Political and geographical position of Latvia. Geographical location. Relief. Sciences and humanities

Completed by: 4th year EHF student
Makarova Maria Yurievna

Economic-geographical location

Latvia is located on the coast
Baltic Sea, occupies the central
situation in the region. Its frost-free
ports (Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja) always
played the role of the western gate for
foreign economic activity
eastern neighbors - Russia and Belarus.

Natural resource potential

Among natural resources peat can be distinguished in Latvia,
limestone, dolomite, amber, as well as forests and numerous
arable land.
Many rocks of glacial and post-glacial
origin are widely used in the national economy.
Boulders of crystalline rocks - ready for construction
material for building foundations and their cladding,
construction of embankments and dams. Chipped boulder pieces
used to build barns, sheds and other
utility rooms. Crushed stone from boulders is needed in road
construction and for the production of concrete. The largest
boulders are protected natural objects. Sand, gravel and
pebbles are widely used, we cannot do without them
construction of roads, dams and dams, preparation
binder mortar needed when laying walls.

There are healing muds and mineral waters in Latvia. Mud
are available near Lake Liepājas, in Ķemeri and Baldone,
hydrogen sulfide mineral waters - in Kemeri and Baldone;
chloride - in Valmiera, Daugavpils, near Cesis;
ferruginous - in Sigulda, Daugavpils.
Forest is one of natural resources Latvia. During Soviet times
logging was strictly regulated. Felling in
suburban areas, in a kilometer strip along the Daugava rivers,
Gauja, Lielupe, Venta, on dunes and steep slopes. On the spot
During planned fellings, reforestation was required.
Today, almost all of these restrictions have been lifted. Number of forests in
Latvia's population has decreased significantly over the past ten years.


Latvia is the most multinational of the Baltic republics:
its population in 2016 was 1 million 948 thousand 100
people, including Latvians - 57.7%, Russians - 29.6%, Belarusians
- 4.1%, Ukrainians - 2.7%, Poles - 2.5%, Lithuanians - 1.4%. At the same time
Latvians live mainly in rural areas, in
in large cities there are a minority of them (in Riga, for example, no more than 40%, and in
Daugavpils - 14%).
75% of residents have citizenship; Latvians are citizens
make up 99.6%, among Russians - 42%, among Belarusians - 22.4%,
among Ukrainians - 29.1%, among Poles - 65.6%, among Lithuanians -
The majority of the population professes Protestantism, 24% -
Catholicism, 9% - Orthodoxy. There are other religious
groups: Judaists, Baptists and Old Believers. Latvian language belongs to
Baltic group of the Indo-European family.


1.Food -- 33% (440 million Ls)
2. Metalworking and mechanical engineering 20% ​​(267 million Ls)
3. Woodworking - 18% (240 million Ls)
4. Construction materials - 5% (67 million Ls)
5. Chemical and pharmaceutical - 5% (67
million Ls)
6. Light - 4% (53 million Ls)

Food industry

Among the most important enterprises in the industry
can be called Latvijas Balzams, Jaunalko, Cēsu
alus, Aldaris, Putnu factory Ķekava, Lielzeltiņi,
Laima, Staburadze, Rigas piena kombināts,
Valmieras piens, Rigas piensaimnieks, Rigas
miesnieks, Rēzeknes gaļas kombināts, Kurzemes
gaļsaimnieks, Karavela, Gamma-A, Brivais vilnis,
Dobeles dzirnavnieks, Antaris, Rīgas dzirnavnieks,
Aloja-starkelsen, Cido grupa, Balticovo, Puratos,
Spilve, etc.

Clothing and textile production

Among the largest industry
businesses need to mention Ogres
trikotāža, Kwintet Production, Dinaburga Teks,
66 North Baltic, Rita, Lauma Fabrics, Mežroze,
New Rosme, Lauma Lingerie, V.O.V.A..

10. Woodworking

The most important wood processing
Latvian enterprises – Bolderaja LTD, Latvijas
Finieris, Kurekss, Stora Enso Latvija, Verems,
Gaujas koks, Pata AB, BSW, Latsin, etc.

