Dangerous situations in the city and in the countryside. The city as a source of danger from industry. Learn useful skills

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I continue my rating of the dangers that await drivers moving along a highway passing through villages, hamlets, etc. I would like to remind you that this ranking, especially the TOP 5 biggest dangers in the village, is the fruit of my personal ranking. Yours may be different. This is not the point. The main thing is that you and I know and are warned. And forewarned means forearmed!

I would be grateful if you express your opinion on this rating in the comments or add your own options to it. I will be happy to include them in the rating, not forgetting to include your name.

So let's continue. The top five most dangerous situations in the village.

Location 5: "Black Ghosts"

Most Russian villages, towns, villages, settlements, etc. have no street lighting. Therefore, at night on a village road “at least poke out an eye.” Moreover, due to the lack of sidewalks, residents prefer to move around the village along the edges of asphalt roads, periodically crossing to the other side.

Considering that there are no reflective elements on their mostly dark and black clothes, they become “black ghosts” suddenly appearing in front of the car in the beam of low beam headlights. This is especially dangerous in the fall, on dark, rainy evenings and nights.

Place 4: Children “at” and “on” the road

In a previous article, I already wrote that villagers have a very low level of knowledge and understanding of the Traffic Rules. If it is like this in adults, then what can we say about children? Therefore, you can regularly see people playing football in the summer, or sledding in the winter. Children riding bicycles on highways is very common and very dangerous.

The danger is that it is never possible to predict what a child will throw out next. For example, he will throw himself under the wheels of your car after a “runaway” ball or decide to turn around on a bicycle.

Location 3: Clunkers

Again due to the lack of constant monitoring of the condition vehicles, villagers drive anything. The driver of a “village jalopy,” be it a personal motorcycle, a car, or a work tractor, doesn’t care what condition his vehicle is in. Do his headlights and brake lights work? Are the brakes and steering OK? Doesn't matter. The main thing is that it goes! It might be a bit rough, but it’s going. And what his iron horse will do in the next moment is nonsense. “Maybe it will blow through!”

Location 2: No lights

Another scourge of rural equipment and rural drivers is cars and agricultural equipment left on an unlit street without any side lights. This is a very dangerous situation!

At a speed of about 100 km/h at the Belarus moving in the dark without any lighting devices. Noticing in last moment a glare on the glass of his cabin, I miraculously managed to brake then.

Location 1: Drunk on the road

And to conclude my rating, the Russian classics are drunk pedestrians and drivers. Unfortunately, in rural areas people are addicted to alcohol. Especially on weekends and holidays in our villages they “walk”. And when our people walk, the sea is “knee-deep” to them.

Considering the absence of the traffic police, our people, having piled up, boldly, motorcycles, cars and tractors and go wherever their soul or friends called. At the same time, they do some crazy things on the roadway.

They may suddenly start to turn around or cross the intersection right in front of your car. Or suddenly stop when you see a friend. That is, you can expect anything you want from drunks on the road. This is very dangerous. And, unfortunately, very often.

Well, that's all. My rating is complete. I hope you find it useful and give you a slightly different perspective on serene countryside drives. If you have something to add, something to argue with, or something to criticize, I invite you to do so in the comments to this or the previous article.

Good luck on the roads!

In the twentieth century, cities grew with incredible speed and urban populations increased, it is even sometimes called the century of urbanization (Fig. 1).

The city has a lot of entertainment, a lot of interesting things. There is a theater, cinema, zoo, playgrounds and much more. But at the same time, the city is also fraught with many dangers. Let's think about which ones. It may seem that in the city it is much safer than, for example, in the desert, where a person risks dying from thirst, hunger or poisonous snakes.

But the city is fraught with many dangers. Compared to rural areas, it provides certain advantages, but also has disadvantages.

If you compare life in a village and in a city, you can notice many differences. For example, thanks to physical labor, rural residents are stronger; less influence of polluting factors ensures them good health. Typically, rural residents are able to provide themselves with food more easily because they grow their own vegetables; they can warm themselves by collecting brushwood in the nearest forest; if necessary, build a temporary shelter. In the case of deprivation of some of the benefits of civilization, such as gas, electricity, running water, it is easier for rural residents to cope than for people in the city (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Village residents are less attached to communications ()

IN healthy body- healthy mind

Rural residents are usually in better physical shape than city residents. This can be explained by the fact that in the city most people are engaged in mental work, and schoolchildren do not want to attend physical education classes.

But you must understand that sports are not only good for your health, but can also save your life someday.

For example, Denis from Arkhangelsk never thought that his athletics training in everyday life(Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Playing sports will never be superfluous ()

Returning home late, the guy passed by a tipsy group. The young people began to behave aggressively towards Denis and already wanted to rob the schoolboy, but thanks to his dexterity, he wriggled out of their hands and was able to escape. His pursuers were less physically prepared, so the guy remained unharmed.

Boys often think that running away is a shame, but don’t forget that the best fight is the one that doesn’t take place. Especially if there are many more attackers.

City dwellers do not possess many useful skills that villagers possess, because they are simply not needed in the city. City residents have everything at their fingertips: gas is supplied directly to the stoves; in order to get water, just open the tap; Any food can be bought at the nearest supermarket.

There are a lot of people in the city, but not many of them know each other; often even neighbors don’t know each other. In the village, everyone knows each other, they know who is the antisocial element. If any danger appears, everyone instantly knows about it, and the same applies to new people.

Life in the city is much more dynamic. Many people have to commute an hour or two to work, which requires using public transport or a personal vehicle. This often causes stress and fatigue in people; they have to return from work in the same way, which only increases stress and negatively affects a person’s behavior (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Clashes between drivers lead to stress ()

Road and danger

You all know that the greatest danger on the road is faulty vehicles and careless drivers. You are told from a very early age that it is dangerous to play next to the roadway, that you need to look left and right before crossing the road.

In addition to dangerous cars, there are other dangers on the road. The road is very dangerous in winter: due to snowfalls, visibility may deteriorate. Ice, which is a common occurrence on our roads, is dangerous for injuries (Fig. 5). Therefore, both pedestrians and drivers need to be extremely careful on the roads in winter.

