The use of regional studies material in the study of a foreign language. Forms of implementation of the country-specific and linguistic-cultural components in the English lesson in secondary school

Country studies material in English lessons

Parfenova Svetlana Vladimirovna

English teacher Lyceum №94

city ​​of Ufa, Bashkortostan

After the entry of our society into the pan-European space, the question of introducing the modern student to world culture, raising his educational level, and fluency not only in foreign languages, but also in a foreign language culture is promptly raised. In the process of studying regional studies, cognitive, educational, socio-therapeutic, adaptive, developing functions of education are realized in their unity.

In the practice of teaching a foreign language, there is an increasing need to teach not only language structures, but also what “lies behind the language”, i.e. culture of the country of the language being studied.

Country studies expands the volume of background knowledge, ensures successful communication in the language. Country studies includes not only the lexical background, national culture and national realities, but also performs a huge educational function, educating students in respect and love for the country of the language being studied.

Regional studies are included in the definition of the content of education foreign language, which is one of the most actual problems pedagogy. This is natural, since the social order of society in the field of teaching a foreign language currently puts forward the task of developing the spiritual sphere of students, increasing the humanistic content of education, more fully implementing the educational and developmental potential of the subject in relation to the personality of each student, expanding communications between the parties. Therefore, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is to develop the student's personality, able and willing to participate in intercultural communication and independently improve in the activity being mastered.

Regional information today can be obtained from everywhere: from television programs, including English lessons (which can be recorded and shown in classes), from newspapers, from video courses and printed publications found on the Internet.

From the very beginning, it is advisable to offer students a variety of questionnaires, crossword puzzles. This will give an idea of ​​what the students already know and what interests them the most. Here is a sample questionnaire with which you can start studying an English-speaking country:

1. Who is the most famous monarch/ president?

2. Who is the most famous politician?

3. Who is the most famous poet?

4. Who is the most important writer?

5. Who is the most famous actor/actress?

6. Who is the most famous scientist/inventor?

7. Who is the most famous sports person?

8. Who is the most important historical figure?

9. Who is the most famous singer? etc.

All the above questions can refer to people alive or dead.

Can be offered to students small test to reveal, for example, knowledge about Australia while reviewing what they have learned about other countries.

1. Australia is…

a) a small country; b) the largest country in the world; c) the sixth largest country in the world. (1c)

2. Australia's population is …

a) 17m people; b) 26m people; c) 57.7m people; d) 251 m people (2a)

3. Which of these figures refer to Great Britain, the USA, Canada, and New Zealand?

Key: 2c; 2d; 2b; 2e

4. Australia's longest river is …

a) The Murray; b) the Darling; c) the Murrumbidgee. (Key: 4b)

5. The largest lake in Australia is …

a) Austin; b) Eyre; c) Torrens; d) MacDonald's; e) Mackay (Key: 5b)

6. The name of this animal is the Aboriginal word meaning “no water”.

a) Kangaroo; b) koala c) Kookaburra (Key: 6b)

7. Two of these animals are the only egg-laying mammals in the world.

a) Tasmanian devil; b) echidna; c) platypus; d) dingo; e) opossum; f) koala g) kangaroo. (Key: 7b, c)

8. A domestic animal that outnumbers people in Australia.

a) rabbit; b) cow; c) cat; d) sheep (Key: 8d)

Students are interested in working with a geographical map. You can lay out geographical maps of five countries (Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) in front of them and ask them to find the same names, transfer names that have acquired the word in one of the countries NEW . You can ask students to tell what associations they have with the mention of a particular geographical name.

Another interesting task that requires the use of a geographical map as well as travel brochures: “Imagine that you are going to the UK, but only for 3 (4) days. What sights will you visit and why?

We know how difficult it is to remember proper names, especially in conversation when people introduce themselves to each other and then do not repeat their name. In addition, the interlocutors, if they know each other quite well, begin to mention diminutive names.

In order to master proper names, you can introduce students to the 10 most common masculine and 10 - female names and their diminutives. After that, you can invite them to play the game "Acquaintance" ( Intrigue ). When meeting, each participant calls a fictitious full name, then a diminutive. At phrases like this are used : “My name is…”, “Mother calls me…”, “My sister calls me…”, “My teacher calls me…” etc. d .

During the game “Name Change” (“ Changing of the name ”), famous participants (pop stars, writers, poets, etc.) have, in addition to their own name, a stage name, a pseudonym or several names, pseudonyms.

Of great interest is the work with proverbs and sayings. The task is given: “Give five English / American proverbs, sayings and find the corresponding Russian proverbs, sayings. You can write English / American proverbs on separate sheets of paper with the corresponding proverbs and sayings in Russian and cut the sheets into strips by dividing the class into two groups and give them these strips with the task of finding matches. At the same time, work with a dictionary of ideomatic expressions, phraseological units is not excluded.

Here it should be remembered that everything is known in comparison. Indeed, by comparing, we learn more not only about others, but also about ourselves.

