Gender education of preschool girls. Theoretical foundations of gender education for preschool children. Conditions for creating a subject-development environment

Gender education of preschool children

Gender education of preschool children.

1. Classification gender types

Under « gender» It is customary to understand the social gender of a person, which is formed in the process personality education. Gender indicates the social status of an individual and its socio-psychological characteristics, which are associated with a person’s gender and arise in the process of interaction with other individuals within a certain culture. In concept gender also includes psychological, cultural and social differences between women (girls) and men (by boys).

Cognitive or gender identity(I know that I am a man/woman).

Emotional or gender identity(I feel like a man/woman).

Behavioral or gender roles and specific behavior (I act like a man/woman).

Select 3 gender type:

Classification gender types.

Gender type Characteristics of men Characteristics of women

masculinity Energetic, freedom-loving, ambitious, not too sensitive Have a strong will, can compete with men

femininity Appreciate human relationships, sensitive Tender, caring, faithful

androgyny Combine sensitivity and productivity Can solve male problems using feminine products (communication skills, flexibility)

Masculinity is an expression of preference for instrumental styles of activity, energy, assertiveness, the ability to make significant but short-term effort;

Femininity - commitment to activities related to communication, perception of nuances, subtlety of feelings, the ability to maintain activity that does not require significant effort for a long time;

Androgyny is the manifestation of masculine and feminine traits at the same time.

2. Relevance gender education.

Relevance and importance of the fundamentals gender knowledge in the education system is expressed in the following documents:

Instructions of the Commission on the Status of Women in the Russian Federation under the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2003.

Order of the Ministry of Education dated October 17, 2003 "About lighting gender issues in the education system".

The order provides for the introduction into educational programs of advanced training and professional retraining of management personnel, teachers and teachers of special courses on studying the fundamentals gender knowledge, gender policy, methods gender approach to managing educational processes.

Implementation action plan gender policy in the field of education was proposed in the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2003 “On the development of measures for the implementation of tender policy in the education system for 2003” (Appendix 1 - 3).

Currently the problem gender education of children has become very relevant. Among the reasons can be noted following:

Unification of the sexes, feminization of men and masculinization of women;

Dullness of feeling gender identity;

Increase in inappropriate behavior among young people;

Increasing problems associated with loneliness and instability of marital relationships.

Relevance gender education is also determined by the fact that domestic pedagogy is mainly focused primarily on psychological and age characteristics of the child, although many teachers have already begun to take into account the difference in psycho-physiological characteristics, intellectual abilities and methods perception, needs and social behavior children of different sexes. System preschool education is highly fiminized, and at home a significant part of families grow up in single-parent families. This situation has a very negative impact, especially for boys.

However, it is in preschool period of determination and acceptance gender role. IN age At 2-3 years old, children begin to realize their gender and identify themselves. In the period from 4 to 7 years it is produced gender sustainability. It becomes clear to the kids that gender It is a constant phenomenon that boys grow into men, and girls grow into women. An understanding comes that belonging to one gender or another does not change depending on the personal wishes of the child or the situation.

Gender education- a complex process that manifests itself in any type of activity. At the core gender approach lies in differentiation by gender, taking into account socio-biological characteristics children in educational-educational process. At gender approach to organizing educational activities preschoolers By selecting the forms, content, pace, methods and volumes of education, the best conditions are created for children to acquire knowledge.

A differentiated approach to teaching girls and boys is associated with the following features:

3. Psychological characteristics of the development of boys and girls in various types of activities

The brains of boys and girls develop at different times, in different sequences, and even at different rates. In girls, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for rational and logical thinking and speech, is formed earlier. In boys, the left hemisphere of the brain develops more slowly, so the figurative-sensual sphere dominates to a certain extent. age.

Boys tend to have more volatile moods and are more difficult to calm down. Girls tend to be more emotionally stable.

Boys are characterized by mobility, they grow more resilient, and show negative emotions more clearly. Girls more receptive to the emotional state of others, speech appears earlier. Boys love to play together, and they also like to compete with each other and start fights. Girls tend, especially after 2 years, to play in small groups; intimacy of the situation, alienation, and cooperation are important for them.

Educational process.

During the learning process, it is important to consider that girls and boys perceive information in different ways. If hearing is important for girls perception, then for boys it is preferable to use visual aids based on visual perception.

Visual activities

Visual arts classes should be conducted in such a way that every child, regardless of gender, can express what is emotionally significant or interesting to him. When learning in modeling, applique or drawing classes, you should remember that the movements of the hand of boys in their development lag behind the hands of girls by 1.5 years.

