How long is a mouth in Russian in Belarus? When to undergo RT? Rehearsals for the most important event in school life

What is it - CT in English? What tasks does it contain? What do you need to know and be able to do to pass it successfully? How long does it take to prepare for this exam? Most applicants do not have an answer to any of these questions.

However, these are not all the questions, the answers to which they will need to know by June next year.

Here we will do brief overview tasks and the traps that await you in them.
There are 60 tasks in total. 48 in part “A” - with answer options, and 12 in part “B”, where you will need to enter the correct answer yourself. Let's see what groups our tasks are divided into.

Part "A"

First 7-9 tasks- these are tasks for times. In them you will need to choose the correct tense form of the verb. Each task contains a short text where the applicant must choose the correct version of the verb.

IN English 16 times active voice and 10 passive. There is a rule for coordinating times and deviating from this rule. There is also conditional sentences like “if I had… I would…”. You can find all this in these tasks. There are times that occur very rarely and in everyday language are almost never used, but that doesn't mean you won't come across them here.

The difficulty of this task is twofold. Firstly, it's very large number grammar material. Secondly, these texts will need to be understood - and they can be quite complex, with a large number of unknown words. Everything in the text is connected: the tense form of the verb of the next sentence can directly depend on the tense form of the verbs of the previous sentence.

Simply knowing the rules of use and tense agreement is extremely little. It is necessary to learn how to apply them in the most different situations. In one lesson it is impossible to learn how to use, for example, Present Simple, and then in the next lesson - Present Continuous. With students in grades 10-11, we teach tenses for at least three months - out of a total of 4 academic hours of classes per week, about two academic hours per week are spent on tenses.

As time passes, more and more of them accumulate, and students have to constantly practice and repeat in order to learn how to use them. When an applicant does not understand the text at all and does not know 50% of the words, then even if he knows the rules of use of all tenses, it will be extremely difficult for him or her to choose the correct option. Here, too, it is necessary to develop a "linguistic guess" to select the correct option, even if you have never encountered that particular verb before.

The following tasks are approximately A8 – A16: they give a short text, which you will also need to understand first. It will include tests on articles and prepositions.

There are a huge number of rules for articles—on several sheets. In addition, there are a lot of expressions that do not lend themselves to rules, you just need to remember them. There's enough of this material for a couple more sheets. The rules for using articles are closely related to the rules for using the nouns to which they refer. If you cannot translate a noun and do not know what it is (countable, uncountable, abstract, collective, etc.), then you will not be able to correctly select the article for this noun.

Preposition tasks are also not easy. There are few rules for prepositions, but there are exceptions that need to be remembered. You will have to memorize a lot of expressions with verbs, adjectives - and what prepositions they are used with. Here simple examples: depend on (depend on), congratulate on (congratulate with).

And in English there is phrasal verbs. They are very convenient for native speakers, but are a nightmare for those who learn the language. A phrasal verb is a verb that is used with a preposition, and this preposition radically changes the original meaning of the verb. Let's take the verb look, original meaning which - to watch. And let's see how its meaning changes with different prepositions:

- look at - look at
- look for - search
- look after - to look after, look after (children, animals)
- look up - look (word, information in a dictionary, reference book)
- look into - investigate (case, case)
look forward to - look forward to

In total, Longman's dictionary has 19 such forms for the verb look. For the verb go, in addition to 49 meanings of the verb itself, this dictionary gives another 40 variants of phrasal verbs. For each of the commonly used verbs like see, put, take, get, give, go, let, break, be, call, pull, cut, blow, run, stand, come, carry, check, etc. There is a set of phrasal verbs. In total, you will need to remember at least a couple of hundred of them.
Another 4-6 tasks from this group may be on different topics: adjectives, adverbs and their degrees of comparison, use of conjunctions, possessive case, gerund, infinitive. These tasks are not very difficult, but, again, there are a lot of rules, traps and you need to correctly understand the meaning of the sentences. For example, choose the correct option from the following:

- much harder
- more difficult
- far harder
- far more difficult
- much more difficult

Here the applicant will have to do a lot of tasks in order to understand and experience from his own experience where and what the traps are.