Rice. 5. Ice is dangerous for injuries ()

Open sewer manholes and potholes on the road are also dangerous on the road (you may not notice it due to bad weather and injure your leg, or your parents may drive into a pothole and damage their cars or even get hurt themselves). Tram tracks running along roads are dangerous, as you can trip over them and get hurt.

A rural resident works most of the time near his home, so he does not experience the inconveniences that exist in the city. Also, life in the village is more predictable, and therefore calmer.

The entertainment that abounds in the city takes place in the evening, so people have to return home at late time, which increases the risk of encountering criminal elements.

The health of citizens is threatened by many plants and factories located in cities. Natural disasters can easily deprive city residents of communications, the absence of which greatly complicates life. And accidents at various utility enterprises threaten the life and health of city residents (Fig. 6). Hail, rain, ice, and blizzards increase the number of road accidents.

Rice. 6. Factory emissions are harmful to health ()

Many of the problems described are less relevant for rural residents, because they are less connected to communications. However, the villages have their own problems. Much more often villages suffer from natural phenomena. For example, floods, storms, and heavy hail can deprive an entire village of crops (Fig. 7). At emergency situations It is more difficult for rescuers to help victims.

Rice. 7. Consequences of bad weather for cereals ()

Powerful disasters can wipe out an entire settlement from the face of the earth. Although particularly dangerous disasters, such as earthquakes or floods, can cause enormous damage to a city, which is especially vulnerable due to population density and dense buildings.

By comparing the features of life in the city and in the countryside, we can identify the main dangers of the city and their causes:

The presence of many communications and the possibility of accidents on them;

People with evil intentions and antisocial elements;

Abundance of transport and its vulnerability in bad weather;

Pollution from factories, factories and transport;

The need to often be in crowded places.

To sum up the lesson, we can conclude that both city dwellers and villagers are affected by all types of unfavorable factors: man-made, natural and social. But rural residents are less vulnerable to man-made and social hazards.

Learn useful skills

We said that rural residents are more adapted to life in nature and have many useful skills. You can get them too.

You will be taught in the “Young Tourist” club to gain skills in lighting a fire in nature, learning how to set up an overnight stay in the forest, and recognizing edible and inedible mushrooms and plants. In addition, it is very interesting, because even when traveling around your native land, you will discover a lot of new and interesting things.

The knowledge gained in life safety, biology, and natural science classes will also be useful.

Rice. 8. Film adaptation of the book “The Mysterious Island” ()

Remember the heroes adventure novels Jules Verne (Fig. 8), they survived thanks to knowledge and skills. The heroes of the novel “The Mysterious Island” greatly benefited from the extensive knowledge of one of the heroes in natural history. Thanks to the young naturalist, the heroes knew which plants were useful and which were poisonous, and knew which animals were best to hunt.

As they say, you can’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders, so try to learn as much as possible; knowledge and skills can be useful to you both in everyday life and in extreme situations.

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In the last lesson, we talked about special services that protect the population and emergency warning signals, as well as how to respond to danger signals. Today we will talk about the dangers that await us close to our homes.

In the twentieth century, cities grew with incredible speed and urban populations increased, it is even sometimes called the century of urbanization (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Buenos Aires ()

The city has a lot of entertainment, a lot of interesting things. There is a theater, cinema, zoo, playgrounds and much more. But at the same time, the city is also fraught with many dangers. Let's think about which ones. It may seem that in the city it is much safer than, for example, in the desert, where a person risks dying from thirst, hunger or poisonous snakes.

But the city is fraught with many dangers. Compared to rural areas, it provides certain advantages, but also has disadvantages.

If you compare life in a village and in a city, you can notice many differences. For example, thanks to physical labor, rural residents are stronger; less influence of polluting factors ensures them good health. Typically, rural residents are able to provide themselves with food more easily because they grow their own vegetables; they can warm themselves by collecting brushwood in the nearest forest; if necessary, build a temporary shelter. In the case of deprivation of some of the benefits of civilization, such as gas, electricity, running water, it is easier for rural residents to cope than for people in the city (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Village residents are less attached to communications ()

A healthy mind in a healthy body

Rural residents are usually in better physical shape than city residents. This can be explained by the fact that in the city most people are engaged in mental work, and schoolchildren do not want to attend physical education classes.

But you must understand that sports are not only good for your health, but can also save your life someday.

For example, Denis from Arkhangelsk never thought that his athletics training would be useful to him in everyday life (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Playing sports will never be superfluous ()

Returning home late, the guy passed by a tipsy group. The young people began to behave aggressively towards Denis and already wanted to rob the schoolboy, but thanks to his dexterity, he wriggled out of their hands and was able to escape. His pursuers were less physically prepared, so the guy remained unharmed.

Boys often think that running away is a shame, but don’t forget that the best fight is the one that doesn’t take place. Especially if there are many more attackers.

City dwellers do not possess many useful skills that villagers possess, because they are simply not needed in the city. City residents have everything at their fingertips: gas is supplied directly to the stoves; in order to get water, just open the tap; Any food can be bought at the nearest supermarket.

There are a lot of people in the city, but not many of them know each other; often even neighbors don’t know each other. In the village, everyone knows each other, they know who is the antisocial element. If any danger appears, everyone instantly knows about it, and the same applies to new people.

Life in the city is much more dynamic. Many people have to commute an hour or two to work, which requires using public transport or a personal vehicle. This often causes stress and fatigue in people; they have to return from work in the same way, which only increases stress and negatively affects a person’s behavior (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Clashes between drivers lead to stress ()

Road and danger

You all know that the greatest danger on the road is faulty vehicles and careless drivers. You are told from a very early age that it is dangerous to play next to the roadway, that you need to look left and right before crossing the road.

In addition to dangerous cars, there are other dangers on the road. The road is very dangerous in winter: due to snowfalls, visibility may deteriorate. Ice, which is a common occurrence on our roads, is dangerous for injuries (Fig. 5). Therefore, both pedestrians and drivers need to be extremely careful on the roads in winter.

