Basic means and methods of increasing stress resistance. How to increase stress resistance: useful advice from psychologists and doctors. Methods for increasing stress resistance

We are all familiar with the word “stress”. Usually with this word we have not the most pleasant memories. The concept of stress was first introduced by Canadian endocrinologist Hans Seljew in the mid-20th century.

He proved that when exposed to cold or heat, during joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant events, as well as during injury, the adrenal cortex secretes certain hormones that help the human body adapt to changes environment. Based on this, stress can be otherwise represented as physiological and psychological reactions of the body under extreme influences on it, causing adaptive activities.

For example, we find ourselves in a difficult life situation. At the same time, our body is mobilized and comes into full combat readiness. Our brain receives a signal of danger. Our body begins to produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

As a result of this, we feel tension, increased breathing, and increased blood pressure. Thus our nervous system without our knowledge, it sends a call to the body to prepare for an emergency.

In the development of stress there are three stages.

Stress begins at a stage called mobilization or anxiety stage. This stage occurs during a stressful situation and is characterized by excitement, increased heart rate, agitation, and concentration of attention on the object of stress. This state is familiar to many before an exam or an important meeting. The body is ready to protect itself from stress. And if all the actions have been taken, then the excitement and stress ends and does not move to another stage.

The second stage is called stage of resistance. This stage occurs if the stressor continues to impact. The human body actively counteracts stress by adapting.

And the third stage - exhaustion stage. At this stage, with ongoing stress, a person’s strength is depleted, stress completely takes control over him, and the human body experiences the destructive effects of stress. The effect of stress becomes pathological, which can lead to various diseases(high blood pressure, stroke) and depressive reactions.

Basically, people react to extreme situations with a feeling of anxiety, fear, excitement, or, conversely, fall into a stupor. But some who are more emotionally resilient are able, even in a stressful situation, to take control of their emotions, mobilize internal resources and overcome stress without negative effects on their body.

But, alas, not all people are emotionally stable. Psychologists note that there are only 25-30 percent of emotionally stable people in the world. These usually include people in extreme professions such as the military or firefighters. What is stress resistance and is it possible to develop it in yourself?

Stress resistance can be characterized as a set of personal qualities, thanks to which a person is able to endure various kinds of emotional overload, while remaining calm and balanced.

Eat several rules by following which you can cultivate stress resistance- ability to withstand stressful situations.

  • Don't constantly think about your problems. The life of any of us is simply unthinkable without problems. So what's the point in thinking about them, you need to try to solve them! If in at the moment If any problem cannot be solved, then you should not constantly worry about it. The time will come, and you will definitely solve this problem, but for now forget about it.
  • Get plenty of rest. Give yourself time to rest. And when you relax, take a break, don’t think about your problems. Go to the cinema more often, preferably a comedy genre, concerts, go out into nature with pleasant people.
  • Change your attitude towards what is happening. If you can't change something, just try to change your attitude towards it.
  • Learn to let off steam. Self-controlled people are usually considered stress-resistant. However, this is not true, these people simply hide their emotions, and the negativity gradually accumulates, destroying the person. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to get rid of accumulated negativity. There are many ways to help you with this. For example, you can beat a pillow. Or watch a comedy, laughing out loud until you cry. Or attend a football match or rock concert, where you can scream and whistle with all your heart.
  • Play some sports. It has been scientifically proven that any physical activity helps relieve tension.
  • Learn to breathe correctly. Proper breathing will help you stay calm in any stressful situation.
  • Feel free to cry. This advice also applies to men. After all, with tears, all the accumulated negativity and tension leaves the soul.
  • Keep a diary. As they say, paper will endure anything. You can write down on paper everything that worries you at the moment, your grievances that you cannot express to your offenders. Then, when the problem or grievance is put on paper, you can tear up or burn your diary.
  • Get some sleep. Sound and long sleep is the most best medicine in the fight against stress.
  • Find yourself a pleasant activity or hobby, which will help you disconnect from everyday problems and bring joyful moments.