The following tasks are approximately A18 – A22, - to find errors. There are from 3 to 6 of these tasks. In each sentence, four fragments are underlined. One of them is an error. You must indicate the number of the fragment with the error.

These sentences are very long, with a large number of words that are not always known to the applicant. Errors can be very different - from a wide range of rules. Here, knowing a lot of rules and being able to find a mistake in practice is far from the same thing.

Next come approximately 10 tasks to choose a word that is more suitable in meaning. Most often, the applicant is given a short text of 10-12 sentences with missing words, about 8-10 in total. Below, there are several possible answers for each missing word. Most often these are synonyms or words with similar meaning, but phrasal verbs are also found. What is important here is the vocabulary and expressions that the applicant owns.

Then there are a couple of replica tasks. Here, knowledge of the culture of the language is tested: the nuances of greetings, farewells, expressions of gratitude, etc. For example, our “thank you-please” in English does not sound like “thank you - please”, but “thank you - you’re welcome”. Here you will need to work through all possible options, as well as know the options for traps found in these tasks. In these same tasks, you may be asked to choose an answer option where the dialogue lines are in the correct order.

After this there are two fairly voluminous texts and tasks for them. The texts are complex, written by native speakers and taken from English-language magazines. This text needs to be read, understood and the correct answer to the questions asked must be chosen. Moreover, a direct answer to asked question may not be in the text. You may be asked something like: “What exactly did the author want to tell us with this text?”

In the first text there is a task in which you need to select a word that is similar in meaning to a word from the text. Very rare words are chosen for the task, which the student most likely does not know. He will need to understand the meaning of this word or expression solely from the context - and choose a synonym from the proposed options. It also happens that out of the 4 proposed answer options, the applicant may not know any of them at all.

As studies have shown, if the text contains 80% of familiar words and expressions and only 20% of unfamiliar ones, then, basically, this does not affect the understanding of the whole essence. Information is perceived easily. Unfamiliar simply missing words within these 20% create full picture text using a “linguistic guess”. But if there are more than 20% of unfamiliar words, problems begin to arise. It often happens that an applicant can only know half the words from the text, and then, unfortunately, the tasks have to be completed “at random.”

One more task in the first text - you need to choose correct translation fragment. This will require not only an understanding of the English language, but also a good knowledge of Russian. There are translation options that have stylistic errors or that simply do not sound in Russian.

The tasks for the second text may be different. The first option is to fill in the missing sentences or fragments thereof. Of the proposed options, one will be redundant. The second option for the text is to choose a title for each paragraph. Naturally, one of the proposed headings will be redundant. The third option is when the text has about 5 paragraphs united by one topic. After the text there are questions like this: “which of the proposed paragraphs talks about ....”

Texts cannot be of equal complexity. There is a certain amount of luck involved: whether you are lucky with the text or not, whether you like it, whether you understand it, whether the questions seem difficult to you or vice versa.

Part "B"

In this part, you must enter the answers yourself. For each correct task, more points are given than in part “A”.

The first task is usually word formation. A short text is given with 4 to 6 words missing. These words are written separately, so you need to figure out for yourself where to insert which word. In this case, you need to transform it according to its meaning: into an adjective, adverb or noun (for example, able to turn into enable, disable, unable, ability, inability or disability). In most cases, you just need to remember the derivatives of similar words. The more words you know, the better you will cope with this task.

The next tasks are to eliminate unnecessary words from sentences. Proposals are usually voluminous. The correct option is only counted if you eliminate two unnecessary words in one task. There are usually two tasks.

Then there are tasks to translate individual words or expressions from the text into English. The text is in English, one or two words in it are in Russian. They need to be translated. When translating, you need to take into account the rules for using certain translation options in different contexts. For example, the word “still” in English can be translated as “another, other, still, yet, more, else”, and the word “to achieve” (success) in one case with the word succeed, and in another with the word “make”, if behind it is the word “progress” (make progress - achieve success).

