A shine that reflects any internal state of a person. Practical skills in assessing people based on their external characteristics

How often we scold our children for their sloppiness, but sometimes we don’t notice how our usual neatness and cleanliness disappear somewhere. Citing too much work and lack of time, we turn a blind eye to this.

A sloppy lifestyle leads to a deterioration in mood and numerous troubles in your personal life. Some believe that it is the internal state of a person that pushes him to pay less and less attention to cleanliness and order. Is this true? Let's put this into perspective.

I have one drawback - a sudden change in mood, practically independent of external circumstances. And in lately Unfortunately, the bad mood began to prevail over the good one. I noticed that the worse my mood, the dirtier my mood became. When it improves, I, feeling an incredible disgust for the mess in the apartment, immediately begin to restore perfect order, promising myself to always be neat. As soon as the mood deteriorates again, the room gradually turns into ruins.

Noticing this pattern, I wanted to check how others were doing. Having visited several acquaintances and asked them about their lives, I came to the conclusion that two of them lived quite well (their rooms sparkled with cleanliness and were filled with some kind of extraordinary harmony, completely corresponding to the inner state of their owners). But the rooms of the other two friends, alas, were not pleasing to the eye - the state of the apartments revealed a hidden internal imbalance in the souls of the owners.

I came to the following conclusion: quarrels with loved ones, problems with communication, and bad mood destroy our internal balance. After all, how often, spoiling our mood because of some stupidity, we begin to wrap things up in our heads that everything is bad, that no one understands us, etc., thereby “making mountains out of molehills.” This is exactly how a “chain reaction” occurs - we receive more and more slaps in the face from life, lowering us even before everyday affairs.

We call such periods a black streak or the bandwagon of fate... But in fact, it is not fate that is to blame for life’s failures, but ourselves, our desire to indulge our weaknesses and self-pity. This contributes to a disruption of internal balance, the body succumbs to negative circumstances, which contributes to irritation, nervousness and, moreover, can lead to various kinds.

So you shouldn’t scold your children for being sloppy and look at unscrupulous people with contempt. Better support them and help them solve life problems.

In general, take things more simply. Keep in mind that nervousness cannot solve any problem. You must be able to accept the challenges of life with dignity, looking it in the eye, without getting scared, without becoming unstuck, and without feeling sorry for yourself. By treating everything with calm and understanding, you will preserve not only your nerves, but also your health, well-being and much more.

The internal state of a person, as is known, plays the most important role in achieving a goal. If you are depressed and downtrodden, then nothing will force you to act. On the contrary, you will give up, hide your head in the sand, withdraw into yourself and, instead of doing something, develop pessimism within yourself and engage in introspection and analysis of your life. Such mental activity will not bring any positive results, rather the opposite. You will dive even deeper into yourself.

If you are worried about something, constantly worrying about something, if you are nervous, then you will also be inactive. Your problems and worries will consume you, your nerves will be on edge, you will not be able to concentrate on anything, because you will always be distracted by extraneous noises. While in this state, you will not be able to concentrate on any activity.

Conclusion: your future depends on your inner state. Today you are depressed, tomorrow you laugh for no reason, and the day after tomorrow you choke in tears. Nothing good should be expected from such changes. All week you had a severe headache that haunted you, constantly reminding you of itself, because of which you did nothing.

Unlike external circumstances, which you cannot control, you can control your internal state. In the event that you have a goal for which you want to take control of your internal state. Only people influence how you feel. Pest people have a negative impact on your psyche, causing irreparable damage to it; Once you fall under their influence, it is very difficult to get out from under this influence. They kill you slowly and watch with pleasure as you break, become flexible plasticine in their hands. But it depends on you: whether they will kill you or only wound you. Will you allow them to take over your internal state or will you give a strong rebuff, taking control of your internal state?

I've been feeling really, really bad the last couple of weeks. This continues to this day. However, I learned to control my internal state. As soon as I feel like I'm ready to give up, to lay the trophy at the feet of the pest people, I remember my goal and take it and do it. The easiest thing to say is: “I can’t do this anymore. I'm tired. I don’t want anything.”, and much more difficult - “I can do it!” I will succeed! I will achieve this, no matter what it costs me!” You need to constantly remind yourself of what awaits you if you do this right now, no matter what or no one. This is especially vital when pest people appear, ready at any moment to envelop you in a web. Your internal state will greatly depend on whether you are moving forward/backward or standing still.

