Robert Kiyosaki biography family children. Robert Kiyosaki - short biography, books, quotes. Biography of Robert Kiyosaki is the story of a rich dad and a poor dad

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17 thoughts on “ Robert Kiyosaki and Kim Kiyosaki, who are they?

  1. sweetie

    I want to be as successful as Kim Kiosaki.

  2. admin Post author

    This is not a tricky answer, and the question is not a tricky one. Everything in life is built this way.

  3. admin Post author

    How can we live without men? They help the woman, and the woman helps him. If there are sympathies, then God ordered them to be satisfied.

  4. Ruslan

    Only Rich Dad Poor Dad read. Overall the book is not bad. But I prefer specifics rather than muddying the waters.

  5. Julia

    I know and have read about Robert Kiyosaki. I shook my brain well, but I haven’t gotten around to Kim yet, although her book was recommended to me. Turns out she's an amazing woman! thanks to you I found out about it.

  6. Vladimir Alexandrovich

    I read all the available books by Robert Kiosaki, but I didn’t even know that his wife also had a book about business. Thanks for the information.

Robert Kiyosaki popularly explains what assets and liabilities are. But in his books he explains these terms incorrectly. Unfortunately, this mistake is repeated by his many followers. Including Sergei Cruz, who talks on the pages of this site about the correct preparation of a personal financial plan. In my article I will show what the mistake is and why it prevents you from correctly assessing a person’s financial condition.

Kiyosaki defines an asset as something that puts money in your pocket. He considers a liability to be something that takes money out of your pocket. As an example, he always cites the house in which a person lives and calls it a liability. Sergei Cruz, by analogy, considers a car a liability if its owner simply drives it about his business.

Adherents of this point of view consider only those real estate that is rented out to be an asset. They believe that a personal car can only be called an asset when its owner earns money from it by renting it out or working as a taxi driver. Does this point of view have practical application? No, because it introduces uncertainty.

Let's say the owner of the car works as a taxi driver only on Sundays. Is it possible to consider that a car is one-seventh an asset, but on Monday night it turns back into a liability pumpkin?

My mother rents out one room in her apartment. The rent covers the cost of utilities in the summer, but in the winter (due to heating) it does not cover it. Does this mean that the “activity” or “passivity” of the apartment is a seasonal phenomenon? What if the winter is warm?

With these examples I show you that the division into assets and liabilities “in the Kiyosakian way” does not have practical application. The information that an item is an asset (liability) is not used in any way. The only benefit is information about how much it brings (takes away) per month or per year. We will return to these figures later.

TO assets everything applies property or right that you created, purchased or received. This is a value that can be exchanged for another value (for example, sold). According to this definition, assets include, for example:

  • real estate, incl. Earth;
  • movable property (transport, tools, works of art, coin collections, etc.);
  • property rights, incl. for real estate, for securities;
  • bank accounts in rubles and foreign currency;
  • precious metals and stones, incl. impersonal metal accounts;
  • brokerage and investment accounts;
  • issued loans.

TO liabilities everything applies obligation that arose for you or passed to you as a result of some events. This is the property (right) of other persons. According to this definition, liabilities include all types of debts and loans. For example, a debt to a neighbor or a loan taken from a bank.

A special type of passive is equity. A person owes his own capital, but he owes it to himself. This amount is precisely an indicator financial condition person. In the English-speaking environment it corresponds to the word fortune. How to calculate a person's well-being? Very simple. You probably already guessed it.

Personal finances are always in balance. The assets column always totals equal to the liabilities column. In other words, everything you have, you owe: either to yourself, or to others, or in proportion.

Everything is fine, everything is in balance

Imagine that you are nowhere. You have a wallet in your hand containing 1000 rubles. You have no debts. All this thousand is yours. What does your balance sheet look like?

You walk further into nowhere and see a bank. A polite clerk offers you a deposit at N% per annum (N > 0). You believe that you are unlikely to need money in the near future, and put aside 900 rubles “for later.” Leave 100 rubles just in case. Your balance has changed, but your balance remains:

After 2 hours, you found another fifty dollars somewhere. Result:

As can be seen from this example, no matter how much you borrow, you still cost 1050 rubles.