There is also a task for correctly posing a dividing question - such as “Nobody was there, were they?”

Let's sum it up

To pass the English language test successfully, you need to have a very good level of preparation:

1) knowledge of grammar and ability to apply grammar rules in practice,
2) good vocabulary, with a lot of expressions,
3) logical thinking And
4) a little luck.

How long in advance can you prepare? It depends on several things:

1) From yours entry level preparation;
2) Depending on the amount of time for preparation: a year, several years, a couple of months;
3) From the diligence and serious work of the applicant himself;
4) And from the teacher with whom you will study and who will help you find traps, nuances and difficult moments.

If the language level is very low, then even in a year it is almost impossible to prepare and pass the CT with a high score.

What to do?

It is advisable to start seriously studying English 2-3 years before the CT, and the best thing is from primary school. If you decide to prepare only in 11th grade, then you need to start in early September, since the material to pass is very voluminous. It is very useful to go to all mock rehearsal tests, preferably from the 10th grade.

If you understand that you cannot prepare yourself, then contact experienced teachers and tutors. Moreover, you need to look for a tutor from mid-August, because good specialists by September most places may be filled.
And also watch films and programs in English, listen to English-language radio via the Internet, try to read fiction in English and remember that a lot depends on you.

Natalya Sorokoumova,
professional tutor

After the results of the first stage of PT become known, some students decide to increase the number of classes, some decide to stop them, and someone decides to change the tutor or subject for passing the CT. Students ask many questions about what their future prospects are and how to feel about the results obtained? Before answering, you first need to ask the applicant: where and how he took the PT, and only then comment on the student’s results. In addition, students constantly compare their PT results with the scores of their classmates, which also gives them many questions.

Here we will try to answer most of the frequently asked questions, and at the same time write instructions for passing the RT. We recommend that students study it carefully, and also ask that they show it to their parents. Let us also note the main property of RT: the complexity and number of tasks, as well as the time to complete the rehearsal test, are exactly the same as in the centralized testing itself.

Why do you need to undergo RT?

Passing rehearsal testing by students is necessary in order to:

  1. Learn to fill out an answer form (on RT students need to fill out exactly the same answer form as on CT, this procedure, oddly enough, is not very simple, you need to enter a lot of different information into the form correctly and in a suitable place, the ability to do this quickly and without mistakes will save the student about twenty minutes on CT, and this will not be superfluous at all).
  2. Get used to other organizational issues and conditions (in RT, although not completely, the CT situation is still reproduced, and the more familiar the situation, the less excitement, and the less excitement, the better the head works and the higher the result).
  3. Learn to plan your time so that the student has enough time to solve the entire test and fill out the answer form (there are quite a lot of tasks on CT and RT, but there is not so much time, in order to successfully write CT problems you need to be able to solve these problems quickly and clearly).
  4. Get used to the style and method of presenting tasks and asking questions (at CT and RT they use a slightly specific way of asking questions, for example, it is usually not enough just to find the roots of an equation, you also need to indicate some algebraic combination of them, or choose one of them based on some criterion them, etc.).
  5. Stop hoping for luck (like: there are answer options, what is there, I’m just guessing...), and also dispel the idea of ​​some that the score on the CT corresponds to a school grade (like: well, I got a 9 in mathematics at school, so I’ll score on the CT about 90...). The fact is that these thoughts are very wrong and harmful. You can guess on the CT with a maximum of 10 points, and often 5-7, i.e. even less than the threshold score. And the school grade corresponds to the future score on the CT very rarely, often the one who has a 9 in mathematics in a regular school, on the CT without additional training will score 30-40 points.
  6. The points you will receive at the RT will help you imagine what you can count on at the CT, and therefore approach the admissions campaign as a whole with less uncertainty and anxiety.
  7. Tracking RT results will help you properly prepare for the CT. And this, in turn, will contribute to the growth of the final score that you gain on the CT.

