What god created the whole world. A historical truth that is being carefully hushed up! Where did God come from - who created God

Elena asks
Answered by Alexander Dulger, 06/28/2010

Elena asks: Explain, please, what did God create on the first day, heaven, earth and light, or just light, and the earth already existed before this first day, as they say In the beginning... when was this very beginning and how long did it last? Could it be that a formless and empty earth existed for some indefinite time before the first day when God separated light from darkness?

Peace to you, Elena!

The first chapter of Genesis should be taken literally. This is exactly how the Jewish interpreters of the Scriptures understood it, and their opinion is worth listening to (see).

Here is the passage we are interested in:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.
And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.
And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water.
And God created the firmament, and separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And so it became.
And God called the firmament heaven. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day.
And God said: Let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And so it became.
And God called the dry land earth, and the collection of waters he called seas. And God saw that [it] was good.

On the second day, God divides the original matter into parts, forming dry land. Perhaps the initial mass of matter created on the first day was a ball of water. The Apostle Peter mentions this (see). From the hydrogen and oxygen of this water, God produced all the other elements of our planet. This is called the transformation of chemical elements - the cherished and unrealizable dream of alchemists of all times. Modern science testifies that some of God's creatures can perform such a trick, unattainable for humans:

University of Paris professor René Furon states:
“We can no longer deny that nature produces lightning from calcium (in some cases the opposite occurs) and that potassium can be formed from sodium.”
Mr. Komaki, Head of the Matsushita Biological Research Laboratory:
“Various microorganisms, including certain bacteria and two types of mold and yeast, were able to transmute sodium into potassium.”
Professor Korolkov from Russia:
“Silicon can be converted into aluminum... We have seen a radical revision not of details, but of the fundamental principles inherited by the science of natural history. It's time to recognize that every chemical element can change into another under natural conditions."

When creating our world, God did not use pre-existing matter. On the contrary, everything material and spiritual came into being before God out of the void at His word and was created for His own purpose. The heavens and all their host, the earth and everything in it, are not only the work of His hands, but they were revealed by the Word of His mouth.

“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that what is visible was made out of things that are visible.” ().

“By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, And by the Spirit of His mouth all their host... For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded and it appeared,”



Read more on the topic “Interpretation of Scripture”:

The question is abstract, and the answer will be the same. In the sense - "Any physical theory... is just a hypothesis that cannot be proven." Art. Hawking. So, here is my theory, not everything, but only the answers to your questions. Being, as a way of existence of the world, cannot be created, just like God - they are absolute, i.e. are not dependent on anything, they are a thing in itself. Our Universe is a different matter, and its existence can be called recursion, i.e. this phenomenon is constantly created, initiated precisely by God. "The Big Bang can be considered the beginning of time, in the sense that earlier times are simply... undefined." Art. Hawking. I believe that B.V. This is just a convention, a metaphor for the next “creation” of our world. How it really is there, we will never know. And our world is created each time for a specific purpose, “under reason”, it is conditioned by this and cannot be anything else, but this is already a moot point. And because of recursion, our world cannot have the crazy dimensions that we attribute to it. We observe all the wonders of deep space on the borders of our world, in the zone of formation of its matter. Well, what is being observed must be named and defined somehow, hence all these tales about Black holes, singularities, and so on.

“The final work of the late theoretical physicist (St. Hawking) says that the process of expansion of outer space has clearly stopped, and the Universe has reached its maximum size. In the last years of his life, the researcher was convinced of the existence of a boundary beyond which the Universe ends. And beyond this boundary , they say, there is an absolute void in which there is no light, no matter, no space, not even time." Here he was wrong, emptiness cannot be absolute, outside our Universe there is ABSOLUTE Being (whatever you want to call it, ether, apeiron, nothing changes from this. I call it “prime matter”). God is the FUNCTION of this absolute thing; it is not an object, not a subject, much less a thinking being. This is one of the PROPERTIES of the absolute. Which constantly creates our world. Perhaps this is a necessary condition for the absoluteness of the World; one can fantasize here. “Alas, the human mind is not able to fully comprehend the concept of such emptiness, but we can make assumptions about what it is and what laws it obeys.”

“The scientist suggested that there were a great many Big Bangs, they all happened at the same time, and each of them gave birth to a separate world.” - here Hawking is also mistaken, specifically in the fact that an infinity of separate worlds “happened simultaneously.” We may think so, but, given the (hypothetical) properties of the absolute - the absence of time - for us the time between the creation of universes may seem like an instant, or maybe billions of years, the absolute does not care. In general, my theory is set out in the book “The Theory of Everything That Is Not”, it is on the networks, all this is detailed there. (By the way, with its help you can explain almost all the mysteries of our world)...

The creation of the world is the original question in any religion. How and when everything that surrounds man was born - plants, birds, animals, man himself.