It is useless to fight human pests - there are too many of them, and you are alone. Instead, put all your energy (whatever it is) into something that will bring you satisfaction and success. Try, if possible, to filter everything that affects your internal state. But, if you want to cry, cry; if you want to sleep, sleep; if you want to scream, scream. Just don’t let such desires drag on for long – it’s in your own interests!

The face expresses facial movements, weakening or strengthening them with the gaze of the eyes. The body, taking characteristic poses, produces a favorable or unfavorable impression. Hand gestures make us feel like or dislike a person. Finally, speech that reflects inner intelligence causes us to admire, be surprised, or be disappointed in the person being studied.
Any person is perceived by us, as a rule, in the form of a holistic image. We form our impression of him, sometimes ignoring many substantive factors. The face, body, hands, voice, speech of the object, which are indicators of its external reactions, seem to elude our attention.
Meanwhile, the face expresses facial movements, weakening or strengthening them with the gaze of the eyes. The body, having appropriate forms, taking characteristic poses, makes a favorable or unfavorable impression. Hand gestures make us feel like or dislike a person.
The voice with its inherent range of sound frequencies, resonance, tempo and other factors creates in us a feeling of pleasant or unpleasant. Finally, speech that reflects inner intelligence causes us to admire, be surprised, or be disappointed in the person being studied.
Thus, when assessing a personality based on external signs, the manager must understand the reactions of the face, body, hands, voice and speech. Research by domestic psychologists directs us to study in this regard: expressive reactions of the face, eye movements, physique, posture, gait, gestures, voice and speech.

1. Expressive facial reactions
In schemes for assessing people, the face is identified with the entire personality. It speaks of the spiritual world, intellect and mood of a person. A person’s face can be used to determine gender, age, race and ethnicity, and sometimes even social status.
In addition, we always try to determine the state and character of a person by facial expression and eyes. We are helped in this by the color and density of hair, skin color, wrinkles, facial muscles, etc. We, as a rule, strive to form an opinion about a person based on the reactions of his face.
The art of “reading faces” has been known since ancient times. Long time They tried not only to determine character traits by looking at their faces, but also to predict fate. Psychologists have spent a lot of time and effort trying to find similarities between a person's facial features and character.
The famous Russian teacher P.F. Lesgaft argued that a person who has not been subjected to any strong sensations has a fresh face. Internal fears that form the basis of a person’s anxiety force him to accompany his actions with a series of unconscious movements.
“A prude,” emphasized P. F. Lesgaft, “under the closed eyelid, the eye does not find a place for itself, as if spying on those around them. By the face one can determine the national type, the type of an intellectual, the type of an official, a military man, a merchant, a peasant, a lackey... On the face of a military man one can usually see an expression of self-confidence, a readiness to act, that is, to make movements in accordance with the impressions received (for example, from subordinates), or signs of arrogance ( from the bosses)".
Practice shows that people have become good at identifying only mental state person. By facial expressions one can read many subtle shades of various emotional disturbances. Even the clash of contradictory feelings, their struggle and confusion are reflected in the characteristic external signs and are recognized by the eye of the observer.
It has now been proven that the face can reflect the entire spectrum emotional state person. Research has established universal and individual and emotional expressions. They are based on six systems of facial reactions, specifically reflecting surprise, fear, indignation, disgust, joy and sadness.
As a rule, mastering the peculiarities of the manifestation of universal human expressions makes it possible to learn to “read” the emotional subtext of the actions of the person of interest. Let's take a closer look at this using the example of universal human expression.

1.1. Astonishment
Astonishment- this is an instant reaction. She always appears suddenly. If you have time to think about what might surprise you, surprise will not register on your face. Stimuli of surprise: sight of an object, sound, smell, touching something, message, idea. The main manifestations of the reaction of surprise should be noted: the eyebrows are raised upward, there are wide wrinkles on the forehead; the eyes are wide and relaxed, with white sclera visible above the iris; accordingly, the mouth is open.

