Presentation on history on the topic "Rurik dynasty". Rurikovich - a dynasty of Russian princes (including the great princes of Kyiv, Vladimir, Moscow) and Russian tsars, considered descendants of Rurik

The activities of the first Kyiv princes Oleg, Igor, Princess Olga and Prince Svyatoslav were subordinated to two goals: the unification of all East Slavic tribes under the authority of the Kyiv prince; maintaining trade relations with other states and protecting trade routes from opponents

Oleg Oleg Spread of power Establishing trade relations Campaigns against the Byzantine Empire Control on the “path from the Varangians to the Greeks” 907 - campaign against Constantinople - signing of a trade agreement 911 - signing of the second trade agreement, the most beneficial for Rus' Death from a snake bite.

“...Oleg not only terrified his enemies, he was also loved by his subjects. The warriors could mourn in him a brave, skillful leader, and the people – a defender. Having annexed the best, richest countries of present-day Russia to his power, this Prince was the true founder of its greatness...”

Igor Igor Son of Rurik Conquest of the Drevlyans 941 – unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium (the ships were burned by the “Greek mixture”) 944 – signing of a treaty with Byzantium 945 – collection of tribute from the Drevlyans, death

“Igor in the war with the Greeks did not have Oleg’s successes, did not seem to have his great qualities, but preserved the integrity of the Russian State, established by Oleg, preserved its honor and benefits in treaties with the Empire, was a pagan, but allowed newly converted Russians to glorify the triumph of God Christian and, together with Oleg, left to his heirs an example of prudent tolerance, worthy of the most enlightened times.”

Olga Lesson - the exact amount of tribute Pogost - place where tribute was collected Olga Igor's wife Revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband Carrying out reform Establishing lessons Establishing graveyards 957 - visit to Byzantium Acceptance of Christianity

Svyatoslav Svyatoslav Son of Igor Annexation of the Vyatichi Campaign against the Khazar Kaganate Khazar Kaganate Campaign against the Volga Bulgaria Volga Bulgaria Capture of the Taman Peninsula (formation of the Tmutarakan principality). Capture of Bulgarian settlements, declaration of Pereyaslavts as the new capital. Byzantium Byzantium against the strengthening of the Russian lands Treaty with the Pechenegs. 972 – death of Svyatoslav

summary of other presentations

“Rus under Vladimir Monomakh” - Consolidation of new material. After the death of Vladimir Monomakh. Russian Orthodox Church. Alexander Nevsky. Solution. Strife of princes. Vladimir Monomakh. Rus. Rus' at the end of the 11th – beginning of the 12th centuries. Lyubech Congress of Princes. Polovtsy. Insurrection. Grand Prince of Kyiv. Directions of domestic and foreign policy. Read the document. Russian Crusade. Prince Svyatoslav. Mstislav the Great. Uprising in Kyiv.

“The activities of the first Russian princes” - Repetition. Domestic policy. Kyiv prince who died while collecting tribute. Prince Igor (912-946) and Princess Olga (945-957). Foreign policy. After the death of her husband, Princess Olga ruled on behalf of Svyatoslav. Residents of East Slavic cities were forced to invite the Varangians. Prince Oleg (882-912). Political activities of the first Russian princes. The first Russian princes. Prince Svyatoslav ruled together with his mother until 957.

"Monomakh" - Throne. Congress of princes in the city of Lyubech. Strife. Excerpts from the "Teaching". Nickname Monomakh. Hiking. Laws. Honor the old. The calling of Vladimir Monomakh to the great reign. Father's golden table. Give to the orphan. Campaigns against the Polovtsians. "Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh. Conclusion of peace. Doubts. Mosaic of St. Sophia. Basil the Great. Vladimir. Dolobsky Congress of Princes. Monomakh's hat. Blinding of Prince Vasilko Rostislavich.

“Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich” - Lebedev K. Bishops. Assignment: Mark on the contour map the directions of Prince Vladimir’s campaigns. Returning home to Kyiv, he ordered the pagan idols to be overturned. Svyatoslav. Yaropolk (Kyiv). Oleg (Drevlyansky land). "Prince Vladimir of Kyiv." Defensive fortifications. Working with terms. Makosh. Black clergy who lived in monasteries. Cognitive task. Lines of fortresses. Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

“The Rurik Dynasty” - Vasily III. Name of a Lithuanian prince. Wish. Healthy lifestyle. Heir to the royal throne. Name one of the members of the Elected Rada. How Ivan the Terrible is connected with the Romanov royal dynasty. Title. Elected Rada. Name the Russian merchants. Temple of the Intercession. The name of the chief guardsman. Items. The name of the clergyman. Which of the members of the Elected Rada, after the introduction of the oprichnina, fled to Lithuania. Metropolitan's name.

