Health-saving technologies in the educational process. Health-saving technologies in educational institutions Management of a health-saving educational environment

Priority directions The activities of any preschool educational institution are: creating conditions for preserving the mental and physical health of each child, ensuring the emotional well-being of children, providing pedagogical support for the preservation and development of the individuality of each child. All this represents a health-preserving environment for a kindergarten or a health-preserving space.




Preserving the health of modern children is an urgent problem. The significance of this problem is defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Our preschool educational institution also bears its share of responsibility for the current situation. Therefore, the priority goal of working in a preschool educational institution is: raising a physically healthy and socially adapted child, ensuring his mental well-being, as well as developing responsibility for his health in a preschooler. And the role of the teacher at our preschool institution is to organize a pedagogical process that preserves the health of each student. IN kindergarten All conditions within our control have been created in order to help every child become physically and mentally healthy, multifaceted, joyful and happy. In this regard, a special place is given to health-preserving activities, which ensure the direction of the educational process. The work of a health-preserving education system is based on an integrated systematic approach.

The implementation of educational tasks in a preschool educational institution is carried out in close connection with health-improving tasks. The harmonious physical and mental development of the child is facilitated by a flexible daily routine, which implies: a dynamic daily routine for children, a flexible work schedule for specialists and all service personnel. All activities are designed to preserve and strengthen the health of each student. In order to prevent a reduction in the duration of the morning walk, we allow partial use of the time of one of the classes for health-improving procedures. And in order to prevent children from lagging behind in mastering program material, their lack of knowledge is made up for in the process of individual work, both in the premises and on the kindergarten site. The implementation of health-saving work in full has created an urgent need to find the most appropriate forms of organizing other types of activities throughout the day.

Morning walks are not only held after finishing educational activities, but also before the start of educational activities, immediately after breakfast. To carry out health-improving work, the content of educational activities, the time of which is partially used to carry out procedures for individual children, is facilitated. The teacher plans in advance and takes into account the schedule for the procedures and the number of children who need them.

One of the areas of health-preserving activities of a kindergarten is the rational organization of the educational process. To carry out therapeutic, recreational and correctional activities that would not disrupt educational activities, we have developed an appropriate daily routine. Educational activities in kindergarten are carried out in the mode of changing dynamic poses, for which easels and massage mats are used. The child can sit for part of the educational activity, and stand for part, thereby maintaining his vertical posture. The most important feature of all educational activities is that they are carried out in the mode of using visual educational and didactic material, constant visual search and performing tasks that activate children with the help of “moving mobiles” - crosses. The problem of child overload is solved by organizing subgroup, individual work with children, and introducing thematic days (Game Days, Health Days).

The most complete solution to the problems of a preschool institution is facilitated by the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process, which are a set of conceptually interrelated teaching methods and techniques, focused on the development of the child, taking into account the preservation and strengthening of his health. In the process of educational activities, elements of health-saving technologies are used, which helps to cultivate the child’s interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children. Purposeful work on improving finger movements is known to be very useful and important for preparing the hand for writing, because “Children’s talents” are at their fingertips, so finger games are used for children’s speech development. To develop self-control and voluntary regulation in educational communication activities, breathing exercises are used, which are used to correct various speech anomalies. Visual gymnastics is used justifiably when various types activities and extensive use of visuals. Relaxation exercises are used during classes to relax and relieve stress. Sand therapy is successfully used in younger groups, thanks to which children develop their horizons, speech, improve coordination of movements, finger motor skills and improve the well-being of children. The use of all the above educational technologies is carried out taking into account age, gender, individual characteristics children, as well as health conditions. Comprehensive systematic work on the use of health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of each student, helps improve the quality of education, reduce morbidity and develop strong motivation in children for a healthy lifestyle, leads to an increase in health reserves and facilitates the child’s adaptation to school stress .

Thus, in our kindergarten, the implementation of a health-saving system of educational process is aimed at developing the physical, mental and social health of a graduate of a preschool educational institution.


The health of children and adolescents is the most pressing problem and a subject of primary importance, since it determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society. The state of health of the population of Russia, according to official statistics and the results of epidemiological studies, has deteriorated significantly in recent decades and its further deterioration should be expected unless the conditions affecting health are significantly changed in a favorable direction. Highest value factors related to lifestyle and the environment.

The growing body of a child is especially sensitive to the influence of environmental factors, as well as to the deficiency of vital nutrients and microelements. Simultaneously with negative impact environmental and economic crises, the growing population of the country is adversely affected by many risk factors that occur in educational institutions. At the same time, the health of the children's population, on the one hand, is sensitive to impacts, on the other hand, it is quite inert in nature: the gap between the impact and the result can be significant, reaching several years.

In preschool age, a significant proportion of modern children (68%) experience multiple functional impairments, 17% of children acquire chronic diseases, and only one child out of three remains healthy. Thus, the reduced initial level of health of 6-7 year old children starting systematic schooling significantly worsens their chances of successfully receiving an education.

The identified health problems of modern children and adolescents require close attention not only from medical workers, but also from teachers, parents, and the public. A special place and responsibility in this health-improving process is given to the educational system, which can and should make the educational process health-saving.

In this regard, the creation of an experimental site in a preschool educational institution that implements forms and methods of health-saving technologies used in educational institutions makes it possible to develop and test a regional model of a health-preserving environment in an educational institution.

The main goal of the experimental site is to design a model of a health-saving environment that provides conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of a child based on the use of modern health-saving technologies in education.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:

  • Formation of a health-preserving infrastructure of a preschool educational institution.
  • Carrying out medical and preventive activities to ensure the preservation and strengthening of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel of preschool educational institutions in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  • Organization of physical education health activities aimed at physical development and promoting children's health.
  • Organization of sports and gaming activities that ensure the development of the need for movement and an active lifestyle.
  • Implementation of educational health-preserving activities in order to foster a culture of health in preschool children.
  • Implementation of socio-psychological activities aimed at ensuring the socio-emotional well-being of preschool children.
  • Carrying out outreach activities, including work with families and preschool staff.

The activities of the experimental site are carried out in the following areas:

  • Research
  1. Design and testing of a model of systemic integrated work to preserve and promote health in a preschool educational institution.
  2. Monitoring the development of children in a health-preserving environment.
  3. Organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables and other forms of joint scientific activity.
  • Organizational and methodological
  1. Formation of the experimental site council and ensuring its functioning.
  2. Formation of a creative community of teachers who use the principles of health conservation in their work in educational institutions.
  3. Creation of a scientific and methodological council on the activities of the experimental site on the basis of the MDOU Child Development Center-kindergarten No. 28 “Zhemchuzhinka” in Sayanogorsk.
  4. Providing scientific and methodological assistance to teachers of MDOU Child Development Center-kindergarten No. 28 “Zhemchuzhinka” and parents on the use of health-saving technologies in teaching and upbringing.
  5. Creation of master classes on modeling a health-preserving microenvironment that ensures the preservation and promotion of health in preschool educational institutions.
  • Advisory
  1. Providing assistance to parents on child development issues.
  2. Providing additional services to the population and teachers on diagnostics and correction of the physical, sensory, motor and psychophysiological development of children.

