Profession of a teacher: distance learning and its features. Distance learning for teachers Teacher teaches

Teacher (or teacher) and teacher additional education are specialists in the upbringing and development of children younger age. Everyone is familiar with teachers who work in kindergarten. They are engaged in the care, supervision, upbringing and education of children preschool age while parents are at work. The work of a teacher is also in demand in orphanages, boarding schools and other educational institutions.

Additional education teachers – these are specialists who organize sections, clubs, studios and clubs for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, where they provide in-depth knowledge of school subjects or develop skills that go beyond school curriculum. They lead sports sections, dancing, applied arts, theater arts, robotics, animation, soap making and thousands of other interesting educational activities for children.

What does a teacher do at work?
✎ Looks after and looks after children
✎ Organizes games and celebrations
✎ Teaches self-service skills, table manners, and safety
✎ Teaches new skills and competencies in accordance with its profile (music, school subjects, sports, crafts)
✎ Ensures compliance with the daily routine and the safety of children
✎ Interacts with parents and additional education teachers
✎ Maintains documentation

Pros and cons of working as a teacher and additional education teacher
The work of a teacher is socially useful and respected work. If you love children, want to help them grow and develop, you have nerves of steel and are an optimist, then this is for you. Working teachers highlight the positive and negative aspects of their work:



✔ Communication with people
✔ The atmosphere of childhood - fun, joy, fairy tales, games
✔ The opportunity to teach a child good and interesting things, to influence his future
✔ The opportunity to create and invent together with children
✔ The opportunity to learn from children and always remain young
✔ Long vacation
✔ The opportunity to send your child to kindergarten without a queue
✔ The teacher must be at work by 7 am
✔ There are difficult and conflict-ridden children
✔ More often there are “difficult” parents :)
✔ We have to resolve conflicts between children and between
✔ Small salary
✔ Greater responsibility for the life and health of children (including
✔ Lots of handwritten work

What universal competencies do educators and additional education teachers need?
Of course, the main thing in the work of a teacher is to love children. But there are competencies that are necessary for a future teacher and will definitely help him in his daily work.

✔ Communication skills
✔ Competent oral and written language
✔ Ability to speak well
Emotional Intelligence
✔ Self-confidence
✔ Friendliness
✔ Positive attitude
✔ Ability to empathize
✔ Good appearance
✔ Patience
✔ Stress resistance
✔ Organized
✔ Ability to motivate
✔ Creativity
✔ Curiosity

Average salary
V government institutions Unfortunately, their salaries are low. The salaries of private teachers and tutors, teachers in commercial kindergartens are higher.
15,000 – 70,000 per month

Where to study
You can become a teacher after receiving secondary vocational training in the following specialties: preschool education (02/44/01), pedagogy of additional education (02/44/03) and special preschool education (02/44/04).
You can go to college after 9th or 11th grade.
The duration of training to become a teacher after 9th grade will be 4 years, and after 11th grade – 3 years.

College of Humanities and Law law institute MSPU
Pedagogical College "Arbat" MSPU (former PC No. 9)
Pedagogical College "Dorogomilovo" MSPU (former PC No. 6)
Pedagogical College "Izmailovo" MSPU (former PC No. 8)
Pedagogical College "Medvedkovo" MSPU (former PC No. 14)
Pedagogical College No. 18 "Mitino"
Pedagogical College "Cheryomushki" MSPU (former PC No. 4)
Pedagogical College No. 10
Pedagogical College No. 15
Pedagogical College named after. S.Ya. Marshak Moscow State Pedagogical University (former PC No. 13)
Social College RSSU

Where to work
An educator and teacher of additional education can work both in public institutions and in private ones:
✔ Kindergartens (MDOU)
✔ Commercial kindergartens (Garden-lyceum with the assistance of UNESCO “World of Wonders”, Classical boarding school at Lomonosov Moscow State University, English kindergarten “Gosling”, Private kindergarten “Magic Castle”, etc.)
✔ Houses of creativity
✔ Houses of culture
✔ Centers preschool development
✔ Work as a tutor, nanny

The work of a teacher is common and in demand. And it will remain like this in the future - it is not threatened by automation and downsizing, because only very responsive people who are ready to empathize and give warmth to their students can raise and teach children.

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We train responsible, educated specialists who:

  • on top level have empathy skills (analysis of child behavior);
  • understand the features of child psychology;
  • mastered aspects of pedagogical tactfulness, mastered the culture of communication.

Another question is to get a metropolitan level education as a teacher junior classes Not all Muscovites have the opportunity (what can we say about non-residents, foreigners). This is where a new training format comes to the rescue - distance learning mode.

Specialty "Preschool teacher"

At our university you can learn remotely not only the most in-demand profession of a teacher junior school. We offer students one more promising directionteacher education for working with preschoolers.

This specialty (“Teacher preschool education") is available under distance learning conditions:

  • training programs comply with the requirements of laws/regulations;
  • Graduates of all forms receive the same diploma (Moscow, state-issued, meeting the standards/requirements of the international market).

What exams will you need to take?