Continuing to compare, it is possible to include signs and symbols of culture in the educational process. For example, you can pair the cultural symbols of the UK and the US, divide the class into two groups, and, just as in the activity described above, ask students to match.

The UK



Washington, D.C.

10 Downing Street

white house



official birthday

independence day

(the second Saturday in June)

(the fourth of July)

Union Jack

Stars and Stripes

Elstree Studios


Big Ben

Statue of Liberty

black taxi

yellow cab




take care

After the groups have found all the matches, you can ask the students about what they know about these cultural symbols, ask them to find the corresponding entries in the dictionary or encyclopedia, the Internet and prepare a story about these symbols. Try to find other symbols on your own and talk about them.

Cultural tokens include stamps and coins. different countries. We discuss what the images on stamps and coins symbolize, what important aspects of the life of a particular country they reflect. Here we compare what important aspects of life reflect the stamps and coins of our country.

Video films about the countries of the language being studied are of great interest to students. Such films should not be long, otherwise students will not be able to complete the tasks given before watching the film. These tasks can be formulated as follows:

1) Write down what geographical names sounded in the film (tell us about the associations associated with them);

2) What proper names did you remember that turned out to be new for you. In this case, the class can be divided into several groups and each group works together on a specific task.

You can also involve students in drafting projects: a group of students chooses a historical period (the project includes the main political events, the main historical figures of this period, including the name of the monarch or president, the main events of cultural life).

Here is a far from complete list of methods of working with regional studies material.

Lately on present stage teaching foreign languages, it is proposed to strengthen the educational, educational and developmental orientation of the content of training through the use of a linguistic and cultural approach to the selection and organization of educational material. With this approach, a foreign language is acquired in close connection with the history and culture of the country of the language being studied, which allows laying the solid foundations necessary for the student to participate in a direct and indirect dialogue of cultures.

Foreign language and texts in other languages ​​provide access to the real way of life of neighboring peoples. Any language is primarily a means of communication between people. Therefore, for a student of a foreign language, it is first of all important to master it as a tool of communication, that is, to learn to understand foreign language speech and speak it. This communicative goal in the study of a foreign language is in the first place.

Now a few words about the choice of teaching materials and regional study materials. The program notes that "the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary school is the development of the student's personality, able and willing to participate in intercultural communication in the target language and independently improve in the foreign language speech activity he masters." That is, a student, as a bearer of the culture of his country, must master all types of foreign language speech activity to the extent that he can participate in a direct or indirect dialogue of cultures with representatives of countries where the language being studied is spoken.

In our lyceum, we took the EMC "English in Focus" (grades 2-11) by authors J. Dooley, O. Podolyako, Y. Vaulin and V. Evans in 2010. I would like to say that there are ample opportunities for achieving the set goals, since training and education are inseparable in the process of forming foreign language competence. Communication is impossible without mastery of language means. The main task when working on the EMC "English in Focus" is realized when working with vocabulary, which is prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard: "to teach students to recognize in written and oral text, reproduce and use in speech in their main meaning lexical units that serve situations of communication in accordance with communicative task.

One of the new requirements sample programs the main school of foreign language based on the Federal State Educational Standard concerns the use of synonyms and antonyms adequately to the situation. The ability to use them in speech is a difficult skill that is formed slowly and requires systematic work, so already in the 5th grade oppositional pairs are introduced. So in module 4 b active vocabulary includes adjectives to describe appearance. Big-small, tall-short, long-short, thin-fat . Units are also introduced. fat plump and students pay attention to the difference between these synonyms with the help of the teacher.

In grades 8-9, the use of synonyms to semantize new vocabulary is included in the lessons on a regular basis.

For successful verbal communication, it is necessary to possess all the components of communicative competence, including sociocultural, which implies knowledge of the norms and rules of speech etiquette. The fact is that when communicating with foreigners, people easily forgive them grammatical errors, explaining them by a natural lack of linguistic knowledge, but they are very sensitive to violations of etiquette norms, as they believe that they were violated intentionally. Work on speech etiquette is carried out in the EMC "English in Focus" in a strict system, from module to module, from class to class. In grades 5-7 it separate lesson in each module English in use ” where dialogues are presented in the most typical life situations, practicing speech clichés that equip students with greeting and farewell formulas, the ability to make suggestions, ask how to get to a certain point and explain the way. Elementary remarks help you navigate the situation of buying souvenirs, ordering dishes in a cafe, etc.

Acquaintance with the cultural component of the meaning of linguistic phenomena is very important. Linguistic and cultural knowledge provides effective intercultural communication through adequate perception of the speech of the interlocutor and understanding of the original texts. Often we meet LE in authentic texts that are difficult to semantize. The following can be distinguished: lexical units of a foreign language that do not have equivalent correspondences in the native language of students. For example: double decker, yeoman, black cab - the realities of English culture. Undoubtedly, these LEs broaden the horizons of students and provide knowledge about the country of the language being studied. Country texts about Great Britain cover topics such as the geography of Great Britain, education in England and Scotland, English houses, landmarks, famous streets of London, etc.

