Constant stress during pregnancy. How does stress affect pregnancy? Consequences of stress during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this is a protective reaction to changes occurring in a woman’s body. This process occurs naturally, helping the expectant mother adapt to her new position. Such stress is the norm, as the body is rebuilt to bear a fetus. First of all, the hormonal and psycho-emotional background changes, which makes a woman more susceptible to various external influences. Pregnancy and stress are interrelated concepts. The danger arises when such a protective reaction of the body becomes pathological and accompanies the entire pregnancy. Severe stress at this time is especially dangerous, as it can cause irreversible consequences for the child.

Causes of stress during pregnancy

Stress is a common phenomenon, since a woman has a lot of reasons for it. Often this reaction is caused by fears:

In this case, the main thing is to calm down, not give in to emotions and tune in to a positive outcome.

Stress during pregnancy can be caused not only by fears. There are other reasons:

  • unpleasant conditions that often accompany pregnancy (toxicosis, joint or back pain, constipation, fatigue);
  • sudden mood swings that are a consequence of hormonal changes;
  • stress can be caused by negative events in life (death or illness loved one, major quarrel, etc.).

Sometimes a pregnant woman may develop, which usually occurs against the background of severe shock. The cause of this condition may be a terrible event that the woman witnessed or participated in. This could be, for example, disaster, rape, terrorist attack, military action, etc. Subsequently, such severe stress during pregnancy can cause premature birth and health problems for the baby or mother.

Symptoms of stress

Sometimes a woman can be stressed without even realizing it. She becomes so accustomed to her fears that she takes them for granted. This situation is not normal and may cause concern to the doctor. Staying stressed for a long time will not benefit either the mother or her child. To prevent possible negative consequences of this situation, every pregnant woman needs to take a responsible attitude towards her health and pay attention to the following symptoms of a pathological condition:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathetic state;
  • lethargy and indifference to any actions;
  • reduced performance;
  • problems with appetite;
  • attacks of spontaneous anxiety;
  • nervousness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor of the lower or upper extremities;
  • reduced immunity, which is manifested by frequent colds.

The presence of several symptoms from the list may be a reason to suspect a severe form of stress in a pregnant woman. Scientists have found that stress in the body increases the amount of glucocorticoid hormones, which affect genes and the placenta. And such a hormonal imbalance can lead to undesirable consequences. To reduce Negative influence stress on pregnancy in general and on the child specifically, appropriate therapy will be required.

Dangers Associated with Stress

Why is stress dangerous? Can a stressful situation cause any serious disturbances in the development of the fetus? Short-term stress during this period is unlikely to harm the woman or baby. Such conditions are even useful, as they prepare the body before childbirth and strengthen nervous system child. But prolonged and deep stress is a completely different matter. Such conditions must be treated. Particularly dangerous severe stress in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the pregnant woman has suffered from stress, results may not appear immediately. Parents may notice any mental abnormalities in a child only during adolescence.

If a woman has experienced stress during pregnancy, the consequences can be identified both for herself and for the baby:

  • children may be born with low birth weight;
  • problems with adaptation to society in older age;
  • if a stressful situation occurs in the late stages of pregnancy, then it can provoke anomalies in the formation of the fetal nervous system;
  • autism;
  • hyperactivity;
  • Over time, the mother or child may develop;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the newborn may have a congenital external defect (for example, cleft palate);
  • stress in the early stages affects the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus (can cause intrafetal hypoxia - this is one of the reasons for pregnancy failure);
  • allergic or asthmatic manifestations in a newborn;
  • diabetes;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Stress during pregnancy also affects the health of the mother:

  • premature birth;
  • weak labor (contractions do not intensify, which may require drug stimulation of labor);
  • development of a nervous disorder;
  • miscarriage.

The consequences of stress during pregnancy can be a very serious test for both the mother and her child. To avoid this, it is important for a woman to learn to control her emotions, and for the people around her to try to create anti-stress conditions around her.

The effect of stress on a child

After suffering severe psychological trauma, a woman may feel stressed. This situation in itself is very dangerous, but if a woman is pregnant, it is doubly dangerous.

We’ve already figured out what stress can lead to in a pregnant woman, but how exactly does this happen? What causes disturbances in fetal development?

