Rare photographs from the Eva Brown archive. Photo from the personal archive of Eva Braun - the woman who was the wife of the Fuhrer for one day Eva Braun nude

Charming Eva Braun was Adolf Hitler's mistress for 13 years and the Fuhrer's official wife for a little more than 24 hours. Photographs from the personal archive of the most famous couple of Nazi Germany, which were taken by Eva Braun, who was very fond of photography, have survived to this day. It is still very interesting to look at these photos today.

Eva Braun was born in 1912 in Munich. Her father was school teacher. The family had three daughters, Eva was the middle one. The Brown family was very wealthy: they had a maid and had their own car.

Eva was educated at a lyceum, and then spent another year at a monastery school. She was not particularly successful in her studies, but she was a good athlete, participated in athletics for many years and even became a member sports union Swabia.

At the age of 17, Eva got a job in the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, who was at that time the official photographer of the Nazi Party in Germany. This place of work became fateful for her - in the photo studio she met Hitler, who was 23 years older than Eva.

The meeting between Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler took place in October 1929 in a Munich photographic studio. Hitler was introduced to Eva as “Herr Wolf.” The future Fuhrer used this nickname in the 1920s for secrecy. Within two years, Hitler and Eva Braun had a strong relationship, despite the fact that the girl’s family was categorically against this connection.

This photo was taken at Hitler's alpine residence at the Berghof in 1942. Eva and Hitler met here quite often, and many photographs were taken there. It is known that the residence was guarded by an SS team. In 1944, there were about 2,000 people in the detachment.

During the bombing on April 25, 1945, shortly before the suicide of the Fuhrer and his wife Eva, this magnificent residence was completely destroyed. The ruins of the Berghof lasted until 1952, when the Bavarian government decided to finally demolish them.

Eva Braun with the architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and War Industry Albert Speer. Speer was part of the Fuhrer's closest circle of people. He led projects to rebuild NSDAP facilities, and ceremonial processions and festive demonstrations were organized under his leadership. Speer is the author of the master plan for the reconstruction of Berlin. According to Hitler's plans, the capital of Germany was to become the capital of the world.

At the Nuremberg trials, Albert Speer was charged with using slave labor from concentration camp prisoners. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Speer served his entire sentence and was released on September 30, 1966. In prison he wrote the book “Memoirs”, and later several more books. Albert Speer died on September 1, 1981 in London.

It is worth noting that Hitler was irritated by many of his girlfriend’s habits. He did not tolerate the intensive use of cosmetics, had a negative attitude towards Eva’s habit of sunbathing without a swimsuit and forbade her to smoke.

Many photographs of the Fuhrer, especially at home, were taken by her. Not much is known about Eve herself. We present to your attention a short photo story about Eva Braun, which contains rare photographs, shown to the public just now.

Eva Braun was born on February 6, 1912 in Munich into a wealthy family of a despot teacher and a dressmaker. Eva also had two sisters. Despite her harsh upbringing, Eva had a kind and sympathetic character.

In her youth, she was involved in athletics, studied at the Institute of English Frauleins, studied French, typing, accounting and home economics.

In 1929, Eva completed her studies and returned home, where, under the patronage of her father, she got a job in the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann. That same year, she met Hitler, who one day came into the studio for a photo shoot. She was 17, he was 40.

At that time, Hitler was dating Geli Raubal, but Eva immediately attracted Hitler’s attention and he began to visit more and more often. During the day they go to the cinema and cafes, but in the evening he always goes to Geli’s. Eva was very worried about this. However, on September 8, 1931, after a quarrel with Hitler, Geli committed suicide. After almost six months of depression, Hitler returns to life, and Eva becomes his only (and last) lover.

With Hitler, Eva blossoms. He begins to take better care of himself, puts more emphasis on sports and, knowing about Hitler’s love for large busts, even at first puts scarves on himself.

However, according to historians, Eve sometimes lacked Adolf’s attention. As a result, on November 1, 1932, she made her first suicide attempt, shooting herself in the neck, but escaped with fright. Three years later, on the night of May 28-29, 1935, she tries to swallow pills, but the suicide attempt again fails due to her sister arriving on time.

Since 1936, Eva has been inseparably at Hitler's side, as a lover and personal secretary. Having not lost interest in photography, she often photographs Adolf and his entourage in informal settings. She spends most of her remaining 9 years in residence at the Berghof.