In textbooks and workbooks edited by V.P. Kuzovlev, there is a special group of exercises under the heading “In your culture”, which purposefully teaches the ability to speak in English about your native culture. Performing exercises under the heading “Link List”, students compare the features of Russian and foreign languages ​​at several levels - linguistic, speech, sociocultural.

The use of the regional component makes it possible to simultaneously solve two interrelated tasks:

To increase the efficiency of studying the main invariant content of the subject;

Raise the level of foreign language proficiency among schoolchildren, relying on a student-centered approach to organizing the work of students with local material that is significant to them.

To achieve this goal, the WCU of the authors - V.P. Kuzovlev, N.M. Paw "Happy English"; “ Spotlight ”- Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, W. Evans; "Forum" - V. Evans, J. Dooley; Click on » - V. Evans, N. Sullivan; " Upstream - W. Evans, J. Dooley ; "New Headway" - Amanda Maris (Oxford University Press) etc. P .

The use of local history material activates the mental activity of students, allows you to diversify the methods of lessons, introduces concreteness and persuasiveness into teaching. The use of local history material for educational purposes sharpens the attention of students to facts and phenomena, promotes the development of independent creative thinking, the skills of practical application of the acquired knowledge in life.


1. Apalkov V.: English. 5-9 grades. Subject line of textbooks "English in focus", - Enlightenment, 2012.

2. Federal component of the State educational standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) education (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089)

3. Yu. Vaulina, V. Evans, J. Dooley, O. Podolyako UMK “English in focus (for grades 5-9 of secondary schools), M .: Express Publishing: Education, 2010-2013.

Topic of the speech: "The use of regional studies material in English lessons as a means of increasing the motivation of students"

Modern conditions life put forward new requirements for the study of a foreign language, which is centered on language competence. And the main means of teaching a foreign language is the language environment. But within school education there is only a type of learning outside the language environment. The students of our school do not have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers and receive regional knowledge, but information about the culture of the countries of the language being studied arouses genuine interest in children. For several years I have been working on the topic “Using gaming technologies in English lessons”, but this technique was only effective in primary school. In the middle and senior level, the methodology did not arouse much interest, and motivating students to communicate in English is becoming increasingly difficult. Indecision, fear of making mistakes, for which you can get bad grades in the future, all this repelled children from communicating in the language. It is known that student motivation is important to us because it affects performance learning activities. As a means of increasing students' motivation, I tried to start introducing regional studies material into the structure of the lesson.

The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to develop the personality of a student who is able and willing to participate in intercultural communication. Based on the goals set, the content of teaching regional studies at English lessons includes the following components: linguistic and regional studies, which includes knowledge, understanding of realities (words denoting objects of national culture) and the ability to use them, as well as background vocabulary, phraseological units, proverbs as a source of national cultural information; knowledge of regional topics related to general knowledge about the country; textual material contained in textbooks and educational material on regional studies and a general educational component. Country studies can be divided into the following aspects: geography, history, culture of the country of the language being studied. The section "Culture" includes not only art, but also public life, state structure, education, life, national sports, customs and traditions.

There are several methods of working with country-specific material:

Working with geographic maps and calendars .

Linguistic texts



Work with proverbs, idiomatic expressions

Authentic letters

Work with authentic ads, newspapers, magazines

    Work with linguistic and cultural texts. The quality of teaching largely depends on the teacher's ability to select linguistic and regional studies material. The knowledge of a foreign culture consists in the search for differences between the samples of one's own and another's culture and the awareness of this culture. Texts of a country-specific nature occupy great place in the process of learning a foreign language. The content of such texts should be meaningful for students, have a novelty for them. The concept of culture in the selection of texts should include the following aspects: 1. Geography, monument cities. 2. Customs, traditions, self-consciousness of peoples. 3. Outstanding people. 4. Education system. 5. Painting, architecture, sculpture. 6. Classical (folk) music. 7. Prose, poetry, folklore. 8. Monuments of art, literature 9. Cinema, theater, media, TV. 10. Public and religious organizations, foundations. English language textbooks contain material of a country-specific nature, which makes it possible to ensure the implementation of the socio-cultural component, offering information about the UK and English-speaking countries, but they are not always enough.

For example, when studying the chapter "Stars and stripes" in the 7th grade, there is practically no information on the history of the country in the textbook. During the lesson, some children from the class, in accordance with the level, were given a text from the history of the country, and then they were asked to complete the task. (Annex 1). On the same topic, in the 5th grade, a text is given on the history of America and offer to answer questions orally, and then tell summary text. (Appendix 2). And for more interest, you can start the story for the teacher himself. A huge number of regional studies texts contain Internet resources. If the technique allows, you can give assignments in the same place, this facilitates the work of the teacher. (app3)

In the future, I plan to form special folders of various thematic directions, which will be constantly updated. This should greatly facilitate the search and save the teacher's time. Texts on various topics have already been collected, but they are not systematized. Selected relevant and interesting materials about life in these countries, informative texts, photographs and illustrations make them a great addition to traditional school textbooks On the one side. On the other hand, the system of additional texts is designed to expand and deepen the linguistic and cultural information received by schoolchildren in English lessons.

