Which verbs have a gender category. Grammatical categories of the verb Which verbs have a gender category

The most general meaning of a verb is the meaning of a process; it includes particular meanings: actions ( read), states ( turn pale), process ( melt), movements ( fly).

Constant grammatical features: type, pledge, recurrence, transitivity (manifests in context). These features are characteristic of all forms of the verb and are actually verbal (as well as the categories of mood and tense). The type of verb conjugation is also constant.

Inconsistent grammatical features: mood, as well as (if any) tense, person, number, gender. These features are not present in all forms of the verb and manifest themselves differently in various forms. For example, in the past tense, personal forms of the verb do not have a person meaning, but have a gender category; Only participles have a case category. The categories of person, gender and number are not proper verbal.

All verbal forms (infinitive, personal forms, gerunds, participles) have the characteristics of aspect, voice, reflexivity, and transitivity. Personal forms can change according to moods, tenses, persons, numbers, and in the past tense according to gender. The participle (verb-nominal form) can also change according to cases and gender.

View– a grammatical category expressing the way an action occurs. Verbs are not perfect form denote actions that take place without indicating their completion: think, understand, swim, blush. Perfect Verbs indicate a limit, a limitation of an action to a beginning or an end. For example, an action with a start designation: sing, shout, start; actions indicating completion: decide, commit, turn green. Most perfective verbs have prefixes.

The category of type is related to the category of time. Imperfective verbs have three forms of tense: present, past and future complex: I am drawing, I have been drawing, I will draw. Perfective verbs have two forms of tense: future simple and past: I'll draw, drew.

Groups of verbs by aspect

Most verbs can form species pairs, differing not in the lexical, but only in the grammatical meaning of the form. Species pairs are formed using: 1) prefix: did - did; 2) suffixes -yva- / -iva-, -va-, -a-, -nu-, etc.: sow - sow, raise - raise, dry up - dry up; 3) moving the accent: narezat – rifling A t , diss.sfall - crumbleAt; 4) in a suppletive way: take - take, put - put, catch - catch.

Monotype verbs- these are verbs that form only one form, either perfect or only imperfect. They can be prefixed or non-prefixed. Verbs only imperfective form indicate repetition, duration, intermittency, etc.: touch, fight, regret, talk, row. Perfect verbs only denote actions that have mandatory completion, occur instantly and have a result: rise up, rush, wake up, pass, come to your senses. The reason for the inability to form a species pair is the semantics of verbs or morphological structure.

Bi-aspect verbs- verbs that, with the same graphic shell, can, in context, become either perfect verbs or imperfect verbs, without changing their form. Wed: The detachment attacked the heights for a long time and unsuccessfully (what did they do?). Yesterday the detachment (what did it do?) attacked and captured the heights. The following verbs are classified as two-type: wound, execute, marry, marry, say, promise, start, bestow, borrow, telegraph and etc.

Transitive verbs called an action directed at an object (subject, person). These are verbs of creation ( create, weave), destruction ( break, burn), perception ( see, feel), emotional attitude to the subject ( be in love, charm), verbs of speech and thought ( ask, ponder).

There are directly transitive (properly transitive) and indirectly transitive verbs. Direct transition have an addition in the form accusative case without preposition: read a book, build a house or genitive (when denoting a part or when negating, with verbs to want, to desire): drank tea, bring some water, didn’t read the new newspaper. Indirect-transitive verbs denote actions aimed at an object, but the object can be in the indirect case with a preposition: take care of your sister, help your neighbor, manage your business.

Intransitive verbs denote actions that do not transfer to the subject. Intransitive verbs include verbs denoting: 1) being, existence: to be, to be; 2) movement: walk, swim, ride; 3) physical and mental state: get sick, get angry, stand; 4) type of activity: teach, carpenter; 5) behavior: to be brave, to be young; 6) auditory and visual perception: sparkle, knock etc. Additions to such verbs can be with or without prepositions and are in indirect cases, except for the accusative: show off your knowledge, burn in the fire, take it off the shelf.

Verbs with the postfix -сь/-ся are intransitive.

Among intransitive verbs, a special type of verbs with the postfix -sya (-s) is distinguished. (Postfix -sya is used after a consonant, postfix -sya – after a vowel). Such verbs have a reflexive category, which conveys special semantic meanings. Depending on the value reflexive verbs represented by several groups:

1) self-reflexive: the subject’s action is directed towards himself: wash, comb your hair, tune in, humiliate yourself; these verbs can usually be restructured into a construction with a pronoun myself;

2) mutually reciprocal: actions of several subjects directed at each other, each of which is both the subject and the object of a similar action: make up, meet, kiss;

3) indirectly reciprocal: the action is performed by the subject in his own interests: be built(build a house for yourself) fit in(pack your things); possible to rebuild in a design with words for yourself, for yourself;

4) general return: the action of the subject, closed in the sphere of his state: worry, be happy, get angry, have fun; worry and some others.

