The problem of protecting the Fatherland. The problem of sacrifice for homeland, the protection of the Motherland (EGE in Russian). What is the military service

Sections: Common goodsAgological technologies

  1. Creating conditions To form knowledge of the duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation - "Protect Fatherland"; Tell students to understand the role of the armed forces in our country.
  2. Development Logical thinking and students' abilities to receive knowledge during active search and collective problem solving.
  3. Education Active creative personalitywhich can work in non-standard situations in the lesson.
  1. Determine the features of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of the analysis of documents.
  2. Get acquainted with information on the role of the Russian army in the state.
  3. Develop the ability to formulate the bulk of the lesson and solve it during the "brainstorming".
  4. To present the results of work in the group.

Equipment lesson:

Board design: statements, theme lesson, dictionary, regulatory documents, memo, distribution material: tables, tasks, TSO: computer and multimediaprocket for demonstration of the presentation.

Type of lesson: assimilation of new knowledge and concepts.

Type of lesson: Problem-practical lesson of Version Melting industry using technology "brainstorming"

The problem-practical lesson of a version involves:

  • solving problematic situations containing contradictions;
  • solving problems during group discussion using logical arguments;
  • search engines of students on independent study of sources in order to solve the educational problem;

An innovative approach: assumes the organization and management of students with support for active methods Training - Technology "Brainstorming"

Teaching methods:

  • verbal, visual, practical;
  • problem, partially search (heuristic conversation) - a system of logically related tasks and issues, the purpose of which is a solution to a new problem for students, creating a situation of alternativeness and surprises;
  • analytical, generalizing - analysis of documents and sources on the problem, the definition of major ideas, the search for arguments, compiling generalizing conclusions.

Contract - Treaty (in this case)between the citizen and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or other authority that he voluntarily enters the military service.

Armed forces, state military organization for defense and reflection of aggression.

Aggression is the illegal use of force by one state against the other.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article.57-59)
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service "from 28.03.1998 N 53-FZ.
  3. Federal Law "On Alternative Civil Service" of January 1, 2004.
  4. Federal Target Program on Military Service under the Contract. Bulletin of the Government of the Russian Federation № 12 2002

During the classes

1. Organizational stage.

  1. Psychological attitude of students - the organization of the workplace.
  2. Pupil motivation:

Teacher: Greeting. I am glad to our meeting at today's lesson. We are with you the opportunity to continue the conversation about Man- Infinite theme for reflection not only philosophers, historians, lawyers, writers, but also of all educated people. Human - A whole world that includes such concepts: individual, personality, society and Citizen.

4. Motivation of students.

Purpose: To summarize students to understand that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of every citizen of the country.

Teacher.To those who defended their homeland in different periods of history, our people always treated with great respect and pride. Courage and Glory - these words are connected with the ministry of Fatherland.

Presentation on the topic Prepared class students (4 min). Slides number 3-13.

5. Work with the lesson dictionary.

To protect the country from the manifestation of aggression, a state military organization was created - Armed Forcess of the Russian Federation.

6. Work in groups.

Teacher. Briefing.

In the folders there are instructions for working in groups: excerpts from regulatory documents on the features of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Do they discuss them together and fill in the table. Explanation of tasks.

Problem: Modern young people do not want to serve in the army. Why?

Teacher. Our task today to name the reasons for this phenomenon and suggest possible solutions.

For this work, we will conduct a "brainstorming".

8. "Brainstorming".

Purpose: Create conditions for intensive mental activity of students, the formation of skills and skills, to successfully solve educational and practical problems.

Teacher. Instructing for students in conducting a "brainstorming". (Appendix3)

Work student tasks number 3. - 15 minutes.

9. Speech by representatives of groups. Presentation of the results " brainstorming"- 3-4 min. Questions of representatives of groups.

10. Reflection. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: For one lesson, it is impossible to find solutions to the problems of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Scientists think about it, legislators, state figures. We will still have the opportunity to return to the discussion of these issues. It is very important that today we reviewed the content of one of the duties of a citizen of "Defense of the Fatherland" from two contradictory positions.

You must remember:

  • Who, if not we, citizens of Russia, can protect their homeland per minute of danger?
  • Who, if not you, the younger generation, can solve the problems of the modern army?

It is proposed to students to propose options for changing the lesson (You can rearrange the words topic)

Green - "Defense of the Fatherland - Honorary Duty and Duty";
Blue - "Defense of the Fatherland - Forced Duty";
Yellow - "Defense of the Fatherland - Honorary Debt and Responsibility, but the problems of the modern army must be solved."

Our lesson would like to finish these rows:

When he is a feat makes
it does not care for whit
Learning who, Ile does not recognize
about him somewhere else.
But life is presented to the planet
and the sky peaceful over it
only because there is in the world
My Motherland soldiers.


Those who wish to participate in the continuation of the discussion of the topic:

Write the reasoning or create a small presentation on the subject of the lesson.

Humanity has not yet learned to resolve conflicts without resorting to bloodshed and war. Therefore, at all times in the literature, the question of the need for citizens to defend their country in difficult times was acute. This writes F. Sologub in the proposed text. Young Estonian Paul Sepp, the hero of the text, was designed by a recruitment on the war. "Don't be afraid of anything, Lisa. While we are alive, we do not let the Germans, "said Paul his beloved Lisa. F. Sologub emphasizes what pride the girl speaks Mother about Paula: "Here is my groom, mommy. He is a defender of the Fatherland. " The author draws attention to the fact that not all young people with humility took the need to serve military service. Bubrenchikov and Kozovallov did not want to fight at all.

