How easy it is to pass the exam. How to pass the exam with flying colors and get a red diploma. Stop taking sedatives

Hello, dear first-year students!

You have the first and, perhaps, the most important test in your student life ahead - the first session. And it is very important to prepare properly for this test.

We asked teachers Russian universities give some tips and recommendations on how a first-year student can successfully survive and pass the first session.

Learn their advice and a successfully passed session is in your pocket! Good luck on your exams!

The Garant company and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared tips and recommendations with first-year students.

D. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Public Law and Management

University named after Kutafina (MSAL)

Based on my own student experience and the experience of the director of the institute:

  • attend all lectures
  • don't miss practical classes
  • try to participate as much as possible in practical classes in analyzing situations, which gives bonuses during the session, including receiving an exam/test “automatically”
  • don’t be shy to ask questions if something is not clear
  • participate in the life of the university (scientific, extracurricular) - additional bonuses for moving into a dormitory, for transferring from commerce to the budget

BOGATYR Taras Vasilievich
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management

Vologda state university

First of all, try not to miss classes during the semester. Attendance at all lectures and practical classes in many disciplines, in addition to gaining knowledge and skills, it also gives advantages when passing a test or exam, sometimes this is even formalized, and in most cases it works as psychological technique, allowing you to establish full interaction with the teacher (including during the exam).

Do not hesitate to ask the teacher exactly how the exam will be held, how many questions there will be on the ticket, what tasks and assessment criteria will be (usually such questions are asked by experienced students, but you can start in the first year).

Take advantage of consultations, which are usually scheduled the day before the exam; Pre-prepare a small list of questions that caused difficulties.

And most importantly, you need to carefully prepare for each exam: plan this work taking into account the fact that there is a period of time of at least three days between exams in the schedule, divide the amount of preparation into these three days, including the last day, it is advisable to leave for repetition and understanding the material of the discipline.

VDOVKINA Elena Gennadievna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Mathematical Methods and Business Informatics

Altai State University

Attend classes regularly, do not hesitate to ask if something is not clear, independently carry out assigned work, actively participate in scientific and public life university

In addition, it is important to understand that studying at a university is new level independence and self-organization, and the knowledge gained is the basis for future professional demand.

VINOGRADOVA Natalya Alekseevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Finance

Tver State Agricultural Academy

The first session of a first-year student is one of the most important and difficult tests.

Of course, this is stress, fear of something new, not experienced yet. But you need to remember two things: firstly, you are not the first, you are not the last, and secondly, the grade you received in the exam is just a convention. There is still more than one session ahead, and everything can change.

The main thing is not to stop, not to relax, not to give up and to confidently move towards your goal.

GODLEVSKAYA Elena Vladimirovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education for the Training of Specialists for the Judicial System

Ural branch Russian State University of Justice

One of the effective methods of preparing for the exam is to write mini-notes that reflect the logic of presentation of the question material.

As a rule, any exam question is answered in the following sequence:
1. Name (in the form of a concept, rule) of the object (process);
2. List of characteristics of the object (process);
3. Actions with an object or justification of the sequence of operations of a process.

Using such a structured mini-note, it is easy to construct an oral response.

GORYACHEVA Oksana Pavlovna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Trade and Economic Institute of Siberian federal university

A freshman who has missed a certain number of classes and is worried that he will not be able to cope with the session and will not meet the expectations of his personal and his parents must definitely overcome his fear.

To do this, you must definitely try to pass tests and exams. Experienced students know: 80% of passing an exam is showing up. If you don’t succeed right away, you’ll have to get to know the subject better, learn it, and pass it. I know from experience that almost any subject can be mastered in a week.

All correct answers must be sought in primary sources, although this is not obvious to those who have passed the Unified State Exam in social studies. But now you have a GUARANTOR in which the sources are reliable. He always helps me and you can handle it.

EVSIKOV Kirill Sergeevich
K. Yu. n, associate professor of the department of public and administrative law

Tula State University

“Students live cheerfully from session to session,” and during the session they usually “survive.”

I offer several “life hacks” that can help you survive the first session.
First of all, don't skip class. It is more difficult for a “stranger” to pass the exam.
Secondly, you may receive an additional question that will decide whether you go home with a “tail” or without. Questions are often repeated; use the knowledge of senior students to form a list of them.
Third, read more. My colleague told me that he gave a positive assessment to a weak student after he began to quote Machiavelli.