The following results indicate the effectiveness of the experimental site:

  • the presence in preschool educational institutions of systematic and comprehensive work to preserve and strengthen the health of children (models of a health-preserving environment);
  • creation of a valeological model of a preschool educational institution graduate;
  • stable indicators of the level of physical development and physical fitness of children, their state of health and emotional well-being; positive dynamics in the development of children at risk;
  • positive attitude of children towards themselves and others;
  • development, implementation and dissemination of accumulated experience in modeling a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions (scientific and methodological articles in collections of republican, Russian and international conferences, reports at regional and republican conferences, participation in competitions, teaching materials, teachers’ reports on work, etc.);
  • increasing the level of professional skills of teachers based on implementation individual programs professional development.

Thus, the experimental activities of preschool educational institutions make it possible to comprehensively and systematically solve the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children using health-saving technologies.


Pereksina N.P., senior teacher

We must learn to use our knowledge in such a way

so that they contribute to achieving our goals.

N. Enkelman

Modeling a health-preserving system in a preschool educational institution required solving complex problems:

  • Determination of the basic principles of organizing health-preserving activities of teachers.
  • Organization of work to protect the health of children in a preschool educational institution.
  • Creating conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the health-preserving system.
  • Development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the implemented health-saving system.

A scientific approach to health-improving activities is the opening in 2007 of a municipal experimental site on the topic “Medical, psychological and pedagogical support for children from 2 to 7 years old.”

The main activities of the preschool educational institution:

  • Organizational – organization of a health-preserving educational process of a health-preserving space in a preschool educational institution.
  • Sports and recreational – motor – educational activities, diagnostics of the development of physical qualities, health-saving technologies.
  • Therapeutic – immunotherapy, vitamin therapy.
  • Preventive – hardening measures, compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime and daily routine.

A health-saving pedagogical system is a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for maintaining, strengthening and developing the physical, intellectual and social health of all its subjects.

Work plan of preschool educational institution No. 28 “Pearl”

to create a health-saving pedagogical system


Actions (events)



Optimization of the educational process, strengthening its health-preserving and health-forming orientation based on the real connection into a single whole of the processes of training, education and development

  1. Development and implementation of the Development Program “For the Future of Children”
  2. Development and implementation of a health program

"Healthy child"


head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Adjustment of the annual plan, long-term and calendar plans of educators during the inter-diagnostic period in order to improve the content of the health-saving educational process (samples of planning, consultation, control)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Introduction of active health-saving forms of organizing and conducting classes, health-saving methods, technologies


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Implementation of various projects in working with children (using the design method in the activities of preschoolers, intensifying experimental activities with children on health conservation, etc.)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Systematization of individual work with preschool children through a variety of club and sectional work (planning club work, holding exhibitions, creative reports)


Head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Ensuring continuity in health protection of preschool and primary education (focus on the needs of society, joint plans work in order to build a system “today a preschooler, tomorrow a schoolchild”)


Creative group "Neboleyka"

Strengthening children's health through the integrated use of physical education and recreational activities

  1. Prevention of diseases and functional disorders
  2. Optimization of motor activity of preschool children
  3. Correctional work with children
  4. Organization of sports clubs


Head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher,



Forming the readiness of teachers to implement a health-saving approach

  1. Formation among teachers of preschool educational institutions of a holistic system of knowledge about

preschooler's health


Head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Testing and implementation of health-saving programs, projects, methods, and technologies by teachers




  1. Development and use by teachers of diagnostic cards in the main areas of the health-saving educational process; observation of children's activities, test sessions, consultations.


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

Organization of a system of work with parents on health conservation

  1. Advisory and educational work with parents using non-traditional, interactive forms of health conservation


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Involving parents in cooperation in the health care system


Preschool teachers

  1. Organization of the parent club


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Holding joint holidays and other events


Preschool teachers

Creation of an optimal health-preserving educational and methodological environment in the infrastructure of the health-preserving space of preschool educational institutions

  1. Studying, accumulating, summarizing the experience of teachers and creating a bank of educational programs for the implementation of health-saving programs, methods, technologies


Head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher,


  1. Analysis of solving the problem of health conservation in preschool educational institutions in order to create conditions for the development of a preschool child and his maximum self-realization in health conservation (drawing up a work plan in this area)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

  1. Transformation of the subject-developmental environment, taking into account the implemented program in each age group (protection of projects for transforming the developmental environment in all groups) in order to strengthen its health-preserving orientation


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher

  1. Equipment for the methodological laboratory of scientific and methodological literature, variable programs, methods, pedagogical technologies of training and education, teaching aids


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

  1. Creation of an information and innovation bank for a kindergarten, including health-saving programs, methods, technologies used by teachers


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior teacher, teachers

  1. Publication of the collection “Health-saving activities of a preschool educational institution: innovative aspect”


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of preschool educational institution,

senior educator, experimental site council

Criteria for the effectiveness of a health-saving system

The health-preserving system model developed and implemented in a preschool educational institution successfully solves the following health-preserving issues:

  • An optimal developmental infrastructure for a health-preserving space has been created in the preschool educational institution.
  • A comprehensive program has been developed “ Healthy child", the author's program "Give yourself health."
  • An optimal health-preserving subject-development environment has been created for the development of children and their maximum self-realization in health conservation, taking into account the implemented program in each age group.
  • Created efficient system on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries.
  • Various projects have been implemented in working with children (through the use of the “You are a pedestrian” design method and others, the activation of experimental and research activities preschoolers).
  • Parents are involved in active cooperation (through the board of trustees, joint meetings, advisory days “Cooperation”, days open doors, “Family Museum”, “Family Theater”, etc.).
  • The level of theoretical and methodological knowledge of teachers about the implemented programs and technologies for health conservation and technological skills for their implementation has increased.
  • Criteria for the effectiveness of a health-preserving subject-development environment have been developed.
  • Diagnostic cards have been developed in the main areas of the health-saving educational process; questionnaires for parents and teachers.

All of the above is important criteria effectiveness of a health-preserving pedagogical system.

In the process of implementing the comprehensive health program “Healthy Child”, we received positive results - a health-saving model of a preschool educational institution was created based on the integration of all entities involved in educational educational process, by implementing an integrated approach:

  • creating conditions for protecting and strengthening the physical, mental and social well-being of the child;
  • successful adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions;
  • increasing the competence of teachers, parents, children on health issues;
  • increasing the level of physical development of children;
  • reducing the number of children who often suffer from colds;
  • increasing the level of pedagogical reflection of teachers as a component of the teacher’s subjective position in professional activities, their focus on creating their own programs of pedagogical activity;
  • creating a culture of healthy lifestyle for children in the family;
  • improving the quality of education.

Thus, the main mechanism for the health-improving work of a preschool educational institution is the model of a health-preserving system.

