Review of the most effective methods of preparing for the exam. "Method of preparing for the exam" - from work experience. Requirements for the level of preparedness of students

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary School No. 5", Dagestan Lights


"Best Innovative educational project»

Nomination: "The best method of preparing for the exam"

Topic: "The best method of preparing for the exam in mathematics"

mathematic teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 5:

Gadzhieva Aina Gyulahmedovna


1. Introduction

2) Presentation theme


4) The relevance of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

5) The activity aspect of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

6) Methodological preparation

7) System of work.

8) Literature

1. Introduction

The leading idea of ​​my experience is to improve the quality of mathematical training of schoolchildren through the use of various forms and technologies. I started working on this problem a few years ago. Initially, it was an acquaintance with legal documents, the study of KIM different years, the experience of other teachers on this issue. Then began the search and selection of forms and teaching methods that seemed to me effective. And only in 2014 I began to implement my ideas in my work. I will focus on those forms of work and technologies that, in my opinion, turned out to be the most effective.

USE results identified a number of unresolved problems specific to the training of various categories of graduates. Whatallow us to make some general recommendations aimed at improving the process of teaching and preparing students high school.

    It is necessary to improve the methodology for the formation of basic skills that form the basis of the mathematical training of secondary school graduates.

    An analysis of the results of completing basic tasks in the course of algebra and the beginning of analysis showed the presence of positive dynamics in mastering the material of the “Trigonometry” section. At present, the low results of tasks for solving irrational equations and logarithmic inequalities. Attention should be paid to ensuring a stronger assimilation by students of standard algorithms for solving these equations and inequalities.

    The geometric training of school graduates continues to be low, therefore, teachers still need increased attention to teaching the geometry course in basic and high school so that in the process of learning, students not only master the theoretical facts of the course, but also acquire the ability to conduct sound reasoning when solving geometric problems and mathematically correctly write down the resulting solution

    The students showed the lowest results in solving problems that are most difficult to algorithmize: tasks in geometry, tasks of applied content (where it is required to apply the ability to read graphs, solve plot problems), tasks for which elementary research skills are required.

    poor preparation of students in mathematics for the course of the basic school on the following issues: performing joint actions on ordinary and decimals; transformation of polynomials; transformation algebraic fractions; conversion of expressions containing a degree with an integer exponent; transformation of irrational expressions; solution of linear, square, fractional-rational equations and inequalities; determining the properties of a function using a graph and analytically;

    unconscious assimilation of knowledge on certain topics, for example, "Logarithms", "Solution of irrational equations";

    inability to convert the situation described in the problem to a typical onesituations based on the analysis and reformulation of the conditions of the problem;

    inability to independently develop a solution plan;

    inability to build a logically competent chain of reasoning, leading to a more rational, non-standard solution to the problem.

2. Presentation theme

"The best method of preparing for the exam in mathematics" topic I am working on. Its development continues to this day. With the introduction of independent forms of control over students' knowledge, a change was required in the system of preparation for the exam. Starting to teach mathematics from the 5th grade, the teacher has the opportunity to start preparing for the exam long before it occurs. Namely, to work hard on the repetition of the material and the systematization of knowledge. Use various activities and new forms of control in the learning process. All this prepares students for the exam both psychologically and improves the quality of mathematical education.

    Conditions for the formation of a teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

In the process of developing the methodology, the advice of psychologists Gorkovenko V.A., Chibisova M.Yu. was studied. ; "Technology of student-centered education" Yakimanskaya I. S.; "Technology of the activity method of teaching" L.G. Peterson; Every year I analyze the codifier of requirements for the level of training of graduates of general educational institutions for the unified state exam in mathematics, FIPI for timely changes. And of course, the training methodology will change in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards.

This technique is formed in the course of conducting lessons of multi-level generalizing repetition, block-modular repetition in preparing students for the exam, in the course of thematic tests, diagnostic work and analysis of the results of the OGE and USE exams.

    The relevance of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

As part of the changes Russian education, one of the most important aspects of its implementation is improving the quality of education, especially in connection with the increasing level of social order of parents and students. The Unified State Examination has become the only form of final certification, it has both weaknesses and strengths.

Consider the cons.

It is necessary to turn the minuses into pluses, to prepare students so that they can show the level of their knowledge not lower than their annual mark. And the results of the exam are important for admission to the university. The primary task of the teacher is to ensure high-quality study of the subject and high-quality preparation for the exam.

    The activity aspect of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education.

