Sample motivation for choosing a topic. Justification of the topic of the master's thesis. Rationale for choosing a topic

After the introduction of second generation standards into the domestic education system, project activities became a mandatory element in any academic discipline. Let's look at its features using technology as an example.


It involves justifying the topic of the project on technology. The problem considered by the child should be useful not only to the author himself, but also to other people.

Justification of the project topic on technology significantly increases its significance and allows the results to be applied in practice.

Example of the project “Sunflowers outside the window”

We often hear that handmade items bring warmth and harmony to the home. In order to achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend material resources. Want to freshen up your room? We propose to create a panel of sunflowers that will give the space a special flavor. That is why such a topic was chosen for collective work.

Project "Breath of Flowers"

The choice and justification of the technology project topic can be formulated as follows. We live in a unique country that is proud of its historical roots, natural resources. Unique flora amazed with its versatility greatest writers, poets, artists. We admire flowers in the summer and watch with interest how the leaves of the trees turn yellow in the fall. I want to enjoy the beauty and warmth of nature and cold winters. That is why the theme “Breath of Flowers” ​​was chosen for the work. Such an ecological justification for the technology project indicates the meta-subject nature of this work.

Work “Transformer Swan”

How to justify a technology project? A transforming vase is a wonderful gift for friends and family. The finished product can be used to arrange fruit, as a hot stand, and even as a cutting board. The vase can also be considered as an independent decorative element in a city apartment. The product is compact, it can be stored assembled, and, if necessary, made “combat ready.”

Environmental justification for the project based on technology:

  • safety;
  • availability of materials;
  • originality of forms;
  • minimal labor intensity;
  • strength;
  • manufacturability;
  • reproducibility.

This justification of the project's technology problem confirms the relevance of the work. The finished product will decorate any interior.

Batik work

How to select and justify a technology project? Masters call batik a unique and inimitable material used in artistic creativity. Why is there a growing interest in working with it these days? The reason is that the materials and tools needed to work with batik have become available to the general population.

People are increasingly turning to things associated with the postmodern era and are trying to create unusual products and compositions with their own hands. This justification creative project technology fully confirms its relevance.
Considering that working with batik does not involve complex technological operations, the project is accessible to everyone who dreams of touching this option artistic creativity. We were attracted by the batik technique's combination of the practicality of the resulting products with artistic significance.

This technology justification for the project will become the main idea of ​​the creative work.

DIY gift

Ahead new year holidays, during which it is customary to give gifts. Of course, you can buy a finished product in a store, but it will not convey the feelings that you feel for the person for whom the gift is intended. If you arm yourself with creative imagination and select materials, you can create a unique picture. Such justification for a technology project involving the use of batik painting on fabrics fully explains the author’s choice.

Goals and objectives

In the century computer technology The demand for handmade products is increasing. The selection and justification of the technology project is complemented by the purpose of the work. It can be formulated as follows: create a gift for the New Year holidays using the batik technique.

  • study literature on the chosen topic;
  • develop an action algorithm;
  • create a gift with your own hands;
  • give an analysis of the finished product.

The technology justification for the project has been completed, and we can begin to think through the stages of work. First you need to conduct a survey, the purpose of which is to identify the attitude of classmates towards gifts made with your own hands. Respondents are asked to check the following questions:

  • Do you give gifts?
  • do you make them yourself?
  • Which gift is more pleasant to receive?

The finished product should be beautiful, bright, practical, inexpensive, and safe. What gift to give to friends on New Year? For example, you can create an original, sew a pot holder, an original toy or voluminous decoration for the interior, or make a New Year's card.

In order for the finished product to please the person for whom it is intended, it is important to think through all the details of the work.

Gzhel project

The Moscow region is considered the birthplace of this painting. The first mention of Gzhel appeared in 1320, they were made in a message from Prince Ivan Kalita to his eldest son. These porcelain products have a characteristic blue-white color. In the eighteenth century, such dishes were created from clay, then covered with white enamel, and multi-color painting was applied to it. In the 19th century, Gzhel masters created new material, technologies were improved, production of semi-faience and porcelain began.

At the beginning of the last century, this unique painting was practically lost. And only in 1972 did this folk craft. On the basis of six small industries, the Gzhel association was created and they began to restore lost folk traditions. Russian land rich in talents.

Gzhel painting is done with cobalt. High quality clay is fired twice white, previously placed in certain forms. Firing is carried out in furnaces at temperatures above 1350 degrees.