1.2. Fear
Fear is an emotion that arises in anticipation of something extremely harmful to the individual. The cause of fear may be the expectation of physical pain or any unpleasant events for the individual that this individual is unable to prevent.
The main manifestations of the fear reaction: eyebrows are raised, stretched and drawn together; short wrinkles on the forehead, the eyes are open, the white sclera is visible at the top, the lower eyelid is very tense; the lips are parted, very tense and pulled back. Expressing the emotion of fear differs from expressing the emotion of surprise in four ways:

  1. in a reaction of surprise, wrinkles extend across the entire forehead; in a reaction of fear, they are shorter and appear above the bridge of the nose;
  2. eyes are tense;
  3. the open mouth is shapelessly distorted, the lips are tense;
  4. surprise is a fleeting reaction, while fear is a longer lasting one.

Sometimes the emotion of fear can merge with surprise. This happens when harmful events are not expected, but occur instantly. By the priority and stability of the manifestation of a particular emotion, one can judge the predominance of fear or surprise.

1.3. Indignation
Indignation is the result of a mental disorder, a physical threat, or an intent to cause psychological or physical harm to someone. In a state of anger, a person’s blood pressure rises, causing the face to turn red, the veins in the temples and neck to swell, breathing to quicken, and muscles to tense.
The main manifestations of the reaction of anger: the eyebrows move, vertical folds appear between them, the outer ends of the eyebrows rise; forehead without horizontal wrinkles; eyes narrow; the lips are tightly compressed, sometimes the teeth are exposed in a grimace.
In practice, controlled reactions of anger (anger) appear in two varieties. When the first type of anger appears, its indicator is only the eyebrows, while the face remains neutral. This may occur in cases where a person:

  • experiences mild irritation;
  • ponders some complex, unsolvable problem;
  • concentrates attention on something;
  • critically evaluates words, deeds, actions;
  • tries to hide anger from others.

The manifestation of the second type of anger is signaled by: a) eyebrows and eyelids and b) mouth and eyelids. This happens when a person listens to some extremely long, repetitive, uninteresting message.

1.4. Disgust
Disgust is a reaction to the sensation of taste, smell, sound, touch and sight of certain objects, including people. Naturally, the influence of such an object and the manifestation of the reaction to it depend on the culture of the observed and the situation in which he (s) is located.
The main manifestations of the disgust reaction: eyebrows are lowered; no wrinkles on the forehead; eyes narrowed, almost closed; The corners of the lips are downturned. Sometimes, with a strong degree of disgust, the mouth is open and the tongue sticks out tensely, as in nausea; there are wrinkles on the nose. The stronger the disgust, the more wrinkles and the more tense the nose.
The range of disgust reactions is very wide - from a subtle wrinkling of the nose to a distortion of the entire face in a grimace of nausea. Disgust towards people usually comes in the form of contempt. Expressive reactions of disgust in response to a situation can merge with reactions of surprise and fear.
When anger and disgust are combined, the latter usually dominates. Expressive reactions here reflect the experience of thought; “How dare you show me this disgusting thing?” In combinations of surprise and anger, anger is dominant, and in combinations of anger and fear, fear is dominant.

1.5. Joy
Joy is experienced as a feeling of excitement and uplifting, relief from something unpleasant or dangerous. The main manifestations of the joy reaction: eyebrows and forehead almost do not take part in the formation of expression, eyes often narrow and shine; the mouth stretches, the corners of the lips rise upward. This emotion of joy can be expressed in words; “How glad I am!”, “How pleased I am!”, “How happy I am!”
In some cases, joy can merge with surprise, and, as a rule, the reaction of surprise is recorded only for a moment. Quite often, expressions of joy mask anger and fear.

