Dangerous situations in crowded places. Actions in case of fire. Behavior in case of fire. Rules of conduct in case of fire. How to get out of a crush

A number of researchers believe that the crowd is a special biological organism. It operates according to its own laws and does not always take into account the interests of individual components, including their safety.

Very often the crowd becomes more dangerous natural disaster or the accidents that created it. However, she is not looking alternative solutions and does not see the consequences of his decision, sometimes the main ones, as in a typical case of fires: a jump from a doomedly high height. A crowd can form in many cases, including when committing terrorist actions.
A crowd can be stopped by categorical commands, an ardent conviction that there is no danger, and even the threat of shooting alarmists, as well as a strong emotional brake or a miracle. It is among miracles that we should include cases when a strong strong-willed person, enjoying the trust of those gathered, managed to prevent a dramatic development of events.
Many special instructions strongly recommend physical suppression of the instigator of panic. Because it is immeasurably easier to stop the beginning psychological fire than to stop the crowd that has started to move.
The leader immediately needs to find assistants who must “cut through the crowd,” sometimes literally - holding hands and chanting.
Main psychological picture crowd looks like this:
Decreased intellectual level and increased emotional level.
A sharp increase in suggestibility and a decrease in the ability to think individually.
The crowd requires a leader or an object of hatred. She will gladly obey or destroy.
The crowd is capable of both terrible cruelty and self-sacrifice, including in relation to the leader himself.
The crowd quickly runs out of steam after achieving something. People divided into groups quickly come to their senses and change their behavior and assessment of what is happening.
In the life of a street (especially political-social) crowd, elements such as the first stone in a shop window and first blood are very important. These steps can take the crowd to a fundamentally different level of danger, where collective irresponsibility turns every member of the crowd into a criminal. You need to leave such a crowd immediately.
How to survive in a crowd? The best rule- go far around it!!! If this is not possible, do not go against the crowd under any circumstances. If you get carried away by the crowd, try to avoid both the center and the edge. Avoid anything stationary on the way, otherwise you might just get crushed. Do not cling to anything with your hands, they may break. If possible, buckle up. High heels can cost you your life, just like an untied shoelace. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc.
If something falls (anything), do not try to pick it up - life is more valuable. In a dense crowd, if you behave correctly, the likelihood of falling is not as great as the likelihood of being crushed. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your hands clasped, folded over your chest. Pushes from behind should be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm should be protected by tension of the arms.
The main task in the crowd is not to fall. But if you do fall, you need to protect your head with your hands and get up immediately. This is very difficult, but it can be done if you use this technique: quickly pull your legs towards you, group yourself and try to stand up with a jerk. It is unlikely that you will be able to rise from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be constantly knocked down. Therefore, you need to rest one foot (full sole) on the ground and sharply straighten up, using the movement of the crowd. But, nevertheless, it is very difficult to get up; preliminary protective measures are always more effective.
This universal rule, by the way, fully applies to the beginning of the “crowd” situation itself. At a concert or stadium, figure out in advance how you will exit (not necessarily the same way you entered). Try not to be near the stage, dressing room, etc. - in the “center of events”. Avoid walls (especially glass), partitions, and mesh. The tragedy at the stadium in Sheffield (England) showed that most of the dead were crushed by the crowd on the barrier walls.
If panic began due to a terrorist attack, do not rush to aggravate the chaos with your movement: do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to assess the situation and make the right decision.
To do this, use auto-training and express relaxation techniques. Here simple techniques, from which you need to choose the ones that are closest to you.
Even breathing helps to keep your behavior even. Take a few breaths in and out.
Look at something blue or imagine a rich blue background. Think about this for a second.
To bring down the beginning emotional confusion, you can address yourself by name (preferably out loud), for example: “Kolya, are you here?” And confidently answer yourself: “Yes, I’m here!!!”
Imagine yourself as a television camera, looking at everything a little from the side and from above. Assess your situation as an outsider: what would you do if you were this person?
Change your sense of scale. Look at the eternal clouds. Smile forcefully, knock down fear with an unexpected thought or memory.
If the crowd is dense but motionless, you can try to get out of it using psychosocial techniques, for example, pretending to be sick, drunk, crazy, pretending to be sick, and so on. In short, you need to force yourself to maintain composure, be informed and improvise.