The main “life hack” for the first session is LEARN the subject!

YOLGINA Ekaterina Alexandrovna
k.e. Sc., CAP, associate professor of the department of “Human Resources Management”

Krasnoyarsk Institute railway transport(branch) of Irkutsk State Transport University

1. Start preparing in advance. Study the material you have covered, prepare information on the list of questions for the exams.
2. Be sure to write (precisely write) cheat sheets for all exam questions
3. Re-read the cheat sheets
4. On the eve of the exam, do not sit with textbooks until the morning; go to bed no later than 24–05.
5. If you are not sure of the effectiveness of the previous recommendations, at exactly 24-00 on the eve of the exam, catch a “freebie”, for which you extend your hand from the open grade book through the open window, shout “Catch a freebie” through the window, quickly close the grade book and do not open it , otherwise “The freebie will fly away.”
6. Go to bed.
7. Go to the exam in the morning with a fresh mind

Good luck on the exam!

ZAZHIVNOVA Oksana Arkadyevna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Ulyanovsk State agricultural university named after P. A. Stolypin

Tune yourself to the “right wave”.

Firstly, you must initially understand that training is not for the sake of assessment, but for accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities.
Secondly, focusing on those disciplines that are more difficult for you will save time, which can be used within the framework of your interests and capabilities.
It should be noted that the student’s active position during the academic semester, timely completion of individual and tests, essays, etc., will have a positive impact on the objective assessment and opinion of the teacher himself and will have a positive impact on passing the exam or test.

And in conclusion, I would like to recall the words of the great commander Alexander Suvorov: “It’s hard in training, but it’s easy in battle!” Remember this and then you will not be afraid of any difficulties of the sessions.

ZAKHAROV Georgy Nikolaevich
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Legal Theory

Tver State University

At first, it is quite difficult for first-year students to join not only the new team, but also the electronic educational environment university, since the requirements high school significantly different from school curriculum.

The optimal behavior of a student should be considered the ability to use electronic library resources, mastering information technology searching for information on the Internet, as well as the ability to use the leading reference and legal system GARANT.

In my opinion, it is this approach that will reduce the time needed to thoroughly prepare for exams and pass the first session without any problems.

IVANOVA Elena Yurievna
k.i. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management

Institute of Economics, Management and Service of Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

Be confident (not to be confused with arrogance!) and say what you know during the exam. There is such a wonderful joke that I always tell my students: “A biology student learned only one question for the exam - about fleas, but he got a question about fish. So he began: “Fish are creatures that do not have fleas, but fleas!...” and then - everything about fleas.”

Therefore, you should never remain silent during an exam or say: “I don’t know.” You still know something, that’s what you’re talking about!

KOZYR Natalya Sergeevna
k.e. n. Associate Professor, Department of World Economics and Management
deputy dean of scientific work Faculty of Economics

Kuban State University

The first session determines the success of further studies.

It is important to immediately learn how to combine efforts and distribute tasks within the group - together everything is easier and more interesting.

You need to assess your strengths and plan your self-preparation, since each subject has a different complexity. The best preparation is active work during the semester, obtaining “self-tests” and “self-exams”, then the session turns into a pleasant vacation.

LUKASHEVICH Svetlana Vladimirovna
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Law

Ulyanovsk State pedagogical university them. I. N. Ulyanova

In order for the first session to be successful, I recommend that students strive to study only “good” and “excellent” throughout the semester. And to do this, first of all, find your comfortable learning style: determine when it is best to do homework, how to record lectures, how to prepare for exams.

It is useful to immediately start participating in conferences, business games and competitions.

The very first professional skill that future lawyers should master is the use of legal reference systems.

MANUKOVSKY Roman Igorevich
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Voronezh REU branch them. G. V. Plekhanova

Stress resistance and general attitude are important. Experiences can interfere with concentration and thinking.

Be careful when planning your work day. Sleep should not be less than 7–8 hours. Don't waste your time on social media, watching videos about cats, photos, music.

Consistency is important - indicate the dates for taking tests and exams in the calendar, write down your preparation plan for each day in the calendar.

Try to keep the place where you prepare for exams warm, bright, and quiet.

PALCHIKOVA Maria Valerievna
K. Yu. n, associate professor of the department of state and legal disciplines

The most important advice is firstly, you should calm down. Don’t relax and stop worrying (especially before the first session, this is almost impossible), but just calm down.

