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CUTS CUTS - part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what “CUTS” are in other dictionaries:

    Part of the land used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Cut-offs were generally made if the allotment exceeded the maximum limit established by the Regulations on February 19, 1861, and amounted to approx. 18%... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CUTS, part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Produced if the allotment exceeded the highest standard established by the Regulations of 19.2.1861, and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform... ... Russian history

    Part of the land used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Cuts were mainly made if the allotment exceeded the highest standard established by the Regulations of February 19, and amounted to about 18%... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Land that peasants in Russia lost as a result of the peasant reform of 1861 (See Peasant reform of 1861). O. could be produced from allotment land (see Allotment land use), which was in the use of landowners ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Lands cut off in Russia by landowners from peasants when drawing up charter documents according to the Regulations of February 19. 1861. Reduction of the cross. allotments were made if the allotment exceeded the highest or specified norm. The allotment could be reduced in the case... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Mn. Plots of peasant land seized by landowners during the abolition of serfdom. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    segments- part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants... Large legal dictionary

    Proportional segments are segments whose lengths are proportional. The ratio of segments AB and CD is the ratio of their lengths, that is. They say that the segments AB and CD are proportional to the segments and, if. For example, segments AB and CD, lengths ... ... Wikipedia

    division into segments- Assigning torchbearers to specific segments of the relay. [Department linguistic services Organizing Committee "Sochi 2014". Glossary of terms] EN slotting Process of assigning torchbearers to predetermined slots. [Department... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Formed by a single face on each of the crystallographic axes. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia


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Sections: History and social studies

The role and place of the topic in the course:

The theme of the peasant reform of 1861. - one of the most difficult to study the 19th century. for a number of reasons. Firstly, it requires knowledge of how the agrarian revolution took place in other countries. Secondly, we must remember all the terms related to the agrarian issue and studied earlier: subsistence farming; quitrent; corvee; estate; serfs, appanages, state peasants etc. Thirdly, it is necessary to know how attitudes towards the abolition of serfdom in Russia changed during the 18th-19th centuries. Fourthly, a significant number of new terms appear that are difficult to remember: buyout operation; temporarily obligated state; sharecropping; working off; segments.

Questions explored in the previous topic:

On the eve of the abolition of serfdom
- Abolition of serfdom. Activities of editorial commissions.

Studying the preliminary preparation of the reform will help students to better understand the reform itself, to understand that the outcome of historical events, in addition to objective economic factors, is influenced by the alignment of political forces, the strength of the position of state leaders and their opponents.

Key questions of the new topic:

Peasant reform.
- Redemption operations.
- Attitude of peasants to reform. Peasant revolts.
- The meaning and results of the reform.

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce students to the reform of the abolition of serfdom, find out its main provisions, implications for the development of the country, evaluate the reform;
  • Conduct a historical analysis of literary works;
  • Develop skills in working with documents and static data, summarize the material, highlight the main thing.

New terms and dates:

February 19, 1861 - “Manifesto on the liberation of the landowner peasants”; “Regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom”; temporarily obliged peasants; segments; cuttings; “higher”, “lower” norms of allotment; gratuitous allotment; conciliator; charter, transfer to buyout.

Technical support:

multimedia computers, multimedia projector and screen.


map “Abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861.”
- “Great encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius."
- Lessons National history Cyril and Methodius. XIX-XX centuries

Peasant reform

IN Russia XIX V. - This is the century of decomposition of feudal relations that delayed the development of capitalism. And the main feudal remnant was serfdom. Let us remember how the Russian emperors treated the topic of liberation of the peasants. Catherine the Great was the first to realize the need to abolish serfdom, but did not undertake anything serious, since she herself admitted that “to fight serfdom means to lose the throne.” Alexander I not only realized, but also made the first attempts to resolve the peasant issue. Remember the decree on “free cultivators” of 1803, as well as the abolition of serfdom in the Baltic states. Nicholas I’s policy on the peasant issue was called “running on the spot” due to the fact that, despite large number laws, there was no real movement towards the abolition of serfdom. Nikolai Pavlovich then said: “I, of course, am autocratic and autocratic, but I will never dare to take such a measure.”

The signing of legislative acts on the abolition of serfdom was timed to coincide with February 19, the sixth anniversary of the accession of Alexander II to the throne.

Write on the board and in your notebook:

1.) “Manifesto on the liberation of landowner peasants from serfdom.”

2.) “Regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom.