Rice. 5. Ice is dangerous for injuries ()

Open sewer manholes and potholes on the road are also dangerous on the road (you may not notice it due to bad weather and injure your leg, or your parents may drive into a pothole and damage their cars or even get hurt themselves). Tram tracks running along roads are dangerous, as you can trip over them and get hurt.

A rural resident works most of the time near his home, so he does not experience the inconveniences that exist in the city. Also, life in the village is more predictable, and therefore calmer.

The entertainment that abounds in the city takes place in the evening, so people have to return home late, which increases the risk of encountering criminal elements.

The health of citizens is threatened by many plants and factories located in cities. Natural disasters can easily deprive city residents of communications, the absence of which greatly complicates life. And accidents at various utility enterprises threaten the life and health of city residents (Fig. 6). Hail, rain, ice, and blizzards increase the number of road accidents.

Rice. 6. Factory emissions are harmful to health ()

Many of the problems described are less relevant for rural residents, because they are less connected to communications. However, the villages have their own problems. Much more often, villages suffer from natural phenomena. For example, floods, storms, and heavy hail can deprive an entire village of crops (Fig. 7). In emergency situations, it is more difficult for rescuers to provide assistance to victims.

Rice. 7. Consequences of bad weather for cereals ()

Powerful disasters can wipe out an entire settlement from the face of the earth. Although particularly dangerous disasters, such as earthquakes or floods, can cause enormous damage to a city, which is especially vulnerable due to population density and dense buildings.

By comparing the features of life in the city and in the countryside, we can identify the main dangers of the city and their causes:

The presence of many communications and the possibility of accidents on them;

People with evil intentions and antisocial elements;

Abundance of transport and its vulnerability in bad weather;

Pollution from factories, factories and transport;

The need to often be in crowded places.

To sum up the lesson, we can conclude that both city dwellers and villagers are affected by all types of unfavorable factors: man-made, natural and social. But rural residents are less vulnerable to man-made and social hazards.

Learn useful skills

We said that rural residents are more adapted to life in nature and have many useful skills. You can get them too.

You will be taught in the “Young Tourist” club to gain skills in lighting a fire in nature, learning how to set up an overnight stay in the forest, and recognizing edible and inedible mushrooms and plants. In addition, it is very interesting, because even when traveling around your native land, you will discover a lot of new and interesting things.

The knowledge gained in life safety, biology, and natural science classes will also be useful.

Rice. 8. Film adaptation of the book “The Mysterious Island” ()

Remember the heroes of Jules Verne's adventure novels (Fig. 8), they survived thanks to knowledge and skills. The heroes of the novel “The Mysterious Island” greatly benefited from the extensive knowledge of one of the heroes in natural history. Thanks to the young naturalist, the heroes knew which plants were useful and which were poisonous, and knew which animals were best to hunt.

As they say, you can’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders, so try to learn as much as possible; knowledge and skills can be useful to you both in everyday life and in extreme situations.


  1. Fundamentals of life safety: 5th grade: textbook for educational institutions/ M.P. Frolov [et al.] ed. Yu.L. Vorobyov. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013, 174 pp.: ill. Polyakov V.V., Kuznetsov M.I. and others, ed. Latchuka V.N. Fundamentals of life safety. 5th grade. - 2012, 160 p.
  2. Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. Fundamentals of life safety. 5th grade. - 2012, 191 p.
  1. vigivanie.com ().
  2. Video.yandex.ua ().
  3. Vetkaivi.ru ().


  1. Answer the questions on page 25. Fundamentals of life safety: 5th grade: textbook for educational institutions / M.P. Frolov [et al.], ed. Yu.L. Vorobyov. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013, 174 pp.: ill.
  2. Make a comparative table of life in a village and a city with all the pros and cons
  3. * Describe ideal city for life.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter 1. High danger zones…………………………………... 4

1.1 Street………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Modern housing……………………………………………………... 4

1.3 Places where people gather………………………………………………………………... 5

1.4 Transport………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 2. Negative impact of the urban environment…………………. 7

2.1 Technogenic hazards……………………………………………...... 7

2.2 Environmental hazards…………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Social dangers………………………………………………………………...... 12

Chapter 3. Security system………………………… 14

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………........16

References ………………………………………………………...17


On modern stage development, humanity is facing acute problems big cities.

The city, as an artificial habitat created by man, is significantly different from natural environment. If in nature a person is faced with the influence of external natural conditions, then in society, the most complex phenomenon of which the city is, external influences come primarily from people or from circumstances caused by it.

The city includes components, which include natural components (relief, climate, water, vegetation and fauna), an artificially created component - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings) and an essential part of the urban environment - the population.

For a long time historical development In cities, humans have developed a special habitat. In the process of life, a person is inextricably linked with the urban environment, forming an interacting system with it. This interaction gives both positive (comfort of life) and negative results. The negative result of human interaction with the city is determined by dangers - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly act in the “human - urban environment” system.

A positive result is determined by the fact that the city, as an artificial habitat created by man, allows people to depend less on extreme natural factors than before. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop spiritual and creative activity every person.

In connection with the special role of cities in the development of mankind, the question arises of how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impacts of the city on people. Resolving this issue will be the goal of this work. To solve this issue, it is necessary to identify high-risk zones in the city, talk about the negative impacts of the urban environment on humans, their consequences and ways to combat them. And also indicate the services included in the city’s security system.

Chapter 1. High danger zones.

Knowing and taking into account high-risk areas allows you to predict the development of a possible extreme situation, provide appropriate rules of behavior and thereby ensure your safety.

1.1. Street

This danger zone includes non-residential buildings, courtyard nooks and crannies, deserted streets, vacant lots, and alleys.

Late at night, it is better to avoid such dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. But if you had to walk down an alley, you need to stay close to the edge of the sidewalk and away from dark entrances where a suddenly appearing intruder could drag you. You should walk with confidence, holding an umbrella or lantern in your hands just in case.

When walking along the highway, you need to stay on the side where traffic is moving towards you - this way they won’t be able to drag you into a car that’s approaching from behind.