11. Production of paper and paper products

Among the largest Latvian
manufacturers in this area - Tetra Pak,
Papīrfabrika Ligatne, Stora Enso Packaging and

12. Printing

The largest industry enterprises –
Livonia Print, Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala,
Jelgavas tipogrāfija, Unitedpress tipogrāfija,
Dardedze hologrāfija, Zvaigzne ABC, Jāņa sēta,
publishers of newspapers and magazines.

13. Chemical industry

Among the largest enterprises
the chemical industry should
mention Biolar, Spodrība, Riga
paint factory, Jaunpagasts plus,
AGA, Tenachem, Bio-Venta, Stenders, Elme
Messer, Dzintars, PPE serviss.

14. Production of rubber and plastic products

The largest enterprises are Evopipes,
Rotons, Poliurs, Baltijas gumijas factory,
Sunningdale Tech, Fedak-Films, HGF Riga.

15. Production of building materials

To the most significant enterprises of this
industry can be attributed to Valmieras stikla
šķiedra, Tenapors, Axon Cable, Glaskek,
Cemex, Knauf, Sakret, Lode, Mobil asfalts,
Dzelzbetons MB, Nexis Fibers.

16. Production of metals and products made from them

among large metal processors
should be mentioned Dinex Latvia, AKG
Thermotechnik Lettland, Leax Baltix, Malmar
Sheet Metal, Vikom, S.B.C., East Metal,
Izoterms, Valpro, Belmast, Lyngson, Ardagh
Metal Packaging, KMM metals, Krasainie
lējumi, Fonekss metals, Tolmets, Dīlers, Arta-F
and others.

17. Production of electronic and electrical equipment and mechanisms

The largest enterprises in the industry – SAF
tehnika, Mikrotīkls, Rebir, Jauda, ​​Riga
Electrical machine building plant, Hanzas
elektronika, Rikon, drive chain plant
Ditton, Sidrabe, Volburg.

18. Vehicle production

Among the largest enterprises we mention
Riga Shipyard, AMO Plant,
Daugavpils locomotive repair shop
factory, Bucher Schoerling Baltic, Zieglera

19. Furniture production

The largest furniture manufacturers in
Latvia – these are Avoti SWF, Daiļrade koks, Elīza-K,
Pinus GB and others.

20. Agriculture

Leading directions agriculture countries are
beef and dairy cattle breeding, as well as bacon pig breeding.
Sheep and poultry are also raised here.
Latvian agriculture employs about 18% of the economy
active population. For agricultural land
accounts for about 25% of the country's territory.
The country's total agricultural land area is 2.57
million hectares In Latvia, oats, rye, wheat, potatoes,
sugar beets, vegetables and flax. Barley is also grown, which
used as raw material for the brewing industry.
Half of the sown area is occupied by forage crops - grasses,
broad beans, peas and root vegetables.
About 70% of the land is excessively wet or swampy; soil
poor in organic and mineral substances, have high
acidity. All this makes farming difficult.
Cool spring and autumn prevent the cultivation of many crops.
Fishing is developed in Latvia. Large fisheries
are fishing.

21. Transport complex

The Latvian transport system forms a logistics hub, which has all
necessary infrastructure for trade between Western
Europe, CIS countries and it is able to meet the needs of local
export and import entrepreneurs.
The Latvian road system is an integral part of the transport system. IN
20,309 km are under the jurisdiction of the State Joint-Stock Company "Latvian State Roads"
roads that provide direct access to European destinations,
Russia and the CIS.
A significant transport corridor that crosses Latvia in
north-west direction, is the road “Via Baltica” – this is the first
transport corridor of Europe.
Latvia has successfully fulfilled all EU requirements in the road transport sector and
introduced into Latvian legislation the basic conditions for entering the market
passenger and freight road transportation, driving and rest modes
professional car drivers, about technical parameters
auto vehicles, on the organization of road transport of dangerous goods and
other conditions and requirements related to road transportation.
A significant challenge is the continued maintenance of these


Riga Airport maintains its leading position in
the Baltic countries are the largest
passenger turnover. Number of passengers and
volume of cargo passing through Riga Airport,
constantly growing. Planes from Riga are heading
in more than 50 directions. Quality level
service and safety of passengers and cargo
high, meets Eurocontrol standards.
According to statistics for 2006
1.6 million were transported by air.
passengers (passenger turnover amounted to 2015 million.
pass - km). Volume of cargo transported in 2006
small - 9 thousand tons.