Most reflexive verbs can form a correlative pair without the postfix -sya: knock - knock, smoke - smoke. However, in the Russian language there are verbs that do not have such correlative pairs, are “only reflexive” and are not used without the postfix -sya: be afraid, be proud, be lazy, hope, try and so on.

The category of voice expresses the relationship between the subject, the action and the object on which the action is performed. Active voice The verb indicates that the subject is named by the subject who himself performs the action. A student writes a note. I'll waste my time on you. Passive voice indicates that the subject names an object that is subject to action from another object or person: The abstract is written by the student. Time wasted on you.

The passive voice can be expressed: 1) by the postfix -сь/-ся: The consequences of the hurricane are being eliminated; 2) forms of passive participles: The problem is solved.

They do not have voice forms: 1) all intransitive verbs: go, run and so on.; 2) verbs with the postfix -sya that do not have a pair without this postfix: be afraid, wake up; 3) personal verbs in an impersonal meaning with the postfix -sya: I couldn’t sleep, I was breathing easily.

Indicative denotes a real action that has happened, is happening or will happen. Verbs in the indicative mood change according to tenses (they have forms of present, past and future tense).

Subjunctive (conditional) mood denotes an unreal action that can occur under certain conditions or is expected or desired. Forms of the subjunctive mood change only by gender and number: I would play in the yard, fix my car, read my memoirs.

Imperative mood expresses a request, wish, order and is expressed by verbs outside tense forms. Forms imperative mood are formed, as a rule, from the stem of the present tense (for imperfective verbs) or the future tense (for perfective verbs). First person singular verbs have no imperative mood, forms plural with a call to take joint action - we read or let's read- homonymous to present tense forms. The most common verbs are in the 2nd and 3rd person forms, singular and plural. The 2nd person singular forms have two types of endings: -and or zero ending: write and readØ. The 2nd person plural forms are formed by adding the postfix -te to the singular form: write and readØ-those. When forming forms of the imperative mood, some verbs exhibit alternation in the root: V And t - in e y, w And t - w e th. The 3rd person singular and plural forms are formed using the particles let, let: let him read, let him read. A special analytical form of the imperative mood is formed using the particle give (let's) and the imperfective infinitive with the meaning of a call to joint action: let's read, let's decide.

A number of verbs have the following features when forming the imperative mood: 1) alternation of i/e in the roots of verbs like beat, drink, sewhit, drink, shake; 2) preservation of the suffix -va-, which is absent in the present tense form, but is in the infinitive: give - give - come on, get up - get up - get up; 3) at the verb lie down imperative form lie down; 4) at the verb drive suppletive form of the imperative mood go.

For some verbs, the forms of the imperative mood are either not formed at all or are not used: see, hear, want, feel ill.

In Russian, forms of some moods can be used to mean others: Would you like to work today?(subjunctive mood in the sense of imperative). Come back on time - nothing would have happened(imperative mood in the meaning of the subjunctive). In the meaning of the subjunctive mood, the infinitive can be used: You should study.

Time category This is an inflectional category that denotes the correlation of an action to the moment of speech. Present tense is the action at the moment of speech, past tense is the action preceding the moment of speech, future tense is the action that will take place after the moment of speech. The forms of the present and future tenses do not have a special grammatical design; the forms of the past tense are expressed by the suffix -l- or a zero suffix with the same meaning: read-l , brought-Ø . Only imperfective verbs have the present tense. The future tense of imperfective verbs is formed using the auxiliary verb to be: I will read, you will read, will read(complex form). If there are several future tense verbs in a sentence, then auxiliary usually used once: I will sing and dance. For perfective verbs - simple form future tense: read, read, read.

In speech, verbs of one tense can be used to mean another : We're going to sea tomorrow(form of the present tense in the meaning of the future). So I believed you(form of the past tense in the meaning of the future).

Face category indicates the producer of the action in relation to the speaker. The first person singular (I) shows that the subject of the action is the speaker himself; first person plural (we) speaker and others. The second person singular (you) shows that the subject of the action is the interlocutor; in the plural (you) – interlocutor and others. The third person singular (he, she, it) shows that the subject of the action is someone not participating in the dialogue; in the plural (they) – someone not participating in the dialogue, and others.

In addition to the indicated meanings of personal forms, in modern Russian the following are used: 1) forms of the 1st person plural in the meaning of “the author's we” instead of “I” in the scientific style: we consider this fact, we conducted an experiment; 2) forms of the 1st person plural in the meaning of the 2nd person to express complicity in emotionally expressive speech: how do we feel?; 3) 2nd person plural forms are used to express politeness: You told us.