Not far away you see a car shop. Go in there by opening the door with your foot. You buy a new car for 800 thousand, pay cash. Congratulations! You purchased new look assets:

It is known that when a car leaves the gates of a car dealership, it instantly loses at least 10% in value. Let's be honest with ourselves and correct the balance sheet, reducing the value of the "Car" asset by 80 thousand rubles. Due to the loss, equity will become negative:

A person with negative net worth is called bankrupt .

Exponential calculation

Net worth itself is not an indicator of wealth or poverty. It only reflects the immediate (current) financial condition. After all, if you earn 8 million a day and spend little, then minus 80 thousand is unlikely to affect your financial situation. For evaluation financial situation a person needs to read a report on his income and expenses.

What does a balance sheet look like? Personally, I use it as a table. Take this template and fill it out for your specific situation. In the comments to this article, please answer a couple of questions:

  1. Is your emergency fund larger than your 3 months' expenses?
  2. Do you have an investment fund - a guarantee of a secure old age?
  3. What proportion are “other assets”?
  4. How does Fortune compare to your annual income?
  5. What is the percentage (%%) of your total liabilities compared to your annual income?

I will write in the next article which answers are correct.

  • Rich dad often asked Mike and me the question, “If you had nothing—no money, no job, no food, no place to live—what would you do?” Most people are programmed from birth to go look for work. In fact, they go to school in order to confirm their purpose. But if you want to get the right to become a businessman or investor, then you need a different form of training. He called this form of education learning to live in real world.
  • But doesn’t every person want to live in the real world? Most people think they do, but to be honest, most people today do everything to hide from it.
  • What your generation lacks is the financial education needed to be financially secure.
  • The luckiest thing in my life was that I was exposed to the real world at the age of 13.
  • “The trouble is that many people in your generation don’t contribute anything at all to their retirement plans, many don’t contribute enough, and very few realize how risky it is to keep money in mutual funds. A stock market crash will turn that money into dust.”
  • I think it all started when people started looking for security instead of freedom. The problem is that most people believe that security and freedom are the same thing. But that's not true. In fact, security and freedom mean exactly the opposite.
  • A choice must be made between freedom and security. Freedom requires courage and strength, and if a person does not have them, he loses freedom.
  • I wanted freedom from the tyrannical pressure of having a job and from the dictates of money that determined my lifestyle.
  • Diversification is a protection for the ignorant. It makes virtually no sense to those who know what they are doing.
  • Until you start receiving money, you will invest, but you will not become an investor. To show Rich Dad that I had become an investor, I had to show him that money started flowing in and stopped flowing out.
  • People say: I'm saving for retirement. Rarely does anyone say: I invest to ensure my retirement.
  • I would venture to guess that in 10 years, US banks will be bursting with money. Only 2% per annum will be paid.
  • Rich Dad often said: Give a fool money and he'll throw a party.
  • Investing at all three levels is a full-time job, and you'll have your share of challenges.
  • The real world is very different from the world of education or government. What he invested in will not pay off in the real world.
  • You may have noticed that those who fall behind financially are often people who are ossified in their worldview and way of acting.
  • Investors know how to reduce losses. They are not afraid to admit their mistakes. They care not about saving face, but about how to save money. If the investment is unsuccessful, they cut the ends and run away.
  • A true investor has very little devotion to his investments.
  • Advances in technology are turning the stockbroker into a monument and mutual funds into lumbering dinosaurs watched by fast-paced and ruthless private investors. Investors who entrust mutual funds to make investments for them become dinosaurs.
  • I know the world outside the coop seems scary. It’s difficult with work, difficult with money and very bad with opportunities. But I assure you, life outside the coop is vibrant, full of optimism and energy, and there are plenty of opportunities out there. It's all about where you look - from the chicken coop or outside.
  • The world outside the chicken coop is full of scammers, crooks, prostitutes, etc. But at the same time, there are many saints, geniuses, warriors, etc. If you choose a free life, you must learn to do business with everyone, because you will not know who they are in fact, until you try to do business with them. During the transaction, everyone takes off their masks.