Ports are an important link in transport
system of the country. One of the
the most important transport corridors connecting Russia with
countries of Europe. There are 10 ports in Latvia. Three large
ports – Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja and seven small ports.
Large ports are engaged in servicing transit
cargo - about 80% of what is transported through
Latvia of transit cargo. In seven small ports
transshipment (transshipment) of local cargo is carried out. Connection
with other modes of transport along with an attractive
tax zone provides ports with the status of a center
industrial activity of the region.
Ports have the following advantages:
technical equipment for handling various types of cargo
well-developed transport infrastructure,
the ability to service ships in all weather conditions
free territories for development.


Pipeline transport. Transit
Latvian oil and petroleum products corridor
form main pipelines for
oil and oil products together with oil
terminals. To the trunk system
pipelines on the territory of Latvia include two
oil pipeline and one pipeline for
petroleum products. Transit oil corridor
Latvia is considered one of the economically
profitable, technically modern and
safe for the environment.


Rail transport is considered the most promising of all
types of land transport, since it is the safest,
economically profitable, environmentally friendly.
Cargo to and from Latvian ports is transported mainly by rail
road, on at the moment constitute 52% of the total land
freight transport. These indicators tend to continuously increase.
Transit rail transportation constitutes a significant part of all
goods transported by rail; mainly this
cargo from Russia and Belarus to the ports of Latvia (east-west transit corridor). Freight is dominated by the transit of petroleum products, chemicals and
mineral fertilizers, the container movement is successfully developing
trains that connect the ports of Latvia, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Main advantages of the network railways Latvia:
extensive network connecting Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja
ports with transhipment points, with Russia, CIS countries and others
regions, an extensive network of access roads in ports, which allows
load directly onto ships;
modern technologies which allow for quick loading
and unloading of cargo;
automated, connected to neighboring countries, system
transportation management, which makes it possible to control
movement of trains and carriages;
elastic pricing policy.

26. Attractions

Dome Cathedral in Riga
25 June 1211 Bishop
Albrecht von Buxhoeveden
founded a new cathedral in Riga
- Domsky. Zealously
he watched
construction of the temple,
invested a lot into it
funds, hired the best
masters In the ensemble
Riga Dome Cathedral
the oldest museum in Latvia -
Riga History Museum and


Historical center
Historical center
Rigi began to be created
only at the end of the 19th century
after the demolition of city
fortifications Exactly
then they started here
appear first
features of the embankment
channel, which became
border of old Riga and
city ​​center.


Cat's house in Riga
There is also a cat's house in Riga,
although he is not with the fairy tale
has nothing in common, but
he has his own no less
interesting legend.
A rich merchant built
this house in 1910,
installed cats on it,
turning them back to
the Guild building, where
no Latvian hero
wanted to accept.


Mezotne Palace
This palace is nearby
from Bauska is considered one
one of the most outstanding
in Latvia, built in
classicism style. He
was built over
five years, was completed in
1802 and became a gift
from the empress
Catherine II princess background


Monument to the Bremenskys
Sculptural composition
Riga monument
Bremen Town Musicians
represented by four
legendary characters
fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - a donkey,
a dog, a cat and a rooster.
Monument to the Bremenskys
was cast for the musicians
Bremen sculptor
Christa Baumgartel and carries in
deep political


Riga Castle
Today there is no trace
remains of its former power
Riga Castle, once upon a time
served valiantly
Knights of Livonia
orders With installation in
castle Pole, and then
Swedes him
defensive function
practical has been reduced to
“no”, but over the years of Russian
reign was lost


Rundāle Palace
Rundale Palace can be visited
full right to name
the brightest and most beautiful
baroque example
architecture and style
Rococo throughout the country.
The author of this outstanding
residence became
famous architect F.B.
but it was intended for
Duke of Kurzeme E. Biron.


Turaida Castle
Turaida Museum Reserve belongs to
number of specially protected
historical monuments and
culture. on his
are located as many as 37
structures, in
including -
real castle
since the Middle Ages.


St. Peter's Church in
Thanks to his
tall spire,
observation deck,
St. Peter's Church
noticeable from afar. Elevator
lifts visitors up
height 72 meters, where you can see
immense things are opening up
open spaces of the city
Western Dvina.