So, you are sitting relaxed in a chair in a movie theater or at a concert, and suddenly an emergency occurs. The same external factor. Fire, explosion, armed aggression by a group of terrorists, or simply shouts about a fire, explosion or aggression. The people in the auditorium were at first dumbfounded, then moved and swayed towards the exits, creating the preconditions for a crush and crush.

Those in the rear, fearing to be farthest from the saving door and closest to danger (which they often don’t even see), pressed on those in front. The front ones hit the walls, a crush and a crush formed. The exact word is crush. Neither add nor subtract. You, of course, are confused and scared - the transition from relaxation to threat was too sudden. I really want to jump up and run with everyone, no matter where, as long as it’s from here. But here you are wrong. It is very important where, and also important when.

If you decide to run away, then try to be the first, while the aisles are still clear, while the bulk of people are still getting out of the rows of chairs, before they have turned into and remember the norms of universal morality, and have not used their elbows and fists. Then this morality will be crushed, crushed and trampled under thousands of feet. Your main task is not to find yourself in a tidal wave that has gained power. If you did not manage to get into the first ranks of fleeing people and if there is no obvious danger, try to wait until the main flow of those fleeing subsides. I understand, it's hard not to give in. How can it be that everyone is running, and you are waiting for something. It's a shame! Still, try to pacify your fear.

In a huge number of cases, the crush of masses of people in narrow passages can be much more dangerous than the threat itself that caused panic. There is only one case where it makes sense to put your life in danger by rushing into a panicked crowd - during a rapidly spreading fire. Before throwing, get rid of all piercing, cutting, glass and simply bulky objects protruding from your pockets that could cause pain to you and those around you. There are any number of cases where victims were cut with their own keys or scissors sticking out of a cosmetic bag.

Imagine for a second what will happen to your ribs if your own plump notebook or wallet is pressed into them with enormous force. The bones will at least withstand uniform pressure, but not always point pressure. What if, between the same ribs, a ballpoint pen inserted across the body, sharp as a dagger, enters the body? In short, don't be greedy, throw things in as a last resort remember where you left them, then, when everything is completed, you will return and find them. Take off your glasses if you don't want them pressed into your eyes. Remove the earrings - they will still be torn out in the general commotion, but this time along with the ears.

Get rid of bulky, long, too loose clothing, full of protruding parts that cling to anything - hooks, buttons, ties, etc. - clothes. Be sure to remove ties, scarves, decorative scarves, chains, beads, and crosses worn on a strong chain from your neck. Such items of your wardrobe become deadly in a crowd and crush. It is enough to catch them on some stationary object or loved one, so that they play the role of an instant noose tightening the throat.

It is unlikely that you will be able to pull your hands out of the compressed mass of people in order to relieve the pressure of the noose. And even more so, you will not be able to slow down the movement of this crowd in a crush in order to remove a scarf from a random nail on the wall. Tie your shoe laces tightly. Everyone usually forgets about this when rushing to attack the doors. Don't make a bow - tie dead knots! If someone in a crowd of people steps on your loose shoelace, you may fall, and this is a guaranteed death. And, of course, throw away your shoulder bags.

You also need to enter the crowd wisely. It is well known that the most dangerous place in the crowd and crush leaving the building through narrow doors - from the edge. People who find themselves in a crush there are sometimes simply in literally words are smeared across walls and door frames. Any protrusion, socket, switch, random screw or nail can cut a person dragged along the wall, no worse than a bandit’s knife. Therefore, the main task of a person joining a crowd in a flea market is to get as far away from its edge as possible.

This can be done either by going back a little, where it is more rarefied, in order to get into one of the central jets, or by “going over the heads.” Alas, no matter how immoral this advice, from the point of view of physical survival, it is absolutely correct. The freest space in a pressed crowd, crush and crush, is naturally at the top. And people in a crowd are so squeezed, so grounded to each other that it is possible to walk on them, on their shoulders and heads, like, excuse me, on a cobblestone street, in full height. And there are examples to support this.