“Regulations” February 19, 1861 Included 17 legislative acts in which the entire procedure for liberation was written in detail. According to the Manifesto, serfs immediately received personal freedom without ransom, that is, they ceased to be the property of the landowner.

What power over the peasants did the landowner lose? (The landowner could no longer sell, mortgage, or gift the peasant with his family or separately from it.)

Peasants received civil rights.

Think about what rights the peasants now have?

Write on the board and in a notebook.

Civil rights:

1) carry out transactions with movable and immovable property (purchase, sale, etc.

2) open commercial and industrial enterprises;

3) speak on your own behalf in court;

4) cannot be subjected to corporal punishment except by a court verdict or a lawful order of the authorities placed over them;

5) move to other classes.

Serfs were freed with land. However, the Manifesto stated that landowners retained ownership of all land owned by them. Consequently, the peasant had to buy the land.

– Did the peasant have sufficient funds to buy the land? ( No.)

Before the peasants switch to ransom, i.e. Before the start of the redemption operation, the peasants were temporarily obligated, i.e. had to fulfill all their duties to the landowner.

Write on the board and in your notebook:

A temporarily obligated peasant is a personally free peasant, forced to fulfill all his duties to the landowner before transferring to the redemption.

To respect the interests of different groups of landowners, in the black earth and non-black earth provinces the per capita allotment was higher, and after the reform, approximately the same amount of land remained in the use of the peasants as before the reform. On the contrary, in the Chernozem region the standards for per capita were greatly reduced. When recalculating such an allotment extra lands peasant societies were “cut off.” The “cuts” often became lands needed by peasant communities – watering holes, meadows.

They were forced to rent it from landowners.

– what is the reason for this difference? (In the black earth provinces, the main wealth is land, the main income comes from its cultivation. Therefore, the landowners sought to retain most of the land and, moreover, to keep the peasants as workers on the land.)

Entry in notebooks:

Cut-offs are part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Made if the allotment exceeded the highest standard established by the Regulations of February 19, 1861;

Prirezki - land that was added to the peasant allotment upon liberation, if it was less than the lowest norm.

Working with the circuit

Students look at the diagram and answer the questions:

In which areas were peasant plots reduced and in which were they increased?

Do you think that most of the peasants in Russia had their plots increased or decreased? (Reduced - usually from 1/3 to 1/5 of the allotment.)

What does this ratio mean? (That for most of the peasants this meant that the already existing shortage of land became even worse.)

Since 1863, the implementation of redemption transactions began.

The redemption procedure could only begin on February 19, 1863. The allotted two years were necessary, in the opinion of the authorities, to prepare the final implementation of the “Regulations”.

It is known that in 1881, 15% of the former serfs were not transferred to redemption, that is, they were temporarily liable. In 1881, a “Regulation” was issued on the mandatory transfer of the remaining peasants for ransom.

Why do you think the peasants’ transition to ransom took so long? (Without the consent of the landowner, the peasant could not proceed to the buyout, and some of the landowners were interested in preserving the existing system of exploitation of the peasantry. On the other hand, not all peasants had the necessary funds to begin the buyout operation.)

Remember what a peasant allotment is? (A plot of land provided for the use of a peasant by landowners or the state for various duties (allotment land use). After the peasant reform of 1861 it became communal property.)

On February 19, 1861, Tsar Alexander 2 signed a manifesto on the abolition of serfdom and the “Regulations” on the new structure of the peasants.

According to the “Regulations of February 19,” peasants were declared personally free. Landowners could no longer sell, buy, donate, exchange or mortgage them. Peasants received the right to own movable and immovable property, engage in trade and crafts, be hired, and move to other classes.

But the peasants received incomplete civil rights. They were included in the category of the so-called “tax-paying estates” and were obliged to pay the poll tax introduced by Peter 1, bear conscription duties, etc. Corporal punishment was retained for peasants.

Peasant plots and plots.

The main issue of the reform - the question of land - was resolved in a serf-like manner. All the land that peasants had cultivated for centuries was declared the property of the landowners. Peasants could receive a plot of land only for “permanent use” in exchange for services.

To determine the size of the land plot according to the “Regulations of February 19”, the Great Russian and part of the Ukrainian and Belarusian provinces were divided into three stripes: non-chernozem, chernozem and steppe. Each of them established special allotment standards.

