Vocal lesson in kindergarten adventures of the tongue. Summary of a lesson on educating the sound culture of speech in the middle group Topic: “The journey of a cheerful tongue. Fairy tale fun walk

"Tongue's Journey"

Target: Develop musical and speech abilities, overcome speech disorder through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of the child through music, movement and rhythmic expressiveness. Expand knowledge of lexical topic autumn, enrich vocabulary-signs (rainy, cloudy, windy, leaf color).Develop verbal-logical thinking children, articulatory apparatus, breathing, basic movements, hearing, attentiveness. Create a holiday atmosphere, apply health-saving technologies. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and towards your team.

Equipment: attributes of the autumn forest: trees, leaves, mushrooms, toys: hedgehog, forest animals, demonstration material: tongue, manual “Tongue House”, handout: autumn leaves according to the number of children.


- Cognitive and speech development


Improve dialogical speech: learn to participate in a conversation, express your point of view, pronounce simple phrases, finger games, activate your vocabulary


Develop the ability to recognize and name the season, highlight the signs of autumn. “The Tale of the Tongue”, “Describe the Forest in Autumn”. Promote the development of curiosity and thinking.

« Reading fiction

Introduce them to proverbs, nursery rhymes, and song lyrics.

Social and personal development


Teach communicative dance


Establish rules of conduct in the forest.

Artistic and aesthetic development

" Music"

Develop an ear for music, rhythm, singing voice, breathing, through the games “Hello”, “Mushroom-Tree-Bump”, “Round Dance of Friendship” dance, play massage, relaxation.

Introduce the chant.

Song “Dear Autumn, rustle.”

"Artistic creativity"

Introduce the manual “Tongue House”

Physical development

– Poems with movements “between spruce paws.”

– Learn the outdoor games “Mushroom-tree-bump” “Collect mushrooms”


Dynamic pauses


Previous work: excursion to the park (on the territory of the village) - observing nature in autumn, speech therapy training (fairy tales about the tongue), listening to nursery rhymes, sayings, autumn chants, reinforcing the basic movements of outdoor musical games, dance.


Speech therapist: Hello guys! Judging by your kind faces and smiles, you are in a good mood today. Is that so?

Children: Yes, yes.

Speech therapist: Waiting for us interesting activity, but it is called “The Journey of the Tongue” and the music director and I invite you all to take part in this exciting journey. And we will go on a train journey (the children ride to the song “Train” by Metlov).

Speech therapist: Guys, we have arrived at the “Forest Clearing” station. Let’s remember the rules of behavior in the forest, What should we do and what not?

Children: We must be very careful, do not lose sight of each other, do not come close to forest inhabitants, do not break trees, holes, do not litter. Because nature is our home.

Speech therapist: We have remembered the rules of conduct in the forest, now sit back and remember the name of our activity.

Children: Tongue's journey.

Speech therapist: That’s right, now look at what I have in my hands. (I show the manual “Tongue’s house”) listen to the fairy tale about Tongue. (I’m conducting speech therapy training)

Tongue lived in his mouth. In the morning he woke up, turned from side to side. Tongue wanted to take a walk. At first, Tongue decided to see what the weather was like outside. He knocked on one cheek - there was no window. He knocked on the other, there was no window either. And then his lips parted and smiled And Tongue looked out the window. He looked first in one direction. Let's rub it in another. Then up and down, the weather is good, you can go for a walk. Tongue galloped along the ladder (the tongue steps over the teeth and hides back in the mouth). He counted all the planks by the fence (the tongue strokes first the upper and then the lower teeth) And went for a walk in the forest clearing. I wonder what the tongue saw in the forest? Guys, get up, let’s look at the forest (children get up and form a circle)

Pronouncing the pure saying “S-S” (soft version) with movements.

Sa-sa-sa- There is dew on the grass (children shake their hands)

Su-Su-Su-They saw a fox in the forest (put an open palm to their eyes)

Si-si-si- Crucian carp live in the pond (Rotate right and left with pressed palms)

Xia-Xia-Xia-we caught a crucian carp (raise and lower folded palms)

Speech therapist: Polite Tongue immediately found new friends in the forest and greeted them.

Finger-rhythmicgamesA« Hello"

Hello golden sun!


Hello blue sky!


Hello free breeze!


Hello little oak tree


We live in the same region -

I greet you all!

