View preliminary exam results. Passing the Unified State Exam without problems - how to find out the exam results? How are the Unified State Exam results assessed?

Few people can relax and calmly wait for the results of the Unified State Exam. Most 11th grade graduates and their parents live in a state of anxiety. After all, the future of yesterday’s schoolchildren depends on the grades they receive. Therefore, it is so important to find out the results of the Unified State Exam as early as possible.

When will the Unified State Exam results in various subjects be known?

7–14 days from the date of writing are allotted for checking the Unified State Examination. Testing of written examination papers is carried out in several stages: in Regional, Federal centers and the State Examination Commission.

In 2018, the Unified State Exam results in various subjects should become known no later than:

  • Russian language - 25.06;
  • mathematics (basic) – 15.06;
  • mathematics (specialized) – 18.06;
  • history, chemistry - 20.06;
  • computer science, ICT, geography - 15.06;
  • literature, physics, foreign languages(oral and written submission) – 05.07;
  • biology - 04.07;
  • social studies - 29.06.

With a small number of graduates, it is possible to speed up the process of processing information in specific regions and produce results earlier than the established date.

In different regions, the process of information processing depends on the number of graduates taking the exam

Where and how you can check your Unified State Exam results

The official website dedicated to the Unified State Exam indicates that official results You can get it at school or at the regional educational authorities where the Unified State Exam participants were registered.

Preliminary information on the exam results will be available on a special information portal To gain access, you must enter your full name, registration code or document number (no need to specify the series), select a region and print the code from the picture.

The State Services service also provides the opportunity to find out preliminary data; you can access the information via the link The service is available to registered users. To receive data, you must log in to the portal and fill out a special application.

The possibility of entering a university depends on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Rosobrnadzor specialists have established the minimum acceptable number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to universities. The higher the points scored specialized subjects, the greater the likelihood of getting into the chosen specialty. The results are entered into a special information system, the issuance of paper certificates is not provided.

No less than the Unified State Exam results of the participants of the unified state exam I'm interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually it takes 8-12 days. Let's take a closer look at how this time is spent.

After completing the exam, the Unified State Exam forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RTC).

  • Processing the results mandatory Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics in RCIO should not exceed 6 calendar days after the test. During this time, specialists will scan the Unified State Exam forms, check the information entered in the forms, and subject commissions will evaluate the answers to tasks with a detailed answer.
  • Checking the Unified State Exam results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, English, German, French and Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant examination.

After verification of exam results is completed at regional information processing centers, the work is sent for centralized verification. It ends no later than in 5 working days from the moment of receiving the work.

Then within 1 working day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. Over the next 1-3 days exam results become known to Unified State Examination participants.

Usually, the results of the Unified State Exam are announced 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's do a couple of simple calculations. To the official date of the Unified State Exam 2018 we will add the number of days spent on processing and sending the Unified State Exam results to the regions. We get approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam 2018 , held on the main dates:

  • Geography: no later than June 8
  • Computer Science and ICT: no later than June 8
  • Mathematics (basic level):no later than June 13
  • Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15
  • Story: no later than June 18
  • Chemistry: no later than June 18
  • Russian language: no later than June 20
  • Foreign language ( oral part): no later than June 23
  • Social science: no later than June 24
  • Biology:no later than June 29
  • Foreign language: no later than June 29
  • Physics:no later than June 30
  • Literature: no later than June 30

Approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Examination 2018, held in reserve days:

  • Computer Science and ICT, Geographyno later than July 3
  • Mathematics:no later than July 6
  • Russian language: no later than July 7
  • Foreign languages, biology,story,social studies, chemistry: no later than July 7
  • Literature, physical education:no later than July 8
  • Foreign languages ​​(oral part): no later than July 10

In regions with inaccessible and remote areas, the results of the Unified State Exam may be announced a little later. At the same time, the period for announcing the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days. However, usually the results become known even earlier than these dates.

Usually, from the moment the exam is written until the results are announced, it takes up to two weeks(from 8 to 14 days).

How many days are the Unified State Exam results checked?