All of the above factors will ultimately lead to the fact that the student at the CT itself will be as calm as possible in such a responsible exam, and this will allow him to show the maximum of what this student will be capable of, because Excitement (and inattention) are actually the only factors that can prevent you from getting a well-deserved score on the CT.

Rehearsal testing should be treated like a dress rehearsal for a play in a theater or like an exercise in the army. The more such rehearsals there are, the better the CT result will be. You need to practice performing each element:

  1. Register;
  2. Pay;
  3. Something to repeat before the test;
  4. Get enough sleep;
  5. Have a psychologically correct mindset;
  6. Arrive on time at the testing point, go through control, find the right audience;
  7. Once again, get yourself in the right psychological mood;
  8. When taking the test, correctly allocate time to solve simple and complex problems;
  9. Learn to use the drafts that are given during testing;
  10. Learn not to be distracted during the test by your deskmates who will pester the applicant with various questions;
  11. See how communication occurs with testing organizers and teachers who are in the audience;
  12. Learn to fill out the form without errors and in a short time.

There are no unimportant elements here - any, at first glance, little thing can take an applicant out of a state of mental balance. We can give many examples from the experience of some students who registered incorrectly, lost documents or payment receipts, could not find the right audience out of excitement, filled out the testing form incorrectly, used the draft ineptly and did not find an already solved problem at the right time... Of course, we can say that this is what they need, these “mama’s sons and daughters” unadapted to life, let them get it “on the head.” It will only benefit them. And we can say that when preparing for the most important events in life, there are no trifles; everything must be done skillfully, carefully and accurately, having trained in advance.

It is absolutely necessary that students go through all three stages of RT in 11th grade; moreover, it would not be a bad idea for tenth graders to go through the third stage of RT together with eleventh graders. There are tutors who require their students to go through each stage of RT twice - testing, detailed analysis test, consolidation of knowledge through repeated testing - and this Not overkill

When to undergo RT?

As you know, the first stage of RT takes place from October to December, the second - in January and February, the third - in March and April. It is better for students to take testing at the end of each stage (at the end of December, February and April, respectively) in order to have time to complete as much as possible educational material by the time of testing.

But there is one negative point here - by the end of each stage, the conditions of the RT become less and less secret - it is allowed to take out drafts from the rehearsal test, and students who have already written the test actively discuss it on social networks. Quite often it is possible to find the original test. The applicant must overcome the temptation to take the test, having solved all or part of it in advance. In addition, some school teachers, guided by the best intentions, review individual RT problems or the entire test at the request of students in class. It is important in this case to ask the teacher to analyze these RT problems only after all the students have written it.

You also need to choose the right day of the week to take the test. It is very important that on the day of the test the applicant does not have more important things to do, which means that the student should not be tired before the test and should not rush anywhere after the test. Therefore, the best testing day is Saturday or Sunday. You can choose a weekday, but on this day you should not go to school in the morning.

Where to take RT?

There is no fundamental difference in which testing point to take the RT. Choose a testing site primarily for reasons of convenience and transport accessibility. The main thing you need to understand when going through RT is that on RT you will be monitored very little, but on RT you will have the opportunity to both talk and write off. There will definitely not be such an opportunity on the central heating system. Therefore, wherever you take the RT, model for yourself the strict environment of the CT, do not copy, do not talk, do not take cheat sheets with you, do not find out the conditions and decision of the RT until you pass it.

How to undergo RT?

It is very important that the applicant takes RT very seriously and tries to get the best possible result using only legal means. These requirements mean:

  1. Before RT, prepare yourself to achieve maximum results;
  2. Perform RT according to the CT rules, that is, without cheat sheets, without using mobile phone, calculator (for mathematics), hints from neighbors at the desk;
  3. Use all the time allotted for RT, and do not run away after an hour in order to have time to do something else that day or relax.