Evaluating performance results children and their behavior, it should be remembered that intonation and the form of its assessment are important for girls. Positive evaluation in front of others children or parents is very significant for girls. At the same time, it is important for boys to evaluate that he has achieved a result. Every new skill or result that the boy managed to achieve has a positive effect on his personal growth, allows him to be proud of himself and try to achieve new goals. However, it is common for boys to improve this skill when they achieve a certain result, which leads to drawing or designing the same thing. This requires understanding on the part of the teacher.

Game activity.

It has been noticed that the styles and content of games for boys and girls differ from each other. For boys, active, noisy games are typical, for girls - quieter ones, on family and everyday topics. For educators The second type of games is closer, since it is not associated with the likelihood of increased injuries and noise. As a result, future men are deprived of truly boyish games, and this has a negative impact on their development as individuals.

To the teacher it is very important to organize play activities this way children so that children in the process of playing together have the opportunity to act together, in accordance with gender characteristics. In this case, boys take on male roles, girls - female ones. Theatrical activities also help with this.

Musical lessons.

Various types of musical activities can be carried out taking into account gender characteristics of children.

Musical-rhythmic movements take into account gender the approach is as follows - boys learn elements of dance and movement that require dexterity and masculine strength (gallant soldiers, riders, girls learn softness and smoothness of movements (exercises with ribbons, balls, round dances).By learning dances (quadrille, polka, waltz), boys gain the skills of a leading partner, girls learn the elegant and graceful elements of dance.

Playing musical instruments is organized differently - boys play drums and spoons, girls play bells and tambourines.

Games and songs about girls and boys help develop a child's gender understanding and positive gender acceptance.

Theatrical activities.

One of the tricks gender education manifests itself in theatrical activities. Men's and women's costumes, fairy tales and poems, staging performances, through the synthesis of music, artistic expression and dance, allow one to master traditional personality traits - femininity for girls and masculinity for boys. One of the manifestations of this approach is the organization of themed holidays for girls and boys.

Physical upbringing.

Boys and girls study together, but methodological techniques are taken into account gender characteristics:

Difference in the choice of exercises only for girls (working with tapes) or only for boys (rope work)

Difference in lesson duration (girls jump for 1 minute, boys – 1.5)

Difference in dosage (girls do the exercise 5 times, boys 10)

Differences in teaching certain motor movements (jumping rope is easier for girls, and long-distance throwing is easier for boys; this requires different methodological approaches - the choice of preparatory exercises, auxiliary equipment, a different number of approaches)

Difference in equipment selection (girls have lighter dumbbells, boys have heavier ones)

Orientation in space (boys are characterized by far vision. Girls have near vision, based on this, boys are allocated a larger part of the room than girls)

Differences in the requirements for the quality of execution of exercises (boys are required to have more rhythm, clarity, girls - plasticity, grace)

In outdoor games, roles are distributed in a certain way (girls are bees, boys are bears)

Emphasizing that there are men's and women's sports.

Girls and boys are not allowed bring up equally. But there are certain values, norms of behavior and prohibitions that everyone, regardless of gender, must learn, which are important in any society: tolerance, respect for oneself and others, the ability to make choices, the ability to bear responsibility, mercy.

Elena Tverdyuk

The concept of gender education.

Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women; this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Under the influence of educators, the child must learn a gender role so that a boy is defined as a husband and a girl as a woman.

Gender and sex education

Gender education” - as the term is used in pedagogy - is the social gender of a person, “formed in the process of educating a person’s personality.

Sex education is the education of basic knowledge, primarily physiological characteristics. Sexual development of children, i.e. what external manifestations of the reproductive system should be considered normal and what deviations from the norm?


“Focus on moral education, support of family values ​​(formation of traditional gender ideas)” is the main goal in the worthy education of a citizen of our Motherland.

Goal: Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.

Target: Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.


Create organizational and pedagogical conditions for the education of preschool children in a preschool educational institution.

To identify the characteristics of gender ideas in children of primary preschool age and to characterize the behavior in various types of activities of children in preschool settings.

Use a system of adequate means in educational work that contributes to the formation of gender in children and causes a positive attitude towards their gender.

Systematize work with parents on the issue of “gender education” of the child in preschool educational institutions and at home.

Signs of a child’s gender unformed identity.

Preference for toys in play activities of the other sex (girls like to play with cars; boys play with dolls)

The child’s desire to dress and dress up in the clothes of an authoritative family member of the opposite sex.

The child’s desire to imitate and behave on an equal footing with a person or family member of the opposite sex (mother-father substitution)

Psychological differences in children


The right hemisphere is developed (analysis of visual images)

Short-term memory predominates.

Abstract thinking

Easy adaptation to the environment

When assessing, what is being assessed matters

Fine motor skills are developed.