Remember that problems cannot be avoided. You just need to learn how to solve them. Spend more time developing your stress tolerance. Don't let negative emotions get the better of you. And then you will be able to emerge victorious from all life’s ups and downs!

How often can you find a beautiful concept in a resume: “stress-resistant.” However, in reality, not everyone can cope with the problems and difficulties that arise in life. Low stress resistance threatens nervous breakdowns and depression. To get rid of the negative consequences of stress, you need to constantly be prepared for them. But how to do this in practice?

What are the dangers of stress?

In fact, stress does not always only have an effect negative influence on the body. “Mild” stress, on the contrary, is even beneficial - they mobilize all the body’s forces, forcing the brain to work faster, activating the defense mechanism. If stress is not a constant phenomenon of life, then sudden stressful situations They train the psyche and help cope with complex tasks that arise every day in one way or another.

It’s another matter if stress is a constant phenomenon. Regular pressure on the psyche does not activate, but, on the contrary, suppresses the body’s defenses. After all, why struggle with a task if it is still unsolvable? Nervous tension flows from one area to another - from work to personal life, because the brain simply does not know how to relax and is constantly in a stressful state. People begin to lose weight, sleep and appetite, apathy and even depression appear.

Here is a small list of negative manifestations of stress:

  1. The risk of stroke and heart attack is increasing - it’s not for nothing that they say that many managers are literally “burning at work.” Constant tension, a pressing sense of responsibility and fear of failure increase the risk of heart problems by 31%.
  2. Diabetes is another manifestation of stressful situations on the body in the form of a disease. Regardless of genetics, age and weight, constant stress can lead to at least type 2 diabetes.
  3. Lack of immunity due to the stress hormone (cortisol). As you understand, this increases the risk of contracting any disease; moreover, treatment may be delayed and complicated.
  4. Children who are bullied by their peers also have serious health problems, in addition to mental health problems. Scientists have proven that school stress can lead to the death of brain cells and premature aging in the future.

Awareness of the problem is a huge step towards solving it. If we stop glossing over the fact that work brings not pleasure, but constant stress and experiences, you can get neuroses and health problems. Having accepted the stresses that arise as a problem, you can already begin to fight.

You should take a calmer approach to emerging problems - yes, it is difficult, but this is precisely the way to increase stress resistance. We offer you several techniques that will help you learn to relax. Remember that every day you need to learn to “switch off” from problems, leaving them within the walls of your office. Pleasant moments in your life are important, not work achievements.

  1. Sign up for a yoga or tai chi course and learn breathing exercises and meditation. These classes will help you find a balance of calm, teach you to relax even in a stressful situation, and additionally, improve your body health, make it more flexible and flexible.
  2. Any physical exercise - daily walks, jogging, cycling, rollerblading, swimming in the pool - will help increase the level of hormones responsible for reducing anxiety. Psychologists also recommend strength sports and martial arts, during which you can “let off steam” and forget about the problem.
  3. Engaging in your favorite hobby will help improve your mood, even if it is not calm and relaxing. The main thing is that you enjoy doing what you love.
  4. But “sluggish relaxation” behind a monitor or screen will not bring the desired result. Mindlessly watching programs and videos on the Internet does not relieve the brain at all, as we used to think. It just fills your head with unnecessary information for a while, which disappears exactly at the moment when the monitor goes out. That's why free time should be spent in conversations, playing sports or walking.
  5. Sometimes, even on a legal day off, relatives and friends who need you don’t allow you to relax. It’s worth learning to say “no” to the next requests that eat up your free time. Use it to benefit your own body.
  6. Take every opportunity to listen to classical music. Modern rhythms excite the nervous system. Listening to the radio on the way to work, we arrive at the office already quite nervous from loud music and loud voices of the presenters. In addition to the classics, it is useful to listen to the noise of nature - the sea, rain, birds.