Big and Small Guilds
Small Guild or Guild
Saint John united
Riga artisans and
existed from 1352 to 1936
year. Along with Malaya
the guild existed and
Big guild or
Guild of St. Mary's
(located opposite
guild), uniting
Riga traders, and
later also writers.


Ski slope in
It's not called Sigulda for nothing
Switzerland" not only
because of the beautiful scenery,
but also because here
a haven for lovers
Since December, when
hillsides in the valley
the Gauja rivers are covered
snow, hundreds are rushing here
people from Latvia.


Kristapa's holiday complex
and Augusta Morberg
Have you ever heard
about what can be created
castle made of wood, and even
cover it with iron? What if
talk about what
it's all built in style
neo-gothic? Exactly like this
there is a castle in Jurmala: this is
Kristapa's holiday complex
and Augusta Morberg,
built early 19


Kalnciema street block
Why do tourists go to Riga? IN
first of all, for the sake of
Old Town - missing out
I see that the Daugava River has
and the left bank. Meanwhile,
visit “the other side”
It's very worth it. And if
Riga TV tower
just look around
outside, then in quiet
old areas maybe
find something no less


Concert hall
Concert hall
"Dzintari" - complex,
who uses
popular as in
Latvia itself, and for
abroad. After all, it’s here
passes the majority
concerts in Latvia. If you
watched the festival
humor in Jurmala, then
you're probably familiar with this
concert hall.


Latvian Museum
Latvian Museum
architecture located in
residential complex
medieval buildings
Old Riga, known as
"Three Brothers" The museum does not have
permanent exhibition, and
his collection
numbering more than 1
thousands of titles,
formed from
original works
architects - sketches,
drawings, diagrams.


Volume foreign trade Latvia in 2013 was 22.66 billion euros.
This is 273.1 million euros or 1.2% more than in 2012,
according to the operational data of the Central Statistical
management of Latvia.
Latvia's export volume in 2013 amounted to 10.02 billion euros, which is
+1.5% more than in 2012. In turn, the total volume
imports in 2013 amounted to 8.697 billion lats, which is 1.0% more than
in the previous year.
Latvia's largest export partners are Lithuania,
Estonia, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark and
United Kingdom. In general, Latvia exports 71.0% of its total to EU countries
export volume.
Latvia's largest import partners are Lithuania,
Germany, Russia, Poland, Estonia, Finland and Belarus. From countries
The European Union imported 79.7% of total imports into Latvia.

Transport is the most important sector of the state. The state of the country's economy largely depends on the volume of transport services. Transport creates conditions for the formation of local and interstate markets.
The Republic of Latvia has a well-developed transport network. This is due to the fact that Latvia’s strategically favorable geographical position on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, in the center of the Baltic market, creates favorable opportunities for the development of freight and passenger transport.
A competitive transport system is an essential prerequisite for ensuring economic development Latvian state. Significant specific gravity transport industry is justified by the presence of three large ports - Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja. Their successful use contributes to the development of transit transportation. Latvia has a well-developed road transport infrastructure, a network of pipelines, but an important integral part is the railway.
Railway transport, together with port facilities and sea, road, air transport, pipelines and areas of freight and passenger transportation, constitute a unified transport system in Latvia.
Most of the freight and passenger turnover occurs in railway transport. Road, pipeline and maritime transport, and in passenger turnover – automobile and aviation.
The distribution of traffic between modes of transport reflects the place and role of each of them in the country's economy. The main quantitative indicators characterizing this distribution are: the volume of goods transported, cargo turnover, the number of passengers transported and the passenger turnover carried by one or another transport. Interaction and competition between modes of transport are aimed at developing and improving the quality of transport services.
The Baltic states are considered a European region, which is developing at a fairly high pace and attracts attention with its transport infrastructure. The Latvian transport system forms a logistics hub, which has all the necessary infrastructure to conduct trade between Western Europe, CIS countries and it is able to satisfy the needs of local entrepreneurs for export and import.