Naturally, I don’t encourage you to trample the tops of other people’s heads with your heels, but I advise you to “lie down” on the crowd. To do this, you need to jump onto the outer rows and crawl on your bellies or roll over to the place that you have chosen, and there you will already fit into the mass of people. And if it doesn’t work out, then continue to sail on other people’s heads. The only thing I can’t promise you is that you won’t be disturbed from below with blows, pushes or pinches. But you can endure it, it’s not as deadly as rubbing it on the walls. This technique can be especially recommended in cases where you have a young child in your arms.

To drag him into the crowd would be to put his life in mortal danger. Children's ribs are not able to withstand such a load as adults, and with strong shocks they can break, which, in conditions of general compression, leads to the collapse of the lungs, which are not protected by the skeleton of the skeleton, and the inability to take the next breath. It is equally dangerous for a child, because of his small stature, to end up below, near the floor, where, perhaps, there is a little more freedom, but it is very easy to fall under the heels of thousands of feet walking by. The safest place is overhead. There are cases when mothers simply threw their children on top of the crowd and thereby saved them from death.

Sometimes parents sit the child on their shoulders and in this position join the flow of people. In a gradually thickening, petrifying crowd, when the way up is closed, parents should try, turning face to face and leaning against each other with their elbows bent and hands pressed to the body, to place the child between them. The classic pose so beloved by painters, photographers and filmmakers - a mother clasping her child in danger with her arms - is useless and even dangerous in a crowd and crush. The mother does not have the strength to hold back the pressure of people pressing from all sides with her hands, no matter how hard she tries.

One should strive to use one’s hands, and indeed the whole body, in such a way that, having accepted the pressure of people on oneself, one should form a relatively safe niche for one’s child. You should not grab the child, thereby effectively depriving yourself of the opportunity to use your arms pressed against his body, but put your arms forward, wedging them between the people standing behind and in front. Bones in the longitudinal axis are much stronger than in the transverse axis. This is what you should use. Have time to complete all preparatory actions: protect children, take the safest position, get rid of dangerous things, etc. - in advance.

Don't let the initial sparseness of the human flow fool you. As you approach the exit door, the pressure (due to the funnel effect) will increase. And when you realize it, it will be too late, your hands will be tightly pressed to your body. Everything that you can do to save yourself in the crowd, you must do before it is “pressed”. If you find yourself in the first ranks of fleeing people, try to open the second door, if it is locked, before the crowd arrives. Then it will be more difficult to do.

And yet, the best way to avoid possible death in the crowd running out of the room and the crush and crush created is not to get into it. To do this, do not be too lazy, while in a cinema, sports palace or stadium, to outline possible escape routes in advance. I don’t encourage you to study the emergency evacuation diagrams that are usually posted in prominent places on the walls (although that would be very nice, that’s why they hang to be looked at), but at least pay attention to the doors you meet along the way, over which there is a sign. “Emergency exit” sign or the red lamp is on.

It has been noticed that most people, in case of danger, try to get out the same way they came. As a result, a crush forms at the entrance doors, while the approaches to the spare doors are quite free. If you find out in advance where they are located, you will not have to push elbows, defending your right to life with inhumane methods. This is one of the most important rules of survival, which says: when you go somewhere, think about how you will get out of there. It directly concerns both climbers storming a high-altitude peak and ordinary mortals who went to the cinema to watch a new film for a couple of hours. The rules of survival do not depend on the location.

In milder cases of unorganized crowds that can form in crowded places - at concerts, circus performances, sports and similar events, for safety reasons, especially if you are with children, you should avoid spaces near the stage where art fans can arrange a spontaneous crush, approaches to the wardrobes, where crowds of spectators rush after each other after the performance, entrance doors, close public transport stops. It’s better to go out and get on the bus a little later, but in one piece, than in the front rows, but with a spoiled mood and appearance.

Based on materials from the book “School of Survival in Accidents and Natural Disasters.”
Andrey Ilyichev.

There are about a hundred shark attacks on humans every year; about 10% of these cases are fatal. How to avoid being attacked by a sea predator? It’s as simple as that – don’t swim in prohibited places. The human crowd is the same as sharks. Over the past hundred years, more than thirty episodes of mass stampedes have been recorded, in which from thirty to one and a half thousand people died at a time. Do you want to survive in the crowd? Just stay away.