"And you are not ashamed! You must protect us, and you think for yourself where to hide, "the Lisa reproaches them. F. Sologub compares young people with Paul Sepp: the author sympathizes the Estonian, which is sharply feels the debt to the country and by all means it is ready to defend the depreciation. The position of the author is clear to me: F. Sologub is confident that it is necessary to fight for the motherland and this is the responsibility of every citizen. I fully agree with the writer. Indeed, whatever horrors brings war, as it were, she would not have crossed human destred, every citizen must realize his duty before grazing and defend it from the enemy. Recall the story M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". The main hero of the story, Andrei Sokolov, bravely fought in war. He made all the tests that had fallen into his share, visited the fascists. Andrei Sokolova's civil debt will not allow him to avoid military duty. When the hero still managed to escape from captivity, he first became kissing native land, choking the joy, which speaks of his limitless love for the debris and willingness to defend it. Grigory Melekhov, the main character Roman-epic M. Sholokhov " Silent Don."All my life was in search of truth. He did not know who to join, red or white. The only thing that Gregory was sure was that he was obliged to fight for peace in his country. An meaningless, merciless war, first the world, and then the fratricidal civilian, claimed the lives of many comrades Gregory, but the main character was confident that it was necessary to fight for the truth and justice, to defend his beloved. Thus, I emphasize once again: the debt of every citizen is to fight for their homeland. But still I want to believe that in the future, humanity will refuse bloodshed in bloody wars and will learn to solve conflicts peacefully.

Technological card lesson Social Studies "Defense of the Fatherland"

Subject:Defense of Fatherland

Class: 7.

Purpose:the student is aware of its civil liability to the Fatherland through an understanding of the role of the Armed Forces in its protection.


    Determine the features of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of the analysis of documents.

    Get acquainted with information about the role Russian army in the state.

    Develop the ability to formulate the bulk of the lesson and solve it during the "brainstorming".

    To present the results of work in the group.

Equipment lesson:

Board design: statements, theme lesson, dictionary, regulatory documents, memo, distribution material: tables, tasks, TSO: computer and multimediaprocket for demonstration of the presentation.

Type of lesson: The assimilation of new knowledge and concepts.

Type of lesson:lesson - reasoning

Teaching methods:

    verbal, visual, practical;

    problem, partially search (heuristic conversation) - a system of logically related tasks and issues, the purpose of which is a solution to a new problem for students, creating a situation of alternativeness and surprise;

    analytical, generalizing - analysis of documents and sources on the problem, the definition of major ideas, the search for arguments, compiling generalizing conclusions.


Contract - Treaty (in this case)between the citizen and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or other authority that he voluntarily enters the military service.

Armed Forces - State Military Organization for Defense and Otr


    Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article.57-59)

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Military Duty and Military Service" from 28.03.1998 N 53-FZ.

    Federal Law "On Alternative Civil Service" of January 1, 2004.

    Federal Target Program on Military Service under the Contract. Bulletin of the Government of the Russian Federation № 12 2002

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment-building, report, greeting

Stage classes

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

    Motivational target

A task:

call interest in the subject of the lesson, to ensure the psychological attitude of students, organize workplace

Purpose: To summarize students to understand that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of every citizen of the country.

Greeting. I am glad to our meeting at today's lesson. We are with you the opportunity to continue the conversation about Man- Infinite theme for reflection not only philosophers, historians, lawyers, writers, but also of all educated people. Human - A whole world that includes such concepts: individual, personality, society and Citizen.

What is a citizen?

Emission to the board:

What is the main quality that determines the concept of a citizen?

(give life for home)

Poet you can not be
But the citizen must be.
What is a citizen?
Decent Son, - ...
Go to the fire for the honor of the depreciation,
For conviction, for love ...

ON THE. Nekrasov

Conversation: What is the point of investing Nekrasov in the concept of a citizen?

What makes you meaning in this concept?

Does everyone want to serve in the army?

Question:Defense of the Fatherland ishonorable Debt orforced duty?

Why depends the power of our state)

Is the role of the participation of one person in the power of the armed forces? (During the war, they freed from the service in the army of scientists

What will help us understand what we need to know to decide whether a citizen should serve in the army?

And what do you think from your class all should serve in the army?

What do we need to understand with you to have a convincing answer to this question?

Defense of the Fatherland is honorable Debt or forced duty?

Is it possible to protect the homeland without serving in the army?

Predictable result: Now if we talk about military duty, what will it give you?

To those who defended their homeland in different periods of history, our people always treated with great respect and pride. Courage and Glory - these words are connected with the ministry of Fatherland.

A citizen-man who has rights and obligations.

A citizen is a person belonging to a legal basis to a certain state. A citizen has a certain legal capacity, endowed with rights, freedoms and burdened with responsibilities.

legal meaning

    complies with laws;

    has rights and obligations;

    enjoy the protection of the state;

    participant of public life;

    state management.

moral meaning

    loves and proud homeland;

    ready to defend their homeland;

    responsible to the state;

    civilian choice.

Estimated Answers

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of every citizen of the country

Well no.

(Answers: Contributable character with arguments)

To understand should: what is a citizen, what is the role in the army, whether the army is able to protect the state in any situation, what is the right, what is the debt, what is armed forces and what is their role?

A sense of debt to protect patronymic have people volition, courageous.

2. Informational and analytical

Work with the lesson dictionary.


Guys in groups on leaves are written as they understand

What is such a debt?

What is right?

What can you add from the dictionary. And what is the most important for you?

You all noticed that a person - a citizen constantly faces such concepts as "right", "moral debt", "duty". Try to explain these words:

To protect the country from the manifestation of aggression, a state military organization was created - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Work in groups.

Teacher. Briefing.

In the folders there are instructions for working in groups: excerpts from regulatory documents on the features of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Do they discuss them together and fill in the table. Explanation of tasks.

(Table number 1. Tasks and documents for work in groups)

Summing up the work on the first part of the lesson.