Physically stronger. Health is weaker


The left hemisphere is developed (responsible for speech and writing)

Long-term memory predominates

Visual-figurative thinking

They tolerate stress more easily.

During assessment (it is important who evaluates)

Great endurance. Good health

Gross motor skills developed

High skin sensitivity

Organization of advanced training of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions.

Seminars and workshops: “The role of preschool educational institutions in gender education of children of primary preschool age.”

Message from teachers to the pedagogical council on the topic: “Taking into account the interests of boys and girls when creating a subject-development environment.”

Consultation for teachers “New forms and methods of work on raising a future family man in preschool children.”

Reviews and competitions: “Pedagogical ideas in gender education of a child in a preschool educational institution”

Requirements for creating a subject-development environment.

The leading role is gaming.

1. Taking into account the patterns of psychological and mental development of children, health indicators, the level of speech activity of the child, indicators of the emotional and consumer sphere.

2. Color palette - use of pastel colors when painting walls, zoning a group room.

3. Safety of using materials in educational and gaming activities, securing furniture.

4. Groups perform an educational, developmental, and communicative function.

5. Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

6. The subject-development environment changes depending on the requirements of the general education program, the period of study, and the age characteristics of the child.

7. Serves the absolute satisfaction of the child’s needs and interests.

8. Taking into account the child’s growth when designing and zoning the group - “Eye to eye”.

9. Use of furniture of different heights (slides, walls, racks, shelves, etc.)

Conditions for creating a subject-development environment

Game center for girls:

"Beauty salon".



Game center for boys:

"Young Builder"

"Safe Road"


Joint play activity:

"Medical Center"


Corner of nature

Music center

Sensory development corner

Didactic material (large size puzzles)

Physical Development Center

Implementation of gender education – creation of a subject-development environment

Favorite toys


Favorite toys

Introducing markers and attributes aimed at developing gender perceptions:

These are our lockers:

Toilet room:

Attributes for classes:

Cognitive development

Conversations on the topic:

“Who am I, a boy or a girl?” - we form in the child masculine and feminine qualities and ways of behavior.

“How do I help mom and dad at home?” - we form children’s ideas about labor education and the division of female and male labor

"What do parents do"

“I will grow up to be like mom, like dad.” - formation of ideas about social roles in society and family, strengthening positive relationships between future men and women

They read to us

When listening to works of art, the child learns gender behavior characteristic of boys and girls.

1Works containing a model for female imitative behavior (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

2. Works that carry a model of a male imitative image (Boy with a Thumb, “Fox Izayats”)

3. Works that form good, happy family relationships. (“Teremok”, “Mitten”)

We read ourselves

Favorite works

Looking at the illustrations

Our book corner



"We're dancing




Formation of tolerant

relationship with each other

“Our children are very friendly

Play activity

Didactic games:

"Dress the boy", "Dress the girl"

"Pick up a headdress"

“Human professions - female and male”

"Color the girl's clothes, color the boy's clothes"

Outdoor games: “Geese-swans, Paints, Loaf, Carousel...”

Play activity

"game is our favorite pastime"

Physical activity “Very dexterous, brave, of course skillful”

Household labor

The role of the family in gender education.


Forms humanistic character traits (shows care)

Shows affection and kindness

Expresses deep affection for family

Reveals beauty, gives ready answers

Is an imitation of the girl's future behavior.


Forms determination, perseverance, courage

Helps build self-esteem

Teaches to generalize and draw conclusions.

Develops collectivism and stimulates action.

Serves as a role model for the child in later life

Working with parents.

Information (consultations, booklets, announcements)

Communication (parent meetings, conversations, participation in conferences, holidays “International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day. February 23, May 9...”, home visits, field trips, visits to zoos, museums, organization of cleanup days,


The formation of gender stability in a preschooler depends on: the educational process in a preschool institution, the competent preparedness of teaching staff and the family, the model of interpersonal relationships, the behavior of an adult as an example to follow, with their traditions and attitudes.

Sveta Sirotkina
Gender education in kindergarten conditions

Gender education in kindergarten conditions

So you can’t equate them”

GENDER– social gender of a person, formed in the process education personality and includes psychological, social and cultural differences between men (by boys) and women (girls).

Gender education- this is the organization of the pedagogical process taking into account gender identity, the characteristics of children’s development during gender-role socialization.

Formation gender sustainability is due sociocultural norms and depends: on the nature of parental attitudes and on education child in a preschool educational institution.

Between the ages of 4 and 7 years, the gender sustainability: children understand that gender will not change - boys become men, and girls become women.

Problem education and teaching children according to their gender is an urgent task of pedagogical work with preschoolers.