Model of a health-saving system

Motor-educational activity

Health work

Preventive and therapeutic measures

Diagnosis of the level of physical development, health and physical fitness

Hardening activities

Corrective work

Active leisure

Organizing healthy nutrition

physical education classes

health-saving technologies

chest massage

diagnostics of the level of physical development



outdoor games

Organization of a second breakfast (juices, fruits)

swimming lesson

Vitamin therapy


medical examination of children in a children's clinic

morning reception of children fresh air, morning exercises, air baths (ventilation)


health days

Introducing vegetables and fruits into lunch and afternoon snacks

musical-rhythmic lessons


Ultrasonic inhalation "Monsoon"

child development diagnostics



health week

Replacement products for children with allergies

morning exercises

rosehip infusion with honey

tube quartz

examination of the psycho-emotional state of children by a teacher-psychologist

swimming in the pool, sauna, contrast shower, extensive washing, rinsing the throat with cool water, rinsing with a decoction of herbs, wiping with a soft mitten soaked in cold water

speech therapist lesson

sports entertainment, holidays, leisure

Drinking regime

wellness hour after sleep


Ural Federal District

examination by a speech therapist

additional hardening measures

anti-drug activities

game day (once a month)

physical education minute

gargling with herbal infusion


self-massage, reflexology therapy, sunbathing, walking barefoot on grass, pine cones, sand, stones, ribbed boards, salt path, spike mats


health running

garlic and onion snacks

section "Blue Lagoon"

eleuthero coccus extract

lubricating the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment

garlic-lemon tincture


“Fear has big eyes,” says the proverb. They are also great among parents who do not dare to place their baby under the care of “someone else’s aunt”, not being sure of his complete safety. Perhaps such mothers and fathers were unlucky with their own kindergarten experience, or perhaps they are simply not sufficiently informed about modern forms of preschool education. school education. All this must be taken into account by teachers who are going to open short-term groups for children attending preschool institutions. Since 2009, our kindergarten has had a short-term adaptation group for children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

The kindergarten is located in a residential area of ​​the city where large number young families with children. Some of these children attend preschool, others are at home with their mother or grandmother. To understand the attitude of parents towards the opening of short-stay groups, we conducted a sociological survey, which showed that the majority of parents are interested in them. Particularly in demand is a group designed for young children to attend together with their mothers in the evening.

First distinctive feature our group is already included in its name - “adaptation”. By enrolling a child in this group, parents understand that the more successful the child’s stay here is, the more calmly he will adapt to kindergarten in the next school year, when he will attend the group without his mother. It is also important that parents meticulously familiarize themselves with the life of the kindergarten throughout the year, so that they can then safely leave their child here.

Of course, the constant presence of parents in the group imposes additional responsibility on the workers not only of this group, but also of the entire team. Love for the child and high professionalism of the employees are the most important condition for the successful functioning of any children's group. But in a short-term group, the teacher must master not only the group of children, but also the team of parents, constantly activating and including them in the process of upbringing and learning. What is needed here is a creative, thinking teacher who not only knows modern educational technologies, but also knows how to apply them depending on the situation.

The goals that we set for ourselves when opening the adaptation group remain the same six years later:

  • creating the prerequisites for a child’s successful adaptation to kindergarten;
  • formation of pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents.

We called our short-term adaptation group “Krokha” for children aged 1.5 to 3 years with evening stay in kindergarten. There are 20 children attending the group. Duration of stay: from 18.00 to 20.00. To organize the work of the “Krokha” group, a creative group was created, which included: an educational psychologist, a teacher, a music director, and a physical education instructor. The work is carried out according to the long-term plan. Various forms of activity are used in working with parents:

  • family study (filling out the child’s individual journal, social questionnaire for parents);
  • parent clubs: “How to prepare a child for admission to a preschool educational institution”, “Development of independence in children in self-care”; individual counseling on parenting issues;
  • entertainment: “Visiting Grandfather Frost”, “April Fool’s Day”.

When we met our first babies and mothers, we encountered some problems. It turned out that many parents do not even suspect that the baby cannot listen to both the teacher and the mother at the same time. Each parent considered it his duty to repeat the teacher’s phrase several times and as loudly as possible so that the child could better understand the meaning of what was said; as a result, the room was filled with a roar of voices in which the child was literally “drowning.” We also came across a different view on the purpose of mother and child being together in a group: some mothers sat comfortably on the sofa in the group room and began discussing various issues with other parents, not paying any attention to their baby! In this regard, we begin work not with the child, but with the mother, explaining her role in this situation. By involving adults in various activities, we strive to create a sense of psychological comfort in the child, arouse interest in the activity and promote emotional interaction between the child and the adult.

Towards the end academic year Parents who attended the adaptation group with their children are completely transformed. They already have an idea of ​​what a child should know and be able to do at this age, and most importantly, how to teach him this. Parents grow in their self-esteem as educators of their own child. They gain confidence in their abilities, and they know exactly what to do with the baby and how to do it.

As a result of this interaction, parents become our active helpers throughout the school year. They are imbued with our concerns and aspirations and know about everything that happens in kindergarten, not from hearsay “from the sandbox,” but from joint activities. Only when the problem of joint activities of parents and children is solved, when parents begin to understand how necessary they are for the full development and upbringing of their child, only then can one be completely confident in the effectiveness of the work of a short-term group in kindergarten.

When children enter a preschool institution, adaptation to new microsocial conditions is accompanied by distinct changes in behavior, vegetative indicators and reactivity of the body. Adverse consequences and disruptions in adaptation can be prevented by using a set of gentle psychoprophylactic measures. However, to implement these measures, it is necessary to diagnose adaptation features as early as possible and predict its course.

To quantitatively characterize individual behavioral and emotional reactions, taking into account their prognostic significance in children from two to three years old who first entered kindergarten, we use the method of point expert assessments. Children entering preschool educational institutions are observed during the day by teachers (in the 1st and 2nd half of the day), who at the end of the day note the manifestations of behavioral and emotional reactions in the child according to 9 indicators (negative emotions, anger, fear, positive emotions, social contacts, cognitive activity, motor activity, sleep, appetite) and write down the corresponding numbers of points on the observation form. Next, the sum of points for the day is calculated, which represents a comprehensive assessment of the child’s condition from the point of view of the prognosis of his adaptation. Each child is observed until full adaptation occurs (+40 points for three days). Along with this, the dynamics of body weight is monitored when the child enters kindergarten and then monthly until full adaptation occurs, as well as the frequency of morbidity and exacerbations of chronic morbidity. Based on a comprehensive assessment, adaptation is considered favorable, conditionally favorable and unfavorable.

Only half of the children admitted to preschool educational institutions experience favorable adaptation. Most often, this nature of the course of adaptation is in 1 younger group observed among children 2 years and 2 years 3 months. At the same time, among children 2 years 6 months. failure of adaptation in the form of illness is more often observed. Unfavorable course of adaptation in children 2 years 6 months old. may be associated with the characteristics of raising children in the family (insufficient socialization), health status. In the 2nd younger group, a favorable course of adaptation is noted more often, which indicates that these children are better prepared for new social conditions.

Among children with unfavorable adaptation, there are children who attend a short-term group before entering kindergarten. These data may reflect violations of the socialization of such children and the desire of parents to compensate for these problems by gradually accustoming the child to teachers, children, and conditions in a preschool educational institution. In this regard, in short-term groups it is necessary to carry out explanatory work with parents on the development of communicative behavior skills in children before entering kindergarten.

An analysis of the course of children's adaptation to preschool education allowed us to establish that the transition to a new routine (eating at lunch, sleep) was accompanied by a decrease in the comprehensive assessment of the child's condition, which indicates difficulties in children's adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. Therefore, before a child enters kindergarten, it is necessary to familiarize parents with the menu of the institution in order to teach the child at home to eat the dishes that will be offered to him in kindergarten. It is advisable to recommend that the mother organize in advance the diet and preparation of dishes in the same way as they do in a preschool educational institution.

Thus, when a child enters a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child (age, communication skills, nature of upbringing in the family, etc.). When analyzing a child’s adaptation to kindergarten, it is important to analyze a comprehensive assessment of the child’s condition on a daily basis in order to exclude the child’s premature transfer to a new regime, which may adversely affect the course of adaptation. Psychological and pedagogical support for a child when adapting to kindergarten should take into account his individual characteristics.