During a review of the literature on the project, we were able to find out that painting is carried out with cobalt. At elevated temperatures, this mineral acquires an unusual blue different shades. They appear precisely after firing is completed; in its original form, the design has an unsightly black-gray color. The topic was chosen for the work precisely because products created using this technique are distinguished by unique aesthetic characteristics.


Currently project activities V Russian system special attention is paid to education. There are special requirements for schoolchildren's work. Each academic discipline allocates a certain amount of time for intellectual and creative development the younger generation.

In order for a project to meet the requirements, it must be interesting and relevant not only for the author himself, but also for other people. A project is considered realistic if it can be repeated.

Before starting the practical part, the author thinks through the purpose of his activity, sets specific goals for himself research objectives.

The next stage is the development of an action plan, the result of which will be a review of scientific literature on the research problem, selection of methods and means of carrying out the work. At the main stage of technology, the main activities are carried out.

For example, material is selected, details are determined, and direct actions are performed. The final stage of the work is summing up the results of the project and submitting it to the competition.

Often there is no justification for the topic of great importance, mistakenly believing that this is just a formality. Justification of a scientific work is the most important stage of its writing.

Competent justification of the topic scientific research greatly facilitates the further process of working on the dissertation. Careful and detailed compilation of this document allows you to first understand the problem under study, determine ways to solve it, and predict the results that should be obtained.

You should not treat this stage of work as just a formality. This is the fundamental basis of all scientific research. Without appropriate argumentation for choosing the field of study, the dissertation is meaningless.

How to justify a dissertation topic

In order for the justification to become a truly good foundation and assistant in further work, you need to take a responsible approach to writing it.

In the process of justification, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of information sources on the topic, find out what studies have already been carried out and determine the degree of knowledge of the problem. You should review the available abstracts on the research topic, scientific articles and monographs. It is advisable to study not only domestic sources, but also foreign ones.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out constructive criticism of existing research and the developments proposed in them, and justify the need to search for new relevant and popular solutions.

The main emphasis should be on proving the usefulness of the predicted results and their relevance in production and science.

When drawing up a justification, you should seek help from your supervisor. Then the rationale is discussed at a department meeting, and the topic of the dissertation is approved by the academic council.

Stages of substantiating the dissertation topic

The substantiation of the dissertation topic is carried out in several stages, each of which must be thought out and competently designed.

Theme formulation

The correct formulation of the research topic is the key to its successful writing. The topic must comply with the Specialty Passport of the Higher Attestation Commission - this is the main criterion for the correctness of its choice and formulation. It should be remembered that during the process of writing a dissertation, the topic may be adjusted. On initial stage When formulating a topic, the main task is to reflect the novelty, subject and purpose of the work. When reading the topic, the reader should have no doubt about the content of the work.

Relevance of the topic

In the justification part, where you need to prove the relevance of the chosen topic, you should answer the question “what is this dissertation for?” It is necessary to pay attention not only to the practical value, but also to the relevance of the scientific study of the problem.

Determining the purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of the work answers the question of how the problem will be solved. The goal should correlate with the topic of the dissertation and be organically based on relevance.

The objectives of the work are drawn up in such a way that it becomes clear after solving which issues the research goal will be achieved.

Supposed novelty of the study

It is necessary to indicate what the innovativeness of the research being conducted will be and how it will differ from existing work.

Intended practical relevance

This section indicates the demand for solving the problem in practice and the possibility of using the results in production. It is advisable to clarify where exactly the resulting developments can be applied.

An example of justification for a master's thesis topic

Justification is the most important step in a graduate student’s or undergraduate’s work on a dissertation. The applicant cannot be allowed to write a dissertation without drawing up a convincing justification for the topic. In order to competently substantiate the topic and formulate the predicted results, the applicant must have certain experience in the field of research and have relevant publications that are attached to the document with justification.

Competent justification of the dissertation topic, as well as a template and example of justification updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

The justification consists of a description of the object of research, presentation and proof of the relevance of the topic, expected practical and theoretical significance, disclosure of the subject of research, scientific novelty, testing base, explanation of the structure of the work. The steps to take when writing a justification can be divided into several steps.

Step #1

Formulation of the topic. The initially chosen research topic is most likely not final and in the process of work, in the future, the name may change. It is important to reflect here the problem that the author is going to solve, as well as the subject and object of the work. The basic basis for formulating a topic is the specialty passport; in this document the object and subject are reflected meaningfully and fully. It would be very advisable to seek the help of a supervisor when choosing a topic.

