Abstract on the surrounding world on the topic of space. Shapes of the earth's surface Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge of NUI

Label the hill and mountain on the diagram. Finish drawing up the diagram: indicate with arrows the parts of the hill and mountain.

Using the map from the textbook “The world around us, grade 4,” fill in the table.

Height of Russian mountains

List the mountains in order of increasing height; in order of decreasing height. Ask your deskmate to check on you.

Make drawings showing the shapes of the earth's surface in your region, or place a photograph.

Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about any plains or mountains of Russia or your region (optional). Write down the basic information for your message. Please indicate the source of information.

West Siberian Plain - the third largest after the Russian Plain in the world. Its area is about 2.6 million km2. From the harsh coast of the Kara Sea it stretches to the foothills of the mountains of Southern Siberia and the semi-deserts of Kazakhstan for 2500 km, and from the Urals to the Yenisei - for 1900 km.
Nowhere in the world can one find such a huge space with such a flat topography, seemingly sloping towards its center. Crossing the plain on a train from Tyumen to Novosibirsk, you see vast planes - not a hillock, not a ridge. This relief was formed by loose river sediments and ancient glacial sediments.
When the glacier retreated, the north of the plain was conquered by tundra and taiga, although previously there were broad-leaved forests inhabited by mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, and giant deer.
Minerals are very diverse. Oil and gas reserves in such fields as Urengoy, Yamburg, Medvezhye, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk make Western Siberia one of the world leaders. Its territory also contains 60% of Russia's total peat reserves. In the south of the plain there are rich salt deposits. Brown coal deposits are associated with ancient sedimentary rocks of Triassic and Jurassic age.
However, the main wealth of Western Siberia is oil and gas deposits. It has been established that this plain is a uniquely rich oil and gas province of the Earth.
The great wealth of Western Siberia is its water resources. In addition to surface water - rivers and lakes - huge reservoirs of groundwater have been found.
The biological resources of the tundra and forest-tundra - this seemingly sparse life zone - are of great economic importance. It produces a significant amount of fur and game, and there is a lot of fish in its rivers and lakes. In addition, the tundra is the main breeding area for reindeer. The taiga of Western Siberia has long been famous for its fur and timber production.

Source of information: V.P. Maksakovsky, I.I. Barnov, V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rom, N.N. Petrov "Geography".

    But in this case, we would not be able to live on a flat planet, since all the water would spread over the surface of the soil and you and I would end up at the bottom of the ocean more than two kilometers deep.

    A plain is a flat area of ​​the earth's surface, occupying a large area and having slight differences in height. There are flat plains and hilly plains. On the map they are indicated in green (West Siberian Plain) and interspersed with light brown (East European Plain). Find them on your map.

    Once upon a time, in prehistoric times, mountains could rise in place of the plain. Then, over many millions of years, the mountains were destroyed under the influence of earthquakes, wind, water, and only small elevations remained.

    It is impossible not to mention the era of the great glaciation. In the past, our country was covered with ice up to the Southern Urals. Then the glaciers melted. The sliding of huge multi-kilometer ice blocks entailed changes in the surface of the earth. This is exactly how the Valdai Hills arose.

    View a map of our area.

    Now you know the designation of plains and hills.

    Determine the shape of the surface of our area.

    What is a ravine?

    A ravine is a deep, elongated ravine with steep slopes, washed away by rain and snow waters. In the forest-steppe and steppe regions there is very little precipitation, and it falls very unevenly. Where natural grassy vegetation along rivers is destroyed during rare but heavy rainfalls or during rapid spring melting of snow, jets of water collecting on the slopes cut them and form deep, rapidly growing ravines. Gullies disable large areas of fields and pastures. Roads and cities located on high river banks also suffer from ravines.

    It is known from ancient books that in the city of Torzhok at the beginning of the 14th century, a ravine, which was formed in one hour as a result of a heavy rainfall, razed several buildings from the face of the earth.

    Find places on the map of Russia with a pronounced brown color.