Since Hitler could not spend all his time at the Berghof, Eva often stayed on her own. As photographs published just now show, she was characterized by rather defiant behavior. So, in some photographs, Eva is captured in situations that could drive Hitler into hysterics. The Fuhrer's mistress poses in one swimsuit, smokes, puts on make-up “to look like a black man”, and in one of the photographs she is generally shown naked, covering herself only with an umbrella.

Be that as it may, after the assassination attempt on Hitler in 1943, Eva vowed to remain with him until her last breath. She kept her promise and since March 7, 1945 she has been permanently in Berlin.

On April 29, 1945, in the presence of Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun entered into legal marriage.

On April 30, after saying goodbye to everyone present and locking themselves in the room, the Hitler couple committed suicide. Their bodies were doused with gasoline and burned. According to the official version, the corpses did not burn completely and were removed Soviet troops. 25 years later, in April 1970, the corpses were finally destroyed.

Many historians consider Eva Braun to be just an eccentric fool. Who she really was, no one will ever know. Hitler's last mistress, about whom they knew nothing for a long time, and after which they were considered nothing more than a secretary, took her secret with her.

She is not a movie star or a legendary singer, not an actress or a person of royal blood.

But the whole world knows the name of this woman.

Eva Brown. Adolf Hitler's mistress for 13 years, his wife for just over a day.

Not many women in history inspire the same level of interest.

Of course: they reveal new aspects of the life of this lady, interesting to many.

Eva Braun was born on February 6, 1912 into a family of strict Catholic traditions. At that time, her parents were considered very well off: they could afford a maid, as well as their own car.

Pictured: Beilingris Convent School students, 1922. Eva Braun is second from right in the photo.

Eva Braun's family: father Friedrich Braun, mother Franziska Braun, Eva Braun (left), sisters Ilse and Margaret. 1940

At the age of 17, Eva got a job in a photo studio owned by photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, the official photographer of the Nazi Party in Germany.

Thanks to this work, she met Hitler, who was 23 years older than her.

This meeting took place in a Munich studio in October 1929.

Holidays with friends in Godesberg (pictured with Eva Braun on the left), 1937.

Carnival with family (in the photo Eva Braun is in the background on the right, in the center is her mother Franziska Katharina Braun), Munich, 1938.

She was a talented athlete.

Eva Braun devoted more than one year to athletics and was even a member of the sports union.

She loved acting and filming.

And Hitler was very irritated by many of her habits, for example, smoking, heavy use of cosmetics and the habit of sunbathing without a swimsuit.

It was possible to allow oneself to smoke only in the absence of Hitler.

This photograph was taken in 1942 at the Berghof, Hitler's Alpine residence.

Negus and Katushka are two Scottish terriers that belonged to Eva Braun and Hitler.

With Albert Speer, architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and War Industry.

New Year's Eve at the Berghof.

Eva Braun was a big fan of American films. This photograph, taken in 1937, shows Al Johnson performing main role in the first sound film "The Jazz Singer".

Eva Braun with her younger sister Margaret. 1943

Another of Hitler's dogs. 1943

April, 1943. Hitler celebrates his 54th birthday at his Alpine residence. Next to Eva Braun (she is on the far left in the picture) Greta Schneider, Eva's friend, is visible.

Hitler and Greta Schneider's daughter Ursula.

“My first fancy dress” is what Eva called this photograph taken in 1928.

VELVET: Galina Starozhilova

Newly published personal photographs of Eva Braun from her own photo albums reveal a new side to the woman who was Hitler's long-time lover, and last hours life became his wife. Braun took a central place in Hitler's life after the 1931 suicide of Geli Raubal, the twenty-three-year-old niece of the future Fuhrer, who, according to rumors, was also his mistress. What is surprising is that Eva Braun incomprehensibly combined unpretentiousness, vanity and frivolity. These qualities were suitable for a former model, but not for the girlfriend of a Nazi leader and a figure central to the darkest chapters of twentieth-century history. The collection of unique photographs that we present to you is part of an archive confiscated by the US military in 1945 and presented to the world by collector Reinhard Schulz.

1. In the photo - Eva Braun in a boat on Lake Warsi.

2. Eva was born into a respectable Bavarian Catholic family, where she was the second daughter. At the age of 17, she began working as a model for photographer Heinrich Hoffmann (pictured left), the official photographer of the Reich. Thanks to her work, she met “Herr Wolf,” a man with a “funny mustache,” who turned out to be Adolf Hitler himself. By 1931, Hitler and Braun had a relationship, and Hitler had already become the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany. Eva's sister, Gretti, married Hermann Fegelein, an SS general. She managed to survive the war, but her husband did not. He is said to have been executed on Hitler's personal orders in 1945. Pictured below: Hoffmann, Hitler and Eva Braun at Hitler's residence in Berghof, Germany, 1942. Hitler and Brown look at photographs of Hoffmann.

