Test 10 adjective. Which of the following statements is false?

Russian language test. 10th grade. Adjective.

1 option 1. How do adjectives change?
A) by gender, case, number;
B) by gender, cases, numbers and persons;
C) by persons, times, numbers;
D) by persons and numbers;
D) by persons, numbers and genders.

2. Determine which option correctly indicates the categories of adjectives: Greek profile, golden ring, endless conversation, mother’s cloak, hare sheepskin coat, raw potatoes.
A) relative, relative, qualitative, possessive, relative, qualitative;
B) possessive, qualitative, relative, relative, possessive, relative;
C) qualitative, qualitative, relative, relative, possessive, possessive;
D) relative, qualitative, qualitative, possessive, possessive, qualitative;
D) possessive, relative, qualitative, possessive, possessive, qualitative.

3. Which adjective does not have short form?
A) bad; B) good; B) snowy; D) small; D) dear.

4. Which adjective has no degrees of comparison?
A) snowy; B) good; B) bad; D) small; D) dear.

5. Select the option without b at the end:
A) hidden.., buckshot.., etc..; B) baker.., mouse.., birth..;
B) you know.., eat.. then go..; D) supine .., wide .., backhand ..;
D) good.., powerful.., fresh...

6. Indicate the correct spelling -n- and -nn- in the phrases: moon.. shine, be blessed..a, ruddy.. sunset, skies fog..y, wool..scarf, wooden..y house, swan's cry, lectures, morning dew, windy day, sandy shore.
A) –n-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-;
B) –nn-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-, -n-;
B) –nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-;
D) –n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, –n-, -n-, -n-, -n-;
D) –n-, -n-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-, -n-, -nn-.

7. Indicate the simple form of the superlative adjective:
A) the most interesting;
B) sharper;
B) highest;
D) hotter;
D) the most faithful.

8. Determine which version is not written separately:
A) bought a very (not) expensive car;
B) (un)expected news;
B) the sounds of spring drops are (not) silent;
D) far (un)successful answer;
D) the roads became (im)passable.

9. Indicate a phrase in which the adjective is written with the suffix –sk-:
A) lower house.
B) close acquaintance;
B) German city;
D) daring epigram;
D) French language;

10. Indicate a complex adjective that is written together:
A) (ash) light brown shade;
B) (feignedly) modest look;
B) (wonderful) stuffy mood;
D) (south)eastern region;
D) (cultural) historical heritage.

Option 2 1.What categories are adjectives divided into?
A) interrogative, relative, narrative;
B) returnable, negative, personal;
B) animate, inanimate;
D) defining, collective, quantitative;
D) qualitative, relative, possessive;

2.Adjectives are called qualitative:
A) denoting signs, properties, qualities of an object that may appear to a greater or lesser extent;
B) denoting the attribute of an object not directly, but through its relationship to another object;
C) indicating that an object belongs to a person or animal;
D) denoting the action of an object;
D) denoting an additional action in relation to the main action.

3.Indicate relative adjectives:
A) rude, tall;
B) urban, children's;
B) comfortable, white;
D) red, stupid;
D) hare, bear.

4.Indicate possessive adjectives:
A) sad, regular
B) copper, glass
B) last, complete
D) grandfathers, cat
D) emerald, new

5. In what combination is NOT written together with an adjective?
A) not at all strict
B) (not) polite, but rude
C) far (not) successful answer
D) not at all (not) interesting
D) not at all (not) interesting book

6.Indicate the adjective with –E- in the suffix:
A) reed...b) arctic fox...
C) plush D) lead
D) hedgehog

7.Indicate adjectives with –НН-:
A) leather..., clay... B) tse..., tin...
C) oil... oh, oil... D) sand... oh, flax... oh
D) bees..., lions...

8. Indicate the adjective with the suffix –k-:
A) January B) French
C) German D) Siberian
D) giant...

9. Indicate a complex adjective that is written together:
A) north (western)
B) convex(concave)
B) easily (soluble)
D) German (Russian)
D) light (blue)

10. In what version is it used? simple form superlative adjective?
A) The box was a very thrifty housewife.
B) The partisans advanced in pitch darkness.
C) Sobakevich’s living room was decorated by the most representative people.
D) The woman carefully crossed the threshold.
D) The story has become even more interesting.

