Beautiful German agents in WWII. Which member of the Soviet General Staff was a spy for the Nazi Abwehr. There was a pause at Lubyanka for two weeks so as not to arouse suspicion among the Abwehr men over the ease with which their new agent was legalized

Just a few decades ago, the world communist movement was a powerful force that the world's leading states, including the United States, had to reckon with. Even in conditions crusade against communism,” the communist parties remained the vanguard of the left.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. With the exception of China and a number of Asian countries, as well as Cuba, the influence of communist parties is practically invisible.

In a number European countries Not only communist parties are banned, but also communist symbols. In the European Union, statements are increasingly being made that equate communism with fascism and national socialism, holding the communists responsible for inciting the Second World War.
Countries, former USSR and the Eastern Bloc, where communist ideology is prohibited...

Lustration. All high-ranking civil servants, members of the Labor Party ruling until 1991, as well as persons collaborating with the secret police were prohibited from being elected or holding leadership positions in government agencies until 2002 (1995 laws).
Ban of the Communist Party. Prohibition of fascist, Marxist-Leninist and racist parties (law 1992).

Lustration. Criminal liability without a statute of limitations for persons who committed “betrayal of the Motherland” between December 1944 and May 1990, up to life imprisonment (1992 law). In 1994, the Constitutional Court declared this law unconstitutional. The second stage of lustration (until 2001) was reduced to the disclosure of information about the cooperation of citizens with state security agencies. In 2005, parliament opened wide access to secret documents about intelligence agents.
Prohibition of characters. Communist and Nazi symbols have been banned since 1993. Individuals who use symbols of totalitarianism to disturb civil peace or display them in public are subject to fines.

Lustration. A ban on holding high positions in the state for persons who served in the KGB or held leadership positions in the CPSU (2010 law). A lustration commission has been created, which is engaged in the eradication of communist symbols in Georgia, including in the names of streets and squares, as well as the elimination of monuments praising the totalitarian past. Former intelligence officers Soviet Union, as well as former officials of the Communist Party and Komsomol will not be able to work in executive authorities and in the judicial system (2011 law).
Prohibition of characters. Communist and Nazi ideology is prohibited, as well as its use in in public places Soviet and fascist symbols (law of 2011).

Lustration. All parliamentary candidates are required to indicate in writing whether they have connections with Soviet or other secret services (1992 law). A ban on the election of persons who were members of the Communist Party and a number of organizations friendly to it after January 13, 1991, as well as employees and agents of the KGB (1995 law).
Prohibition of characters. Since 1991, Soviet and Nazi symbols have been banned at public events. The ban does not apply to entertainment, holiday, memorial and sporting events.

Lustration. A law was adopted on checking the mandates of deputies suspected of knowingly collaborating with the special services of the USSR or other states.
Prohibition of characters. The use of Soviet and Nazi symbols, anthems, uniforms and images of the leaders of the National Socialists of Germany and the leaders of the CPSU at public meetings has been prohibited since 2008.
Ban of the Communist Party. Since 1992, the Communist Party has been banned in the country; in fact, it operates underground.

Lustration. All those wishing to enter the civil service (ministers, judges, deputies, senators) and candidates for parliamentary elections who had previously collaborated with the communist intelligence services had to repent publicly and receive forgiveness. If such information was concealed, the applicant was deprived of the right to hold public positions for a 10-year period (1997 law).
Prohibition of characters. Criminal liability (fines, imprisonment for up to two years) for the possession, distribution or sale of things or recordings that contain communist symbols since 2009. Their use in artistic, educational purposes, as well as collecting. An article of the Criminal Code prohibits Nazi symbols and the display of symbols of “other totalitarian regimes.”

Lustration. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was called “a criminal organization and worthy of condemnation.” Career employees and secret agents of the special services, employees of the party apparatus of the Communist Party of Human Rights, who “politically led” state security, were deprived of the right to occupy responsible positions in government agencies for 5 years if a special commission could prove their guilt (1993 law).
Prohibition of characters. Communist symbols are prohibited. But the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia remains one of the leading political forces in the country.