In the black earth zone, where the land was especially fertile, the peasants received much less of it than they had before the reform. The lands taken from the peasants were called sections. In 21 black earth provinces, plots accounted for more than 26% of pre-reform peasant land use. Particularly large sections were produced by landowners in the south and southeast: in the Samara province - 41.8%, in the Saratov province - 42.4%. In some estates the percentages reached 70 - 80%. In the non-chernozem zone they were somewhat less - 9.9%. In total, landowners took over 18% of the land from peasants in Russia.

The best lands went to the landowners. Peasant plots included “sands”, swamps, ravines, bushes, etc. Landowners' lands were usually wedged into strips of peasant lands and cut them into pieces. The landowners used the strips and stripes to enslave the peasants.

The reform also allowed for the landless emancipation of peasants. Households, peasants belonging to landless nobles, and some peasants from small estates did not receive allotments at all. Former serf workers of patrimonial factories, craftsmen of state-owned mining factories and those assigned to private factories on the right of possession either did not receive land at all or received it in the most insignificant quantities.

The main issue of the reform - the question of land - was resolved in a serf-like manner. All the land that peasants had cultivated for centuries was declared the property of the landowners. Peasants could receive a plot of land only for “permanent use” in exchange for services.

To determine the size of the land plot according to the “Regulations of February 19”, the Great Russian and part of the Ukrainian and Belarusian provinces were divided into three stripes: non-chernozem, chernozem and steppe. Each of them established special allotment standards.

In the black earth zone, where the land was especially fertile, the peasants received much less of it than they had before the reform. The lands taken from the peasants were called sections. In 21 black earth provinces, plots accounted for more than 26% of pre-reform peasant land use. Particularly large sections were produced by landowners in the south and southeast: in the Samara province - 41.8%, in Saratov - 42.4%. In some estates the segments reached 70 – 80%. In the non-chernozem zone they were slightly less - 9.9%. In total, landowners took over 18% of the land from peasants in Russia.

The best lands went to the landowners. Peasant plots included “sands”, swamps, ravines, bushes, etc. Landowners' lands were usually wedged into strips of peasant lands and cut them into pieces. The landowners used the strips and stripes to enslave the peasants.

The reform also allowed for the landless emancipation of peasants. Households, peasants belonging to landless nobles, and some peasants from small estates did not receive allotments at all. Former serf workers of patrimonial factories, craftsmen of state-owned mining factories and those assigned to private factories on the right of possession either did not receive land at all or received it in the most insignificant quantities.

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A woman in an ancient Russian and medieval family (IX – XVI centuries)
For most of her life, a woman from the 9th to the 16th centuries. spent with the family. Meanwhile, about many sides family life, the usual needs and concerns, the ideas of the Russians, we still do not know enough. How, for example, did a person understand early Middle Ages moral standards? What was the marriage ritual and family life like? How was the relationship between the spouses...

Capture of Russian lands by the Tatar-Mongols
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Popov Mikhail. Vylgort


Sections - part of those in use peasants the best lands cut off after peasant reform 19 FW 1861 in favor landowners(up to 20% of peasants allotments), to force the peasants rent land from landowners. Relatively Komi edge, then formally there has long existed here communal form of peasant land use. Its boundaries changed, but its character remained the same. State, having allocated plots to the communities, did not subsequently interfere in land affairs and the routines of the communities. It cared only about obtaining through the community the appropriate taxes And quitrents.

The community, in turn, once allocated to its members plots of arable land, haymaking and other lands according to the number audit souls, no longer interfered with how they use these lands. Periodic redistribution of land for her equalizing distributions typical for Great Russian communities on the territory of the Komi region in the first half of the 19th century. were not actually carried out. Although the government undertook attempts to introduce them already from the 18th century. Redistributions occurred only in isolated cases, coincided with revisions, and took a very imperfect form.

The southwestern part of Komi is an area of ​​developed agriculture

As a rule, they were carried out without corresponding sentences, on the basis of an oral agreement and most often came down to additional allotments or sections of land. Individual verdicts on redistribution have been found only since the 1850s, and sometimes these were verdicts against redistribution. Thus, the peasants of the Pazhginsky tax plot Vylgortsky volost in the verdict dated 6 FV 1862 they wrote: “All householders unanimously expressed their consent to the inherited General Survey tax land according to the number of registered souls,

on the occasion of their ownership, they are subject to payment of state taxes and other duties according to convenience and proportionality, and therefore now they do not want to split up such lands according to the number of souls; they continue to own them among themselves as before, because has no attraction to the ownership of taxable land."

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