Formal indicators of the category of a person are personal endings: -у (-у), -ем (-им), -еж (-ish), -ete (-ITE), -ut (-yut), -at (-yat).

The category of face is related to the categories of tense and inclination. Only verbs of the present and future tenses of the indicative and imperative mood have facial forms. The category of person is absent in past tense verbs and subjunctive verbs.

Some verbs in Russian do not have all forms of person, i.e. are insufficient. There are no 1st person forms for verbs to dare, to win, to find oneself, to be strange. Verbs lack 1st and 2nd person forms calve, foal, grow, bud off, get closer, appear. Along with “insufficient” verbs in the Russian language there are verbs that have not one, but two systems of finite forms, i.e. are redundant: splash - splash / splash, torment - torment / torment, coo - coo / coo. Between these forms there is usually either a semantic or stylistic difference. If you splash, you spew out splashes, you splash; you spray - you spray. They coo (colloquial); kurlychut (neutral).

Impersonal verbs

Verbs that do not have a person form and denote actions or states that occur on their own, without subjectivity, are called impersonal. Impersonal verbs do not change according to persons, numbers and genders. They can be used in the infinitive, indicative mood (in the past, present and future tense) and subjunctive mood. They can be with or without a postfix. With impersonal verbs it is impossible to use a subject: It will begin to get light soon. It's getting dark. It was getting dark. It would chill.

Some personal verbs in Russian can be used in the meaning of impersonal: The forest is getting dark(personal verb). It gets dark early in winter(personal verb in impersonal meaning). Impersonal verbs and personal verbs in an impersonal meaning mean: 1) natural phenomena: it will rain, it's getting dark; 2) human condition: has a fever, chills; 3) sensations, feelings: I'm unlucky; 4) being: there was no time; 5) obligation: do not be sad.

Genus category denotes a characteristic of the gender of a noun or pronoun with which the verb is coordinated or agreed. In the absence of a subject of action, the gender form indicates the gender of the possible subject of the action: The sun was shining. The grass was turning green. The cloud was floating. I would come today. The neuter gender can also indicate the impersonality of the verb: It was getting dark.

Not all verb forms have a gender category. The singular forms of the past tense of the indicative mood, the singular forms of the conditional mood, and all participial forms have meanings of masculine, feminine or neuter gender.

Number indicates the singularity or multiplicity of the subject performing the actions, while the meaning of the action does not change: The student has arrived. The students came. This morphological characteristic is inherent in all personal verb forms. The infinitive and the gerund have no number forms. The plural of a verb in a one-part sentence indicates the uncertainty of the subject: There's a knock on the door. The singular number may indicate impersonality: I'm shivering.

Relationship between verb categories

1. Aspect and tense: perfective verbs have two tense forms (there are no present tense forms), the future tense form is simple. Imperfective verbs have three tense forms (there is a present tense form), the future tense form is complex.

2. Tense and mood: verbs change tenses only in the indicative mood, and in the imperative and conditional moods there is no morphological characteristic of tense.

3. Person and gender: these categories of a verb are mutually exclusive and cannot be presented in the same form. The category of person is present in the forms of the verb in the present and future tense of the indicative mood and in the forms of the verb in the imperative mood, and the gender is found in the forms of the verb in the past tense of the indicative mood and in the forms of the conditional mood.

4. Transitivity and reflexivity: reflexive verbs are intransitive.

5. Transitivity and voice: passive constructions are formed only from directly transitive verbs. Transitive verbs are generally capable of forming passive forms.

Meanings of the grammatical category of number and means of its expression in different forms of verbs

Number category- This inflectional category verb that expresses ratio of an action to the number of its subjects. All forms of the verb have the category of number, except for the infinitive And participles.

Depending on the number of subjects, verbs have different actions meaning of the only And plural. Singular forms refer to an action with one subject, while plural forms refer to two or more.

In different verb forms the grammatical the meaning of a number is expressed by different grammatical means.

In forms present time imperfect verbs and future tense verbs perfect form, the meaning of a number is expressed by endings that simultaneously point to the person:

write at (1st person singular present tense) –

write eat (1st person plural present tense).

In forms past tense And subjunctive mood singular meaning expressed by gender endings:

read, would read(the zero ending is an indicator of singular values ​​and male), read, would read (ending - A indicates singular and feminine values); read, would read (ending - O is an indicator of the singular and neuter gender).

The meaning of the plural is expressed by the ending - And :

We would read, we would read.