    What does this color mean?

    What are mountains?

    Mountains are areas of the earth's surface that rise greatly above the surrounding area.

    What is the difference between hills and mountains? AND

    Consider the territory of our region.

    Are there mountains?

    Which of them have you heard about, maybe visited there, tell us.

    Are the mountain tops covered with snow? Why?

    What snow-capped mountains can you name?

    Find them on the map of Russia.

    Read the text (pp. 78-79).

    Help Seryozha figure out what numbers the ravine, hill, mountain are depicted with.

    III. Lesson summary.

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"Shapes of the Earth's Surface"


Know: study the shapes of the Earth’s surface and native land; learn to identify different surface shapes from a map.

Equipment: physical map of Russia and its region, atlases, pictures of mountains, hills, plains, ravines.


I. Shapes of the Earth's surface.


How many of you have ever walked up a hill for a long time?

    How did you feel?

    What did you want most?

    You probably thought that there is nothing better than the flat surface of the Earth, which is very convenient to walk on.

But in this case, we would not be able to live on a flat planet, since all the water would spread over the surface of the soil and you and I would end up at the bottom of the ocean more than two kilometers deep.

Therefore, it is better to leave it as it is, with mountains and plains, hills and ravines.

Look at the image of land on the map of the hemispheres.

Why is it full of different colors?

Land on the map is indicated by shades of green and brown.

Think about what these colors mean.

The earth's surface can be flat or mountainous.

Teacher's story with elements of conversation.

A plain is a flat area of ​​the earth's surface, occupying a large area and having slight differences in height. There are flat plains and hilly plains. On the map they are indicated in green (West Siberian Plain) and interspersed with light brown (East European Plain). Find them on your map.

The plains appear flat only at first glance.

For example, on the Valdai Hills there are hills and ridges. How did these uneven plains happen?

Once upon a time, in prehistoric times, mountains could rise in place of the plain. Then, over many millions of years, the mountains were destroyed by earthquakes, wind, and water, leaving only small elevations.

It is impossible not to mention the era of the great glaciation. In the past, our country was covered with ice up to the Southern Urals. Then the glaciers melted. The sliding of huge multi-kilometer ice blocks entailed changes in the surface of the earth. This is how the Valdai Hills arose.

How do you imagine a hill?

A hill is a small hill with a rounded top and gentle or steep slopes.

    View a map of our area.

    Now you know the designation of plains and hills.

    Determine the shape of the surface of our area.

Have you noticed that there are ravines in the region?

What is a ravine?

A ravine is a deep elongated ravine with steep slopes, washed away by rain and snow waters. In the forest-steppe and steppe regions there is very little precipitation, and it falls very unevenly. Where natural grassy vegetation along rivers is destroyed during rare but heavy rainfalls or during rapid spring melting of snow, jets of water collecting on the slopes cut them and form deep, rapidly growing ravines. Gullies disable large areas of fields and pastures. Roads and cities located on high river banks also suffer from ravines.

It is known from ancient books that in the city of Torzhok at the beginning of the 14th century, a ravine, which was formed in one hour as a result of a heavy downpour, razed several buildings from the face of the earth.

Find places on the map of Russia with a pronounced brown color.

    What does this color mean?

    What are mountains?

Mountains are areas of the earth's surface that rise greatly above the surrounding area.

    What is the difference between hills and mountains? AND

    Consider the territory of our region.

    Are there mountains?

Which of them have you heard about, maybe visited there, tell us.

    Are the mountain tops covered with snow? Why?

    What snow-capped mountains can you name?

    Find them on the map of Russia.

P. Work from the textbook, p. 78-in1.

    Read the text (pp. 78-79).

What are the similarities and differences between a hill and a mountain?

Help Seryozha figure out which numbers represent the ravine, hill, mountain.

III. Lesson summary.

What shapes of the Earth's surface have you recognized?