Step #2

Directly, justification of the relevance of the work carried out by the applicant. Here it is important to show that the problem being solved is in demand in science both practically and due to the need for theoretical study of the topic. Therefore, in terms of relevance, it is necessary to list scientific works carried out on related topics by other scientists over five years. It is necessary to characterize the problems solved by them; When compiling this characterization, careful analysis methods should be used. A critical examination of previous studies determines the problems that the author should solve. The justification addresses the topic only in the form that is considered at this stage, being chosen by the applicant for the dissertation; At the same time, there is no need to describe in detail all the problems in this direction.

Step #3

In this part, it is important to formulate the objectives and goals of the study. These elements stem from the relevance that determined the range of issues that needed resolution. The goal should be formulated so that it provides an answer: exactly how to achieve the solution to the problem arising from the research topic.

Thus, the goal is a kind of clarification of the topic. The formulated goal can be divided into 3-6 main questions of a practical and theoretical nature. The questions should be such that their solution allows you to achieve the goal of the study. These questions are the very tasks of the work; that is, in relation to the goal, tasks are auxiliary questions to it.

Step #4

Next, you need to describe the scientific results that the author intends to achieve. Here it is necessary to reflect the full novelty or elements that make up the scientific novelty of the work. Elements that constitute novelty should be harmoniously combined with the tasks and purpose of the work. The text describing scientific novelty should state what was done for the first time in this study; it should be described exactly what results the author achieved that were not found in similar works; what was unique was determined by him, what hitherto unsolved questions were resolved, what innovative conclusions were drawn up.

Step #5

An indication of the practical results expected to be obtained. Here it is necessary to outline the possibility of applying the results in practice in certain organizations, institutions and enterprises. If the research involves the practical implementation of the results, it is important to indicate exactly where they are supposed to be applied and how. You should not get carried away by theories and plans. Implementation advice must be clear and implementable in the current environment. It is unacceptable to rely on a technical base that is in the development stage; if one or another method of implementing the author’s results is impossible in the existing realities, but requires the completion of other studies, such assumptions should not be made.

Final stage

At the last stage, the justification describes additional materials on the topic of research belonging to the author; this is the so-called scientific basis - a list of all of it scientific works related to the topic under study. Among other things, this includes a master's thesis, a description of work experience in various projects, and evidence of participation in conferences. When the rationale for the dissertation topic is agreed upon with the supervisor, it is discussed at the department; After this discussion, the justification can be provided to the Academic Council. Finally, the topic is approved by the rector and work on the dissertation must begin.

Do not forget: justification is an extremely important stage in the work of a graduate student, for the reason that without compiling this material, the applicant is not officially admitted to work on a dissertation and, accordingly, will not be able to defend his research. Of course, the graduate student must draw up the justification himself; but it is allowed to seek help and advice not only from the scientific supervisor, but also from other teachers of the department.

If you want to better understand what constitutes a rationale for a dissertation topic, an example can be found at.

Essay writing technique

compiled by A.V. Smetanin (Perm.GNIU, 2011)


"by the time of writing the essay

it’s already 50-70% ready.”

Formal criteria (from the introductory part of the assignment) 1

Little tricks. 8

Common problems... 9

Template structure of an essay. 9

Features of an essay. 9

Technical questions.. 10

Application. 11

Formal criteria (from the introductory part of the assignment)

The validity of the choice of topic (an explanation of the choice of topic and the tasks that the participant sets for himself in his work).

a) the rationale for choosing a topic is the hard part essay, it must be thought up in advance so that the work does not stop at the very first sentence. There are two main justification options:

The relevance of this topic for modern times,

To this day, the debate about the benefits and harms of Peter’s reforms for Russia has not stopped. In this era they are trying to look for the beginning of the entire subsequent history of the state. Some accuse Peter of barbaric methods of renovating the country, others regret the lost originality, others talk about the importance and timeliness of the breakthrough. In the context of this discussion, I would like to express my own opinion about the role of this era. ...One of the pressing problems for modern Russia is the search for a national idea, a certain element of self-awareness that can unite the citizens of our country. Perhaps the first example of the search for such an idea can be considered the history of the baptism of Rus', which contributed not only to the strengthening of state power, but also to the ethnic unity of the Eastern Slavs.

My personal interest in this topic. IN as a last resort, attribute to yourself something that really doesn’t interest you

Any other interesting twist in the rationale is not forbidden, the main thing is not to try to beat the conservative jury with something crazy.

b) setting essay objectives

Here you need to state why you are writing this essay, what the reader can expect from the essay in the future

First of all, you need to agree or disagree with the quote, but do not paraphrase it

Secondly, clearly outline your position on the problem, what you are going to prove now.