If possible, you should try to avoid contact with anyone. If there is a threat of attack, it is best to flee. If you are unable to escape, you must fight back using available means of self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber or rapist, you should try to remember his face, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

Also, on the street, you should carefully look not only to the sides, but also to your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons and, as a result, large number injured people, especially the elderly.

1.2.Modern housing.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles fall off in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies.

The entrances and elevators of apartment buildings, where attacks most often occur, are also dangerous. To avoid becoming their victim, certain precautions should be taken:

You should not enter the entrance or elevator with strangers or suspicious people;

If you find yourself alone with a stranger in an elevator, you should immediately get out;

When attacked, you need to call for help, ring someone’s doorbell.

Modern home– the center of various networks of communal and individual household services. A modern, comfortable apartment has enclosed, branched electrical wiring throughout the premises, as well as networks of water supply, heating and sewerage pipes. for the disposal of various household wastes. Many kitchens are equipped with gas stoves, which are supplied with gas through pipelines. Under these conditions, a variety of extreme situations are possible. All pipelines in which, as a result of long-term operation and exposure to the environment, are susceptible to corrosion and wear out. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in order to deal with a particular situation and try to prevent serious consequences.


Each section of the pipeline has a central, intermediate and terminal valves (valves). If there is a water leak from the tap, it is necessary to turn off the intermediate tap, and in the event of a serious accident, close the central valve, which is usually located in the basement of the entrance, and the end and intermediate taps - in the apartment. The same should be done in the event of a heating system failure. All emergencies must be reported to the building management, specialists must be called and an attempt must be made to prevent severe flooding of the apartment, since flooding can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and this, in turn, can lead to electric shock to people and a fire in the house.


It is easier to prevent this situation than to cope with its consequences. If a fire occurs, it is necessary to localize the source of the fire by preventing air from reaching the fire. If a fire occurs due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, you should turn off the electrical distribution switch located on the landing of each floor, then, if possible, turn off the central switch of the entrance. Next, you need to call the fire brigade and begin to extinguish the fire using available means (water, sand, etc.). The main thing in this situation is to notify neighbors about the fire and save people caught in the fire.

Building destruction.

This extreme situation can occur as a result of an explosion or due to the destruction of building structures. In this situation, it is necessary to show determination, courage, and most importantly endurance, to properly organize the rescue of people, to prevent panic (people in a state of panic often throw themselves from the windows of the upper floors). When buildings are destroyed, flooding, fire, and electrical short circuits can occur. In any case, the most important thing in this situation is to organize the rescue of people, especially from the upper floors.

1.3. Crowded places.

Places where people gather, where it is easy for criminals to commit crimes and escape, are areas of increased danger. It could be train stations, parks, cinemas, places of various celebrations, underground passages, etc. .

At train stations, a criminal can hide, getting lost among people, taking any train. With their large crowds, train stations attract mainly thieves and swindlers, “homeless people”, since among large quantity There will always be simpletons who are easy to deceive. While at the station, you should follow the following rules of safe behavior:

Do not leave things unattended;

Do not trust your belongings and luggage to strangers;

Do not exchange large bills for smaller ones unless absolutely necessary;

To avoid becoming a victim of deception, you should not play various lotteries, “thimbles”, or take part in draws and sweepstakes. After standing for a few minutes and taking a closer look at who is constantly playing and winning, you can personally verify that they are the same people.

Parks- favorite gathering places for young people, teenagers, various companies, places for drinking alcohol, and a person in a state of intoxication loses control over himself, attracts robbers and criminals of all stripes. It is easy for a criminal to hide in the park, so you should not go into secluded, remote places, you should stay close to people.

City markets They are also high-risk areas. These are possible places where thieves, robbers, and scammers gather. Here it is also easy for a criminal to hide, getting lost in the crowd.

At night, it is better to avoid dangerous places: the path will be longer, but the degree of danger will be reduced. If possible, you should try to avoid contact with anyone. If there is a threat of attack, it is best to flee. If this is not possible, then you must use all available means of self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber or rapist, you should try to remember his faces, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.


All people, regardless of age and position, benefit from various types vehicles. But not everyone thinks about the fact that modern transport is a high-risk zone. A feature of modern transport is its high energy saturation. The most energy-intensive types of vehicles are trams, trolleybuses, metro and railway transport.

Road transport firmly entered the category of the most dangerous. car accident (disaster) is one of the main causes of death in conditions modern city. In most cases, a car accident occurs due to non-compliance with basic safety measures and traffic rules, as well as due to insufficient awareness of the consequences of a particular violation of road safety rules. For example, few people know that colliding with a stationary obstacle at a speed of 50 km/h without a seat belt is equivalent to jumping face down from the 4th floor.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. The most dangerous types of violations continue to be speeding, ignoring road signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated.

Accidents often result from bad roads (mostly slippery ones) and vehicle malfunctions (in the first place are brakes, in second place are steering, in third place are wheels and tires). The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours due to excessive blood loss.

Many road accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians. One of the reasons for the occurrence of accidents involving pedestrians is the incorrect behavior of pedestrians on the roadway and incorrect prediction of the nature of their behavior by the driver. The following main violations of the rules of conduct by pedestrians and driver errors that led to an accident can be identified:

Unexpected exit of a pedestrian onto the roadway;

Crossing the roadway outside a pedestrian crossing;

A collision with a pedestrian “rushing” along the roadway in traffic. This is due to the fact that a pedestrian located between streams of moving cars is very frightened, and his behavior is chaotic and defies reasonable logic;

Distracting the driver's attention when performing a maneuver.

Human. Those traveling in transport should also take certain precautions that can reduce the risk of injury in the event of an accident:

In the event of an accident, safety is guaranteed by a stable, fixed position of the body - sitting in a chair, lean forward and place your crossed arms on the chair in front, press it against your hands, move your legs forward, but do not push it under the chair, as a broken chair can damage your legs;

When falling, group yourself and cover your head with your hands. Do not try to stop your fall by grabbing a handrail or anything else. This leads to dislocations and fractures;

Do not fall asleep while driving - there is a danger of injury during maneuver or sudden braking;

If there is a fire in the cabin, immediately notify the driver;

In case of an accident, open the doors using the emergency door release button. If this fails, break the side windows;

If possible, extinguish the fire yourself using a fire extinguisher located in the cabin;

Once you get out of the burning car, immediately start helping others.