“Old Russian Princes” - Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Ermak Timofeevich, Russian explorer, Cossack chieftain, conqueror. Yuri Danilovich, Moscow prince and Vladimir Grand Duke. Daniil Romanovich Galitsky. Dmitry Shemyaka, son of Yuri Dmitrievich, grandson of Dmitry Donskoy. Vasily I Dmitrievich. Vsevolod III Yuryevich Big Nest. Timur (Tamerlane). Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. Ivan I Danilovich Kalita, Moscow prince, second son of Prince Daniil.

“Old Russian Princes” - Vsevolod III Yuryevich Big Nest. Roman Mstislavich. Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great, Grand Duke of Kyiv. Vasily II Vasilievich Dark. Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise, Grand Duke of Kyiv. Yuri Danilovich, Moscow prince and Vladimir Grand Duke. Andrey Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.

“Rurikovich Dynasty” - Name one of the members of the Elected Rada. Wish. Ivan the Terrible. How Ivan the Terrible explained the reason for the introduction of the oprichnina. The names of the three sons of Ivan the Terrible. Ivan IV. Authorities. Temple of the Intercession. Name the Russian merchants. Decline of the Rurik dynasty. The name of the chief guardsman. Heir to the royal throne.

“Yaroslav the Wise” - Canonized in the 15th century as the Holy Blessed Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod. Worship in Christianity. Elizabeth became the wife of the Norwegian king Harald the Harsh. Yaroslav the Wise Prepared by 6th grade student Galuzina Lisa. Son of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. Anastasia became the wife of King Andras I of Hungary, son of Ladislaus the Bald.

“The first Kyiv princes” - Western direction. Prince Oleg (882 – 912). Eastern direction of hikes. Olga. The first Kyiv princes. Polyudye. Define state. Why Svyatoslav decided to make the city of Pereyaslavets the capital. Target. Consolidation. The prince entrusted the collection of tribute to his proxies. The Tale of Bygone Years. Prince Igor (912 – 945).

"Princes" - Left behind five sons. The Emperor sent Vladimir to Casimir, ordering the latter to imprison Vladimir in Galich. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich - Prince of Tver, son of Grand Duke Yaroslav Yaroslavich. The Galicians rebelled. According to some news, Rurik also had a daughter and stepson Askold. Presentation of Russian princes made by Ilnar Sufiyanov.

“Vladimir the Red Sun” - Epiphany. Recent years. Vladimir “red sun”. Kiev reign. Origin and upbringing. In Kyiv, the baptism of the people took place relatively peacefully. Content. Vladimir captured Polotsk, which had sided with Kyiv. Family and children. Reign in Novgorod.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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From the history of the dynasty of Russian kings Kalaeva Anita 7th grade “B” Teacher Fidarova Zh.U. Rurikovich

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Rurikovich: -Foundation of the dynasty -Rulers of the dynasty (BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY FROM Rurik to Ivan the Terrible) -Suppression of the dynasty

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Rurik (862-879) Rurik was the founder of the Rurik dynasty - a dynasty of Russian princes and then kings that ruled for 736 years, from the end of the 9th to the 16th centuries. The last of the Rurikovichs - Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich - died in 1598. According to the chronicle legend, Rurik, the leader of the Varangian tribe "Ros" or "Rus", was called by the Ilmen Slavs to reign in Novgorod. During the reign of Rurik, the lands of the Merya, Ves and Murom tribes were annexed to the lands of the Slavs. According to the chronicle, Rurik was married to Princess Efand of Urmansk and had a son, Igor. According to unverified sources of the late 16th - early 17th centuries, Rurik died in Korel in 879, transferring the rule of the state and his young son Igor to his distant relative Oleg.

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Oleg (879-912) Some historians consider Oleg to be a relative of Rurik. He arrived with Rurik's squad, received power after Rurik's death in 879 and ruled until Rurik's son Igor came of age. In 882, Oleg captured Kyiv and began to rule there, proclaiming Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities.” . In 907, under the leadership of Oleg, a successful campaign was made against Constantinople (Constantinople), as a result of which the Russians received a rich tribute from the Byzantines and a few years later signed the first peace treaty with Byzantium. Prince Oleg died in 912, leaving a strong state centered in Kyiv to Rurik's son Igor.