  • Many of those who are looking for a secure job in a large company after graduation are actually looking for a place to escape from the real world. When investing, such people are also looking for somewhere to hide from the real world. Such investors invest in mutual funds, believing that their manager is able to destroy the bacteria of the real world.
  • The main thing is to find a method that is effective for you personally. Both rich dad and I built businesses and invested in real estate. But these were completely different types of businesses and different real estate.
  • Many middle class people believe that saving money, a pension plan, and owning a home are smart financial solutions. Despite their importance for financial well-being, they will not provide wealth. You need to buy or create assets that generate passive income.
  • The bottom line is that saving money is good advice for the poor and average person. This is bad advice for building wealth.
  • Financial intelligence comes from investing time in the real world. It cannot be the result of investing in a mutual fund. Investing in your financial education will not pay off immediately, but it will definitely pay off.
  • The middle class is playing it safe. They invest a lot of money in a pension plan and very little time in education. If you want to become rich, invest a lot of time before you start investing a lot of money.
  • Many middle class people think saving is smart, but for a wealthy person it is a financial drag.
  • One of the few things both of my fathers demanded was to never lose touch with people at all levels of society. Always remember that every employee in your business is a living person. Your task as a leader is to do everything for his well-being.
  • If you want to take control of your life, you must regularly prepare personal financial statements. If you don't want to do this, it's better to give the money to others for a retirement fund.
  • I know many people who easily understand other people's financial statements but do not do their own. This should be the MOST important report for you.
  • By getting to the bottom of your real financial statement, you'll open up a world of real financial opportunity.
  • Modern alchemists turn money, resources, ideas into wealth with the help of assets. They know how to create assets literally out of thin air. An example is a patent or trademark. They turn even garbage into assets.
  • Fools turn money into trash. Alchemists, on the contrary, turn garbage into money.
  • The main thing is not shine, but cash flow.
  • Your academic or professional success has virtually nothing to do with financial success.
  • The most important words in business it is cash flow. Rich people are rich because they control the flow of money, and poor people are poor because they do not know how to do so. Most financial problems are caused by a lack of personal control over cash flow.
  • How can employees manage their lives if they have never been taught how to manage their money and have no control over where their retirement savings flow? They have no control over their lives in old age.
  • Our emotions are a powerful force. If left unchecked, they become self-fulfilling prophecies.
  • The reason most people save and don't invest is because they lack financial intelligence. Otherwise, they would try to take risks behind the walls of the chicken coop and discover a world of financial abundance for themselves. Without financial education, sitting in the coop to diversify and save is the only thing they can do.
  • If you want bad debt, the banker gives it to you right away. If you want good debt that will make you rich, the banker will ask you for a financial statement to see if you are smart enough to manage good debt.
  • Kim and I bought almost 12 small properties, then sold them and bought 2 apartment buildings and were able to retire.
  • Start with small transactions. Only education and experience make a person richer and richer.
  • Playing with stocks and mutual funds seems to be the riskiest of all investment strategies. I prefer a stable cash flow from business or real estate, as well as options to protect my positions in volatile markets.
  • Excuses are lies you tell yourself. Stop whining, complaining and acting like children. Excuses make a person poor.
  • It wasn't money that made me rich, it was investing time and investing money when I had very little money.
  • Operating outside the coop, I've seen all sorts of things. I did business with people who were extremely dishonest because I lacked real life experience. I did not know how to distinguish a swindler from an honest person.
  • Chuck used to measure his wealth by the number of trinkets he owned. Now, before buying a trinket, he buys an asset that will pay for this trinket. Once its value is paid, the asset generates cash flow for life.
  • In quadrant B (business), it is much more profitable to borrow money than to save it.
  • If the investment is profitable, then the more I borrow, the higher the rate of return.
  • Investing in real estate through a business provides four returns: rental income, depreciation, appreciation and tax advantages.
  • If you own a business and it becomes part of a legitimate economy, its business activity will not be threatened even in a downturn in the stock market.