Health so disturbs all other blessings of life,

That a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

A. Schopenhauer

One of the most important links in the national educational initiative “Our new school"is a teacher. In connection with the transition to student-oriented models of education, society’s demands on the teacher’s personality and his role in educational process. The teacher is required to have a creative attitude to work, mastery of pedagogical techniques, and design skills. Personal qualities The teacher, his state of health, professional competence, and the ability to use health-saving pedagogical technologies are put in first place among the factors that can significantly influence the health status of students. Over the past decades, the problem of teacher health in an educational institution has become especially relevant due to the increase in the average age of the teacher and additional workload.

A teacher is the only person who devotes most of his time to teaching and raising children. This requires society to create conditions under which the teacher would perform high-quality professional tasks. The behavior of modern teachers is characterized by increased tension, which results in rudeness, lack of restraint, and shouting. Professional duty obliges the teacher to make informed decisions, overcome outbursts of anger, states of irritability, anxiety, and despair. However, external restraint of emotions when there is a storm going on inside emotional process, does not lead to calm, but on the contrary, increases emotional stress and negatively affects his own health, as well as the psychological health of the pupils.

Health has always been and will be the greatest value for humanity. By and large, health is something that is always lacking and what a person strives for throughout his life. IN lately They talk and write a lot about the phenomenon of professional burnout. In the process of performing any work, people tend to experience physical and neuropsychic stress. It has now been established that specialists who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to carry out numerous and intense contacts with other people are susceptible to professional burnout syndrome. These are the workers social sphere– teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, police officers and managers at various levels.

The teaching profession can be classified as a “risk group” in terms of the frequency of health problems and the severity of ongoing diseases.Pedagogical activity is saturated with various kinds of tense situations and various factors associated with the possibility of increased emotional response. In terms of intensity, a teacher’s workload is on average greater than that of managers, bankers, general directors and presidents of associations, i.e. professionals who work directly with people.

Emotional burnout among professionals is one of the defense mechanisms, expressed in a certain emotional attitude towards their professional activities. Taking into account all the above facts, our team conducted a psychological study teaching staff. The purpose of this study is to determine the range of personal and interpersonal problems in the team, to test in practice a diagnostic package aimed at studying the psychological health of a teacher.

To identify professional burnout syndrome, we used the technique of V.V. Boyko, which made it possible to establish that 24% of teachers are at the stage of formation of emotional burnout, 9.5% have a formed phase of emotional burnout. When studying the degree of “chronic fatigue” of teachers, it was found that 16% of teachers are at the initial stage, 19% of teachers have a pronounced degree and 9% of preschool teachers have a strong degree. Analysis interpersonal relationships in the team by assessing the socio-psychological climate in the team using polar profiles according to the methodology of E.I. Rogova showed that 92% of teachers consider the psychological climate to be positive and rate it as highly favorable.

Teacher-psychologist Lvov Yu.L. calls professional activity after 10-15 years of work the so-called “pedagogical crisis.” We analyzed the teaching activities (experience) of our educators and teachers. The results showed that 26% of teachers have teaching experience of 10-20 years, and 52% of teachers have over 20 years of teaching experience. Along with this, we conducted an analysis of the health status of teachers based on statistical data from a clinical examination in the 2010-11 academic year.

Thanks to the study, we obtained a comprehensive personality profile and a detailed picture of the professional burnout syndrome, which allowed us to determine measures for the prevention and psychocorrection of emotional burnout. Solving the set tasks required the need to formulate and find ways to preserve the health of teachers on the basis of psychological support for teaching activities through the “Teacher’s Health” project. The goal of this project is to ensure the physical and psychological health of teachers through the use of health programs and technologies. The project includes specific group and individual activities to develop skills in regulating psycho-emotional states and correcting personal and interpersonal problems. Such events allow teachers to teach methods of non-traditional treatment and relief of psychophysical stress using various techniques: relaxation, meditation, autogenic training, gymnastics good mood, self-massage, aromatherapy.

Nowadays they write and talk a lot about the psychological health of children, about preventive and correctional work with children who have disorders in the emotional and personal sphere, but before helping children become psychologically healthy, we need to teach teachers to control their emotional state, teach them basic methods of healing, create a favorable climate in the teaching staff.

Methodological development “Health-saving technologies in the educational process”

Author Chikota Olesya Valerievna
Health-saving technologies in lessons and
after school hours……………………………………2
Basic principles of health-saving
Systematics and relationship of health-saving
Today, special measures are needed to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren and to create health-saving learning conditions.
These provisions have recently been included in the most important government documents defining the development strategy
« Modernization concept Russian education for the period until 2020" provides for the creation of conditions for improving the quality general education, and for these purposes, along with other measures, it is planned to optimize the educational, psychological and physical load of students and create conditions in educational institutions for preserving and strengthening the health of students, including through:
real unloading of the content of general education;
usage effective methods training;
promotion specific gravity and quality of classes physical culture;
organizing monitoring of the health status of children and youth;
improving the organization of meals for students in educational institutions;
rationalization of leisure activities, vacation time and summer recreation for children and youth.
The measures proposed in the Concept to protect and improve the health of schoolchildren actually determine the directions for eliminating the main school risk factors and provide for the development and testing of promising models of the health-preserving educational process in educational institutions of various types and types.
Health-saving technologies in lessons and
outside of school hours.