Speech therapist: Cheerful Tongue decided to teach new friends his favorite dance. Let's guys help our Tongue and dance together "Round Dance of Friendship"

Communicative dance"Round dance of friendship."

Speech therapist: Tongue admires the beauty of the forest, let's admire it guys and remember what time of year it is? What are the signs of autumn? Now let’s sing the chant with our tongue...

“The leaves are falling and lying on the ground.”

We will do breathing exercises with you (children blow on leaves)

A light breeze is blowing: F-F-F

And shakes the leaf like this: F-F-F

A strong wind is blowing: F-F-F

And shakes the piece of paper F-F-F

Do you know a song about autumn?

Children: we know the song “Dear Autumn rustling”

Speech therapist: Autumn walks along the path and gets her feet wet somewhere

It's raining and there's no light

Summer is lost somewhere

How can the rain not be lazy?

Drizzle for the fourth day?

Guys, let's give each other a massage while listening to the song "Rain."

Rain dripping on the roof

Bom-bom-bom (pat palms on each other's backs)

Along the cheerful ringing roof

Bom-Bom-Bom (tapping with fingers)

At home, stay at home

Bom-Bom-Bom (beat with fists)

Don't go anywhere

Bom-bom-bom (rubbed with the ribs of the palm)

Read and play

Bom-Bom-Bom (rub shoulders)

And then I’ll go for a walk

Bom-bom-bom (stroked with palms)

Tongue sees that mushrooms are starting to grow in the rain, Tongue decided to pick mushrooms.

Poem with movements"Mspruce paw hedgehog"

Between soft spruce paws (children stretch their arms forward, fingers spread apart)

Rain drip-drip-drip (hit the palm with the index finger)

Where the twig has dried up long ago (raise their hands to their shoulders and lower them)

There is moss-moss-moss everywhere (they clench and unclench their fingers)

Where the leaf sticks to the leaf (rubbing palms together)

A mushroom has grown - mushroom-mushroom (gradually raise their hands)

Who found his friends (stretch their hands forward)

I, I, I, I (point to chest)

Speech therapist: Tongue loves to play and invites us to play a game

“Mushroom-tree-bump” (children walk around the hall to the command “Mushroom”, stop, stand on one leg, “tree” - freeze their arms up, “Bump” - squat.

Speech therapist: While you were playing, the tongue came up with an improvisation game. Listen to the poem and try to convey all the described emotions with your facial expressions.

“Once upon a time there lived an old man

Small sprout

He laughed all day long

sitting on a stump

He-he-he, ha-ha-ha.

Suddenly I saw a spider

I was very scared

And then I became happier

Laughed out loud


I was scared of the spider.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, what emotions did we convey?

Children: Joy, fear.

Speech therapist: It's time for us guys to go back to kindergarten, but there are so many mushrooms in the autumn forest. Let's collect them.

Active game"Collect mushrooms"

Speech therapist: Well done guys, did you enjoy walking through the forest with Tongue? What do you remember most? What song were they singing?

Children: children's answers.

Speech therapist: Tongue also liked walking with you, now he wants to relax with you. Sit in the clearing and listen to the poem:

Our legs are tired (children listen to calm music)

They jumped and galloped.

Our hands are tired

They clapped and played.

The eyes fall asleep (the speech therapist walks in a circle, strokes each child’s head and speaks)

The kids are resting.

Eyes open

The kids are waking up. Now the guys can go back to kindergarten, take your cars, and instead of tickets we will give you sweet prizes for your participation. Well done guys! Thank you for the lesson. It was a pleasure for me to travel with you today, and so did Yazychka.

To the song"Train" children leave the hall.

Olga Nikolaevna Davletyanova, teacher, MBDOU No. 201, Izhevsk

Fairy tale "The Journey of the Jolly Tongue."

(to the main complex of articulation gymnastics)

Once upon a time there lived a Cheerful Tongue. And he had a house. This is the mouth. One day, Tongue woke up early in the morning and decided to go on a trip to the forest. Tongue looked out the window (exercise “window”) to see what the weather was like and smiled (exercise “smile”), looked first to the right and then to the left (exercise “clock”).


It was warm outside and the summer sun was shining brightly. The tongue combed itself (exercise “comb”), brushed its teeth (exercise “brushing teeth”) and sat down to breakfast with pancakes with sour cream (exercise “pancake”).

I drank a cup of aromatic tea (exercise “cup”), with delicious strawberry jam (exercise “tasty jam”) and quickly ran down the steps (exercise “swing”).