The impact of a pregnant woman’s stress on the health of her baby can be schematically expressed as follows:

  • during stressful situation a woman’s body produces the hormone cortisone, which causes a surge in blood sugar and reduces oxygen supply to cells (both of these conditions are not normal and can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus);
  • at times of stress, the body removes toxins worse, which can lead to its poisoning, which means the fetus will be susceptible to toxic effects;
  • The mother’s disorders and experiences can contribute to a decrease in her appetite, which means that the child will not receive enough food. nutrients, which can also cause disturbances in its development.

The most unfavorable time for a stressful situation is the 24-28th week of pregnancy. During these periods, the development of the fetal brain occurs. In addition, a missed pregnancy can be a consequence of severe depression. Strong mental impact in the 1st-3rd months of pregnancy increases the likelihood of the child developing schizophrenia. The chances of getting this disease are about 70%. With severe long-term stress, the central nervous system of the fetus is especially affected.

Strong fears often lead to miscarriages, and generally this situation concerns only male children. Interestingly, premature births of girls for this reason occur very rarely. But boys whose mother experienced severe stress during pregnancy live much longer than those who were born under favorable conditions.

How to reduce stress

Since stress has a predominantly negative effect on pregnancy, the question arises: There are several ways to deal with stressful situations:

How to deal with stress during pregnancy? In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a conversation or prescribe drug therapy, and only family and friends will be able to surround the pregnant woman with the necessary care and love. Psychotherapy largely depends on the situation in the family. emotional condition women.

Stress greatly suppresses the human immune system. When under stress, a person most often suffers from infections, which is extremely undesirable for pregnant women. Unfortunately , Stress is common during pregnancy. It all depends on the degree of oppression. If the stressful state is shallow and passes quickly, then nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, such stress, mild in terms of impact and duration of time, prepares the woman’s body for childbirth and trains the child’s nervous system in the womb.

It’s another matter when pregnancy proceeds in a state of distress, which is detrimental for both the pregnant woman and the child, since during gestation the mother and fetus become a single organism and endure all external storms together. A long-term state of oppression exhausts the body, which is already having a hard time - after all, it has to take care of two people at once. Physically, the woman becomes lethargic and sleepy during the day and cannot sleep at night. The same will happen to the child after his birth, if the mother does not quickly mobilize herself to cope with her condition.

Negative stress causes negative consequences - anxiety for no reason (cannot sit still), sudden tachycardia, tremors of not only the limbs (the feeling that even the chest is shaking as if in a fever), dizziness, headaches, it seems that every part of the body; in those who are particularly sensitive, a rash may appear on the body. Toxicosis only intensifies, the woman catches infection after infection, consequences are possible in the form of pathologies of newborns and diseases of the child in the future.

The baby's central nervous system is especially affected. The nervous system of a child whose mother experienced stressful situations during pregnancy is very vulnerable. The child, already at a conscious age, experiences great difficulties in adapting to the world around him, suffers from a behavioral disorder (they say about such children that an awl in one place does not allow him to be calm). Needless to say, such children are characterized by increased nervousness and anxiety. They are more likely than their peers to be susceptible to various kinds of fears. The consequences of frequent and severe stress or one prolonged stress of the mother during pregnancy include asthmatic and allergic reactions of the child. Asthmatic and allergic markers were in most cases found in the umbilical cord blood of newborns whose mothers were under stress during pregnancy. If it were possible to reduce the level of stress experienced by pregnant women, a lot of children would not face neurological and psychological problems. Schizophrenia can threaten those children whose mothers experienced shock in the first three months of pregnancy, since it is during this period of fetal development that the nervous system is formed. The probability of developing schizophrenia reaches 70%. The researchers’ conclusions are clear: “Based on our results, we can assume that external emotional factors can influence the processes of formation of nervous tissue at the stages early development fruit."

Every pregnant woman, with a certain amount of attention to the behavior of the child within herself, could notice that during her anxious state the fetus intensifies its movements. The explanation is simple - with a reduction in oxygen delivery, which is caused by the anxious state of the mother, the child actively massages the placenta so that with its contraction, a new portion of blood comes to him along with the necessary elements necessary for his full life.

Diabetes and enuresis can be attributed to the consequences that haunt a child if his mother was very nervous during pregnancy. And even autism is the cause of the state of severe negative stress experienced during pregnancy. By the way, when a mother is in mental shock, her body is completely independently capable of “culling” a weak male fetus. Under stress conditions, a low-viable male fetus may well die. To be fair, it should be noted that this does not happen to girls. It was also noted that boys, if born on White light under stress, they live longer than those who were born in more favorable circumstances.