Teacher.So, we saw that the service in the army, the defense of the Fatherland is an honorary and important duty of a citizen. But at the same time today is a serious school of life, the spiritual strength test.

Alas, not everyone goes with honor. Every year arises problem With a set of young men to pass the service in the ranks of the Sun.

I suggest you try to independently formulate this problem

(Students offer their problems formulating problems).

Sharing option ().

Problem:Modern young people do not want to serve in the army. Why?

For this work, we will conduct a "brainstorming".


Purpose: Create conditions for intensive mental activity of students, the formation of skills and skills, to successfully solve educational and practical problems.

Teacher. Instructing for students in conducting a "brainstorming". ( )

Work student tasks number 3. - 15 minutes.

9. Speech by representatives of groups.Representation of the "brainstorming" results - 3-4 minutes. Questions of representatives of groups.

    debt" means ...? (the duty to do something, but not related to the law)

    right ” …? (due to the law, and therefore with the concept of "obliged", which means the duty entrusted by the state for each member of society)

    The bigger right has a citizen ...? (Especially he has duties)

3. Reflexive

Reflection. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: For one lesson, it is impossible to find solutions to the problems of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Scientists, legislators, state figures think about it. We will still have the opportunity to return to the discussion of these issues. It is very important that today we reviewed the content of one of the duties of a citizen of "Defense of the Fatherland" from two contradictory positions.

You must remember:

    Who, if not we, citizens of Russia, can protect their homeland per minute of danger?

    Who, if not you, the younger generation, can solve the problems of the modern army?

and duty ";
Blue - "Defense of the Fatherland - Forced Duty";
red - "Defense of the Fatherland - Honorary Debt and Responsibility, but the problems of the modern army must be solved."

Our lesson would like to finish these rows:

When he is a feat makes
it does not care for whit
learning who, Ile does not recognize
about him somewhere else.
But life is presented to the planet
and the sky peaceful over it
only because there is in the world
my Motherland soldiers.

He who does not serve in the army He is a defender? (but why?)


Those who wish to participate in the continuation of the discussion of the topic:

Write the reasoning or create a small presentation on the subject of the lesson.

Students choose and attach to the board.

Chapter 1. Constitutional regulation of the protection of the Fatherland in Russia and foreign countries: a comparative study.

§1.1. Genesis of the Institute for the Protection of the Fatherland in Russian legislation: a brief historical essay.

§1.2. The constitutional obligation to protect the fatherland in the system of legal duties of the state and citizen: the concept, interaction, place.

§1.3. Regulatory content of the constitutional duty of a citizen of Russia to protect the Fatherland.

§1.4. Features of the content of the Institute for State Protection in the Constitutions of Foreign Countries.

Chapter 2. The mechanism and features of the realization of the citizen of Russia the responsibilities of protecting the Fatherland.

§2.1. The main aspects of the implementation of the constitutional duty of a citizen to protect the Fatherland.

§2.2. Constitutional guarantees of the implementation by a citizen of the constitutional obligation to protect the fatherland.

§2.3. Defense of the Fatherland in the Doctrine of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Constitutional regulation of human rights and freedoms and citizen in the Republic of Armenia 1999, Doctor of Law, Yeritsyan, Armen Hernryakhovich

  • Implementation by man and citizen in the Russian Federation of constitutional duties as the most important condition for the rule of law: theoretical legal study 2006, Candidate of Law Sciences Yunusov, Muslim Abdulzhabarovich

  • 2005, candidate of legal sciences Goncharuk, Evgenia Viktorovna

  • Constitutional legal status of the Russian state: issues of theory and practice 2006, Doctor of Law Sciences Butusova, Natalia Vladimirovna

  • The system of constitutional duties of citizens of the Russian Federation 2008, candidate of legal sciences Panov, Andrei Pavlovich

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Constitutional frameworks for the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation"

The relevance of the dissertation study. The defense of the Fatherland is the most important direction in the activities of the modern Russian state and its citizens. From the successful permission of existing problems in this area, the future of Russia as a sovereign state, a full-fledged subject of international law depends. The foreign policy course of the Russian Federation as a great power, the permanent member of the UN Security Council is determined by the declared readiness to fully promote the achievement of the United Nations goals set out in the provisions of the UN Contents of 1945. The most important of them is the maintenance of peace and international security.

The defense of the Fatherland throughout the history of Russia had greater relevance. This is based on a number of factors: a special geographical position, a significant territorial length, a multinational composition of the population, frequent encroachment of foreign states and destabilizing groups on the sovereignty and integrity of the country, as well as the multidirectional vectors of the formation of Russian statehood.

At the beginning of the XXI century. It became clear that Russia on the way of modernization and transformation faced not only with the difficulties of internal, but also of the external order, in particular factors caused by the growth of international tensions. Its source is a policy (strategy) of unilateral actions destabilizing the international situation; Military adventurism of some States, accompanied by the use of compulsory measures using the Armed Forces bypassing the UN Charter and its Security Council, generally accepted principles and norms of international law; increasing number of states possessing nuclear weapon; Open challenges of international terrorism.

Today modern world He experiences fundamental and dynamic changes, deeply affecting the interests of Russia and its citizens. The concept of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2008 No. PR-1440, notes that in the international situation, along with a positive trend - the strengthening of the position of the Russian Federation in the international arena - negative trends are also manifested. The beginning of the new century was marked by global transformations around the world, determined new challenges both for Russia and for all mankind, which currently require adequate responses. "In conditions of aggravation of the political situation and the crisis in the country, and even more so in the presence of global military-terrorist threats political power There must be an adequate degree of these threats. . "2

The political situation in the world arena after the Georgian-Ossetian conflict (August 2008) has seriously changed, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation has been formed. The entire world community has witnessed, as the previous world orders collapsed and a new one began to form.

