Educational and Scientific Medical Center. Educational and Scientific Medical Center State Medical Academy of Presidential Administration

Scope of activity:
The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Educational and Scientific Medical Center" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is a federal state educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists, implementing educational programs for advanced training, professional retraining and basic professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education, as well as implementing scientific activities and training of scientists.
The main tasks are:
1. meeting the needs of specialists in obtaining knowledge about the latest achievements in relevant branches of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience;
2. organizing and conducting advanced training and professional retraining of specialists from medical institutions subordinate to the Administration;
3. organization and conduct of scientific research, scientific, technical and experimental work, consulting activities;
4. scientific examination of programs, projects, recommendations, other documents and materials related to the profile of his work.

The main activities are:
1. professional retraining of managers and doctors of medical institutions subordinate to the Administration, within the limits of tasks (control figures) established annually by the Administration;
2. advanced training of managers and doctors of medical institutions subordinate to the Department of Affairs, within the limits of tasks (control figures) established annually by the Department of Cases;
3. implementation of postgraduate professional education (internship, residency, graduate school, doctoral studies) of doctors of medical institutions subordinate to the Administration, within the limits of tasks (control figures) established annually by the Administration;
4. carrying out scientific activities within the framework of the tasks and functions assigned to the Administration, including:
organization and conduct of fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research, other research, development, design, technological, testing and expert work, development and testing of new technologies in the field of medicine and education with the aim of introducing them into practice;
creation of information databases of scientific information in the field of medicine;
assessment of new medical technologies and preparation of guidelines for their use;
conducting clinical trials and testing of medicines, dietary supplements, medical products and medical equipment; development and implementation of electronic, distance and other training tools and methods for the needs of the Institution;
5. library, reference, bibliographic and information services for students of the Institution.

Training - residency, postgraduate study (full-time and part-time), professional retraining (504 hours or more), certification cycles of advanced training (improvement 144 hours or more), thematic improvement (72 hours).

The Department of Neurology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education "CSMA" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation organizes and conducts postgraduate and additional education of doctors of medical, preventive and sanatorium-resort institutions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in the form of internship, clinical residency and postgraduate study (full-time and part-time forms of study), certification cycles, cycles of thematic improvement and advanced training of medical neurological specialists, including on a contractual basis.
The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education "CSMA" has the right of primary specialization and uses basic and additional medical professional programs and postgraduate professional medical education programs. The department trains postgraduate students in the specialty 01/14/11 Nervous diseases. The Central State Medical Academy has organized examinations for the candidate minimum.
During training, the following main types and forms of training are carried out: lectures, practical, seminar and on-site classes, on-the-job training, tests and other works, methodological guidance, consultations, independent work of students, examination and analysis of specific cases, etc. During training sessions, telemedicine and simulation technologies are actively used.
Upon completion of training and successful passing of qualifying exams, students of the cycles receive, in accordance with the established procedure, a certificate of advanced training and a certificate of a medical specialist.
The main specialists of the Main Medical Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are involved in the educational and pedagogical process - academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, managers, leading teachers and prominent scientists of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.
The Department of Neurology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education "CSMA" provides the following types of postgraduate additional professional education: Residency, Postgraduate studies, PP and PT cycles, master classes. A complete list of types and specialties for which training is provided at TSMA can be found

History of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Educational and Scientific Medical Center" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Educational and Scientific Medical Center" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was created in 1968 as a unique educational, scientific and production complex intended for the implementation of systematic postgraduate and additional professional education of doctors, medical, advisory and methodological work, and the implementation of scientific research and implementation of new medical achievements in diagnostic and treatment practice. In 2008, the UMMC turned 40 years old. At the same time, the UMMC continues to actively develop, in particular, in 2011. it opened a Certification Simulation Medical Clinic - a unique unit that allows for the formation of practical skills and testing their quality without risk to the patient.