Social changes taking place in modern society have led to the destruction of traditional stereotypes of male and female behavior. Against the background of these changes, internal psychological positions also change children: girls become aggressive and rude, and boys adopt feminine behavior. The lack of a differentiated approach to boys and girls affects the behavior and actions of children.

Watching the children in my group, I noticed that many girls lack modesty, tenderness, patience, and do not know how to peacefully resolve conflict situations. Boys, on the contrary, do not know how to stand up for themselves, are physically weak, lack stamina, and they lack a culture of behavior towards girls.

In the process of working, children did not know how to independently distribute responsibilities taking into account the gender of the child. Boys did not show a desire to come to the aid of girls when physical strength was needed, and girls were in no hurry to help boys where accuracy and thoroughness were needed.

All this allowed me to draw conclusions about the need to create a group kindergarten conditions for gender socialization of children.

To form a positive gender role identity in children, I

set herself the necessary solution to the following tasks:

Formation of gender-role knowledge, development of the ability to use this knowledge in various situations of life.

Development of moral and volitional qualities characteristic of boys (courage, determination, strength, endurance, faith, etc.) and girls (sensitivity, kindness, tenderness, compassion, etc.)

Creating a holistic positive "Image of Self" boy or girl;

Formation of a friendly, tolerant attitude towards the opposite sex.

I have highlighted the main ones conditions for gender socialization of children:

Subject development environment;

Formation of the group, taking into account gender differences;

Differentiated approach to training and raising children;

Working with family.

One of the leading conditions to form a positive gender role

identity and consolidation of positive

stereotypes of masculine and feminine qualities in behavior appear

subject-development environment. Therefore, one of the significant conditions

formation of positive gender-role identity in children - creation

special pedagogical sex development environment as a holistic

educational - educational, spiritual and subject space,

ensuring the development of the child’s personality as a boy or girl,

turning him into a subject of activity of relations, including

sex-role. The child’s activities and his interaction with his children and

of the other gender in such an environment contribute to actualization, reproduction and

consolidation of his existing experience, as well as the formation of new

ways of gender role behavior.

In preschool age, the main activity is play. In the role-playing game, children learn gender behavior, the child takes on a role and acts in accordance with the accepted role. In the game you can see how noticeably different boys and girls are. A story-based game does not require significant actions from the child, but it is the game that allows you to consolidate gender stereotypes, lay the foundations for an emotionally positive attitude towards the future social role of a man or woman, father or mother.

Girls prefer games on family and everyday topics, while boys are noisy and full of movement. Our group has created conditions for boys' games: "Firemen", "Sailors", "Military", "Cosmonauts", "Builders". For girls - "Beauty salon", "Studio", "Doll Corner" with all the necessary accessories: clothes for dolls, furniture, dishes. With joint education boys and girls, a very important pedagogical task is to overcome the disunity between them and organize joint games, during which children could act together, but in accordance with gender characteristics. Boys take on masculine roles, and girls take on feminine roles.

The goal of pedagogical support for role-playing games should be

formation of skills that ensure independent play, which

boys and girls realize their gender role ideas and

preferences, interacting freely with peers.

Constructive activity is one of the favorite activities of both boys and girls. And boys especially love to work with construction sets. There are different constructors: ranging from large floor ones to small ones of various types and purposes.

When decorating a group room, I use simple markers gender differences:

We differentiate labels for girls and boys on wardrobes; (fairy-tale heroes of male and female types, cabinet doors of different colors: blue and green for boys, orange and red for girls).

We select towels for drying hands in two different colors.

-Individual combs: for girls - pink, yellow, for boys - blue, green.

On children's beds there are fairy tale drawings heroes: male and female types.

Gender the approach is reflected in the organization

educational activities with children. Through familiarization with the names of their parents' professions, male and female names, the names of tools needed by people of different professions, and reading works of fiction aimed at boys and girls, children form coherent speech, enrich and develop their vocabulary. This knowledge helps the child understand his gender identity and determine his place in modern society. We also take into account the gender of the child when selecting toys and equipment. The point is that for girls and boys you need to select material according to "interests": for girls, for example, nesting dolls, dolls, butterflies, and for boys - ships, soldiers, cars... Let's say on N.O.D. in mathematics, on a lexical topic "Toys" how can you use counting material? use: for boys - cars, soldiers, and for girls - nesting dolls.

Music is one of the means of shaping gender-role behavior in children. In music classes, work on gender education can be traced in various types of musical activity. When learning dances (waltz, polka, quadrille). Boys master the skills of a leading partner; for girls, we focus on grace, elegance, and softness of movements. In musical-rhythmic movements we use differentiated approach: boys learn movements requiring masculine strength and agility (riders, brave soldiers). In girls, smoothness and softness of movements predominate (round dances, exercises with flowers, ribbons, balls). For example: boys dance the sailors' dance, and girls dance the nesting dolls.