Homework: textbook p. 78-81; workbook

Lesson type: combined


— formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of man’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional and value-based understanding of the educational personal experience of communicating with people and nature;



Learn to distinguish the shapes of the earth's surface; notice and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Will have the opportunity to learn how to work with the circuit


Regulatory UUD:

Understand the learning objective of the lesson and strive to complete it;

Take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material.

Cognitive UUD:

Use iconic and symbolic means; make comparisons.

Communication UUD:

Construct statements that are understandable to your partner; exercise mutual control.


Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities

Main activities of students

Compare photographs of plains and mountains to identify significant features of these forms of the earth's surface;

Analyze the color designation of plains and mountains on the globe;

Compare a hill and a mountain according to the scheme;

Characterize the surface of your edge.

Basic concepts and definitions

Plains, mountains, hills, ravines are the forms of the earth's surface.

Checking readiness to learn new material

What kind of surface in your region is it flat or mountainous?

Learning new material

Plains- These are flat or almost flat areas of the earth's surface. On the plains you can find elevations - hills and depressions with steep slopes - ravines.

Mountains- These are very uneven areas of the earth's surface that rise greatly above the surrounding area. You rarely see a single mountain; most often, mountains are located in rows - mountain ranges.

Both hill and mountain tower above the surrounding area. They have the same parts: sole (foot), slopes, tops

Sole (foot) is the place where a hill or mountain begins. The summit is the highest part of a hill or mountain. There are slopes between the pile and the sole. They can be steep or gentle.

The hills are up to 200 meters high, the mountains more than 200 meters high.

Basic landforms

Plains and mountains of Russia

Educational film plains and mountains

Sushi plains

Hills of Russia

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge of NUI

Look at the diagrams of a hill and a mountain and compare them with each other. What are their similarities and what are their differences?

Independent application of knowledge

Based on your observations, describe the surface of your edge.

1.What shapes of the earth's surface do you know?

2. What are plains?

3. What are mountains?


Sources of information:

A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook The world around us, grade 2 Moscow

"Enlightenment" 2014

Presentation hosting the world around us

Subject: Shapes of the earth's surface.


  • give an initial idea of ​​the relief of the Earth, know the shape of the surface of the native land;
  • identify different surface shapes from a map;
  • develop interest in the surrounding world;
  • fostering respect for nature.

Lesson type: combined.

Scientific and methodological content of the lesson: The main landforms of the Earth: mountains, plains, ravines, hills. Differences between mountains and plains in height.

Leading concepts: mountains, plains, ravines, hills.

Equipment: presentation on the topic of the lesson, models of mountains and mountain systems, map of the Krasnodar region, globe.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Lesson topic message

Today in the lesson we will talk about the surface shapes of our country, we will learn to find and distinguish them on the map.
(1 slide)

  1. Repetition of covered material

It will fall all over your palm.
There is not a clock, but a hand.
It will come in handy on the road -
You won't get lost anywhere with him.

  • - What is this riddle about?
  • - What is a compass? (2 slide)
  • - Who uses it at work? (sailors, pilots, travelers, geologists, tourists)
  • - Why do people use this device?
  • - How does a compass work? Magnetic needle, housing, fuse.
  • - By what signs can you navigate in nature? (3 slide)

- by spring melting of snow on the slopes of ravines;
- by melting snow on the roofs of houses;
- there are more mosses and lichens on the north side;
- free-standing trees have longer and denser branches on the south side.

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

How many of you have ever walked up a hill for a long time?
- How did you feel?

You probably thought that there is nothing better than a flat surface of the earth, which is very convenient to walk on.
But in this case, we would not be able to live on such a flat planet, because... all the water would spread over the surface of the soil and you and I would end up at the bottom of the ocean more than two kilometers deep.
Therefore, it is better to leave it as it is: with mountains and plains, hills and ravines.

Look at the picture of sushi on globe.