The teacher does not have the task of preventing students from taking the exam or not giving a test. The teachers, as well as the students, worked hard all semester, trying to help yesterday’s schoolchildren learn to perceive and understand adult information, which will certainly become the foundation for further knowledge and profession. And the feedback we receive at control points - tests, tests, exams - is very important.

Therefore, the student should carefully read the lectures again, refresh his memory of the topics discussed at the seminars, look at the legislation again (in the GARANT system) and honestly answer the question - what topic did I not understand or could not master? Disassemble it and at the same time they are not afraid to approach the teachers with additional questions. We will be happy to tell and explain, and help you find additional sources.

Peace of mind is based on knowledge and confidence in the chosen path.

POTAPKIN Sergey Nikolaevich
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

In order to pass the first session without worries and with positive grades, you need to try throughout the entire first semester to form a positive image of yourself among leading teachers, working for seminar classes.

SALNIKOVA Olga Evgenievna
excellent student public education, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Secondary vocational education

Tula branch of the International law institute

To survive the first session, you need to:

  • Firstly, get rid of the schoolboy mentality and don’t hope that they won’t ask. They will ask!!!
  • Secondly, there is no need to rely on “maybe”. Teach!!!
  • Thirdly, believe in yourself! You can do anything!!!
SOTNIKOVA Liliya Vladimirovna
And. O. Head of the Department of Theory, History and Branches of Law
South Ural Institute of Management and Economics

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Chelyabinsk State University

To successfully pass the session, we can advise:

  • prepare to take the exam (test) in advance in writing: the result will be a summary of all the questions, accordingly, you read them, understood them and wrote them down in an abbreviated form - which means you know the answers to all the questions; in short - write cheat sheets, but YOURSELF;
  • the night before an exam (test) you need to sleep: a sleep-deprived, ignorant student is a strong irritant for the teacher;
  • The appearance of a student who comes to the exam (test) must correspond to the situation: business style creates a positive image for the teacher and, believe me, I don’t want to give a bad mark to such a “dunno”;
  • and the last thing: believe in yourself and YOUR LUCK, then you will definitely get a lucky ticket.

Lucky is the one who is lucky, and there are no freebies in exams (tests), so there is no point in calling her...

TARASOV Ivan Semenovich
K. Yu. Sc., senior lecturer, department of criminal law and procedure

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N. I. Lobachevsky

For a first-year student, a competent approach to preparing for the exam is important.

I propose a proven technique: you should distribute the number of questions for the exam over the number of days of preparation so that one day is left to review all the material. For example, 90 questions for an exam for 4 days: 20–25 questions per day and 1 day for repetition.

At the same time, it is important to follow a daily routine, that is, it is advisable to prepare for the exam during the day. After 18-00 on the day before the exam, you need to rest.

TEREKHOV Alexey Vasilievich
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Applied Informatics in Jurisprudence

Tambov State Technical University

How to pass the first session?
1. “Study, study and study again!”
2. Remember that the teacher was also once a student (this is if you use cheat sheets)!
3. Assessment is not the main thing, but don’t lower your bar!
4. This session is not your last. Everything is ahead of you!

The Garant company and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared tips and recommendations with first-year students.

Studying at university is very different from studying at school. First of all, because students need knowledge here. And therefore the learning process depends on them, and the teacher plays a lesser role. How to pass the session successfully? This question worries not only freshmen.

Building a relationship with the teacher

The final grade on the exam depends on your relationship with the teacher. This issue needs to be given special attention. The best path to success is sympathy from your university teacher.

It is necessary that the teacher remembers you from the stream of students. At the same time, you must be characterized in his eyes on the positive side. Then the question “how to pass the exam with flying colors” will worry you much less. Always say hello to the teacher and be sure to remember his name. This will already cause him a certain amount of respect.

And of course, they remember first of all those who work in pairs - ask questions, complement on the topic. That is, students who are really interested in the subject. This is almost half of your success on the way to passing the session. And one more thing - it’s better not to be late for lectures. And if you need to leave early, notify the teacher in advance.

Working hard during the semester

It will be much easier to pass the exam if you remember about studying not only once every six months. The same applies to those who study part-time. The orientation session is only a small part of the knowledge that you must learn on your own. Then you won’t have to memorize all the material on the last night before the big exam.