The frequency of manifestations of “cleft lip” and “cleft palate”, the so-called fetal malformations among pregnant women experiencing prolonged persistent stress, doubles compared to pregnant women carrying a child in stress-free conditions. Very anxious mothers have an increased risk of having a premature baby with low weight. Children with this pathology may not survive at all. And if they survive, what kind of life awaits them? They experienced deformation of the body and all its functions in the intrauterine state. The child is unlikely to be healthy.

Consequences of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy

In addition to external factors that cause stress in pregnant women, there are internal ones. This is a daily, hourly restructuring of your body in connection with pregnancy. Already in the first month interesting situation you may begin to feel nauseous. In the second month of pregnancy, frequent urination, constipation, vomiting, indigestion, heartburn, gas, lack of appetite or, conversely, excessive gluttony, fainting, and dizziness may occur. All of these symptoms are possible all at once, but only a few may appear. The above list may include mood swings, tears, touchiness, irritability, some vague worries and fears. In the fourth month, vomiting and nausea disappear from the list, but bleeding gums, headaches for no reason, runny nose, stuffy ears, as well as slight swelling in the legs will be added - the weight increases.

By the fifth month, awareness of one’s situation begins, and a feeling of euphoria comes. I experience attacks of irritability less and less often. The sixth month will bring with it an additional feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, as the ligaments that support the abdomen begin to tighten. Instead of irritability, absent-mindedness will appear. In the eighth month, fatigue from the state of pregnancy sets in. More and more often thoughts appear that everything will end sooner. The ninth month will delight you with fears of childbirth.

All of the above also causes some stress in the mother’s body, but stress is of a completely different order. These are shallow experiences that cannot somehow negatively affect the health of the mother-child tandem. In addition, small negative emotions contribute to the appearance of the hormone cortisol in the human body. As they say, any medicine can become poison - it's all a matter of dosage. Cortisol, in principle, is needed by a child for its normal development. But when future mom in a state of distress, too much cortisol enters her, and therefore the child’s, body. Doctors believe cortisol is to blame for pathologies in newborns.

How to relieve stress during pregnancy and improve your mood

So, what to do if emotions are overflowing and you are already worried about their excessive amount? First of all, go to the doctor - let him convince you that this is not that prolonged terrible stress, the consequences of which you need to worry about and take measures to get you out of this state (if, of course, this is really the case). When the doctor reassures you, take your own measures that can make you regain peace of mind and reduce your fears. Do not deny yourself communication with positive people - laughter is contagious, good mood You can also get it from ordinary women's conversations. Problems with work can be easily resolved if you decide that the child is more important. Talk to your boss about this without hurting anyone's ambitions. As an intelligent, wise woman, try to understand your husband, who himself is at a loss as to how to treat you during this period. Look for solutions that suit both of you. If the thought of childbirth scares you, take a special course. As they say, “you need to know the enemy by sight” and “forewarned is forearmed.” So arm yourself with knowledge to be less afraid.

Even simpler things can lift your spirits and add joy hormones to your body during this difficult period:

Allow yourself to be lazy, rest as often as possible, sleep as much as you want.

Adjust your diet to avoid losing teeth during pregnancy. Don't forget about vitamins. Listen to the doctor. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Take relaxing aromatherapy baths more often.

Talk a lot with anyone - this is how accumulated emotions spill out.

Read only positive literature with good news. Women's novels are perfect for these purposes - there are always, as in good fairy tale, a happy ending.

Not complicated physical exercise can increase the amount of oxygen in your body and relieve irritation.

Remember, you have a serious mission - to bring a person into the world. And it is in your power to ensure that this person is born healthy.

Source -

Stress is the body’s reaction to negative life factors. Usually, it does not harm a person, but helps to adapt, but only if it does not last long. Stress during pregnancy, and especially in the early stages of pregnancy, is considered very dangerous.

Stress during pregnancy - how to calm down and not be nervous

The increased stress on the psyche that a pregnant woman is exposed to can lead to health problems for both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, a pregnant woman should protect herself from stress, and when the first symptoms appear, quickly recognize and eliminate them.

Symptoms of stress in pregnant women

Every person is exposed to stress every day. He gets used to this state and does not try to prevent nervous shocks and their consequences. It is possible to determine that a pregnant woman is experiencing stress for several reasons:

  • fatigue and loss of strength are observed;
  • performance decreases;
  • bad dream, problems falling asleep;
  • heart pain, rapid pulse;
  • no desire to eat;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • increase in pressure;
  • deterioration of immunity, the appearance of a cold that lasts quite a long time.

