned head (turn head to the right)
Arms up and legs wider
Let's jump high together
And let's run easily (running in place).

Educator: The museum hosts various exhibitions, each hall has its own material: there is a hall in which they talk about weapons used during the war, about the clothes of the Cossacks, there is a hall with kitchen utensils, with antique furniture, with animals and birds of our region. We have already been to some of the halls, and many are yet to be visited. What animals live in our region?
Children: In our region there live a hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, hamster, hedgehog, wild boar, badger, roe deer, muskrat, beaver, sable, otter, elk, bear, chipmunk, gopher, marmot.
Educator: Well done, you remembered a lot of animals. Now let's play a game.
Game "Find the extra animal"(Children remove the picture with an animal that is not in Omsk region).
Educator: Name the trees that grow in the Omsk region.
Children: Birch, oak, spruce, willow, maple, pine, linden, larch, aspen, fir, and poplar grow in the Omsk region.
Educator: Now guess which tree the leaf is from.
Game “Which tree is the leaf from?”
Dunno: Thank you guys, I recognized the animals of your region and the plants that grow in your area. What is the name of this large building and who works in it?
Educator: What is this building, guys?
Children: This is the administration building. The leaders of our district work here.
Educator: The flag of our country flies above this building. What is the name of our country, our Motherland?
Children: Our country is called Russia.
Educator: What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?
Children: A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our homeland. The native bush is dear to the hare. Whoever stands up for his homeland is a true hero.
Educator: Listen to the poem about the Motherland.
Can you hear the song of the stream?
This is your homeland.
Do you hear the nightingale's voice?
This is your homeland.
The sound of rain and the noise of branches,
And there are currants in the garden - This is also the Motherland.

Educator: Each state must have state symbols: a flag, a coat of arms and an anthem. Russia also has state symbols. What color is the Russian flag?
Children: The flag has three stripes: white, blue and red.
Educator: What is white in nature?
Children: Chamomiles, white birches.
Educator: What is blue?
Children: Blue sky, blue sea, rivers.
Educator: That's right, what is red in nature?
Children: Sun, sunset, fire.
Educator: What do these colors mean?
Children: White color means purity, peace. Blue stands for loyalty and truth, and red stands for courage and love.
Educator: Where can you see the Russian flag?
Children: At athletes' performances, on cars, on planes, at a meeting of presidents.
Educator: Listen to the poem about the flag.
Child: Our flag is beautiful - white, blue, red!
White - peace and purity, blue - fidelity, heaven,
Red – courage, bravery... These are the colors of the native flag!

Educator: What is an anthem?

Children: The anthem is the main song of the country.
Educator: How should you listen to the anthem?

Children: You need to listen to it while standing. The anthem is played when athletes are awarded during the parade on May 9.
Educator: What is the name of the last character?
Children: This is a coat of arms.
Educator: Who is depicted on the coat of arms?
Children: The coat of arms depicts an eagle. One head faces east and the other faces west. There are three crowns on the head - a symbol of the unity of our country. In his paws he holds a scepter and an orb.
Educator: The scepter is a symbol of power, the orb is a decorated ball, a sign of legitimacy and right. The coat of arms can be seen on important documents, for example, on a passport, on coins, on stamps.
Educator: What is depicted in the center of the coat of arms?
Children: A horseman with a spear who kills a dragon. This speaks of the constant struggle of good over evil.
Educator: What is the rider's name?
Children: George the Victorious.
Educator: Our village also has a coat of arms.
The coat of arms of the Cherlak region is a quadrangular heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, the field of which is conventionally divided into two parts. Bottom part The field is a green background. The upper part of the shield is an image of a red sun rising on a white background, illuminating the waterway located in the center and seagulls hovering above the water. The composition is united by the watchtower of an ancient outpost against the backdrop of the gate, which depicts ripe ears of corn. The green lower field of the shield symbolizes the bounty of the earth.
The Blue Stripe is a waterway along the Irtysh River. The white upper field of the shield serves as a symbol of purity of thoughts, nobility, and justice. The red rays of the rising sun represent courage and military valor. Red is the color of life, mercy and love. The gold in the ears of wheat reflects hope for stability and power.
Every family can have a coat of arms. Now the children will tell you what kind of coat of arms of their family they drew up with their parents (children's story about the coats of arms of their family).
You and I can draw up a coat of arms for our group. Are there a teacher and children in the group? (are there) Do the children live together in the group? (amicably). Take the blanks and make up the coat of arms of our group (children, with the help of the teacher, make the coat of arms of the group).
Educator: What did you like about the lesson? What was difficult for you? What was easy to do? I liked the way you worked.

  • continue to acquaint children with the history of Lenin Street (Kachinskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya), its glorious residents - the stolbist brothers Abalakov; learn to navigate using a route map;
  • to cultivate love for their small homeland, to instill in children a sense of pride in their compatriots.