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren is of serious concern to experts. A clear indicator of ill-being is that schoolchildren's health is deteriorating compared with their peers twenty or thirty years ago. Moreover, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs in age periods coinciding with the child receiving general secondary education.
According to the All-Russian clinical examination, by the age of 7-10 years, the proportion of children with the 3rd health group increases by 1.7 times and amounts to 14.9%, and at the age of 15-17 years – 22%, i.e. increases by 2.5 times in relation to children under 1 year of age. In adolescence, every fifth child has a chronic disease or is a disabled child.
The child’s health, his social psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, since more than 70% of his waking time is associated with being in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period the most intensive growth and development occurs, the formation of health for the rest of life, the child’s body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.
According to the Institute age physiology RAO, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health problems, the effects of which are associated with 20-40% negative influences, worsening children's health school age. Research by IWF RAO makes it possible to rank school risk factors in descending order of importance and strength of influence on student health:
stressful pedagogical tactics;
inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;
failure to comply with basic physiological and hygienic requirements for organizing the educational process;
insufficient literacy of parents in matters of maintaining children's health;
failures in the existing system of physical education;
intensification of the educational process;
functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion;
partial destruction of school medical control services;
lack of systematic work to develop the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overloads in schoolchildren, which lead to breakdown of self-regulation mechanisms physiological functions and contribute to the development of chronic diseases. As a result, the existing school education system is health-costly.
Many educators believe that administrators and specially trained professionals should be responsible for preserving and promoting the health of students at school. However, an analysis of school risk factors shows that most student health problems are created and solved during daily practical work teachers, i.e. connected with their professional activity. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves for his own activities in preserving and strengthening the health of students. The lesson remains the main organizational form of educational
process, which directly depends on the teacher. Identification of criteria for health-saving potential school lesson and building a lesson on a health-saving basis is the most important condition for overcoming the health-intensive nature of school education.
Basic principles of health-saving activities.
The effectiveness of the analysis of health-saving activities in school depends on methodological and methodological approaches and is built on the principles developed over the previous decades at the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, namely:
dynamism (repetition);
methodological unity.
Comprehensiveness implies simultaneous coverage of a wide range of indicators that reflect both the state of the educational environment and personal data characterizing the level and nature of academic and extracurricular workload, as well as the individual adaptive capabilities of the student.
Systematicity means the analysis of not only the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the activities of an educational institution, but also (and primarily) the relationships between them, reflecting the structure and effectiveness of the health-preserving activities of a general education institution.
Integrity is a necessary condition for a complete data analysis, implying a comprehensive presentation of the results for each educational institution.
Dynamism (repetition) implies repeated (twice a year - autumn and spring; over a number of years) examination of the same educational institutions, student populations, specific students.
Representativeness (representation) is determined by the requirements of statistics, according to which the reliability of findings and conclusions depends on the size of the sample studied. Representativeness is achieved by surveying sufficiently large student populations.
Methodological unity is an indispensable condition for the comparability of data obtained from different stages research, in different regions, in different educational institutions.
Systematics and interrelation of health-saving technologies. Among the health-saving technologies used in
education system, we can distinguish several groups that use different approaches to health care, and, accordingly, different methods and forms of work:
medical and hygienic technologies (MHT);
physical education and health technologies (PHT);
environmental health-saving technologies (EHT);
technologies for ensuring life safety (LHS);
health-saving educational technology(ZOT);
there are other grounds for classification
health-saving technologies.
Based on the nature of their action, they can be divided into the following groups:
protective and preventive;
informational and educational.
The most generalized possible classification is the identification of 2 types of health-saving technologies – organizational and pedagogical.
The system-forming principle of health-saving pedagogy is the priority of caring for the health of students, within which we can highlight such mandatory conditions as scientific and methodological support for work, selection and training teaching staff(including taking care of their health) and, finally, sufficient financial support for the entire project.
Z Health-saving educational technologies can be divided into three subgroups:
organizational and pedagogical technologies (OPT), which determine the structure of the educational process, partially regulated in SanPiN, helping to prevent states of overfatigue and physical inactivity;
psychological-pedagogical technologies (PPT), associated with the direct work of the teacher in the lesson, the impact that he has on his students for all 45 minutes; This also includes psychological and pedagogical support for all elements of the educational process;
educational technologies (ET), which include programs for teaching competent care of one’s health and creating a culture of health among students, motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits, also providing for organizational and educational work with schoolchildren after school, educating them parents.
Health-saving technologies in the work of an individual teacher can be represented as a systemically organized combination of the principles of cooperation pedagogy, “effective” pedagogical techniques, elements of pedagogical skill aimed at achieving optimal psychological adaptation of the student to the educational process, caring for the preservation of his health and nurturing him personal example of a culture of health.
A teacher who is ready to use health-saving educational technologies in his work, at the first stage in this regard, faces the following tasks:
an objective assessment of one’s strengths and weaknesses related to professional activity, drawing up a plan for the necessary self-correction and its implementation;
necessary advanced training in health issues, health-saving technologies;
revision of the pedagogical methods and techniques used in their work in terms of their expected impact on the health of students;
targeted implementation of health-saving educational technologies during training sessions and extracurricular work with students, tracking the results obtained, both according to one’s own feelings and using objective assessment methods;
to promote the formation of a health-preserving educational environment in your educational institution as an effective interaction between all members of the teaching staff, students and their parents to create conditions
and implementation of programs aimed at preserving, developing and strengthening health.
The educational process is always associated with obtaining new information, which is better remembered if different channels are involved. For example, only 10% of information remains in memory from what is simply read, 20% from what is heard, 30% from what is seen, and -50% from what we hear and see; from what we use in our practical activities and especially in independent creativity - 90%. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to use various sources information.
Ensuring a comfortable emotional and mental state of students and teachers.
Helping students adapt to new conditions.
Creating an overall emotionally positive, friendly, trusting, kind atmosphere in the classroom.
Creating a situation of success that allows a person to be in a state of psychological balance, eliminates stress caused by completing tasks and ignorance of the educational material.
Personal use oriented approach, organization various forms activities (group, collective, etc.).
Improving control and evaluation activities: students summarize the material studied, evaluate their activities, the activities of their friends, successes, failures, and make adjustments.
Development of intellectual and creative abilities, thinking, especially logical, rational, formation of practical skills. Students with developed logical thinking, memory, attention, they learn successfully and with interest, and this is directly related to mental health, knowledge of the world around them, the formation of moral qualities, and the ability to adapt in the modern world.
Optimal dosage homework(including the use of multi-level differentiated tasks).
The use of non-traditional game forms of conducting a lesson, creating conditions for the manifestation of creative activity (crossword competitions, wall newspapers, essays, poems on the topic being studied), holding extra-curricular activities.
Working together with a psychologist to identify psychological characteristics students to develop a personality-oriented approach to learning and education.
Lesson density, i.e. amount of time spent by schoolchildren on academic work no less than 60% and no more than 75-80%.
Each lesson for a schoolchild is work that takes place in conditions of almost complete immobility. As a rule, we see energetic children with a sparkle in their eyes only during recess, but when the bell rings for class, the burning look disappears, the smile disappears, and the posture also changes: shoulders droop, head hangs down.
Discharge is necessary, so it is necessary to arrange breaks, so-called physical education minutes, when children perform simple exercises. True, sometimes teachers are reluctant to do this. I don’t want to interrupt a lesson full of complex material or get distracted. But still, such pauses are a necessary element of the lesson. But we also need to approach them creatively, trying in every possible way to diversify this event. For example, “revive” the lesson emotionally or use a game (in groups, in pairs, at the blackboard) to move children around the class. Alternately entrust physical education to the children themselves. Teach children to use the necessary set of exercises for self-relaxation in class at school and at home.
The start time of physical education is chosen by the teacher himself (approximately 20 minutes from the start of the lesson) or with the development of the first phase of mental fatigue in a significant part of the students in the class (phase of motor restlessness). Such work is necessary to increase the mental performance of children and relieve their statistical muscle tension.
A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we do not teach children from a very early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case can we hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.
Thus, the main task of implementing health-saving technologies is such an organization of the educational process at all levels in which high-quality training, development and education of students is not accompanied by damage to their health.
Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to more successfully adapt to the educational and social space, reveal their creative abilities, and the teacher to effectively prevent antisocial behavior.
An integrated approach, thanks to which not only the tasks of protecting the health of students and teachers from threatening or pathogenic influences are solved, but also the tasks of forming and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, instilling in them and their teachers a culture of health, can be called health-saving pedagogy.
Currently, a special direction in pedagogy has emerged
"pedagogy of health improvement." Health improvement is based on the idea of ​​a healthy child, which is a practically achievable norm child development and is considered as an integral physical-spiritual organism.
Health-saving technology cannot be expressed in specific educational technology. At the same time, the concept of “health-saving technologies” combines all areas of activity of an educational institution to form, preserve and strengthen the health of students.
The student’s health is normal if:
a) in physically– knows how to overcome fatigue, his health allows him to cope with the training load;
b) socially - he is sociable, sociable;
c) emotionally – balanced, capable of surprise and admiration;
d) intellectually – shows good mental abilities, observation, imagination, self-learning;
e) morally – honest, self-critical, empathic.
The goal of health-saving educational teaching technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use knowledge in everyday life.
The simplest exercises for the eyes:
1) vertical eye movements up and down;
2) horizontal movements right-left;
3) rotation of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
4) close your eyes and imagine the colors of the rainbow one by one as clearly as possible;
5) on the board before the start of the lesson, draw some kind of curve (spiral, circle, broken line); It is suggested to “draw” these figures with your eyes several times in one and then in another direction.
Preventive eye exercises:
Exercise for the eyes – “Coloring”. The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and imagine a large white screen in front of them. You need to mentally color this screen one by one with any color: for example, first yellow, then orange, green, blue, but you need to finish coloring with your favorite color.
Relaxation exercises:
The game “Dropping Your Hands” relaxes the muscles of the entire body. Children raise their arms to the sides and lean forward slightly. On command, teachers relieve tension in the back, neck and shoulders. The body, head and arms fall down, the knees bend slightly. Then the children straighten up, sequentially unbending in the hip, lumbar and shoulder girdles, and take their starting position. The exercise is repeated.
Exercises to develop correct posture (“Up hand and down hand”) and breathing exercises.
Up hand and down hand.
They pulled them lightly.
We quickly changed hands!
We're not bored today.
(One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)
Squat with clapping:
Down - clap and up - clap.
We stretch our legs and arms,
We know for sure that it will be good.
(Squats, clapping hands above your head.)
We twist and turn our heads,
We stretch our neck. Stop!
(Rotate your head right and left.)
And we walk on the spot,
We raise our legs higher.
(Walk in place, raising your knees high.)
Stretched, stretched
Up and to the sides, forward.
(Stretching - arms up, to the sides, forward.)
And everyone returned to their desks -
We have a lesson again.
(Children sit at their desks.)
"Stretching" The feet are firmly on the floor. Raising our hands in the “lock”, we move our legs back one by one. You can perform it while sitting on a chair, leaning on the back.
"Belly massage." We stroke the belly clockwise, pinch, pat with the edge of the palm and fist. We do this after visiting the school canteen.
"Massage of the chest area." Performed while sitting, feet on the floor. We stroke the chest area with the words: “How sweet, wonderful, beautiful I am.” We teach ourselves to love ourselves, cultivate a caring attitude.
"Swan Neck". We stretch the neck and stroke it from the chest to the chin. We pat the chin and admire the long beautiful neck of the swan.
"Head massage" We work on the active points on the head by pressing with our fingers (washing our hair). We move it like a “rake” to the middle of the head, then comb the hair with our fingers, using spiral movements from the temples to the back of the head.
"Pinocchio". We sculpt (mentally) a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio “draws” the sun, a carrot, a house, etc. with his nose.
"Hand massage" We “wash” our hands, pressing firmly with three palms until a strong feeling of warmth is felt, pressing each finger. Place the phalanges of the fingers of one hand over the nails of the other.
"Bike". Holding the seat of the chair, we “turn” the pedals of the bicycle (with sound accompaniment possible).
Exercises to improve posture.
"Bird before takeoff." While standing, breathe calmly, then bend forward, do not bend your legs, head forward, arms behind your back, raised upward with tension, like wings. They dropped their head, their arms fell down relaxedly and hang freely (5-6 seconds).
"Who's there?" With both hands we grab the back of the chair and turn right and left to the limit, returning to the starting position, relaxing.
"Friendly family" Students stand in front and behind their desks and do simultaneously:
2 steps to the right - clap, step forward - 2 clap, 2 steps to the left - clap, step back - 2 clap. Then we repeat in reverse order.
Sit with your legs stretched out and holding onto the seat of the chair, slowly raise your legs bent at the knees (you can straight) and slowly lower them.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and, clasping your hands high above your head, bend alternately to the left and to the right. Try to bend as much as possible, slowly at first, then springing back.
From a standing position, legs straight together, bend down, trying to touch your toes to the floor.
With the word "please":
- stand up
- hands up
- arms to the sides
- hands down
- put your hands down
- hands to shoulders
- clap your hands.
(Pay attention to attention).
"Flight into space":
Teacher - Prepare for the rocket launch
Students - Get ready! (clap your hands above your head)
Teacher - Fasten your seat belts!
Students - Fasten your seat belts! (snaps fingers)
Teacher - Turn on the ignition!
Students - Turn on the ignition! (rotational movements with hands)
Teacher - Start the engines!
Students - Let's start the engines! (hands to shoulders, rotation forward and backward)
All: 5,4,3,2,1, start; Hurray, hurray, hurray!
1. “Funny Bee.” Inhale freely. As you inhale, make the sound “z-z-z-z.” Let's imagine that a bee lands on your nose, arm, or leg. The exercise teaches you to direct your breath and attention to a specific area of ​​the body.
2. “Cold - hot.” A cold wind blew, the guys huddled into a ball. The summer sun is out, you can sunbathe. Relax and fan yourself (we make it out of a sheet of paper). The muscles of the body relax and tense.
3. “Humpty – Dumpty.” The guys stand in a relaxed state, their arms hanging freely. We make turns to the text, our arms dangle freely, like a rag doll.
- Humpty – Dumpty was sitting on the wall,
- Humpty – Dumpty fell in his sleep.
Breathing and sound gymnastics.
Goal: teach to breathe through the nose; At the same time, the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is carried out.
Stroke the nose (its sides) from the tip to the bridge of the nose - inhale. Inhale through the left nostril, the right nostril is closed, exhale through the right (while the left one is closed). As you exhale, tap your nostrils 5 times.
Take 8-10 inhalations and exhalations through the left and right nostrils, taking turns closing the resting nostril with your index finger.
Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, draw out the sounds “mm-mm-mm”, while simultaneously tapping your finger on the wings of your nose.
Close your right nostril and pull out a long “mm-mm-mm”, while exhaling, do the same, close your left nostril.
Pronounce “t-d” energetically. The exercise serves to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Pronounce “p-b” energetically. Pronouncing these sounds strengthens the muscles of the lips.
Stick out your tongue and vigorously pronounce “k-g”, “n-g”. The muscles of the pharyngeal cavity are strengthened.
Yawn and stretch a few times. Yawning stimulates brain activity and also relieves stress.
"The whistle of a steamship." We draw in air noisily through our nose; We hold our breath for 1-2 seconds, then noisily exhale air through our lips, folded into a tube, with the sound “u” (long).
Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. M.: Education, 1990.
Antropova M.V. Fundamentals of hygiene for students: Education, 1971.
Health-saving technologies in the educational process
/aut.-state S.A. Tsabybin.-Volgograd: Teacher. 2009.
Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M.: Education, 1998.
Modern technologies preserving and strengthening children's health: Textbook. allowance / Under general. ed. N.V. Sokratova.- M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