3. In this photograph, Eva Braun is sitting on the terrace of the Berghof, Hitler's residence in the Alps in 1942. She really enjoyed being photographed and took many ordinary everyday photographs during her stay at the Berghof. Did she imagine that this idyll would not last long? In 1945, when Russian and German troops clashed over Berlin, it became clear that the Allied forces would win the war. Tens of thousands of people died these days, but two deaths stand out: the deaths of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler. Eva Braun ended her life in a dirty underground bunker on April 30, 1945, biting through a cyanide ampoule at the age of 33, after fifty-six-year-old Hitler shot himself in the same bunker. This was the end of the Third Reich.

4. Scottish terriers Hitler and Brown, Negus and Katushka, 1942. The reel was also called Stasi. Brown hated Hitler's own shepherd dog, Blondie, who often climbed into his bed.

5. Eva in a swimsuit makes a bridge on Lake Königssee, a few miles from Hitler's residence.

6. Behind the camera. Brown with her 16mm camera, 1942. She used color film to shoot footage of a film about Hitler and his entourage, which later turned out to be of great value to historians.

7. Hand in hand with Hitler's architect. In this photo, Eva Braun is with Hitler's architect Albert Speer. It was he who was responsible for the restructuring of the Reich Chancellery and the headquarters of the NSDAP in Munich. In addition, Speer served as the Minister of Armaments and Military Industry of Germany. During the Nuremberg trials, he was sentenced to 20 years, unlike his comrades, most of whom were sentenced to death. He died in 1981 in London. His memoirs became an international bestseller.

8. Hitler did not approve of Eva’s love for swimming and sunbathing naked, as well as her addiction to smoking and abuse of cosmetics. Eva Braun on Lake Königssee in 1940.

9. Eve with an umbrella, 1940.

10. New Year's celebration at the Berghof residence. Among Hitler's guests are the founding fathers of the Third Reich.

11. This photograph of Eva Braun was taken in 1937 and is captioned “I Am Al Johnson.” She is made up as an American actor and singer from the film “The Jazz Singer”. Brown was very fond of American cinema, including Gone with the Wind.

12. Eva Braun (left) and her younger sister Margaret (Greti), 1943

13. Brown and Hitler's dog, 1943.

14. On the back of a photograph of Hitler with a guard at his mountain residence in 1931, Eva Braun wrote: “This is the first visit to Berchtesgaden.”

15. Hitler's fifty-fourth birthday, the Fuhrer's Alpine residence, April 1943. Eva is on the far left, followed by her close friend, Herta Schneider.

16. Hitler with Ursula (“Ears”) Schneider, daughter of Hertha Schneider, Eva Braun’s childhood friend, at Hitler’s residence in the Bavarian Alps, 1942.

17. Eva in a swimsuit near Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1940.

18. Eva Braun first met Adolf Hitler in Heinrich Hoffmann's photographic studio in 1929. The photo shows the windows of Hoffmann's studio in Munich, in which portraits of the Fuhrer are displayed.

19. Photo workshop of Heinrich Hoffmann, Munich, Germany, 1938.

20. Eva Braun and the bear. Eva Braun with friends in the Bavarian Alps, Germany, 1935.

21. Eva Braun (left) and her friends on vacation in Godesberg, Germany, 1937.

22. Eva Braun (far right) at a carnival in her parents' house in Munich, Germany, 1938. In the center are Brown's mother Franziska Katharina and her sisters Ilse and Margarita.

23. Brown family. Eva Braun (right) with her parents, Friedrich and Franziska, and sisters Ilse (left) and Gretti, 1940.

24. Teen Eve. Eva Braun sits on a table in the living room of her parents' house in Munich, Germany, 1929. She lived with her parents after completing her studies at a trade school, and a little later that year she met Hitler in Hoffman's photographic workshop.

25. Eva Braun with an unknown friend at a party in Munich. Brown loved to party and socialize. She also loved to smoke, but only when Hitler was not around.

29. “My first fancy dress,” Eva Braun captioned this photograph taken in 1928.