  • photographs-portraits of the Abalakov brothers,
  • route map: “Kindergarten - Abalakov Brothers Museum”;
  • illustrations of Krasnoyarsk pillars, tourist equipment and a set of items for the game “Choose what you need and assemble a backpack” (compass, route map, bandage, thermos, set of dishes, rope, set of tools).

Preliminary work:

  • viewing a series of photographs “Stolby Reserve”, “Land of Bizarre Rocks”;
  • jointly with children designing a photo newspaper “My family travels through the Stolby Nature Reserve”;
  • together with parents, creating an exhibition “Tourist equipment” in the preschool educational institution museum;
  • watching the film strip “Stolby Nature Reserve” followed by a conversation, getting acquainted with the route map, designing an album with children’s drawings “The Land of Bizarre Rocks”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (invites children to the MDOU museum “The History of One Street”). The city of Krasnoyarsk has many beautiful streets and buildings (children are invited to choose an emblem depicting the monuments of Krasnoyarsk “Chapel”, “Church of the Annunciation”, “Clock Tower” and divide into subgroups).

Educator. Our museum contains material about the history of the street on which our kindergarten is located. Remember what name our street had in ancient times (Kachinskaya Street: it is located near the Kacha River; later - Blagoveshchenskaya, because it originates from the Annunciation Church).

What is she famous for? Who made our street famous?

The teacher invites the children to complete the first task to tell about one of the sights of Lenin Street (after discussion in the team, the children choose a guide and the topic of the excursion around the exhibitions of the MDOU museum: a story about the scientist gardener V.M. Krutovsky, about the artist V.I. Surikov, about the Krasny prison Yar and its founder Ataman Dubensky).

The stories of each team are heard.

Educator. I would also like to be a tour guide today and tell you about the wonderful residents of Lenin Street, the courageous columnists, brothers Evgeniy and Vitaly Abalakov, before you are photographs of these amazing fellow countrymen of ours. The names of these brothers are known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. The brothers were born in the city of Eneseisk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the family of a Siberian Cossack. After the death of their parents, the orphaned brothers were taken into care by their uncle, who lived in Krasnoryask, on the street. Lenin. This is where they spent their childhood. The brothers loved to spend their holidays in the “Stolby” nature reserve, as the bizarrely shaped rocks were called. Everyone who enjoys rock climbing in the Stolby Nature Reserve in Krasnoyarsk is called stolby.

How fascinated the Abalakov brothers were with pillar rocks.

To complete the second task, children are asked to choose illustrations with types of Krasnoyarsk “Pillars”: “Feathers”, “Grandfather”, “Golden Eagle”, “Devil’s Finger” (1 photo per team) and invites children to tell why, in their opinion, they are called that these rocks. Children, together with the teacher, listen to the answers of the team representative.

Leading. Zhenya and Vitaly became fascinated with Stolby for the rest of their lives, even when, after graduating from school, they went to Moscow to study, they came to Krasnoyarsk every summer and, of course, made trips to their native Stolby. The brothers conquered not only the Pillars, there were mountains many times higher in different parts of the world. Once Zhenya led an expedition to a very high mountains, and victory was won. But then disaster struck, in the middle of the night, the snow cave where the climbers had taken refuge was walled up with a thick layer of snow. Zhenya dug out a life-saving passage with his hands and a shovel, won, and saved his comrades. He was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. Vitaly Abalakov became a design engineer. Who do you think is called a designer (inventor, inventor) The name of Vitaly Abalakov is known to any tourist. He invented very convenient equipment for rock climbers. What equipment is needed to climb the rock (thick rope, comfortable shoes that cling to the rocks, hooks to cling to the rocks, special nails that can be driven into the crevices of the rock).

Everyone who is interested in hiking dreams of getting a real Abalakovo backpack. To find out what needs to be put in the backpack of a real rock climber, we will play an interesting and tricky game “Choose what you need and assemble the backpack.”

What character qualities should real columnists, such as the brothers Vitaly and Evgeniy Abalakov, have (brave, able to do a lot, not afraid of difficulties, hardy, helping comrades). Today we met the famous brothers, one of the streets of our city is named after them, there is even a museum of the Abalakov brothers.

An unusual letter came to our kindergarten from the workers of the Abalakov Brothers Museum. What did the museum workers write to us? “Dear guys. You study the history of your street, collect material about the residents who glorified the street on which they lived and their city of Krasnoyarsk. We invite you to the museum of the brave rock climbers and pole climbers of the Abalakov brothers. We invite you to visit. And the route map will tell you how to find us.”

Children, together with a teacher, using a route map, go to the Abalakov house-museum, where the guide will introduce the children to the museum’s exhibition.

How often do we, adults, think about our national roots? About who our great-grandfathers were and how they lived? Why do we have this particular culture, and no other, and is it necessary to preserve it?..? Unfortunately, most of us not only do not look for answers to these questions, but prefer not to remember our origins at all and like to repeat that such they say now the situation is “we live one day at a time.” But what can we say about children, about their spiritual and moral state? Society is extremely concerned about the spiritual and moral state of the younger generation. In this regard, the most important task of education, defined by the Concept of modernization of Russian education, is the formation of a civil society. responsibility, independence, tolerance, ability for successful socialization in society. How to return the younger generation to moral values?