What are the means to achieve this goal?

In order to prepare students well for the exam, you yourself need to study a lot and constantly, improve your skills, and along with traditional approaches use innovative technologies and teaching methods also use the resources of the Internet.

Working as a mathematics teacher in a primary school, I came to the conclusion: it is impossible to use only those methods that were developed several decades ago and are generally accepted. The school today is rapidly changing, trying to keep up with the times. It is important not so much to give the child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, equip him with the ability to learn.

Among the various new directions pedagogical technologies I use the following methods to achieve my goal most often:

Collaborative learning

Individual consultations

Use of ICT

Project method (Appendix 9)

Collaborative learning

The idea is simple - the class is divided into small groups, each group has a strong student, each group performs a common task and works on it until all members of the group fully understand and do all the work.

Project method

On present stage development of education, the project methodology is widespread.

I use this method to accumulate theoretical data and to develop skills for solving problems on each topic. That is, students create mini-projects for themselves in the form of cards for step-by-step task solving.

In organizing the work on the project, I distinguish the following stages:


Preparatory stage takes place in a concise form when I solve the next task from the demo version with explanations on the board. Focusing students' attention on the basic formulas, laws, properties and definitions.


The main stage is the work in groups on the creation of cards for all tasks from the demo. It lasts throughout the first half of the 10th grade, and in the 11th grade it is supplemented as new topics are covered.


The created individual folder "My preparation for the exam", containing the necessary theoretical information and a set of solved tasks for each topic, this folder helps with independent work at home. There is no defense of the project, but as each topic is worked out, a test is given for knowledge of formulas, laws, properties and definitions.

We work on these Mini-projects outside school hours on an elective basis.

Project types:

Structural and practical

Individual consultations

Individual consultations, if necessary, in private.

Work in small groups and pairs

This technique is part of collaborative learning, and is also used to form groups according to the level of knowledge and requests in order to organize differential learning.

Use of ICT

    Allows you to optimize the learning process

    Increases student motivation

    Helps to improve the quality of knowledge

    Enables students to better understand the material

    Provides a good pace for the lesson, etc.

    Methodical preparation

Many teachers, tutors and parents who help their children prepare for the exam try to solve as many options as possible from previous years. Such a path is unpromising. First, the options are not repeated. Secondly, the student does not develop a stable general mode of activity with tasks of the corresponding types. Thirdly, the student has a feeling of confusion and complete hopelessness: there are so many tasks and they are all so different. And every time you need to apply the appropriate approach. Naturally, it is impossible to remember all the solutions to all tasks. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to teach schoolchildren general universal techniques and approaches to solving.

Thus, preparation is not limited to"coaching" a graduate to perform a certain type of tasks contained in the demo version of the exam. Exam Preparation Means Studying program material with the inclusion of tasks in the forms used in the final certification. In addition, in the first quarter it is necessary to identify strong and weak sides in the knowledge of students, on the basis of this, create target groups and sfformulate the basic principles of constructing methodological preparation for the exam.

First principle - thematic. Starting from September.

It is wiser to build training, observing the rule - from simple typical tasks to the tasks of part C. Development system logical thinking students is carried out with the help of a system of various types of tasks with increasing difficulty. Research has shown that arranging tasks of the same type in groups is especially beneficial because it provides an opportunity to learn logical reasoning when solving problems and master the basic techniques for solving them.

The second principle is it is reasonable to start solving complex tests at the end of the 3rd quarter (March-April-May), when the student has accumulated a stock of general approaches to the main types of tasks and has experience in applying them to tasks of any degree of complexity.

Third principle- practice tests should be carried out with a strict time limit (starting from the 1st quarter). You should always try to conduct classes in preparation for testing in a forced mode with an emphasis on time control. This mode is very difficult for schoolchildren at first, but, having got used to it, they then feel much calmer and more collected during the exam.

The fourth principle is you need to learn to use the available stock of knowledge, applying various "tricks" and "plausible reasoning" to get an answer in the simplest and most understandable way (using a more rational way of solving).

    Work system

Based on the above principles, we can propose the following system of work in preparing students for passing the exam mathematics.

At first school year alumni and theirparents (required) get acquainted with the plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics and with additional materials:

    with the structure of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics;

    with a list of Internet resources(see annex 1)

    with a list of benefits for preparing for the exam

    with requirements for the level of preparedness of students(see annex 3)

    with the advice of psychologists(see annex 4)

    How best to memorize the material in preparation for the exam(see annex 5)

The study of program material allows you to organize preparation for the exam from September 11th grade.