Metro– this is a huge artificial system, a harmoniously working mechanism.

extreme situations in the metro can arise:

On the escalator;

On the platform;

In a train carriage.

The most dangerous thing is to violate the rules for using the metro on an escalator:

While the escalator is moving, hold on to the handrail;

Do not place luggage on the rail, but hold it in your hands;

Don't run on the escalator;

Do not sit on the steps of the escalator;

Use the emergency brake handle if a passenger spills luggage, hesitates when getting off an escalator, or gets stuck in a gap between steps.

Extreme situations on the platform happen less frequently, but it is still better not to go close to the edge of the platform. Someone may accidentally push you while running, you

You yourself may slip; when boarding, the crowd may push a person into the opening between the cars.

If, due to a breakdown or technical problem on the line, your train is stopped in a tunnel, first of all, remain calm and follow all orders of the metro workers.

Chapter 2. Negative impacts of the urban environment.

A person, solving the problems of achieving comfortable and material security, continuously influences the urban environment with his activities and products of activity, generating man-made, environmental and social dangers in the city.

2.1. Technogenic hazards.

Technogenic hazards are created by elements of the technosphere - machines, structures, substances, etc. as a result of erroneous or unauthorized actions of a person or groups of people.

In large, and especially in the largest cities, the historically formed functional zones of industrial, communal, and residential are still preserved through the floorboards. The number of victims from accidents (disasters) in transport, industrial and other facilities is growing. Transport accidents (disasters) were written in detail in the previous chapter, so below we will consider industrial accidents.

Industrial accidents(disasters) arise as a result of the sudden failure of parts, mechanisms, machines and units or due to human negligence and can be accompanied by serious disruptions in the production process, explosions, catastrophic flooding, the formation of fires, radioactive and chemical contamination of the area, injury and death. Accidents (disasters) at potentially hazardous production facilities are especially dangerous: fire hazardous, explosive, hydrodynamically hazardous, chemically hazardous, radiation hazardous. At industrial facilities, emissions or spills of highly toxic substances are possible. There are no guarantees against radiation damage to people associated with possible accidents at nuclear power plants or military facilities with nuclear weapons. It is at these facilities that accidents (disasters) most often occur, accompanied by significant material losses, disruption of living conditions, injury and death.

A person is exposed to significant man-made hazards when entering the area of ​​operation of technical systems, which include transport highways, radiation zones of radio and television transmission systems, and industrial zones. The levels of hazardous exposure to humans in this case are determined by the characteristics of technical systems and the duration of a person’s stay in the hazardous area.

Technogenic activity of cities and associated modifications of the human environment have entailed the need for a closer study of the environmental problem. As a result of environmental problems in industrial cities, the health of the population is deteriorating, the level of morbidity and mortality is increasing, and life expectancy is decreasing.

There are measures for the rational organization of territories taken in order to improve the environmental situation:

Technological (transition to more advanced, “clean” technologies);

Technical (improving devices for purifying discharges into water bodies and emissions into the atmosphere);

Structural (closing and moving polluting industries out of the city and, conversely, developing industries that are environmentally relevant for it);

Architectural and planning (organization of industrial zones, creation of sanitary and protective gaps).

2.2.Environmental hazards.

Cities are increasingly becoming places unsuitable for healthy life people, and all living things in general.

Environmental issues cities, mainly the largest of them, are associated with excessive concentration in relatively small areas of population, transport, and industrial enterprises, with the formation of anthropogenic landscapes that are very far from a state of ecological balance.

The vegetation cover of cities is usually almost entirely represented by “cultural plantings” - parks, squares, lawns, flower beds, alleys. It happens that vegetation also plays a negative role - in the pursuit of fast-growing and beautiful plants that tolerate the conditions of the urban environment, ornamental plants are imported in large quantities, which can cause various allergic reactions in city residents.

Birds, rodents, insects and microorganisms, which are carriers and sources of diseases, also cause a lot of trouble, breeding in large numbers in city landfills and settling basins.

And yet, the greatest danger lies in poor-quality drinking water, polluted air, poor-quality food, increased levels of radioactivity, and strong exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Today, three-quarters of the population of developed countries and almost half of the population of developing countries live in industrial centers. If in 1950 there were only 5 cities in the world with a population of more than 5 million people (total number 48 million people), then in 1890 there were 36 such cities total number inhabitants 252 million. In 2000, there were already about 60 cities with a population of over 5 million with a total population of 650 million people. The growth rate of the world's population is 1.5 - 2.0 times lower than the growth of the urban population, which today includes 40% of the world's people.

The millionaire city receives about 29 million a year (excluding water and air) of various substances, which, during transportation and processing, produce a significant amount of waste, some of which enters the atmosphere, the other part, along with wastewater, into reservoirs and underground aquifers horizons, another part in the form of solid waste into the soil.

Atmospheric air.

Scientists believe that every year thousands of deaths in cities around the world are linked to air pollution. Atmospheric pollution is responsible for up to 30% of common diseases in the population of industrial centers. Over large cities, the atmosphere contains 10 times more aerosols and 25 times more gases, among which the most widespread are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. When there is a high content of gases and dust (soot) in the air and air stagnation over industrial areas of cities, smog is formed. Smog is especially dangerous when the air is polluted with sulfur dioxide. It affects the human respiratory system and reduces resistance to other harmful impurities in the air (smoke, soil, asphalt and asbestos dust). At the same time, 60-70% of gas pollution comes from road transport. The car has become one of the main culprits of urban pollution. Every year, each car releases up to 10 kg of rubber muzzle into the air from tire abrasion. And how many toxic substances are emitted from the exhaust pipe, how much oxygen is absorbed by the car engine and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released. Lead in car exhaust emissions can cause brain disorders and mental retardation in children.