Nesterova I.A. Health-saving educational process // Nesterov Encyclopedia

The health-saving educational process of a preschool institution requires a high level of competence from teachers and heads of educational institutions. The ability to manage a health-preserving environment allows you to develop innovative educational technologies in preschool settings.

Managing a Healthy Educational Environment

The problem of organizing health-preserving education lies, on the one hand, in the multidirectionality of theoretical approaches to its solution, on the other hand, in the fragmentation and one-sidedness of the efforts of individual educational subjects to practically solve this problem.

- this is a special type of activity in which its subjects, on the basis of planning, organization, leadership and control, are able to ensure the joint activities of students, teachers, and service personnel.

Managing a Healthy Educational Environment is aimed at the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and mandatory development of the educational system with guaranteed achievement of educational goals.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education– technologies aimed at solving the priority problem of modern preschool education– the tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

In the broadest sense of the word it is the following:

  1. the process of raising and educating children preschool age in health saving and health enrichment mode;
  2. a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Health saving And health enrichment are important conditions for organizing the pedagogical process in any preschool institution.

Health-saving pedagogical process in a preschool institution V in the narrow sense is a specially organized interaction between children and teachers that develops over time and within a certain educational system, aimed at achieving the goals of health conservation and health enrichment in the course of education, upbringing and training.

The main guides of the health-saving educational process of a preschool institution are the factors that are presented in detail below.