How can you develop your memory? Through training, of course. IN free time you can re-read the lectures. Besides, great value has the ability to take notes correctly. The structure of the lecture, highlighting the main points - all this will allow you to quickly remember the necessary material. And in the margins you can write down something that seems to have nothing to do with the topic, but the lecturer is happy to voice it. If you remember the example the teacher gave in class, it will definitely make him happy.

You also need to find the sources that the teacher spoke about and expand his thoughts as much as possible. This approach to the matter shows that you are really interested in the subject, and that you come to the university not for grades and a diploma, but for the sake of knowledge.

Another important point in preparation for the session - you need to understand what you are teaching. Some even advise trying to explain the material to some friend who is studying in a different department. Don't believe me? Try it, it will definitely help.

Do you want to write cheat sheets for the exam? Please! Even if you can’t peek at your precious notes, still remember while you’re doing them necessary information. This especially helps when the material is structured and its main points are highlighted.

Help from a friend

Preparing for a session together is much easier! So don't hesitate to reach out to your fellow students. After all, you can rewrite a lecture you once missed from them, and ask for advice on tasks you didn’t understand. In addition, a friend will always tell you in a few words what has slipped your mind.

These are all the secrets of how to pass the exam successfully. And the main thing here, of course, is confidence in your knowledge and strengths!

Nesterov A.K. How to pass the session // Nesterov Encyclopedia

The winter examination session is a difficult time for all Russian students. The session is especially intense, as always, for freshmen. For them then winter session- the first in my life. In this article I will look at 7 great tips on how to pass the exam.

Will I pass the session?- a question that worries every student, especially freshmen. After each session in each university there will be a dozen or two boys and girls who are discouraged by their results in the exams.

Why does this even happen? This also applies to excellent students. It often happens that at school I was an excellent student, passed the exams without much effort, but at the first session at the university I failed the exam and even more than one, a couple of failures... And how to live now?..

In 9 cases out of 10, it is not a lack of ability that is to blame for all this, but an incorrect approach to organizing your work. Yes, preparing for exams is also work.

I'll give you 7 great tips. how to pass the session.

1. Don't waste your time

So it's arrived session and students take the exam, how to rationally approach your time?

Difficulties arise for students because the organization educational process in universities is significantly different from the approach that was in school. There are no daily homework assignments; intermediate control of assignments is carried out in the form of seminars, laboratories, etc., but they do not take place every day and not always regularly throughout the semester.

Therefore, students must organize their time and studies themselves. You need to plan the time when to study, when to relax - this is difficult and not easy for everyone.

The result of insufficient organization of one’s time: night vigils during the session, hassle with “tails”, nervous tension. All this reduces mental performance and only complicates the session.

In general, preparation for exams and the educational process itself at a university are incompatible with assault.

The granite of science must be gnawed with your teeth, and not tried to break it with your forehead.

You can, of course, read a textbook or lecture notes in a day, but you will not be able to master it, since a tired brain does not perceive the material well. Before the exam, you will look like a sleepwalker.

The brain is the main organ of the nervous system. Nerve cells do not have unlimited performance. Therefore, trying to increase it by staying up all night before exams will backfire.

If you consider that it also happens that during a session you have to pass, or even more than one, it is obvious that the load is very heavy.

What to do?

The only sure way is systematic work with educational materials every day during the semester.

If for human body and the brain would be normal within 2-3 days to master training course, then everyone would receive an education in 3-4 months. In practice, a semester is allotted for this.

To pass the session– You need to prepare for exams in advance.

First Moscow State medical university them. THEM. Sechenova repeatedly conducts research into the problems of the educational process, and based on their results, they publish recommendations on organizing students’ work, how to simplify their lives and pass the exam without failing grades.

To increase the efficiency of using your time when studying, you need to:

  • Train memory, attention, willpower.
  • Think about your daily routine: sleep 8 hours, eat 3-4 times a day, at the same time, go to school every day fresh air at least 2 hours, of which at least 20 minutes before bedtime. In general, it helps well in studying.
  • Treasure your time. How students steal their time: social networks, videos, level 80 elves, etc. In addition to wasting time, in the constant “twitching” mode, it is more difficult for the brain to absorb information from a textbook or course of lectures. And so at first 1.5-2 hours were lost, then another two hours and plus the head square from the flow of information mixed up. Allocate time according to your priorities.
  • Take notes during lectures. By taking notes from the teacher, you will learn the lecture material much better than by simply listening. Then it will be enough to look through the notes to refresh the lecture material. Copying someone else's notes is much less effective: first you need to spend time on rewriting, then on analyzing the lecture material, since it will be perceived as completely new and unfamiliar.
  • Control yourself. At a university there is less control than at school, but this does not mean that during lectures you can look at pictures on social networks or chat on your phone. In the end, strong man has willpower. Are you a strong person? Or do you want to become a weak-willed loser?