  • The stock market is practically not tied to the small real economy. The economy may be depressed, but small businesses will still move forward. Grocery stores, gas stations, insurance agencies, real estate agencies will still remain open. Big businesses may suffer, but small, legitimate, real businesses will do just fine.
  • Pension plans will bring 8-9% per annum. Small business owners, if they know their business, can earn much higher profit margins. Therefore, invest in your own business - you can get 40-100% with the right approach.
  • Consider owning four homes. One will keep you alive, the other three will make you money even if the stock market crashes.
  • As the captain of your own ark, it is your responsibility to insure everything you invest in.
  • Rich dad taught me how to create businesses and invest in real estate. I follow this formula all the time.
  • Always remember that you are an entrepreneur, a visionary and a leader all rolled into one. Don't let your advisors run your business. When a business starts losing money, spend as much as you can more money for development. After the business recovers, you can cut costs and recoup some of the funds spent on development.
  • When business slows down, people too often cut back on growth expenses instead of increasing them. And after the business gets into a rut, they begin to increase expenses instead of cutting them.
  • Investment objectives are cash flow, capital gains, depreciation and tax-free income.
  • The most valuable asset is time. Most people cannot use it properly. They work hard to make the rich richer, but they don't work hard to make themselves rich.
  • “How many times do I have to remind you that work won’t make you rich? That people become rich in their free time?”
  • Today I am rich because of what I did in my free time.
  • Just an hour's drive from most major cities You can always find affordable real estate. You need to find an area that is increasing in value, and over time the property will become revalued. By the time you retire, these three houses will provide a stable income - much more reliable than a mutual fund.
  • Invest time in getting technical knowledge, then go out into the real world and try it out. Start small because you will make mistakes. In the real world, people learn from mistakes.
  • Tens of thousands of students have come out of business schools where they were taught that there is no point in thinking.
  • A professional investor will not invest in an asset that only pays off in one direction, or in a program that does not allow you to exit when you think it is reasonable to do so.
  • There are 3 types of assets: business, real estate and securities.
  • Business is the most powerful asset of all. Smart investors combine 2 or 3 types of assets, then increase and protect the cash flow coming from those assets. It is very difficult to achieve extremely high profits from only one type of asset.
  • Money game: 1st period - 25-35 years, 2nd - 35-45 years, 3rd - 45-55 years, 4th - 55-65 years. Extra time. Game over. Any game consists of periods.
  • First of all, you must change your mental attitude. Then put a ten-year plan in writing.
  • You put your money in the wrong hands, and it will work for other people before it starts working for you.
  • If you don't know what to do with your money, put it in the bank and don't tell anyone you have money to invest. If you don't know what to do with your money, there are millions of people who know what to do with it. On this matter, everyone has their own opinion and ready advice on how to manage your money.
  • The worst investments go to impatient investors.
  • You need to create or buy those assets that will provide you with cash flow today.
  • Professional investors want to know how quickly they can take their money out of one asset to buy the next. Their goal is to constantly keep money moving and increase investment returns.
  • When you invest with the hope that something will happen in the future, you are playing a game of chance.
  • Your task is to build a pipeline and constantly expand its diameter.
  • There are 2 types of money problems: one - when there is not enough of it, and the other - when there is too much of it. Which problem do you choose?
  • Good cash flow at a good price is hard to find. Therefore, few people invest in cash flow.
  • The job of my money is to work hard for me, acquiring more and more assets.
  • Own nothing, but control everything.
  • A business owner can sell a loss-making company to another profitable business and through this transaction recoup the loss. Depreciation looks like a loss, but it isn't.
  • Review your personal expenses to see if some of them qualify as expenses that can be charged to your business.
  • When it comes to money, there are always many advisers who do not have a penny to their name.
  • The best financial information is not always available. We must go in search of her.
  • Be attentive to those who take over your mind. It's not for nothing that we put locks on our doors. For the same reason, you should put a lock on your brain. Your greatest asset is your brain, and you need to keep the doors to it locked.
  • One of the worst sources of financial information are losers, and you can find them everywhere. You won't succeed as an investor if you listen to advice from losers.
  • The first thing to look at is value, not price.
  • A professional investor needs to know 3 things: when to enter the market, when to exit the market and how to withdraw your money from the gambling table.
