A full-scale experiment confirmed the possibility of restoring power supply to part of the central energy region of Yakutia at the expense of the eastern UES. Short-term joint operation of the united energy systems of Siberia and the East is possible United Energy System East

JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System, PJSC Yakutskenergo and the Branch of PJSC FGC UES MES of the East successfully held full-scale experiment, which proved the possibility of restoring power supply to consumers of the Central Energy District (CER) of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the United Energy System (IES) of the East by moving the dividing point between them.

The experiment was carried out on the initiative of PJSC Yakutskenergo in agreement with JSC SO UES and by decision of the Headquarters for Ensuring the Security of Electricity Supply of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The purpose of the experiment was to test the actions of dispatcher and operational personnel when restoring power supply to the uluses (districts) located on the right bank of the Lena River in the Central Energy District of the Yakut Energy System from the Unified Energy System of the East via the 220 kV cable-overhead line (OCL) Nizhny Kuranakh - Maya.

Specialists from the branches of SO UES JSC United Management of the Energy System of the East (ODU East), Regional Dispatch Management of the Energy System of the Amur Region (Amur RDU) with the participation of specialists from the branch of SO UES JSC Regional Dispatch Management of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk RDU) and PJSC "SO UES" Yakutskenergo" developed the Program, determined the requirements for the parameters of the electrical power regime of the UES of the East and the Central Energy System of the Yakut Energy System, and created circuit-regime conditions for powering the load of the Central Energy System from the UES of the East. The switching was controlled by commands from the dispatch personnel of the Amur Regional Dispatch Office and the Technological Management Department of PJSC Yakutskenergo.

During the experiment, which lasted over 21 hours, the dividing point between the IPS of the East and the Central Energy System of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was successfully moved deep into the Central Energy District, as a result of which some of the consumers of Yakutia received electricity from the IPS of the East. The maximum instantaneous value of power flow reached 70 MW; in total, over a million kWh of electricity was transferred to consumers in the central part of Yakutia.

"The results obtained confirmed the possibility of restoring power supply to the uluses across the river in the Central Energy District of the Yakut Energy System from the IPS East in the event of accidents at the generating equipment of this energy region. Also, during the experiment, data was obtained, the analysis of which will allow us to develop measures to optimize the switching process and reduce the time of interruption in power supply to consumers when moving the dividing point between the Central Electric Power District and the UPS of the East,” noted Natalya Kuznetsova, director of regime management and chief dispatcher of the UPS of the East.

Currently, the Western and Central energy regions of the power system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with a total installed capacity of power plants of 1.5 GW operate in isolation from the Unified Energy System of Russia and operational dispatch control on their territory is carried out by PJSC Yakutskenergo. In 2016, in preparation for the implementation of operational dispatch control of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as part of the Western and Central energy districts and the organization of the connection of these energy districts to the 2nd synchronous zone of the UES of Russia - UES of the East - the Yakutskoye Branch of SO UES JSC was created RDU. It will assume the functions of operational dispatch control on the territory of the Western and Central energy districts of the Yakut energy system will be carried out after the Government of the Russian Federation introduces appropriate changes to the regulatory documents and excludes the Yakut energy system from the list of isolated ones.

OJSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System" successfully conducted tests to enable parallel synchronous operation of the United Energy Systems (UPS) of the East and Siberia. The test results confirmed the possibility of stable short-term joint operation of power interconnections, which will make it possible to move the separation point between them without interrupting the power supply to consumers.

The purpose of the tests is to determine the main characteristics, indicators and operating conditions of parallel operation of the integrated power systems of the East and Siberia, as well as to verify models for calculating steady-state conditions and static stability, transient conditions and dynamic stability. Parallel operation was organized by synchronizing the united power systems of Siberia and the East at the sectional switch of the 220 kV Mogocha substation.

To conduct tests at the 220 kV Mogocha substation and the 220 kV Skovorodino substation, transient monitoring system (SMPR) recorders were installed, designed to collect real-time information about the parameters of the electric power regime of the power system. Also during the tests, SMPR recorders installed on the .