INbasis the following conceptual provisions are put:

    Personal approach, pedagogy of success, pedagogy of cooperation. Includes two principles:

- active learning

Students need to understand that in order to learn scientific truths one primitive diligence is not enough, but long, sometimes painful reflections are needed.

- differentiated training and assessments

This principle is implemented quite simply. After all, tasks of varying complexity are offered - from typical to difficult. And each student is free to choose to solve those tasks that are available to him.

    Teaching mathematics means teaching problem solving, and teaching problem solving means teaching typing skills and the ability to solve typical problems.(see annex 6)

    Individualize the training of "difficult" and "gifted" (target groups).(see annex 7)

    Organic connection of individual and collective activity (work in groups and individually).

A characteristic feature of our time is the desire of many teachers to restructure the educational process, to activate students, to interest them, to accustom them to independent work ( computer testing, analysis of solved problems, evaluation criteria, etc.).

Taking into account the first principle, all the proposed tasks are divided into the following topics:

    Expression conversions.

    Equations and inequalities.

    Problem solving.

    Systems of equations and inequalities.

    Interest. Progressions. Proportions.


    Derivative and prototype.

    Geometric problems (considered at geometry lessons).

In accordance with these topics and the strengths of the students, we build further work.

    Students of the 11th grade are offered training thematic tasks (parts B or tasks 1-12) for independent solution at home within a specified period (two to three weeks). There are a number of individual consultations. If necessary, at some consultations, tasks are solved on the board.

For example: on the second week of September, individual assignments are given on the topic "transformation of expressions" from part B (1-12 assignments)

    A test is carried out according to the tasks of part B (1-12). Tasks for offset are made up of solved tasks (at least 1 time per month).

For example: at the end of September, a test on the topic "transformation of expressions" from part B (1-12). Those who pass receive the following task on the topic of "transformation of expressions" but already more complex. Those who did not pass continue to solve the tasks of part B (1-12).

    Successful students are offered following tasks parts B (1-10) and C (13) (also for two to three weeks). Students who have not passed the test continue to receive consultations on the previous tasks of Part B, and we continue to work with the rest.

    In the second test, each student submits the material that he needs.

By the second, final, test, students are differentiated into several groups (target) according to the level of preparedness.

Obtaining current information about the achievements of students is provided through the implementation of the schedule operational accounting located at the information stand. The schedule is constantly updated and supplemented as tests are passed.

Part 1 is a basic level of, definite educational standard. If the student successfully achieves the level of knowledge, skills and abilities planned by this standard, then he receives marks in accordance with the results achieved. If he claims to have a higher level of knowledge (and this is always the choice of the STUDENT HIMSELF), then it is fair to evaluate him based on higher requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities. For students with weak RUV, an opportunity is provided to retake the test. He is given three times as much time for the same work.

The ability to retake the test teaches you how to manage your time, plan work (I didn’t have time today, I need to do it tomorrow, but no later than the agreed time). A graduate learns to identify the main link in the chain of events for each specific moment in time. In the process of such activities, he develops a tendency to be systematic, thorough in his work, he acquires such character traits as the ability to plan his time, quickly get into work, the ability to rest between tasks, to concentrate, which is important for the formation of self-confidence. .

The work organized in this way creates a situation of mutual assistance, mutual learning, provides an opportunity for “unsuccessful” students to achieve results, self-realization of successful students as consultants.

By the end of the third quarter, the thematic repetition is over and you can proceed to complex tests. Testing is done during spring break. Students are invited for four hours and no more than 15 people per group, which allows them to psychologically tune in to passing the USE, forms the belief that if you try hard, you can get a pretty decent score and at the same time allows you to understand that the USE is not very easy and simple. And while there is time, you can close the gaps and prepare for the exam.

In April-May, training takes place on constant strict self-control of time, assessment of the objective and subjective difficulty of tasks and, accordingly, a reasonable choice of these tasks, estimation of the boundaries of results and minimal substitution and the method of "spiral movement" on the test.


When teaching geometry, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of basic knowledge of the course of stereometry. (The angle between lines in space, the angle between a line and a plane, the angle between planes, polyhedra, etc.). At the same time, it is necessary to find an opportunity to restore the basic knowledge of the course of planimetry ( right triangle, solving triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.). When studying geometry it is necessary:

    increase the visibility of teaching;

    pay more attention to the image of geometric shapes;

    the formation of constructive skills and abilities;

    application geometric knowledge to solving practical problems.