A harmful way to avoid daily problems and routine is to drink alcohol and delicious foods. However, this is harmful to the body and only creates a false sense of relaxation - remember how tired you feel the morning after a party. And carbohydrate-rich foods made from white flour increase levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It is healthier to eat foods high in omega-3 acids - halibut, salmon, mackerel, flax seeds. Also beneficial are foods with vitamin B5 - baked goods made from whole grain flour, eggs and broccoli.

Frequent exposure to fresh air is beneficial because it fills our body with vitamin D, nature's best antioxidant.

Of course, the best way to increase stress resistance is to learn to solve problems, perceiving them not as a threat to your entire future life, but as a small obstacle in the routine of daily affairs.

Video: how to develop stress resistance in a child

The modern world keeps people in constant tension. This leads to an increase in negative emotions and prolonged stress. To keep your psychological state high level, it is extremely important to know how to develop stress resistance and resist negative influences.

Resilience is essential in the workplace

The concept of stress resistance and its functions

Negative emotions can be experienced by a person of any status and rank. The only difference is the reason for their appearance and their quantity. People are not able to get rid of the emotions themselves and their influence; changing the person’s attitude towards such emotions is a completely feasible task. This change is called the body's resistance to stress.

Before you start looking for how to increase stress resistance, it is worth understanding what functions it performs. Today, psychologists have identified two main tasks that stress resistance performs, namely:

  • Protecting the body from the negative effects of stress.
  • The ability to easily exist in any area of ​​life.

Quite often, when enduring stressful situations, the health of the body deteriorates.

Sudden pain, a feeling of fatigue and weakness appear, blood pressure rises and the heartbeat quickens. Prolonged stress can lead to more serious consequences.

Under the influence of stress, the hormone cortisol begins to be produced more intensely. Its effect on the body can lead to negative consequences that significantly worsen health.

Stress level - level of danger

Stress resistance training not only improves your health, but also significantly improves your productivity at work.

When an individual becomes a stress-resistant person, he is not distracted by extraneous noise while performing his task, he is able to find a way out of any situation, overcoming a crisis is not a problem for him, and he ignores any manifestations of aggression, which makes him stand out from the crowd.

Classification of types

Increasing stress resistance is not always necessary. While studying how the brain transforms the information it receives, scientists came to the conclusion that there are several typical behavioral lines.

Depending on how a person perceives and tolerates the negative impact of stressful situations, four categories of people are distinguished:

  1. Stress-resistant.
  2. Stress trained.
  3. Stress-inhibitory.
  4. Stress-resistant.

The first group includes people who cannot adapt to any changes in external conditions. They perceive any change in life as a reason for depression. Low level stress tolerance is the main cause of excessive emotional arousal. People from this group cannot control their emotions and make decisions quickly and clearly. It is extremely important for them to cultivate stress resistance by turning to specialists for help.

Vicious circle of stress

Representatives of the second category calmly endure gradual changes. They tend to become depressed when there are global or sudden changes. For them, gaining experience is a fairly effective way to learn to react to stressful situations more calmly.

People who are classified by psychologists as stress-inhibiting individuals differ from others in their unchanged and fundamental life positions. Changes in the external environment do not cause an acute reaction in them. These people are ready for changes that come suddenly. Acute stress can make them leaders in problem solving.

Representatives of the fourth category practically do not need to train their resistance to stress. Stress-tolerant people are not susceptible to any kind of psychological destruction. They are able to maintain their performance under any force majeure. Stress for them is exclusively insurmountable adversity.

A stress-resistant person experiences problems easily

Ways to develop resistance to stressful situations

Developing stress resistance, like any other improvement psychological state human, the process is gradual. You need to start by determining your level of resistance to the influence of stressful situations. It is recommended to do this with the help of a specialist. However, there are also special tests for independently determining the level of stress resistance. One of these is the Holmes and Rahe questionnaire.

There are several ways to increase your resistance to stress. These include:

  • Assessment of what is happening.
  • Release of accumulated negative emotions.

The first method helps develop resistance to stress by analyzing each situation that causes a stress reaction and an emotional outburst.