30. The owner of the house. Portrait of Adolf Hitler in Eva Braun's living room at the Berghof, Hitler's residence near Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1937.

Photos from the archive of Eva Braun

Newly published personal photographs of Eva Braun from her own photo albums reveal a new side to the woman who was Hitler's long-time lover and, in the last hours of her life, became his wife. Braun took a central place in Hitler's life after the 1931 suicide of Geli Raubal, the twenty-three-year-old niece of the future Fuhrer, who, according to rumors, was also his mistress. What is surprising is that Eva Braun incomprehensibly combined unpretentiousness, vanity and frivolity. These qualities were suitable for a former model, but not for the girlfriend of a Nazi leader and a figure central to the darkest chapters of twentieth-century history. The collection of unique photographs is part of an archive confiscated by the US military in 1945 and made public by collector Reinhard Schulz.

Eva Braun films with a 16mm camera. Today, photographs and newsreels taken by her are of great value to historians.

Eva was born into a respectable Bavarian Catholic family, where she was the second daughter. At the age of 17, she began working as a model for photographer Heinrich Hoffmann (pictured left), the official photographer of the Reich. Thanks to her work, she met “Herr Wolf,” a man with a “funny mustache,” who turned out to be Adolf Hitler himself. By 1931, Hitler and Braun had a relationship, and Hitler had already become the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany. Eva's sister, Gretti, married Hermann Fegelein, an SS general. She managed to survive the war, but her husband did not. He is said to have been executed on Hitler's personal orders in 1945. Photo: Hoffmann, Hitler and Eva Braun at Hitler's residence in Berghof, Germany, 1942. Hitler and Brown look at photographs of Hoffmann.

At Hitler's alpine residence at the Berghof in 1942. Eva Braun and Hitler often met at the Berghof, and many photographs were taken here by her. The residence was guarded by an SS team, and in 1944 there were almost 2,000 people in the guard unit. This magnificent residence was completely destroyed during a bombing on April 25, 1945, shortly before the suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun.

Giler on a walk with his dog.

Two Scottish terriers that belonged to Eva Braun and Hitler. Hitler also had a shepherd dog, Blondie. Eva simply could not stand this dog.

At lunch.

Afternoon nap.

There are a lot of touching photographs of Hitler with children, which were sometimes used by Nazi propaganda for PR for the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Eva's niece Ursula. Photo taken at Hitler's residence in the Bavarian Alps in 1942

Based on these photographs, we can assume that Hitler actually loved children. As we can see, the first impression of a person from a photograph can be deceptive, and psychology is not as simple as it seems.

Eva with her niece.

Eva with Albert Speer, architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and War Industry. Speer belonged to the Fuhrer's closest circle of people. Under his leadership, reconstruction of NSDAP facilities was carried out, festive demonstrations and ceremonial processions were organized. Speer was the author master plan reconstruction of Berlin, which, according to Hitler's plans, was to become the capital of the whole world. During the Nuremberg trials, Albert Speer was charged with using slave labor from concentration camp prisoners. Speer pleaded guilty and received 20 years in prison. Speer had to serve his entire sentence and was released only on September 30, 1966. In prison he wrote the book “Memoirs,” which was a great success. Later he published several more books.

Eva takes a boat ride on Lake Worthy

Eva at Hitler's residence at the Berghof, 1940. Hitler was very irritated by many of Eva Braun's habits: smoking, heavy use of cosmetics and the habit of sunbathing without a swimsuit. He forbade smoking in his presence. As you know, Hitler did not drink, did not smoke and was a vegetarian.

Eva does gymnastics on the shores of Lake Königssee, not far from her residence in the Berghof, which is still considered the cleanest lake in Germany.

Students from Beilingris Convent School, 1922. Eva Braun is second from right in the photo.

Munich, 1929. It was this year, when she was only 17 years old, that Eva met Hitler. The photo was taken in the living room of the Braun family's Munich apartment.

Eva Braun's family - father Friedrich Braun, mother Franziska Braun, Eva, sisters Ilse and Margaret. 1940

Eva with her younger sister Margaret. 1943

Carnival with family (in the photo Eva Braun is in the background on the right, in the center is her mother Franziska Katharina Braun), Munich, 1938.

Holidays with friends in Godesberg (pictured with Eva Braun on the left), 1937

Bavarian Alps, 1935. Eva with friends

Eva with one of her friends during a party. She loved to have fun. She also loved to smoke, but she could only afford it in Hitler’s absence.

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