The conditions for admission do not change depending on the choice of form of study. Applicants wishing to obtain a profession in demand fill out a single application template indicating Unified State Exam results in three subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • biology.

Admission to the Faculty of Pedagogy is carried out if the total score in the listed disciplines is sufficient.

The relevance of training in the most modern form of training

Remote platform vocational training(MegaCampus) introduced in 2006. Over the 10+ years of its operation, we have stated that interest in this format is growing, and there are many reasons for this:

  • remote study allows you to combine work, study, everyday life, and research;
  • higher pedagogical education with remote form training is a convenient, often the only accessible way for foreigners and out-of-town students to obtain a Moscow diploma;
  • Studying online is comfortable: all materials are at hand, you can get advice as questions arise, there is no tedious schedule/regime of attending classes.

Every year our remote educational resources More than 30 thousand people will be involved. The opinions of the participants are clear: remote format is the future vocational education without restrictions (temporal, geographical). Plus, the cost of online education is much lower.

How long does it take to study to become a teacher remotely?

The university program was developed by the strongest specialists in the teaching industry. We have built a system for training future teachers in such a way as to fully comply with the requirements of Gosstandart and optimize the load on students, ensuring complete immersion in practice, research, and profession. The duration of distance learning as a teacher of primary and preschool classes at a bachelor's degree is 4 years 6 months.

What does a student need for distance learning?

The same rules apply to a deleted form as to any other form. Anyone can shorten their studies - it all depends on the interest shown, achievements in the work field, and interest. These moments determine the success of training. Among other conditions for remote study in Moscow, it should be noted:

  • technical factors: computer + Internet (standard speed, optimally from 20–70 Mbit/sec);
  • software resource (online courses are available via Skype connection), Youtube account, it is useful for active students to install popular communicators;
  • the right attitude: taking into account specific conditions (family, work, habits), you should draw up a schedule of classes in advance.

Distance learning gives freedom of action, solves the problem of being tied to a given routine, but requires self-discipline, a responsible approach, and self-control.

Where and who to work after graduating from university

The demand for teachers in the Russian Federation is enormous; their employment is not limited to activities in city schools and kindergartens. Our graduates work as tutors, educators, defectologists, methodologists, and social teachers.

Many people prefer their own business - they organize privileged children's educational institutions, are engaged in private practice. Growth prospects are present: leadership positions in the field of education (including at the level public services and ministries) are enough.

Marina Solotova

It was 1979. I studied in the 9th grade. An evening was held at school on the occasion of February 23rd. A school ensemble was playing in the hall, and I was in seventh heaven, because for the first time I danced with Igor from a parallel class, with whom I was in love “until my death.”

Towards the end of the Best Evening of my life, we found ourselves in the toilet at the same time - me, our class teacher and two smoking tenth graders. It seemed cool that I had a cigarette too. I repeat: it seemed. While I was walking, no, flying home, she called my mother. And instead of talking about how wonderful Igor was, my mother and I talked about something completely different.

Mom, of course, believed me. But at the age of 16 I was a proud girl, sometimes to the point of stupidity. I don’t know what especially offended me: the slander or the stolen evening, but I was very offended by the class.

And in the morning I announced to my mother that I would no longer go to school. Because “I don’t want to have anything to do with a person who vilely slanders me and thinks such things about me.” Leaving for work, my mother said: “Okay, in the evening we’ll decide what to do: evening school, to another school, to a music school - there are tons of options.” I covered myself warmer and fell asleep.

First the phone rang. My cousin, who was visiting us on the occasion of the student holidays, picked up the phone and said: “But she won’t come to school anymore.” And she explained why.

Half an hour later the doorbell rang. The head teacher and the class teacher entered the apartment... Having listened carefully to my version, the head teacher Raisa Vladimirovna said that, of course, I could leave school, but it’s better not to. She, it seemed to me, spoke for a long time and quite convincingly, but I was adamant. And then she said: “If the teacher is wrong, he will apologize to you. Is it true, Alla Turashevna?”

And Alla Turashevna apologized. And I quickly got dressed and grabbed my briefcase. And she barely restrained herself from throwing herself on Alla Turashevna’s neck. Now I regret it, I should have quit.

This was not humiliation of the teacher. None of my classmates were sarcastic about this. It never occurred to any of us to mock class teacher or elevate me to the rank of hero. This was a demonstration of professionalism based on respect for the student. It was a demonstration of the dignity of the school and teachers. Our teachers had self-esteem.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, the question haunts me: is today’s teacher ready to come to a student’s home to apologize to him? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because teachers have become less professional. Both then and now there are different teachers. And those whom children love immensely, because there is a reason. And those whom they cannot stand, because there is a reason. But modern teachers often do not have enough time and energy to love and respect children, because they are forced to love departments and ministries. This amount of unnecessary, meaningless work, often bordering on profanity, can be done either out of great love, or while in slavery. Only a robot can withstand such a load, and only for the time being.

I am writing these obvious things now so that parents understand: we should not expect, let alone demand from teachers, a special emotional attitude towards our children. They simply don't have the resources for this. And the one that exists, we need to protect together. Do not call, for example, the department and the president if the teacher did something wrong. Just try to resolve the issue calmly and amicably within the boundaries of the class.