It was quiet and cool in the forest. The tongue ran merrily and sang a song, when suddenly it was attracted by a squeak in the bushes. It became interesting for Tongue. I looked in - and there was a mother bird feeding her little chicks (the “feeding the chicks” exercise is to open and close your mouth). Tongue observed and ran on. And suddenly Tongue ran out into a beautiful, sunny clearing in which bright flowers grew, and on the flowers colorful butterflies basked in the sun (breathing exercise “butterflies fly”). Tongue was chasing butterflies, got tired and decided to sit down on the grass. He took out a sweet candy from his pocket (exercise “tasty candy”). And suddenly I heard frogs croaking (exercise “frog”) Tongue got hungry and decided to return home. The tongue closed first one door - the teeth (exercise "frog"), and then the other door - the lips (close the teeth).

Appendix 3.

"Tongue's Journey"

(Summary of a vocal club lesson in the senior and preparatory group

compiled by Mertvishcheva O.G. musical director of MDOU No. 3 “Eaglet”.)

Software tasks:

  1. Encourage children to be active vocally.
  2. Strengthen the ability to sing in unison, a cappella , sing sounds using hand movements.
  3. Practice transferring consonants, pulling the sound like a thread.
  4. Continue development work fine motor skills preschoolers.
  5. Read poetry expressively.
  6. To promote the development of expressive singing in children, without tension, smoothly, melodiously.


Flannelgraph, illustrations, soap bubbles.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children enter the hall)

Music director: Guys, I’m very glad to meet you again. Let's say hello to each other.

/children sing: “Hello”/

Music director: You entered the hall and said hello to each other and to me, and now let’s say hello to your hands, legs, eyes - to your body.

/song "Hello"/

Music director: Well done, guys! Tell me, what helped you sing this song?

Children: Tongue!

Music director: And I know the fairy tale about the tongue. Want to listen?

There lived a tongue in the world. He had his own house.

This house has red doors,

White animals sit at the door.

Animals love

Candies and buns.

Can you guess what kind of house this is?

That's right: this house is a mouth.

The doors in the house open,

then they close - like this.

/music hand and the children open and close their mouths /

Music director: fidgety - the tongue does not sit still. He is very curious, he wants to know everything. One day the tongue woke up and played with its little animals.

/music hands. and children perform different movements

tongue and lips/

and decided to look out of his house and see what was going on in this world. The tongue opened the door wide, looked out into the street, looked down to see if there were any puddles on the ground;

I looked up to see if the sun was shining - and suddenly I saw a cloud.

/music hand conducts a finger game/

A cloud floated across the sky,

She led the rain with her.

He walked on thin legs

In small black galoshes.

The rain patted the roof,

Walked along the path

I traced it on the porch,

Trampled in a dark puddle

And he sped off.

/the game can be played 2 times/

Music director: The rain stopped and clouds appeared.

/finger game/

Clouds, clouds,

curly sides,

Whole, holey,

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

And one cloud looked like a horse.

The tongue sat on a horse made of clouds and galloped off.

/children click their tongues/

The horse brought the tongue to the clearing.

And there is a baby jumping there - not an animal, not a little bird. Who is this?

Children: frog.

Music director: Correct!

/reads a poem with the children/

  1. Here's a frog along the path/children say average

Jumps with legs outstretched voice/

Kwa, kwa, kwa

Kwa, kwa, kwa

  1. From a puddle to a mound/ squeak /

Yes, jump after the midge,

Kwa, kwa, kwa

Kwa, kwa, kwa

  1. She doesn't want to eat anymore/low voice/

Jump again into your swamp.

Kwa, kwa, kwa

Kwa, kwa, kwa

Music director: As soon as the frog galloped off into the swamp, in a clearing, in a meadow, the tongue heard

""Mu-u-u"". Who was that mooing? That's right, cows. Each cow moos in its own way, each cow has its own coloration of voice.

Listen, I’ll sing you a teasing song about a cow.

/music hand sings a teaser song/

Music director: let's sing it together.

Now let's play the song. Now we will move around the hall, filling the space, and sing a song. As soon as it ends, we show each other our horns, butt heads, and each “cow” moos in its own way.

/music hand praises children; the children perform the song again.

Then the music director suggests “mooing”, like “mooing”

cow"" at Vladik's, at Artem's./

Music director: Well done, played well!

