Robert Cialdini psychology of influence fifth edition. Robert Cialdini - psychology of influence

Title: Psychology of influence
Writer: Robert Cialdini
Year: 1993
Publisher: Eksmo
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 380 pp. 1 illustration
Genres: Contemporary foreign literature

About the book “The Psychology of Influence” by Robert Cialdini

Often we don’t even realize how much we are susceptible to the herd effect, how cleverly we are manipulated in order to achieve the desired results. Do you think that all your actions are performed only according to your will? But no. Skilled manipulators who master effective tactics in the psychology of influence, like hypnotists, will one, two, three times turn you into an ordinary puppet, whose strings they will pull. Moreover, you will be completely sure that you make only independent decisions. The famous American psychologist Robert Cialdini, in his book “The Psychology of Influence,” reveals secret methods on how to avoid falling for the bait of people who zombify us for their own benefit. The author will also teach you how to achieve what you want from others without going too far. Because we are better than them. We will not walk over corpses for our goal. The main rule is not to forget about humanity. And the author of this manual also teaches us this.

Who manipulates our consciousness? And how often? The answers to these questions will horrify you. Robert Cialdini in his work “The Psychology of Influence” shows how often we are forced to do what we don’t want. The media, the government of different countries, business leaders, sales consultants who sell us various, unnecessary nonsense... We constantly fall for all this. Because manipulators know that they are deceiving us and know how to effectively win us over to their side, and we do not even realize that we are simply being fooled.

The main idea in the book “Psychology of Influence” is that we all use patterns in our behavior and love to put labels on people or situations without really thinking about the root cause of such things. We are used to being a mass, and society tends to consider those who stand out from this mass as outcasts. But isn’t it better to be a black sheep than just another cog in the system, the consumer society? By the way, an example of a common template on the topic of the majority: “you haven’t bought this product yet, but everyone has already tried it and liked it.” If everyone liked it, then you will like it too. Scary? This is exactly how you kill your own opinion, views on a particular situation. You don't have to think. The majority will think for you. Read between the lines: experienced marketers who will use this technique for their purposes.

After reading this book, you will become familiar with the effective principles of the psychology of influence, such as: imitation of others, the rule of “mutual exchange”, the principle of social proof, the “refuse-then-retreat” tactic, the trick of limited capabilities (manipulation covered by an alleged deficit), you will understand how the effect of prohibited elements and information on people, how we are manipulated because of our integrity (our consistency in words and actions also plays into the hands of those who control us) and much more. All those who are tired of stereotypical rules of behavior, those who are tired of being a victim of large corporations, the media, advertising, etc., should definitely read the incredibly informative book “The Psychology of Influence.” Robert Cialdini will teach you how not to become a slave to another person and how to fight back against any psychological attack.

On our literary website you can download the book “Psychology of Influence” by Robert Cialdini for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

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Title: Psychology of influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success
Author: Robert Cialdini
Year: 1993
Genre: Management, personnel selection, Marketing, PR, advertising, Foreign business literature, Social psychology, Foreign psychology

About the book “Psychology of influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success" Robert Cialdini

Robert Cialdini is an American social psychologist. His work is based on constant experimentation. His book “The Psychology of Influence” is written in a clear, easy style, without excessive immersion in terminology. Due to this, as well as clearly stated truths, readers fell in love with Cialdini's magnum opus.

The main idea contained in “The Psychology of Influence” is that all people are characterized by common patterns of behavior (in the book they are presented in the form of rules). They are used by business leaders, smart managers, mass media and even presidents.

The book “Psychology of influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success” opens your eyes to seemingly ordinary things. We don't even realize that we live according to the rules of people who simply control us like puppets. We run for discounts, we believe that the government keeps its promises, we behave correctly, and in essence, like everyone else. We do not show our self so as not to become an outcast. The worst thing is that this happens to us since childhood, when a child can simply get carried away with something, and society expels him. We cannot explain to our child that this society is, and not that it is wrong.

When you read the book “The Psychology of Influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success,” you will be horrified by how terrible our world is. We consider ourselves free and happy, but in fact those who control us allow us to think so. From the book you will also learn how to influence people so that they act the way you want. And here you need to first of all remember your humanity, and use knowledge for the benefit of society, and not just yourself.