In the Message of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of November 5, 2008 D.A. Medvedev noted that "the local adventure of the Tbilisi regime turned into an increase in tension far beyond the region, throughout Europe, throughout the world. Questioned the effectiveness international Institutions Security. In fact, destabilized the foundations of the global order. " Reaction to events on August 8 and recognition of independence by Russia South Ossetia And Abkhazia, he added, once again showed that we live in the world of double standards.

1 See: The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2008 PR-1440. The document was not published. Access from the referee, the management system "ConsultantPlus".

2 Zorkin V.D. The value approach in constitutional regulation of rights and freedoms // Journal of Russian Law. 2008. No. 12. P. 5.

Events in the Caucasus clearly demonstrated the inconsistency of the current architecture of international security based on unipolarity, and even more strengthened the devaluation of traditional international obstacles.

After three years, everything is also important to the words V.V. Putin on the need to be in constant readiness to reflect ".Potential external aggression and acts of international terrorism. Must be able to respond to whose attempts to foreign policy pressure on Russia, including in order to strengthen their own positions at our expense. "1.

The reform of Russian society today puts forward a number of important, qualitatively new tasks on the creation of a sovereign and civilized state, the solution of which requires a deep understanding of citizens of the Russian Federation of the entire historical, cultural and moral and spiritual heritage, assessing what is happening, the formation of a constructive life position. This implies the need for the development of highly patriotic feelings in citizens to their homeland, readiness for debt and responsibilities for the protection of the Fatherland.

Alsonation of nature, the regulatory content and implementation of the constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland has an important theoretical and practical significance. Currently, it is safe to say that the threat of security of Russia, which took place in the past, did not currently disappear, but acquired a different character.

As part of the duties and functions of the state, you can cope with any type of "virus of aggression", but the point here is not only in government instruments, but also in every citizen. The activity of the individual itself is an independent and substantial element of the sale of debt and responsibilities for the protection of the Fatherland. Therefore, it seems necessary, in the first

1 Putin V.V. Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of May 10, 2006 // Russian newspaper. 2006. May 11th. The queue, a thorough understanding and awareness of each citizen of Russia of his personal debt and duties enshrined in Art. 59 Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Problems of improvement legal support The activities of the state and citizenship of the defense of the Fatherland are particularly relevant, taking into account the incompleteness of the process of reforming the military organization of the country and the imperfection of the regulatory framework in the specified area.

B.S. Ebzeev rightly notes that "the sovereignty of the sovereignty of the people of pseudoparts," germinating ", not the needs of social progress, and from the current political situation, and the threats of the usurpation of the sovereignty of the people of social progress. New threats appeared, the synthesizing the dangers of the mainly generated by the bureaucracy of the "Democratic" Caesarism and the party "avant-garde", fraught. Withdraw from the active political life of the people and its transformation into an object of manipulating party top "1.

The stated circumstances determine the relevance and timeliness of this dissertation study, determine itsoretical and practical importance.

The degree of scientific desires of the topic of research. The constitutional basics of the protection of the fatherland in the Russian Federation to varying degrees were interested in the interest of many lawyers. The multi-term of this topic is explained by the fact that its individual issues were paid to both in jurisprudence (primarily in the science of constitutional and military law) and in philosophy, psychology, sociology.

Comprehensive nature The studied theme involves the multiplicity of the problems set in this dissertation and the need to appeal to the literature illuminating various aspects

1 Ebzeev B.S. Constitution of Russia and political pluralism (methodology, theory, guidelines of law enforcement) // Bulletin of the Saratov State Academy of Law. 2008. No. 2. P. 41. Topics. The defense issues of the Fatherland affect a whole range of identity relationships and states permeate many areas of the country's internal and foreign policy.

The general theoretical foundation of the study was the work in the field of state theory and law, as well as the theory of human rights and citizen. Among them, the works of S.A. Avakyan, S.S. Alekseeva, M.V. Baghalia, M.I. Baitina, N.S. Bondar, N.V. Vitruka, ld Voevodina, L.I. Glukhareva, E.I. Kozlova, G.N. Komkova, V.I. Crussa, O.E. Kutafina, E.A. Lukasheva, V.O. Icon, A.B. Malko, N.I. Matus, A.c. Mordovza, B.C. Nurse, O.Yu. Rybakova, V.M. Raw, I.E. Farberry, T.A. Habrieva, V.E. Chirkina, P. Shershevich, B.S. Ebzeeva, L.S. Yavich.

The philosophical works of the dissertation study had greater importance for the development of problems of the dissertation study. Berdyaeva, G.V.F. Hegel, T. Gobbs, I.A. Ilina, I. Kanta, S.A. Muromtseva, V.A. Rerin, D. Rolza, B.C. Solovyov, Spinoza, Cicero.

The study of the Constitutional Fundamentals of the Fatherland Protection in the Soviet period was devoted to the work of such authors as V.G. Belyavsky, G.I. Bushuev, F. Davudov, V.K. Mamaladze, K.V. Ordin, G.V. Orlov, P.I. Romanov, F.V. Saganyuk, V.G. Dragonskov, F.A. Khomenok.

In the military and administrative law of Russia, the study of certain issues of the protection of the Fatherland (primarily the problems of military service, alternative civil service and the legal status of the soldier) are devoted to a number of works N.M. Bogatyreva, A.T. Vakhidova, I.V. Grigorieva, I.M. Docked, A.B. Kudasina, Yu.I. Migacheva, A.C. Semaakina, B.C. Ukrainians, D.O. Shustrov and some other researchers.

Among the few work on the constitutional law on the issues of the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation should, first of all, to celebrate the comment by B.S. Ebzeev to Part 1 Art. 59 Russian Constitution1.