Oh, guys, look, there is a little mansion, and a cat is walking importantly at the gate.

/song ""The cat is walking at the gate""

children sing a song showing the movement of the melody with their hands.

Then they sing this tune several more times. /

Music director: I wonder who lives in the tower? Who is the cat guarding?

/musical fragment “Baba Yaga” plays/

Children: Baba Yaga!

/music hand offers to sing a song, perform appropriate movements with hands, facial expressions, and feet.

Dance game "Grandma Ezhka"/

Music director: Baba Yaga Tongue and the guys did not catch up. Tongue ran further and saw a lot of soap bubbles, and he really wanted to play with them.

Do you guys want to play with a balloon?

/Finger game-song “Balloon” by E. Zheleznova/

Music director: Tongue had enough of playing with a balloon, rested and decided to sing a song. Come on, guys, and we will sing together with him.

/music hands shows a pictogram for the song "Beetle".

Children learn and perform.

Music director suggests recognizing the 2nd song by its melody.

The children sing the second song./

Music director: Our tongue is tired. He wanted to sleep. He locked the door, lay down in bed and fell silent.

So the fairy tale about Tongue ends.

And our lesson came to an end.

Guys, what did you like about today's lesson?

Let's say goodbye to each other until our next meeting, guys.

/children sing: “Do-svi-da-ni-ya”/

(Based on the lesson notes of I.V. Permyakova, preschool educational institution No. 144, Perm)

Program content:

  • Teach children to pronounce the sound “M”, “M”; consolidate correct pronunciation words with the sound “Y”; prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds.
  • Develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing, activate adjectives. Strengthen children's knowledge about animals and develop coherent speech skills.
  • Cultivate interest in the sound of speech, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Preliminary work: Learn a tongue twister with your children.

Distressed Magpie

Returning from class:

I spent the entire lesson chatting with the jay.

And she returned home with a deuce. (V. Dmitrieva.)

Material: toys - bear, fox cubs (of different sizes); pictures - snake, hedgehog, tree, ant; Explain to children what a “Zoo” is, show illustrations.



Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And together with Tongue, we will go to the zoo: we will depict all the animals that Tongue will meet there. So Tongue came to the zoo and saw that someone was sitting in the pond - as big as a mountain and his mouth was opening wide. It was... (children's answers). Let us turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.

Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of 5, then close it. Repeat 3-4 times.

Open your mouth wider

Let's play hippos

Let's open our mouth wide

Like a hungry hippo

You can't close it

I count to five

And then we'll shut our mouths

A hippopotamus is resting. (O. Perova.)

Tongue looked at the hippopotamus, and just wanted to go further, when he heard: qua-a-a, qua-a-a. It was... (children's answers). Let's pretend the frogs are smiling.

Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of 5. Then return your lips to their original position. Repeat three to four times.

We imitate frogs

Pull your lips straight to your ears

You are now pulling your lips -

I'll see your teeth.

We will pull, we will stop

And we won’t get tired no matter how much. (M. Sinitsina.)

Oh, who's the big one with the long nose?... (Children's answers.)

Let's show what a long trunk an elephant has!

Description of the exercise:

Pull your closed lips forward and hold until you count 5.

And then he took water into his trunk and began to water the baby elephant.

Description of the exercise:

Extend your lips forward with a straw and draw in some water, smacking your lips slightly as you do so.

I'm getting some water

And I water the kids

I will imitate the elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place. (M. Sinitsina.)

A physical education session “The animals went to water” is held.

Hot day, forest path

The animals went to water.

A calf tramped after the mother moose,

A bear cub followed the mother bear,

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox,

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,

Behind the mother hare - slanting hares,

Mother wolf led the wolf cubs

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Children depict the habits of animals)

Then the teacher shows a picture with a bear cub.

Who is this?

Children's answers.

Look at this little bear and tell me what kind of eyes he has?

What ears?

What paws?

Tell me, what kind of bear is this?

What can he do?

Our Teddy Bear is black, what can we call it?

This little bear came to visit us from the forest. He is big, shaggy, he has sparkling eyes, round ears, and thick paws. Blackie can growl. The bear cub has a friend. Show a picture of a little fox. This is... (children's answers).

Where does the little fox live?

What are his eyes, ears, tail, what can he do, what can he be called?

Who can tell a little fox how good and beautiful he is? Children talk.

Now let's see if you are attentive?

Is this true or not?