Anton Farb

It’s easy to give advice, but it’s almost impossible to follow the advice. We do not live in the steppe or forest, but in the city, and willy-nilly we find ourselves in crowds every day at least twice - in the morning and evening rush hours. A metro platform, a bus stop, a street, any concert or sports match - we are constantly surrounded by many people united by one goal - to be here and right now.

The crowd itself - static, waiting for something, or dynamic, moving in a certain direction - is, in principle, not very dangerous. But any threat (real or simply loudly voiced - “Fire!”, “Bomb!”, “They are coming!”, “There is not enough for everyone!”) can instantly change the situation. A calm crowd instantly becomes aggressive, a static crowd becomes panicky, and a deliberately expressive crowd becomes almost revolutionary.

Between 1809 and 2015, there were about forty stampedes worldwide with more than 100 deaths and four with close to 1,000 victims. 1. May 18, 1896: stampede on Khodynka Field (Moscow). Deaths: from 1389 to 2000 people. During the public festivities on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II, more than 500,000 people gathered. When a rumor spread in the crowd that there weren’t enough royal gifts (gingerbreads, mugs, sweets) for everyone, a stampede began; the distributors, fearing for their stalls, began throwing gifts into the crowd, which only worsened the situation.

Crowd architecture

Before moving on to the dangers threatening in a crowd, let's understand its architecture and psychology. If you look at the crowd from a bird's eye view - for example, from a camera on a quadcopter - three main elements can be identified:

1) the core of the crowd is the place where the number of people is square meter reaches its maximum. Most often there is one core - a concert stage, a political platform, the edge of a platform; sometimes there are several cores in a crowd - multiple narrow passages, stadium ticket offices, security checkpoints;

2) the middle zone - there is already a crowd, but not yet so dense as to be dangerous; the movement of people in the middle zone mainly occurs towards the core;

3) the periphery, the outskirts of the crowd, where people are just about to join it - or are trying to get out of the crowd.

This division, of course, is conditional - in a confined space, for example during a fire in a nightclub, the core can occupy the entire available area.

2. March 6, 1953: stampede at Stalin’s funeral (Moscow). Killed: from 100 to 2000 people. The stampede occurred during a funeral in the Trubnaya Square area. All information about it is still strictly classified, so the exact number of deaths is impossible to establish.

It would seem that the safest place is the periphery, but this is partly misleading. If the crowd is limited by buildings, cars, fences, and landscape features, then people located in a relatively sparse periphery can instantly find themselves crushed by all of the above. The core of the crowd is capable of moving at a fairly high speed; Here you are standing calmly against the wall, but now you are being pressed against this wall by a couple of thousand people at once. Therefore, if you happen to find yourself in a crowd, stick to the middle lane - there is more room for maneuver.

Principles of Survival

When moving in a crowd, do not go against the flow of people, this is a pointless idea. Adhering to the general direction of movement, take it a little to the side, towards the exit, if there is one. Don't push people aside, they have nowhere to move. It's better to change places with them. While the crowd is relatively calm, use verbal means: “excuse me, please allow me to pass.” If this does not help, move on to the manual ones, grab the person by the clothes and pull him towards you, at the same time taking his place, not forgetting to apologize intensively.

3. October 20, 1982: tragedy at Luzhniki (Moscow). Killed: 66 people. The largest sports crush in the USSR occurred at the 1/16 UEFA Cup match between Spartak and the Dutch Haarlem. The tragedy happened at the end of the match due to poor organization of the exit from the crowded stadium.

If you find yourself in a crowd not alone - but, for example, with a child, a woman, a friend - there is an unpleasant prospect of being separated from each other. No amount of “give me your hand” will help. A small child - in your arms. If he is old enough, put him in the “reserve parachute” position: put him on his chest, let him wrap his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist. We press an adult to your back, with one hand he holds you by the belt buckle or clothing in the abdomen area, with one hand you control and strengthen this grip. Equality when leaving the crowd is canceled; one leads, the other follows, pressing close. This is how bodyguards evacuate the protected person. If you can’t send your friend behind your back, at least lock your elbows.