At the same time, with all the wealth of scientific material devoted to the topic under consideration, in the science of the constitutional law of Russia there is no integrated development of the problems of the constitutional principles of the defense of the Fatherland. Most of the work on the specified topic was fragmented. Many informative aspects of the Constitutional Fundamental Fundamentals were analyzed before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and the new Russian legislation. Not received deep scientific research Issues related to constitutional legal analysis of such socio-legal categories as: "Defense of the Fatherland", "Debt for the Defense of the Fatherland", as well as the problems of mutual responsibility and constitutional responsibilities of the person and the state in the field of the protection of the Fatherland.

The subject of the study was public relations arising about constitutional legal regulations, as well as the implementation of the state and a citizen of the constitutional duty to the defense of the Fatherland.

The subject of the study is the regulatory content of the Constitutional Fundamentals for the Protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation, expressed in the relevant standards of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Objectives and objectives of the study. The goal of the dissertation study is to comprehensively study the constitutional framework for the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation in the new political and legal realities of Russian society and developing on this basis scientific and practical recommendations for improving legislation.

The achievement of this goal is due to the formulation and solving the following tasks:

1 See: Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation / Ed. V.D. Zorkina and L.V. Lazarev. M., 2009. P. 511-514. explore the genesis of the Fatherland Protection Institute in Russian legislation; Determine the essence and place of the constitutional obligation to protect the fatherland in the system of legal duties of the state and citizen, as well as their interaction; to give the concept of "constitutional debt to defend the Fatherland" and "Constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland" and disclose their content; give a definition and reveal the content of such concepts as "Fatherland" and "Defense of the Fatherland"; Conduct a comparative analysis of the Institute for the Protection of the Fatherland in foreign countries; consider the main aspects of the implementation of a constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland; reveal the system of guarantees of the implementation of the constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland; Determine the place and role of the doctrine of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the regulation of the Institute for the Defense of the Fatherland.

The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific dialectical method of cognition, the method of unity of historical and logical, systemically structural in combination with other privately scientific methods: comparative law, formal legal.

The regulatory and empirical research base is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the constitutions of a number of foreign countries, international legal acts, federal legislation, subtitle legal acts, the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation related to the issues of the protection of the Fatherland.

Theoretical Foundation Research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists affecting various aspects of the problem under consideration, as well as publications in scientific publications and periodic press, covering the concepts, content and implementation of the constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland.

Special role In the development of the topic of dissertation research, transcripts, materials and documents of the Constitutional Meeting of 1993 played

The scientific novelty of the study is due to the very formulation of the problem on modern stage Development of constitutional law, as well as intended goal and objectives and is that the thesis is a comprehensive monographic study of the constitutional principles of the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation. C.

The specifics of the study lies in the detailed legal analysis and the author's interpretation of a number of constitutional concepts with a support for the philosophical base, as well as the data of other branches of sciences.

The dissertation takes place a special logical form for consistent reflection of complex ties between such concepts as: "Constitutional duty" and "Constitutional debt" on the protection of the Fatherland. Therefore, in work, along with the study of general theoretic aspects, a significant place is paid to the consideration of the philosophical grounds for analyzed concepts.

Given the complexity and multi-faceted problem, the author did not strive to formulate and consider all aspects of the chosen topic. The work is devoted to the study of its most important, basic issues with theoretical and practical significance.

The following main provisions are made on the defense, which are new or elements characterized by novelivers:

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 reflects the continuity of the constitutional principles of the defense of the Fatherland, which have passed a long way of becoming. She absorbed and developed traditional concepts for Russia at various stages of its history. Basic concepts in the field of homeland protection. As the modernization of Russian society, changes social Structure, hardening state buildingThe expansion and modifications of external and domestic political tasks were also improved by the constitutional base of the institution under consideration. At the same time, the Constitutional Fundamental Fundamentals formed the guarantee of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and are an integral element of the progressive development of the state and each individual.

2. Constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland, enshrined in Part 1 of Art. 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has a dual objective-subjective nature. On the one hand, this is the norm of a basic law that does not depend on the will and desire of a separate person and has not only an ordinary citizen, but also the legislators designed to actualize this duty in the current legislation, as well as the executive and judicial authorities. On the other hand, the very fact that this duty that can be implemented by the face in the forms elected to them and adequate to them, addressed to each particular person, and not an abstract citizen, allows us to talk about its subjective side. In this case, the objective and legal yield is transformed into a subjective responsibility due to the topical statement of this provision.

3. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the Constitutional Fundamentals of the Defense of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation, the dissertant put forward a thesis that, on the one hand, a citizen of the Russian Federation speaks the subject of constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland, which is the Russian state, which as a regulator of existing protection relations Fatherland, pointing to the appropriate, intelligent and socially necessary version of the behavior, is associated with the people and a separate personality relevant responsibility for the protection of the Motherland in the person of its legislative, executive and judicial bodies and their officials.

The specificity of the constitutional duty of the state for the defense of the Fatherland is as follows: this state duty does not have direct consolidation in the text of the Basic Law, but is one of the priorities of all state activities; It serves as a guarantee of the strength of the constitutional system, the sovereign development of the Russian state, human rights and freedoms and citizen; This duty synthesizes the political, legal, moral and other aspects of relations between the people, personality and the state; Failure or improper fulfillment by the state represented by its bodies and their officials of the constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland entails the onset of the constitutional and other type of responsibility.

4. The disminterate was formulated to a synthetic definition of the concept of "constitutional responsibility for the protection of the Fatherland", under which the highest legal requirement is understood by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the interests of all members of the Society, prescribing both the state and to each Russian citizen, the species and measure of behavior, responsibility for its inadequate Execution and aims to protect Russia from any type of aggression and other forms of infringement of the interests of the Motherland.

