Schedule of classes for preparatory courses. Faculty of Pre-University Training. By appointment

Preparatory courses have existed at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University for over 15 years. During this time, thousands of schoolchildren were trained in preparatory courses, many of whom then became students of our faculty and other faculties of Moscow State University, as well as other prestigious universities in the country.

Preparation for admission

Preparation for entering a university is carried out by experienced teachers who have extensive experience in scientific and pedagogical activity, authors of many books and teaching aids. Teaching staff preparatory courses are teachers from our and other faculties, as well as invited teachers from the best lyceums in Moscow who have extensive experience working with high school students. At preparatory courses for higher education, vocational training to the admission of schoolchildren to the best higher educational institutions countries. The statistics speak for themselves - more than half of the graduates of preparatory courses from those who submitted documents enter the Faculty of Computer Science every year.

Preparatory courses for university

Preparatory courses for a university will not only give schoolchildren new knowledge and refresh their memory of old ones, but will also help them learn many of the subtleties of passing exams. While preparing to enter a university, students will repeat what they learned at school, and will also learn some new approaches and ways of solving problems.

Preparatory courses are psychological adaptation to the future stage of education, which is ensured through the use of university forms training sessions(lectures, seminars, colloquiums, etc.), higher scientific level of specialized disciplines studied in courses, communication with scientists and university teachers, stay in university classrooms. A series of special classes allows course participants who have already made a choice to be convinced of the correctness decisions made. For applicants who have doubts or hesitations, the courses help them navigate and make their final choice of faculty.

Short-term courses last from 6 to 9 months; this is the best option for those who already have good training (for example, thanks to tutors) and want to familiarize themselves with the requirements of our faculty and its specifics, as well as evaluate their capabilities. The peculiarity of short-term courses is that they help the applicant concentrate on the knowledge that will need to be demonstrated at the entrance test.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

Preparation for the Unified State Exam is the main focus of our preparatory courses. Classes are conducted in algebra, geometry, physics, Russian language, literature and computer science. The preparation procedure for the Unified State Exam takes place in the form of lectures and seminars, thus preparing students for the form of education accepted in universities.

The material is presented with some frequency, the same topics are revealed more and more deeply as the student approaches the end of the courses. Training programs consist of real problems offered on the Unified State Examination and entrance exams previous years. It should be noted that training in courses is much cheaper than classes with tutors.

And finally, a series of rehearsal exams, conducted several times during training in an environment as close as possible to a “combat” one, helps to reduce the degree of anxiety and even emotional stress that is often encountered when taking entrance competitive exams.

Preparing for the One State Exam in computer science is a new direction that is actively developing in our preparatory courses. Six-month and annual courses have been developed to prepare for entering a university in Unified State Exam results in computer science. The first graduates who successfully completed the preparatory courses and the computer science program have already passed the Unified State Exam with flying colors and entered our faculty, other faculties of Moscow State University and other universities.

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