Option 3

1. The general grammatical meaning of an adjective is:
A) action B) sign of an object C) sign of a sign D) sign of an action

2. Morphological characteristics adjective is:

A) gender, number B) gender, number, case C) gender, number, person D) person, number

3. Syntactic features adjective is :

A) definition, predicate B) definition, circumstance

C) definition, addition D) addition, circumstance

4. In which row are all words adjectives?

A) mighty, first, strong, fox B) merciless, fictional, colored, white

C) impatient, must, khaki, well-fed D) dressed, unhappy, angry, expressed

5. Qualitative adjectives are adjectives that mean ...

A) the material from which the object is made B) a sign according to its affiliation

B) signs indicating different qualities subject

6. List relative adjectives.

A) young (man), handsome (drawing), white (snow)

B) wooden (house), fox (tail), mother's (scarf)

B) spring (morning), iron (nail), sports (clothing)

7. Identify possessive adjectives.

A) spring (song), winter (morning), kind (boy)

B) prickly (hedgehog), fresh (air), beige (color)

B) donkey (ears), wolf (trace), fathers (scarf)

8. In which row are all the adjectives qualitative?

A) seaside village, green ball, sports ground

B) emerald green, correct answer, difficult question

B) swimming pool, clean hands, ringing voice

9. In which row are all adjectives relative?

A) summer night, birch sap, tin ring B) morning mail, silver voice, dad's scarf

B) raspberry jam, raspberry beret, stone face

10. In which row are all adjectives possessive?

A) wolf howl, hare sheepskin coat, fox speech B) deer antlers, fisherman's catch, grandma's pie

C) washing machine, meat broth, fox hole

11. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, choose the line that gives the correct answer:
I'm here again, in my own family! My land is thoughtful and gentle!”

A) dear (f.r.), thoughtful (m.r.), gentle (m.r.) B) dear (m.r.), thoughtful (m.r.), gentle (m.r.)

C) dear (m.r.), gentle (m.r.)

12. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, choose the line that gives the correct answer:
Early in the morning I approached the majestic river. The spring water gave off a breath of freshness.”

A) early (m.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.)

B) early (w.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.), freshness (f.r.)

C) early (w.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.)

13. Find the adjective in simple comparative degree .

A) the fastest B) the most beautiful C) brighter D) lighter

14. Specify the adjective in the compound comparative degree .

A) less complex B) more difficult C) the most difficult D) the most difficult

15. Find the simple superlative adjective .

A) more beautiful B) calmer C) louder D) less heavy

16. Indicate the adjective in the compound superlative degree.

A) deeper B) the deepest C) deeper D) the deepest

17. Indicate the option without an error in the formation of the form of degree of comparison of adjectives.

A. sharper, less steep, higher

B. longer, the most beautiful, sweetest B. very small, more beautiful, shorter than everyone else

G. longer, better, tastier

18. Indicate the option with an error in the formation of the form of comparison of adjectives.

A) the most cheerful, the smallest, tallest B) younger, whiter, hardest

C) the hottest, the smartest, the quietest D) the most wonderful, the worst, the loudest

Answers 10th grade. Adjective.

1 option Option 2
1-A 1-D
2-A 2-A
3-B 3-B
4-A 4-G
5-D 5-A
6-B 6-D
7-B 7-B
8-G 8-V
9-D 9-V
10-V 10-V

Option 3

1. - B
2. - B
3. - A
4. - B
5. - B
6. - B
7. - B
8. - B
9. - A
10. - B
11. - A
12. - B
13. - B
14. - A
15. - A
16. - B
17. - G
18. - B

Test on the topic: Adjective(10th grade).

1. In which row are all words adjectives?

A) mighty, strong, fox, dried

C) merciless, burnt, colored, white

C) impatient, worried, poor, well-fed

D) dressed, unhappy, angry, expressed

2. How many adjectives are there in a sentence?

Is this new one-story building visible to people entering the city from any point?

3. Which statement is incorrect?

A) heavy is a qualitative adjective

C) heavier – this is the comparative form of the adjective “heavy”

C) heavy – this is a short form of the adjective “heavy”

E) superheavy is the superlative form of the adjective “heavy”

4. Which of the adjectives has the correct grammatical features?

A) light (color) – adjective, relative, used in full form, in the masculine gender, in singular, in the nominative case.

C) wolf (lair) – an adjective, qualitative, used in the short form, in the neuter gender, in the singular, in the nominative case.

C) bluish (shadows) – adjective, qualitative, used in full form, feminine, in plural, in the nominative case.