Thus, the author comes to the conclusion that every citizen of the Russian Federation, the entire multiethnic people of Russia, the Russian state, and all government bodies and their officials, local government bodies are the subjects of the responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland.

The expediency of separate consideration of the interrelated categories of "Constitutional Debt for the Defense of the Fatherland" and "Constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland" are substantiated, their relationship is considered. Agmented refutation is given scientific According to which the Debt for the defense of the Fatherland is the indispensable requirement of the state, which can be provided by coercion by the latter.

The dissertation determines the constitutional debt to protect the Fatherland as reflected and enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a moral requirement for human behavior, the socio-political essence of which is expressed in the protection of Russia from any type of aggression and other forms of infringement of the interests of the Motherland.

5. The author proves the mistakenity of the thesis on the information of the relationship between the birthplace with the individual only to the biological act and civil affiliation. In his opinion, love and respect for Russia are far from always determined by the above moments and are often the problem of the moral choice of the personality and its son's attitude towards Russia as the Fatherland in need of protection.

The dissertation believes that Fatherland is not an abstraction, but an objective reality, a really existing social phenomenon that is in constant and inseparable communications with a person, representing a value-saturated organism, acts as a certain comprehensive medium associated with all the areas of society's life, where activities People are reflected in its historical development.

The defense of the Fatherland is not only the citizens of the Russian Federation, but also of any other person, whose subjective choice determined Russia by the Fatherland. To this person can not be denied the implementation of its protection. In the case when the face purposefully "increases" the borders of his homeland (receives second citizenship), he has a direct responsibility for its protection against the manifestations of external aggression from the other state of the group of states), which should be defined in relevant international acts.

6. Defense of the fatherland, in addition to external, characterizes the internal aspect, i.e., it implies not only the participation of citizens in the defense of the state, when there is a manifestation of external aggression, but also their participation in special events in case of encroachment on the integrity of the state from destabilizing Public life of population groups, as well as in preventing the usurpation of state power.

The definition of "Defense of the Fatherland" is given - this is a system of military, economic, political, scientific and technical and other measures taken by the state and citizens of the Russian Federation, which is intended to ensure, strengthen and build up the country's military-defensive potential, as well as protection (including and armed) from aggression or other forms of infringement of the interests of Russia.

7. A special place in the system of methods for guaranteeing the implementation of the constitutional obligation of citizens to protect the Fatherland is owned by the Institute of Positive Constitutional Responsibility. The constitutional responsibility of the citizens, on which the constitutional obligation to protect the Fatherland is entrusted, is the consistent exercise and the ratio of the behavior of a citizen of the Russian Federation with the fundamental law to protect their homeland.

8. The Doctrine of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in virtue of large generalization, capacity and informativeness is the most important factor in the improvement and development of legal norms regulating the activities of the state and the whole of society to protect the Fatherland, as well as an effective guidance of constitutional behavior in this field.

In order to comprehensively and complete analysis and adequate reflection of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court, expressing its official doctrine and related to the protection of the Fatherland, the dissertant attempted to classify legal positions on functional and subject specialization to the following types: Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the application of the Armed Forces Russian Federation; The legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation associated with the legal status of the Defender of the Fatherland; Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation related to the issues of military duty and military service; The legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation related to the issues of social protection of persons carrying military service.

The novelty of the study is confirmed by other conclusions and provisions formulated by the author, including a proposal for the adoption of the Federal Law "On the Border Territories of the Russian Federation"; To make changes and additions to the Federal Law "On Military Responsibilities and military service" and other acts carrying out the legal regulation of the rights and obligations of citizens in the field of the protection of the Fatherland.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work is to develop a scientific understanding of the constitutional framework for the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation, in the possibility of using scientific conclusions and proposals contained in the dissertation further development constitutional and military law. The results of the study formulated on the basis of comprehensive analysis and generalization of scientific data and practice materials are intended to improve the legal regulation of relations arising in the field of the protection of the Fatherland.

Maintenance theoretical conclusions Studies can be used in the educational process in the preparation of the course of lectures on the constitutional law of Russia.

The dissertation research materials expand the constitutional legal grounds for further theoretical development in the field of the protection of the Fatherland and can serve as a basis for subsequent scientific research in this area.

Approbation of research results. Theoretical provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the thesis discussed and approved at meetings of the Department of Constitutional and International Law GOU VPO "Saratovskaya state Academy rights".

Separate provisions and research results are tested in speeches at international scientific and practical conferences: the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Traditions and Nodations in the System of Modern Russian Law" (Moscow, GOU VPO "Moscow State Legal Academy. OE Kutafina" , April 3-4, 2009); XVI International scientific Conference students, graduate students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2009" (Moscow, FGOU VPO "Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov ", April 14-17, 2009).

The dissertation structure is due to the objectives and objectives of the study. Work consists of administration, two chapters, including seven paragraphs, conclusions and bibliographic list of sources used.

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Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Constitutional law; Municipal Law ", Cossacks, Rustam Marbievich

The conclusions formulated in the present work are a private methodological attempt to study the constitutional principles of the protection of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation; identifying trends and prospects for their development, including according to the Doctrine of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The dissertation does not consider the exhausted this topic And the delicacy of the conclusions made to them. In place with that they can be useful during scientific developments Problems of sources of law, the legal status of the individual in Russia, as well as other constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. A number of aspects of this topic can be the subject of scientific analysis not only in the constitutional law, but also from representatives of military, administrative law.

References dissertation research candidate of Law Sciences Kazakov, Rustam Marbievich, 2009

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31. By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2008 No. 400 "On awarding the money of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" // Russian newspaper. 2008. August 22.

33. The Constitution of the USSR, approved by the Resolution of the Emergency VIII Congress of the Councils of the SSR Union of December 5, 1936 // News of the CEC of the USSR and the Central Bank. 1936. № 283.