I use the following types of work:

The class is conditionally divided intothree groups. For myself, I call these groupsA,IN,WITH.

Group C- students who are interested in the subject, solve problems

advanced level.

Group B- able to solve intermediate-level tasks independently.

Group A– students who solve standard problems using

samples and solution algorithms. Tasks for each group are different. When organizing thematic preparation for the exam, I use such a form as a long-term homework. Students are offered a set of tasks that they must complete during the period of studying a particular topic.

Two years ago, when I started using this form of work, I did not differentiate the task. And as a result, it turned out that some of the students could not cope with most of the tasks, and some after a few days handed over notebooks for verification, since the proposed exercises turned out to be very simple for them and did not develop students, that is, such an organization of work did not give positive results.

Each student has a thematic collection of preparation for the exam. The tasks in it are given by levels. I form a set of tasks for each group separately:group C - minimal amount tasks of a basic level, tasks of advanced and high level difficulty for studentsgroup BI offer tasks of basic and advanced levels, and for studentsgroup Athe main part is the tasks of the basic level.

Long-term homework assignments are completed in special notebooks, which are then submitted for verification. After checking, I recommend that you work on the bugs. Those students who have completed less than half of the tasks correctly, I invite them to an extra lesson after school hours, after which they work on their mistakes.

I believe that this form of work should be used, since for the successful passing of the exam it is not enough to work well in the classroom and regularly do homework, you also need to additional training. Long-term homework, I somehow oblige the students to do extra work.

Particular attention in the process of preparing students for the exam is occupied by monitoring the quality of education, which should be systematic and comprehensive. In this regard, a diagnostic card is created for each student, where the results of diagnostic, independent, control works and for each topic. This allows you to track the degree of student's preparation on a particular topic and control the development of skills, prepare individual tasks, and have a differentiated approach to lesson planning. All practice tests performed on slips of paper or on USE forms, students collect in folders that are stored in the classroom. By collecting practice tests, I can track the growth dynamics of individual students, monitor the performance of work on mistakes, identify topics that are poorly learned at this stage of learning, to correct the learning process through repetition, use for organization individual work. Also, I need it to work with parents.

For all tasks, a bank of solved tasks was created, the use of which in the educational process made it possible to optimize the repetition of any task from the first part of the demo version. The students placed the finished cards in their working folder “My preparation for the exam”. Here is an example of one of the cards for task B7 "Transformation of logarithmic expressions." Similar cards were compiled by students on other topics of this assignment.

Here are links to the methods used in individual preparation for the exam in mathematics. The pages are aimed primarily at teachers, although I do not rule out that some of the materials will be useful to parents too. If parents don't care what math tutor will be engaged with their child, then they are interested in the system of the teacher's work, the content of the classes and even the methods of explanation. And above all, in preparation for the exam. As I have free time, I will publish pages on individual topics and sections. school course mathematics. They will provide comments and advice on working with individual tasks of the Unified State Exam. Read and express your opinion about the materials. If you are an experienced math tutor or a competent school teacher, send us your ideas, descriptions and reflections on the topic of working with the USE. I will gladly place materials on the site.

Cards - memos in lessons with a math tutor. Callouts from the reference theoretical set background information in geometry for preparing for the exam, designed in the form of cheat sheets. Methodology of lessons with cards - memos. About the work of a tutor with illustrations for mathematical formulas and theorems.

Preparation for the exam in mathematics: planimetry - C4 .
Features of the work of a tutor with complex competitive tasks. Step-by-step preparation for task С4. Problems of quality preparation for the exam. Tips for tutors and parents.

Math tutor on the interval method. Techniques and rules for the work of a tutor with algebraic inequalities different kind. A method for explaining the way signs are placed without trial points. Features of drawing design and description of typical mistakes of students.

On what materials does a math tutor build work on the topic “angles between straight lines”. Methodology visual assignments. The author's approach to the organization of problem solving in the lesson. Features of working with inattentive and disorganized students in preparation for the number C2 on the exam. Didactics of the tutor, a piggy bank of tasks.

The work of a math tutor with vectors. Preparation for the exam - task C2 Methods for solving problems at the Unified State Examination by means of analytical geometry. Using the coordinate method to find angles. Advice for math tutors and students. Methodical analysis of problem points of material assimilation. Methods for memorizing formulas.