E) Under the strictest (prohibition) - an adjective, qualitative, used in the form of a simple superlative degree, in the masculine gender, in the singular, in the instrumental case.

5. Which of the adjectives highlighted in the sentence has grammatical features correctly defined?

While you are driving through a dense forest, the stagnant air smells of hot resinous wood, and when you break out into an open place, from where you can see mown meadows in the lowlands and rusty fields on the hillsides, the wind carries the faint smell of withering grains and herbs.

A) hot – adjective, qualitative, used in full form, masculine, singular, prepositional case

C) resinous – adjective, relative, used in full form, masculine, singular, prepositional case

C) thick – adjective, qualitative, used in full form, masculine, singular, dative case

E) weak – adjective, qualitative, used in full form, masculine, singular, accusative case

6. Which of the adjectives highlighted in the sentence has incorrectly defined grammatical features?

The summer night that had just arrived was quiet and warm; on the one hand, where the sun had set, the edge of the sky was still white; on the other, a blue, gray twilight was already rising.

A) summer – adjective, relative, used in the feminine gender, singular, nominative case, in a sentence is a definition

The test is intended to test the knowledge of 10th grade students on the topic “Adjective”.
Final test on the topic “Adjective”. 10th grade Kazakh school
1. Adjective s – nn -:
A) A thin silver crescent of the new moon was already standing in the sky.
C) We did not spare our forces in battles.
C) The honey smells of herbs rushed across the steppe.
D) She was older, but just as windy as her young lady.
E) There is a touching mysterious charm in the lordship of their evenings
2. Indicate the adjective whose suffix says about:
A) Lily of the valley; B) Glossy; C) Plush...
D) Lead... E) Key...howl.
3. The adjective is written together:
A) Bitter (salty); B) Pale (blue); C) Ancient (Russian);
D) Russian (German); E) North(eastern)
4. Indicate the adjective with the suffix – to -:
A) Close; B) Rebel; C) Light; D) Candidate;
E) Caucasus
5. Write a sentence with an adjective in the form of a compound superlative degree:
A) I give it to you, beautiful stars, your tales are thoughtfully - wonderful.
B) The blizzard is getting angrier and angrily tearing up the last sheets every minute.
C) It was the end of July, and there were the shortest and most beautiful white nights.
E) A material warmer and lighter than eider down has not yet been found in nature.
E) Above the tiled hearth hung a portrait of a lady of amazing beauty.
6. List a number of possessive adjectives:
A) Fox, wolf, daddy; B) Stone, distant, maternal;
C) Pink, autumn, lamb; D) Blue, road, young;
E) School, sandy, strong
7. Indicate an adjective that does not have a short form:
A) Serene; B) Big; C) Slender; D) Cheerful; E) Thin
8. In this sentence the adjective answers the questions Whose? Whose? Whose?:
A) The forest is dense and full of secrets.
C) On the other side, even spring is not red.
C) Seal oil is valued as a medicine.
D) More and more often in the morning, puddles are covered with brittle ice.
E) The hill, although small, is steep.
9. Adjective with the letter e in the suffix:
A) Apple tree; B) Responsive; C) Calculation;
D) picky... E) Flirty...yy
10. Indicate a number of qualitative adjectives:
A) The scent of lily of the valley, a chintz dress, a red tablecloth
B) Cheap product, persistent person, skillful work
C) Flannel shirt, tulle bedspread, herbal scent
D) Lead bullet, walrus tusk, arctic fox coat
E) Cherry orchard, fox hole, glass beads
11. Not written together with adjectives:
A) A (not) brave person at all; B) (Not) an approach wall;
C) The March day gave way to a cold, far (not) spring evening.
D) Autumn is (not) damp and rainy, but dry and frosty.
E) The night is (not) light, but dark.
12. Indicate the adjective in comparative form:
A) The most strict; B) Very cheerful; C) Higher;
D) The most difficult; E) The youngest
13. Zero ending in an adjective in:
A) Maiden Convent; B) Voronya Slobodka; C) Bear tracks;
D) Peacock tails; Foxhole
14. Adjectives in which you need to write ь:
A) Siberian...sky, January...sky; B) December..., June...;
C) Horse..., royal...; D) Havana...sky, brutal...sky;
E) Amur...sky, Tianshan...sky.
15. Find the correct version of adjectives with the particle not (together
or separately):
A) Far from being a polite answer. No one interesting article. The ceiling is low. The story is not interesting.
C) Far from being a polite answer. This article is not interesting to anyone. The ceiling is low. The story is not interesting.
C) Far from being a polite answer. This article is not interesting to anyone. The ceiling is not high. The story is not interesting.
D) Far from being a polite answer. This article is not interesting to anyone. The ceiling is not high. The story is not interesting.
E) Far from being a polite answer. This article is not interesting to anyone. The ceiling is not high. The story is not interesting.
16. Find the correct definition:
A) An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions Which? Whose? How many?
C) An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an action
subject and answers the questions Which? Whose?
C) An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions Which? Whose?
E) An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an object and
answers the questions Which? What?
E) An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object by action and answers the questions Which? Whose?
17. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:
A) Formed from nouns written together from combinations related by the method of subordination; indicating shades of colors.
B) Educated from compound nouns, written with a hyphen; from combinations related by the method of composition; denoting shades of colors; geographical names, starting with east -, west -, north -, south -
C) Formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen; from combinations related by the method of subordination; denoting shades of colors; geographical names starting with east -, west -, north -, south -
D) Compound adjectives formed from proper nouns, indicating shades of colors; geographical names starting with east -, west -, north -, south -
E) Formed from combinations related by method of subordination
18. Qualitative adjectives differ from relative adjectives if:
A) Qualitative adjectives do not have a short form and do not form degrees of comparison
C) They do not form forms of degrees of comparison; but have a short form.
C) They do not form forms of degrees of comparison and do not have a short form.
D) They form forms of degrees of comparison and have a short form.
E) They have a short form.