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Igor (912-945) According to the chronicle, Prince Igor took power in 912 after the death of Oleg, already in adulthood. . In 941, Prince Igor undertook a campaign against Constantinople, which ended very sadly for the Russian army. The following year, Kyiv and Constantinople exchanged embassies and concluded a new peace treaty. Prince Igor went with his retinue to the Drevlyan land for tribute. Considering the tribute insufficient, Prince Igor decided to collect tribute again. Outraged by such arbitrariness, the Drevlyans killed Igor’s small detachment, and killed him himself. This happened in 945. Prince Igor reigned for 32 years.

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Olga (945-962) According to chroniclers, Olga married Prince Igor in 903. After the death of her husband, Princess Olga ruled the state until her son Svyatoslav came of age. Princess Olga wrote a special page in the history of Christianity. She was the first Christian princess. In her declining years, pagan Olga wanted to become a Christian and in 957 she went to Constantinople to accept Christianity from the Greek patriarch. Emperor of Byzantium Constantine Porphyrogenitus became her godfather. The years of Olga's reign were characterized by the expansion of international relations of Kievan Rus: relations with Byzantium were strengthened, embassies were exchanged with the German emperor Otto I. Contemporaries noted in Olga's character the combination of extraordinary intelligence and energy inherent in outstanding statesmen. "Tradition called Olga Cunning, the church - Saint, history - Wise." (Karamzin)

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Svyatoslav (962-972) The chronicler depicts Svyatoslav this way. He was a born warrior, “a knight without fear or reproach,” unusually hardy on campaigns, unpretentious in everyday life, he could sleep in the open air with a saddle under his head, was undemanding in food, quick and decisive in his movements. Svyatoslav never attacked an enemy without warning him: “I’m coming at you.” Beginning in 964, he made a series of campaigns on the Oka River, the Volga region, the North Caucasus and the Balkans, freeing the Slavic tribes from the power of the Khazars and annexing new lands to his territories. In 965, Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Khaganate. In the spring of 972, Svyatoslav’s detachment, exhausted by the campaign, took on the Pechenegs. In this battle, Svyatoslav was killed. The Pecheneg leader Kurya ordered a cup to be made from the skull of Svyatoslav and drank from it during the festivities.

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Vladimir the Holy (980-1015) Vladimir the Holy ruled in Novgorod from 969. In 980, Vladimir, having killed his half-brother Yaropolk, became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. Vladimir was the sole ruler of the Russian land. Vladimir began his political activity with an attempt to bring the beliefs of various tribes into one. The estimated date of adoption of Christianity in Rus' is August 1, 988. From this moment on, chroniclers speak of Vladimir as a holy and pious man. The estimated date of the adoption of Christianity in Rus' is August 1, 988. From this moment on, chroniclers speak of Vladimir as a holy and pious man. Vladimir did a lot to strengthen the borders of the state. By the beginning of the 11th century, almost all major unions of the Eastern Slavs became part of the state.

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Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) Yaroslav I the Wise is the son of Vladimir the Great. In 1019, Yaroslav became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. In 1036, Yaroslav managed to unite all of Rus' under his rule, Yaroslav successfully repelled attacks on his lands. During his reign, a major victory was won over the Pechenegs (1036). The Russian state under Yaroslav the Wise became one of the strongest in Europe. Yaroslav is also known as the first Russian legislator. During his reign, a set of laws was issued, which went down in history under the name “Russian Truth”. The prestige of the Russian Orthodox Church increased. In 1051, for the first time in the short history of the Russian Church, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion, was elected without the participation of the Patriarch of Constantinople (the sons of Yaroslav lost this right). For his activities, Yaroslav was nicknamed the Wise.