2. Take notes in lectures

Never have fun during lectures! There is free time for this.

You also need to take notes correctly.

  1. There is no point in mechanically recording the teacher’s lecture; this is of little use. Try to write down in your own words, quickly, clearly and straight away.
  2. Use conventions: common discipline-specific abbreviations and abbreviations. Just don’t forget to write them down somewhere with a transcript. Examples: CNS - central nervous system, ACS – automated system controls, – increases, ↓ – falls, etc.
  3. Writing down the gist of a lecture helps focus your attention. When taking notes, hearing, vision, and hand are involved. This means that they are mobilizing and training different types memory. By recording lectures, you not only learn this item, but also increases mental performance. In turn, this will help in preparing for exams and passing the exam.
  4. Taking notes from the textbook is also useful. A person remembers the text he reads better if he makes notes along with reading.
  5. Theses. Train yourself to write down material in the form of simple and complex theses. A simple thesis is complete sentences, formulations of the author’s thoughts, i.e. understanding the material read in the textbook. A complex thesis involves logical conclusions, conclusions and analysis of cause-and-effect relationships. Such work requires serious thinking about the text and therefore contributes to a more solid assimilation of the material.
Approximately half of the student’s time to prepare for the session is used to master the course program as part of independent work.

Then the student no longer has problems passing the exam.

To work with teaching aids and you need to spend about 4 hours a day on lecture notes. There is less time on Saturday and Sunday, or even exclude them from the school schedule of your own work. Sunday is best devoted to relaxation, walks, cinema, theater, sports training or outdoor games, skiing, skating rink in winter.

3. There is no hope for the last day

Leaving everything until the last day is a bad idea.

The logic here is simple. You need to prepare in advance, then problems with passing the exam will not arise.

Monotonous work tires you out faster than varied work, so on the last day before the exam, when you try to learn everything, you will get tired very quickly. Again, we remember that the brain’s performance is not unlimited.

To independent studies turned out to be productive, we need to plan them rationally. Taking into account that the brain gets tired of monotonous work, use the recommended 4 hours a day to prepare for two or three disciplines.

It would not be amiss to repeat the obvious fact. You won’t be able to do everything on the last day before the exam.

4. Different subjects require a different approach

Disciplines that require memorization, for example, foreign language, you need to pay attention every day. It is more profitable to work with such items each for half an hour than once a week for three hours.

Fractional portions of material and frequent repetitions contribute to more effective memorization, allowing better use physiological characteristics memory.

Disciplines whose material requires thinking, analysis, comprehension, and calculations should be given 1-1.5 hours or more. The productivity of mental labor is not the same: at first it increases, the so-called working period, then the maximum is reached, then the efficiency decreases. During the period of development, a person is gradually drawn into work, and the period of maximum efficiency is the most productive period of mental labor, then the most stable performance takes place. This period can last from two to four hours without a break.

Productive mental work contributes to effective learning educational material, analytical work and calculations.

5. Class conditions

To speed up the onset of a state of stable performance, you need to suppress extraneous stimuli affecting the brain, or even better, remove yourself from them.

  1. Do not chat on the phone or in instant messenger.
  2. Don't look at the TV screen.
  3. Don’t look at social networks (even “just look at it for a couple of seconds”)!
  4. Don't look at online stores either!
  5. A level 80 paladin will wait, and tanks will wait too.
  6. Don't think about anything extraneous.
  7. Don't get distracted.

Concentration is facilitated by the familiar environment of classes and the start of work at the same time.

If there are no suitable conditions at home or in a hostel, study in the library or reading room. At home - relax. A walk to the library and back is a great opportunity to get some fresh air.

The brain is very sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and a sitting position limits its supply to the lungs. If a person sits for a long time, blood stagnates in the lower parts of the lungs, abdominal organs and legs, which also reduces the performance of the body, primarily the brain.

Every hour, take a break of 5 minutes: get up, walk around, stretch, do a few simple exercises for muscle stretching. It will be just great if you open the window during this time! We worked out for a total of 4 hours - a break for 1 hour. Let's go to the fresh air!