34. The USSR Constitution was adopted at the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Ninth convocation on October 7, 1977 // Vedomosti USSR Sun. 1977n41.ct.617.

35. Decree of Prince Peter Alekseevich dated March 1, 1711 No. 2326 "On a set of courtyard people, on the occasion of war with Turkey, from two third people to recruits" // A fuller meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire. T. 4. SPb, 1830. P. 640-641.

36. The Charter of Military of March 30, 1716 // Full collection Laws of the Russian Empire since 1649. T. 5. No. 3006. SPb. 1830. P. 205-206.

37. The Charter of the Rector dated June 28, 1831 // A complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire. T. 6. No. 4477. SPb., 1832. P. 501-502.

38. Manifesto on the introduction of universal military service of January 1, 1874 // A complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire since 1649. T. 49. № 52982. Branch first. St. Petersburg, 1876.

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40. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated January 15, 1918 // Assembly of the RSFSR, No. 17, 1918, Art. 245; Decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated February 14, 1918 // SU RSFSR, №28, Art. 325.

41. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated January 15, 1918 "On the Workers' and Peasant Red Army" // Assembly of the Council of RSFSR, №17, 1918, Art. 245.

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45. Decree of the All-Russian Central Performing Committee of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers, Peasant and Cossack deputies dated April 26, 1918 "On the service life in Labor-peasant army"// SU RSFSR.1918. No. 33. Art. 445.

46. \u200b\u200bOrder People's Commissariat. For military affairs dated June 14, 1918 "On the procedure for admission to the military service of workers and peasants to be called on the basis of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated June 12, 1918" // SU RSFSR. 1918. No. 43. Art. 530.

47. Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars dated June 20, 1918 "On the rear militia" // SU RSFSR. 1918. No. 54. Art. 604.

48. Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Comisiversary of September 28, 1922 // SU RSFSR. 1922. №61. Art. 786.

49. Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Council of People's Comisurov from September 18, 1925 // SZ USSR. 1925. No. 62. Art. 462.

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51. The USSR Law of October 12, 1967 "On the Universal Military Duty" // Vedomosti Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1967. No. 42. Art. 552.

52. International regulatory legal acts

53. The Charter of the United Nations dated June 26, 1945 // A collection of existing treaties, agreements and conventions concluded by the USSR and foreign countries. Vol. XII. M., 1956. P. 14-47.

54. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948 // Russian newspaper. 1995. April 5th.

55. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, N 12,1994.

56. The Hague Convention on the laws and customs of the land war of October 18, 1907 // Existing international law. T. 2.- M.: Moscow independent Institute international law, 1997. P. 575 -587. (Extraction).

57. The Geneva Convention on the improvement of the fate of the wounded and patients in the existing armies of August 12, 1949 // A collection of existing agreements, agreements and conventions concluded by the USSR with foreign countries. Vol. XVI. M., 1957. P. 71 100.

58. The Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of 12 August 1949 // A collection of existing treaties, agreements and conventions concluded by the USSR with foreign countries. Vol. XVI.-M., 1957. P. 125-204.

59. Additional protocol To the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, concerning the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I) of June 8, 1977 // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. Vol. Hyu1. M., 1993. P. 134-182.

60. Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of November 4, 1950 // SZ RF. 1998. No. 20. Art. 2143.

61. The Convention on the Prohibition of the development, production, accumulation and application of chemical weapons and its destruction of January 13, 1993 // Assembly of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. February 9, 1998 N 6. Art. 682.

62. Convention of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Rights and Basic Freedoms of Man dated May 26, 1995 // SZ RF. 1999. No. 13. Art. 1489.

63. Subscription materials

64. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1998 No. 19-P "In the case of the interpretation of certain provisions of articles 125, 126 and 127 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" // SZ RF. 1998. No. 25. Art. 3004.

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Tseshko Sergey

The composition of the 7th grade student about the Holy Defenders of the Fatherland.



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Essay of the Defense of the Fatherland (about the Holy Defenders of the Fatherland) Tseshko Sergey Pupil 7th grade MBOU "Utachenskaya OOSH MO" AHTUBINSKY DISTRICT "89896828725 checked the teacher of the Russian I call and literature Sorokina Elena Vladimirovna 89275585137 Astrakhanskaya-Enotaevskaya Diocese Department religious education and catechization. MBOU "Otchenskaya OOSH MO" Akhtubinsky District "

At all times it was believed that the defense of the Fatherland is the sacred debt of the Russian person. The Russian soldier has always been primarily a "Christ-loving warrior." The Russian soldier, like the Russian man, was distinguished by Christian virtues. In the depths of the centuries, the roots of the tradition will prepare the younger generation to the defense of the Fatherland. In families, the boys since childhood were given love for their homeland, to weapons and rated work. From generation to generation, the combat experience of ancestors was transmitted, so Russian people have always been distinguished by courage, courage and combat ability to repel the enemy. Among the Orthodox saints there were many warriors who glorified our fatherland. This is the Holy George Victorious, the Holy Blagovest Dmitry Donskoy, Saint Alexander Nevsky. Many troubles have undergone Russian land. Ancient Russia trampled "Poganian shelves Polovtsy" - and Igoravo's army rose for the land of Russian, for the Christian faith. Not one century lasted the Tatar-Mongolian Igo - and Russians and Osh, led by Dmitry Donskoy, were raised. He was the first of the Moscow princes headed the armed struggle of the Russian people against the Tatars. In 1380, Dmitry Donskoy broke the troops of Tatar Khan Mamia on the Kulikov field. Before the battle of Dmitry, Moscow traveled all the shelves built on the field and turned to them with a call to stand up Russian. In the Kulikovsky battle, he showed an outstanding commander talent, for which he was nosky. Mamay fled from Kulikova Fields, the Tatar camp went to the Russian. The Order of Dmitry Donskoy is awarded for courage, courage and heroism, manifested in the performance of military debt. The harder the Russian people had a feat, the more closer was the danger, the stronger, usually, he was taken for the saving saint of his holy faith. Preparing for battle, the Russian army prayed, fasted, often acquired the Holy Taine of Christ. Not only the eagles da banners have imagined the Russian: it was autumn, usually, and the life-giving cross of Christ, she was accompanied by the most honored holy icons. Faith was a savior in collisions with inners. When I got up the fateful question - to be or not to be Russia - the engine of folk thoughts and the Force was always Orthodoxy. And great shocks and grave disasters from the Inovers, only more tied the hearts of the people of Russian to the Church of the Holy and only higher than the authority of the Orthodox faith in Russia. It was the belief that the saint was often the only one in such circumstances to the comforter of the people and the Savior of the Fatherland.