District heating pipelines release up to 1/5 of the heat passing through them to the outside. Heat transfer from factories and factories, furnaces and boiler houses, various mechanisms and devices also contribute to the heating of the air basin of cities; from these industries, 2/5 of the energy of all burned fuel enters the air. With low air mobility, thermal anomalies over the city cover layers of the atmosphere of 250 - 400 m, and temperature contrasts can reach 5 - 6 ° C. It is not surprising that smoke domes with low air humidity and high air humidity and increased temperature are formed over large cities. The number of condensation centers (10 times) and fogs (2 times) increases. Every fourth disease among city residents is associated with urban air pollution, and its saturation carbon dioxide such that inhaling it for several hours can disrupt brain activity. Home air poses an equally serious danger to human health. According to scientists who compared the air in apartments with polluted city air, it turned out that the air in rooms is 4-6 times dirtier and 8-10 times more toxic. This is caused by exposure to lead white, linoleum, plastic, synthetic carpets, washing powders, furniture that contains a lot of synthetic adhesive, polymers, paints, varnish, etc.

The main sources of indoor air pollution can be divided into four groups:

1. Substances entering the room with polluted air.

2. Products of destruction of polymeric materials.

3. Anthropotoxins (human waste products).

4. Products of combustion of domestic gas and household activities.

Drinking water. Cities consume 10 times or more more water per 1 person than rural areas, and pollution of water bodies reaches catastrophic proportions. Wastewater volumes reach 1 m3 per day per person. Therefore, almost everything major cities are experiencing a shortage water resources and many of them obtain their water from distant sources.

Despite the fact that a person cannot live more than 9 days without water, water is an important cause of cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms. Or rather, not the water itself, but the toxic substances dissolved in it.

A particular problem is water pollution with detergents – complex chemical compounds, included in synthetic detergents. Detergents are difficult to clean, and up to 50-60% of their initial amount usually ends up in water bodies.

Among industrial wastes discharged into water, except organic compounds the most dangerous for the body are the salts of many heavy metals(cadmium, lead, aluminum, nickel, manganese, zinc, etc.). Even in low concentrations they cause disruption of various functions human body. High concentrations of heavy metal salts cause acute poisoning.

The unsatisfactory sanitary and technical condition of water supply structures and networks in cities is the cause of secondary microbial pollution drinking water when transported through the distribution system. The reasons for this are wear and tear of water distribution networks (50 percent or more), untimely elimination of accidents and leaks, and lack of preventive disinfection of water pipelines.

Do not drink chlorinated water;

Use only water that has been purified using highly effective purifiers or freezing;

Drink only boiled water!

Radioactivity. IN recent years The issue that attracts the most attention is the impact of radiation on humans and the environment. Speaking of stokers background radiation in residential premises, it is advisable to dwell in more detail on the significance of a gas such as radon. Radiation hazard is created primarily by inhaling alpha-emitting aerosols from the breakdown products of radon and sodium. People come into contact with radon and thorium everywhere, but mainly in stone and brick houses, when using gas for cooking and heating, and with water. A great danger is the ingress of water vapor with a high content of radon into the lungs along with inhaled air, which most often occurs in the bathroom, where, as studies have shown, the concentration of radon is 3 times higher than in the kitchen and 40 times higher than in residential areas. rooms. Measures to preserve heat in winter can lead to a significant increase in radon concentrations inside residential premises.

The danger of radon, in addition to the functional disorders it causes (difficulty breathing, migraines, dizziness, nausea, depression, early aging, etc.), also lies in the fact that due to internal irradiation of lung tissue, it can cause lung cancer.

In order to reduce the risk of radon exposure, it is necessary to take protective measures:

Ventilate the premises thoroughly;

Use special coatings for floors;

Replace gas stoves in apartments with electric ones;

Use proven materials for the construction of new houses.

Electromagnetic fields as an unfavorable environmental factor in residential and public premises. As a result of many years of observations, it turned out that electromagnetic fields(EMFs) pose a huge health hazard, since with prolonged exposure to humans they can cause cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases. EMF generated by various devices generating, transmitting and using electrical energy are a widespread and constantly increasing negative factor in the urban environment.

Currently, there are a huge number of EMF sources located both outside residential and public buildings (power lines, satellite communication stations, radio relay installations, television transmission centers, open switchgear, electric vehicles, etc.) and indoors (TVs, VCRs , computers, cellular radiotelephones, household microwave ovens, etc.)

In cities, there is a significant change in the level of EMF intensity during the day: during the day, during the operation of industrial and municipal enterprises, it increases, and in the evening it decreases. Daily fluctuations in artificial EMF dramatically change the electromagnetic environment of the city as a whole. Naturally, this does not go unnoticed for city residents, many of whom are exposed to EMFs at their workplaces. The main way to protect the population from the effects of external EMFs in a residential area is protection by distance, that is, there must be an appropriate sanitary protection zone between the EMF source and residential buildings. Another reliable way to protect the body from the harmful effects of EMF, the sources of which are household appliances and personal computers, is time protection. That is, the time spent working near such devices should be limited.

Noise in a residential environment. Austrian experts have found that human life expectancy is reduced by 10-12 years due to the noise of large cities. According to sanitary standards, noise in a residential area should be no more than 60 dB, and at night - no more than 40 dB. The limit value of noise that does not cause harmful consequences is 100 dB. However, on busy streets the noise often reaches 120-125 dB. But over the last decade alone, noise in large Russian cities has increased 10-15 times.

The noise “symphony” of a city consists of many factors: noise railways and the hum of airplanes, the roar of construction equipment, etc. The most powerful chords in it are the movement of vehicles, which, against the general background, produces up to 80% of the noise.

Noise seriously affects people's well-being and health. Thus, for many young people who listen to loud rock music, their hearing can be permanently damaged. However, noise harms more than just your hearing. A number of studies show that noise can increase blood pressure and cause damage to the cardiovascular system. Excessive noise makes it difficult for students to learn the material, causing irritability, fatigue, and decreased productivity.