Mastering traditional properties personalities: masculinity - in boys and femininity in girls, such means of influence as the artistic word (fairy tales, epics, poems, stories, and elements of men's and women's costumes help. We use all this most fully in theatrical performances.

Fairy tales are a powerful tool nurturing love for one's neighbor. They reflect not only the requirements of folk morality, but also provide examples of moral behavior. Russian folk songs are accessible and close to children fairy tales: “Tiny – Khavroshechka”, "The Needlewoman and the Sloth", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Ivan the Tsarevich", "The Frog Princess", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Finist - clear falcon", "Porridge from an ax", etc.

Fairy tales teach boys and girls to be obedient, to love their native land and people, to honor their parents, to be kind and fair.

Invaluable help in solving problems raising children taking into account their gender folklore has special features (rhymes, pesters, teasers, sayings, folk games). In the speech development center in my group there is the necessary card index of nursery rhymes, poems, sayings, and didactic games.

Proverbs and sayings are a kind of moral code, a set of rules of behavior. Used throughout the day. For example: “The whole family is together, and the soul is in the same place”, “For a good owner, the day is short”, “The braid is a girl’s beauty”, “Without courage, you cannot take a fortress”, “The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly” and etc.

Interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is necessary condition for a successful solution

gender role tasks raising children.

For the purpose of pedagogical and psychological education of parents on issues education boys and girls in "Parents' Corner" visual information is provided.

Forms of working with families varied: discussing various pedagogical

situations and a way out of them “The role of the mother in education of positive sex

identity of a daughter or son" "Is it the same raise sons and

daughters? ; We conduct individual conversations on the topic

"Child's relationships with peers"; consultations "Women's and

do men’s responsibilities need to be shared”, “Friendships

between boys and girls", discussions about problems raising boys and

The group celebrates Mother's Day. Competitions were held among children:"Portrait of Mommy"; "Portrait of Dad". On March 8, we held a tea party with moms, on February 23, a sports festival with dads...

Group creation work conditions, promoting gender socialization of children, brought positive results. The culture of children's behavior and communication has grown, boys have become more attentive towards girls, and girls have become more friendly towards boys. Children know the gender of their name and their relationship to it. Work on gender education it is necessary to deepen and improve in the future, depending on the age of the children.

Family is the place in which a child develops his first idea about relationships between people, about the place of each person in this world. The child’s behavior pattern and his subsequent life scenario are seriously influenced by the relationships that have developed in the family. Gender education of children should help them develop an understanding of the roles of women and men in the family and in society. Under the influence of educators and parents, a child develops a certain model of behavior that he will adhere to in society. For gender education of children today, parents can use system-vector analysis. It will help you understand your child and see what exactly is happening if he has difficulty identifying his gender.

Gender education of preschool children

The further successful formation of personality depends on the correct gender education of preschool children.

Psychologists have conducted a number of studies and proven that women and men do not always perceive their own gender correctly. Only correct gender education of children contributes to the formation of individual sociocultural and psychological characteristics inherent in their gender. And in the future, such children most often become exemplary family men. They know how to constructively interact with the opposite sex and treat them with respect.

Gender education is best applied no earlier than the age of four. At this age, the child already correctly perceives his gender, he understands the main differences between boys and girls.

Gender education for preschool children should be introduced gradually. It is best to carry out such education in a playful way.

When raising a boy, parents, trying to instill in him masculine qualities, sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes the demands placed on the child are too stringent. Adults teach a child to be a man and not to cry. This method of education can lead to negative consequences. The child tries to meet the required qualities, but at the same time becomes aggressive, irritable, and sometimes behaves provocatively. Parents must understand that the psyche of boys is much more vulnerable than that of girls. This means that they also need affection, parental love and approval.

You should also not overprotect your child. A boy who was brought up in greenhouse conditions turns into a man unadapted to life and dependent on himself. A mother should not show her authority to her son. She should be tender and fragile for him. And then the boy, like a real man, will have a desire to take care of her and protect her.

From an early age, the girl tries to be like her mother in everything. Problems in gender-based education of children can begin at a time when girls begin to assert their independence in front of others and cease to conform to generally accepted stereotypes about obedience and feminine meekness. At this time, the child’s psyche is most vulnerable. He develops general depression, self-doubt, and internal conflicts.

When communicating with girls, parents should remember that they are very vulnerable and touchy. Therefore, a girl must be raised in such a way that from the very beginning she develops a trusting and warm relationship with her parents.

When raising children with gender, parents should become an example of femininity for girls, and an example of masculinity for boys.

The importance of gender-role education of children

In the process of gender role education, children learn to distinguish between patterns of behavior of women and men, and then extend the acquired experience to new life situations, and finally, follow the appropriate rules.