An adult reads a poem, and a child identifies mistakes.

Brown bear lay down in the spring

Sleep in a den under a pine tree.

Hot summer in the meadow

Hares jumped in the snow.

We are on the aspen tree in winter

They collected oranges.

Drops are ringing outside the window -

Autumn knocked on the door.

4 fairy tales about the Happy Tongue (articulation gymnastics)

In order for the child to willingly perform articulatory gymnastics from time to time, I propose to carry it out in a fun, attractive form for the child of the fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue.” Every time you start a lesson, you can tell a new fairy tale, and also come up with your own, which will be an additional incentive and will quickly lead to the desired result!

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

“Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. He had a house. The house was very interesting. What kind of house is this? This is the mouth. That's what an interesting little house Cheerful Tongue had. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? Lips. But, besides one door, this house has a second door. (We smile and shows the child his teeth). What is the name of this door? Teeth. But in order to see the second door, you need to learn how to open the first door correctly. (We smile, showing the upper and lower teeth).

One day Merry Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe fresh air. First, the first door opened (we open our lips and invite the child to do the same), and then the second. And the tongue stuck out, but not all of it, just the tip. Tongue appeared and hid - it was cold outside, summer had passed.

In the house of the Merry Tongue there is a bed where he sleeps. (We draw the child’s attention to how calmly the tongue lies). Let's not wake him up yet, let Tongue sleep. Let's close the second door first, and then the first.

Our Tongue is very cheerful, he loves to have fun and jump. Yes, jump so much that you reach the ceiling and click. (We draw the child’s attention to the fact that the ceiling is the sky. We ask you to stroke the sky with your tongue).

The next day, Tongue decided to check again whether it had become warmer. When all the doors were open, Tongue looked out, looked left, right, up, down, and feeling that it was getting colder, he went into his house. First one door closed, and then the second. (We show the described exercises). That's the whole fairy tale about the Merry Tongue.

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

The mouth is a house, lips are doors.

Who lives in this house?
In this house, my friend,

Cheerful Tongue lives.

Oh, and he's a smart boy,

And a little naughty.
(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise “Arrow”.)

Our Cheerful Tongue
He turned on his side.
Looks left, looks right...
And then forward again,
Take a little rest here.
(Exercises “Clock”, “Snake”.)

Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Sunbathing on the porch.
(Exercise “Smile”, “Sting”, “Arrow”.)

Lying on the porch

He ran to the swing.

He flew up boldly...

But it's time to get down to business.
(Exercises “Spatula”, “Swing”.)

He hurried to his yard,

To fix the fence.

He quickly got down to business

And the work began to boil.
(Exercise “Fence”.)

Nails, hammer and pliers -

Things a carpenter needs.

The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"

He is tongue's best friend.
(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, tap on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t” repeatedly.)

There's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

The tassel began to dance,

Our fence is unrecognizable.

(Exercise “Painter”.)

Our tongue finished the job.
He can rest safely
- I'll take my horse for a walk,
I'll play the harmonica for her.
I'm playing football
And I'll score a goal.
Very difficult task -
Drive the ball into the goal.
(Exercises “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Football”.)

The sun hid behind the mountain,

The tongue went home.

He locked the door.

He lay down in bed and fell silent.

(Exercises “Slide”, “Spatula”.)

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. Do you have a tongue? Show me. Merry Tongue had a house. The house is very interesting. What kind of house is this? Did you guess it? This is the mouth. That's what an interesting house Cheerful Tongue had. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? Lips. Show me where your lips are. Do you see them in the mirror? But besides one door, this house has a second door. (Here you should smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible.) What is the name of this door? Teeth. Show your teeth. Look at them in the mirror.

One day, Merry Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe some fresh air. First the first door opened. Show me how it opened. Yes, it remained open. Don't close the first door until I tell you to. (Normally, a child can hold this position for 5-6 seconds without twitching or pushing, the corners of the lips are stretched symmetrically.) Now let’s close the first door. We'll open it again. Let's close. (Repeat this exercise 3-4 times. Normally, the child performs the movement with full amplitude, without attenuation, easily, smoothly, quite quickly.) The doors to the Fun Tongue’s house opened, and he stuck out, but not the whole thing, just the tip. Tongue appeared and hid - it was cold outside.