The problematic issue that I spoke about above “pushed” our team to the idea: the main condition for a child to appropriate universal, moral values, national traditions, citizenship, love for his family and homeland, the formation of his self-awareness is his environment, his society in which he lives, studies, creates, builds relationships.

Therefore, we defined the goal of our activities within the framework of socialization of the personality of a preschooler as the formation of the basic culture of the child’s personality, morality, and citizenship through solving the following tasks presented on the screen.

A huge role in solving these problems is played by familiarizing preschoolers with the society of their immediate environment. It is important to teach a child to freely navigate where he lives, where he spends most of his time.

A significant role in introducing preschoolers to the society of their immediate environment is the organization of a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution, the central link of which is the mini-museum “The History of One Street”.

It selects and presents material that includes both information about the historical past and the modern cultural appearance of the street. Kachinskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya, Lenin. The exhibits are presented with photographs, models, albums, items of urban life of the 18th–19th centuries, and sketches of urban costume.

Our teachers and parents are especially proud of the fact that children take great pleasure in conducting excursions around the mini-museum for their younger friends, employees, parents, and guests of our garden. Each child tour guide has a favorite exhibit. There are always a lot of people who want to be tour guides, children are happy to talk about their favorite exhibit of the museum, so excursions are always very interesting and lively. During these excursions, children learn to communicate: tactfully and respectfully address questions and requests; listen carefully to the answer; answer questions in a polite manner, look at the other person friendly with a smile, and kindly offer your help to others.

Since 2005, together with the staff of the Literary Museum, we have developed and are implementing the educational program of the mini-museum “The History of One Street”, this small Motherland, and each person has his own, but for everyone it is the guiding star that throughout life determines very a lot, if not to say everything!

The goal of the program is to develop in children, through the creation of a sociocultural sphere, a holistic picture of the world, the foundations of citizenship, and interest in their small homeland.

In the process of organizing museum classes, special attention is paid to getting to know the peculiarities of the city and our region. The selection of objects for this kind of excursions, walks, and targeted visits is largely due to the characteristics of our area, namely, Lenin Street as the source of the fort; with the building of a men's gymnasium, now the Polytechnic University, and the museum-estate of V.I. Surikov.

In 2007, we met a new object for us cultural heritage house-museum of the Abalakov brothers. During the museum lesson, children learned a lot of interesting things about the famous Krasnoyarsk stolbists and saw the equipment used by rock climbers. And we even talked to a candidate for master of sports in rock climbing.

For 3 years, our kindergarten, as part of the museum’s work, has been friends with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a resident of the street. Lenin Kopytov Yuri Alexandrovich. He is a frequent visitor to our museum.

It is important for us to know the result of our work in this direction, and therefore, together with a preschool psychologist, a special questionnaire has been developed for older children, the purpose of which is to determine the dynamics of the social development of each child.

The staff of the Literary Museum gave a high assessment of our museum and educational activities. In the magazine “Krasnoyarsk Fairs” they speak about our cooperation like this. Quote: “This is not even collaboration, but real co-creation! It is no coincidence that it was with this team that an unusual joint project was born to create a children’s museum on the history of Blagoveshchenskaya - Lenin Street, as well as a joint museum and educational program on local history “The History of One Street”. The museum turned out to be very interesting - after walking along the boardwalk, the children find themselves in a miniature merchant mansion of the 19th century. The leitmotif of the museum’s work was Renard’s words “The small Motherland is still big, because it is the only one.”

Thus, kindergarten acts as a sociocultural environment that creates optimal conditions for the formation of a holistic “picture of the world” in children, for the development of social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships; nurturing patriotism, the basics of citizenship, and interest in one’s “small Motherland.”

And today the words of our outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky are relevant: “Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery becomes, first of all, knowledge of man and the Fatherland. So that the beauty of a real person, the greatness and incomparable beauty of the Fatherland enters the child’s mind and heart.”

Open lesson on local history

Topic: The swamp is a storehouse of goodness.


    Formation of ideas about the natural community “swamp”;

    Formation of cognitive, regulatory, communicative UUD.


    Introduce students to the meaning of swamps and the flora;

    Give an idea of ​​the swamps of the Pereslavl region;

    Create conditions that ensure the development of regulatory learning skills in students: goal setting, self-control skills;

    Create conditions that ensure the formation of cognitive learning skills in students: analysis of objects, synthesis, comparison, semantic reading, develop the ability to work with information presented in tabular form and in the form of maps, proof and argumentation of positions;

    Create conditions that ensure the formation of communicative learning skills in students: cooperation in searching and collecting information.

Planned results:

    They have an idea of ​​the significance of swamps, the swamps of the Pereslavl region, and the flora;

    Provide evidence and argumentation of positions;

    Able to monitor the completion of the task, formulate the objectives of the lesson with the help of the teacher;

    Can work with tables and maps;

    Collaborate in a group.