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Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) Vladimir was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich and Anna, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh. Vladimir Monomakh was the initiator of the congresses of princes (1096). He called on his relatives for peace and harmony. The reign of Monomakh was a favorable period for the development of Rus'. Under his rule, up to three-quarters of the Russian lands were reunited, and princely strife ceased. Vladimir Monomakh is known not only as a wise and insightful politician, but also as a legislator. Under him, the so-called “Charter of Monomakh” was created. ., “Lesson for children.” Vladimir Monomakh died on May 19, 1125 “The people cried for him, as children cry for their father or mother,” as it is written in the chronicle

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Yuri Dolgoruky (1090-1157) Yuri Dolgoruky (1090s - May 15, 1157, Kyiv), Suzdal prince, Kiev Grand Duke, sixth son of Vladimir Monomakh. The first chronicle mention of Moscow in 1147 is also associated with the name of Yuri Dolgoruky. Along with the seizure of new territories and the founding of cities, Prince Yuri irresistibly sought to seize the Kyiv throne. The struggle for the great reign with his nephew Izyaslav Mstislavich was long. Yuri entered Kyiv three times as Grand Duke. The third time he remained one until the end of his days. The people of Kiev did not like Prince Yuri. This was explained by the fact that Yuri resorted to the help of the Polovtsians and was almost always a troublemaker during periods of struggle for the throne. Yuri Dolgoruky was a “newcomer” for the people of Kiev, from the North. According to the chronicler, after the death of Yuri in 1157, the people of Kiev plundered his rich mansions and killed the Suzdal detachment that came with him.

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Andrei Bogolyubsky (1111-1174) Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky is the eldest son of Yuri Dolgoruky. In his Rostov-Suzdal principality, he became the sole ruler, expelling all his relatives - small appanage princes. Vladimir on Klyazma became the center of the principality. Not far from Vladimir, in the village of Bogolyubovo, Andrei built a magnificent palace, for which he received the nickname “Bogolyubsky”. Due to military campaigns, the prince expanded the territory of his principality: in 1164 he made a campaign against Volga Bulgaria, in 1172 - against Danube Bulgaria, and in 1166 he sent his son Mstislav to the Podvina region. The affairs of Southern Rus' interested him little. He did not share his father’s love for Kyiv and preferred to rule North-Eastern Russia. The authoritarian nature of Andrei Bogolyubsky's rule and the cruel treatment of those close to him caused discontent among the prince's circle. In 1174, a conspiracy was hatched, and Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed.

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Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154-1212) Vsevolod III Yuryevich the Big Nest, Old Russian prince, Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1176), son of Yuri Dolgoruky. He received the nickname Big Nest for having many children (8 sons, 4 daughters). In the campaigns of 1180, 1187, 1207 he subjugated Ryazan to his influence, Kyiv and Chernigov depended on the Vladimir prince; in 1190 he accepted under the patronage of the Galician prince Vladimir Yaroslavich. Thanks to Vsevolod’s campaigns against the Volga Bulgars and Mordovians in 1183, 1186, the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality expanded to the east. Vsevolod Yurievich reigned for 37 years. He died in 1212. After him, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' began to disintegrate into appanage principalities.

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Alexander Nevsky (1252-1263) Alexander Yaroslavich received a label for the Great Reign in the Golden Horde only in 1252. Nevsky consistently pursued a policy aimed at strengthening the northwestern borders of Rus' and reconciliation with the Tatars. While still the Prince of Novgorod (1236-1251), he showed himself to be an experienced commander and wise ruler. Thanks to the victories won in the “Battle of the Neva” (1240), in the “Battle of the Ice” (1242), Alexander for a long time discouraged the Swedes, Germans and Lithuanians from taking possession of the northern Russian lands. Alexander pursued the opposite policy towards the Mongol-Tatars. It was a policy of peace and cooperation, the purpose of which was to prevent a new invasion of Rus'. The prince often traveled to the Horde with rich gifts. He managed to achieve the release of Russian soldiers from the obligation to fight on the side of the Mongol-Tatars. In 1263, Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky died in Gorodets.

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Ivan Kalita (1325-1240) Ivan I Danilovich Kalita (before 1296 - 1340, Moscow), Moscow prince (from 1325) laid the foundations of the political and economic power of Moscow. The strengthening of Ivan Kalita's influence was facilitated by the move to Moscow from Vladimir of Metropolitan Peter (1325). As a sign of victory over Ivan Kalita took the cathedral bell from Tver to Moscow. In 1332, most of the Vladimir Principality with the cities of Vladimir, Bogolyubovo, Yaropolch, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Nizhny Novgorod was annexed to the Moscow Principality. In 1332, the Moscow prince achieved recognition in the Horde as a Grand Duke. The Golden Horde Khan transferred to him the right to collect tribute in Rus'. He steadily sought to expand the territory of his principality. John Danilovich received the nickname “Kalita” because of the large wallet with money that he carried with him. Died 1340