Before you try to get out of the crowd, or better yet, before you get into it, button up your outerwear and all pockets, tuck a scarf under your jacket, remove the hood, lace up your boots. Hide anything that you can get caught on or get grabbed.

4. July 2, 1990: tragedy in the pedestrian tunnel in Mecca. Deaths: 1425 people. The largest crush during the traditional Hajj. No hajj is complete without casualties, but 1990 broke all records. In 45-degree heat, several thousand pilgrims streamed into the cooled tunnel linking Mecca with the pilgrim camp at Mina. The tunnel's capacity was exceeded five times, and many suffocated due to the fans stopping.

The main thing is not to panic under any circumstances, they will do it without your participation. While possible, try to be as polite as possible and do not escalate the situation. In the crowd, the mood changes towards deterioration - hit, run, save! - happens very quickly. It’s not architecture that’s at work here, but psychology.

Psychological effect

All researchers, starting with Gustave Le Bon, the author of the fundamental works “Psychology of Peoples and Masses” and “Psychology of Crowds,” reduce the psychology of the crowd to three phenomena: homogeneity, emotionality and irrationality.

As soon as many people gather in one place, a contagion effect occurs - the mood or aspirations of a few people very quickly spread to everyone else, like an infectious disease. Mechanical spread of mood is also found in everyday life- start yawning, and those around you will pick it up. In a crowd this happens much faster and stronger. The effect of contagion is best formulated by the phrase “everyone ran - and I ran.” Man is a pack animal, and the “follow everyone else” algorithm is evolutionarily embedded in our survival instincts.

Sometimes this can work to your advantage. This is how Hakob Nazaretyan describes the rational use of the contagion effect in the book “Psychology of Spontaneous Mass Behavior”: “Here is a textbook case from the pre-war life of Europe. In 1938, a small fire broke out in the stands of the Paris National Velodrome at the end of the competition. The staff managed to quickly contain the fire, but ten thousand spectators were already moving towards the the only way out. The situation threatened to become deadly. By luck, there were two psychologists in the crowd who were able to find their bearings in time and began loudly chanting: “Ne-pousse-pas!” (“Don’t push!” - Don’t push!). The rhythm was picked up by those around him, and it went through the crowd like a wave. Within minutes, thousands of people were chanting this phrase in unison; the crowd turned expressive, fear and fuss gave way to general enthusiasm, and everyone safely left the stands.”

5. May 30, 1999: tragedy on Nemiga (Minsk). Killed: 53 people. During the Minsk beer festival, heavy rain and hail began to fall, and the crowd rushed into a narrow underground passage. There was a crush on the descent; Most of the dead were young people between 14 and 20 years old.

Alas, people are most quickly infected by fear and anger. As soon as someone yelled “Run!” - everyone will run, not fully realizing where and why. Therefore, it is very dangerous to try to climb somewhere higher in a crowd - on a lamppost or the roof of a car. Almost certainly others will immediately climb after you, there won’t be enough space for everyone, and you will fall. But getting under the truck is a good idea; they won’t push you out of there.

Unfortunately, the crowd as a single organism does not have intelligence, and herd behavior can easily lead people to death. When a crowd panics or becomes aggressive, the masses of people begin to move, which most closely resembles the flow of water - fast and along the path of least resistance. When encountering an obstacle, the crowd either splits up, going around it, or tries to rush over it, as a result of which a stampede begins.

6. November 22, 2010: stampede in Phnom Penh. Deaths: 456 people. During the closing of the traditional Cambodian holiday, Water Day, several thousand people gathered on the narrow bridge over the Tonle Sap River. Most of the dead drowned, being thrown from the bridge as a result of the stampede.

Don't fall!

There are two main dangers in a crowd - being crushed or trampled. Both of these threats involve bodily harm of varying severity - from a concussion and multiple bruises to a spinal fracture, pneumothorax and internal hemorrhages leading to exitus letalis.

The first danger is that they will run you over! - in medical language it is called compression asphyxia, or, simply put, suffocation from compression. Unlike classic suffocation associated with damage to the respiratory tract, with strong compression from all sides, a person’s blood circulation is disrupted, venous blood does not enter the lungs, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, and pulmonary edema begins; rib fractures and ruptures are also possible internal organs. According to statistics, people die from compression asphyxiation in a crowd more people than from all other injuries.