  • Processing of data in RCIO in compulsory subjects should not exceed 6 calendar days after the exam.
  • Processing of data in RCIO in elective subjects should not exceed 4 calendar days after the exam.
  • Centralized testing at the Federal Testing Center should not exceed 5 working days.
  • The approval of the Unified State Examination results by the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 working day.
  • Within 1-3 days the results become known to the PES, and therefore to the Unified State Exam participants.

Who checks the Unified State Examination

After the Unified State Exam, forms with graduates’ work are sealed and sent to regional information processing centers (RTC). During this period, your work is scanned by specialists and sent for machine checking of the tasks of the first part, and subject commissions are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam (with a detailed answer).

Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other and assigned points. The results are entered into the inspection protocol and transferred for further processing.

If the score given by two experts is the same, then this result is final. If the scores differ, the final result will be the arithmetic average of the scores of the two experts, rounded up. If the discrepancy is significant, then a check by a third expert is assigned.

After checking at the RCOT, graduates’ work is sent for centralized verification to the Federal Testing Center (FTC) to compare the answers of exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test scores of the Unified State Examination.

Then the FTC transmits the results of the Unified State Examination to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval, distribute the results to examination reception points (PPE).

When will the results of the Unified State Exam be known?

After making calculations, you can preliminarily determine the approximate date for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam:

  • : June 4-8
  • Literature: June 4-8
  • : June 7-11
  • : June 28 - July 2
  • : June 22-26
  • German: June 22-26
  • French: June 22-26
  • Spanish: June 22-26
  • Mathematics (basic level): June 10-14
  • Mathematics (major level): June 12-18
  • : June 16-20
  • : June 28 - July 2

Previously, to receive results for the unified state exam, schoolchildren had to wait until the relevant information was published educational institution. Now any student can view exam results via the Internet even before the school provides this information. In 2018, in all regions of the country, the opportunity to find out the results of the Unified State Exam through government services is available. The service is provided free of charge in real time and is available to all users of the single portal public services.

To obtain results for the Unified State Exam, it is enough to know the code Unified State Exam registration(you can also get results by passport number). As part of this service, it is possible to obtain general information on all exams, as well as detailed information on each of them. In addition to the State Services portal, a similar opportunity is available on regional official resources, as well as on the website As part of this review, we will tell you how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam through government services in 2018, and also consider other ways to gain access to exam results.

  • Important
  • The results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam or State Examination are published within 14–16 calendar days after they are conducted.

What is required to view the Unified State Exam results through government services

To obtain information about the results of the Unified State Exam through a single state portal must be observed certain conditions. In principle, the list of requirements is minimal. The main thing is that you have a confirmed account in government services. If you don't have one, you need it. Corresponding step by step instructions is given below.

To register for government services, follow these steps:

  • Follow the link to enter the official website of the State Services;
  • Find the “Register” button on the page and click on it;
  • Please indicate your last name, first name, mobile phone, email and click on the “Register” button;
  • Confirm your phone number by entering the code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click “Continue”;
  • Create a password that will be used to log in personal account Government services and click “Done”.

To find out the results of the Unified State Exam through government services, you need to confirm your account after registering on the portal. We talked about it in a separate article. Don't worry, this procedure won't take much time. You will also need the Unified State Exam registration code to receive information about exam results. If you don't remember the code, you can get it at school. In principle, at the time of writing, it was possible to find out the results of the Unified State Exam without a special code using the passport number.

Instructions for obtaining Unified State Exam results through government services

IN present moment It is possible to view the results of the Unified State Exam, OGE or State Examination online through the public service portal and the official website of the exam Meanwhile, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has repeatedly stated that it is planned to leave the opportunity to view exam results only through a single portal of public services. Perhaps in 2018 it will be possible to find out the results of the Unified State Exam only after authorization in ( unified system identification and authentication).

To find out the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam through government services in 2018, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link and log in;
  2. Open the “Services” section;
  3. Select the “Education” category;
  4. Select the service “Providing preliminary Unified State Examination data”;
  5. Click on the “Get service” button;
  6. Enter your region and registration code (if available), then click “Next”.

The results will appear on the next page Unified State Examinations. If this option for some reason does not suit you, follow the link, indicate your full name, registration code or passport number and region, after which you will be given access to the exam results. Please note that the decision to publish exam results on the official website of the Unified State Examination is a regional executive body, therefore, your data may not be on the website.