Latvian road system is an integral part of the transport system. The State Joint Stock Company "Latvian State Roads" manages 20,309 km of roads, which provide direct access to destinations in Europe, Russia and the CIS.
A significant transport corridor that crosses Latvia in a north-west direction is the Via Baltica road – this is the first transport corridor in Europe.
Latvia has successfully complied with all EU requirements in the road transport sector and introduced into Latvian legislation the basic conditions for entering the market of passenger and freight road transport, the driving and rest regimes of professional drivers, the technical parameters of vehicles, the organization of road transport of dangerous goods and other conditions and requirements, related to road transport.
A significant challenge is the continued maintenance of these criteria.
Riga airport holds the position of leader in the Baltic countries with the largest passenger turnover. The number of passengers and the volume of cargo passing through Riga Airport is constantly growing. Airplanes from Riga fly to more than 50 destinations. The level of quality of service and safety of passengers and cargo is high and meets Eurocontrol standards. According to statistical data for 2006, 1.6 million passengers were transported by air (passenger turnover amounted to 2015 million passenger km). The volume of cargo transported in 2006 was small - 9 thousand tons.

Ports are an important link in transport system countries. One of the most important transport corridors connecting Russia with European countries passes through the Baltic Sea. There are 10 ports in Latvia. Three large ports - Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja and seven small ports. Large ports are engaged in servicing transit cargo - about 80% of transit cargo transported through Latvia is transshipped there. Transshipment (transshipment) of local cargo is carried out in seven small ports. Connections with other modes of transport, together with an attractive tax zone, provide the ports with the status of a center of industrial activity in the region.
Ports have the following advantages:
technical equipment for cargo handling different types,
well-developed transport infrastructure,
the ability to service ships in all weather conditions,
free territories for development.

Pipeline transport. The transit corridor for oil and oil products in Latvia is formed by main pipelines for oil and oil products together with oil terminals. The main pipeline system in Latvia includes two oil pipelines and one pipeline for petroleum products. The transit oil corridor of Latvia is considered one of the most economically profitable, technically modern and environmentally friendly.

Rail transport- is considered the most promising of all types of land transport, as it is the safest, most cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.
Freight to and from Latvian ports is transported mainly by rail, currently accounting for 52% of total land freight traffic. These indicators tend to continuously increase.
Transit rail transportation constitutes a significant part of all goods transported by rail; This is mainly cargo from Russia and Belarus to the ports of Latvia (east-west transit corridor). Among the cargoes, the transit of petroleum products, chemicals and mineral fertilizers dominates; the movement of container trains is successfully developing, connecting the ports of Latvia, Russia and Kazakhstan.
The main advantages of the Latvian railway network:
extensive network connecting the ports of Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja with transshipment points, with Russia, CIS countries and other regions, an extensive network of access roads in the ports, which allows loading directly onto ships;
modern technologies that allow you to quickly load and unload cargo;
an automated transportation management system, connected to neighboring countries, which makes it possible to control the movement of trains and wagons;
elastic pricing policy.

The territory of Latvia is 64,589 km² (122nd in area among the countries in the world). The total length of the borders is 1150 km. It is washed by the Baltic Sea (coast length is 531 km) and the Gulf of Riga in the west, bordered by Estonia in the north (339 km), Lithuania in the south (453 km), Russia (271 km) and Belarus (141 km) in the east. .

The relief is flat, with hills interspersed with lowlands.

The city of Riga is located on the southern shore of the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea, on the Rigava Plain of the Primorsky Lowland. In the north-west, the Riga urban district is washed by the Baltic Sea, in the east and north-east it borders with Carnikava, Garkalni and Stopinsky, in the south with Salaspils, Kekava and Olaina, in the west with Marupe and Babite regions and the city of Jurmala. The historical center of Riga is located on the right bank of the Daugava, approximately 10 kilometers from where the river flows into the Gulf of Riga. Natural relief This place is a sandy plain located at an altitude of 1-10 m above sea level.


The climate in Riga is determined by the proximity of the sea - moderately warm and humid. Summers are usually relatively cool and cloudy (average July temperature 16.9°C; average precipitation 85 mm). Winters are relatively warm, with frequent thaws (the average temperature in January is -4.7°C, a thaw occurs approximately 10 times a month). Snow cover forms in mid-December and persists until mid-March. Approximately 40% of the days a year are cloudy, and precipitation amounts to 700-720 mm per year.

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Area - 64.5 thousand km2.