Because for every complaint we make, the school and teacher will write a million explanations, instead of teaching our children. We need to understand that our task is not to re-educate the teacher, but to teach the child to behave correctly and without harm to health in any situation. And protect it where necessary.

The teacher must teach! Everything else is our responsibility. I remember the father of my fifth-grader, who sincerely did not understand why his child did not wash his hands before sitting down to dinner at home. “What are you teaching them here?!” - Dad was indignant. I teach them Russian language and literature. And their mom and dad should teach them how to wash their hands, it would be good long before the fifth grade...

This is why I have loved reading all my life.

In the second quarter of first grade, I moved to another school - my parents got an apartment in a new area. At the age of 7, my reading technique was exactly the same as it is now - it just happened. Let me remind you that in 1970 the concept of “preparing for school” did not exist in principle, so a good half of first-graders learned their first letters at the school desk, from the ABC book.

Listening to my classmates trying to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words, was very boring for me. I immediately found out where the library was located in the school. A week later, the librarian who gave me books “according to age” said to my teacher Maria Fedorovna: “This strange girl came to you, at one break she takes a book, and at the second she gives it back and asks for a new one.” Maria Feodorovna, who during my first days in a class where forty-two people studied, did not touch me, called me over and asked me to read.

After that I never for 3 years primary school I didn’t follow how my classmates read and didn’t retell the texts. During reading, I was seated at the last desk and I read what was interesting to me: “Robinson Crusoe”, “The Children of Captain Grant”, “ wild dog Dingo”... and once a week, in class extracurricular reading, I retold these books to my classmates, and they gave me grades for this. And in the mathematics lesson, the place at the last desk was occupied by Irka Galaeva, who solved problems for the 4th grade. I am convinced: this is why I love reading all my life, and Irka loves mathematics.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, I am haunted by the question: is today’s teacher ready to provide such an individual approach to his students? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because there are no children in school today who are not interested in repeating for the hundredth time what they remember from the year before. There are many more such children today than in 1970. Modern teachers do not have the opportunity to choose a child complex tasks and give them the opportunity to solve them.

Because the teacher will be asked, first of all, for the student to count exactly 4 cells from the edge of the page, and God forbid 6 or 3. Or for what, so that when trying to find out how much milk is poured into six two-liter cans, the student multiplies the liters on cans, and in no case vice versa. And for Unified State Exam student I could do this: “Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one letter N is written. Write the numbers in a row without spaces, commas and other additional characters”.

And it doesn’t matter that a person writes absolutely correctly, if he wrote down a number with a space in the Russian language exam – that’s it, it’s a mistake. I am writing these obvious things now so that parents understand: we should not expect, let alone demand from teachers, that they develop in our children a love of literature, history and mathematics. They don't have the energy or time for this. Today they get paid for something else. We need to understand that we should not scold a child for his grades. And if we want him to know and love the subject, we, the parents, should be puzzled by this. The teacher’s task is to prepare for the Unified State Exam. And we, parents, should be puzzled by the development of interest in new knowledge, the formation of analytical abilities, whether we want it or not. These are today's realities.

And then he went with the puppy to the biology teacher

I had a sponsored class. I’ll tell you for those who don’t remember what it is: we went to the fourth, and our teacher took the first. And we went to this first (and then second, third, etc.) class as chefs. When my sponsors were in fifth grade, one of them, Sergei, found a puppy on the street. Wet, dirty and sick. Sergei knew for sure that his mother would not allow him to take the puppy home. But he also knew for sure that he would no longer be able to live without this puppy. And then Sergei came with this puppy to Nina Vasilievna, a biology teacher. Home. Nina Vasilyevna took the puppy, washed him, cured him, and a couple of weeks later she went with him and Sergei to Sergeyev’s mother. And she persuaded her to allow her son to bring a friend home.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, the question haunts me: is today’s teacher ready to delve so deeply into a child’s life and rush to help? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because the teachers all suddenly became callous and soulless. But because today one tenth of us, as in the joke, work at one and a half times the rate, because they have nothing to eat for one, and there is no time for two. The rest work at two or more. Because they report to departments not on the number of puppies rescued, but on the number of students participating in cross-country athletics and attending extracurricular activities.

Realities of the time: a teacher cannot remain a faithful friend and mentor in life. It cannot for objective reasons. Today he has no time to wash and treat the puppy; in the evening, after checking the notebooks and filling out electronic diaries, he responds in the chat to our parental messages like: “Vera Petrovna, finally explain, can we have notebooks with pictures or are they all green?!”

Today, the day before academic year, I want to wish our teachers patience, wisdom, strength and understanding parents. To parents - common sense, perseverance and Real teachers. And all together - health and the ability to cooperate in the name of the main thing we have in life - the happiness of our children. Let's try together? Let's try not to shift our responsibility onto each other, because it is different. Don't start hostilities. Because then our children become either weapons or victims. The weapon fires. The victim defends himself. Let's show our children by example how to listen and hear each other.

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