Learning to calculate the values ​​of trigonometric functions .
A page describing the technique used by the tutor to replace an arbitrary angle with an angle that lies in the first quarter. On the example of finding a number

Working with records of system solutions. How the tutor formalizes the integration of systems.
Reasoning about the effectiveness and accessibility to schoolchildren of a rigorous mathematical design of systems of equations and inequalities. Common Mistakes from poor record keeping. Reception of a tutor in mathematics, used for most students in preparation for the exam. Tips for beginner tutors.

How a math tutor solves systems of inequalities .
Features of design, explanations and assignments when a tutor works with the topic "solving systems of inequalities". Examples of mistakes that are often found in school teachers. Methods of Optimal Technique for Solutions to Typical Systems with Consideration for the Problems of a Weak Learner.

Math tutor for the first lesson. Initial test to prepare for the exam(no derivative)
Standard material for diagnosing the level of knowledge in algebra for grades 9-10. Information about the content of tasks for a new student for the first lesson. Features of individual testing and comments of the tutor to some numbers. The level of the student is slightly above average or high

Trigonometry: preparation for the exam. Task C1 Description of some methodological techniques and strategies for the tutor to work on the C1 task under time pressure with not the strongest student. How is it carried out preparation for the exam in mathematics with weak applicants who need a result in the range of 55-65 points.

C2 stereometry
Inequalities C3
Tasks with C5 parameters
Task C6

Kolpakov Alexander Nikolaevich, mathematics tutor in Moscow. Professional tutor - Strogino.

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 18"

Balakovo, Saratov region

Methodology for preparing students for the exam


Mathematics teacher of the first category

Kazakova Elena Stanislavovna

Single State exam(USE) is the only form of final certification of high school graduates. And no matter how the USE is treated, all graduates have to take it. And recently, obtaining a certificate of secondary education is not possible without successfully passing the exam in mathematics. Mathematics is not only an important subject, without which the comprehensive development of the individual is unthinkable, but also very complex. Far from all schoolchildren have mathematical abilities, and the success of the exam depends further fate and techies and humanities. This problem is in equally excites both teachers and students, as well as parents of future graduates.

Changing the form of control accordingly leads to the need to change the system of preparation for successful delivery exam. teachers graduation classes again and again they ask the question: “How to help a student in preparing for the exam and successfully pass it?”.

The main direction of the teacher's work is methodical preparation for the exam, which I conduct in two directions: thematic and content lines of the mathematics course. Thematic training begins in the 10th grade. Before starting to study each topic, I always look at the tasks that the authors of the textbook and the literature on preparing for the exam offer, in order to supplement the set of exercises in the textbook with tasks that students may encounter in the exam on the topic being studied. I build thematic training “according to the spiral rule” - from simple to tasks with an asterisk in the textbook, from complex standard tasks of part 1 to tasks of section 2 of part. At the end of the study of the paragraph, I spend lessons on solving USE problems. These are both ordinary lessons in form, and lessons in organizing work in groups, when everyone teaches everyone, i.e. lessons in which the technology of cooperation is applied. Watching the work in the lesson, I noticed that learning together is not only easier and more interesting, but also much more effective. When analyzing problems, students often have various questions, and it is not possible to help everyone in the lesson, but if students work in groups, they quickly find solutions and can provide advice to each other.

Throughout the school year, I conduct training and diagnostic work on the USE with students in grades 10 and 11 through the StatGrad system and make diagnostics on the quality of assimilation of tasks in the form of a diagram. This diagnosis, using ICT, I show children in comparison. I do a detailed analysis. Based on the results of this diagnostic, I determine a set of topics that are well learned and, so to speak, failed for the whole class and for each student individually. For example, it turns out: students did not complete tasks from part 2 No. 10 and No. 11. I find out the reason: children have lost the habit of reading large texts. The question arises: "What to do?". I give at the beginning of the lesson for several days each one single word problem type 11 and 10, for evaluation. Those students who have completed less than half of the tasks correctly, I invite them to an extra lesson after school hours, after which they work on their mistakes.

For effective preparation for the exam, I use the methodology of multi-level education based on a differentiated approach to students. The class is conditionally divided into three groups. 1 group - group of "risk" - students who may not score the minimum number of points, confirming the development of the general education program of the secondary (full) general education.

2 group - students who, in good faith, can score enough for admission to educational institution, which does not impose high requirements on the level of mathematical preparation.

3 group - students who set themselves the goal of getting a high score necessary for admission to a university.

I carry out such division into groups at certain stages of the lesson.