Population: 2.3 million people.

The official name is the Republic of Latvia.

The capital is Riga.

The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the unicameral Sejm. It is geographically divided into 26 districts (districts).

Economic-geographical location of Latvia

Latvia is located on the Baltic Sea coast and occupies a central position in the region. Its ice-free ports (Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja) have always played the role of the western gateway for the foreign economic activity of its eastern neighbors - Russia and Belarus. The port economy in the capital of the country, Riga, began to develop in the Middle Ages during the reign of the Livonian Order of the Crusaders, and later Riga was part of Hanseatic League trading cities. Riga has always been an important political and cultural center of the country, with unique architectural monuments, for example the Dome Cathedral (XIII century).

The traditional culture of Latvia was formed under significant pressure from its neighbors, but the population retained not only the language, but also characteristic ethnic features. Residents of the country have long been known as artisans (blacksmiths, coopers, brewers), famous for their artistic glass processing, wickerwork made from straw, and jewelry made from amber.

Population of Latvia

The state language of the country is Latvian, religion is Lutheranism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. Latvians represent over 60% of the population, about 30% are Russians. Such ethnic composition causes certain political and social problems.

Economy of Latvia

Industry is concentrated in large port cities. Areas of specialization include precision and medium engineering, woodworking, knitwear, pharmaceutical, fish, meat and dairy industries.

The specialization of agriculture is also typical for the region - dairy farming and bacon pig farming. In crop production, the cultivation of industrial crops (flax, sugar beets) predominates.

Areas of specialization include developed transport complex: maritime and railway, whose activities are related to ensuring the country’s export-import relations. Developed resort economy on the Baltic Sea coast (Jurmala resort, etc.).

The main volume of foreign economic activity falls on European countries, with which Latvia exchanges mechanical engineering, light and chemical industry products, the main part of imports is fuel and raw materials.

Latvia is a country total area 63.7 thousand km2, which arose in the post-Soviet space, is located in the east of the Baltic coast. Official name – Republic of Latvia. Latvia is a unitary, sovereign and independent country. The form of government is a democratic, parliamentary republic. Latvian is the only state language official language. Latvia has seen a long and complex history of development of the territory and class groups of the population. The country has seen many long and difficult stages formation of the territory, national composition of the population. Now let's talk more about this.

The beginning of the formation of the state and territories

In the 10th-12th centuries, most of the population and lands were under vassal subordination to the Principality of Pskov and residents had to pay considerable tribute to Pskov. At the beginning of the 13th century, the Livonian and Teutonic orders operated on the east coast. Later main role German nobles took over the administration of the territory. Some regions found themselves under the rule of the then powerful Rzeczpospolita. After Ivan the Terrible defeated the troops of the Livonian Order in 1560, some eastern territories of Latvia came under the rule of the Muscovite kingdom, because of this the order ceased to exist. Now many historians say that about early XVII century, as a result of the logical unification of villages, Latgalls, Semigalls, Curonians and Livs, the Latvian nation was born. One of the proofs that can be provided is that during this period the first Latvian dictionary was created and issued printed book"Latvian history". Then the Baltic coast, including part of Latvia, was captured by the Kingdom of Sweden. After Russia won the war in 1721 Northern War, the Latvian lands became part of the powerful Russian Empire. The formation of the foundations of capitalist relations in the Latvian lands occurred at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, and accordingly, the development of industry intensified at the same time. During the First World War, Latvia was completely under the occupation of German troops. The independence of Latvia was proclaimed in 1918, but soon, in 1940, Latvia joined the USSR and was part of the USSR until 1991, as one of the union republics. Modern Latvian scientists consider the time when the country was part of the USSR - Soviet occupation. Since 1991, Latvia has been an independent republic, with a confident course towards European integration.

Economic-geographical position of Latvia

Latvia's location in the western part of the East European hilly plain is very advantageous, as it is crossed by important transport routes connecting Russia from Western Europe. Latvia's close neighbors: Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania. Since the country has its own access to the sea, this has a positive effect on international relations with many Baltic countries, as well as European states. The strongest economic ties are with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The political situation that arose in recent years, negatively affects the benefits of cooperation between Lithuania and Russia. Since March 29, 2004, the country has been a member of NATO.

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