Headache is a symptom of stress during pregnancy

Many people react to stress in atypical ways. Tension can manifest as unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestines, skin rashes, and difficulty breathing.

Causes of stress in pregnant women

Stress during pregnancy appears due to various reasons. It all depends on your lifestyle and the problems that may arise during pregnancy. Stress can manifest itself in different ways during pregnancy. For some, a problem may be ordinary and will not create negative emotions, while for others, the slightest troubles will become a source of a nervous breakdown. Often during pregnancy in the second trimester nervous tension appears even due to bad weather, because women are especially sensitive during this period.

Often stress can be associated with a woman's changed condition during pregnancy.

  1. Changes at the physiological level. Sharp increase weight, the appearance of stretch marks, the fear of losing her former beauty can bring a pregnant woman to a stressful state. Every woman should know that this is temporary, everything will fall into place soon.
  2. Fear of childbirth. Women often hear that difficulties often arise during childbirth, which lead to undesirable consequences. In addition, the process itself is very painful. Such information causes a lot of stress and spoils the mood for the entire 9 months.
  3. Worries about the unborn child. Will the pregnancy go well? What will the baby be like? How to raise him a good man? All these thoughts cause stress, but you need to get rid of it. Experiences can provoke a miscarriage, illness in the baby, or disturbances in its development.
  4. Family troubles. Pregnancy can cause cooling in relationships. A woman constantly feels that her husband does not hear her and does not pay due attention. Added to this problem are worries about the baby and future life, which will change significantly.
  5. Money issues. With the birth of a child, family expenses will increase significantly. You need to be prepared for this.
  6. Problems at work during pregnancy. Almost all women work until the 30th week and only then go to maternity leave. General work stress, a growing belly, which makes it difficult for a woman to do anything, lead to nervous tension.

Stress during pregnancy - quarrel with husband

In addition to foreseen reasons, unplanned ones may also appear. The death of a relative, a quarrel with your husband or a breakup, an accident and much more can cause severe stress in the second trimester of pregnancy, the consequences of which are unlikely to be pleasant.

Danger at all stages of pregnancy

What are the dangers of stress during pregnancy? During the nerves, special hormones are produced that can lead to placental disorders, pathologies and abnormal development of the fetus. This largely depends on the stage of pregnancy.

Shocks in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially at 12 weeks, are undesirable. At this stage, the structure of the fetal organs and organ systems occurs, so worries should be avoided. This condition can cause spontaneous abortion or congenital diseases of the child. If the formation of the placenta is disrupted, the fetus may die in the first weeks.

During stress in the embryo, the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is disrupted

If a girl experiences stress in the second and third trimesters, the child may be born with autism spectrum disorders. In the later stages of pregnancy, entanglement in the umbilical cord is dangerous due to the active life of the child due to the stress of the mother.

During pregnancy at 35 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, there is a danger for the woman herself due to shocks. She may develop gestosis and diabetes mellitus. Stress can also affect pregnancy by causing difficulties during labor and delivery. A woman will give birth for too long, or, conversely, will give birth prematurely, without bringing the baby to term.

How to prevent dangers?

To avoid complications from severe stress during pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid problems. For example, stop paying attention to strangers and not talk to those people who provoke conflict. If you can’t remove possible causes, you need to try to change your attitude towards the situation.

A woman can make a list of factors that disturb her emotional state. Next to it you need to write possible ideas: how to fix the problem, put the nervous system in order. You need to control your emotions.

You can increase your resistance to stress by doing the following:

  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • sleep well;
  • eat right, eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • do yoga and swimming;
  • have heart-to-heart conversations with friends;
  • rest more.

To relieve stress, you need to walk more in the fresh air

Many women find aromatherapy or meditation to be relaxing. Any such event is important for the body, the main thing is to perform the procedure in a good mood.

It is worth remembering that in the 9th month of pregnancy and during all stages of gestation, a woman must take care of herself and the child.

How to behave?

Doctors warn about harmful influence stress on pregnancy. You need to know how to deal with it. Special methods will help relieve nervous tension.

  1. Take small breaths in and out at the moment of shock. Gather yourself and surrender completely to breathing, stroke your stomach, give a massage.
  2. Turn on some music and relax. Calm melodies are suitable for this.
  3. Take a warm shower, light scented candles.

It will be easier to withstand a terrible event if you tell someone about it, talk it out. Mom, husband or good friend. Get a massage, read pleasant books, watch comedy films.