During the tests, three experiments were carried out in parallel synchronous operation mode of the UES of the East and the UES of Siberia with regulation of the flow of active power in the controlled section “Skovorodino - Erofey Pavlovich Traction” from 20 to 100 MW in the direction of the UES of Siberia. The parameters of the electric power regime during the experiments were recorded by SMPR recorders and means of the operational information complex (OIC), designed for receiving, processing, storing and transmitting telemetric information about the operating mode of energy facilities in real time.

The control of the electric power regime during the parallel operation of the IPS of the East with the IPS of Siberia was carried out by regulating the flow of active power using the Central System of Automatic Control of Frequency and Power Flows (CS ARFM) of the IPS of the East, to which the Zeyskaya HPP and Bureyskaya HPP are connected, as well as the dispatch personnel of the ODU of the East.

As part of the tests, short-term parallel synchronous operation of the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East was ensured. At the same time, the configuration parameters of the central control system of the UES of the East, operating in the mode of automatic control of power flow with frequency correction along the section “Skovorodino - Erofey Pavlovich/t”, were determined experimentally, ensuring stable parallel operation of the UES of the East and the UPS of Siberia.

“The results obtained confirmed the possibility of short-term switching on parallel operation of the UES of the East and the UES of Siberia when moving the dividing point between power interconnections from the 220 kV Mogocha substation. When all 220 kV transit substations Erofey Pavlovich – Mogocha – Kholbon are equipped with synchronization means, it will be possible to move the dividing point between the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East without a short-term interruption in power supply to consumers from any transit substation, which will significantly increase the reliability of power supply to the Trans-Baikal section of the Trans-Siberian Railway,” – noted Natalya Kuznetsova, chief dispatcher of ODU East.

Based on the results of the tests, an analysis of the obtained data will be carried out and measures will be developed to improve the reliability of the power system in the context of the transition to short-term parallel synchronous operation of the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East.

UES East – 50

United East

The decision to create the Unified Energy System of the East on the basis of the energy systems of the Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region (over time, the energy system of the southern part of Yakutia joined the IPS of the East) was adopted by the USSR Ministry of Energy. The same order, number 55A, created the Operations Dispatch Department (ODD) of the East, now a branch of JSC System Operator UES. The path from the decision to the creation of the IPS took two years - on May 15, 1970, the Amur and Khabarovsk energy systems were united. And although isolated energy systems have been preserved in the Far Eastern Federal District to this day (in the north of Yakutia, in the Magadan and Sakhalin regions, in Kamchatka and Chukotka, as well as the Nikolaev energy district of the Khabarovsk Territory), since then the IPS of the East has become the most important part of the region’s energy sector. It includes power plants with a total installed capacity of 9.5 GW (as of January 1, 2018). The IPS of the East was connected to the IPS of Siberia by three 220 kV transmission lines, and in 2015 they were switched on for parallel synchronous operation for the first time.

Rise above parochial interests

According to one of the former leaders of the UES of the East, Sergei Drugov, the development of the UES of the East did not always go smoothly - in particular, local interests got in the way. “For example, the leadership of the Amur region at one time was not interested in the construction of power lines in the Khabarovsk Territory, since a powerful source appeared on its territory - the Zeya hydroelectric station. The leadership of the Khabarovsk Territory had a negative attitude towards the construction of the Bureyskaya HPP, considering it necessary to build energy facilities only on the territory of the region and only those that are connected to their own consumers,” recalls Sergei Drugov.

However, energy supply crises (Amur Region - 1971-1973; Khabarovsk Territory - 1981-1986; Primorsky Territory - 1998-2001) pushed the regions and their leaders to join forces. Powerful power lines were needed between generating facilities and main consumption centers. The former are concentrated in the west of the region (Zeyskaya and Bureyskaya hydroelectric power stations, Neryungrinskaya state district power station), the latter - in the southeast (in Primorye and Khabarovsk).

Further - more

Recent years Electricity consumption of the UES of the East and the energy systems of the federal subjects is growing noticeably, from time to time updating historical maximums. IPS East has a capacity reserve that allows, for example, the export of electricity to neighboring China, but in order to avoid problems in the very near future, new generating facilities and further development networks.