It has been proven that high level Noise generated by televisions and radios in the home interferes with the development of sensorimotor skills in children during the first two years of life. Constant exposure to loud sounds also impedes speech development and suppresses the exploratory instinct.

Statistics show that workers who are constantly in a noisy atmosphere are more likely to develop cardiac arrhythmia, vestibular disorders and other diseases. They more often complain of fatigue and increased irritability.

Against a background noise of approximately 70 dB, a person performing moderately complex operations makes twice as many errors as in the absence of this background. It has also been established that noticeable noise reduces the performance of people engaged in mental work by more than one and a half times, and in physical work by almost a third.

Of course, much in the fight against noise depends on us. For example, if you work in noisy industries, then it is advisable to wear sound-absorbing headphones. If there is a strong source of noise inside the building, the walls and ceiling can be lined with sound-absorbing material, such as polystyrene foam. If you live in a house located on a street with heavy traffic, then during rush hours you should close the windows facing the street and open the windows facing the courtyard. And, of course, do not turn on television and radio equipment at full power, especially in the evening and at night.

To reduce noise in a residential area, the following principles must be observed:

Place low-rise buildings near noise sources;

Noise protection facilities should be built parallel to the transport highway;

Group residential properties into closed or semi-closed neighborhoods;

Buildings that do not require noise control (warehouses, garages, etc.) should be used as barriers to limit the spread of noise.

Vibration in living conditions.

Vibration as a factor in the human environment, along with noise, is one of the types of physical pollution that contributes to the deterioration of the living conditions of the urban population.

Vibrations in buildings can generate external sources(underground and surface transport, industrial enterprises), in-house equipment of built-in trade and public services enterprises. Vibration in an apartment is often caused by the operation of the elevator. In some cases, noticeable vibration is observed during construction work carried out near residential buildings. Vibrations of the floor, shaking of walls, furniture, etc., regularly repeated after 1.5-2 minutes. disrupt residents’ rest, interfere with household chores, and prevent them from concentrating on mental work. People living in such houses experience increased irritability and sleep disturbances. Most susceptible negative impact facial vibrations aged 31 to 40 years and with cardiovascular and nervous system.

The most important direction in solving the problem of limiting the adverse effects of vibration in residential conditions is the hygienic regulation of its permissible effects.

Currently, we can speak with confidence about the complex impact of a number of unfavorable factors that have led to a decrease in the defenses of the body of a city resident and increased susceptibility to various diseases. There is a connection between the geochemical structure of urban pollution and the state of public health, which can be traced at all stages - from the accumulation of pollutants and the occurrence of immunobiological changes in the body to an increase in morbidity. Being a function of many variables, the health of the urban population is an integral indicator of environmental quality.

2.3. Social dangers.

An unfavorable social situation arises as a result of epidemics, the resolution of social, interethnic and religious conflicts by non-parliamentary methods, the actions of gangs and groups, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the population, loss of life, destruction and destruction of material and cultural values.

The consequences of an unfavorable social situation in cities can be very different: from the emergence of hazardous living conditions during an epidemic to destruction, fires, the emergence of extensive foci of chemical, biological, radiation contamination, mass deaths during combat operations, during public unrest, terrorist attack

Crowds of people in cities are fertile ground for the emergence of interpersonal and group conflicts, worsening the criminal situation, and increasing the danger to human life and health. The number of crimes, terrorist acts, and riots is growing year by year. The growth rate of crime in cities is 4 times faster than the growth rate of their population

Radical and sometimes painful reforms in almost all spheres of life have given rise to a number of phenomena in cities that are becoming serious criminogenic factors. Among them:

Economic instability;

Increase in unemployment rate;

Increasing stratification of the population by income level;

Change in level public policy ideological attitudes in

regarding property, means of production and psychological

the unwillingness of many people to accept these changes;

Power deficit;

The manifestation of bureaucracy and the spread of corruption in the state


This obviously explains the high growth rates crime in recent years and, in particular, increasing cases of mass antisocial manifestations, often accompanied by grave consequences (murder, bodily harm, arson, pogroms, destruction of property, disobedience to authorities).

A serious social irritant and criminogenic factor are refugees, which are mainly concentrated in cities. Many of them, unable to cope with difficulties, begin to earn a living through illegal means, engaging in theft, robbery, robbery, and often organizing criminal communities for these purposes.

It is in large cities that various informal youth associations– metalheads, punks, fans, rockers, skinheads. Under certain conditions, the listed groups of young people can pose a real danger to people around them, and this should be taken into account in everyday life. Informal associations are the main participants in the violation of public order in public places, that is, in mass riots. One type of mass disorder is mass pogroms involving violence, arson, destruction of property, the use of firearms, explosives or explosive devices with armed resistance to government officials.

Another view - mass spectacles, also always carries an explosive danger. This applies to the greatest extent to rock music concerts, when the ecstasy of listeners, often pumped up on drugs, leads to sad consequences. Quite a large number of fans die in stadiums, despite the safety measures taken. Religious holidays are also often accompanied by human casualties. Potentially dangerous events also include demonstrations, political demonstrations, and national holidays.

The high degree of public danger for participants in mass spectacles is due to the fact of the existence of a large crowd of people that is difficult to control, facts of damage to property and harm to the health of citizens (and sometimes death), and disorganization of the activities of government and administrative bodies.

From the above we can conclude that any mass riots cause material and physical harm and disorganize the life of society.

A real threat security in modern society has become terrorism. Terrorism in all its forms has become one of the most dangerous socio-political and moral problems in terms of scale, unpredictability and consequences. Basically, any form of terrorism threatens the security of large cities and their population, entails huge political, economic and moral losses, having a strong impact on psychological pressure on people and taking everything away more lives innocent citizens.

Chapter 3. Security system.

Having considered the sources of danger in a modern city, it is necessary to name the services that help people cope with emergency situations. Speaking about the city's security system, it is necessary to emphasize that there are city and regional services.