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment

The cheerful bell rang.
We are ready to work together.
Let's listen, talk,
And help each other.

Updating knowledge, setting goals

    Today we will go on a journey around our region.

Sounds of the swamp

Where can you hear these sounds? We got different answers.

Let's check who is right. You have envelopes with puzzles on your desks - you need to collect a picture from them - a hint and think about what the artist depicted on it. You will workin groups (teacher assignsarbitrarily ) - children collect a picture of a swamp.

What did the artist depict? Your version, group 1. Your version, group 2.

(if you have any difficulties with the topic of the lesson, give 2 hints - a riddle about a swamp:

Everyone goes around this place:
Here the earth is like dough;

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support.

Where will we go on our trip?

What topic will we have today? (swamp -part of the topic opens )

2) – Guess what berries you and I will pick in the swamp.

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me?

(Answer: Cranberry)

Well done you get itberry . (attached to the board)

Let's go on a journey.

We went to the swamp together,

Raising your legs higher.

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

1st stop: rest and play

(children stand in a circle)

- Game : I will now name the words. If they belong to the swamp, you will clap 1 time, if they do not belong to the swamp, you will stomp 1 time. Try to remember the words related to the swamp.

(Words for the game: lion, bog, reeds, hard soil, water, storm, never-drying mud, tall trees, big waves, hummocks, zebra, frogs, storm)

What words do you remember?







berry – cranberries.

3) - Is quagmire, dirt good or bad?

Continue the offerWhy... (need swamps? - opens on the board).

We are traveling around the Pereslavl region. What other question can you ask? Continue the offerWhat swamps... (are there in the Pereslavl region?).

Are there other plants in the swamp besides reeds? What else will you learn in class?

What...(plants can be seen in the swamp?)

Do only frogs live in the swamp? What other question will you find the answer to?What...(animals live in the swamp?)

Conclusion: - Why are swamps needed?

- What swamps are there in the Pereslavl region?

- What plants can be seen in the swamps?

- What animals live in swamps?

Well done, you get moreberry .

Our stop is overlet's continue on our way .

Game : in a swamp, in order not to drown, they try to follow each other over the bumps. So now you will try to cross the swamp over the hummocks. You must walk carefully so as not to fall into the swamp. You will be crossinggroups (girls, boys) . When the whole group is on the other side, you need to collect 1 word from the letters.

(conductedgame - words are formed -soap, sieve ).

(dictionary reference: device with a mesh for straining or sifting).

Well done, you completed the task and getberry

Can these words be attributed to a swamp? Let's return to these words a little later.

Collaborative discovery of knowledge

1) 2nd stop

Recently, on the bus, I overheard a conversation between a grandmother and her grandson. Listen to what they were talking about.

- Grandma, did you know that the city of St. Petersburg was built entirely on a swamp? - Sasha called out to his grandmother

- Petersburg? She knew, of course.

- How was such a huge swamp drained? Simply amazing.

- Many lives were lost while they were draining. It’s scary to think how many workers remained in these swamps forever, how many died from disease. Although the city is undoubtedly beautiful.

- But still, it’s great that a person can drain swamps. If only they could drain the swamp in our grove,” Sasha said dreamily.

- Why did our swamp bother you?

Yes, why is it needed at all?

Those who agree with the boy - go to Maxim. Whoever disagrees, go to Stasya (children stand in groups).

Each group will now think of 2 arguments - evidence: Maxim’s group will select 2 arguments ... “against” the swamps, and Stasi’s group ... - “for” the swamps. (answer, alternating, 1 argument at a time).

Both groups did a good job.

You receiveberry

Maybe someone has changed their mind, maybe now they can move to another group.

2) - To make sure who is right, complete the task. You have large sheets of paper and cards on your desks with the pros and cons of swamps. Sasha's group will choose...(ask the group first) only disadvantages of swamps, i.e. what's bad in swampsand glue it onto a large sheet. Grandma's group will choose... ...(ask the group first) only advantages, i.e. what's good about swampsand stick it on the sheet.

Repeat the task.

- a swamp is a habitat for many animals;

- dangerous place for people;

- valuable berries grow in swamps;

- peat forms in swamps;

- difficult passage;

- swamps help cleanse environment from harmful carbon dioxide;

- source of rare and medicinal plants;

- clouds of mosquitoes in the summer;

- swamps filter water, purifying it from harmful impurities;

- swamps can burn due to underground flames;

(The works are hung up and the groups read out one by one)

What did the grandmother answer to her grandson? Let's listen. (grandmother says final words)

Firstly, the blueberries that you love so much grow in the swamp. If there were no swamp, we would be left without blueberries. Secondly, mosquitoes, which you don’t like so much, are eaten by birds. If there were no mosquitoes in the swamp, there would be no birds in the grove. Thirdly, swamps release more oxygen into the atmosphere than a forest in the same area.

What other advantages did grandma tell you about the existence of swamps?(post the pros)

Conclusion: - What is more: pros or cons in our table?