If the upbringing of boys should be aimed at developing their desire for achievement, a practical approach to the implementation of their plans, then girls can better perceive their gender through the prism of relationships with others.

Fathers engage in gender education of their children in different ways. There are fathers who spare no effort and free time for their child, as they are aware of their role in his mental and physical development. Teacher fathers play the role of absolute monarch. However, in any case, the upbringing of the father is necessary for both the daughter and the son.

Gender-role education of children in the family shows that women and men, despite their different roles, are necessary for each other and should care and help each other. In a family, adults and children mutually influence each other. This system also has its own contradictions, but they can compensate and balance each other. At the stage of formation, such contradictions encourage the child to search behavior and to be active. The gender-role behavior of children is formed through the close interaction of psychological, biological factors, as well as the social environment in which the child grows up.

Kuvshinova Svetlana Evgenievna

deputy Head of Educational and Methodological Work, MDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 12 “Bell”

Yegoryevsk, Moscow region


How does gender education affect preschool children?

Annotation. The article examines gender education of preschool children. Key words: gender, preschool age, gender competence, tolerance, emotions.

Once upon a time in Russia, gender-role education of children was carried out easily and naturally. Social changes taking place in modern society have led to the destruction of traditional stereotypes of male and female behavior. Therefore, the question “Gender education in preschool age” seemed interesting to us.

One of the current pedagogical tasks in working with preschoolers is the construction of educational processes in accordance with the gender of the child. Therefore, gender education of preschoolers is a very important process.

Gender is a social sex that determines a person's behavior in society and how this behavior is perceived.

A child is born with a certain biological sex, and takes on a gender role in the process of socialization, i.e. in the process of communicating with other people.

Psychologists have proven that by the age of 2, a child begins to understand who he is - a girl or a boy, and from 4 to 7 years old, children already realize that girls become women, and boys become men, that gender is preserved regardless of the situations that arise or the desires of the child (that is, gender stability is formed).

Physiologists, psychologists and teachers believe that the formation of gender stability is determined by sociocultural norms and depends primarily on the attitude of parents to the child, the nature of parental attitudes and the attachment of both mother to child and child to mother, as well as on his upbringing in a preschool educational institution .

Observing the pupils of our kindergarten, we noted that many girls lack modesty, tenderness, patience, and do not know how to peacefully resolve conflict situations. Boys, on the contrary, do not know how to stand up for themselves, are physically weak,

lacking endurance and emotional stability, they lack a culture of behavior towards girls. The content of children’s games is also alarming: children demonstrate patterns of behavior that do not correspond to the gender of the child, and do not know how to negotiate in the game or assign roles. In the process of working, children do not know how to independently distribute responsibilities taking into account the gender of their partner.

The tasks of preschool educational institutions for gender education of preschool children:

Formation of gender-role knowledge, development of the ability to use this knowledge in various situations of life.

Formation of preschoolers’ ideas about the traditions of raising boys and girls in Russian folk culture.

Development of moral and volitional qualities characteristic of boys (courage, determination, strength, endurance, faith, etc.) and girls (sensitivity, kindness, tenderness, compassion, etc.).

Development of a value-based attitude towards oneself as a person of the appropriate gender, formation of the ability to self-realize the wealth of the inner world, female/male originality.

Form a friendly, tolerant attitude towards the opposite sex.

The period of preschool childhood is the period during which teachers and parents must help the child discover the unique opportunities that are given to him by gender.

We believe that it is very important to draw the attention of educators and parents to gender differences in the upbringing, training, and perception of preschool children.

The task of teachers is to understand the essence of these issues themselves and explain to parents how to act in certain situations.

But in the software and methodological support of preschool educational institutions, gender


The specific characteristics of children are not taken into account at the proper level.

In order for the upbringing of children in a preschool educational institution to be carried out taking into account their gender characteristics, teachers and specialists must develop gender competence, which involves teachers mastering the organizational, psychological, pedagogical and didactic aspects of managing children's activities with an emphasis on gender identity.

In our study, we used the methodology “Development of educational technologies taking into account the gender characteristics of early and preschool children in kindergarten and family settings.”

Many people call the age period of children 3-4 years tender. This may be due to the fact that babies of this age are very attractive in appearance. Adults, fascinated by them, cannot help but admire their open gaze, lively facial expressions, funny actions and spontaneous actions. Just look at them and rejoice!

At the same time, it is at this age that teachers and parents begin to have problems when communicating with children: they do not listen to adults, cannot occupy themselves, require the constant presence of the mother, show aggression towards adults and children, etc.