You must be prepared for what your desk neighbors will ask you various questions. It may be impolite not to answer them, but if you get interrupted too often, try to negotiate so that you won't be interrupted. Just in case, let us remind you that people are kicked out of the Central Center for talking without any warning. If you went to RT with a friend, then show him these instructions and agree to meet with him no earlier than when RT ends, and if you find yourself in the same audience, sit in different corners of it.

How to treat the results of RT?

On the forum of an article dedicated to centralized testing, a heartbreaking post was once posted, the meaning of which was that the daughter of the author of the post passed all rehearsal tests in the Russian language with 75 - 90 points, and passed the central test with 24 points. The author of the post makes an obvious conclusion to her that everything is sold or bought at the central heating center.

Students often tell stories in confusion about how their classmates score high on the CT test, although they have low grades at school and generally don’t prepare particularly well for the CT test. Applicants cannot rationally explain these facts, but in fact the explanation is very simple. There are several reasons:

  1. Some tutors find the conditions for RT problems on social networks or sign up and undergo testing before sending a student to it, and then show the solution to the problems to the student so that the result of RT satisfies the student’s parents;
  2. A significant number of students, having learned from classmates who passed the test, solve the test in advance or simply find out the codes with the correct answers on social networks in order, at least temporarily, to resolve their family problems (in other words, so that parents do not “float their brains”).

Most likely, the last algorithm was used by the daughter, whose mother thought that CTs were well rented out only for money.

For parents of applicants with unrealistically optimistic RT results, we recommend not to succumb to illusions, but to soberly assess the situation. It is equally important that parents do not demand high results on RT from their children, provoking them to commit dishonest acts. Every school year, some students tell what “kind words” they hear from their parents when the results of the first stage of RT become known.

As for applicants, they should maintain fortitude and not do anything stupid by artificially increasing the RT result. To convince students not to believe the mythical results of some classmates, they can bet on any number of chocolates that the CT will high result will not be repeated. Find and solve the CT test in advance Not it will work out. This is absolutely accurate. So, all applicants should know that neither they nor their classmates with fantastic RT results at the CT are absolutely Nothing won't be written off.

How to prepare for each stage and how to evaluate its results?

To adequately assess the results of each stage of RT, it is important to understand some features.

1st stage.

Students who are preparing for the CT from the beginning academic year, by December they already know something, but this knowledge is absolutely not enough to get high scores. In addition, no special repetition is carried out for this stage. At the first stage, the applicant must feel the atmosphere of testing, learn how to fill out the form correctly, and try to understand how the wording of test problems differs from the wording of problems in regular collections. A normal result in mathematics is in the range of 30 – 50 points; in physics there is no normal result of the first stage, since very little has been completed yet.

For students of those few schools where you can get good education in mathematics, the normal result of the first stage of RT will be 50 - 70 points, and in physics 30 - 50 points. As for the students who only learned in September or October how to solve quadratic equation, then their participation in RT in itself is a small victory over themselves. Frankly, the first stage of RT is needed in order to screw it up. For example, often even strong students make mistakes in the physics test in the entire part B, entering answers with dimensions of quantities into the form, although only the quantity itself should be entered, without dimension (for example, 5, not 5 m/s). As a result, the scanner counts all answers in part B as incorrect.

2nd stage.

You should not specially prepare for passing this stage, that is, you should not, instead of studying new topics, repeat material that has already been covered. For example, in mathematics you will most likely study exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities, but in the second stage of RT these topics will not appear (they will appear only in the third stage). As a rule, the results of conscientious applicants increase by approximately 10–15 points compared to the first stage.

3rd stage.

Naturally, this is the most important stage of RT. It is very important here that applicants take it as late as possible, and therefore as close to the CT as possible. By this stage, it’s worth repeating a little of the material you’ve studied, but you won’t be able to repeat everything well, otherwise you’ll have to stop studying new material, and there’s so much of it that you won’t be able to study everything by April. So, we must go to the third stage as if it were a “last and decisive battle,” but remember that there is still a month and a half left for preparation. Compared to the second stage, points, as a rule, increase by another 10 - 15 points.