Turn on the music and relax

During times of constant stress, sleep more (at least 9 hours). If you can’t fall asleep quickly, you can take mild sedatives, for example, valerian. Check with your doctor for dosage requirements.

If these methods do not help, go to experienced specialists. In heavy life situations The psychologist helps a lot.

Result of stress during pregnancy

Short-term stress helps restore the body through the production of hormones. However, sudden mood swings cause severe damage to the nervous and immune systems. The number of lymphocytes, which are responsible for fighting diseases and infections, decreases significantly, so the likelihood of long and severe colds increases. Chronic diseases may worsen and even cancer cells may form.

High psycho-emotional stress is dangerous. Weakness, poor sleep, headaches and colds are symptoms of overexertion. Such stress can negatively affect the fetus and cause possible developmental abnormalities.


Stress has a negative effect on the woman and the fetus. The expectant mother must understand that she is now responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of her child. She must try her best to control her emotions and not succumb to stressful situations. In this way she will protect both her health and the baby.

It has long been known that the emotional state of a pregnant woman directly affects the health of the unborn baby. In this case, the impact can be long-term or short-term, and bring benefit or harm. Stress during pregnancy is normal. It all depends on what kind of stressors affect the expectant mother and how she individually tolerates stress.

How does a mother’s mood affect the baby’s health?

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without stress. And for a woman, the very fact of pregnancy is stressful, physiological and psychological. It changes the girl’s condition, affects her mood, makes her worry about little things and get nervous.

Particularly dangerous long-term stress , which contributes to increased blood pressure, changes in the composition of urine, and the development of anemia. And since the expectant mother is inextricably linked with the baby, all these troubles also affect the child.

Stress hormones produced in a woman’s body are transmitted to the fetus. This may lead to health problems for the baby in the future. The nervous and circulatory systems and the heart are primarily affected.

Often a child is born small and weak, he is more susceptible to seasonal illnesses, depression, and his behavior differs from the behavior of his peers. It is worth understanding in more detail how stress affects pregnancy.

Research has found that perinatal stress leads to:

  • increased risk of premature birth;
  • reduced baby weight;
  • insufficient growth of the newborn;
  • high risk of miscarriage.

Severe stress in early pregnancy poses a high risk. It can cause a miscarriage. Subsequently, developmental disorders occur circulatory system, oxygen starvation.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that mothers who are exposed to stress factors for a long time are 60 percent more likely to have babies with respiratory diseases.

Severe stress during pregnancy has long-term consequences; it affects the baby not only while he is in the womb, but also in the future. Newborns and children under one year of age suffer from its effects as follows:

  • increased activity;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • fussiness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • slow mental and physical development.

After a year, the consequences of perinatal stress are expressed as follows:

  • inattention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • emotional instability;
  • behavioral disorders in girls.

Studies have shown that stress during pregnancy also affects the life, behavior, physical and emotional state of the growing child. It is not uncommon that severe stress during pregnancy leads to the appearance of mental illness, in particular to the development of severe depression and schizophrenia.

However, moderate stress can be beneficial, because it helps strengthen the fetus’s immunity and improve motor skills. It is believed that periodically occurring small amounts of tension help a child to endure the greatest first stress in his life – birth.

It has been proven that from the 20th week the baby feels and experiences everything that the mother feels. Her emotional state is completely conveyed to him. This can and should be used to raise a baby in the womb.

The difference between moderate and severe stress

The topic of the influence of moderate and severe stress on a person is always relevant. There is debate over what positive impact it has. Scientists have proven that there are positive factors that accompany stress, these include:

  1. Increased adaptability . Thanks to stress, a person learns to adapt to constantly changing living conditions. This is what allowed people to survive global climate change, develop new territories, learn new activity, get knowledge. All this happened thanks to the adaptive mechanisms that stress includes.
  2. Memory sharpening . In a state of tension, a person can remember something that seemed long forgotten. Concentration of attention increases, the ability to solve problems that were beyond your power increases.
  3. British scientists came to the conclusion that moderate stress promotes weight loss . Extra pounds are lost due to the influence of stressors that cause a slight increase in body temperature. During this period, brown fat causes the breakdown of white fat molecules, resulting in excess weight loss.

An adult's body is 90 percent white fat, which increases the risk of developing many of the diseases that obesity causes. Light periodic stress can serve as an excellent prevention of these diseases.