Science promotes its theory - a big explosion occurred in the universe, which gave rise to the galaxy and the planets around it. If the general scientific theory of the creation of the world is united, then different peoples have their own legends about it.

Myths about the creation of the world

What is a myth? This is a legend about the origin of life, the role of God and man in it. There are a huge number of such legends.

According to Jewish history, Heaven and Earth were original. The material for their creation was the clothes of God and snow. According to another version, the whole world is an intertwining of threads of fire, water and snow.

According to Egyptian mythology, initially darkness and chaos reigned everywhere. Only the young God Ra, who shed light and gave life, was able to defeat him. In one version, he hatched from an egg, and in another version, he was born from a lotus flower. It is noteworthy that there are many variations in the Egyptian theory, and many contain images of animals, birds, and insects.

In the stories of the Sumerians, the world came into existence when the flat Earth and the dome of Heaven united and gave birth to a son - the God of Air. Then the deities of water and plants appear. Here for the first time we speak of the emergence of a person from the organ of another.

The Greek myth about the origin of the world is based on the concept of chaos, which swallowed up everything around, the sun and moon were inseparable, cold was combined with heat. A certain God came and separated all opposites from each other. He also created man and woman from a single matter.

The parable of the ancient Slavs is based on the same chaos that reigned everywhere and around. There are deities of time, earth, darkness, wisdom. According to this legend, all living things appeared from dust - humans, plants, animals. The stars came from here. Therefore, it is said that the stars, like man, are not eternal.

Creation of the world according to the Bible

The Holy Scripture is the main book of Orthodox believers. Here you can find answers to all questions. This also applies to the origin of the world, humans and animals, plants.

The Bible has five books that tell the whole story. These books were written by Moses during his wanderings with the Jewish people. All the revelations of God were initially recorded in one volume, but then it was divided.

The beginning of the Holy Scriptures is the Book of Genesis. Its name from Greek means “beginning,” which speaks of the content. It is here that the story is told about how the birth of life, the first man, the first society occurred.

As the Scripture says, man, by his existence, carries the highest goal - love, beneficence, improvement. It contains within itself the breath of God himself - the soul.

According to biblical history, the world was not created in eternity. How many days did it take for God to create a world filled with life? Even children know about this today.

How God created the earth in 7 days

The appearance of the world in such a short time is briefly described in the Holy Scriptures. There is no detailed description in the book, everything is symbolic. Understanding transcends age and time - it is something that lasts for centuries. History says that only God can create the world out of nothing.

First day of creation of the world

God created “heaven” and “earth”. This should not be taken literally. This does not mean matter, but certain forces, entities, angels.

On this same day, God separated darkness from light, thus creating day and night.

Second day

At this time, a certain “firmament” is created. The personification of the separation of water on earth and air. Thus, we are talking about creating air space, a certain atmosphere for life.

Third day

The Almighty orders the water to gather in one place and make room for the formation of land. This is how the earth itself appeared, and the water around became seas and oceans.

Fourth day

It is notable for the formation of celestial bodies - night and day. The stars appear.

Now the possibility of counting time arises. The successive sun and moon count days, seasons, years.

Fifth day

Life appears on earth. Birds, fish, animals. This is where the great phrase “be fruitful and multiply” comes into play. God gives the beginning, the first individuals who will themselves raise their offspring in this paradise.

Sixth day

God creates man “in His image and likeness” and breathes life into him. Man is molded from clay, and the breath of God revives dead material and gives him a soul.

Adam is the first person, man. He lives in the Garden of Eden and understands the languages ​​of the world around him. Despite the diversity of life around him, he is lonely. God creates a helper for him, the woman Eve, from his rib while Adam sleeps.

Seventh day

Called Saturday. It is reserved for rest and serving God.

This is how the world was born. What is the exact date of the creation of the world according to the Bible? This is still the main and most difficult issue. There are claims that time is being described long before the advent of modern chronology.

Another opinion says the opposite, that the events in the Holy Book are our time. The figure varies from 3483 to 6984 years. But the generally accepted point of reference is considered to be 5508 BC.

Creation of the world according to the Bible for children

Initiating children into the doctrine of God teaches correct principles of behavior and points to undeniable values. However, the Bible in its present form is difficult for an adult to understand, let alone a child’s perception.

In order for a child to be able to study the main book of Christians himself, a children's Bible was invented. A colorful, illustrated publication, written in a child-friendly language.

The story of the creation of the world from the Old Testament tells that initially there was nothing. But God has always been. All seven days of creation are narrated very briefly. It also tells the story of the emergence of the first people and how they betrayed God.

The story of Adam and Abel is described. These stories are instructive for children and teach them the right attitude towards others, elders, and nature. Animated and feature films come to the rescue, which clearly show the events described in the Holy Scriptures.