2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its comprehension.

a) Your essay should not copy the text of the textbook. The essay should contain your thoughts, your living language. It's best to write in the first person.

b) do not go to the other extreme and do not try to be too original or informal, do not replace arguments with emotions.

Work on any dissertation begins with identifying the topic. The task is not difficult. It is necessary to determine the scope of your own scientific interests, compare it with existing abstracts of scientists and find some unique subject of research or give a new sound to the problems already covered by other authors. The chosen topic must be discussed with the supervisor, and the importance and necessity of the issue under study must be justified at a meeting of the leading department.

What is justification for a dissertation topic?

Justification of the subject of the candidate's thesis is a document that represents the basic basis for all qualifying work. It is from this moment that work on the research begins.
A formal approach to justification will not lead to the desired result.

But careful preparation of the rationale for the topic will allow the researcher to better understand the issue under study, as well as predict the results of his work.

This document is required for admission to graduate school. Subject scientific work an already admitted graduate student must be approved by the leading department, and then by the Academic Council of the university. The corresponding mark of the Academic Council will appear in the individual curriculum graduate student.

How to justify a dissertation topic

You should only work on the main issue of a PhD thesis together with your supervisor. It is he who will tell you which issues will be more advantageous in the defense, from what angle it is worth considering this or that scientific issue.

Before meeting with your supervisor, try to research existing scientific research.

Pay attention not only to Russian sources, but also foreign ones. Find weaknesses in studying the chosen issue, think of what new things you can say on this topic. All these points must be reflected in the justification of the dissertation work.

Stages of substantiating the dissertation topic

The topic of scientific work must be justified according to a certain template. This document should contain the following parameters:
topic formulation,

  • its relevance,
  • goals and objectives of the study,
  • supposed novelty
  • and practical significance.

Theme formulation

The success of future qualifying work depends on proper formulation. It cannot be expressed in free form; it must meet the requirements of the Passport of Specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission and clearly reflect the promising content of the candidate’s thesis. The initial formulation of the topic may be changed during the research process.

Relevance of the topic

The topic should not only be clearly formulated, but also relevant and meet the needs of the time. In other words, the applicant must have a clear idea of ​​whether there is a need for scientific elaboration of the problems he proposes. Thus, it is imperative to emphasize the relevance of the issue under study.

Determining the purpose and objectives of the study

The document should also reflect the purpose and objectives of the study. There can be only one goal, and it must follow from the topic and relevance. The definition of the goal contains the answer to the question: how exactly will the problems of qualification research be solved? Objectives are specific steps that will allow you to achieve a designated goal.

Supposed novelty of the study

Another important parameter is scientific novelty. At this stage, it is necessary to outline what unique results the author plans to achieve and using what non-standard methods.

Intended practical relevance

IN practical significance need to justify what applied problems will be able to decide this study how it can be useful in the real activities of enterprises and institutions. This block in the document should show that the candidate’s thesis is not exclusively theoretical in nature.

Sample substantiation of the topic of a candidate's dissertation

There are several examples of justification qualification works. Most of them will be built using a standard template.
The sample is filled out by the applicant and signed by him and the supervisor. Then the main research question is submitted to a meeting of the department to which the future candidate of science is attached.

After discussion among the teaching staff, the topic may be adjusted and changes may be made to the rationale.

The finished document is submitted to the rector for approval educational institution. The given example is not universal; it is best to prepare the document according to the template that exists at the applicant’s department.

Sample "Rationale for the topic" PhD thesis"SibGUFK

PhD dissertation topics
topic name

Speciality: __.__.__ - ___________________________________________.
(example: 13.00.08 “Theory and methodology vocational education»)
Performer: graduate student/applicant of __ year of full-time/part-time study ___________________________________________________________________.
(Full name (full)
Scientific supervisor: _____________________________________________.
(academic degree, title, full name fully)

Relevance of the study:

Research problem:

Object of study:

Subject of research:

Research hypothesis:

Purpose of the study:

Research objectives:

Methodological basis of the study:

Research methods:

Organization of the study:

Scientific novelty of the research:

Theoretical significance of the study:

Practical significance of the study:

Artist's signature:

Scientific supervisor's signature:

An example of justification for a doctoral dissertation topic

For a doctoral thesis, the topics are based on a similar example as for a candidate’s thesis. The template may also include such parameters as the object and subject of research, methods and stages of work, as well as planned publications.

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