1.6. Sadness
Sadness most often caused by some kind of loss. It is fixed on the face from several minutes to several days. This emotion has a fairly wide range - from a state of sadness to grief and suffering, when there are screams, screams, convulsive movements of the hands and body. External manifestations, however, do not always indicate the depth of experience: some people tend to endure grief silently, others noisily.
The main manifestations of the sadness reaction: eyebrows are moved together, the outer ends are lowered between the eyebrows; small vertical folds; there are short wrinkles in the middle of the forehead, the eyes are slightly open, and a triangle-shaped fold forms between the lower and upper eyelids; The corners of the mouth are turned down.
When assessing the person being studied, it should be kept in mind that some people tend to experience sadness all the time. There are people who never register sadness on their faces. National characteristics leave a very strong imprint on the manifestation of this emotion.
For example, Scandinavians try to hide their sadness with anger, the Japanese always with a smile. When sadness and fear merge, fear prevails; when sadness and anger merge, anger takes over. At the same time, the position of the eyebrows characteristic of sadness is still difficult to dislodge.
As a rule, emotions arise in response to some stimulus. At the same time, the arsenal of facial movements for expressing emotions is the same; fear causes tension in the facial muscles, joy causes relaxation, etc.
Thus, when assessing the emotional experiences of people by their faces, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the stimulus, the universal human system of emotions, the nationality to which they belong, and the behavioral characteristics of a particular individual.

2. Eyes
A person involuntarily opens his eyes wide if he suddenly sees something surprising, while the pupils of his eyes dilate uncontrollably. It is noticed that the eyes widen when looking at a person they like, and narrow when looking at an unpleasant person.
When a person is satisfied with the information received or wants to think about something, he looks away. If someone catches the eye of another person, it means he wants to draw his attention to himself or even enter into a trusting relationship with him. Typically, people look into each other's eyes for about 20% of the time spent in a conversation.
It should be noted that tension, authority, interest, relationships of sympathy and antipathy, subordination and dominance are determined by the eyes. The eyes narrow with anger, contempt, or a feeling of superiority; expand with surprise and fear; they close with a certain degree of fear and shame, become covered with “dragging” in a moment of tenderness; foggy with grief and sadness; sparkle with joy and a sense of hope.
Looks are distinguished: sad, tender, suffering, angry, joyful, sad, fearful, self-satisfied, bashful, surprise, respect, contempt, strength, triumph, awe.

3. Body
It is a carrier of data about a person’s gender, age, and race. The impression that is created when perceiving a person’s body characterizes it in a certain way. There are three main body types: 1) endomorphic (thick, round); 2) mesomorphic (athletic, muscular); 3) ectomorphic (tall, thin).
In practice, it has already been proven that the endomorphic type is most often talkative, friendly, and accommodating by nature; mesomorphic - prone to risk, even leadership, independent; ectomorphic - nervous, tense, etc. Psychiatric and psychological-psychiatric examination, as well as sports psychology, have a lot of evidence of this.

4. Posture
From it, of course, one can judge vitality, degree of fatigue, self-confidence and even about social status person. By the way a person tenses his muscles, folds his arms and legs, one can draw conclusions about emotionally a person, his intentions, attitude towards other people.
All poses can be roughly divided into two large groups. These are usually tense and relaxed poses. The former indicate a state of vigilance, anxiety, readiness for action; the second ones are about serenity and tranquility. Since posture is associated with muscle activity, it serves as a “generator” of mood. Very often, emotional “infection” of the interlocutor occurs through the pose.

5. Gait
Its characteristics depend on both physique and emotional mood. When a person is in a sad state, he tends to “drag” his feet, very often keeps his hands in his pockets and pulls his head into his shoulders. Human full of energy moves “in leaps”: sometimes he quickly rushes forward, sometimes he delays his step.
A confident person usually holds his chin high, does not bend his back, swings his arms decisively and walks measuredly, clearly wanting to create a positive impression of himself.

6. Hands
Their movement conveys information about all aspects of a person’s personality. In life they say that if a person’s hands are tied, he becomes silent. In life, each person has his own style of manipulation, that is, gestures that reflect his belonging to a certain culture.
Very often, gestures indicate a person’s ethnic origin, his upbringing, profession, etc. As a rule, gestures are divided into illustrators, regulators, adapters, effectors and emblems.