- It is no coincidence that people all over the planet celebrate February 2 - World Wetlands Day. The organizers of this international day By holding various events, their goal is to draw public attention to the need to take care of swamps.

What words did you make up after going through the swamp? (soap, sieve). How is a swamp similar to a sieve? What about soap?

Well done, you completed the task and getberry

What question was answered? (put a "+" sign that the work is done).

- You and I are moving on.

( physical break about the sun “Radiant Sun”).

3) 3 stop

The word "sun" is in the title of the children's book "The Pantry of the Sun." It was written by Mikhail Prishvin.During his long life, Prishvin traveled almost all of Russia, and his work reflects the most diverse corners of our vast Motherland. The Pereslavl land, with its forests, rivers, lakes and swamps, also served as a source of literary inspiration.Mikhail Mikhailovich could wander for several hours in a row along the unknown paths of the “Berendeev kingdom”.The book perfectly describes the nature of the Bludov swamp.

The beauty of the same swamp inspired another Russian writer A. Ostrovsky to create the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. The action of his book also takes place in the Bludov swamp in the kingdom of Berendey. This swamp has another name. Hint - the name of the swamp is similar to the name of Tsar Berendey. Does anyone know this name?

Do you think there are other swamps in the Pereslavl region?

View the map Yaroslavl region. The swamps are depicted in circles. Find the city of Pereslavl and Pereslavl region.

What can you say about the number of swamps in the Pereslavl region?

You will find out what swamps there are in the Pereslavl region by completing the task ingroups (arbitrary groups). (the group is given a map of the Pereslavl region swamps and a work algorithm, symbols)

Work algorithm

2) Find protected and recommended wetlands on the map.

Work algorithm

1) Look at the map of the Pereslavl region.

2) Find on the map large swamps where peat was mined.

3) Color the circles with the appropriate color.

4) Try to remember the names of some swamps.

What was the task for group 1? What is it like for group 2?

Check that it's done correctly. Evaluate the group's work.

What protected wetlands do you remember? In what swamps was peat mined?

What question did you answer? (put “+” next to it )

Well done, here's more for youberry .

- We set off further on our journey.

(children stand in a circle)

Game "Trees, Shrubs, Grasses" (trees - rise on their toes and arms up, bushes - arms to the sides, grass - squat)

Words for the game : bell, aspen, raspberry, aster, linden, oak, currant, snowdrop, mosquito, birch, gooseberry, squirrel.

Well done, here's more for youberry .

How can you name all the trees, shrubs, and herbs in one word?

4) 4 stop

What plants can be found in the Pereslavl swamps?

I suggest yougame "Find the hidden word." You need to find words among the set of letters - names of plants. The words must be circled in an oval. You will workin groups (girls, boys) .

1 group

2nd group

l m o k i r i s u f r s y r l t

l r n z e v a l e r i a n a u

o s o k a d x g a i y h p v e

I'm r o s i n k a f k e s e

b m c h e u l o a k a m ​​u s h n

i e g l y b a g u l n i k

c y g k l u k v a b u n g r i

t k r o h g n m u r t h u

e l b a sh m a c h o k c a z l v

e f e l u b k a n i tsa g sh

Let's take a closer look at these plants.

Mutual verification against the standard. (one group sits down, the other checks its work)

- Plants of group 1 (Siberian iris, coastal sedge, reed, cranberry, real slipper).

Natural color of flowersSiberian irises represents variations from blue to purple.

- Coastal sedge They are the main peat former and serve as habitat and food for many animals, especially waterfowl.

- Reed People often confuse cattails and cattails. Meanwhile, it is easy to distinguish them.Reeds look like bare, long cylindrical rods sticking out of the water. At the top of the cattail, a dense brown or almost black, as if velvety, inflorescence of very small flowers, similar to a popsicle on a stick, ripens at the top of a tall stem.

- Cranberry - an amazing berry.Due to the high content of vitamin C, cranberries are an excellent prophylactic agent that increases the body's protective functions. During the Great Patriotic War When there was a shortage of medicines, in particular antibiotics, the wounded were given cranberry juice to drink. And now syrup, juice and fruit drinks from this berry are successfully used to treat colds. They have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.Our ancestors called cranberries a “rejuvenating” berry. Nowadays, cosmetologists use the beneficial properties of these berries to prepare nourishing and tonic masks.

- Its genus nameshoe received a shape reminiscent of a woman's shoe. This genus is also called lady's shoe, Venus's shoe, lady's slipper.

- Plants of 2 groups ( valerian officinalis, round-leaved sundew, wild rosemary, coastal sphagnum moss, bifolia lyubka ).

- Valerian or valerian officinalis. Valerian preparations are used in many countries as a sedative.