How are the Unified State Exam results assessed?

The Unified State Exam results are assessed on a 100-point scale and included in a special “Certificate of Unified State Examination Results.”

When assessing the results of the Unified State Exam, a minimum number of test points is established for each educational subject, confirming that the graduate has mastered the basic general education programs secondary (complete) education in accordance with the requirements of the federal educational standard secondary (complete) general education. If a student scores less than the established minimum number of points (has not overcome the minimum threshold), then the Unified State Examination is considered failed.

The minimum threshold value is announced within 6-8 days after conducting the Unified State Exam in the subject during the main deadlines and 2-3 days after the Unified State Exam during additional deadlines in July.

Unified State Examination scale

When you complete tasks on the Unified State Exam, for each the right decision 1 or more points are awarded, depending on the difficulty. In this case, correctly completed task of part A or B is scored 1 point, part C - up to 4 points. The sum of these scores is called the “primary score” (PS). In fact, this is the number of correctly completed tasks.

    The number of minimum PBs for different subjects may vary, for example:
  • mathematics: 36 PB,
  • biology: 36 PB,
  • foreign languages: 22 PB.

But these are not the scores that will be useful to you, for example, for admission to a university. They need to be converted on a 100-point scale. This is the so-called test score"(TB).

TB assesses the student’s level of preparedness. It depends on the level of complexity of the tasks completed on the Unified State Exam. This score is used to determine the final grade. The maximum test score on the Unified State Exam in any subject: 100 points.

The primary score is converted into a test score using a special formula.

Table for converting USE 2019 points into grades (using a five-point system)


Russian language




Social science


Computer Science and ICT

English language




    Minimum Unified State Examination points to obtain a certificate in 2019:
  • Russian language - 24 points;
  • mathematics basic level- 3 points (score);
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social studies - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
    Minimum Unified State Exam scores for admission to a university:
  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics profile level- 27 points;
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social studies - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points.

How the Unified State Exam affects obtaining a certificate

The basis for issuing a graduate with a certificate of secondary education is satisfactory results of the Unified State Examination, i.e. the number of points is not lower than the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics). In this case, the graduate receives 2 documents: a school certificate and a certificate of Unified State Examination results.

The final grades are included in the certificate according to the traditional 5-point system, which are defined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual grades for grades 10-11 (12).

The results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the final grades included in the certificate.

If a graduate has not passed the minimum threshold in one of the subjects - Russian language or mathematics - on the Unified State Exam within the main deadlines and when retaking it, then he will not be issued a certificate.

How and when can you find out your Unified State Exam results?

The results of the Unified State Exam must be known to participants no later than 3 working days after Rosobrnadzor announces minimum thresholds for each of the subjects. Thus, no more than 12 days pass from the date of the exam. Most regions inform their Unified State Exam participants at an earlier date.

Unified State Exam participants who are graduates of the current year are issued certificates of Unified State Exam results at the educational institution. The rest of the Unified State Exam participants will find out their results where they received their Unified State Exam pass: this is either the PPE in which they took the exam, or the education governing body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local educational authorities.

According to current regulations, each subject of the Russian Federation is independently responsible for informing Unified State Exam participants about the results. In some regions this information can be accessed online for free. You can find out your results by having an individual code (passport number, etc.).

  • Moscow and Moscow region:
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:

Lists of Unified State Exam participants with their exam results are posted on information stands (at school, PPE, education management body, etc.).

Validity period of the certificate of Unified State Examination results

On November 20, 2013, letter No. DL-345/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the effect of the Unified State Exam results” was published.

“The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the issue of the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before the entry into force on September 1, 2013. Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), reports.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the unified state exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs valid for four years, following the year of obtaining such results.

Consequently, admission to organizations that carry out educational activities for undergraduate and specialist programs, admitted based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2014 and 2015 and valid until the end of 2018 and 2019, respectively

The Unified State Exam certificate after September 1, 2019 is valid for four years following the year of passing the exam. That is, the 2018 certificate expires in December 2022 and can be used for admission to universities in the period from 2018 to 2022. Therefore, certificates issued in 2018 and 2019 are valid until 2022 and 2023, respectively.

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