  • A professional gambler or professional investor ultimately wants to play with other people's money.
  • The more of your money you invest, the lower your return on investment. The less of your money is involved in the investment and the more you use other people's money, the higher your profits.
  • Professional investors may be in the game for a long time, but their money is on the table only at the very beginning of the game.
  • Newton's law - what goes up eventually comes down. I put my money into investments to create an asset and then take my money out of there while continuing to own that asset. My goal is to acquire assets and keep my money moving.
  • I prefer to invest my time in creating some kind of business whose products or services will be in constant demand over time. The trend towards small business development will increase exponentially.
  • Every investor should know when the flower will bloom and how long it will bloom.
  • Life is a game of money and time.
  • The modern investor must watch market cycles. A market boom and a market crash are the same as the familiar change of seasons. In any market, a boom always precedes a crash. Cycles 5-10-20 years. Time waits for no one. The same can be said about favorable opportunities.
  • Henry Ford once said: If you think you can do it, then you will. If you think that nothing will work out for you, it will happen. In both cases, you are right.
  • Poor people and quitters use the word “impossible” in their speech much more often than those who succeed. Rich dad started from scratch, but he had a dream, a plan to achieve it, and a vision for the future.
  • The Key to Wealth is Doing Everything difficult easy. After all, the purpose of business is to simplify life, not complicate it. And it is precisely the business that makes life as easy as possible that allows you to make the most money. They all make money by making people's lives easier. Money flows to those who make people's lives easier.
  • Investing is a never-ending process of searching, negotiating, investing and managing people and money. A strong investor always tries to ensure that his money will bring him income today.
  • The word "impossible" blocks your potential, while the question "How can I do this?" makes your brain work at full capacity.
  • Warren Buffett was able to turn $105,000 into $30 billion. Effect of use different types assets allows you to turn 10 thousand dollars into the same number of millions. It will seem completely simple once you learn how to do it and create the appropriate structure.
  • A true investor works for cash flow, not for profit from capital appreciation.
  • Every investment must make sense both today and tomorrow.
  • The main mistake people make is investing in assets that are the most popular. You can't succeed by buying what everyone else is buying. You need to be able to find great investments that other people miss.
  • During a recession, many people sell their business and all their equipment for pennies. You need to look for investments that are not doing well, but will soon be on top again. The best investments are sold at the best price between people you know.
  • Find a job for your money. Look at money as if you were an employee. People who disrespect or abuse money tend to end up disrespecting and abusing money themselves. Take care of your money, and it will, in turn, take care of you.
  • In a money game, the main thing is not the money, but the game itself.
  • In today's understanding, risk is primarily inaction.
  • Today, millions of people around the world are working dead-end jobs and making investments that are eating up their money.
  • “Buy land where people want to buy land and sell it to them.”
  • A no deal is better than a bad deal.
  • Focus on what you want, not what you need.
  • If you can't see yourself being rich, you'll never be able to achieve it.
  • Before we bought our first house, we needed whole year just to get our brains working in the right direction.
  • Those who are unwilling to take responsibility for their financial lives now will face a bleak future.
  • Working for the owner or large company will never be a solution to money problems.
  • I see a great need for education in money management, business and investing - subjects that are not taught in school. I think there will be a major stock market crash in the next few years and the sad reality will be that many people will not have enough money to retire and provide for their old age. I suspect that in about ten years there will be a dire need for quality financial education. Recently...the government told...the people that people should not rely solely on Social Security and Medicare when they retire. Unfortunately, for millions of people this news came too late: school system didn’t teach them how to manage their own money.
  • The problem for Russians, like many other people, is that they don't have someone like my rich dad around to teach them the power of the BUSINESS-INVESTMENT triangle. I think it is very important to teach more people to be entrepreneurs and turn their unique ideas into businesses that will create wealth. If we do this, our prosperity will only increase as the information age triumphs across the planet. ... franchises and network