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Dmitry Donskoy (1359-1389) The domestic policy of Dmitry Donskoy was aimed at autocracy. During the reign there was a struggle for the strengthening and integrity of the state. Dmitry was the first of the Moscow princes to lead the armed struggle of the people against the Tatars. Grand Duke Dmitry Ioannovich entered Russian history as the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Ivanovich showed outstanding military leadership talent, for which he was nicknamed Donskoy. During his reign, Moscow established its leadership position in the Russian lands. Dmitry Donskoy for the first time transferred the great reign to his eldest son Vasily without the sanction of the Golden Horde as “his fatherland.” During the reign of Dmitry Ioannovich, a white-stone Kremlin was built in Moscow - the first stone fortress in North-Eastern Rus'. Died 19 May 1389

The Birth of the Old Russian State The state arises only when the people reach a certain stage of social and economic development. The Eastern Slavs already had all the prerequisites for creating their own state: powerful tribal unions, active trade, a developed economy.

The Birth of the Old Russian State Gradually, in the 9th century, two strongest tribal unions emerged among the Eastern Slavs. The northern union of tribes was headed by the Slovenes (their capital was Novgorod), and the southern union of tribes was headed by the Polyans, their capital was Kyiv, a city on the Dnieper.

The reign of Rurik - the founder of the dynasty The word “Rus” can be of both southern and Norman origin. But when the state of the Eastern Slavs began to be called this word, it became a symbol of a new powerful power. And 862, the year of Rurik’s reign in Novgorod, according to the chronicle, became an important milestone in the formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs.

The reign of Rurik - the founder of the dynasty Rurik, having come to Rus' (at the invitation of the Slavs to end intertribal strife), brought with him a strong squad. The calling was not direct violence, the conquest of tribes. The agreement suited both the newcomer Varangians and the Novgorod men, who found long-awaited stability. A strong army ensured the security of the main trade routes.

The reign of Rurik, the founder of the dynasty, the Varangians began to actively trade and even sailed with goods on their ships along the Volga to the Caspian Sea, and along the Dnieper to the Black Sea. Rurik managed not only to stay in Novgorod, but also to include Polotsk and Murom in his sphere of influence. Very little is known about the prince, but it was after his name that the first Russian ruling dynasty was called the Rurikovichs.

Prophetic Oleg The year 882 - the unification of Novgorod and Kyiv by Oleg - is considered the year of the founding of the Old Russian state of Kievan Rus. At the same time, many Slavic tribes (Krivichi, Drevlyans, Northerners) were forced to join Oleg and pay him tribute, thanks to which he could support a large army. But tributary relations were supplemented by mutually beneficial exchanges, joint participation in military expeditions, and the transformation of the tribal nobility into the ruling stratum.

Prophetic Oleg in 907 Oleg, at the head of the Varangians and the local tribes subject to him, made a campaign against Byzantium. The campaign ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty, which ensured the trade interests of Russian merchants in Byzantium and the payment of indemnities. In it, the word “Rus” acquired another meaning: it is not only the squad of the Kyiv prince, but also a political-geographical name - Russian land, subject to the Kyiv prince and meaning a huge inter-tribal and inter-ethnic “super-union”, located in the forest and forest-steppe zone of Eastern Europe.

Prophetic Oleg Perhaps, in 912, Prince Oleg sailed to his homeland - to Scandinavia. According to Russian legend, he was killed by his horse and was buried in Kyiv. And in Staraya Ladoga a huge hill has been preserved - a polygon called “Oleg’s Grave”. Oleg managed to unite the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes in the North into a single union and finally unite the Russian state by capturing Kyiv.

Prince Igor After Oleg's death, power passed to Rurik's son Igor. Thus, for the first time, the prince received power not through armed seizure or at the invitation of the veche, but by inheritance (implementation of the dynastic principle). The first years of Igor’s reign turned out to be difficult. Some tribes, subordinated to Oleg, refused to pay him tribute. Igor had to re-conquer these territories. He also encountered the nomadic Pechenegs who appeared in the southern Russian steppes.

Prince Igor Prince Igor made military campaigns against Constantinople, but not all of them were successful. Tribute collected from subject tribes was the main way to maintain the squad. In November, the prince and his retinue set off on a tour of the subject lands. Part of the collected tribute was then sent to Constantinople for sale, part went to support the princely entourage and his soldiers.