    Working with authentic letters. In working with letters, the following tasks are solved: - to teach how to properly format a letter in English, how to sign an envelope correctly. - to teach to understand and correctly comprehend the content of texts. - to teach to express one's opinion on the basis of the information contained in the text, to conduct a conversation, to defend one's point of view. - learn to apply the acquired knowledge in writing in situations close to real ones. Authentic letters differ from ordinary texts in their simple everyday language. The collection contains real letters and greeting cards of a personal nature, which arouses the genuine interest of students. At the same time, children are interested in literally everything: from the image on stamps, envelopes and postcards, ending with handwriting, not to mention the content. The authenticity of correspondence is a powerful means of motivating students in their quest to master the skills of writing letters. For example, in the 8th grade, while studying the topic “The place where you live”, the children were asked to write a letter to an English-speaking friend according to the model.

    Working with maps and calendars . Geographic maps and calendars are not only excellent additional visual material for learning English in middle and high school, but also contribute to the development of visual memory, logical and analytical thinking of students and allow you to consolidate existing knowledge of geography. So, working with a map is very necessary when conducting lessons in the 6th grade on the topic “The English World”, in particular, when studying the names of the countries that make up the United Kingdom, largest cities, rivers, other geographical objects and their location. Colorful presentations and films about England will play their role in motivating the children. Original calendars with images of local attractions and landscapes of the territories studied on the topic also play an indispensable role in developing the imagination of students. You can’t do without these manuals when studying the topic in the 7th grade “Stars and stripes”, since you can only interest students and connect their imagination with the help of visual material. Many illustrations on regional studies to help the teacher can be found on various sites.

    Work with non-verbal forms, proverbs, idiomatic expressions. In my opinion this species work is the most interesting, as it gives the most complete picture realities of the country of the language being studied. For example, when studying the topic “My house is my castle" in grade 5, I told them that in England it is customary to give names to houses in order to highlight and, as it were, "animate" it. After this lesson, the children were asked to draw their dream house and give it a name. The desire to name the house was a powerful stimulus. And when studying the topic "Smart creatures" in grade 5, students were told why English-speaking people call unnecessary objects "white elephants", and immediately after that the question was asked "Why do we use the phrase" An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar ", which got the guys interested. Of course, you should not call this particular phrase if there are representatives of this nationality in the class, which can offend him. As a variation, we can offer the phrase "gray mouse, white crow." Very interested in 8th grade students while studying the topic

“A time to celebrate” is a story about why it is customary to put candles on a birthday cake: it turns out that a moon-shaped honey cake with thin candles was placed in front of the altar of Artemis in Greece, which meant her protection and strength. After the guys were asked to find out why they put us on a pillow. Many different idiomatic expressions can be found in the appendices to the magazine "Foreign Languages ​​at School" "Mosaic".

    Work with authentic ads, newspapers, magazines, postcards, household items, paraphernalia. Authentic magazines and ads in them help children mentally find themselves in the country whose language they are learning, which in turn increases their interest. Articles in such newspapers are quite complex, and it is better to give them for study in older grades. For example, while studying the topic "A good start in life" in the 10th grade, they studied job advertisements in authentic newspapers in order to get acquainted with the requirements of employers and compare them with Russian ones.

It should be added that when working with country studies material, I especially single out the country study guide “English-Speaking countries”, which has a disc with a recorded voice text in accordance with the content. All of the above forms of introduction of materials of country-specific content contribute to the transfer of English-speaking culture to schoolchildren, promote their involvement in the dialogue of cultures, develop their creative and cognitive skills, increase and maintain interest in learning a foreign language.

Internet resources.

veselova 200. people . en / pages / methodology . htm

(on this site, in addition to the texts themselves, there are tasks for them)

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§1. The goals and content of teaching foreign languages ​​at the present stage of development of school education.

§2. The communicative-cognitive aspect of reading texts with country-specific material as a means of teaching intercultural communication.

§3. Psychological and pedagogical aspect of the use of regional studies material.

3.1. Country studies material as a factor in the development of cognitive interest and motivation for learning a foreign language.

3.2. Psychological issues teaching receptive lexical skills of reading a foreign language text with country-specific material.



§1. Typological characteristics of regional vocabulary.

§2. Analysis of country-specific vocabulary presented in the current teaching materials, and some features of its assimilation.

§3. A set of exercises.

§ 4 Experimental verification of the proposed methodology for teaching country-specific material.