The author of the international bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad series, an investor and entrepreneur specializing in the mining and real estate industries, and an educator whose views on money and investing challenge conventional wisdom. His book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", published in 1997 and became a novice investors and entrepreneurs invaluable, remained at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for six years. Translated into 46 languages ​​and published in 97 countries, the Rich Dad series has sold 26 million copies worldwide and topped bestseller lists in Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico, South Africa and Europe. He has almost single-handedly challenged and changed the financial thinking of tens of millions of people around the world. The activities and creativity of Robert Kiyosaki are permeated with a keen desire to help people awaken the financial genius that is in everyone, but often dormant.

Success Story, Biography of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Toru Kiyosaki born April 8, 1947 on the Hawaiian island of Hilo. His father, Ph.D., the head of the government agency responsible for education in the state of Hawaii, sent his son to the best local school, where Robert interacted with children from wealthy families from childhood. It was here that he met the man whom he would call Rich Dad in his future books - the father of his best friend.

Upon completion high school Robert goes to New York, where he enters the Merchant Marine Academy. After graduating from university in 1969, Kiyosaki is engaged in the activity for which he entered the Academy: he gets a job on a merchant ship. After numerous travels around the world, Robert decides to join the Corps Marine Corps USA. His decision was connected with a great desire to change the world, if not the whole, but at least a tiny part of it, because there is so much injustice, poverty and tyranny on Earth. With the Marine Corps, Kiyosaki ends up in Vietnam. For his service as an attack helicopter pilot and dedication to the United States, Robert Kiyosaki was awarded the Air Medal.

Literally a year before the end of the Vietnam War, Robert was discharged and returned to the United States. So, in 1974, Kiyosaki got a job as a sales agent for Xerox. But three years later, Robert opens his first independent enterprise. It was a nylon wallet company founded in 1977. Today, Kiyosaki admits that at that time, like many entrepreneurs, he made traditional mistakes. Perhaps that is why he will later write a book that will help people avoid the same failures.

But his first venture was not as successful as he would have liked and as we see it today. Although during the time he was running that business, Robert gained a lot of knowledge, which he shares with everyone these days.

Having earned a certain capital, Kiyosaki now seeks to invest his funds with the greatest profit. Robert's next step was to license the production of T-shirts for rockers with the corresponding symbols. This enterprise became more successful than the production of “surfer wallets,” as nylon wallets were called. But music trends change, and hard rock has lost a certain part of its audience over time. Unable to respond in a timely manner to the rapid change in musical fashion, Robert Kiyosaki became bankrupt, which led to the loss of his home.

But the reason was, of course, not the ruin of a single company. At the same time, Robert played in the stock markets and invested in real estate projects. By the time the licensing company was closed, according to rumors, he owed banks about $850,000. Although Kiyosaki considers this experience invaluable. And today he helps people avoid bankruptcy and collapse, teaches them how to invest correctly and wisely. Having experienced the consequences of a couple of wrong decisions, the author of educational books and games teaches how to avoid poverty.

As a result of a series of failures, Robert Kiyosaki comes to understand his main mistakes. Realizing that the actions of entrepreneurs are often identical, he decides to open an educational center. But Robert will not come to this right away. First, Kiyosaki becomes the host of the “Money and You” seminar, where he teaches how to manage money.

In 1984, Robert got married. His wife, being an experienced entrepreneur, became not only a life partner, but also a business partner.

In 1985, he left the business world and founded the international educational company Rich Dad's Organization, which taught tens of thousands of students around the world about business and investing. The seminar, which Kiyosaki taught with his friends, became increasingly popular. Gradually, its boundaries are expanding to New Zealand. It became obvious that this was a real success - people needed teachers who would introduce them to the world of business prepared.

But already in 1994 he decides to retire. Now he is a multimillionaire and can afford to live the lifestyle he would like. Having stopped conducting seminars, Robert Kiyosaki did not leave the business at all. He continued to play in the stock markets and invest in real estate. It was then, having a lot of free time, that he began to write books.