I form a separate set of tasks for each group: group 3 - the minimum number of tasks of a basic level, tasks of an increased and high level of complexity, for students of group 2 I offer tasks of basic and advanced levels, and for students of group 1 the main part is tasks of a basic level. The guys know that over time, you can move from one group to another in accordance with the learning outcomes.

For each group, several principles for organizing preparation for the exam can be formulated. students first group must confidently complete 6-7 tasks of part 1. After carrying out diagnostic work, I identify the strengths and weaknesses of each mathematical preparation and consolidate what is already obtained. In working with students of the first group, I work out, first of all, practice-oriented tasks for percentages, reading graphs, geometric concepts, because these tasks are the most understandable for them.

Graduates second group , you must confidently complete 8 tasks of the first part, and also try to complete tasks 2 of part No. 9-No. 12. Students in this group often make mistakes in calculations when solving tasks of a practice-oriented nature than in applying algebraic algorithms. Therefore, in working with students of this group, I mainly set the task of forming self-examination skills when completing tasks of part 1, repeating the topics necessary to solve certain tasks of part 2.

With graduates third group I work out the ability to confidently complete tasks from 1 to 12 and focus on completing tasks No. 13,14,15.

Weekly in the 11th grade I conduct consultations on preparing for the exam. At the beginning of the lesson briefly with the help of the presentation is repeated theoretical material The rest of the time I devote to solving key tasks. So everyone gets the base level, then I use a differentiated approach.

The results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics of past years show that a small part of the test takers start solving tasks of the 2nd part, starting from No. 13. Therefore, I conduct separate in-depth classes with this category of graduates.

I also want to dwell on the system of oral exercises. The development of the speed of oral calculations and transformations, as well as the development of skills for solving the simplest problems "in the mind" is important point preparing the student for the exam. To organize oral work in the lesson, they help me information Technology that contribute to the activation educational process, develop cognitive interest. I use the oral exercise presentation system. Presentations are indispensable in cases where tasks contain drawings and graphs, that is, something that is almost impossible to prepare before the lesson on the board, and the use of an interactive whiteboard allows you to make the necessary notes on the slide in case any questions arise. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the exercises of concomitant repetition. I start almost all lessons with a small oral work, in which I offer tasks on the topic under study and tasks for repetition.

special role I devote myself academic work student in an interactive learning environment using ready-made electronic training courses, teaching, training and verification work in the Internet system: All tasks open bank USE assignments in mathematics with sample solutions. materials from previous years. Diagnostic and training work. is a site information support USE in computer form. Demonstration tests in subjects, tests in psychological readiness to the Unified State Examination, online tests for choosing a profession, profile class, university; demos.

Here the student can take online testing, create individual test for training, get acquainted with the plan of the examination work of the exam in mathematics.

The site contains a section for centralized control of the level of preparation of students by a teacher. The teacher can generate an unlimited number of tests he needs. For each test, the system will issue an individual link that must be communicated to students.

Students (at home or at school) enter the received link on the "Student" page and are tested. Depending on the choice of the teacher, after the end of the test, the system will or will not tell the students the correct answers and solutions to the problems.

The system automatically checks the solutions to the problems of part B, and also displays the solutions of the problems of part C uploaded by the students to the teacher's screen. The teacher can view and evaluate them.

The system remembers the test results and displays them for each student and each of the tests on the statistics page. . Assignments, training work, documents. Documents, KIMs Documents, news, events. trial testing students are conducted online on assignments similar to those that graduates will have at the Unified State Examination, with subsequent evaluation of their answers.

Use the website to prepare students for tasks C5 and C6.

On these sites, a graduate can get complete information about conducting the exam, independently check the level of your preparation online and test yourself using an interactive test.

An important role in preparing for the exam is played by psychological preparation students. First of all, I work on increasing the level of motivation as the basis for good results.

I continue to develop such personality traits as perseverance, concentration, attentiveness, the ability to self-check, independence.

It is necessary not to allow nervousness, not to escalate psychosis, but to demand commitment, diligence, independence.

Each student should have an adequate idea of ​​the level of their own preparation in the subject, regardless of their abilities; know your gaps in knowledge and strive to eliminate them.

Prepare students for the long term self-study subject, I demand to explain each step of my decision, to build my individual associations on approaches to the solution.

Be sure to teach the strategy of doing work, correctly allocate my time when doing work, be able to be specific in doing work, which is achieved by persistent training.

The exam should not be a strength test for a graduate nervous system. The sooner you start preparing for the exam, the easier it will be. surrender will pass exam.