The creation of this institution, which integrated the functions of both a state institute of postgraduate and additional education and a scientific organization, can be considered one of the most noticeable and progressive changes carried out in Kremlin medicine in the late 60s.

At that time, taking into account the great contribution made by scientists and doctors of the Fourth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health to the development of medical science, and assessing the great potential opportunities for the further development of scientific research, the Board of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology adopted a resolution on November 1, 1967 on the organization of the Central research laboratory of the Fourth Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health. In accordance with order No. 474 of the USSR Ministry of Health dated June 14, 1968 “0b organization of specialized clinics and the Central Research Laboratory of the Fourth Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health” and order of the head of the Fourth Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health No. 75 dated July 5 “On the organization specialized clinics and the Central Research Laboratory of the Fourth Main Directorate" 7 specialized clinics were created - general therapy, emergency therapy, cardiology, gastroenterology, psychoneurology, surgery, resuscitation and anesthesiology, the main bases of which were the Central Clinical Hospital, the Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky and City Clinical Hospital No. 51, as well as 5 departments - rehabilitation, pathomorphology, pathophysiology, biochemistry and cybernetics.

The main tasks of the Central Research Laboratory were the organization, coordination and conduct of exploratory and applied scientific research and other scientific, technical, development work, including on educational issues; meeting the Department's needs for qualified specialists and scientific and teaching personnel; retraining and advanced training of specialists and teachers in residency, postgraduate studies, improvement cycles, and in the workplace.

The Central Research Laboratory became one of the first educational institutions in the country in which doctors underwent postgraduate training in such specialties as anesthesiology and resuscitation, endoscopy, rehabilitation, functional diagnostics, emergency cardiology.

A tradition has emerged, which has survived to this day, that the heads of the main divisions of the Central Research Laboratory - clinics and departments - are the main specialists in the areas or their deputies.

Comprehensive fundamental and applied scientific research has begun, carried out jointly by employees of clinics and departments of the Central Research Laboratory with doctors from hospitals, clinics and sanatoriums. Research work is becoming an integral part of the activities of specialists in practical medical institutions and is considered as the highest form of advanced training for doctors.

Under the scientific and methodological guidance of the employees of the Central Research Laboratory, regular scientific conferences began, at which not only well-known scientists, but also ordinary practitioners made presentations, analyzing and summarizing the results of their own clinical observations.

This was followed by structural changes and the organization of new departments: in 1979, a nephrology and immunology clinic, an endoscopy laboratory were created, in 1981 - a laser surgery laboratory and a department of medical and mathematical research, in 1984 - a radiology department, in 1985 - a local physician clinic.

In 1986, by order of the USSR Ministry of Health, the State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine was created on the basis of the laser surgery laboratory.

Due to the great importance and relevance of the Central Research Laboratory’s solution to the problem of training highly qualified medical personnel to work in medical, preventive and sanatorium-resort institutions of the Kremlin medicine system, as well as taking into account the tasks of scientific substantiation, development and implementation of new therapeutic and diagnostic methods and means into clinical practice, the Order of the Leningrad Organization under the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 49 of August 14, 1991 was issued “On the transformation of the Central Research Laboratory into an Educational and Scientific Center.” This transformation was a confirmation of the increased authority of the institution, recognition of its merits as a center for training highly qualified personnel and research work in the Kremlin medicine system.

In subsequent years, courses in traumatology and orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology, clinical laboratory diagnostics, economic management and healthcare organization were created at the Educational and Scientific Center in order to improve the educational process and in accordance with the requests of medical institutions.
A coherent system of postgraduate and additional professional education for doctors was developed. Careful selection of candidates for targeted residency and postgraduate studies in basic medical specialties from students of leading medical universities, intensive educational process in programs adapted to the specific specifics of medical institutions of the Kremlin medicine system, training at well-equipped clinical bases - all this ensured a high level of educational and methodological work .