19. Indicate an adjective that does not have a simple comparative form:
A) Handsome; B) Business; C) Close; D) Simple; E) Strict
20. Indicate an adjective that does not have a simple superlative form:
A) Short; B) Small; C) Bratsky; D) Faithful; E) Wet
21. Determine which version has a compound superlative adjective:
A) With great tenacity, the fishermen fought against the formidable elements.
C) She believed in her youthful strength.
C) In the distance the lava seems to narrow, then gets lost in a tighter gorge.
D) Crickets were hiding on the very roof of the log cabin.
E) The deepest footprint in the snow is in March.
22. Determine which version has a compound comparative degree:
A) The city of Balasagun was one of the largest Karakhanid states.
C) This year the winter is snowier.
C) You began to study more diligently.
E) A harsher nature cannot be found on the planet than in Antarctica.
E) Baikal is the deepest lake on Earth.
23. Find the correct option, which indicates the characteristics of relative adjectives:
A) Can be combined with the word “very”
B) Have a short form
C) Designate material, temporary signs
D) Indicate belonging to a person or animal
E) Denote a characteristic that may be present to a greater or lesser extent.
24. Determine in which version the categories of adjectives are indicated:
Russian, skillful, golden, shepherd
A) Relative, relational, qualitative, possessive
C) Qualitative, relative, relative, possessive
C) Qualitative, relative, possessive, relative
D) Relative, qualitative, comparative, possessive
E) Relative, qualitative, possessive, relative
25. Indicate the option that contains the original word of the worse form:
A) Thin; B) Thin; C) Bad; D) Poor; E) Skinny

26. Indicate the characteristics of qualitative adjectives:
A) They change over time, have degrees of comparison;
C) They change according to cases, have degrees of comparison;
C) They change over time and have a short form;
D) They change according to cases, forming an imperative form;
E) They change according to cases, have the form of the present tense.
27. Complex adjectives are written together:
A) Formed from concepts that are related by the method of composition;
C) Formed on the basis of a phrase; from complex nouns written together;
C) Formed from nouns written together and denoting shades of colors;
D) Formed from any compound nouns;
E) Educated from different parts speech.
28. Select the line with the correct declension of the adjective spring (morning):
A) Spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, in the spring morning
B) Spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning
C) Spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning
D) Spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning
E) Spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning, spring morning.
29. Indicate a phrase in which the adjective is written with the suffix – sk -:
A) December frosts; B) A sharp answer; C) Low level of development;
D) Daring act; E) Slippery road.
30. Indicate the option in which it is not written together with adjectives:
A) The water in the lake is (not) clear, but cloudy.
C) He had a (not) noticeable scratch on his hand.
C) Not at all (not) interesting story.
D) (An un) kind word burns more painfully than fire.
E) This problem has a (not) easy solution.