Focus on physical health as the basis for the health-saving process of raising and developing children. At the same time, we consider physical education as a system that includes physical activity, hardening, a sanitary and hygienic regime, high-quality nutrition, and therapeutic and preventive work.

Application of a child development diagnostic system, including physical health, emotional and personal state, social status in a peer group, interest in activities and achievements in them (I.V. Zhitko, D.N. Dubinina, E.V. Gorbatova, T.Yu. Logvina, N.S. Starzhinskaya, L.S. Khodonovich, V. .A. Shishkina).

Creation of psychological conditions for organizing a health-saving process of upbringing and development of children which include:

  • taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;
  • organizing communication and activities to create a positive emotional experience for the child;
  • encouraging independence;
  • development of creative imagination;
  • formation of meaningful motor skills;
  • developing the ability to empathize;
  • development of skills of active creative self-expression.

Creation of pedagogical conditions for a health-saving process education and development of children in a preschool institution, the main of which are: organization different types children's activities in game form; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, game exercises and benefits.

Exercising administrative control for the competent organization of the health-saving process of education and development of children in a preschool institution based on an assessment of its effectiveness.

Law Russian Federation“On Education in the Russian Federation” determines that the content of education should be focused on “ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization.”

Requirements for the conditions of implementation of the Federal state standard Basic general education states that the result of the implementation of these requirements should be the creation of an educational environment. The characteristics of the educational environment are presented in the figure.

Similar requirements are spelled out in the standards of primary and complete general education, conceptual program documents for the development of education in Russia. These strategic guidelines formed the basis for constructing a concept and program for rapid development of the school, which includes the main idea, general guidelines important for determining the goal, principles for managing the development of a health-preserving environment, organization and functioning of the educational process.

Advanced management of the health-preserving environment of preschool educational institutions

T.I. Shamova characterizes advanced management as high-quality management of the quality of education. When implementing advanced management, it is important to determine a system of management actions that could:

1. based on the leading educational paradigm, highlight innovations that are relevant for a particular educational institution;

2. highlight the competencies of subjects of the educational process that allow the successful implementation of the introduced innovation in the process of joint activities;

3. develop a promotion program professional competence all participants in the implementation of innovation focused on meeting the standard. It is very important to successfully achieve goals by combining the efforts of scientists, teachers and practitioners.

In modern conditions, the work of an educational institution requires managers at all levels to use independence and take responsibility in decision making. In this case, you definitely need to have a strategy.

Strategy is understood as a long-term action plan for managing the staff of an educational institution, the educational process and the institution as a whole. This plan pursues clearly defined goals and is based on the real capabilities of the organization and takes into account the conditions of its functioning.

Forward control implements the second principle of leadership strategy, which follows from the first, and means the ability to anticipate problems and structure one’s actions in such a way as to eliminate or at least weaken the influence of the undesirable consequences of these problems in the present and future. To implement this principle, management must have certain methods and techniques for implementing advanced management, have the appropriate competence and conditions.

Forward control is built from further development content of education. Anticipatory management is predetermined by the new standard for the development of education in the Russian Federation.

Forward control is determined by the requirements of the time of intensification and modernization of education and is ensured as the most important condition for compliance in the process of continuous updating of the content of education. Changing educational standards, moving away from the knowledge paradigm in the content of education and the transition to competency-based education require proactive management in the development of the health-saving quality of the educational environment.

Separately, it should be noted that the person-centered concept of education is very important for the health-saving educational process of a preschool institution.

The student-centered concept of education within management includes the following principles:

  1. formation of a general culture of students’ personality;
  2. ensuring health protection and creating favorable conditions for personal self-realization;
  3. monitoring and adjustment of students’ mental development;
  4. development and implementation of individual curricula by subject;
  5. monitoring and adjustment of the emotional-volitional sphere and level of training of schoolchildren;
  6. the use of additional education that includes inclusion in syllabus excursions, music lessons, fine arts, choreography, ethics; as well as organizing the work of studios: vocal, choral, fine art, choreographic, theatrical, vocal and instrumental ensemble;
  7. instilling the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, fostering citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;
  8. daily monitoring of the implementation of the daily routine, high-quality preparation of homework, organization of targeted work to cultivate a culture of behavior in lessons, breaks, extracurricular activities, education of self-control, self-regulation, self-organization.

Activities of teachers in the process of building a health-saving environment

The process of creating a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions is based on the constant interaction of all structural links of the educational institution. The activities of the administration are aimed at organizing effective activities and ensuring consistency in the process of interaction between all participants in the educational process. Creating the most comfortable conditions for the activities of children and teachers, as well as monitoring and regulating the process.

Activities of teachers in preschool educational institutions is mainly aimed at mastering the methodology of creating a healthy lifestyle for its students through the subject of study, implementing the principles and technologies of health conservation in the process of organizing the educational activities of students.

Formation of a sustainable health-preserving environment impossible without the active work of students, their parents and social partners - specialists from scientific and government agencies dealing with the health of children and adolescents. Undoubtedly, the vector of their efforts in the proposed model of a health-preserving environment is possible by increasing the level of health-preserving competence, mastering the skills of a healthy lifestyle, methods of correcting their psychological and physiological state, and the basics of planning the individual development of their own health.


  1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, as amended. dated 05/05/2014 "On education in the Russian Federation" as amended. and additional, intro. in force from 05/06/2014 // Russian newspaper, N 303, 12/31/2012
  2. Shamova T.I., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P. Control educational systems– M.: Vlados, 2013.
  3. Pletneva E.Yu. Territorial model of health-saving activities in the education system // Valeology. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 5-8.

Objectives: 1. To test in practice a model of health-saving activities in school; 2. Develop and implement promotion programs professional level teachers in the field of health conservation; 3. Organize educational activities with teachers, students and parents to develop healthy lifestyle skills; 4. Implement information support healthy lifestyle models

Regulatory and legal framework - Constitution of the Russian Federation - Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” - National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 - Convention on the Rights of the Child - Law of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child - Law Stavropol Territory“On Education” - Federal Law 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child” - Federal Law 120 – Federal Law “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” - Model Regulations on an Educational Institution - Strategy for the Development of the Education System of the Stavropol Territory until 2020 - “Our new school" (presidential initiative) - SanPin requirements

Student health: Physical Mental Social Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Cooperation with the Suvorov Central District Hospital (medical examinations, medical examinations) Compliance with SanPiN rules Children's associations (Mercy squad, volunteers) Additional education (sections, clubs, special courses) Council for the prevention of neglect and delinquency Work with parents Work in society Diagnosis and monitoring of the health of schoolchildren Implementation of innovative health-saving technologies Prevention of bad habits Model of health-saving activities MCOU secondary school 23 Predgorny municipal district Stavropol Territory

Principles of health-saving activities: 1. The principle of priority of effective care for the health of students 2. The principle of not causing harm 3. The principle of the triune concept of physical, moral, mental health 4. The principle of priority application active methods training and education 5. The principle of correspondence between the content and organization of the training and education process age characteristics students 6. The principle of delayed results 7. The principle of active feedback

The model of a health-preserving system consists of blocks-directions. 1. Creation of a health-preserving infrastructure: Creation of comprehensive conditions for the development of a child and the preservation of his health. Organization of nutrition. Psychological and speech therapy service Social and legal service 2. Rational organization of the educational process. -Implementation of this block creates conditions for relieving overload, normal alternation of work and rest, increases the efficiency of the educational process, while preventing excessive functional stress and overwork: -Compliance with hygiene standards and requirements for the organization and volume of students' academic and extracurricular workload -Use in scheduling a new scale of difficulty of educational subjects, which allows you to build a lesson schedule taking into account each age group - The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process (problem-based learning, differentiated learning, project-based learning, developmental learning, modular learning, gaming technologies)

3. Health and hygiene technologies: Control and assistance in ensuring proper hygienic conditions in accordance with SanPiNov regulations. Carrying out vaccinations. 4. Physical education and health technologies: Aimed at the physical development of those involved: hardening, training strength, endurance, speed, flexibility. 5. Environmental health-saving technologies: Creation of nature-conforming, environmentally optimal living and activity conditions for people. Arrangement of the school grounds. Aerophytomodule: green plants in classrooms. 6. Technologies for ensuring life safety Students’ literacy on these issues is ensured by studying a life safety course.