By the way, some applicants, having received high scores at the third stage, stop preparing for the CT, believing that they are already sufficiently prepared for entrance exams. This is a very serious misconception, since it is necessary to constantly maintain good “sports” shape before the CT.

On the analysis of RT decisions

After the RT results become known, it is necessary to review the test with the teacher. It makes sense to analyze problems on topics that have not yet been studied later, closer to the third stage, or during the analysis of the third stage.

What to do if the RT results are much lower than the teacher expects?

Here, to begin with, we present two real stories that happened to real students, retold and commented on by their tutor:

  1. Several years ago, I had a girl who taught me who had very good abilities and excellent preparation (she had a wonderful school teacher). My job was to organize a systematic repetition of the material and demonstrate the peculiarities of the formulations test tasks. But when I suggested that the girl test her strength in RT, just in case, she began to literally shake with excitement. As far as I remember, I was never able to persuade her to go to at least one stage of RT, and at the CT, instead of 90 - 100 points, she scored about 50. It was after this story that I began not to ask, but to demand that students go to RT, and at all stages, if necessary, involved the student’s parents to take measures of persuasion and coercion.
  2. The second story happened with a guy who was also perfectly prepared school teachers, and all I did was repeat and show some tricks. After the first RT, the student’s father called and asked how we were doing? I replied that everything was more than good, praised the student and his teachers, and painted bright prospects. The student’s father listened to me carefully and then asked what result, in my opinion, his son showed at the first stage of RT? I replied that I would be surprised if the result was less than 80. It turned out that I was mistaken, since the student scored twenty points! It was a shock. I assumed that the guy simply filled out the form incorrectly, and asked that he be sent to the second stage of RT as soon as it began. We continued to study, the results of the work seemed excellent to me, but the result of the second stage of RT also turned out to be around twenty. The student disappeared for several weeks, then the father called and said that they had turned to another tutor (in my opinion, this was absolutely the right decision), who after several lessons confirmed everything I said. He also said that his son wants to continue studying with me. I replied that we would radically change the entire training scheme. We stopped studying new material and stopped repeating. During classes, the student completed the test in front of my eyes, filled out the actual answer form, and I controlled the time for completing the test. It was similar homework– solve timed tests by filling out the form. It turned out that the student was completely incorrect in allocating his time to complete the test. For two months we did not study anything, but only solved and analyzed tests. As a result, he wrote the third PT at seventy points, and the CT at more than eighty points.

Why such details? The tutor, using real RT results, can and must correct the course of preparation, but for this he needs to know the true, and not the mythical, RT results. Dear parents! If you are not satisfied with the results of your child’s RT, then be sure to talk to the tutor before taking any serious steps! It is quite possible that the preparation is going well, but it needs to be adjusted. Otherwise, you run the risk that tutors will work out the RT with your child in advance so that the test result suits you.

What to do in May and June?

“If you don’t eat enough, you won’t get enough” - this statement can often be heard or read when the issue of preparing for the CT in the last month before the test is discussed. This is not entirely true. In fact, the applicant should behave during this time like an athlete before a competition, maintaining his shape, but not overloading.

At the beginning of May, the study of new material should be stopped. A month or a month and a half before the CT must be spent reviewing the material studied, solving the RT and CT tests of previous years. Naturally, after solving each test, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of it with the teacher. We also prepare our own rehearsal tests, which are similar to the third stage of RT. We solve and sort them out immediately after the end of the third stage of RT, that is, throughout May and June. As a rule, our students at the CT add another 10–15 points to the result of the third stage of RT.

Conclusions you should draw

  1. Let us repeat once again that RT is a very serious and responsible matter, which means that there is no need to plan any other matters on the test day that RT could interfere with. In order to properly plan preparation for the CT, it is important for the applicant, his parents, teachers, and tutors to know the real intermediate results of the preparation. We must try to get the best possible result at RT, but we must achieve it only by honest means.
  2. Please note that each missed stage of RT is a loss of 5 to 10 points on the CT!
  3. May and June are a time for systematic repetition of studied material, and not for studying new topics, and especially not for relaxation.