Do you know why this plant is amazing?"sundew" ? Sundews are carnivorous plants.The leaves of this plant are unusual - they resemble a small plate, the upper part of which is covered with numerous hairs, and at the tip of each of them there is a drop of sticky liquid sparkling in the sun, attracting the attention of a potential victim. An inviting drop of “dew” turns out to be sticky mucus, which deprives the insect of the opportunity to escape. The sundew leaf is unusually sensitive - just the lightest touch is enough, and all its hairs begin to move, bending towards the center in an effort to “generously” cover the victim with an adhesive substance and move it to the very middle of the leaf - where the digestive villi are located. Gradually, the sundew leaf closes over the insect, turning into a kind of tiny stomach. Let’s make a reservation right away that such an exotic method of food was chosen not out of whim, but out of necessity, because the swampy soils on which most plant predators live are very scarce.

- Bushwild rosemary very fragrant, has a distinct resinous odor. The smell of the leaves is strong, balmy, intoxicating, and can cause dizziness and headaches.

- Why is it so wonderfulsphagnum ? After all, it is moss that creates swamps. From sphagnum, to a very large extent, reserves of such valuable natural wealth like peat. Sphagnum moss, due to its characteristics, is currently widely used in medicine. roots are used for toothache and fever. One single flower, one single specimen can fill an entire forest clearing with fragrance (night violet). The name “lyubka” is associated with ancient legends that the tubers of this plant have properties, being a love potion.

All plants presented on the slides can be seen in the swamps of the Pereslavl region and are listed in the Red Book of the Yaroslavl region.

If you are interested in a certain plant, you can prepare a message for the next lesson.

- What question did you answer? (put “+”)

Well done, you get moreberry .

Let's nowlet's open a part of the topic that is closed . What word do you not understand? (storehouse - well). Why do people call a swamp a storehouse of goodness? (Dremlik marsh is so named due to its drooping, seemingly “dormant” flowers).

Our journey has come to an end. Have you managed to find answers to all your questions? This means that new interesting finds and discoveries await you ahead.

5) - Continue the offer .

Content reflection educational material

1. I was surprised...

2. it was difficult...

3. I realized that...

4. I will need it in life...

Well done, you get moreberry .

Lift upsmiley , corresponding to your mood in class.

You worked hard on your trip and collected a lot of cranberries. And nowlong-awaited surprise - delicious cranberries for you and our guests. Thanks for the work.

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 25 Chelyabinsk"

Lesson notes

"Introduction to Local History"

(tourist and local history direction)

Teacher primary classes

Brunetkina Irina Aleksandrovna

Chelyabinsk, 2016

Topic: “Introduction to local history”


To interest and attract children to work in a children's tourism and local history association.


Expanding basic knowledge of the geography and history of the native land;

Development of creative and cognitive activity;

Nurturing love for native land, developing the ability to see the beauty of the Ural nature.

Species educational technologies:

Information and communication;

Technology of use gaming methods;

Research methods.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, screen, selection of slides on the topic, collection of ornamental stones, map Chelyabinsk region, a set of chips, an audio recording with the legend of Uvilda, costumes of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Slyshko, Fathers of the Urals, felt-tip pens, blank cards.

Greetings. Game "Let's get to know each other"

It was a comic game, but you will learn what to take on a real hike in our classes.




Do you like to travel? Then our classes are for you. I invite you on a journey through my native land, so amazing and unknown, which holds so many secrets. We will discover them with you in local history and tourism classes.

What is local history? (slide 1)

What about tourism? (slide 2)


Main content block


What is the name of the region in which we live?

(slide 3).

The Southern Urals are located in the very center of Russia. It includes, in addition to our region, Orenburg and Kurgan, as well as Bashkiria. All of them are located in the vicinity of the Chelyabinsk region.

The history of the Ural region is rich in both events and interesting characters.

I invite you to take a trip and find out what secrets our region keeps.

Let's start from the north-west of the region (slide 4). We see mountains. What are they called? The glory of our region began with them. How many mountains are there in the Urals? A lot, not a hundred or a thousand, but much more. And almost every mountain has a name. And the name is a monument to the language, history, and spiritual culture of our people. Is there a legend about the mistress of the Ural Mountains? She lives in a palace, which is located in the largest mountain in the Urals - Big Sholom on the Zigalga ridge. (slide 5). Old Russian word“shelom” - “helmet” also means “hill”, “hillock”. This word is fixed in the name of the highest peak of the Zigalgi ridge, but with an addition indicating its size - Big Sholom. So the Mistress may appear here and there.

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain appears, holding a box in her hands:

Hello guys! There are many riches in my kingdom: both minerals and ore metals (slide 6). But the most beautiful are the semi-precious stones, hidden in the depths of the Ural Mountains. Great power lies in these stones. They bring beauty and joy to people.Try to guess some of them.Oh, where did all my stones go from the malachite box? Could it be that the thieves robbedme?Here is my tale: “Whoever finds my precious stones will return themI will get them.”