7. January 1, 2013: stampede at the Houphouet-Boigny stadium (Abidjan). Killed: 61 people. A crush occurred at the exit from the stadium, where New Year's festivities and fireworks were being launched. Most of the dead are children.

How to escape from this? If you are squeezed so tightly on all sides that it becomes difficult to breathe, do not try to push those around you and win living space for yourself - it won’t work anyway. It’s better to take your right lapel with your left hand (or vice versa, this is not important) and put your elbow forward. Now there is ten centimeters of free space in front of your chest, you can breathe calmly and look for ways to get out of here as quickly as possible.

The second danger is that they will trample you! — connected, of course, with falling in the crowd. Falling in a running crowd is the worst thing that can happen. Panicking or aggressive people will run straight at you, trampling you into the ground. Even if someone decides to stop, he won’t succeed, the crowd is stronger.

Once you fall, assume the fetal position. They turned over on their backs and hid their spine and kidneys. The chin is pressed tightly to the chest so as not to hit the back of the head on the asphalt. The hands are folded in front of the face, the knees are drawn up to the elbows, and the legs are tightly squeezed to cover the groin. You won't be able to lie there for long, so you have to get up.

In order to stand in a crowd, you need to grab the nearest leg of any person walking on you or next to you and begin to very quickly and aggressively climb up that leg, taking into account attempts to shake you back. Climb up like a monkey up a tree. It is quite possible that this person will fall in the process. Let's hope that he also read this article and will be able to stand up.

Swim with sharks

If you know you're going to be in a crowd and suspect it won't end well, prepare in advance. Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return; specify the time after which they should start looking for you. Take your passport or a photocopy of it with you. Please indicate your phone numbers on a separate piece of cardboard included in your passport. immediate family, your blood type, any allergies to medications. After mass stampedes Emergency hospitals will be overloaded, and you will at least make the doctors' job a little easier. Before entering the crowd, study the area thoroughly. Where will everyone run? Where might the danger come from? Where can you hide and wait out? Where should you go?

And - most importantly - once you find yourself in a crowd, do not become part of it. Don't give in to the general mood. Avoid the contagion effect. Don't chant or chant anything. Maintain mental hygiene. It's as easy to pick up on mass hysteria as it is on a haunting song. Constantly repeat to yourself - you need to get out of here, it’s too dangerous here!

Remember: a crowd is a place of increased danger. What does a real ninja do when he feels danger? A real ninja doesn't leave home. Take care of yourself!

The danger of crowds and human behavior in a crowd

Almost all people love mass celebrations and various social events. And that's great. Such events, as a rule, bring people together, give them joy, an interesting and unusual pastime, and new and interesting acquaintances. However, few people think that attending public celebrations is not always safe.

The fact is that a large crowd of people during mass events in itself leads to an increase in danger. And for a large number of ordinary people to turn into a dangerous crowd with all the ensuing consequences, not many factors are required. In order for the mass of people to become “explosive,” to panic, a kind of psychological detonator is needed, which can be improperly organized ways of moving people, and as a result, a crush of people, panic rumors, fear caused by a fire or other disaster, hysteria caused by a rally or mass protest, etc....

Crowd - an unstructured aggregation of people lacking a clearly perceived commonality of goals, but mutually connected by similarity emotional state And common object attention.

A crowd is often a public, which refers to a large group of people arising out of common interests, often without any organization, but always in a situation that affects common interests and allows for rational discussion;

Crush occurs when moving large quantities crowded people. In an effort to get ahead of others, people squeeze between their neighbors or even simply push those in front.

This adds up to a lot of pressure in a narrow area of ​​crowd movement, which forces the crowd to move at high speeds in this area. When someone falls, those following him are forced to either fall or walk over the bodies of those who have fallen, which leads to death or serious injury.

The mechanism of the stampede is quite complex and very much depends on the various circumstances of each specific case. A traumatic factor can be the mass of people itself, dynamically or statically, as well as all sorts of obstacles that interfere with free movement. Even in a motionless crowd, wave processes can occur, the “domino principle” can be triggered. During the tragedy in Minsk (1999), for example, some of those who fell were literally stabbed to death by women's high-heeled shoes.