The first rule is about mutual exchange. If any person has done or given something to us (for free), we feel the need to reciprocate. Fraudsters, using this principle, demand much more in exchange than they give. The trouble is that this rule is so deeply rooted in the subconscious of society that those who do not adhere to it automatically end up on the “black list”. Just remember how they promise to increase tariffs for travel or utilities: first they say the price is too high, and then, after a protest, they reduce it a little. Everyone agrees, but businesses still win.

The rule of consistency states that it is human nature to act consistently. Having made a decision, he begins to convince himself of its fidelity. It does not matter whether it was accepted voluntarily or under pressure.

The essence of another pattern is that people tend to focus on the majority. It is disadvantageous and awkward to behave differently. That is why advertising so often says: “Thousands of housewives have already bought...”, “Have you tried it yet? Then we are coming to you! etc.

If someone tries too hard to become your friend in a short time, then such a person most likely just wants to use you. The same applies to the rule of authority - how often does a pretty, beautiful star who appears in a commercial praise the products of company X in every possible way? In this case, the main “lever” is our own sympathy.

A striking example of the rule of scarcity is all kinds of promotions, discounts and sales. The realization that soon it will not be possible to purchase a product/service at a favorable price is what pushes us to purchase.

Robert Cialdini's book “The Psychology of Influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success” is certainly a useful guide in the conditions of ruthlessness of marketing. It should be read by all those who are tired of being a victim of big companies and their advertising. The book is written in fairly simple language and contains many examples of how this or that rule works in reality.

On our website about books you can download the site for free or read online the book “The Psychology of Influence. How to learn to persuade and achieve success" by Robert Cialdini in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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A classic of business literature, a world bestseller and a reference book for ambitious politicians, managers, advertisers, marketers and everyone who wants to convince and achieve their goals. Author of The Psychology of Influence, PhD and professor of psychology, Robert B. Cialdini has spent many years studying the principles of successful sales. Based on his research, he wrote a guide to motivation and persuasion that many reputable periodicals have recognized as the best book on influence ever published.

“The Psychology of Influence” is known and recommended as one of the best textbooks on social psychology, conflictology, and management by all Western, and now domestic, psychologists. This book by Robert Cialdini went through four editions in the United States, its circulation exceeded one and a half million copies.


The original (commercial) version of The Psychology of Influence was intended for the general reader, and as such I have made an attempt to make it entertaining. In the study group version, I have maintained the same style, but have also presented evidence from recent research that my previous statements, conclusions, and recommendations are correct. Although I have added a significant number of interviews, quotes, and systematic personal observations in the latest version, the conclusions of The Psychology of Influence are based on the results of scientifically sound psychological research.

Teachers and students can be sure that this book is not another example of “pop psychology”, but represents a serious scientific work. The educational version also contains new material that meets modern requirements, conclusions at the end of each chapter, as well as test questions that help you better assimilate the information.

The material in this version of “Psychology of Influence” can be used with great benefit in practice, and at the same time it is scientifically documented. In addition, reading this book is a real pleasure for most people. “The Psychology of Influence” once again confirms that material that often seems dry and overly technical, when presented properly, can actually turn out to be fresh, useful and easy to digest.


Now I can freely admit this. All my life I have been the one who gets fooled. I have always been a favorite target for street vendors, fundraisers, and dealers of one kind or another. Not all of these people had dishonest motives. For example, representatives of some charitable agencies had the best intentions. But it doesn't matter. Depressingly often, I ended up with unnecessary magazine subscriptions or tickets to the sanitation workers' ball. This long-term status as a simpleton probably explains my interest in studying compliance. What factors make one person say “yes” to another? And what techniques can be used to achieve such flexibility? I was interested in why a request made in a certain way is often ignored, while a similar request, formulated in a slightly different way, succeeds.

Therefore, in my role as an experimental social psychologist, I began to study the psychology of compliance. The research initially took the form of a series of experiments, mostly conducted in my laboratory with the participation of college students. I wanted to find out what psychological principles underlie compliance with a request or demand. Recently, psychologists have learned a lot about these principles - what they are and how they work. I have characterized such principles as instruments of influence. In subsequent chapters I will talk about the most important of them.

After some time, I began to understand that although experimental work is necessary, it alone is not enough. “Naked” experiments did not allow me to judge the significance of the principles I was studying in the world outside the institute building. It became clear that if I was going to deeply understand the psychology of compliance, I needed to expand my scope of research. I need to take a closer look at the “compliance professionals”—the people who constantly pressured me into giving in to them. They know what works and what doesn't; the law of survival of the fittest confirms this. Such people try at all costs to force those around them to give in; their success in life depends on this. Those who don't know how to get people to say yes usually fail; those who know prosper.