Dissertation Introduction in Pedagogy, on the topic "The use of country-specific material in teaching English in grades 5-6 of a secondary school"

The relevance of the study is due to the specifics of the development of the sociocultural situation that has developed in modern society and caused dramatic changes in all spheres of his life. At the turn of global social changes at the end of the 20th century, the vital recognition of man as the highest value becomes more and more relevant. The problem of universal human values ​​is being brought to the forefront of the modern worldview, where humanism, democracy, human rights to freedom and dignity, the self-worth of the individual determine new philosophy life, a new ethics of relations between people.

Changes taking place in Russian society, reorientation public consciousness on the priority of universal human values, on the person himself as supreme value, actively influence the life of the modern school - the most important social and cultural institute society. As a result, humanization pedagogical process in the education system is becoming one of the most significant spiritual and practical tasks of today. It is no coincidence that in the Law Russian Federation"On Education" the first among other principles public policy in the field of education, the principle of the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual has been proclaimed.

The ideas of humanization, which have become widespread at the present stage of the development of education in our country, are characterized by increased attention to familiarizing schoolchildren with universal human culture and its values. Under these conditions, the role of a foreign language increases as a means of mutual understanding between peoples, allowing a developing personality to creatively explore the world of culture and participate in the dialogue of cultures.

Modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature and special studies emphasize the need to focus the entire course of teaching foreign languages ​​at school on the formation of universal human spiritual values ​​and ideas in students, the ability to communicate at the intercultural level

1; 5; b; 7; 9; 19; 2 2; 2 b; 3 3; 3 8; 47; 50; b 3; 7 b; 10 3; 120; 121; 12 5). In the domestic methodology, these ideas were first formulated in the communicative and regional concept of teaching foreign languages, in particular, Russian as a foreign language (V.G. Kostomarov, E.M. Vereshchagin) (15; 16; 17) and were developed in the works of a number psychologists and methodologists (A.A. Leontiev, E.I. Passov, S.F. Shatilov) (59; 60; 81; 118; 120; 121; 122; 123; 124; 125; 12 b) .

Full communication at the intercultural level, as is well known, involves not only the ability to build one's speech behavior in direct oral communication in accordance with the norms of the language being studied, but also the ability to adequately extract information from perceived speech (written and oral). The development of such a skill necessitates the mandatory inclusion of certain regional knowledge in the content of teaching foreign languages.

The national-cultural features and realities of any country find their expression, first of all, at the ✓ lexical level of the language, in the semantics of vocabulary that has a national-cultural component and which can be distinguished into a special group of country-specific vocabulary.

In this regard, in the methodological literature and special studies on the problem of teaching a foreign language at school, special attention is paid to the fact that regional studies material has great potential for creating positive motivation for learning a foreign language and for maintaining cognitive interest in the subject. The inclusion of country-specific materials in the educational process, in addition, contributes to the solution of not only cognitive, but also communicative learning tasks, i.e. has an important communicative and cognitive significance (1; 5; 13; 17; 19; 2b; 48; 50; 60; 7b; 77; 79; 120; 122; 125) .

The possibilities of using information about the culture of the countries of the studied language in the process of teaching a foreign language were considered in the works of domestic and foreign authors (b; 52; 56; 57; 60; 64; 77.; 83; 95; 96; 112; 117; 118; 120; 125; 127; 128; 131; 132; 136; 137; 140; 142; 143), however, many issues of using country-specific material at the initial stage of education English language still remain understudied.

Observation of the learning process, analysis of the experience of teachers, checking the level of knowledge of schoolchildren indicate that the methodology for working on regional studies material, proposed by the authors of the acting as a parallel complex in English for secondary secondary school(A.P. Starkov, R.R. Dixon) cannot be considered satisfactory. Despite the deep general interest of students in the countries of the language being studied, they have low level knowledge of specific country and cultural material. As for the initial stage of teaching a foreign language (grades 5-6), the program does not provide for an active conscious assimilation of even the regional study material that is available in textbooks.

At present, there is a need for a more systematic inclusion of a regional component in the content of teaching foreign languages ​​(in particular, English), starting from the first years of study. This should ensure non-episodic use of country-specific material in educational process, and the constant purposeful study of specially selected educational regional studies materials and the use of speech activity of students in a foreign language that meet the needs of intercultural communication and the cognitive and communicative intentions and areas of communication of students of this age group. This contributes to the solution of cognitive, developmental and practical tasks of teaching a foreign language in general education school, i.e. practical implementation communicative-cognitive concept of teaching foreign languages ​​(1; 6; 22; 52; 64; 77; 78; 7 9; 96; 102; 122123; 124; 125; 126) . This, in turn, requires the selection of authentic, cognitively valuable teaching materials which can provide not only obtaining interesting information about the culture of the country of the language being studied, arouse interest in it, but also create emotional readiness of students for activities in a foreign language.

Although at present various methodological manuals for English language teachers have appeared that contain country-oriented lexical material, texts (43,44,97), however, in the manuals for the initial stage of education in a secondary general education school, the methodology for working on country-specific material is insufficiently presented.

The foregoing determines the relevance of the chosen research topic, which is formulated as follows: "The use of country-specific material in teaching English in grades 5-6 of a secondary school."