Very often, squeezing people in a crowd leads to death, since acute oxygen starvation occurs in the body, due to partial or complete cessation of air access to the respiratory tract and lungs, caused by various mechanical obstacles, namely from compression of the chest and abdomen, in medicine this the phenomenon is called compression asphyxia. As a rule, compression asphyxia occurs acutely, ending in death (if asphyxia is not interrupted) within 6-8 minutes . In severely weakened individuals, in patients with, for example, coronary heart disease, death can occur in the first minutes.

Rules of conduct in a crowd

Social psychologists highlight several simple recommendations for safety in crowds: do not go against the crowd; if necessary, cross the crowd (cross it tangentially or diagonally, while following the movement of the checkers piece); do not look into the eyes of people in the crowd and do not move with your eyes down on the ground (moving with your eyes down is the movement of the victim). The gaze should be directed just below the face, including the so-called peripheral vision. This view will allow you to monitor the whole situation without fixating on individual details.

You should remember the exit points and the paths to them, because those who know where the nearest exit is have a greater chance of being saved. It is especially important to rush to him before the crowd begins to move. However, when the crowd gathered full force, an attempt to move through its thickness can have the most negative consequences. Panic in a crowd is very dangerous. Experts believe that the most reasonable thing to do is to wait until the main flow subsides. In their opinion, rushing into narrow passages when the crowd has already gained strength is permissible only in the event of a fire, which also spreads very quickly, or when, as a result of extensive combustion of plastic materials and coatings in the hall, a “gas chamber” is formed.

You have to watch out for walls and narrow doorways. To do this you need to try:

Getting into the “main stream”, which, however, is also unsafe;

Go back a little, where it’s still more free;

Try to lie on top of the stream of people and, rolling or crawling on your bellies, make your way to a less crowded place. This is especially true when saving children: often this technique is the only hope. A child simply cannot survive in a maddened crowd of adults, if only due to his size. Therefore, if you have the strength, it is better to put the child on your shoulders and move on. Or two adults can, facing each other, create a kind of protective capsule for the child from their bodies and hands.

If it’s impossible to wait, then rush into the crowd, but headlong, and at the same time, be sure to empty your pockets as much as possible (even better - completely), since almost any object under enormous pressure in the middle of the crowd can cause serious injury not only to yourself, but and any of the people around you.

It is necessary to take off long, too loose clothing, which is also equipped with metal parts, as well as anything that can compress the neck, i.e. jacket lacing, tie, medallion on a cord, pectoral cross on a chain, any jewelry and costume jewelry. The arms should not be pressed to the body, they should be bent at the elbows, the fists pointing upward, then the arms can protect the chest. You can also clasp your palms in front of your chest.

A street crowd is generally considered not as dangerous as in a confined space. However, psychologists do not agree with this, believing that the street crowd more often acts as a carrier of aggressive moods and that in terms of the number of intentional victims, the street crowd exceeds the crowd in a confined space.

In general, the rules of conduct during mass street gatherings are almost no different from those given above, but still have their own characteristics. The first rule is: Do not join the crowd, no matter how much you want to see the events taking place. If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it. When a crowd approaches, it is necessary to retreat to side streets and alleys, also using passage yards. Some survival manuals also recommend that, if it is impossible to escape to neighboring streets, use entrances through which you can climb to the roofs of houses as shelter. But the entrances may be closed (which is most often in lately and it happens). Then the same manuals recommend breaking the windows of apartments located on the first floors and entering the entrances through them.

If you find yourself in a moving crowd, you must stay away from any walls or ledges. All kinds of metal gratings are especially dangerous in these cases. If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, free yourself from any burden, especially from your shoulder bag and scarf. Clothing should be comfortable, tightly fitting, preferably a sporty type (the same applies to shoes, which should be tightly laced). On the street, you should stay at the edge of the crowd, and not rush into the thick of things.

While knowing the location of the nearest emergency exits can be useful in an enclosed area, knowing the topography of the area can be just as useful in an open area. There is no need to try to resist the spontaneous movement of the crowd, or cling to walls or lampposts.

You can't stop and try to lift anything. Also, any injury received should not cause a stop. If you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or toes for at least a moment. You need to get up in the direction of the crowd. If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.