Imagine this situation. You came to the CT, waited for the envelope with the assignments to be printed, began to take the test... when suddenly the applicants sitting around you began to hand in their forms. “Why, not even half the time has passed!” - you will be surprised. How should you respond to such “fast” applicants?

Our answer: no way. After all, the one who flies out of the classroom 5, 10, 15 minutes after the start of the test clearly did not engage in thoughtful problem solving. All he did was play a game of luck, checking boxes at random. Since you looked at this article, you definitely count on a high score on the CT. Therefore, we will share with you important tips that will help you distribute your time on the CT.

How much time to spend on writing CT

You can take as many tests as you like at home, but at the CT there are strict regulations. Registered in exact time, which is given for writing centralized testing for each of the subjects. We have compiled this information into one convenient infographic. Save it so you don't get confused.

Part A and Part B: How much time to spend on each of them

There is no universal answer to this question. Everything here is very individual, much depends on the specifics of the subject and your personal preferences. Let’s trust the expert opinion of teachers who have been preparing applicants for CT for more than one year. Their opinion should give you some guidance.

You will learn how to manage your time wisely at RT. It’s not worth allowing a situation where there are 5 minutes left until the end, and another 20 tasks have not been completed. Although 120 minutes for biology is more than enough. In principle, in the CT there are few tasks that require a lot of time. Only a few tasks, and the rest I either remembered or didn’t.

Maria Kazakova, biology teacher at the Adukar educational center

In the history and social studies CT there are 38 tasks in part A and 12 tasks in part B. The test is given 90 minutes. And there are always applicants for whom this time is not enough. But an hour is more than enough for the average student to solve all the tasks, if he has prepared. You should not check your answers ten times, but leave 20-25 minutes to double-check your answers and fill out the form.

In total, the math CT lasts 180 minutes. And part of it is ideally solved in 40 minutes - this is the average time. That is, if you completed Part A in 40 minutes, this means that you have the inclination to write the test well. This is for those who claim a score of about 80 points. Well, if you take 1.5 hours to solve part A, then what can I say... Part B takes about 2 hours. 20 minutes - checking and filling.

Dmitry Sudnik, teacher of mathematics and physics at the Adukar educational center

Dilemma: start solving with part A or B

The compilers of the CT advise solving tasks in order. But this doesn’t mean doing the opposite if it’s more convenient for you. We think that having decided practice tests You will be able to tell for yourself whether you are more comfortable taking the test from part A or part B. In any case, the choice is yours.

It's better to solve everything in order. Don't get stuck asking questions if you don't know. Miss. Return at the end. Part B, in my opinion, is not more difficult than part A. There, in the last two tasks you need to distribute, for example, sentences where there are words with one or two letters n, to the rules. This takes some time. The wording is also rather complicated. Thus, if you dwell on tasks in part A for a long time, you risk losing time and not solving the second part.

Svetlana Pashukevich, Russian language teacher at the Adukar educational center

First, you can complete those tasks from Part A that you understand and are confident in. Then you start solving more difficult ones. That is, in an amicable way, only a couple of complex questions should arise in which there are controversial points. If you can’t solve them, don’t hang up, but proceed to part B.

Maria Petukhovskaya, chemistry teacher at the Adukar educational center

I recommend that children start solving CTs in history and social studies with part B tasks, especially open ones, where you need to enter the answer. It happens that the right word is on the tip of your tongue, but does not want to be formulated. And, if you read the task at the very beginning, your brain has already begun to generate thoughts. In the end, when you return to it, three or four possible answers will appear in your head.

Dmitry Zaitsev, teacher of history and social studies at the Adukar educational center

How much time do you spend filling out the form?