Test answer code for the topic “Adjective”. 10th grade

1 E
2 D
3 C
4 A
5 C
6 A
7 V
8 C
9 A
10 V
11 V
12 C
13 A
14 V
15 V
16 C
17 V
18 D
19 V
20 C
21 E
22 V
23 C
24 D
25 C
26 V
27 V
28 C
29 A
30 d

The test is designed to check the level of students' learning on the topic “Adjectives”.
Students are offered tasks of two difficulty levels: level A and level B.
Test task According to the options, each student performs independently. The results of the work performed are announced at the next lesson, gaps are eliminated through joint and individual work over mistakes. UMK "Russian language. 6th grade", author Razumovskaya M. M. and others. Correction and replacement of tasks is possible, then the test can be used for any UMK

1.Find the adjective.
a) frosty; b) freezes; c) frost; d) freezes; d) ice cream.

A) smart man, b) village store, c) mother’s scarf; d) long way;
d) stone house.

A) fox trail; b) bear den; c) bear gait; d) gold ring;
d) golden hands.

A) the boy is smart, b) the girl is talkative; c) language is powerful; d) wise advice;
d) a mighty tree.

1) in a dark forest; a) instrumental case;
2) near a large tree; b) dative case;
3) mom's friend; c) genitive case.

A) stronger; b) stronger; c) the kindest; d) thinner; d) quietest of all.

A) autumn day; b) crow's feet; c) tin soldier; d) lunar day;
d) stone house.

A) (not) decisive action; b) not at all (not) good man; c) (not) sad, but funny; d) far (not) ideal; e) (not) a bad plot.

A) (rail) road; b) (north) western; c) (black) blue;

A) September; b) January; c) heroic; d) rural; d) fishing.

Test on the topic “Adjective” 6th grade
1.Find the adjective.
a) dining room; b) stake out; c) table; d) table; d) dining room.

2. These adjectives are qualitative:
A) a village store, b) a smart person, c) mother’s scarf; d) long way;
d) stone house.

3. These adjectives are possessive:
A) bear gait; b) bear den; c) hare trail; d) gold ring;
d) golden rye.

4.Choose the options in which the adjectives are in short form:
A) a mighty tree, b) a talkative student; c) language is powerful; d) wise advice;
d) the boy is smart.

5. Determine the case of adjectives.
1) in a beautiful hall; a) genitive case.
2) a sick friend;
· b) dative case;
3) mom's friend; c) prepositional case;

6.Find adjectives in simple comparative form:
A) loudest; b) thinner; c) the highest; d) easier; d) stronger.

7. These adjectives contain two letters n:
A) wooden spoon; b) duck feet; c) spring day; d) securities;
e) stone wall.

8. In these examples, non- with adjectives is written separately:
A) (not) a brave player; b) not at all a good person; c) (not) deceitful, but honest; d) far (not) smart; e) (not) a bad question.

9. Find adjectives that are written with a hyphen:
A) (south) eastern; b) (iron) road c) (dark) brown;
d) (fruit) berry; e) (ancient) Russian.

10. Choose adjectives that are written without errors:
A) January; b) September; c) heroic; d) German; d) Kasatian.

Test on the topic “Adjective” 6th grade
1.Find the adjective.
a) disease; b) sick; c) get sick; d) sick; d) illness.

2. These adjectives are qualitative:
A) village sour cream, b) strong gymnast, c) bird's nest; d) bird tongue;
d) golden tray.

3. These adjectives are possessive:
A) duck beak; b) disservice; c) hare trail; d) fresh bread;
d) heart of gold.

4.Choose the options in which the adjectives are in short form:
A) the oak is mighty, b) the tongue is melodious; c) short answer; d) distant light;
e) the woodpecker is talkative.

5. Determine the case of adjectives.
1) on a joyful brow; a) genitive case.
2) a faithful partner; b) dative case;
3) about inclement weather; c) prepositional case;

6.Find adjectives in simple comparative form:
A) the highest; b) the most serious; c) above everyone; d) easier; d) stronger.

7. These adjectives contain two letters n:
A) silver spoon; b) cock's comb; c) lunar day; d) price advice;
e) straw hat.

8. In these examples, non- with adjectives is written separately:
A) is (not) a good person at all; b) (not) a brave player c) (not) deceitful, but honest; d) far (not) smart; e) (not) a bad question.

9. Find adjectives that are written with a hyphen:
A) (north) eastern; b) (agricultural) economic; c) (light) turquoise;
d) (sour) sweet; e) (Eastern) European.