But strong stressors, on the contrary, negatively affect the human body, causing harm to it. It is as follows:

  1. Chronic stress and tension lead to exhaustion of the body, a significant decrease in immunity, which causes various pathologies. The adrenal glands intensively produce cortisol, it is called the stress hormone, it reduces the activity of lymphocytes. A person becomes afraid of any infection.
  2. Increased stress on the body, physical and emotional, contributes to the production of large quantities of hormones and catecholamines. This puts a strain on the heart, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, vascular spasm develops, and blood pressure rises. A pre-infarction state appears. Ignoring it can lead to a heart attack.
  3. Development of post-traumatic syndrome. This is a dangerous condition that should be referred to a qualified psychotherapist. It is expressed in the constant experience of a stressful situation, returning to the past, a person lives in constant fear, withdraws or tries again and again to tell others about what happened.

The benefits and harms of stress is a rhetorical question. Everyone can find their own answer, the whole point lies in the attitude of the person himself to the current state of affairs. Many people know how to keep their face and get out of difficult situations with dignity.

As for a pregnant woman, she should experience exclusively positive emotions when carrying a baby. At the same time, her body produces happiness hormones - endorphins. They allow the fetus to develop normally, and subsequently the baby is calm and balanced.

A woman experiences a storm of emotions during pregnancy; figuring out what she finally wants is very, very difficult. She may get angry, cry a few minutes later, and then smile. How can a pregnant woman learn to remain calm again?

The reason for the storm of emotions in pregnant women.

Pregnant women have a changeable mood, and various little things can make them nervous. It should be noted that the woman did not even pay attention to these little things before. The reason for this behavior is the development large quantity female hormones necessary for normal childbearing. The main hormones of pregnancy include gonadotropin: in the early stages of pregnancy there is a high level of the hormone, the maximum concentration is at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy, increased concentration causes nausea, and this causes increased irritability; progesterone: a hormone that affects the process of bearing a child, the level of the hormone is high, it causes a woman to quickly fatigue; estriol: a natural antioxidant produced throughout pregnancy.

The changed hormonal background most strongly affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. You should pay special attention to yourself when:

· you were prone to mood swings even before pregnancy;

· You lost a baby during a previous pregnancy. During a new pregnancy, a woman will listen to her body and look for signs of threat, and this increases irritability and serves as a reason to lose her temper. Keep in mind that negative emotions can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy, we get a vicious circle.

· pregnancy occurred under the persuasion of your husband or relatives, then you may not understand why you need pregnancy, as a result, the pregnant woman begins to take out her anger on her loved ones, who forced her to decide to give birth to a child.

· you are used to commanding and being obeyed, you are used to keeping everything and everyone subordinate, but closer to childbirth your performance decreases, often those around you begin to help you with the best intentions, but to a strong woman such care seems to be a signal - I have become weak, and this is the basis of nervous stress .

How nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy.

Hormones change throughout pregnancy, so you will experience mood swings throughout your pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that severe stress can provoke the risk of a threatened miscarriage (hypertonicity of the uterus), cause problems with sleep, appetite, exacerbation of chronic diseases, skin problems, and gastrointestinal ulcers.

You can determine what you have breakdown, If:

· rapid fatigue sets in, frequent errors in work appear;

· can't concentrate;

· suffers from insomnia, nightmares;

· suffers from insurmountable anxiety;

· increased heart rate, neck pain, headache, neck and back pain appear.

You are having a nervous breakdown - what should you do?

It is difficult to cope with feelings on your own; you should seek help from a specialist. First, tell your gynecologist about your nerves and he will prescribe you: valerian, motherwort infusion, Glycine, Person, Magne B6. Only a specialist will prescribe the required dosage and tell you how long to take them. If the measures taken are not enough, the doctor will refer you to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

How a pregnant woman can cope with nervous stress.

1. Throw out your emotions - anger, anger overtook you at work, you can go to the toilet and wash yourself cold water, open the tap fully and hit the stream of water with the edge of your palm;

2. Train yourself to relax

3. Dream - best medicine. If you don't get enough sleep, then this is a direct path to stress. You should try to sleep 8 hours a day, and if possible, you can take a nap for a couple of hours during the day. Give yourself a SIESTA!

4. Talk through problems. You were rude at work, pushed in public transport, etc. It’s worth talking through the situation; if there is a problem, it will be easier for you to understand the reason and solve it.

5. Seek support from your husband. Don't take your anger out on your husband, this will only make the situation worse. It is worth explaining to him that you are going through a difficult period and need help. Ask him to help you, even tug his mustache or beard (if this makes you feel better). Believe me, your husband, just like you, wants you to be calm and cheerful.

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