You need to fill out the form at the very end of testing, when you have already double-checked the draft with the answers. The organizers themselves advise starting to fill out the form 15 minutes before the end of the CT. Periodically, they warn how much time applicants have left. By the way, if there is still enough time left before the end of the test, you can calmly get up from your seat and hand over the assignments and answer sheet to the organizers. But when there are 15 minutes left before the end of testing, the organizers ask you to stay in your seats and wait for the end of the CT. This is probably done so as not to distract applicants when filling out the form. So take this moment into account. Well, we think that now the issue of distributing time on the central heating station does not seem so difficult to you. May everything go smoothly during your testing!

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From year to year, RIKZ organizes rehearsal testing (RT), which allows you to feel the atmosphere of the CT, assess the level of knowledge in the subject, learn how to fill out the CT form and allocate time for solving the test. So that you prepare thoroughly for future testing, will tell you about the schedule and places where you can take the PT 2018/2019, how much one subject costs and how to find out the results. By the way, tasks for the upcoming CT are being tested at RT, so it is especially useful to solve the 2nd and 3rd stages of rehearsal testing.

Dates RT 2018/2019

Every year, RT takes place in three stages:

Stage 1 - October-December 2018

Stage 2 - January-February 2019

Stage 3 - March-April 2019

RIKZ conducts rehearsal testing in 15 subjects: Belarusian language, Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history of Belarus, world history (modern times), geography, foreign language(English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese), social studies.

The exact RT schedule (date, time, audience) and the list of subjects are established by the educational institution that has entered into an agreement with RIKZ to conduct rehearsal testing.

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Every teenager sooner or later begins to think about admission and testing. However, the question “How to successfully pass the CT in Russian?” remains open. We present to your attention proven ways to prepare for the CT and the best tips from students and teachers that will help you pass Russian with excellent marks.

Start your path to success before everyone else!

Coming to 10th grade, many people think that they have whole year to rest. But that's not true. By giving yourself a head start, you don’t even realize how complicated you are next year, and how much you will regret the lost time after. After all, in 10th grade you are not required to go through the entire program non-stop. When a free minute appears, spend it usefully. Review the rules, take tests, watch video lessons. So, in the first year you can repeat a larger part of the program, leaving a small part for graduating class. And while your classmates are just starting to think about tutors, you are already one step ahead! You are already on your way to your goal!

Rehearsals for the most important event in school life

Have you ever gone to rehearsal testing (RT)? Didn’t go because you’re afraid to find out your results?! Very in vain! The sooner you start your rehearsals, the better. The special atmosphere of RT will help to better transfer the excitement to the DH. If you start taking RT from the beginning of 10th grade, then there is a chance that you will not get confused during the exam itself, and your anxiety may completely fade away.

Ways to pass the test successfully

If we take the question on a large scale, we can single out just two ways to prepare for testing:

  • with a tutor;
  • without a tutor.

And mostly many choose the first option, but is it justified? For self-study First of all, you need patience and perseverance. If you are a happy owner of these two qualities, then this option is for you!

Anastasia Karatkevich, student of Minsk State Linguistic University:

« I prepared for testing myself, because I think it is very real. You just need self-control and that's it».

Materials for preparation for CT

Most chief assistant in preparation - collection of tests from previous years. When preparing, you need to do as many tests as possible. However, you should not solve them at random or, as everyone likes to do at school, in your head. It is necessary to write down each task for better assimilation, so that in the end there are no problems at the main event of the entire school life.

Anna Tikhonovich, student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU:

"To the central heating center I didn’t really prepare much for Russian, because I never had any problems with the language. I bought a collection of assignments for 5 or 6 years and solved them all from start to finish. I later sorted out unclear tasks».

Galina Borodina, teacher of Russian language and literature:

“You can find many good Internet portals where you can get advice and work on thematic simulators.”

There are few tests from previous years and you want to prepare more? Look on the Internet! On the World Wide Web you can find tests that will immediately show whether you answered correctly and explain everything with rules.

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