10. Choose adjectives that are written without errors:
A) June; b) September; c) heroic; d) German; d) French.

Heading 315

Attached files

Russian language test. 10th grade. Adjective. 1 option

1. How do adjectives change?

A) by gender, case, number;

B) by gender, cases, numbers and persons;

C) by persons, times, numbers;

D) by persons and numbers;

D) by persons, numbers and genders.

2. Determine which option correctly indicates the categories of adjectives: Greek profile, golden ring, endless conversation, mother’s cloak, hare sheepskin coat, raw potatoes.

A) relative, relative, qualitative, possessive, relative, qualitative;

B) possessive, qualitative, relative, relative, possessive, relative;

C) qualitative, qualitative, relative, relative, possessive, possessive;

D) relative, qualitative, qualitative, possessive, possessive, qualitative;

D) possessive, relative, qualitative, possessive, possessive, qualitative.

3. Which adjective does not have a short form?

A) bad;

B) good;

B) snowy;

D) small;

D) dear.

4. Which adjective has no degrees of comparison?

A) snowy;

B) good;

B) bad;

D) small;

D) dear.

5. Select the option without b at the end:

A) hidden.., buckshot.., etc..;

B) baker.., mouse.., birth..;

B) you know.., eat.. then go..;

D) supine .., wide .., backhand ..;

D) good.., powerful.., fresh...

6. Indicate the correct spelling -n- and -nn- in the phrases: moon.. shine, be blessed..a, ruddy.. sunset, skies fog..y, wool..scarf, wooden..y house, swan's cry, lectures, morning dew, windy day, sandy shore.

A) –n-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-;

B) –nn-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-, -n-;

B) –nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-;

D) –n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, -n-, –n-, -n-, -n-, -n-;

D) –n-, -n-, -n-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -nn-, -n-, -n-, -nn-.

7. Indicate the simple form of the superlative adjective:

A) the most interesting;

B) sharper;

B) highest;

D) the most faithful.

8. Determine which version is not written separately:

A) bought a very (not) expensive car;

B) (un)expected news;

B) the sounds of spring drops are (not) silent;

D) far (un)successful answer;

D) the roads became (im)passable.

9. Indicate a phrase in which the adjective is written with the suffix –sk-:

A) lower house.

B) close acquaintance;

B) German city;

D) daring epigram;

D) French language;

10. Indicate a complex adjective that is written together:

A) (ash) light brown shade;

B) (feignedly) modest look;

B) (wonderful) stuffy mood;

D) (south)eastern region;

D) (cultural) historical heritage.

Russian language test. 10th grade. Adjective. Option 2

1.What categories are adjectives divided into?

A) interrogative, relative, narrative;

B) returnable, negative, personal;

B) animate, inanimate;

D) defining, collective, quantitative;

D) qualitative, relative, possessive;

2.Adjectives are called qualitative:

A) denoting signs, properties, qualities of an object that may appear to a greater or lesser extent;

B) denoting the attribute of an object not directly, but through its relationship to another object;

C) indicating that an object belongs to a person or animal;

D) denoting the action of an object;

D) denoting an additional action in relation to the main action.

3.Indicate relative adjectives:

A) rude, tall;

B) urban, children's;

B) comfortable, white;

D) red, stupid;

D) hare, bear

4.Indicate possessive adjectives:

A) sad, regular

B) copper, glass

B) last, complete

D) grandfathers, cat

D) emerald, new

5. In what combination is NOT written together with an adjective?

A) not at all strict

B) (not) polite, but rude

C) far (not) successful answer

D) not at all (not) interesting

D) a very (not) interesting book

6.Indicate the adjective with –E- in the suffix:

A) reeds

B) Arctic fox

B) plush

D) lead...

D) hedgehog

7.Indicate adjectives with –НН-:

A) leather…, clay…

B) whole... tin...

B) oil...oh, oil...oh

D) sand...y, flax...oh

D) bees..., lions...

8. Indicate the adjective with the suffix –k-:

A) January

B) French

B) German

D) Siberia

D) giant...

9. Indicate a complex adjective that is written together:

A) north (western)

B) convex(concave)

B) easily (soluble)

D) German (Russian)

D) light (blue)

10. In which version is the simple form of the superlative adjective used?

A) The box was a very thrifty housewife.

B) The partisans advanced in pitch darkness.

C) Sobakevich’s living room was decorated by the most representative people.

D) The woman carefully crossed the threshold.

D) The story has become even more interesting.

Option 1 Option 2

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