Prince Igor In 945, during Polyudye in the lands of the Drevlyans, Prince Igor was killed. The reason for the uprising was, apparently, Igor’s violation of the agreement on the amount of tribute, the complication of relations with the local princes who ruled “under his hand.” A small squad was killed, and he himself died a heavy death, being tied to the tops of two bent trees and torn to pieces. Igor's widow, the famous Princess Olga, brutally avenged her husband's death and brought the Drevlyans to submission.

Polyudye of Princess Olga Princess Olga became ruler under her young son Svyatoslav. Tradition presents her as a strong-willed and prudent sovereign, “the wisest of all people.” The chronicler's flattering words apparently contained a large share of truth, although Olga herself was no stranger to cruelty and deceit. Olga was a Slav originally from Pskov, and received her princely name (Olga) during her marriage.

Polyudye of Princess Olga After her, princes with purely Slavic names sit on the Kiev princely throne - Svyatoslav, Vladimir, Yaroslav... This means that the princely family became glorified and the role of the Varangians in governing the country decreased significantly. Princess Olga owned her own villages and lands. During the campaigns of Prince Igor, she remained to rule in Kyiv, she even had her own squad.

Polyudye of Princess Olga In an effort to strengthen the state, Princess Olga after 945 traveled around all her lands, dividing them into areas more or less equal in population. The control center of each district became the churchyard, where taxes (lessons) from all over the area flocked. Usually the churchyard was also a center of trade, and there was also a pagan temple there.

Polyudye of Princess Olga The prince could no longer arbitrarily demand tribute twice or thrice a year. The amount of taxes became known in advance and was paid by the entire population. Thus, polyudye - the annual tour of the conquered lands by the prince and his retinue (usually in winter) turned into a simple collection of taxes. This reform deprived local tribal princes of power and centralized government in the country, uniting the young state. It became stronger and richer. The head of the state was the prince, but the role of the people's veche, elders and boyars of the druzhina nobility was very great.

Polyudye of Princess Olga The bulk of the population of Rus' at that time were pagans. Princess Olga was the first of the Russian princes to become a Christian and in 957 she traveled to Constantinople, where she was magnificently received by the Byzantine emperor himself. However, the time for the baptism of Rus' has not yet come.

Wars of Svyatoslav The reign of Olga's son Svyatoslav Igorevich (gg.) is an era of wonderful battles and bright adventures. The prince spent almost all his time on military campaigns far from Kyiv. Svyatoslav had the talent of a commander and rare fearlessness. This is probably the most outstanding commander of Ancient Rus'. If the campaigns of Russian squads before Svyatoslav were mainly raids on neighbors for booty, then Svyatoslav’s wars were of a political nature. He expanded the Russian state and tried to defeat dangerous neighbors.

Wars of Svyatoslav The prince's first campaigns were directed against Khazaria. The prince successfully fought in the North Caucasus against the Yasses and Kasogs, and then went to the Danube, from where he began the war with Byzantium. Having occupied several cities at the mouth of the Danube, Svyatoslav made Pereyaslavets his main fortress. He wanted this city on the Danube to be the capital of his kingdom.

Wars of Svyatoslav At first, the war was successful for the prince, but the Byzantines bribed the Pechenegs, and they besieged Kyiv. The people of Kiev sent messengers to the prince. Svyatoslav with a strong squad returned to Kyiv and defeated the Pechenegs. He left his three sons as governors in Rus' and returned to the Balkans again. But the Byzantines defeated Svyatoslav’s troops and besieged him in the Dorostol fortress. The prince made peace with the emperor, promising to return home and no longer fight with Byzantium.

Wars of Svyatoslav Returning back, Svyatoslav divided his army. The main part returned to Kyiv by land, and the prince himself decided to sail home on ships to take away huge military booty. But the Byzantines warned the Pechenegs, who ambushed the prince on the Dnieper rapids. His entire small squad was exterminated, and he himself was killed. From his skull, set in gold, the Pecheneg prince Kurya ordered a cup to be made for himself for feasts, believing that Svyatoslav’s power would pass to him.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir After the death of Svyatoslav as a result of many years of struggle for power, his son Vladimir became the Prince of Kyiv. His victory allowed the Rurik power to regain unity. Vladimir is a very controversial figure. The new prince decided to take action on a national scale, which required both courage and political will. Vladimir was not only a warrior, but a builder of the state and its reformer.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir He founded new cities, strengthened borders, and made changes to the system of government of the Old Russian state. The so-called ladder system of distribution of reigns brought stability and primacy to Kyiv. The main act of Vladimir was the baptism of Rus'. It was not just an expression of the prince’s will. With the territorial growth of Ancient Rus', with the complication of its ethnic composition, social and political relations, the question of spiritual and political unity arose.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir It became increasingly difficult to remain a pagan country in a Christian and Islamic environment. Overcoming inferiority and the desire to change the international status of the rulers of Ancient Rus' turned out to be directly dependent on religious choice. The impetus for the adoption of Christianity was the events that took place in Byzantium. At the end of the 90s of the 10th century. Emperor Vasily II, exhausted in the fight against another rebellion, turned to Kyiv for help.

Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles Vladimir agreed to send troops on the terms of a marriage with Princess Anna, the emperor’s sister. In response, Byzantium demanded the baptism of the Kyiv prince. The rebellion was suppressed. But the rulers of Byzantium were in no hurry to fulfill their obligations. The treachery of the Greeks prompted Vladimir to move to Crimea and capture the Byzantine city of Chersonesus (Korsun). The condition for the return of the city was the fulfillment of the agreement. According to legend, Vladimir and his squad were baptized in Chersonesos.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir Returning to Kyiv, the Grand Duke destroyed the pagan pantheon and called on the people of Kiev to follow his example. This happened in 988. After baptism, the prince ordered the construction of churches where pagan temples had previously stood. At first they were all made of wood. Only the Tithe Church in Kyiv, built by Greek craftsmen, was made of stone. The prince donated a tenth of his wealth to her. Since then, a special tax - tithe - has been levied in favor of the church.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir The establishment of Christianity in Rus' as the state religion was an event of great historical significance. The ancient Russian state strengthened its political, dynastic and cultural ties with the world. Christianity was also of great importance for the establishment of a new social system. The elimination of local, tribal differences has accelerated. On the basis of Christianity, the spiritual consolidation of society began.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus' The first half of the 11th century became the time of the highest power of Ancient Rus'. This was largely achieved thanks to Yaroslav, the son of Vladimir, a smart, successful politician who went down in history with the nickname Wise. He managed to achieve stability. Under him, the nomads did not dare to carry out their raids on Russian land. The prince decisively put an end to discord, strengthened new orders that met the interests of the state, created courts, issued laws, and founded cities. It was no coincidence that the chroniclers called Yaroslav “autocratic.” In the perception of his contemporaries, he was no longer the first among the princes, but a true sovereign, an autocratic ruler.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus' Yaroslav showed special concern for faith. Under him, Kyiv turned into one of the largest European cities. The Church of St. Sophia, the Golden Gate, and the monasteries in honor of Saints George and Irene, built during his reign, were not just religious monuments.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus' With his construction, Yaroslav seemed to challenge Constantinople, pushing it aside and turning Kyiv into the God-saved center of the Christian world. It was during the time of Yaroslav that the idea of ​​Rus', which took responsibility for the fate of Orthodoxy, would become the most important religious and political idea that influenced all subsequent policies of medieval rulers. Yaroslav stands at the origins of the state ideology of Ancient Rus'.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus' The first written law of the Old Russian state - Russian Truth - is also associated with the name of Yaroslav. Most of everyday relations in Rus' were regulated by customary law, enshrined in tradition. Society did not feel the need to record these norms in writing.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus' However, the complication of relations, the emergence of social groups not included in traditional structures, the emergence of land ownership - all this required appropriate normative regulation from the prince. Princely law, at first unwritten, under Yaroslav acquired a “material” embodiment. The famous Russian Truth arose - a monument of ancient Russian law.

Yaroslav the Wise - the first legislator of Rus'. In an effort to prevent strife between his sons, Yaroslav, before his death, divided the Russian lands between them. He bequeathed that no one “transgress the limit of his brother.” Everyone had to obey the three older brothers. He, in turn, had to protect his brothers. This order was intended to ensure the political dominance of Kyiv and preserve the unity of the state. However, subsequent events showed the futility of these hopes...

Information resources Danilevsky I.N. Ancient Rus' through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants. IX-XII centuries M., Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the biographies of its main figures. M., Soloviev S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. M., Romanov B.A. People and customs of Ancient Rus'. M., Rybakov B.A. The world of history: the initial centuries of Russian history. M.,

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