7. Voice and speech
The voice and speech of the person being studied gives us information about his emotional experiences, intelligence, erudition and even character. A person’s voice allows us to judge the interlinear meaning of a statement, the speaker’s experiences, the degree of his language proficiency, culture and individual psychological characteristics. There are individual characteristics voices (audio frequency range, resonance, tempo and control of speech) and vocal variables (intensity, pitch, length).
All individual characteristics are stable characteristics of the individual. They make it possible to distinguish one voice from another and, therefore, evaluate the speaker on a variety of aspects. Vocal variables also play a large role in assessing a speaker.
If speech uses the entire range of sounds from high to low tones, we speak of a wide range of voice. If speech is conducted primarily in one key, we are faced with a narrow range of voice. This kind of speech is called monotonous. We typically raise our voices when we ask a question and lower them when we complete a message.
It should also be noted here that resonance is the manifestation of such characteristics of the voice as hoarseness, hissing, “rumble”, “thunder” peals, etc. A humiliated or subordinate position of an individual in life is usually combined with a weak resonance; a powerful nature develops in its voice “ metallic tint" and rolling sound.

7.1. Pace
Pace illustrates the speed of speech production (fast, medium or slow pace). Each person has a certain speech rate. The intensity of speech can indicate the degree of a person’s emotional state. A person’s verbal behavior serves as an indicator of his general erudition, intelligence, behavioral motivation and emotional state.

7.2. Erudition
Erudition can be, to a certain extent, assessed by the content of the speech. Erudition presupposes, first of all, the presence of deep and versatile knowledge. If it is clear from a person’s specific statements that he is well versed in various issues, he quickly finds compelling arguments to confirm his point of view, using adequate language means, then we can say about him that he is an erudite person.

7.3. Intelligence
Intelligence a person is assessed by the logic of the statement and the richness of speech content. Free selection of words, their varied connection into sentences and, finally, ease of speech production are indicators developed intelligence. Various violations speech very often signals violations in thought processes person.
Erudition and intelligence, as well as the motivation of the behavior of the person being studied, belong to the content factor of speech. Let us note that speech is an important informative signal when assessing the emotional state of a person of interest to employees, in particular, his emotional tension. Here the manager needs to get acquainted with three of them:

  1. features of word choice;
  2. the specifics of the grammatical design of the statement;
  3. speech perception in a state of emotional tension.

These criteria have now been sufficiently studied and have received experimental confirmation. Let's look at them briefly.

  1. In a state of emotional tension, many people have difficulty choosing words when expressing their thoughts. In particular, compared to speech occurring under normal conditions, the number and duration of pauses increases. Sometimes in practice they are called pauses of indecision. There is every reason to believe that long search pauses in many cultures around the world are evidence of human emotional tension. To make the correct conclusion, it is necessary to compare the speech of the person being studied in a calm state and in a state of emotional tension. In conditions of emotional tension vocabulary becomes less diverse. Speech in these cases is characterized by stereotyping: the speaker mainly uses those words that are most typical of his dialect and actively uses templates.
  2. Grammatical incompleteness of phrases is another important indicator of emotionally intense speech . The most characteristic feature here is grammatical lack of formality. Often, in a state of emotional tension, there is a violation of the logical connection between individual statements, which leads to ambiguity. A typical feature of emotionally intense speech is a violation of the logic and consistency of the statement. The speaker is distracted from the main idea, focusing on details, which, of course, complicates understanding. Often, the speaker later realizes the mistake he has made, but when trying to correct it, he usually becomes even more confused.
  3. Speech perception in a state of emotional tension differs in a number of features. In particular, this is a deterioration in mental processing of information and a decrease in “noise immunity”. The first leads to a hasty decision-making, and the second leads to a distortion of the meaning of what is perceived. In general, as a result, the perception of speech information changes significantly.

It should be noted that speech is the most important indicator mental life person . Almost all mental deviations are clearly recorded by speech. It has long been known that speech is a subtle indicator of a person’s personal parameters. Accounting speech factors in studying the person of interest gives the manager very important and reliable information, which the person of interest can hide from an attentive observer only with appropriate special training.



A shine that reflects some kind of internal state of a person (about eyes, gaze, gaze).