Fundamental research and applied scientific research was actively carried out, aimed at studying the pathogenesis of the most common diseases and developing the methodology and technology of the diagnostic and treatment process. Many of the scientific research results obtained by the staff of the Educational and Scientific Center were a priority. So, in 1983 Professor Yu.V. Postnov and D.Sc. C.H. Orlov, studying the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension, made a discovery. They showed the importance of dysfunction of cell membranes as one of the leading factors in the development of hypertension.

In 2004, when reforming the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Educational and Scientific Center was transformed into the Federal State Institution “Educational and Scientific Medical Center”, and the Scientific Medical Library was included in it.

In 2007, the Department of Dentistry and Organization of Dental Services was created at the Educational and Scientific Medical Center.

In 2008, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology was created (based on a course of non-drug methods of treatment and rehabilitation), and a number of courses - traumatology and orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology, nephrology, immunology and rheumatology were transformed into departments.

In 2011 A multidisciplinary Simulation and Certification Center was created at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "University Scientific and Medical Center" of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, where training and assessment of knowledge and skills are carried out using the most modern technologies (robotic mannequins, virtual simulators, computer modeling). Since 1977, at the Establishment there has been a Dissertation Council D.121.001.01, to which the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation has granted the right to accept for defense both candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties: 01.14.04 - “internal diseases”, 01.14.05 - “cardiology” and 14.01 .25 - “pulmonology”. The Chairman of the Dissertation Council from 1977 to 1989 was Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.G. Smagin, from 1989 to 1999 – Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences B.S. Gasilin. Currently, the Chairman of the Dissertation Council is Professor O.N. Minushkin. For many years, the scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council was Doctor of Medical Sciences N.K. Rozova, now Doctor of Medical Sciences M.D. Ardatskaya. It must be emphasized that in all the years of work of the Dissertation Council there has not been a single case when the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation did not approve the decision made by the Dissertation Council. The results of defended dissertations are actively introduced into medical practice. Based on the data obtained, numerous methodological recommendations have been prepared and a number of inventions have been issued. Dissertation materials were presented at domestic and international congresses, congresses and conferences.

Since 1993, the institution has been preparing and publishing the quarterly scientific and practical journal “Kremlin Medicine. Clinical Bulletin”, which is included in the “List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation”, and also constantly prepares for printing and publishes educational, methodological and scientific publications.
The origins of the creation of the Central Research Laboratory were the first heads of its clinics and departments, leading experts in various fields of medical science: B.C. Gasilin, A.P. Golikov, V.G. Smagin, N.N. Kanshin, O.K. Skobelkin, V.Ya. Neretin, A.I. Romanov, O.S. Gorbasheva, L.I. Egorova, Yu.V. Postnov, V.N. Smirnov, A.N. Pomeltsov and others.

From the first years of operation of the Institution to the present day, Professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Intensive Care, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.P. has been actively working. Golikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology N.F. Shimuk, laboratory assistant at the Department of Endoscopy T.I. Vlasova.

The leaders of the Institution at the stages of its creation and development - the Central Research Laboratory, then the Educational and Scientific Center and, finally, the Educational and Scientific Medical Center were:
From 1968 to 1973 – experienced healthcare organizer, talented scientist and teacher V.A. Savenko.
From 1973 to 1980 – Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V. G. Smagin.
From 1980 to 1986 – Professor O.K. Skobelkin.
From 1986 to 1995 – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.L. Perov.
From 1995 to 2002 – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.N. Semenov.
From 2002 to 2008 – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.K. Reshetnyak.
From 2008 to 2009 – Professor P.S. Turzin.
From 2009 to 2011 - Professor A.M. Mkrtumyan
Since 2012 - Professor Kazakov V.F.

For many years of conscientious work, a number of employees of the Institution were awarded honorary titles:
“Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” – Professor E.I. Brekhov, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.P. Golikov, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.K. Reshetnyak, Professor B.A. Sidorenko.
“Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” – Professor Barinov V.G., Professor Borisov I.A., Professor Gorodnichenko A.I., Professor Minushkin O.N., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Piskunov G.Z., Professor Turzin P. .WITH.
“Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation” – Merkulov A.D.