Lustration. The Law on Extrajudicial Mass Repressions in Soviet Estonia in the 1940s–1950s was adopted, according to which the prosecutor’s office was instructed to consider the issue of initiating criminal cases and bringing to justice persons guilty of massacres, other crimes against humanity.
Prohibition of characters. Ban on the use of Nazi and Soviet symbols in public places since 2007.

Ban of the Communist Party. The Communist Party of Turkmenistan (CPT) has existed illegally since 1992. In 2002, after a series of opposition protests, the leader of the KPT, Rakhimov, was accused of participating in the preparation of an assassination attempt on President Niyazov and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. According to unconfirmed information, in December 2006 he was killed in prison along with several of his associates.

Ban of the Communist Party. The Communist Party of Uzbekistan, founded in 1994, exists illegally.

The ban on the use of communist symbols for political purposes and the propaganda of totalitarian ideology was in effect since July 12, 2012, but on June 5, 2013, the Constitutional Court overturned this ban as contrary to the Constitution.

Since May 21, 2015, “public denial of the criminal nature of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes,” as well as the public use and propaganda of their symbols, has been prohibited. The production, distribution and public use of symbols of the communist regime (including souvenirs), public performance of the anthems of the USSR, Ukrainian SSR, and other allied countries is prohibited. Soviet republics or their fragments. A primary offense is punishable by restriction or imprisonment of up to 5 years with possible confiscation of property; for a repeated offense or its commission by an organized group of persons or using the media - imprisonment from 5 to 10 years with possible confiscation of property.
-- Germany
According to paragraph 86a of the German Criminal Code, it is prohibited to distribute or publicly use at a meeting or in correspondence, production, use for commercial purposes within the country or abroad, symbols or materials containing the symbols of a party that has been declared illegal and contrary to the Constitution by the Federal Constitutional Court, which since 1956 it has been the Communist Party of Germany.
Such symbols include, in particular, flags, symbols, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting, while symbols that look similar enough in appearance to be likely to be confused with the symbols of prohibited organizations are considered equivalent. For such actions, a person can be prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or a fine.

The Communist Party and the public display of its symbols are prohibited.

A Kiev court ruled to ban the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) in the country. The petition to the court was filed by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The court also rejected the complaint of the Communist Party of Ukraine regarding the recognition of its charter and symbols as inconsistent with the legislation of the country. Previously, the Communist Party of Ukraine had already been deprived of a faction in the Verkhovna Rada and was actually completely excluded from participation in political life countries. “What did you expect from the fascist regime? We will act legally and illegally, the truth is behind us,” the head of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Pyotr Symonenko, told Kommersant.

“The court has completed its consideration of the case on the claim of the Ministry of Justice against the Communist Party of Ukraine for a ban on its activities,” the press service of the Kiev District Administrative Court reported today. “The court satisfied the ministry’s claim in full, banning the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine.” The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine filed a petition to ban the Communist Party back in July 2014. Then, as TASS reports, this was motivated by the fact that the Communist Party of Ukraine “commits actions aimed at changing the constitutional system by force, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, promoting violence, inciting interethnic hatred.” The trial in this case took place on December 10.

The head of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Petro Symonenko, believes that the battle is not yet lost. “So far it was only the court of first instance. Next – appeal, cassation and the European Court of Human Rights. There we have good chances“, - said the leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine in a conversation with Kommersant. “I think this was done because on Friday the Venice Commission is considering our claim to invalidate the decision to ban our symbols.” He also added that the Communist Party is determined. “We will act legally, illegally, whatever we want. The truth is behind us,” said Pyotr Simonenko.

Today, the Kiev Administrative Court of Appeal refused to satisfy the complaint of the Communist Party of Ukraine against the previously adopted order of the Ministry of Justice of July 23 No. 1312/5. IN this order contained the legal opinion of the Commission on compliance with the law of Ukraine “On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the ban on the propaganda of their symbols.” According to it, the symbols and charter of the Communist Party of Ukraine were declared non-compliant with the requirements of the law.

The head of the Ministry of Justice has already expressed satisfaction with both decisions. "We are convinced that these court decisions will have extremely positive consequences for the entire Ukrainian society,” Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko wrote on his Facebook page. “Ukrainian society must be based on the true cultural values ​​of our people, live in the European legal framework and not repeat the mistakes of the past.”