Why is it full of different colors?( Land on the map is indicated by shades of green and brown.
- Think about what these colors mean.
- Compare images (4 slide)
- What surface shapes do you see?
- Try to explain what it is. - Why do you think? plain called the plain?
- Let's read about them in the textbook on page 76 (5 slide video about the formation of mountains, depressions, plains)
- What is a plain? (6 slide)
- What can you find on the plains? (hills and ravines)(7 slide)

Distinguish flat And hilly plains. On the map they are indicated in green and interspersed with light brown.

Open the map of Russia in the textbook on page 90
- Find the plains on the map. Name them.

The plains seem flat only at first glance (8 – 14 slides) – view slides of the plains.

Look at the territory of our region on the map (individual cards)+(15 slide)
- Are there any plains in our region? (Azovo - Kuban plain.)
Most of the territory of the region, located north of the Kuban River, is occupied by the Azov-Kuban Plain. (16 slide)
- How do you imagine a hill? (17 slide)
A hill is a small hill with a rounded top and gentle or steep slopes, not exceeding 200 meters above the surrounding area.

The picture shows a view of the area: a river, a bridge across it, a hill. An oak tree grows on the hill. (18 slide) - hilly terrain.

What do you think a ravine is? On the plains there are not only elevations, but also depressions. Such reductions are ravines. (19 slide)
- How are they formed?

The formation of a ravine begins with a small pothole. Melt and rain waters wash it away, and the ravine gradually increases in size. Gullies can be shallow or they can be deep. A river or stream often flows along the bottom of a ravine. If there are a lot of grasses and bushes along the edges of the ravine, then it turns into a swamp.
A ravine is a deep elongated ravine with steep slopes, washed away by rain and snow waters.
Ravines bring harm to people, because... They destroy the top fertile layer of soil, roads and cities suffer from ravines.

Find places on the map of Russia with a pronounced brown color.
- What do they mean?
- What are mountains?
(20 slide)

Mountains are areas of the earth's surface that rise greatly above the surrounding area. (21, 22, 23 slides) Mountains are high, medium high, low.
(24 slide)
The hill and mountain rise above the surrounding area. They have the same parts: foot, slope, top.

What is the difference between hills and mountains? (in height)
- Read the text on page 77. (under the picture)
- What is a sole? (read)
- What is a peak? (read)
- Open the map of Russia in the textbook on page 90
- Are there mountains in Russia? Name it. (Ural Mountains)
(25, 26, 27 slide)
- Look at the territory of our region on the map
(individual cards)+(28 slide)
- Are there mountains? (Caucasus Mountains)(29, 30, 31, 32 slide)

The main mountain region of the Caucasus is the Greater Caucasus (33 slide) A grandiose mountain uplift consisting of numerous ridges. Approaching the Caucasus Range another 200 km away, you see the outlines of Elbrus, (34, 35, 36 slide)

The height of Elbrus is 5642 meters. This is the highest mountain in Europe.
The Caucasus State Reserve is located on the northern and southern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. (37 – 45 slide)

Its main goals are nature conservation, restoration of the number of valuable species of animals and birds.

For your homework, you will draw the mountains of our region; whoever remembers will sign their names.

5. Practical work

Open your workbooks to page 32, task number 2 - label the parts of the hill. Page 33. No. 3 Draw a mountain and write its parts.

Examination:(46 slide)

Show them on a model (mountain model).

6. Homework: in a printed notebook task No. 1, No. 4 p. 33, textbook p. 76-79 (explain)

7. Summary(47 slide)


2. Large space of flat surface. (Plain)
4. The lowest part of the hill. (Sole)


1. An elevation more than 200 meters above the surrounding area. (Mountain)
3. The highest point of the hill (Vertex)
5. Winding, sharp decline in terrain (Ravine)

- Does anyone know the name of the highest mountain in the world?

Guys, we will climb the highest peak on earth - the beautiful and inaccessible Mount Everest and get the opportunity to look at our land from the “roof of the world”! (video clip)


Used in the lesson:
fragment of the videotape “National Parks of the World” Reader's Digest; pictures, photographs from the library of electronic visual aids “Geography 6-10”.

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