This is explained by the manifestation of the crisis of three years, i.e. the fact that a crisis of social relations arises between adults and the child, during which the child separates from the adult, the desire to express his “I” appears, as a result of which the child’s desire and desire to act on his own, like adults, arises and acquires a certain dynamics: in games boys imitate the men in the family: father, grandfather, girls imitate their mother and other women who inspire their admiration. This means that by the age of 3-4, children clearly distinguish and recognize their gender characteristics: I am a boy, I am a girl.

By the end of early preschool age, the child begins to consciously distinguish people by gender, relying on external signs (clothing, hair length, etc.)

In preschool age, the main type of children's activity is play; we believe that it is in role-playing play that children learn gender behavior.

In order to develop a story-based game, younger preschoolers aged 3-4 years need the entire set of story-forming toys that set a “complete imaginary situation”, and the objects of operation are the most significant for this age.

We noticed that in the practice of preschool educational institutions there is an imbalance of the subject environment towards the predominance of “girlish” materials and aids. Doll furniture and attributes for girls' games are closer to a female teacher. The beauties of a doll's life are more pleasing to the eye than

from technical toys, boxes with construction sets or sets for games with rules for dexterity and accuracy. In addition, materials and equipment for girls' play create a feeling of safety, in contrast to the toys that boys like to play with.

Therefore, when carrying out work on raising children, taking into account their gender characteristics, we pay great attention to the selection of play materials and equipment for play activities for both boys and girls.

Under the guidance of a teacher, girls of this age can take care of a doll - a “daughter” in an imaginary plan, “cook dinner,” and wash the dolls’ clothes.

When the level of development in the game is reached, which is characterized by the acceptance of a role and the ability to carry out role-playing actions in a certain sequence, we will be able to move on to solving issues related to teaching girls to perform social functions in the game.

Games such as “Future Fashion Designer” and “Dominoes for Girls” were purchased for girls, which girls enjoy playing in their free time.

The teachers discussed with the boys the location of the toy “car park” and sets of toy tools for little “car mechanics”. Many families of our pupils have cars, so boys of this age willingly perform play actions with a striped baton, put on a cape and cap, and in older preschool age boys take on the role of a traffic police officer who stops the “cars” and asks drivers to show documents. For speeding, for those who do not fasten their seat belts in the car, and for other violations, the “policeman” issues a fine.

An important role in the development of play activity of children 3-4 years old belongs to construction from large building material. Boys of this age, first under the guidance of a teacher, and then independently, willingly design for group games. We propose to design a large car, airplane, steamship, train carriage, etc. The boys are glad that they are entrusted with “hard” work: “to transport” the material on cars, to install the main large parts, etc.

Often adults blame the behavior of boys when they run, scream, and play war. But we take into account that boys physiologically need more space for play, that in play they develop physically, learn to regulate their strength, play helps them discharge accumulated energy, and therefore we do not interrupt their games, but only direct boys’ games in the right direction.

When it comes to cars, you shouldn’t think that they can only be of interest to boys. It is important for teachers to give knowledge about technology to both boys and girls. At preschool age, technical toys are shaped

Municipal education: innovations and experiment No. 1, 2013


develop the child’s ability to invent and technically design.

Playing cars gives you an idea of: the rules of the road and the basics of driving ethics; about the purpose of various machines, about the distinctive features of the appearance of various models.

If a boy sometimes plays with dolls, and a girl dismantles a car or loves construction toys, there are no pathologies; this is a stage that can be useful for the formation of certain traits - caring in a boy, curiosity and the development of logical thinking in a girl.

An equally important task that we solve when raising children 3-4 years old is to introduce various markers into the environment with an emphasis on gender identity, and supplement the environment with specific materials for girls and boys, so that a small child has the opportunity to repeatedly confirm that she is - a girl and he is a boy.

Mastering the experience of male and female behavior in household activities is facilitated by work assignments, which are also distributed depending on the gender of the child: boys perform work involving the use of physical force, girls - with accuracy.

A long time ago, our wise ancestors shared the methods of raising girls and boys. Masculinity was developed in boys, and femininity in girls.

When organizing and conducting classes, we take into account the psychological characteristics of boys and girls: preschool girls are ahead of boys in terms of mental development, while boys are ahead of them in physical development. In this regard, girls are more successful in educational and creative activities, boys - in outdoor games and physical education classes. Girls are also very sensitive to how criticism or praise is expressed (intonation, form of evaluation, publicity). Therefore, we structure educational work in such a way that everyone has an area of ​​activity where the child will be successful.

Cognitive activities are aimed at providing children with knowledge about representatives of the two opposite sexes, the professional activities of men and women, family life and moral and ethical culture, customs and traditions of folk education.