Security services in the city:

Fire protection service (fire protection)

Law enforcement service (police)

Health service (ambulance)

Gas service

Main task fire service – having discovered a fire, localize it, save people in trouble and, of course, put out the fire. Firefighters use fire engines for different purposes: main, special and auxiliary. Each fire truck is assigned a combat crew consisting of a commander, driver and firefighters. Combat crews on main and special vehicles are called a squad. A squad constructed by a tanker truck, pumper truck, or pumper truck is the primary tactical unit of the fire department. The latter is capable of independently performing tasks of extinguishing fires, rescuing people, protecting and evacuating material assets.

The police are called upon to ensure the protection of public order, personal and other property, rights and legitimate interests of citizens, enterprises, organizations and institutions from criminal attacks and other antisocial actions. The most important tasks The police are the prevention and suppression of crimes and other antisocial actions, the rapid and complete detection of crimes, all possible assistance in eliminating the causes that give rise to crimes and other offenses.

Ensuring the safety of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads. entrusted to the road patrol service (DPS). The activities of the traffic police are aimed at carrying out measures to prevent and reduce the severity of road injuries, suppression of offenses in the field of road safety and are built in accordance with the principles of legality, humanism, respect for human rights and transparency.

Among the main tasks of the traffic police:

Supervision of compliance with traffic rules;

Traffic regulation;

Participation in maintaining public order and fighting crime;

Carrying out emergency actions at the scene of a road traffic accident

incidents, providing assistance to victims and evacuating them to

medical institutions;

Transportation of damaged vehicles from accident scene.

Ambulance has a team of doctors of various specialties, well-trained support staff, and a fleet of maneuverable cars. The main task of this service is to provide medical assistance to the victim and, if necessary, transport him to the nearest medical facility. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to competently assess the condition of the injured person (patient) and help him in a timely manner.

The main task of the emergency gas service is to detect and eliminate gas leaks resulting from an emergency or associated with improper operation of gas equipment.

It is very important, in the event of an accident or dangerous situation, to correctly remember the procedure for calling the appropriate service:

1. Pick up the phone and dial the desired number.

2. Provide the reason for the call.

3. State your first and last name.

4. Inform where to arrive and phone number.

District utilities include: water supply, electricity supply, gasification system, road service. In addition, each district is divided into microdistricts, where the operational departments operate elevator services, services for electrical networks, heating networks and sewer networks. Ensuring life safety is a fairly broad concept; this system should also include the sanitary and epidemiological service, the water rescue service, the regional headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations. The courts and the prosecutor's office stand guard over the honor and dignity of citizens, their property and housing inviolability.


Thus, analyzing the role of the city in human life, we see that human life in a modern city is potentially dangerous. Even without being born, while in the womb, a person is exposed to constantly existing and ongoing dangers of various nature. And from the moment of birth, dangers threaten the life and health of city dwellers much more than those of rural residents. This is due to the fact that human activity aimed at transforming nature and creating a comfortable artificial habitat, such as a city, often causes unforeseen consequences. All human actions and all components of the urban environment (primarily technical means and technologies) have the ability to generate, along with positive properties and results, dangerous and harmful factors. In this case, a new positive result is usually accompanied by a new potential danger.

Therefore, ensuring safety in the conditions of a modern city is the main task for city residents, enterprises, organizations and institutions. The solution to the problem of ensuring life safety is to ensure normal (comfortable) conditions for people’s activities, to protect people and their environment (urban, residential, industrial) from the effects of harmful factors exceeding regulatory acceptable levels. We can say that the task of ensuring the safety of human life in the city as a living environment is not to eliminate existing dangers, but to reduce the potential level of dangers and reduce the consequences of their actions. Realized in space and time, the dangers of the city threaten not only the individual, but also one or another social group.

How to achieve safety? The first and most important way is to increase the awareness of the people. Parents from childhood are obliged to teach their child to behave correctly in dangerous situations on the street, in city transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with dangerous objects and poisonous objects and toxic substances. Actively contribute to the formation of his fundamentals ecological culture And healthy image life.

In the middle educational institutions Teachers should pay special attention to the formation in the minds of children and adolescents of a heightened sense of personal and collective safety, instilling skills in recognizing and assessing dangers, as well as safe behavior in emergency situations at home, at school, and on the street.

To prevent dangers and protect against them, to develop the appropriate worldview and behavior of people, the science of “Life Safety” is used. Its goal is to develop knowledge and skills to protect life and health in dangerous and emergency situations, to eliminate consequences and provide self- and mutual assistance in the event of danger; a conscious and responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others; the ability to recognize and evaluate dangerous and harmful factors in the human environment, and find ways to protect against them.

“Life Safety” provides general safety literacy, being an integral integral part training a comprehensively developed personality.

List of used literature:

1. Life safety: Textbook for universities / L.A. Mikhailov, V.P. Solomin, A.L. Mikhailov, A.V. Starostenko et al. – St. Petersburg: Miter, ts007.

2. Life safety: Textbook. manual for universities / Ed. prof. L.A. Ant. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY – DANA, 2003.

3. Denisov V.V., Denisova I.A., Gutenev V.V., Montvila O.I. Life safety. Protection of the population and territories in emergency situations: Textbook. allowance. – Moscow: ICC “MarT”, Rostov n/a: Publishing Center “MarT”, 2003.

4. Mikryukov V.Yu. Life safety: Textbook / V.Yu. Mikryukov. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.

5. Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man: Proc. manual for universities, secondary schools and colleges. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional /Yu.V Novikov. – M.: FAIR PRESS, 2002.

It's no secret that the pace of urbanization in modern world become more and more impressive, and cities take over the entire large area. Over time, large cities absorb neighboring, smaller ones, and form megacities that amaze the imagination with their scale. Compared to rural areas and small settlements, cities make people’s lives more convenient, and most importantly, provide them with access to more interesting and profitable work, allow them to develop culturally, and get more quality education. But, at the same time, statistics inevitably evaluate any the city as a source of danger for its inhabitants. And if some risks are more or less common to any settlement, then others become relevant only in places of compact residence of a large number of people.

In the article "The City as a Source of Danger" we will consider the most significant threats that a person should be aware of in order to be prepared for any development of events, and, if possible, reduce the risks of the city in advance.

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