For high results of research activities and their implementation in clinical practice, a number of employees became laureates of the following awards: “USSR State Prize”:
1982 – Professor Brekhov E.I. and others for the creation and implementation of laser treatment methods in surgery.
"Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology":
2002 – Professor Shmyrev V.I., Associate Professor Mironov N.V. and others - for the creation and introduction into medical practice of antioxidant drugs for the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases.
2003 – Professor Reshetnyak V.K. and others - for the development and implementation of technologies for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with sleep disorders.
2004 – Professor Turzin P.S. and others - for the development and implementation of new technologies of extreme, aerospace and restorative medicine into the practice of developing and preserving the health of people in hazardous professions and the population.
2008 – Professor Arutyunov A.T. and others - for the development and implementation of medical preventive technologies aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the population and improving the demographic situation in Russia.

For the 5th decade, the UMMC continues to carry out extensive work to train new specialists for the Kremlin medicine system and carry out fundamental and applied scientific developments. The scientific and pedagogical potential created over these years allows us to look into the future with optimism and successfully solve new problems.

The federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education "Central State Medical Academy" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was founded in 1968 by an outstanding organizer, scientist and clinician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences E.I. Chazov as the Central Research Laboratory on the basis of the Fourth Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health.

The creation of this institution, which integrated the functions of both a state institute of postgraduate and additional education and a scientific organization, can be considered one of the most noticeable and progressive changes carried out in Kremlin medicine in the late 60s. Having assessed the great potential opportunities for the development of scientific research, the Board of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology adopted a resolution on November 1, 1967 on the organization of the Central Research Laboratory. 7 specialized clinics were created - general therapy, emergency therapy, cardiology, gastroenterology, psychoneurology, surgery, intensive care and anesthesiology. In 1979, a nephrology and immunology clinic, an endoscopy laboratory were created, in 1981 - a laser surgery laboratory and a department of medical and mathematical research, in 1984 - a radiology department, and in 1985 - a local doctor's clinic. In 1986, by order of the USSR Ministry of Health, the State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine was created on the basis of the laser surgery laboratory.

On August 14, 1991, in agreement with the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Central Research Laboratory was transformed into an Educational and Scientific Center, simultaneously receiving the status of a state institute for advanced training and a research institute.

In 2004, during the reform of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Educational and Scientific Center was transformed into the Federal State Institution “Educational and Scientific Medical Center”, and the Scientific Medical Library was included in it. In 2007, the Department of Dentistry and Organization of Dental Services was created, in 2008 - the Department of Restorative Medicine and Balneology, and a number of courses - traumatology and orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology were transformed into departments.

On July 13, 2015, the Educational and Scientific Medical Center was renamed into the “CENTRAL STATE MEDICAL ACADEMY”, which is a unique educational, scientific, production, training complex, equipped with modern educational, methodological and medical equipment designed for the implementation of systemic postgraduate and additional professional education of doctors , therapeutic, advisory and methodological work, carrying out scientific research and introducing new medical achievements into diagnostic and treatment practice.

The activities of the FSBI DPO "TSGMA" are supervised by the Main Medical Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Clinical and research bases are treatment and preventive institutions subordinate to the Main Medical Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of large institutions of the Moscow Health Department.

The pride of TSMA is the medical certification and simulation center, created in 2011, which is a unique innovative multidisciplinary multidisciplinary educational unit, equipped with the most modern educational, methodological, robotic simulation and medical equipment, using advanced simulation educational technologies both in the training of highly qualified medical personnel and and in the process of additional professional education of doctors.

TSMA is the publisher of the quarterly scientific and practical journal “Kremlin Medicine. Clinical Bulletin”, included in the “List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.”

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