When faced with such an event, mentally ask yourself a few questions about the importance of this situation and the possibility of changing it and answer them. After this, it will be clear that there are only two types of situations: those that we can change, and those that are beyond people's control. In order not to waste your nerve cells and being exposed to the negative influence of stress, a person begins to act according to two models depending on the type of situation: either he changes circumstances and corrects the situation, or he accepts the situation as it is and looks for alternative ways to solve the problem.

How to relieve stress

Giving vent to negative emotions is equally important in order to develop stress resistance.

The more negativity a person accumulates in himself, the more susceptible he is to the acute experience of any, even the most minor stress.

To get rid of accumulated negativity, use the following methods:

  • Boxing pears (the Japanese especially liked this method).
  • A loud scream of everything that had accumulated in a deserted place.
  • Recording all statements that were not possible to say to the offender in a special notebook.

To increase your resistance to stress, you need not only to be able to release accumulated anger and aggression, but also to correctly assess the situation. Having previously experienced a certain amount of stress, it is important to develop the ability to get rid of the stress itself as easily as emotional garbage.

Physical exercise increases stress resistance

You can do this using the following methods:

  • Games “Brain Ring” or “What? Where? When?". In addition to relieving stress, they can improve the ability to make quick decisions.
  • Playing chess, checkers, hockey, football or tennis.
  • Maintenance healthy image life.

It is worth remembering that a person with good health is able to cope with stressful situations more easily. To maintain your health at the proper level, both physical activity and proper nutrition, and a character with a developed ability to quickly make a clear decision in an unusual and atypical situation.

Yoga and meditation against stress

The process of developing stress resistance is not only a gradual process, but also a purely individual one. Each method works for a certain type of people, but there are tips from a psychologist that everyone can use at the right time.

The proposed exercises help to cope with the rolling wave of aggression and avoid the development of conflict and stressful situations. By using them regularly, you can achieve a high level of stress resistance and not take everything too seriously.

Inappropriate scheme for increasing stress resistance

It is necessary to find an opportunity to be alone for a short time. Try to eliminate bad emotions and feelings of anger as much as possible through deep, even breathing. You need to inhale through your nose and release air through your mouth. It is recommended to repeat these steps at least three times.

When the bulk of the negativity has been eliminated, try to make the situation funnier. Good method- the idea of ​​a person acting as an aggressor in an absurd situation. This could be modeling an anecdotal situation or any other action that helps transform aggression into laughter and other manifestations of a good mood.

Prevention of stress breakdowns

Meditation techniques can help. The aggressor is represented as a bug, which can be easily removed by simply blowing on it. Mentally replaying this situation brings lightness and allows you to stabilize your condition.

It is worth noting that a person can learn the most effective ways to increase stress resistance by attending yoga classes.

The simplest things that can be done independently can be used whenever there is a need. It is better to practice complex ones with a specialist.


The formation of stress resistance is a gradual and highly individual process. In the course of coordinated work between a person and a psychologist, mechanisms are developed that can help overcome stressful situations without harm to health and internal harmony. The specialist will determine the patient’s condition and suggest what his path to balance and resilience is: active sports, meditative practices, or one of the many areas of harmonizing his state of mind.

If a person does not know how to withstand stress, he becomes irritable. He experiences nervous exhaustion. If you develop your stress tolerance, these problems can be avoided.

Music and an interesting hobby help develop stress resistance

What is stress tolerance

We experience stress at home and at work. This is due to lifestyle. We work a lot and have little rest.

A person’s resistance to stress is a set of qualities due to which the body reacts calmly to stress. Some manifestations are not related to the body's normal reaction to irritating factors. It happens like this: a person has learned to suppress his emotions and is outwardly calm. But inside he is irritated. Sooner or later he will have health problems.

Calmness does not mean absence of emotions. It's normal to experience negative feelings. The main thing is that they do not affect a person’s performance. Developing resilience means you learn to respond calmly to stressful events.

We want to do everything and forget about our health. Learn to listen to your body's signals and give it what it wants. If you need more sleep, take the day off. If you feel low on energy, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Gradually you will be able to understand the needs of your body.