II m.

decrease to noun fire 2., 3.

caress. to noun fire 2., 3.

Large modern explanatory dictionary Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OGONEK is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • OGONEK in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) match, 2) den for playing cards, 3) ...
  • GONYOK in Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    Russian Soviet socio-political and literary-art illustrated weekly magazine. Published since 1923 in Moscow. The first editor is M. E. Koltsov (before ...
  • OGONEK V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    illustrated weekly magazine of literature, sciences and arts (and later politics and public life), published in St. Petersburg, from 1879 to 1883...
  • GONYOK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ,-nyka, m. 1. see fire. 2. transfer Passion, enthusiasm (colloquial). Work with light. 3. Evening (in 2 digits) with ...
  • OGONEK in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "Ogonyok", weekly. illustrated social-political and lit.-art. magazine, since 1899, St. Petersburg, since 1923, Moscow. The story begins with one person. magazine (published before...
  • OGONEK in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? illustrated weekly magazine of literature, sciences and arts (and then politics and social life), published in St. Petersburg, from 1879 to ...
  • GONYOK in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    light, lights", light", fire" in, light", light"m, light, lights", light"m, fire"mi, light", ...
  • OGONEK in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    evening, burning, enthusiasm, light, fire, plant, hobby, flower, ...
  • GONYOK in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • GONYOK in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • GONYOK in Full spelling dictionary Russian language:
  • GONYOK in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • OGONEK in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Colloq passion, enthusiasm Work with a spark. light<= огонь огонек вечер N2 с развлекательной программой, с легким угощением Голубой о. …
  • GONYOK in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    light, m. 1. Reduce-caress. to the fire. Sit closer to the fire. - Glowing point, shine. In the village across the river the light went out. ...
  • GONYOK in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    1. m. 1) Sparkle. 2) transfer A shine that reflects something. the internal state of a person (about the eyes). 2. m. 1) Decrease ...
  • OGONEK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I m. 1. Sparkle. 2. transfer A shine that reflects some kind of internal state of a person (about eyes, gaze, gaze). II m. ...
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Restless (Kurlov); lascivious (White); fearful (Muyzhel); fast (Balmont); trembling (Sologub); dozing (Chekhov); yellowish (Bykov); yellow (Ladyzhensky); golden (Kryukov); playful (Blagov); reddish (Potekhin); red hazy... ... Dictionary of epithets

light- Ogonek, "Hook", Nasalization Hook (Ogonek) From Polish ogonek tail One of the lower accents [superscript or subscript]. A small crescent-shaped hook on the right under the letter, open to the right. As a rule, it is connected with... ... Font terminology

light- , nka, m. An entertaining collective event with refreshments, a musical part, and amateur performances. ◘ One day Galin’s class decided to set up a “light” in their home (for some reason it turned out not to be possible at school). SSH, 1984, No. 3, 28.… … Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

Ogonyok see enthusiasm Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. spark noun, number of synonyms: 28 ... Dictionary of synonyms

light- Lighter, matches. Do you have a spark? Youth slang... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

An illustrated weekly magazine of literature, sciences and arts (and then politics and social life), published in St. Petersburg, from 1879 to 1883. Publisher G. Goppe, editor N. P. Alovert. Employees: G. Danilevsky, Count E. Salias, V. Krestovsky, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Ogonyok I m. 1. Sparkle. 2. transfer A shine that reflects some kind of internal state of a person (about the eyes, glance, look). II m. 1. decrease to noun fire 2., 3. 2. caress. to noun fire 2., 3... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Ogonyok (Yakutia) village of Ust Maysky district (ulus) of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Ogonyok magazine is a Soviet and Russian national weekly illustrated magazine. “Blue Light” Soviet festive entertainment program (first... ... Wikipedia

LIGHT nyka; m. 1. only units. Decrease caress. to Fire (1 digit). Light up o. O. was barely warm in the oven. Fr. flushed faintly. // Unwind Something that burns, something that can be used to ignite something. O. Do you have a light? Give me a light, I want to smoke! / About the emergence, origin... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

light- 1) match; 2) a den for playing cards; 3) weapons... Thieves' jargon


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