5. Health-saving educational technologies: Health-saving educational technologies can be considered both as the technological basis of health-saving pedagogy, and as a set of techniques, forms and methods for organizing the education of schoolchildren, without compromising their health, and as qualitative characteristics any educational technology based on the criterion of its impact on the health of students and teachers. 6. Compensatory-neutralizing technologies: Conducting physical education minutes and physical education breaks, which allows to some extent neutralize the adverse effects of static lessons. Emotional releases, “minutes of peace” that allow you to partially neutralize stressful effects.

7. Stimulating technologies: These techniques allow you to activate the body’s own forces, use its resources to get out of an undesirable state. Physical activity. Education psychological techniques combating despondency and bad mood. 8. Information and learning technologies: They provide students with the necessary level of literacy to effectively care for their health and that of their loved ones. Conducting thematic cool hours. Lectures by the school's medical staff on Health Days. Design of thematic stands on the topic of health.

9. Monitoring. Monitoring is the most important tool for checking the effectiveness of the implemented educational content and the methods used, and serves as the basis for the main ways to eliminate shortcomings in the educational process at school. Monitoring objectives: Description of health-saving activities. Analysis of the real situation in the field of student health and factors that positively and negatively affect health. Assessing the effectiveness of using health-saving products pedagogical technologies. Creation and dissemination of effective health models. Assessment of the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body and physical condition.

The criteria for assessing the health status of students are indicators of the physical condition of students, levels of general and acute morbidity. In order to track the impact of the learning process on the quality of education, monitoring should be carried out according to the following indicators: 1. Monitoring the health of students and its impact on academic performance: 1) the health status of schoolchildren; 2) absences from classes due to illness; 3) level of anxiety; 4) hot food coverage; 5) classes in sports sections; 6) level of adaptation and motivation of students; 7) training results. 2. Monitoring the health of teachers and its impact on performance results: 1) the health status of teachers; 2) application of new technologies; 3) diagnosis of difficulties; 4) level of neuroticism.

Expected results: Creation of an active health-preserving school infrastructure that promotes the preservation of health and the formation of motivation of participants in the educational process for a healthy lifestyle. Improving the physical education system based on the implementation of an individual approach. Motivating the teaching staff to improve their professional level in mastering and using health-saving technologies. Reducing morbidity rates among children and adolescents. Creating a favorable moral and psychological climate at school, implementing the principles of cooperation pedagogy. improving student nutrition; increasing the level of material and technical equipment of an educational institution.

Predictive student model. This is a person: who regards health as an important personal and social value; knowledgeable about the mechanisms and methods of maintaining health; physically developed; striving for physical improvement; no bad habits; knowledgeable and proficient in the techniques and methods of healing his body.

The use of health-saving technologies plays a big role in the life of every student, making it easier and more successful to master necessary knowledge in the classroom, overcome difficulties in achieving learning goals and objectives, teaches children to live without stress, as well as maintain their own and value others’ health.

According to statistics, the incidence rate among children and adolescents has been steadily increasing in recent years. AND we're talking about not only about physical abnormalities, but also about an increase in the number of inappropriate psychological reactions. Such phenomena cannot but worry. Since children and adolescents spend more than half of their waking time in educational institutions, it becomes obvious that the education system must take on part of the responsibility for preserving the health of the younger generation.

However, a school is not a hospital or a sanatorium; a teacher or educator cannot be charged with diagnosing or treating a child’s illnesses. His task is different:

- create learning conditions for the child that will not traumatize his body and psyche, as well as give the younger generation knowledge about the value of health and ways to preserve it.

It is necessary to emphasize once again that we are talking not only (and not so much) about physical health, but about a complex indicator of well-being, which also includes mental adequacy, social adaptability and the proper level of moral development.

So, health-saving technologies in the educational process are a set of methods, techniques and conditions that maximally contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical, spiritual and moral health of subjects of the educational process.

Some ways to classify health-saving technologies

As can be understood from the definition, the concept of health-saving technology is very broad. They can be classified according to many criteria, but only a few of them are really important in practice. One of these signs is subjective activity.

There are three types of health-preserving technologies on this basis:

  • extra-subjective (the student may not even know that he is currently taking care of his health);
  • implying a passive position;
  • implying an active position.

Despite the obvious advantage of an active position, an educator should develop methods for implementing the principles of maintaining health in all three types of student activity. After all, it is necessary to take into account that the formation of a child’s active position is influenced not only by positive, but also by negative factors (features of upbringing in the family, false values ​​imposed by means mass media or simply human laziness), and he will not necessarily willingly accept the position of a teacher.

Also, in the entire scope of health-preserving technologies, one can distinguish sanitary and hygienic measures and actual pedagogical measures.

Hygienic component of health preservation technology

It includes:

  • indoor conditions (temperature, lighting, ventilation, cleaning mode);
  • organization of rational nutrition;
  • compliance of the training regime with sanitary standards and age characteristics of students;
  • correct selection of furniture and other items used during classes;
  • taking into account the student’s health status when organizing his workplace.

It can be noted that this component of health-saving technology is being implemented quite successfully in most schools. Lighting conditions and temperature conditions are regularly monitored; most schools have canteens and buffets where the sale of products harmful to children's health is prohibited. Recommendations for the rational organization of the working day are taken into account when drawing up the lesson schedule. And, of course, teachers will not seat a child with poor vision in a back desk or a tall student at a low table. Activation of the student’s position is also widely used in this area: children regularly take part in cleaning and landscaping the premises.

It is important to note the fact that from the point of view of maintaining health, one cannot approve of too widespread use of computers in the educational process. It is known that from looking at a screen, vision suffers much more than from reading from a paper page.

Pedagogical health-saving technologies in education

They consist in the ability to structure a lesson in such a way as to minimize the load on the child’s body and psyche, and at the same time achieve effective learning.

The simplest and most important of these pedagogical techniques are:

  • frequent change of activities during the lesson (five or more times);
  • rational distribution of the load over the lesson time (the most intense work should occur in the middle);
  • the use of playful and role-playing forms of work (among other things, this is how you can unobtrusively make children move);
  • creating an atmosphere of cooperation (children have the right to questions and their opinions);
  • creating a favorable emotional atmosphere (a joke or a literary quote will not make the lesson frivolous).

Pedagogical health-saving technologies are especially important in elementary school, where children do not yet have sufficient concentration skills. For junior schoolchildren physical education minutes in the classroom are rightly recommended (they can include breathing exercises and gymnastics for vision). Children of this age perceive such events much better and need them more.

It is also necessary to remember that health-saving technologies also imply concern for the teacher’s health, his comfort and protection from stress. It is this aspect of the issue that is frankly insufficiently developed in the current education system.

Application of health saving technologies - video

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