- Guys,let's help Mistress Coppermountains!
( Assignment: find drag in the tales of P.P. Bazhovvalued stones. Childrenfind quotes in the tales of P.P. Bazhov that contain descriptions of otherprecious stones)
1. “The walls of the palace of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain...malachite with diamond”
2. “And along those mowing spoons where the goat was jumping, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called...chrysolites"
3. “There is a sign on this stone. Like a little girl dancing. Where such a Jumping Girl appears, there will There is gold in that stone, not just in sparkles, but in large drops and nests.”
4. “The Ural craftsmen made all sorts of things from this stone, it’s amazing. It is of the highest price, it pleases the eye, it brings spring to the heart, it gives joy to a person...” (malachite)
5. “And in Stepan’s hand there are green grains clutched. Just a handful. Then one person who knew happened, looked at the grains from the side and said: “But this is a copper emerald.”
6. “Both were timid in grief, at Gumeshki, that is. Malachite was mined and... blue tit..."
7. “And from this stone the Urals
local craftsmen made currants"(agate)(slides 7-13)

Mistress of the Copper Mountain:
- Well done, guys! They found all my precious stones, from which the Ural masters performed miracles.For this I will thank you!

And now it’s time for me to return, but we will meet again, I’m waiting for you in my kingdom on Ural mountains. Goodbye!


Let's once again admire the precious stones of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. (Slides 14-15)



We continue our journey, and our path lies to the east. The mountain ranges are left behind, giving way to a hilly plain, where dozens of blue lakes are located on rocky shores with numerous bays. This is the famous Trans-Ural lake region (slide 16). Father Ural keeps many legends and stories about him. Would you like to listen to one of them from the owner himself?

A long time ago this lake did not exist, but there was only a small river. There was a castle on the bank of the river. The evil Karym lived in it. He was small in stature, with a small head and boa constrictor eyes that did not blink, but poured out coldness. On this same bank lived the beautiful Saima. I once met Karym Saima and decided to marry her. He grabbed the beauty and took her by force to his castle. Before the wedding, he gave her a black pearl. Saima took this gift, placed it in her palm and began to cry. The girl's tear fell on the pearl. And it began to shine—it began to glow like a blue wave. It was as if Saima knew the secret of the pearl: if it began to turn blue, then all the springs on earth would open. Then Saima ran to the window, opened it and threw Karym’s gift into the river under the window. The water in the river began to rise and filled the valley. In the morning, the palace disappeared under water, along with Karym and his servants. From then on, where the palace stood and the river ran, the lake with clear, crystal-like water shone. People called this lake Uvildy - “Blue Pearl”. And the village near the lake was called “Saima” (slide 17).

You guys listened to me very carefully, and now let’s play and find out which of you is ready to become a local historian.

(An outdoor game for attention and knowledge of the names of geographical objects)


Thank you, Father Ural, for interesting story. Did you guys like it? You can learn many legends and stories about other Ural geographical names in our classes. (slides 18-22)


Now our path lies to the south of the Chelyabinsk region, where grandfather Slyshko, famous in the Urals, lives.They called him that because he constantly addressed others: “Hear me.” What does "Do you know" mean?

Grandfather comes out:

Listen, guys, I visited different parts of the Urals. I want you to admire its beauty too.

My favorite corner is the Ilmensky Nature Reserve - a famous natural and historical monument Southern Urals, I can spend hours admiring the harmony of its nature. On the territory of the reserve there are more than three dozen charmingly sparkling lakes, several dozen rivers and streams, and warlike forests. The pride of the reserve is the museum, where it is impossible to take your eyes off the Ural jasper, blue topazes, purple amethysts... (slide 23)

Second place is shared between “Heart-Lake” and “Mountain Heart of the Urals” - national parks"Zyuratkul" and "Taganay". The high-mountain lake Zyuratkul (located at an altitude of 724 meters) is covered in amazing legends. Recorded from words local residents a heart-warming story tells: “In ancient times The beautiful Yurma lived in these places. One day, in anger, a capricious bride broke a magic mirror given to her by the hero Semigor. One small fragment flew far into the mountains and turned into a beautiful lake, clean and transparent, like the tears of a lovely girl.” In addition, they say that in the mountains near Lake Zyuratkul, a snowman walks and wanders... You can often hear footsteps in the silence of the night, but even mice don’t live at such a height... (slide 24)

In third place is the Sikiyaz-Tamak “cave city”, which is located in the valley of the Ai River (Satkinsky district) - the only monument of this kind in Russia. It has 43 caves and grottoes with traces ancient man all historical eras - from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. According to legend, Bigfoot also comes here, whom locals call “shurale” - “goblin.” (slide 25)

Near Verkhneuralsk there is a mountain popular with local residents - Kamennaya Sopka. This is where nature has done its best: when looking at the rock, the figure of a resting camel sunk on its chest is clearly visible (slide 26)

Hey guys, I have a task for you. I made a travel map of my favorite places, but it was torn into pieces. I’m getting old, I can’t see well, help me compile it and use chips to mark those places in the Chelyabinsk region that were discussed today.

Hey, guys, while you were collecting the map, I made a wish and it will definitely come true, so that we can meet you again in my favorite corners of the Urals.