From his pen at this time came such bestsellers as “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “Cash Flow Quadrant”, “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” - all 3 books were in the top ten bestsellers of top magazines such as The Wall Street Journal , USA Today and The New York Times.

In his first book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, he talks about the differences in upbringing between his own father and his friend's father. Robert outlined two models of behavior in the book, merged the talents of both fathers, whose ideas he absorbed from childhood, in order to convey to people all over the world the idea of ​​​​what a successful person should be and what investment rules.

Deciding to make the process of learning financial success more visual, Robert Kiosaki developed a unique business board game“Cash Flow”, teaching how to handle money, i.e. something that was previously known only to the rich. This business game was created to teach people the same financial strategies that his Rich Dad taught him for years... the same financial strategies that allowed Kiyosaki to retire as a millionaire at the age of 47.

Now Robert Kiyosaki is engaged in real estate transactions and invests in startups, but his real love and passion are still given to teaching. He talks about his mistakes, how to become successful, how to teach children, how to where can you invest money. Kiyosaki is given a place of honor among such people as Bodo Schaefer, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziegler, Brian Tracy, Og Mandino, Jim Rohn. Robert Kiyosaki's message to people is very clear: “Either you manage your finances, or you dance to their tune all your life. You are either the master of money or the slave of money.”

Books by Robert Kiyosaki

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Robert Kiyosaki is a popular writer (his books are known to readers all over the world), an investor and businessman working in the mining and real estate industries, and also a financial educator with a unique approach to investing and business in general.

The first book in his series Rich dad, poor dad"was published in 1997 and soon became very popular among newcomers to the field of investing and entrepreneurship, occupying leading positions on the bestseller lists of leading American publications. In total, his works were translated into almost 50 languages ​​and published in almost one hundred countries. Kiyosaki's book series has sold over 26 million copies.. They became bestsellers in Australia, South America, Asia, Mexico, South Africa and Europe. Robert Kiyosaki can be said to have single-handedly changed the thinking of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. His work is aimed at helping ordinary people increase financial literacy. It is quite possible that after reading them someone will discover a talent for entrepreneurship.
So what is the secret of Robert Kiyosaki's success? Let's study his biography and try to figure it out.

Biography of Robert Kiyosaki

The Early Years of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Thor Kiyosaki was born on April 8, 1947 in Hawaii in the coastal city of Hilo. He belongs to a dynasty of Japanese immigrants. His father, Ralph Kiyosaki, was a Ph.D., teacher and head of the Hawaii Department of Education, so he was able to send his son to the most prestigious school - here Robert communicated with the richest children in the city. In this institution, he met his main financial mentor, called Rich Father in future books - he was the dad of his best school friend, with whom he became very friendly.

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After graduating from high school, Robert Kiyosaki moved to New York to attend the Merchant Marine Academy. He successfully completed it in 1969 and got a job exactly where he wanted - on a large merchant ship. After long wanderings around the world, Kiyosaki decided to enroll (unexpectedly for his parents and himself) into the US Marine Corps. He himself later said that he wanted to at least change the world a little for the better - after all, there is so much injustice and impunity around. As part of the Marine Corps, the future millionaire ends up in Vietnam. He was a combat helicopter pilot - later for his loyalty The United States of America awarded Robert Kiyosaki the US Air Force Medal.

Only a year before the end of the Vietnam War - in 1973 - Robert was finally sent on leave and returned to Hawaii. Here he entered a two-year MBA program at the University of Hawaii, but studied for only a short time - he wanted to start earning money and not sit through lectures. After attending a short three-day course on investing in real estate, he, in fact, put his knowledge into action and invested his first money in real estate– bought a very small apartment in a residential area on the island of Maui.

For the first three years of his peaceful life, he worked as a sales agent for the well-known company Xerox, after which he opened his own company. It manufactured and marketed nylon waterproof wallets for surfers. Now Robert admits that he made many mistakes back then - sometimes ones for which he is still ashamed. Perhaps this was the prerequisite for writing books in the future that helped many people avoid similar failures.
His first endeavor cannot be called very successful - at first things went well, but in the end he lost almost all his capital. However, while running this business, Robert Kiyosaki realized a lot and acquired a lot of useful knowledge, which he describes in his books.