A lot is being done in this direction. The second stage of the Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP is already operating (additional installed electrical capacity is 120 MW, thermal capacity is 188 Gcal/h). The launch of the Vostochnaya CHPP in Vladivostok is scheduled for the third quarter of 2018 (installed electrical capacity will be 139.5 MW, thermal capacity - 421 Gcal/h; the station will provide heat and hot water more than 300 thousand consumers of the city). IN next year A new thermal power plant in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan should provide electricity (installed electrical capacity will be 120 MW, thermal capacity - 200 Gcal/h).

By 2022, the volume of demand for electrical energy in the IPS of the East is projected at the level of 42.504 billion kWh (average annual growth rate for the period 2016 - 2022 - 4.0%) (Figure 2.9).

The forecast of demand for electrical energy for the period 2016 - 2022 takes into account changes in the territorial structure of the energy zone of the East - the accession to the IPS of the East of isolated energy regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Western and Central, the consumption of electrical energy of which is more than 70% of the total consumption in the centralized energy supply zone Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The connection of isolated energy districts determines the high dynamics of demand for electrical energy in the period 2016 - 2017.

The demand for electrical energy in the IPS East, excluding the connection of the Central and Western energy regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the 2022 level in the considered option, is estimated at 36.5 billion kWh with an average annual increase for the period 2016 - 2022 of 1.8% , with the corresponding figure for the UES of Russia being 0.6%. The accelerated growth rates of demand for electrical energy in the UES of the East in the future under consideration are determined by economic development region. The growth in demand for electrical energy is associated, first of all, with the upcoming development of industrial production, taking into account the implementation of new large-scale projects - potential residents of industrial production zones, including:

metallurgical production, represented by large investment projects- formation of a mining and metallurgical cluster in the Amur region on the basis of ore deposits, including the Kimkano-Sutarsky GOK (commissioned in 2016), development of gold deposits in the Amur region - Malomyrsky, Pokrovsky and Albynsky mines;

coal mining in the South Yakutsk energy region - Elginskoye deposit and Chulmakanskaya mine, and Khabarovsk Territory - Urgalugol OJSC;

production of oil and gas processing and the creation of new production facilities of the petrochemical complex related to the development of main oil and gas pipeline systems, the largest of the projects is the construction of the petrochemical complex of OJSC NK Rosneft in Nakhodka of CJSC VNHK (a joint project with the Chinese corporation ChemChina) , a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas of Gazprom LNG Vladivostok LLC with the commissioning of the first stage in 2020, the Amur Oil Refinery in the village of Berezovka, Ivanovo district - a complex for oil refining and transportation of petroleum products (refining capacity up to 6 million tons of raw materials per year, taking into account the supply of petroleum products to the domestic market and exports to China);

development of shipbuilding enterprises on the basis of the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair, the main directions of which are the modernization of ship repair facilities and the creation of new capacities for the implementation of projects for the production of modern marine equipment - Primorsky Territory;

implementation of the Vostochny Cosmodrome project in the Amur region;

implementation of projects in priority development territories (ASEZ), including the Nadezhdinskaya ASEZ (creation of a logistics center, technology park and related industries) and the Mikhailovskaya ASEZ (agro-industrial specialization) in the Primorsky Territory.

In terms of transport infrastructure, the following seaports (transport and logistics sites) will be developed:

in the Khabarovsk Territory - the port of Vanino, where a specialized coal transshipment complex of Mechel OJSC will be created, a coal transshipment terminal in Muchka Bay of Sakhatrans LLC, a coal transshipment terminal in the area of ​​Cape Bury of Far Eastern Vanino Port LLC, including for maintenance transshipment of coal from the Elegest deposit (Republic of Tyva);

in the Primorsky Territory - LLC "Sea Port "Sukhodol" - a specialized cargo port in the area of ​​Sukhodol Bay (Shkotovsky district), LLC "Port Vera" in the area of ​​​​Bezaschitnaya Bay in the territory of the closed administrative city of Fokino - a marine terminal with accompanying infrastructure, OJSC "Posiet Trade Port" "in the Khasansky district - modernization and construction of a specialized coal terminal with an increase in capacity to 12 million tons per year.