An important point is the lighting of the workplace. More often independent work for students it is in the evening. If workplace If the light is insufficient or uneven, then the eyes will quickly get tired, which will cause a feeling of general fatigue and a headache. The hygienic standard of desk illumination is provided by one 40-60 W light bulb, covered with a lampshade or lampshade. The location of the light source should be on the left desk. It is better not to neglect these rules - your eyesight must be protected.

6. Work plan

Class conditions also include planning work for the semester. This way you will develop willpower and organization.

How to compose work plan for the semester:

  1. Take a calendar with the ability to make short notes in it (the cells should be large enough). You can make a calendar yourself on a computer.
  2. In the cells, mark the disciplines you will study. Do this by analogy with how a class schedule is drawn up at a university. Use even and odd weeks for convenience.
  3. As you complete your planned work, make notes on successfully completed tasks on your calendar.
  4. At the end of the week, you control yourself whether you did everything or not. The results of the month are similar.
  5. If possible, set yourself small rewards for completing your weekly plans: going to the cinema, to a cafe, in general, give yourself something that makes your soul happy.

As an alternative, you can start a daily planner with an organizer in which you write down what you did each day. By comparing it with planned work, you will be able to objectively assess your performance.

It doesn’t matter if the plan needs to be adjusted later, it doesn’t matter – it’s up to you will help a lot to pass the exam.

7. Rational behavior during the session

To successfully pass the session you need to slightly rearrange your routine:

  • You still need to sleep 8 or at least 7 hours.
  • Distribute your work periods throughout the day as follows: from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner, from dinner to bed. Each period is approximately 3-4 hours. End each work period with a short walk in the fresh air.
  • You can’t stay up late trying to cheer yourself up with strong coffee or tea. As a result, performance quickly decreases, and night vigils disrupt sleep. As a result, your productivity will tend to zero.

Schematically, the mode is shown in the figure. At the same time, take into account a small reserve for breaks. Thus, in three working periods you will have time to prepare for the session.

There is no need to arrive at the university too early on the day of the exam. Firstly, you won’t be able to expand your knowledge a few hours before the exam. Secondly, during this time you will simply get tired and nervous. Thirdly, when it’s your turn to take the exam, how physical and mental stress will inevitably affect your answer. Better use those same few hours to sleep or prepare at home before the exam. Come to the university with a little time to spare.

And a few more words about coffee. Strong coffee invigorates well, but during the session it is better to limit its consumption, since the stimulating effect on the brain has the opposite effect when consumed during prolonged mental stress. Drink no more than 1 to 2 cups of coffee per day in the morning.


Although exams are a significant waste of energy and nerves, you cannot do without them.

A session is not only a test of knowledge and ability to work independently.

During his studies at a university, a student takes several dozen exams and tests - the same number of times he prepares an answer, presents the material coherently, and answers the examiner’s questions. Taken together, all this instills the art of self-control, teaches you to think rationally, trains speech - these are qualities necessary for any qualified specialist.

I hope these tips on how to pass the exam will help you in this difficult task.

The first session for a student is marked by all sorts of discoveries. This is both experience and practice. But at the same time, every student is haunted by incredible fear before the first session. May you have to take exams many times in the future and go through all sorts of tests. BUT it is the first session that can become special for a student.

Typically, the first session begins at the end of November. The terrible autumn weather adds to the tragedy of what is happening. a constant sleepy state makes it difficult to concentrate, and student life It still prevents me from sitting down to my textbooks. But you have to overcome yourself and start “being a student” in the full sense of the word. It would seem that the session – what’s so scary about it? However, many first-year students are terribly afraid of the first session, because... They don’t clearly understand what it is and what they eat it with. Next, we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The first secret is study

The first secret is that you need to study to gain knowledge, not to evaluate. If from the very beginning of your studies at the university you make it a rule that at a university you need to gain knowledge and only occasionally fool around (it’s absolutely impossible without this, since student years are the best years in a person’s life, well, or one of the most unforgettable), then you will never have problems passing the sessions. Here you can also give one more piece of advice, which is based on the fact that a student should perceive his education as a platform for his future, which will be directly related to his professional career. Of course, you can become a successful person without having any higher education. But since we are talking about students, we will vary the information from this point of view.

The second secret is preparation.