The main goal of the teacher's work is to prepare all students for the successful passing of the exam with good quality.

Preparation is not only coaching and working out assignments from previous years, but it is the willingness of students to work with KIMs, studying program material with the inclusion of text assignments and in the same form as in the Unified State Examination, working to eliminate gaps in knowledge, developing skills to rationally organize their activities , be able to navigate in time, in the choice of feasible tasks.

For this you need:

    The teacher has the necessary competencies.

    Improve structure and content educational material in preparation for the exam.

    Include in the study of the current educational material tasks corresponding to the examination ones.

    At each lesson, conduct a mandatory oral calculation.

    Pay due attention to geometric preparation

    Systematize the repetition of program material.

    Organize independent work based on materials on the Internet .

Thus painstaking teamwork teachers and students is able to improve the mathematical literacy of schoolchildren and provide an opportunity to successfully pass the exam.

Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about education as such, I consider it an extremely useful and necessary thing for a successful person. It's about not about the actual presence of a diploma or certificate, but about the systemic representation of the chosen direction. Education allows you to see the relationship or, as I call it, to see the work from a bird's eye view. This is the topic of a separate article, and if you do not want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

Why am I talking about education? The point is that admission to good university and receiving quality theoretical knowledge directly depend on the USE scores. Personally, I consider this a good practice, because thanks to it everyone will be able to go where they want (with due effort, of course). However, getting high scores is not easy. You need to know how to prepare for the exam, what topics to teach, and so on.

Why do I think that I am sufficiently qualified in this matter? Of course I don't have teacher education(maybe I will in the future), however I have good practical results. Yes, social science I got the coveted 100 points, and in the Russian language 87, which is also a good result. At the same time, I did not sit at textbooks for days on end, but lived completely. ordinary life working and walking on the street.

When I started preparing for the exam in social studies, I had practically nothing in my head. Initially, I did not plan to take given subject, because he wanted to go to study as a linguist-translator, but later changed his choice. This greatly disappointed the social studies teacher, as she did not like me and believed that I would not be able to prepare properly. I had to prove to her otherwise.

So, I decided to act according to the following plan:

  • Analyze the USE of previous years (they can be easily found on the Internet);
  • Find all the necessary information about passing the exam (what time, etc.);
  • View areas of knowledge that need to be involved (economics, political science, etc.);
  • Find a maximum of tasks (on the Internet, books with tests, etc.);
  • Make a preparation plan;
  • Bring it to life.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. There were still about 7 months left before the delivery, so I knew that I would have time to cope with the set goals.

It is worth noting that I tell you how to prepare for the exam on your own. Of course, you can contact tutors. Especially if you need to get high scores in difficult (at least for me) subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. I didn’t take exams on them and I don’t know the specifics of preparation, so I’m telling general principles which I myself adhered to and which helped me achieve the result.

Understand what is required of you

To achieve your goal, you need to know where to go. Of course, it is best to set a specific, measurable and realistic goal, but this can be demotivating, so you just need to understand what is required of you. There are several steps to be taken here.

  1. stage. Brief review of the content of the examination part. That is, you must understand how many types of tasks there will be, what skills you need to develop for this, and what you have to do in general. For example, in Russian, you need to complete a test part, a part with a short answer and write an essay. In mathematics, there is no test part (at least for the moment), and literature needs to be written a lot. You need to understand the specifics of your particular exam.
  2. stage. View specific tasks and identify areas of training. For example, let's take the same Russian language. In task A1, you must correctly indicate the stress. That is, you write down for yourself (in a notebook or a separate notebook) what exactly is required in this task. As a result, you should get a list in which the number of the exercise will be in the first column, and what needs to be done in the second. If it is convenient for you, you can create a separate table in Word or Excel. This one is very important if you want to understand how to prepare for the exam from scratch on your own.
  3. stage. Identify gaps and indicate what you need to learn. For example, you realize that you absolutely do not know the correct stress in words. In the third paragraph, you set yourself the task: “find all the words found in this exercise and learn their stress”, and then “expand the base of words with complex stress”, well, to be sure. Thanks to this, you will understand what exactly you should do and where to go.

As a result, you should get something like this table:

Don't skip these steps. Learning everything is not the best the best option. You should also avoid testing knowledge tests that are not related to the exam. For example, in the same social science, you can learn a LOT, since it is a complex of a large number Sciences. It is clear that the student has many gaps in these disciplines. However, to understand how to prepare for the exam, you need to study only what is useful in the exam.