AK Transneft JSC is working to expand the first and second stages of the pipeline system Eastern Siberia- Pacific Ocean": ESPO-1 up to 80 million tons per year and ESPO-2 up to 50 million tons by 2020. This determines the construction of three oil pumping stations in the Amur region and an oil pumping station in the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as an increase in capacity at existing oil pumping stations in Amur region and South Yakut energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

In connection with the annexation of isolated energy districts, the territorial structure of electrical energy consumption of the UES of the East is changing - the share of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is significantly increasing - up to 19% in 2022 (5.3% is the share of the South Yakut energy district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the UES of the East currently).

The Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) includes the Aikhal-Udachninsky, Mirny, Lensky industrial hubs and a group of Vilyui agricultural districts. The main core industries are diamond mining and processing, which is the traditional specialization of the region, and oil production. These energy-intensive industries determine the specifics of the structure of electrical energy consumption of both the Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (the share of extractive industries is at least 57% in the structure of industrial consumption of electrical energy), and the entire energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), namely: a high share industrial production in the total structure of electrical energy consumption (43% overall for the Yakut energy system, including 37% attributable to mining) against the background of the relatively low share characteristic of the UES of the East at present (24% and 6%, respectively). The growth in demand for electrical energy in the Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the future will be determined by the development of core industries - oil production (development of the central block of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field) and the transportation of oil through the pipeline system "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean", mining and processing of diamonds (improving mining technology, mining of underground diamond-bearing pipes "Aikhal", "International", "Botuobinskaya", "Nyurbinskaya", development of the Udachninsky mining and processing enterprise, associated with the transition from quarry to mine mining with the involvement of deep deposit horizons), as well as the creation of production and social infrastructure.

Last summer, a striking event took place in the east of the country, which can rightfully be called significant for the entire industry. Without much fanfare, but for the first time in history, the United Energy System of the East was switched on for parallel synchronous operation with the United Energy System of Siberia, and therefore with the entire western part Unified Energy System of Russia.
It should be clarified that the UES of Russia includes two synchronous zones. The first includes six parallel operating integrated energy systems (IPS) - North-West, Center, South, Middle Volga, Urals and Siberia. In the second, there is only one single UPS of the East. It unites the energy systems of the Amur Region, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory and Jewish Autonomous Okrug, as well as the South Yakutsk energy region. Electrical connections between the power systems of Siberia and Far East have existed since the mid-1980s - these are three 220 kV lines along the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines (the first, albeit with a very slight advance, appeared along the BAM). However, the very fact of the existence of lines is one thing, and long-term parallel work on them is quite another. The latter is simply impossible due to the insufficient capacity of the lines, which were not built as intersystem connections, but only to supply power to the railway and nearby settlements. Thus, the UES of the East operates in isolation from the first synchronous zone of the UES of Russia - the connecting lines are open at one of the substations on the territory Trans-Baikal Territory. To the east of this division point, consumers (primarily Transbaikal railway) receive power from the IPS of the East, and to the west - from the IPS of Siberia.

Control center of ODU Vostok. Latest preparations for the first experience of parallel operation of both synchronous zones of the UES of Russia

The dividing point between synchronous zones is not static. Dozens of times a year it is transferred from one traction substation to another - from Holbon to Skovorodino. This is done mainly to ensure repairs - both planned and emergency - of lines, substations, etc. In practice, moving the separation point involves the need to briefly disconnect consumers powered from intersystem lines and, of course, causes inconvenience. The most unpleasant effect is a forced break in train traffic on the Trans-Baikal section Trans-Siberian Railway on hauls between several traction substations. Its duration usually ranges from 30 minutes to two hours. And if during planned transfers of the dividing point only freight traffic usually suffers, then during emergency transfers, it happens that passenger trains also stop.
At the end of July and in August, the System Operator (JSC SO UES), whose main function is to implement centralized operational dispatch control in the UES of Russia, together with the Federal Grid Company (PJSC FGC UES) conducted tests on transferring the cutoff point without repayment loads. To do this, a parallel synchronous (that is, with a single frequency) was organized for a short time electric current) work of the UES of the East and the UES of Siberia.