The research problem lies in the scientific and theoretical substantiation and practical development of a methodology for teaching the country-specific component of the lexical reading skill at the early stage of teaching a foreign language. Solving this problem is the goal of the study.

The object of the research is the process of teaching English in grades 5-6 of a general education school.

The subject of the research is a methodology for teaching the understanding of country-specific vocabulary when reading, i.e. formation of the regional component of the lexical reading skill.

The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that learning to understand (and use) cultural vocabulary when reading (text) will be successful if;

1. students will have a cultural and regional component of the lexical reading skill;

2. regional studies material will be assimilated by students systematically and consciously from the very beginning of learning English and used in educational and communicative activities (when reading and in oral speech) ;

3. if this activity will be carried out in accordance with the stages of the formation of a lexical skill when performing a cially developed set of exercises.

Research objectives:

1/ to conduct a theoretical analysis of the possibility of using regional studies material at the initial stage of teaching a foreign language (5-cl.);

2/ to determine the specifics of the country-specific component of the lexical reading skill and the features of its formation at the initial stage (grades 5-6);

3/ to develop and experimentally test a set of exercises for the formation of a country-specific component of a lexical skill at the initial stage of teaching English as a component of reading ability.

The methodological base of the study was formed by the ideas about the personality as a subject of activity, communication and own development; about the dialectic of interaction and mutual enrichment of the socio-cultural context of objective reality and the culture of the individual; about the unity of personal-activity and cultural approaches to the study of the phenomena of pedagogical reality.

The research methods were complex, interrelated and complementary in nature: a theoretical analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the research problem; study, analysis, systematization and generalization of pedagogical experience; monitoring the process of teaching English at the initial stage (grades 5-6 of a general education school); questioning teachers in order to identify their attitude to the possibility and necessity of using country studies material at the early stage of education and questioning students in order to determine the relevant areas of communication and identify the amount of country studies knowledge they have; retrospective analysis of own pedagogical activity; experimental learning.

The study reflected personal experience dissertation work as an English teacher in a general education school and teacher Pedagogical University.

The study was based on the results of related studies carried out at the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen and at the Department of English of the Karelian State Pedagogical University.

The reliability and validity of the results obtained in the course of the study is ensured by: the consistent implementation of the unity of the personal-activity and cultural approaches to the study of the phenomena of real pedagogical reality; logical consistency of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study in the course of the analysis of the problem, which made it possible to build it in accordance with the principles of universality, interconnection and development; purposeful use of a system of complementary methods scientific research adequate to its problem, object, subject, goals and objectives; the results of the methodological experiment and the personal participation of the dissertation student in its organization.

Research base: high school No. 13 in the city of Petrozavodsk; foreign languages ​​room of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia; Karelian State Pedagogical University.

300 students of 5-6 grades of general education schools of the Republic of Karelia, 54 English teachers and 43 students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Karelian State Pedagogical University took part in the experimental work at its various stages.

Research stages:

The purpose of the first stage was to clarify the objective and subjective factors, which determine the success of the formation of regional knowledge, and the development of a working hypothesis about possible ways of forming background regional knowledge. At the second stage, in the course of the reconnaissance experiment, materials for experimental training were prepared and their preliminary experimental verification was carried out. The third stage included organizing and conducting experimental training according to the proposed methodology and processing the results of the experiment.

Approbation of work. The results of the study were reported at a meeting of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, at the Herzen Readings at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. at meetings of the Department of English and at scientific and practical conferences at the Karelian State Pedagogical University. (1993-1996)

The country studies lexical material developed in the dissertation and a set of country studies oriented tasks and exercises that formed the basis of the manual " Guidelines on the Use of Country Studies Materials at a Junior Stage" were also tested at IUT courses for teachers of the Republic of Karelia in 1992-1993, at a practical seminar on the use of country studies materials for school teachers, held at school N13 in Petrozavodsk; and were experimentally tested in in the course of two series of training experiments and are currently being used in a number of schools in Petrozavodsk and Karelia.

Dissertation conclusion scientific article on the topic "Theory and methods of training and education (by areas and levels of education)"

At the same time, a number of issues related to the use of country-specific material in teaching English at the initial stage require further development.

These are, firstly, questions of the selection of regional lexical minimum for the initial stage; secondly, the development of the volume of concepts of country-specific lexical units, relevant for students in grades 5-6; and, thirdly, the selection of country-specific texts, their volume and the selection of country-specific information contained in them in accordance with the developed volume of the concept of lexical regional-specific units used.

The scientific novelty of this work lies, in our opinion, in the theoretical substantiation of the methodological expediency of using the regional lexical material at the younger stage of teaching a foreign language, in clarifying the component structure of the lexical receptive skill and developing country-oriented types and types of exercises.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a specific methodology for the systematic use of country-specific material for compiling teaching aids for organizing classroom and extracurricular activities foreign language teachers on any regional study material.