New business and game on the financial exchange

Robert Kiyosaki's next business was the mass production of “rocker” T-shirts with symbols of famous bands. This enterprise has become much more successful, but the musical tastes of the population are constantly changing - and hard rock has lost a fairly large part of the audience over time. Having failed to respond in time to unexpected and rapid changes in fashion, Robert Kiyosaki went bankrupt and lost his only home.

How Kiyosaki came to fame

A series of failures finally pushed Robert Kiyosaki to realize his main mistakes. He thought about opening an educational financial center. He didn’t come to this right away, but after a month of working as the host of the “Money and You” seminar, where he gave advice to ordinary people on the correct management of money.
In 1984, he found a life partner. His chosen one, Kim Kiyosaki, was already a fairly famous and successful woman who got rich through investments and successful business models. Being an experienced and easily trained entrepreneur, she became for him not only a loving wife, but also a loyal friend and long-term business partner.

In 1985, Robert Kiyosaki finally managed to bring to life his long-planned project and opened an international educational organization « Rich Dad's Organization» (Rich Dad's Organization - approx.), which began teaching entrepreneurship and investing to a huge number of students around to the globe. The lectures that Robert Kiyosaki gave with his friends became more and more popular every year. By the early nineties, the boundaries of seminars had expanded even to New Zealand! They created a real sensation - it turned out that people did not have enough teachers who could easily and quickly open the door to the world of entrepreneurship for them.

Writing activity

Towards the mid-nineties, Robert Kiyosaki decided to retire a little. By this time, he had become famous in all corners of the Earth, had a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars and could well afford to work not so much. And although he stopped holding lectures and seminars, the multimillionaire, of course, did not completely leave entrepreneurship. at all. He continued to play in the stock markets and invest in real estate, but now he had much more free time. This is what allowed him to start writing.

His first creations instantly became bestsellers in the United States. For years they have not left the top ten best-selling books according to leading American publications, including The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. There is no doubt about the accuracy of these magazines - these are quite authoritative sources.
In his debut work " Rich Dad, Poor Dad“Kyosaki described the difference in the upbringing he received from his own father and from his financial mentor, the father of his school friend. The millionaire compared two different models of behavior in this autobiographical book. He told how he combined the best talents and qualities of each of his mentors, whose ideas he began to absorb as early as school age. He tried to convey to readers around the world the idea of ​​exactly how a person should behave in the financial market in order to be successful in this area, and outlined the main rules for investing money.

On the wave of success, Kiyosaki decided to go further and make the process of learning the art of financial management a little more visual, coming up with a concept and releasing absolutely unique board game"Money Flow". She taught people how to handle finances in a fun way - in general, she gave them knowledge that was previously only available to rich people. This business game is still wildly popular (by the way, you can play it online on the Kiyosaki company website) - it is not surprising that many wanted to know about the financial strategies of a multimillionaire businessman who could afford to retire at the age of 47.

What is Robert Kiyosaki doing today?

On at the moment Robert Kiyosaki is still involved in real estate transactions and investing in startups, but he is still truly inspired by learning - he travels the world from time to time to teach new seminars. Most recently, on October 14, 2016, he performed in Moscow. On it, he made several bold statements about the presidential candidate of the United States of America Hillary Clinton (calling her “Hitler in a skirt”), praised the Russian public, calling it smarter than the American one, and also spoke out in support. With the latter, by the way, he co-authored several books - “Why We Want You To Be Rich, Two Men One Message”, published in 2006, as well as “Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich-And Why Most Don” t" (2011).

Robert Kiyosaki – outstanding personality . Veteran pilot vietnam war, a successful writer (more than 25 books have already been published from his pen) and businessman, an outstanding financial analyst (in 2008 he predicted the bankruptcy of Lerman Brothers), and now also a friend of the President of America. At the moment, his net worth is estimated at $80 million. And all this thanks to my own efforts, experience and innate entrepreneurial spirit.

Thank you for your attention!

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