Dispatcher's workplace

First of all, the tests were supposed to confirm the very possibility of short-term parallel operation of power systems along long - more than 1,300 kilometers - 220 kV lines, which were never intended for such purposes and therefore are not equipped with the appropriate equipment: operational and emergency automatic systems. The complexity of the task was determined by the fact that such tests were carried out in Russia for the first time; to put it in pompous language, it was a step into the unknown.
The point of synchronization of both IPS during the testing was the 220 kV Mogocha substation, the sectional switches of which, during the recent reconstruction, were equipped with devices for catching and monitoring synchronism (more specifically, automatic reclosure US (KS). To set their settings, the specialists of the System Operator determined the permissible angle of synchronous switching and the permissible difference in frequencies in the IPS of the East and the IPS of Siberia. The limits for static and dynamic stability were also calculated. In addition, since the lines are not equipped with automatic elimination of asynchronous mode (ALAR), a temporary current cut-off was organized at the Mogocha substation. Transient monitoring system recorders were used. modes (SMPR) at the Kharanorskaya State District Power Plant in the Trans-Baikal Territory, additionally such devices were installed at the Mogocha and Skovorodino substations. Let me explain a little: SMPR recorders are designed to collect real-time information about the parameters of the electric power regime of the power system.
The fact is that the parallel connection itself was more simple task than ensuring subsequent parallel operation. The said sectional switch was turned on automatically upon a command from the synchronization device, when the difference in frequencies and the angle between the voltage vectors of the UPS of the East and the UPS of Siberia were within the permissible range. But to support new mode It was more difficult for two huge energy networks to work together without accidentally separating. During a series of experiments, the regime was controlled by regulating the flow of active power between the IPS of the East and the IPS of Siberia by a value of 20 to 120 MW. Regulation of the flow and frequency in connected power systems was carried out using centralized system automatic control of frequency and power flows (CS ARFM) of the UES of the East, to which the Zeyskaya and Bureyskaya HPPs are connected, as well as dispatch personnel of the ODU of the East (branch of the System Operator) from the dispatch center in Khabarovsk. The most valuable information necessary to determine the characteristics and operating conditions of the parallel operation of the IPS of the East and the IPS of Siberia was recorded in real time by the SMPR recorders and the means of the operational information complex of SO UES OJSC.
The total duration of time for joint operation of power pools in nine experiments exceeded three hours. Successfully conducted tests not only proved the possibility of short-term parallel operation of the United Energy Systems of the East and Siberia, but also made it possible to experimentally determine the optimal parameters for setting up the CS AFCM of the UES of the East, and also provided data for the development of measures to improve the reliability of the operation of energy systems.

Historical moment - the control panel displays for the first time the flow of power between the IPS of the East and the IPS of Siberia through the switched on switch at the 220 kV Mogocha substation

The results obtained and positive experience make it possible in the future to significantly increase the reliability of power supply to consumers by briefly switching on parallel operation of the IPS of the East and the IPS of Siberia each time the separation points are moved. In this case, the power supply to all consumers connected to intersystem power lines along the Trans-Siberian Railway in the eastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory will not be interrupted - consumers will not even notice the moment of switching.
However, the success of the tests does not mean instantaneous, as if by magic magic wand, changes in the situation with short-term repayments of consumers. To achieve this, it is still necessary to equip sectional switches with synchronization devices at twenty-two substations of the 220 kV traction transit Erofey Pavlovich - Mogocha - Kholbon owned by Russian Railways. The question of the need to carry out such work was raised at a meeting of the government commission on ensuring the safety of electricity supply in the Far Eastern Federal District, held on September 5 in Vladivostok. As a result, Russian Railways received an order to develop and approve an action plan, including the installation of synchronization devices on sectional switches to transfer the separation point between the UES of the East and the UES of Russia without load shedding.

Technologists are monitoring the progress of the tests. On the left is Natalya Kuznetsova, head of testing, director of mode control - chief dispatcher of the ODU of the East. At the dispatchers' workplaces - senior dispatcher Sergei Solomenny and dispatcher Oleg Stetsenko

One way or another, last summer the System Operator and FSK not only conducted a unique experiment on the parallel operation of both synchronous zones of the UES of Russia, but also created practical prerequisites for radically increasing the reliability of power supply to the Trans-Siberian Railway and other consumers in the eastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

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