Verbal forms of the third person plural of the present (future) tense, as well as forms of the plural of the past tense and the subjunctive mood can express an indefinite personal meaning. In this meaning, verb forms are used without a subject:

Latest news will find out from the Internet.

Last week on TV showed interesting show.

If he came, he would have met with honor.

Note: forms second person plural present and future tense and form past tense plural and subjunctive are also used for polite treatment to one interlocutor(usually with a pronoun You ):

You've been me for a long time are you waiting? You've already talked about this talked. You we could bring this book?

1) indicates grammatical gender of the noun, naming the subject of the action. This is especially important in cases where the noun is an indeclinable:

Coffee already cooled down. Coat hung on a hanger;

2) indicates gender of the person – the subject of the action, if this subject is named as a common noun, personal pronoun I or You , and indeclinable noun or a masculine noun with the meaning of position, profession, qualification:

Headman announced

Headman announced that classes are being moved to Saturday.

I came.

You came.

Referee raised the winner's hand.

Lady came out from the car.

Dean came.

Dean came .

Only forms perform this function male And female.

3) represents the action as impersonal. In this case, use only neuter forms:

sick shivered.

Outside the window dawn.

Note: in the present and future tense, the impersonal meaning is expressed by the third person singular forms ( sick chills ).

In addition to past tense forms of the indicative mood and forms of the subjunctive mood, only participles have a category of gender.

Basic terms


3. How many subjects perform the action indicated by the singular verb form?

4. How many subjects perform the action indicated by the plural form?

5. What plural forms of verbs can express an indefinite personal meaning?

6. What plural forms of verbs are used when politely addressing one interlocutor?

7. What conjugated forms of verbs have a gender category?

9. What kind of form can express impersonal meaning?


In addition to the conjugated forms and the infinitive, the verbal lexeme includes two more inconjugated forms – participle And participle. These verb forms are sometimes called hybrid(mixed), because they have grammatical categories of both verbs and other parts of speech.


1. Participle as a mixed form of a verb, its grammatical categories.

2. Valid and passive participles, their grammatical properties.

3. Similarities and differences between participles and adjectives.

4. Rules for the formation of participles

5. Meaning, formation and use of participles with postfix - Xia .

6. Transition of participles into adjectives (adjectivation).

The categories of gender and number are uncharacteristic for grammatical structure verb. Only certain forms of the verb have the category of gender: the past tense (came, came, came), the subjunctive mood (would come, would come) and participles (arrived, come, come) (and the category of gender is expressed only in the singular form). The singular and plural forms are different for all forms of the verb, with the exception of the indefinite form and the gerund.

Impersonal verbs

Verbs that express actions and states that occur on their own, without their producer (subject), are called impersonal. With such verbs, the use of a subject is impossible: it is getting dark, it is dawning. According to their lexical meaning, impersonal verbs can express: 1) natural phenomena; frosty, evening; 2) physical and mental state person: feverish, doesn’t feel like it; 3) the modal meaning of must: must, follows, befits, etc., 4) the action of an unknown force: drives, carries, carries, etc.; 5) the action of elemental force (in combination with the instrumental case): The paths were clogged, completely covered with snow (Furm.).

By education, impersonal verbs can be in non-reflexive and reflexive forms: it is dawning, it is getting dark. The irreversible form of impersonal verbs has varieties: 1) proper impersonal verbs: And it has been dawning for a long time (Barat.); 2) personal verbs in impersonal use; Wed: There is a Russian spirit, there is a smell of Russia (P.). - How strongly the wormwood smells on the borders! (T.). The reflexive form of impersonal verbs is in most cases formed from finite verbs (usually intransitive) by means of the affix -sya; not sleeping - not sleeping. The following varieties of the reflexive form of impersonal verbs are distinguished: 1) verbs with an impersonal meaning that have no correspondence in the group of personal verbs: To tell the truth, it was great lying on this sofa (T.); 2) impersonal verbs that coincide in form with personal ones: One came true (cf. the prediction came true), the other dreamed (cf. dreamed of happiness) (verb.).

Compared to personal verbs, impersonal verbs do not change in persons and numbers, as well as in gender. They are used only in the 3rd person singular form. hours of present and future tense and in the form of units. h. past tense of the neuter gender.

These forms of impersonal verbs, unlike the corresponding personal forms, are not conditioned by agreement with the subject, since they are used in impersonal sentences. Impersonal verbs have the neuter subjunctive form. h. and indefinite form; They do not have an imperative form.

A morphological category that characterizes the subject of an action based on gender, and a noun naming the subject of an action based on gender. The category of gender is assigned to the conjugated forms of the verb in the past tense singular. and forms of the subjunctive mood: reasoned, reasoned, would reason, would reason.

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