You need to prepare for exams in advance. We have consecrated this rule hundreds of times already. But returning to it again, it’s worth thinking about the fact that if you decide to become successful, then make it a rule that you need to prepare for exams on time. NEVER put things off until later. Even if your time is extremely limited, try to take a few breaks to study. Advance preparation does not imply sitting daily in front of books and incessant cramming. Perhaps some people are interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs exactly the result. How it is obtained is another question. You will be graded based on the results of your work. No one will ask you at 21 what grade you got in the third quarter in Russian. BUT if you gain knowledge by simply memorizing information, without completely delving into its meaning, then this may be a reason to think about whether you have chosen the right field of knowledge.

To pass the first session, you need to be disciplined and responsible. If you do all your homework that is assigned to you, and, on top of everything else, you also go to almost all the classes, then you are guaranteed a bonus in the form of concessions during the session. Teachers also notice all these little things. They immediately identify a group of students who behave more responsibly than others. The student who studies conscientiously, and does not just pretend to study, always looks in the eyes of the teacher above the rest of the student mass.

That is, you must become someone who is different from the rest, but only for the better. Responsibility and discipline allow you to smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session by up to 50%. To put it simply, if you follow this rule, then you don’t have to be afraid of the session at all. You can even count on the coveted assessment automatically. If anyone still doesn’t know what it is, then we are ready to explain. An “automatic” grade is when you are given a grade for an exam without any answer to the exam paper.

Let's sum it up

WE told you about what rules and secrets will help you pass the first session. We also told you what you need to do so that the first session does not seem so scary. This is a kind of formula and dogma that can become your key to success at university. So, the secrets to passing the first session:

Study for knowledge, not for grades.
Prepare in advance for upcoming disciplines.
attend classes and do everything that is asked of you.

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and finally become a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your university studies, then you can rest assured that you will successfully graduate from the institute, even, perhaps, with honors.

AT the initial stage, the student will work for his record book, and only then will it work for him. So in the first courses, give it your all. This will only help you in the future. Don’t think that if you are a first-year student, there will be some concessions for you. Quite the opposite. In the first year there will be a strict screening of those suitable and unsuitable for training. It is at this time that most students drop out. Some people leave on their own, unable to withstand the onslaught of exams and study material, while others simply cannot pass all the necessary exams. So, the first year session is your indicator of survival at the university.


First year session

The statistics are disappointing - about 20% of first-year students leave the university after the first session because they cannot pass the necessary exams or are not allowed to take them at all.

Let's look at the main mistakes made by first-year students.
1. They don’t write lecture notes.
If at school all the necessary and comprehensive information could be found in the textbook, then at the institute the textbook is only an assistant. In addition to the textbook, it is extremely important to read the lecture notes. Often, teachers include in a test or exam exactly the information that they told during the lecture.

2. The textbook and notes are the only sources of knowledge.
In order to have a more complete understanding of a subject, sometimes it is not enough just to memorize a lecture or read a textbook. A student who wants to become good specialist of his business, should strive to expand his knowledge, incl. and with the help periodicals, articles on the Internet, etc.

3. Cramming the night before a test or exam.
You cannot rely on your excellent memory and leave everything until the last. Statistics show that those who gradually assimilate information over the course of a semester pass exams better and easier. Cramming the night before day X does not guarantee that at least some knowledge will remain in your head by morning.

4. Put everything off until the last day.
This error is one of the most common. Almost no one can write a brilliant piece overnight course work, learn the entire textbook or complete the drawing. It is better to complete part of the task every day than to run around for retakes.

Information for first-year students: how the session works

In most domestic universities academic year divided into two semesters, each lasting six months. With this division, students take two sessions - winter and summer. The timing and duration of the session depends on the rules established in educational institution.

Despite the fact that each educational institution has its own rules, there are some common features inherent in the sessions.

Before the session, students take tests for one or two weeks. Most often, during this time the student is required to obtain admission to the session. If a student has at least one debt in a subject (failed to pass a coursework, test, test, etc.) or did not attend classes, then he will not be allowed to attend the session. Sometimes the absence of educational debts and absences from classes gives the student automatic credit, and, therefore, additional time to prepare for exams.

As a rule, no more than five scientific disciplines. There is a reserve of two to three days between each exam.

In the event that a student receives a grade lower than expected, he has the right to retake, which happens immediately after the session or during the next semester.

But if during the session he managed to get three unsatisfactory grades at once, then he loses not only the opportunity to retake the exams, but also further studies at the university.

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