If there are still people in the crowd who have not lost their heads and are able to protect children and women, then it is quite possible to organize joint actions and sooner or later get out of the dense crowd. To do this, line up in a wedge, inside which you place children and women, and then, pushing apart the scattered people around you, drift to the side.

You can drift in a crowd like a ship on a river. Assess the direction in advance and move purposefully along it.

When people come to a concert or any other festive event As a rule, they behave calmly and peacefully, looking forward to having a good time. At the same time, without rushing, they politely let each other through at the entrance. And as soon as this event ends, everyone immediately leaves their seats and quickly moves towards the exit. As a rule, this results in a large influx of people and a traffic jam forms. It also happens that the movement of people changes from orderly to spontaneous.

There have been cases in history when large numbers of people died in spontaneous crowded stampedes. A striking example of such tragedies is the coronation of Nicholas II, when a crowd of thousands moved to the place where refreshments were distributed on Khodynskoye Field. Then, several thousand people were injured and killed in the stampede. In the people's memory, Stalin's funeral was also imprinted by the monstrous stampede on Trubnaya Square - not only people died in the stampede, but also the horses on which the police were sitting.

Rules of conduct in a crowd (1).

If a crowd forms at the normal end of an event, it is usually peaceful. In this case, it is better to simply wait until its density is discharged, the flow of people subsides, and then calmly leave the half-empty territory. If you are in a hurry, it is better to go to the exit in advance and leave first immediately after the end of the holiday show.

If you suddenly find yourself in a tightly packed crowd, do not resist the movement, try to move away from the center, but do not walk completely along the edge, while trying to avoid protruding objects, pillars, columns, glass display cases, as well as standing strollers or cabinets. And don’t grab them under any circumstances.

Do not take large amounts of money or valuables with you to crowded events.

Shoes should be comfortable and tight-fitting, and women should wear flat shoes.

If you drop something, don't bend over to pick it up. People following you may trip over you and fall on top of you.

You should not be wearing sharp objects (brooches, protruding hairpins), and you should not wear a tie or neck scarf.

It is advisable not to take children into large crowds of people, and if you find yourself with a child, then take him in your arms or around your neck. Explain to your child in advance, depending on his age, what to do if he gets lost. A small child should know his first and last name, the names of his parents and address, and as soon as his parents are discovered missing, he should loudly call for help. Discuss with an older child a place where you will meet if you lose sight of each other. The child must know the rules of behavior in a crowd.

It is necessary to know by heart one or two mobile phone numbers of your loved ones in case you have lost your phone in the crowd, and suddenly it becomes possible to call and inform your family about your whereabouts or arrange a meeting in a certain place.

Rules of conduct in a crowd (2).

The very first and most important rule– try to avoid large crowds of people whenever possible. If you did not succeed, then:

When the crowd approaches


Quickly go into side streets and alleys, including through courtyards;

Enter the entrances or climb onto the canopies of the entrances;

it is forbidden:

Run away from the crowd in the direction it is moving;

Go into dead-end, narrowing and dug-up streets.

If you find yourself in a crowd:

The main thing you should not do is to offer physical resistance, try to hold back your neighbors, grab random stationary objects, try to slow down the general movement;

In this situation, you should not resist, but try to orient yourself and outline a tendency to move to the side, then, as a rule, the flow itself will carry the person to the periphery;

Group yourself, straighten your shoulders, spread your elbows, you can put your hands in front of your chest with your fingers clasped and try to “squeeze out” above the crowd, the most important thing is to protect your chest from compression and try not to fall;

Parents should try, turning face to face and leaning against each other, with their elbows bent and their arms pressed to the body, to place the child between them (if there is only one parent, lift the child above them);

Get rid of sharp, cutting and piercing objects, scarves, ties, chains;

Try, as long as possible, to stand on the ground with both feet - it’s more stable, get rid of unstable shoes with high heels, do not bend down to pick up dropped things;

The main task of a person caught in a crowd is to get as far away from its edge as possible;

If you do fall, group yourself (pull your knees to your stomach, tilt your head to your chest, clasp it with your arms, covering your sides with your elbows), at the same time look for a support point, having found it, try to rise quickly and sharply.

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