Already from the very dawn of the historical life of its Russia, it has always resorted to the heavenly protection in clashes with the injectors. When, for example, in 1164, the blessing prince Andrei Bogolyubsky spoke out against the Kamsky Bulgarian, it was diligently prayed before the cross and the miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God and then, attributing his won his wonderful assistance to the Divine, established the celebration of the party's excess. When in 1240, the Swedish king went war in the Novgorod Prince Alexander, the last, on the ledge of the chronicles, fell on his knees before the altar in the Sofia Cathedral with a flame prayer to God, "who put the limits to the language and the commandment of the life, not breaking in someone else's part: Sudi, God having offended by me and drop by fighting with me! accept weapons and shield, work to help my! " Then, turning to the warriors, he uttered an unforgettable saying: "Russe! The enemy is numerous, and it's not enough of us; but do not be killed: God is not in force, but in the truth!" And Alexander won the victory for which Nevsky was named. During mongolian Iga The Russian people did not lose their nationality, independence and spirituality only thanks to Orthodoxy. The Russian people did not allow Mongols to concern His Holy Faith. Attempts by violence in this respect by the Mongols were so unsuccessful that with all its fanaticism the latter were forced to leave for the defeated freedom of religion. When Khan Shevkal demanded that the magomethanism defeated them, the whole numerous pig retinue was interrupted. When Bati demanded that Mikhail Chernigovsky bowed to idols, the pious prince told His torters: "Music the king: I am in short, the kingdom of God, and we conquered the sin, the Dandy of Võzhnyago, you must have the E ESMA, Yako King, to clove; And hedgehog Christ and your God worship, "yes will not be!" Do not essence boous, but the creation ... that Bo is an inadvertient of the fall of this, hedgehogs to leave the creator and give up the creation! " And the blessed confessor of Christ perceived the martyrdom. The liberation of Russia from the Mongolian yoke occurred with the assistance of the fishery of God and the participation of the clergy and the monk.

In the Patriotic War of 1812, the invincible genius of the commander who conquered the whole of Europe, lonely Russia contrasted mainly spiritual power. Faith in God, saving Orthodox Russia to her fatal minutes, did not prevail and there are strongly sacred jealousy and Christian animation. The ridiculous danger of the shrine of faith Orthodox inflamed that the nationwide messenger, about which the inconspicable hordes of the invincible Dotola were crushed by Europe of the proud leader. Before the face of all the world, the memorable 1812 has shown that he is truly "with us - God!", As the Russian emperor solemnly confess then. In the whole of the great struggle, the hand of God's fishery, benefactoring Orthodox Russia, and the king, and the people their entire success in this war, not only saved, but also immensely alone Russia, were fully attributed to the merciful God. "Loved by the brave name of our", "the sovereign in the manifesto on the cessation of hostilities," exceeding the forces of human! Saving Russia from the enemies is clearly elegant to our grace of God! Yes, he will learn in great matter from the fishery of God, will be thrown before the saint his throne and We see a clear hand of him! " Because, the blessed sovereign and hurried first of all to express my reverent gratitude to the Lord God: immediately for the capture of Paris, which was a crown of Russian success in this war, from distant France, he sews precious vessels sacred in the first-hearth in Russia Cathedral Temple (Uspensky in Moscow ). That's why in a nationwide new monument patriotic War We were in the places most marked by this war, not any mausoleums or allegorical monuments, and the Spassky Monastery on the field of the Borodino and the Majestic Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. While faith Orthodox will be the road to Russian people, until it is not terrible, there will be no cloud. In short, all life Path Russia is captured by Reluja Orthodoxy; In all crises of the life of people, undoubtedly, the defense of faith was the first and main task of Russia. But, on the other hand, all of the historical fate testifies that "the hand of the Most High Fatherland rescued. The people Russian does not know anything great and outstanding in his life, whatever was marked by the miraculous participation of divine fishery. And Russian people, as if either died From the direct historical calling, as it were, neither they were abused by infinite mercy to themselves the Divine, in any case they know their strength - in the faith of their own! No wonder, as soon as the cloud of international hostility begins to approach one or another outskirts of our Fatherland, at all The ends of him is a common cry: "Orthodox faith! For the king of Orthodox! Holy Russia! "It was always before; but we firmly believe that in the future, while the cry of this will sincerely distribute in Russian lips, the Russian people will really be the road to be Orthodox, until it is not terrible, Russia will not be terrible, political cloud.

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    Free toooram in Skyrim arises the need for a third-party quest fraction Gray mane. The quest himself will begin after the dialogue with Freillia Gray Head in Waitran, she will tell Dovakin that her son is alive, even though rumors go straight ...

  • Skyrim - Magic How to find spells in Skyrim

    Magic is an integral part of the world NIR, it allows you to manage the elements, callnowledge creatures, heal wounds, change matter and create illusions. All this is available for study and in Skyrim. To see the spells available to you, ...