In the house of the Merry Tongue there is a bed where he sleeps. Look how peacefully he sleeps. (The tongue lies spread out at the bottom of the mouth, without tubercles, calmly, motionless.) Let your tongue sleep just as peacefully. Don't wake him until I tell you to. (This position is also maintained by the child normally for 5-6 seconds without jolts and twitches, the side edges of the tongue are located symmetrically.) Let’s close the second door first, and then the first.

Our Tongue is very cheerful, he loves to have fun, jump, sometimes even reaches the ceiling. The ceiling in Tongue's house is called the palate. Let your tongue reach the ceiling and stroke the roof of your mouth. Now let the tongue reach the ceiling and sit there for a while. (The movement should be performed only by the tongue, without auxiliary movements of the lips and lower jaw. The mouth is wide open. Calmly, without twitching, the tongue is held at the top for 5-6 seconds.) Then the Cheerful Tongue went down and again jumped up to the ceiling. Came down. Jumped up... (The exercise is repeated several times. Normally, the child immediately finds the correct position of the tongue, performs the movements easily, quickly, with full amplitude.) The tongue jumped up, got tired and went to sleep. Let him rest a little.

The next day, Tongue decided to check again whether it had become warmer. When all the doors were open, Tongue looked out, looked left, right, up, down (the child must know the directions of movement of the tongue, immediately find the right position, try to complete them in full), felt that it became colder and went into his house. First one door closed, and then the second. That's the whole tale about the Merry Tongue.

The Tale of the Tongue.

From the book: A. S. Anishchenkova " Articulation gymnastics "

This little friend -

Your funny tongue.

So that he is dexterous, skillful,

To listen to you

Do exercises every day

In front of the mirror, just kidding!

Our fairy tale is a hint for you,

After all, exercise every day

Must do naughty Tongue,

Forgetting about laziness.

Tongue woke up

Looked out the window.

He sees: she arched her back

Pink cat.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, arch the back of your tongue. Hold in this position for a count of 5.

Spread out a rug

There is a tongue on the porch.

He took pliers

Took an ax

And he went to repair the fence.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5 - -10.

D - d - d - d - d - d - hammer knocks

T - t - t - t - t - t - here's a hammered nail.

The sun is shining in the morning - it's time to visit your aunt!

Smile, open your mouth. Tap the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the combination of sounds “dddd” and “tttt”

Aunt Cheek

Waiting for his nephew

Pancakes with poppy seeds

It's baking for lunch.

I cooked porridge, made tea,

I even opened a jar of jam.

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five - five - five”

On a horse on the road

The tongue jumps,

And the horse's hooves -

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

It goes uphill slowly:

Clack clack clack clack clack.

And from the mountain it rushes like an arrow:

Clack - clack - clack - clack - clack.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and flick your tongue with the tip. Slowly at first, then faster.

Auntie niece

He greets you cheerfully.

Tea for him with jam

He immediately offers it.

Oh, how delicious

Sweet jam,

Yes, and semolina porridge -

Simply delicious -

Yum - yum - yum - yum.

Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from left to right and from top to bottom.

Under the window - blah, blah, blah -

The turkeys are chatting.

Turkey speech

Nobody understands.

Turkeys on a swing

They nod cheerfully.

Ride Tongue

"Blah, blah!" - they offer.

Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then increase the tempo and turn on the voice until the combination “Bl – bl – bl” (“chatterbox”) is heard.

Come on, kids, with the Tongue

Let's ride together!

Let's play train

And we’ll smile: “And - y! And - y! And - y!”

Part your lips in a wide smile, then stretch them into a tube. Alternate 6 times.

Give Tongue a pipe

And five more balls

Roll the mosquitoes!

Inflating the balloons:

"Sit down, mosquitoes!"

Invite the child to pronounce the sound “shhh” for a long time. Pay attention to the fact that when pronouncing the sound “sh” the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, and the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Here's an interesting game -

Air Kolobok.

Roll from cheek to cheek

Not everyone could do it.

Open your mouth slightly, press your tongue against your cheeks one by one, “squeezing out” the balls.

Oh, it's dark

All around

Strong whirlwind

He suddenly got up.

The tongue fluttered

Trembling and crackling:

Brrr - brrr - brrr...

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and blow on it forcefully, causing the tip of your tongue to vibrate. Perform for 10 seconds.

Oh, our tongue is tired,

He lay down on his side in the bed;

Five - five - five - five - five - five

Let's all have a rest, friends!

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say: “five – five – five.” Perform the exercise for 10 seconds.

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