We take into account that girls need stimuli that are more based on auditory perception. Boys do not readily perceive the teacher’s explanation by ear, and for them it is preferable to use visual means based on visual perception. Therefore, in the learning process, we not only talk, but also actively use visual demonstrations, and also make sure to give children the opportunity to touch, hold in their hands, or connect new information with movement.

When the teacher asks the children a question during class, the girls are always the first to raise their hand. When answering a question, they try to make sure their answer is complete, look the teacher in the eye, etc. Boys' speech is less developed than girls', so boys are in no hurry to answer and think about it more carefully, which means they spend more time choosing the right words. We try to take this into account and listen to the boys' answers after the girls' answers.

We found that at the age of 3-4 years, sex and gender identity are intensively formed in visual activities.

Drawing promotes a child’s gender self-identification and controls his emotional and semantic behavior.

At this age, the themes of children's drawings are determined by many factors. One of them is the child’s belonging to a certain gender and the degree of his sensitivity to gender differences.

The general focus on being similar to one’s own gender gives a certain content to the child’s drawings: boys draw roads with racing cars, planes in the sky, ships at sea, building houses, as well as war and fights. Girls draw “pretty girls”, princesses, flowers, gardens, all kinds of ornaments, as well as mothers walking with their daughters.

In physical education and music classes, the purpose and objectives of the classes are also formulated taking into account the gender of the children. In physical education classes, different dosages of exercises and different basic types of movements are planned. In music classes, the repertoire, musical instruments and dance numbers are selected taking into account the gender of the children.

In our free time from classes, when conducting individual work with children to consolidate the material covered in mathematics classes, we suggest choosing the handouts that are interesting to the children: girls want to count dolls, boys want to count cars, etc.

When observing children 3-4 years old and describing the integrative quality “Mastering the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers” (section “Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community”), we came to the following conclusions :

At the beginning of the school year, only 20% of students had formed primary gender ideas (boys are strong, brave; girls are gentle, feminine); only 15% of children showed respect for their peers of the same and opposite sex.

By the end of the school year, after work in this direction, these indicators changed: 55% of students had formed primary gender ideas (boys are strong, brave;

Municipal education: innovations and experiment No. 1, 2013


girls are gentle, feminine); 45% of children show respect for their peers of the same and opposite sex, and take initiative in helping their friends and adults. In relationships with peers, he shows selectivity, which is expressed in the preference of some children over others. Regular play partners appear (Fig. 1).

It is interesting that 32% of boys attending our kindergarten have single-parent families. But boys, deprived of the opportunity for sufficient communication with their father in childhood, often subsequently do not know how to fulfill their paternal responsibilities. Boys raised without a father either acquire a “feminine” type of behavior or create a distorted idea of ​​masculine behavior

3 0% -f 2 0% - -10% -0% -4-

primary gender ideas

respectful attitude towards peers

■ beginning of the year

■ end of the year

Fig.1. Indicators of the formation of integrative quality

Boy and girl - two different worlds

It's no secret that for the full development of a small child, the cooperation of adults is necessary: ​​teachers and parents on the issues of upbringing and development of children. Our work experience has shown that we need to look for new ways of cooperation with mothers and fathers, including on issues of raising girls and boys. How did parents accept the gender approach in raising girls and boys?

As a result of a survey of parents, we saw that to the question: “Do you think that a girl and a boy should be raised differently?”, 69% of parents answered “yes,” but only 16% of parents know how to do this , 15% of parents answered that they raise the same way.

Introducing parents to the psychological and physiological characteristics of girls and boys at the parent meeting “Our girls and boys. What are they like?”, discussion of the problem “The role of the father (mother) in raising girls (boys)” at consultations for mothers and fathers had a positive impact on the attitude of parents towards girls and boys and allowed us to establish trusting relationships with the parents of pupils.

and do not perceive everything that their mother is trying to instill in them. Such boys are often less mature and purposeful, do not feel sufficiently safe, less initiative and balanced, and more timid.

By raising real men and women, we will make life easier for our children in the future and will help them avoid loneliness and instability.


1. Bern S. Gender psychology. St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2002. 320 p.

2. Bozhovich L. I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M.: Education, 2000. 382 p.

3. Doronova T. N. Girls and boys 3-4 years old in the family and kindergarten. Manual for preschool educational institutions. M.: Education, 2008.

4. Ilyin E.P. Sex and gender. St. Petersburg: Leader, 2005. 321 p.

5. Kolominsky Y. S. Boys and girls. Knowledge is power. M.: Vlados, 2001.289 p.

6. Tarakanova V.V., Slabozhaninova K.A. Style of family education and features of communication of a preschooler with peers. // Municipal education: innovations and experiment, - 2012.- No. 5.- P.75-78.

Municipal education: innovations and experiment No. 1, 2013

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