Understand that mental resources are limited. You will not be able to learn a lot of material in a short period of time. But you will have to prepare not for one subject, but for several. Therefore, it is necessary to narrow the circle of preparation for the exam as much as possible. I know that teachers will punish me for such lines, but narrow specialization will allow me to get much more in the future than to know everything, but a little bit. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance future profession and move in that direction.

Prepare a folder with theoretical material

Now you know what to do and where to go. It's time to start preparing for the exam. It must begin with the collection of theoretical materials. There are a huge number of them: textbooks, articles, information from the Internet, analysis of practical tasks, etc. You must find as much information as possible, read it carefully, analyze it and make a short summary.

For example, in task A1 in the Russian language, you need to choose the correct stress in the word. There are certain rules, like "if the word has the letter ё, then the stress always falls on it." Read them, write down the main ones or those that you did not know. Then make a list of the words that are difficult for you. Now sign the sheet and paste it into the folder.

As a result, you will get your own reference book for any task. Why is it needed? Firstly, while you are compiling it, a lot of useful knowledge will accumulate in your head. If you were just studying theory, you would not be able to remember so much information. Secondly, by solving the options for tasks, you will be able to open the theoretical material and understand what answer to write. So you can decide more difficult tasks without looking at the answers. Thirdly, you will be able to prove to teachers that you really work, and they can not interfere with you. Of course, this is a joke.

It is best to do it in printed version and not on the computer. This is much more convenient, and you can easily find the material you need. Moreover, there are a lot of distractions on the computer, and to decide exam options better in an atmosphere where nothing distracts you.

Now you will need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Solve each problem separately several times. For example, 50 times A1, then 50 times A2;
  • After that, proceed to the group decision. For example, 30 times tasks from A1 to A7;
  • Then solve in whole blocks. For example, solve the whole part A 10 times;
  • The penultimate step is to solve the exam options completely. For example, solve 5 ready-made options;
  • At the end, conduct a finished exam, observing all time intervals.
  1. You will be able to carefully solve each component without missing parts that seem easy;
  2. You will be able to automate the solution of individual tasks or parts, it will be more clear to you which tasks you are not able to do and what exactly can be pulled up;
  3. You will be able to get reliable results and track the dynamics.

Keep track of the number of errors you get. Especially if you are wondering how to prepare for the exam in history or mathematics. You can create a chart in Excel if you can, which will show the decreasing error rate - this is motivating.

Also, after each decision, you will need to find flaws and carefully read the theory again. By obtaining information in this way, you will be able to better understand the issue and you will not have to memorize anything. Moreover, all this can be turned into a game, with the help of which the preparation will become an exciting experience.

When and how much to practice

It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, since a lot depends on your specific goals, workload, study shift and much more. There are only a number of basic recommendations that really work and are applied in training. By the way, I have a great article on my blog about it, you can follow the link and read it.

It is better to practice a little, but constantly. For example, instead of having 2 hours of tutoring once a week, it is better to spend 15 minutes every day. You say that in total you get only 1 hour 45 minutes, but the effect will be much better.

I also advise you to study in the morning, when your head is not yet full of information and before going to bed, so that knowledge quickly goes into long-term memory. Of course, no one forbids you to practice during the day, and it even needs to be done. Just before going to bed, briefly go over the studied material and inspire yourself that you have already memorized it.

If you are familiar with the Pomodoro technique, then it is better to use it. The bottom line is that you study intensively for 25 minutes, and then rest for 5 minutes. This approach allows you to learn much more, spending less time and effort.

  • Watch video reviews. This helps a lot to develop the correct algorithm for solving problems. Especially in the exact sciences like physics and mathematics. It describes in sufficient detail step by step what needs to be done and in what sequence to solve a problem or an example. You can easily find similar videos on the Internet;
  • Write down anything you don't understand. However, before that, be sure to read as much information as possible. I recommend starting a separate page in your notebook or folder. Then approach the teacher or tutor with these questions and ask them to explain in detail;
  • Subscribe to VKontakte publics. At one time, I was even one of the active participants: I posted tasks and solutions for them. Solve different options, join discussions and help explain the theory to others. This will definitely help you and count;
  • Read more self-development materials. Thanks to this, you will be able to study more effectively, and generally improve the quality of your life. By the way, I have new useful material on my blog every week, so you can subscribe to updates so as not to miss something really important.

Now you know how to prepare for the exam. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments. Bye!

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