Chapter 1. Levers of influence

Society moves forward by increasing the number of transactions it can carry out without thinking about them.

Alfred North Whitehead

One day I received a call from a friend who had recently opened an Indian jewelry store in Arizona. She felt dizzy from the curious news. Something amazing had just happened in her life, and she thought that I, as a psychologist, could explain a lot to her. It was about a consignment of turquoise jewelry, which she was having difficulty selling. It was peak tourist season, the store was full of customers, the turquoise pieces were of good quality for the price she was asking; however, for some reason these products did not sell well. My friend tried a couple of standard trading tricks to fix the situation. She tried to draw attention to the products being described by moving the display with them closer to the center of the store, but unsuccessfully. Then she told the sellers to “push” this product hard, again to no avail.

Finally, in the evening before leaving on business out of town, my friend hurriedly scribbled an angry note to the senior saleswoman: “? on? the price of all turquoise,” hoping to simply get rid of the already disgusting objects, even at the cost of a loss. A few days later she returned and found that all the turquoise products had been sold, but was amazed: since her employee, instead of “?” I read “2”, the whole lot was sold for twice the price!

That's when my friend called me. I knew immediately what had happened, but I told her that if she wanted to hear an explanation, she should listen to my story. This story is not really mine; it is about mother turkeys and is related to the relatively young science of ethology, which studies animals in natural conditions. Turkeys are good mothers - loving, attentive, vigilantly guarding their chicks. Turkeys spend a lot of time caring for their chicks, keeping them warm, cleaning and herding them together. But there is something strange in their behavior. Essentially, the maternal instinct is “switched on” in turkeys by one single sound: the “cheep-cheep” of young turkey chicks. Other definition properties, such as smell or appearance, seem to play a lesser role. If a chick makes a "cheep-cheep" sound, its mother will take care of it; if not, his mother will ignore him and may even kill him.

The focus of brood turkeys solely on sound was illustrated by animal behavior researcher M.W. Fox (Fox, 1974). He described an experiment with a turkey and an artificial ferret. For the mother turkey, the ferret is a natural enemy; when he approaches, the turkey utters piercing screams and attacks him with its beak and claws. Experimenters have found that even a stuffed ferret, pulled by a string to a hen, provokes her to an immediate and frantic attack. But when a mechanism was attached to the same stuffed animal that reproduced the “chip-chip” sound, the turkey not only accepted the approaching ferret, but also took it under her. When the sound was turned off, the stuffed ferret would attack again.

Click, buzz

How funny the turkey looks in this situation: she hugs her enemy just because he makes a “cheep-cheep” sound, and mistreats or even kills one of her offspring just because he doesn’t. The turkey appears to be an automaton whose maternal instincts depend on a single sound. Ethologists say that this behavior is not unique to turkeys. Scientists have identified mechanical behavior patterns in many species.

So-called captured action patterns may involve a complex sequence of actions; for example, entire courtship or mating rituals. The main characteristic feature of these models is that the actions that constitute them are repeated each time in virtually the same way and in the same order. It is almost as if these patterns were recorded on tapes inside the animals. When the situation requires courtship, the corresponding film is “played”; when the situation obliges motherhood, the film of maternal behavior begins to “reproduce”. Click- and the corresponding recording begins to play; buzz- and a certain sequence of actions unfolds.

Psychology of influence. Convince, influence, defend - Cialdini Robert (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

And finally, we suggest you watch an interesting video

Robert Cialdini was born on April 27, 1945 in the United States of America. After completing his high school studies, he studied social psychology at the University of North Carolina and Wisconsin. Further scientific activity continued in graduate school at Columbia University, receiving a Doctor of Science degree, where he studied the books of world psychologists and laid the foundation for writing his own.

Robert Cialdini then pursued a career in research at Arizona State University, while also pursuing the teaching and research that would inform his books. During this period, the methods of successful sales, methods of manipulation, as well as the nature and reasons for which people’s compliance is revealed were studied. All this led to the appearance of the work “Psychology of Influence,” which was written at a fairly young age and received incredible success all over the world.

In 1996, he became president of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Cialdini received various awards in this industry, improving its techniques. He worked until 2009, publishing scientific books after ceasing his scientific activities, remaining a member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

What are Robert Cialdini's books about?