There is no age or time for religion. She is beyond everything essential. Understanding the origin of the environment and the role of man in the world, finding harmony and one’s path is possible only by understanding the values ​​that faith carries.

According to the biblical account, on the third day of the act of creation, God created the earth. And in seven days the whole world and man were created by him. This act represents one of the fundamental tenets of the Jewish and Christian faith.

The account of how God created the earth and the heavens is found in the first book of the Bible, called Genesis. But its interpretations among believers and non-believers are very different from each other. We will talk about this, as well as in detail about how many days it took God to create the earth, man and the world around us, later in the article.

About the error of literal reading

Anyone who reads the Holy Scriptures without much thought into its essence, that is, trying to perceive it in the literal sense, may become very perplexed. John Chrysostom wrote about this. The clergy are talking about this today.

They warn that when analyzing biblical texts, one must keep in mind that the Bible is not a textbook and does not present scientific truths. It has a religious perspective as well as an allegorical aspect.

Taking into account these comments, we will try to consider chapter 1 of the biblical book “Genesis,” which tells how long it took God to create the earth, sky, man, plants and animals. Although the narrative is quite simple in form, its content is not always easy to understand.

Creation: the first three days

The first chapter of Genesis begins with God first creating the earth and the heavens. And this picture looked like this: the Earth was empty and waterless, there was darkness over the abyss, and the Spirit of God was flying over the water. Then the following happened.

On the 1st day God willed there to be light and it appeared. The Almighty liked this, and he separated light and darkness. He called the light day, and the darkness he called night.

On the 2nd day, God commanded that a firmament be formed in the middle of the expanse of water, and it separated the water that was above the firmament from that which was under it. And the firmament was in the midst of water, and was called heaven.

The account of the third day of creation tells how God created the earth. The water that was under the heavens flowed in one place, and dry land appeared, which God called earth. Then the Creator uttered a command that the earth should grow all kinds of greenery and grass that produces seed according to its kind and likeness, as well as fruitful trees. And all this happened.

Creation of luminaries and animals

On the 4th day, the Lord created celestial bodies in the firmament so that they would illuminate the earth. And also to separate day from night, make signs, mark times, days and years.

On the fifth day, at the direction of the Lord, the water produced reptiles and birds that flew over the earth, along the firmament. Then God created large fish and all kinds of animals.

Having considered what Scripture says about how God created the earth, the sky, the stars and planets, birds and animals, let us move on to

In the image and likeness

And God decided to create man in his own image and likeness. And he made him ruler over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air. And also over animals, livestock, over the whole earth and the reptiles that creep on it. And the Almighty created man and woman and, having blessed them, commanded that they be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and rule over the animal world.

After six days, the Almighty looked at everything he had created and decided that it was very good. At the beginning of the second chapter of Genesis it is said that on the seventh day the Creator rested, that is, he rested from his work. He blessed the seventh day by making it holy.

Having outlined the biblical events that tell how God created the earth and the world around it, as well as humans and animals, let us move on to the question of interpretation of the act of creation.

Creation from nothing

When reading the ancient narrative, at first glance it may seem that it contradicts modern scientific ideas. But, as already mentioned, the Bible is not a textbook on any natural science discipline. And it does not describe how God created the earth from a physical, scientific point of view.

But, as the fathers of the Christian Church note, it contains one of the important religious truths, which states that it was God who created the world and he did it out of nothing. It is very difficult for human consciousness, based on its life experience, to understand this truth, because creation is beyond our experience.

Even among ancient philosophers, there were opinions that the Creator and his creation are one and the same, and the world is an emanation of God. He “poured out” into this world, forming physical reality. Thus, God is everywhere - this is the opinion of pantheists.

Other philosophers - dualists - believed that God and matter existed in parallel, and the Creator created the world from eternal matter. Atheists deny the existence of God in principle; they claim that there is only matter.

We will consider the explanation of the supporters of the first of the above versions.

1 day is like 1000 years

According to the story of the Holy Scriptures, God created the earth, the whole world, the Universe out of nothing. He did this through His Word, Almighty power and Divine will. The act of creation is not instantaneous, one-time, it occurs over time. Although the Bible speaks of 7 days of creation, a day here is not equal to 24 hours, our earthly day. It talks about other time periods. After all, as stated above, the luminaries appeared only on the fourth day.

The Second Council of Peter says that the Word of God proclaims to us that with the Lord 1 day is like 1000 years, and 1000 years are like 1 day. That is, God is beyond our understanding of time, so it is not possible to judge how long the act of creation took place.

However, the following is clear from the biblical texts. The Lord himself says: “Behold, I am creating everything new.” That is, the act of creation is not yet finished, it continues in an invisible and incomprehensible way for us. God maintains with his energy the structure of the Universe in a state of balance and vitality.

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