The ban on the Communist Party of Ukraine was the last this moment an epic act of getting rid of the Soviet ideological legacy in Ukraine. On May 15, Petro Poroshenko signed the so-called decommunization package of four laws adopted by Verkhovna Rada deputies on April 9. They banned Soviet symbols, condemned the communist regime, opened access to the archives of the Soviet intelligence services, and recognized the soldiers of the Ukrainian rebel army as fighters for the country's independence. It was on the basis of one of these laws that the Ministry of Justice filed a lawsuit against the Communist Party of Ukraine.

In April, the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed extreme indignation at the adopted documents. “The blasphemy with which this entire epic was organized in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the adoption of a package of “anti-communist”, and in fact anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian laws just on the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War,” the press service said then, is striking.

Problems for the Communist Party of Ukraine began after President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power in the country in February 2014. The Communist Party of Ukraine has repeatedly expressed disagreement with the policies of the new Ukrainian authorities. In May 2014, acting head of state Oleksandr Turchynov initiated a review of the Communist Party of Ukraine for links to protests in eastern Ukraine. On July 22, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted to dissolve the communist faction. The decision came into force on the same day after being signed by President Petro Poroshenko. On September 15, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine registered the Communist Party of Ukraine for early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. The communists scored, according to official data, 3.88% and did not get into the Verkhovna Rada. They received the most (10.25% and 11.88%) in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

Mikhail Korostikov

The vacated left niche will be filled with more radical elements, and the quality of decisions made by managers will drop even more.

The day before, the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, condemned communism and accused the Communist Party of all mortal sins. A new detail appeared in his traditional anti-communist appeal - they say that all members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should be convicted under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for extremism.

“They disfigured the country, deceived all of humanity, millions of people died, stupid ideas. We need to curse the word “communism” and everyone who is a member of this kind of left-wing organizations today.”, Zhirinovsky said on September 6 at a press conference at the central office of the Interfax agency.

“Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation must apply to the entire Communist Party of the Russian Federation”, he said and added that"The Communist Party must be banned."

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov at first wisely refused to comment on “Storm” “all sorts of Zhirinovsky’s nonsense”. However, he later recalled that “they tried to ban the idea of ​​justice and friendship of peoples as soon as it arose.”

“The most fierce hater of communism was Hitler and his pack of fascists - Goebbels and Goering, but nothing came of it. It won’t work out for Zhirinovsky either. Therefore, send them away and tell them that any nonsense is not worthy of a basic comment,” the communist leader spoke sharply.

Zhirinovsky proposed banning communism

An attempt to ban the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and communist ideology has already been made in modern history Russian Federation. Its main initiator is former member Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin.

A quarter of a century ago, on February 13-14, 1993, at the Second Extraordinary Congress of Communists of Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was formed as the restored Communist Party of the RSFSR. Previously, its activities were first suspended (August 23, 1991), and then completely banned in the country (November 6, 1991) by decree of the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, who had his own scores to settle with the communists - he was afraid that the Communist Party would be able to take revenge and to return power to one’s own hands, which Yeltsin took away with such difficulty. Central authorities parties were dissolved, and property was transferred to the state.

In October 1992, the party was restored on the basis of local party branches. At that time, the little-known secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR for ideology, Gennady Zyuganov, the head of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, Valentin Kuptsov, and the representative of the CPSU in the Constitutional Court, Viktor Zorkaltsev, at the cost of incredible efforts, knocked out their right to exist.

In general, the entire period of the 90s was marked by a fierce struggle between one of the former leaders of the CPSU and the new president new Russia Boris Yeltsin with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leader Gennady Zyuganov. Yeltsin’s hatred of the communists was at the genetic level - in every conceivable and inconceivable way, the head of state tried to get rid of the attributes of a great Soviet power recognized even by the West.

Yeltsin’s anti-communist agenda was quite successfully intercepted by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who never tires of kicking the communists on one issue or another.

Considering the certain wariness of the presidential administration regarding the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which, although remaining within the framework of the system, is nevertheless beginning to behave somewhat more radically than it was before the announcement of the pension reform, it is not surprising that the main and almost Russia's only anti-communist Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

If we try to hypothetically imagine that the Kremlin will decide to ban the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, dissolve the party and repress its members, then only one conclusion can be drawn: the system has gone haywire and has completely lost touch with reality.