Currently, Robert Cialdini's bibliography consists of 9 books, which were translated into Russian and distributed in wide circulation, including throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union. The literature will be useful to the following people:

  • For executives and managers, as a guide to fulfilling sales plans and a way to influence other people, who are often subject to instincts and reflexes;
  • For buyers, as a way to avoid the tricks that large trading corporations and sales consultants use when trying to impose something that you do not want to purchase;
  • Businessmen who are looking for interesting marketing ideas and ways to creatively and honestly sell their own products;
  • For students, as additional literature for a general understanding of social processes.

Thus, having considered all the theories, you can immediately apply the methods of Cialdini’s books in practice. To do this, you should start reading the publication “Psychology of Persuasion. Important little things that guarantee success.” It reveals more than 50 simple options on how you can influence any person, regardless of his social status, from your subordinate and colleague to a manager at any level. In recent years, people have begun to make decisions based on the context of the material rather than the information itself. Today, small details can have the greatest impact on a person. Understanding this will allow you to strengthen all your abilities several times.

“The Psychology of Influence” is the author’s most popular book

Cialdini’s most important book is “The Psychology of Influence,” which outlines the fundamental principles and rules that you can rely on when conducting negotiations and any business or private contacts. Robert gained this knowledge after communicating with thousands of people, and from his own experience talks about techniques that helped him get out of bankruptcy and achieve his first profit in a short time, and subsequently gain local success and a loyal customer base in his city or state. Five ways to influence will help change everything in your life.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of what motivates people to say the coveted word “yes”, to offers that come in regularly. You can get the full answer in Cialdini’s bestseller, which has received more than 60 positive reviews from readers on the Ozone website and is included in the list of popular applied books.

Name: Psychology of influence
Robert Cialdini
Year of writing: 2009
Volume: 520 pp. 54 illustrations
Genres: Foreign psychology, Social psychology
Read online

“The Psychology of Influence” by Robert Cialdini is perhaps the most fascinating scientific book on psychology. American Robert Cialdini is not a personal growth coach, he does not conduct seminars and does not sell anything. He is a psychology professor at the University of Arizona who has written a textbook on social psychology. However, even a schoolchild can read the book; there are practically no special terms, etc.

Therefore, “The Psychology of Influence” quickly became a reference book for managers, network marketers and even leaders of charitable organizations - because somehow they need to convince people to give their money and time. In his book The Psychology of Influence, Robert Cialdini first described several very simple and effective techniques with which you can sell anything to anyone. It is very interesting to read about the professor’s experiments. Because you can repeat each of them yourself and immediately see that it works. For example, when it comes to the “Door in the Face” manipulative technique, the essence of which is to first let the door slam in front of you and then give the “customer” the opportunity to retreat, Cialdini gives an example of volunteer work. At first, his students simply asked their colleagues to take a group of troubled teenagers to the zoo. Only sixteen percent agreed, and very reluctantly. The second group of students were first asked to teach classes for juvenile delinquents free of charge for two years. And only after they refused (and they all refused), they were offered to take a group of the same children to the zoo once. This time 50% agreed! And they not only agreed, but also thanked him for the opportunity to serve the community. This also works with sales: first offer something expensive and completely unnecessary, and after a categorical refusal, give the opportunity to buy something worthwhile.

Robert Cialdini describes in great detail several other equally simple and equally effective techniques. The first thing you want to do when you start reading a book is to test them in practice.

But the book “Psychology of Influence” is worth reading not only for “salespeople.” It will also be useful for “buyers”. Reading the book, you never cease to be amazed at how often we become victims of other people’s manipulations. Because for every principle of influence given by Cialdini, you immediately remember a dozen examples from your own life. Yes, it was I who bought an unnecessary lottery ticket when I was invited to a banquet and treated to champagne (the principle of paying off debts). Yes, for some unknown reason I gave up my place in line to a stranger (the “click” principle). Perhaps this is why reading the book “The Psychology of Influence” is so exciting - each chapter becomes a real epiphany.

On our literary website you can download for free the book “Psychology of Influence” by Robert Cialdini in a suitable format for different devices: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. A book is the best teacher, friend and companion. It contains the secrets of the Universe, human mysteries and answers to any questions. We have collected the best representatives of both foreign and domestic literature, classic and modern books, publications on psychology and self-development, fairy tales for children and works exclusively for adults. Everyone will find here exactly what will give them a lot of pleasant moments.

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