Bottom line


The names of rivers, gorges, mountains and cities of the Southern Urals and Chelyabinsk region conceal many mysteries. For many years, scientists and local historians have been trying to unravel them. They managed to unravel some things, but questions remain. Who in ancient times gave names to mountains and rivers, why were they named that way and not otherwise? We will continue this work in our classes and will travel a lot. But what would a trip be without hiking, without stories around the campfire?

I would like to know more about you, for this you should talk to your parents at home, tell them about the activity. And if you liked it with us, then fill out the dating map and the travel map of where you want to go.

Legends and stories of the Urals were told to you today by the pupils of our association “Young Local Historians” (name the children, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain gives stones, Grandfather Slyshko - a travel map, Father Ural - a dating map)

See you in the next classes.


MAOO "Leninsk Sanatorium Boarding School"

Extracurricular activity

"Local History Marathon"

Educator: Popova Tatyana Grigorievna

Class – 4

Topic of the lesson: “Local history marathon”

Training stage: basic

Tasks:-to form students’ abilities for a new way of acting

Reinforce the concepts of “symbol”, “coat of arms”, “flag”, “hymn”, develop the ability to explain these concepts

To form in children the image of their native country, the region as the Motherland

Develop research skills

Foster a sense of love for the Motherland and respect for comrades

Type of lesson: comprehensive application of knowledge and skills

Techniques, methods:verbal methods: explanation, conversation, story; visual methods: visual clarity, slide show; practical methods: partially search; methods of stimulating motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Form of organization: game - marathon

Equipment: laptop, multimedia, musical accompaniment, handouts for group work (puzzles, markers, pens, paper, descriptions of plants, photo slides of plants), traffic lights, squeaky toys 2 pcs., tokens of different colors, additional literature on the topic.

Planned results:

Personal: Students will develop: the ability to accept and respect the basic values ​​of “homeland”, “region”, the ability to evaluate their attitude towards their own activities and the activities of their peers; Students will gain experience: attentive attitude to their own experiences and experiences of other people

Metasubject: students will learn to determine the purpose of the activity, the plan for completing tasks; learn to adjust the completion of a task in accordance with the plan, evaluate your assignments; be able to work in a group, negotiate with each other; participate in dialogue and collective discussion; listen and understand others, give reasons for your opinion.

Subject: students will have the opportunity to extract information presented in the form of text and illustrations; see the problem and solve it.


1. Klimov V. Treasured treasure. Komi - Permyak book publishing house, 1997.

2. Echoes of past centuries. - Kudymkar: Komi - Permyak book publishing house, 2005.

3. Silkan Magazine No. 5. Kudymkar, 1998.

4. Silkan Magazine No. 1. Kudymkar, 1998.

Lesson stage

We will begin our lesson with reflections. Pay attention to the slide, read each to yourself the proverb “ People love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.” - How do you understand these words? Much about what you think about your homeland can be learned from your writings.Exercise: Let's close our eyes for a minute and try to find ourselves in our favorite place.How precious and pleasant this moment turned out to be!People say: “The people who don’t remember and don’t appreciate and don’t love their history are bad”

Try to determine the topic of today's lesson.

    Regulations for preparation Right to use additional literature Every student takes part in the game. We summarize the result of the game using points, which we calculate with tokens The team's readiness to give an answer is indicated by a signal
Game "Traffic Light" (mood for the game)

Settlements, like people, have their own biography.Question : What does the word " car"translated from the Komi-Permyak language?Each country has its own distinctive symbols.-What do you think I'm talking about?- What symbols do you know?Exercise: Draw the symbols of the city of Kudymkar.Mystery: You can’t count the different trees -One is more beautiful than the other.But where can you find a tree?More relative than our birch tree!Birch has been revered and loved since time immemorial. There are other plants without which we cannot imagine our childhood, our life. Work using cards: (the task is different for each team) Appendix 11) guess the plant from the description 2) write the name of the flower in the Komi-Permyak language3) color the answerGame “What will you give to your native land?” I think after your words and promises, if even a small fraction is fulfilled, then our Motherland will prosper and be proud of its children.- What city is it? administrative center all areas?- What other districts are included in KPO?Exercise : Solve the puzzles (Appendix 2)Showing illustrations of the Kudym-Osh sculpture.- What kind of architectural object do you think this is? Finish my sentence.I think this is……….Exercise: Tell everything you know about Kudym-Osh.- Why did we conduct such a lesson?- Have you achieved the goal of the lesson?Summing up the game. Rewarding.Continue the sentences: It was interesting...It was difficult...I will praise myself for...I praise my classmates for...Can you apply words of praise to me as well? What would you praise me for?

Students read the proverb.

Statements from students.Exhibition of essays.They close their eyes and remember their birthplaces.

Read, think, give answers

Express their versions

Determine the objectives of the lesson


choose a captain

come up with a name for the teamExplain the meaning of the word

With the help of a “traffic light” they show their mood.

Participants' response, information search

They discuss and come to a consensus.They discuss, work with literature, draw symbols.


Work in a group

color the drawings


Reasoning, looking for informationSolving puzzles


Express their opinion

Students' answers

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