The presidential administration is dissatisfied with the growing influence of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Non-negotiable communists.

To ban a party that has multimillion-dollar support throughout the country, and is essentially and in fact the second political force in Russia, is literally destabilize the political situation.

It is difficult to say what needs to happen for the top management to make a decision to abandon the Communist Party and artificially cease its existence. The party will disappear, but the idea will remain along with its followers, who will become even more radicalized than before. The liquidation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will definitely cause a very sharp rejection of at least every fifth Russian, if we take the support of the structure in society in the region of 20%.

Moreover, a whole political field will be freed up, which will not be empty for long, since the law of conservation of energy will come into play: somewhere it has gone, somewhere it has arrived. There will be no systemic opposition Communist Party of the Russian Federation - another, non-systemic radical left organization will appear, which will create even more problems for the authorities.

“The ban of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a rather unpleasant thing for the presidential administration. The switch can click at any time and for any reason, but politics abhors a vacuum. If a niche that was previously occupied by a legal political force is vacated, it means that an illegal one will appear there. I understand that we like to experiment and believe that nothing is impossible, but this will still be too much.”, says Andrey Maksimov, vice-president of the Russian Association of Political Consultants.

According to current legislation, to suspend state registration political party it is necessary that its activities directly contradict the Constitution of Russia - be recognized as extremist, incite national and other discord in society, and so on.

That is, the authorities will have to recognize the very ideology of communism as extremist, which will be extremely difficult to do in conditions when Russia declared itself the legal successor of the Soviet Union, where communism was the state ideology.

Or the Communist Party of the Russian Federation must become extremely radicalized and call for the overthrow of the institutions of state power in the country, which is extremely difficult to imagine, at least in the still existing Russian realities.

The head of the Institute of Political Research, Sergei Markov, believes that Zhirinovsky’s statements about the need to ban communism and condemn party members under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are nothing more than pre-election PR.

However, if you even try to imagine that the authorities will make an attempt to actually ban the Communist Party, then in this case the presidential administration will make a gross administrative and political mistake.

Zyuganov put Zhirinovsky on a par with Hitler for trying to ban communism.

“It feels like they are withdrawn into themselves.. Channels of communication with society have dried up. The quality of political and personnel decisions made has fallen, and the number of unprofessional personal mistakes is constantly increasing. If you like a girl, then you should court her, not rape her. The authorities scalded the people with the pension reform, as if they poured boiling water from a kettle on them,” condemns the actions of the Markov authorities.

“The likelihood of a ban is extremely low - 2-3%, continues the political scientist. - But, if three or four more innovations are introduced, such as pension reform in its current form or the monetization of benefits, then public discontent will grow and, perhaps, the communists will become one of the leaders of this discontent. Then the ban on the Communist Party may happen.”

The leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, is a good actor who behaves in life somewhat differently than in front of the cameras - subtly, elegantly, politely. Such observations were shared with Storm by former high-ranking official of the presidential administration Andrei Kolyadin.

According to the political strategist, Zhirinovsky’s calls to ban the Communist Party and accuse its members of extremism are a simple show.

“It is not surprising that he finds only extremist notes in the communist movement. There is an old story: wherever a bee flies, it has honey everywhere, and wherever a fly flies, it has shit everywhere.”, - concludes Kolyadin.

The choice of ideology has forever divided people. For young people, for the most part, this is just a question of belonging to one subculture or another, but for people, actions are significant differences that do not allow them to make contact. In this article we will tell you in which countries there is communism now, in which video it exists.

Pluralism of opinions

The feudal system had one significant advantage:

  • Most of the population was deprived of basic rights;
  • The average peasant thought much more about his dinner than about politics;
  • The existing state of affairs was taken for granted;
  • There wasn't much disagreement.