The following provisions of the dissertation are submitted for defense:

1. The use of country-specific material in foreign language lessons expands the general outlook of students, introduces them to the culture of the country of the language being studied, and contributes to the humanization of education as a whole.

2. The use of regional studies materials in a foreign language contributes to the creation of interest and motivation of students to learn a foreign language.

3. The proposed set of exercises provides the basis for the formation of the country-specific component of the lexical reading skill and, thereby, the improvement of communicative reading skills in general.


This work is an attempt to consider some aspects of the problem of using country-specific materials at the initial stage of teaching English in order to form the country-specific component of the lexical reading skill and background knowledge inherent in the regional-specific lexical units of the language being studied.

As a result of the study, the functional content of the regional component of teaching a foreign language was determined:

Motivational-stimulating function,

Informative (educational) function,

developmental function.

A tool that allows you to purposefully manage the process of forming the country-specific component of the lexical reading skill is a set of country-specific exercises created in the course of the study, which is based on a typology of exercises developed in accordance with the stages of skill formation.

To increase the efficiency of the process of assimilation of regional knowledge in teaching a foreign language, the exercises of the complex met the following requirements: a) were specifically aimed at the formation of the regional component of the lexical reading skill; b) were presented in an interesting form for students and, thus, contributed to the activation of interest and mental activity students; c) represented a consistent system of tasks and exercises designed to include regional study materials in all types of speech activity.

An analysis of the country-specific vocabulary used at the initial stage of training shows that this vocabulary is heterogeneous in terms of the volume of the concept contained in each lexical unit (background knowledge), as well as in the role that country-specific lexical units occupy in the associative chain of words - key or secondary.

Depending on the complexity of the concept contained in the word, the method of work is determined, as well as the selection and number of exercises necessary for its assimilation (which is reflected in the proposed complex).

The proposed complex of regional studies training materials and exercises has been experimentally tested. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis that the use of exercises that ensure the inclusion of educational regional studies materials in all types of speech activity for active training and practice, and allow organizing the formation of the regional component of the lexical reading skill in conditions of active mental activity, taking into account the communicative and cognitive interests of students, provides effective assimilation of regional knowledge.

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Modern methodological literature offers a wide variety of methods, techniques, forms of work on regional studies material.

G.V. Rogov includes material of different levels, including texts for listening and reading, which contain information about the country of the language being studied from geography, history, and social life.

The most important means of introducing students to the culture of the country of the language being studied are the texts of works of art. They differ significantly from informational texts on culture, traditions, etc. countries of the language being studied. Informational texts are usually very neutral, concise, and therefore some part of the information provided in them is poorly perceived by students, or is forgotten very quickly. Texts from fiction, with their emotional coloring, make the reader, as it were, a witness to the described events related to history or traditions, introduce them to the specific side of the culture of another people and, therefore, are the most significant means of assimilation of linguistic and cultural information. It is the reading of specially selected works of art that contributes to a more solid assimilation of cultural information. Literary material can be presented according to the problem-thematic feature of the selection of textual material of the corresponding content. In doing so, attention should be paid to the following criteria:

  • - regional value;
  • - compliance with age characteristics;
  • - compliance with the speech experience of students;
  • - compliance with the life experience of students;
  • - compliance with the interests of students;
  • - accessibility in terms of language means.

I.L. Beam believes that the content of training should include elements of the linguistic culture of the peoples who speak the language being studied, and country-specific information, in relation to situations of communication, about the need to saturate the subject content of speech with country-specific material with a focus on the dialogue of cultures. Thus, here, under the linguo-cultural aspect, knowledge is accepted, or rather, knowledge of the elements of linguistic culture, including in relation to situations of communication, this can include:

  • 1. studying patterns of everyday life;
  • 2. study of patterns of cultural behavior.

Let us dwell in more detail on the study of patterns of everyday life. Each culture offers a specific selection of patterns associated with areas of daily life such as work, household, shopping, etc. It is very important to introduce students to the patterns of people's everyday life, namely, what the people of this country do under normal conditions.

To a large extent, this will be facilitated by regional exploration exercises of a search nature. An important role in performing these exercises is given to independent analysis, which is based on:

  • - comparison of several cultures;
  • - comparison of the intracultural semantic field, etc.

The activity inherent in these exercises is aimed not only at presenting information about the modern lifestyle of the country of the language being studied and speech patterns commonly used in a particular life situation, but also at comparing several data that are close or different from the samples of the culture of our country (See Appendix 1).

As mentioned above, when learning a foreign language, it is very important to know not only the patterns of everyday life of the inhabitants of the country of the language being studied, but also patterns of cultural behavior, namely, what a native speaker does and says in certain social situations. The behavior of people is subject to certain rules, among which there are norms that are characteristic of all mankind or groups of cultures united in one or another type of civilization.

So, Exercise 4 will help to learn the rules of behavior in various situations of communication. In this case, the rules are learned not through the corresponding instructions, but through situations in which students first discuss certain rules of behavior, and then check the correctness of the chosen solution.

Observations, surveys conducted with students showed that one of the most popular activities in a foreign language lesson for students of all ages is working with a song. This type of activity can be successfully used not only to expand the cultural level of students. Working with a song can be used to enhance the overall motivation of the teaching, as well as for a better perception and understanding of representatives of another ethnic group, and here one cannot but agree with the opinion of R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, who includes the lexical background, national culture and national realities in the concept of "linguistics studies".

The work with the song, carried out according to certain algorithms, will help to strengthen the perception of the cultural image of the country of the language being studied.

One of the most effective forms that allow schoolchildren to get acquainted with linguistic and cultural information is the method of collage. It consists in creating visual semantic chains with a clear structure in order to consistently reveal the key concept of the topic being mastered. Collage is a universal means of methodological and pedagogical educational influence on schoolchildren. It is characterized by original form and content.

A new, but already widespread method of getting acquainted with regional information is the method of projects. A project is an independently planned and implemented work in which verbal communication is embedded in the intellectual and emotional context of other activities (games, questionnaires, publication of a magazine, search activities, etc.). Project work gives the learning process a personality-oriented and activity-based character and fully meets the learning objectives. It creates conditions in which the process of teaching a foreign language in its main characteristics approaches the process of natural language acquisition in an authentic language context. Schoolchildren are set (or they themselves formulate it) a specific goal aimed at achieving not a “linguistic”, but a practical result. Work on the project is carried out in a certain sequence and has the following stages:

  • - planning;
  • - preparation and execution;
  • - discussion and evaluation.

The range of project topics can be very wide and varied (“In Britain”, “Music”, “Education”, “Political System”…).

In addition to the huge potential that the project method has for the formation of communicative competence, significant additional opportunities arise when using Internet information resources and services in the process of project methodology. This is perhaps the most effective opportunity for the formation of socio-cultural competence based on the dialogue of cultures. On the Internet, schoolchildren and teachers can find any information necessary for the project: about world museums; about current events in different parts of the world; about national holidays, etc. You can talk on-line using the services of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), with peers or with specialists of the profession of interest from around the world. Project activity is most effective if it can be connected with the program material, significantly expanding and deepening the knowledge of schoolchildren in the process of working on the project.

Very interesting interdisciplinary projects, also organized around a specific problem. These can be international projects on ecology, geography, historical, creative projects, etc. But if they are international in nature, then they must be held in a foreign language. Communication takes place with a native speaker of another culture whose language is being studied. Students not only solve the problem, they get acquainted with the national and cultural characteristics of the partner countries, learn a lot about each other.

The solution to the problem of presenting regional information is not limited to the use of one or two new techniques in the educational process. The main thing is to establish a correspondence between the content and procedural aspects of educational knowledge. The solution to this problem lies in a more targeted and consistent development of guidelines for the teacher with a detailed explanation of the methods of working on linguistic and cultural material.

Linguistic and regional studies is only a part of the learning process, which does not stand still and is looking for new ways of effective knowledge. Linguistic and regional studies in conjunction with new, progressive methods will be able to give and achieve the result that our society requires at this stage of development, that is, a person who is able and willing to participate in intercultural communication and ready to independently improve their foreign language speech activity.

We have proposed our own methodology for teaching linguistic and regional studies in the 9th grade of a comprehensive school. The purpose of the practical part of this study was to create and test a set of exercises based on country studies material for high school students, which would in practice confirm the hypothesis that the linguistic and country studies component is an effective means of developing communicative competence.

In addition to regional topics, the complex also includes authentic texts, dialogues, thematic vocabulary in the form of phrases in order to form lexical skills on the topic under study. The material was selected on the following topics: "Geography", "The climate & the weather", "Education System", "Government & Politics", "British Economy".

At the lessons, the material was presented as follows: before getting directly acquainted with the topic, students were asked to answer and discuss pre-text questions and tasks that are based on the students' existing knowledge on this topic and prepare them to work on the proposed topic, to expand and deepen their knowledge based on subsequent texts.

Then they were asked to get acquainted with the phrases in which the thematic vocabulary was present. This material was given in order for students to have in their vocabulary the lexical units necessary for the formation of lexical skills.

After that, the students were presented with the texts themselves and exercises for them, aimed at developing the ability to extract the necessary information, reproductive exercises in the form of group tasks and role-playing games, and others.

As the final stage of work on each topic, students were offered generalizing questions aimed at identifying the degree of assimilation of the material and new realities. The subsequent work was of a creative nature, it was carried out individually or in small groups, where students were asked to discuss various issues on a given topic, express their point of view, and exchange opinions. Working in groups during the discussion made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of assimilation of new linguistic and regional material, to form the skills of operating with linguistic and regional material, as well as the skills of speech behavior.

After the pre-text and post-text discussion of the problems related to the topic being studied, the students had enough material for a short essay on the topic of the section, which they were asked to complete at home, as well as to find additional information on the topics.

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