A miserable existence in harsh conditions is a dubious prospect. But if you remember the number of deaths in civil wars all over the world - this will no longer seem like such a drawback of a bygone era. A hundred years ago, similar “political debates” took place on our territory, when the following arguments were used:

  1. Artillery;
  2. Cavalry;
  3. Fleet;
  4. Gallows;
  5. Firing squads.

And both sides did not disdain massive “reductions in numbers” of the enemy, so it’s not even possible to blame any specific ideology. The very debate, the very belief in the possibility of establishing a better system can turn a person into a cruel creature.

Theoretical structure of the state

In fact, communism remained only on the pages of theoretical works on political life and state structure. There has never been communism in any country in the world, although they tried to build it:

  • Ensure social equality;
  • Introduce public ownership of the means of production;
  • Get rid of the monetary system;
  • Leave class divisions behind;
  • Create perfect production forces.

To explain it very roughly, communism implies that the existing production capacity is enough to provide everything necessary for every person on the planet, without exception. Everyone can receive:

  1. Necessary medications;
  2. Good nutrition;
  3. Modern technology;
  4. Necessary clothing;
  5. Movable and immovable property.

It turns out that it is only necessary to “correctly” distribute all available goods so as not to “offend” anyone. Everyone will receive exactly as much as they need. But for this it is necessary to “take control” of every production on the planet, taking it away from the current owners. And already at this moment you may encounter insurmountable difficulties. What can we say about equal and fair distribution, which the history of mankind does not know and, most likely, will never know.

Countries of victorious communism

There are countries that are trying or have tried to build communism on their territory:

  • USSR (collapsed in 1991);
  • China;
  • Cuba;
  • North Korea;
  • Vietnam;
  • Kampuchea (dissolved in 1979);
  • Laos.

In many ways, the influence was exerted by the Union, which exported ideology and control mechanisms. For this he received his share of influence on events within the country. Today The most successful country with a ruling communist party is China. But even this Asian country:

  1. We moved away from the ideas of “classical communism”;
  2. Allow the possibility of the existence of private property;
  3. Have been liberalized in recent years;
  4. They strive to attract as many foreign investors as possible through openness and transparency of business.

It is difficult to talk about total state control in such conditions. Things are a little different in Cuba and North Korea. These countries do not abandon the path laid out in the second half of the last century, although movement along this road causes serious difficulties:

  • Sanctions;
  • Militarism;
  • Threats of invasion;
  • Difficult economic situation.

These regimes, without significant changes, can last for a very long time - there is enough safety margin. Another question is whether this will benefit the people living in these territories.

European socialists

To countries with a strong social program can be attributed:

  1. Denmark;
  2. Sweden;
  3. Norway;
  4. Switzerland.

Everything that our grandparents dreamed of, the Swedes were able to bring to life. It's about:

  • About high social standards;
  • On state protection;
  • About decent wages;
  • About a healthy microclimate.

In 2017, a referendum was held in Switzerland on a guaranteed payment to citizens of a certain amount each month. These funds would have been enough for a comfortable existence, but the Swiss refused. And all without communist parties, Lenin and red stars.

It turns out that there can be a highly developed state that cares about the well-being of its own citizens and considers this value as its highest priority. Requirements for such a country:

  1. High labor productivity;
  2. Lack of ambitions for world domination;
  3. Long traditions;
  4. Strong and independent institutions power and civil rights.

Any attempts to prove one’s uniqueness or impose opinions on other countries lead to a decrease in the role of civil society in public life, which results in strong states with weak social programs.

Where is “good living” now?

There is no real communism in the world. Perhaps something similar existed among our ancestors, during the primitive communal system. In modern times, communist regimes rule:

  • In China;
  • In the DPRK;
  • In Cuba.

Respectful to social policy includes a number of European countries, although there is not a bust of Lenin in every office:

  1. Switzerland;
  2. Norway;
  3. Denmark;
  4. Sweden.

Somewhere high standards lives are secured by oil income, in some places by long-standing and successful investments. But one thing is constant - for “equality and fraternity” high labor productivity and good economic performance are required.

Building such a model is possible in any country in the world; for this it is not necessary to overthrow the current government and impose the power of the proletariat. It is enough to push the idea of ​​high social standards and make the task of improving the lives of citizens the main goal of the country.

Video about strange types of communism

In this video, political scientist Vyacheslav Volkov will talk about 4 unusual types of communism that existed previously and exist in our time:

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