Resistance to stress is needed both at home and at work

Methods for increasing stress resistance

There are methods aimed at combating stress. Here are the main ones:

  • Physical activity. During physical exercise The human brain produces the hormone norepinephrine. This increases resistance to stress. If the level of this substance is low, the person worries. One workout a week will give results. Regularity of exercise is important. Exercises can be changed from time to time and gradually increase the load. Swimming - accessible view sports. You can start there.
  • Meditation and yoga. They increase performance and self-confidence. It is enough to exercise 10 minutes a day.
  • Walks. Walk every day. A weak nervous system needs restoration. Movement and fresh air they will help you.
  • Music therapy. Take a break: turn on calm music, lie down and close your eyes, disconnect from your worries. The sounds of nature calm you down: the sound of the wind, the singing of birds, the splashing of water.
  • Hobby. If it's not there, now is the time to find it. What will captivate you will at the same time distract you from your worries.
  • Do what you enjoy. Find a job you love. This way you can increase your life satisfaction.
  • Learn to understand the reason for your bad mood and give vent to your emotions. A punching bag will help with this. This method is used in Japan. Psychologists offer another option: go to a deserted place and scream until the tension goes away.
  • Change your attitude towards what oppresses you. You will feel that there are fewer problems.

Choose 2-3 methods of dealing with stress. The paths may be different, but the goal is the same - to cope with the negativity that interferes with life.

Regular exercises will allow you to form something like a reflex, when without thinking, automatically, a person copes with difficulties.

Tips for overcoming crises:

  1. Eat right. For normal functioning of the body we need nutrients. A person who eats right has good mood. He experiences troubles more easily.
  2. Stop smoking and alcohol. This way you can improve the condition of your body.
  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep norms vary from person to person. Some people get enough sleep in 5 hours, while others need 10 hours to fully recover. Increasing the level of stress resistance is impossible if a person simply does not have the strength.
  4. Don't react to stressful situations. It is important to block in time nerve impulse. Instead of worrying, do your job. You can increase your level of stress resistance yourself.

Saving time and space

Work on one thing at a time. This will help reduce your stress levels. Focus on one thing at a time. If you decide to change the interior of your apartment, do only this - buy wallpaper, order furniture, look through catalogs. Have you decided to clean out your desk and throw away everything unnecessary? Get started. Do you need to write a report? Write and don’t be distracted by phone calls and email. You will immediately notice that there is less negativity. It's not difficult to learn. When your life is organized, worries about unsolved problems will end. You will plan your time and manage everything.

To combat stress, simplify your routine. A busy work schedule is one of the reasons for negative emotions. Sometimes you need to give up several things and do the main thing. Then the level of worry from the amount of undone will become less. Increasing stress resistance will no longer be a problem for you. You have to learn to overcome difficulties.

Get rid of everything unnecessary - free up space for yourself. A cluttered home or workplace leads to a cluttered mind.

While cleaning, you put things on the shelves and at the same time put your thoughts in order. This helps increase stress resistance.

There should be nothing unnecessary on the desktop

Save money

Reduce expenses. There are many ways to save. People get paid and immediately start spending it. This cannot be done. It's better to automate bill payments. This will save you time.

Shopping is a bad habit. It is better to refuse it or go shopping once every 3 months. Once a season you can buy yourself a dress or jacket. This is quite enough. This way you will get used to saving. This is one of the solutions to the problem of how to increase stress resistance.

If you don't allow yourself too much and don't get used to it, you will be able to achieve certain results. It's better to spend money on your development. There are many ways to achieve this and become more resilient to stress. Attend courses and master classes in vocals, knitting, drawing or dancing.

Hobbies and leisure

If possible, have fun. It is better to spend your energy on something positive - this makes a person more stress-resistant and reduces the level of accumulated negativity. You need to find time every day to have fun. As an option, buy a collection of jokes and read it every day. This is one of the best ways not to think about bad things. Humor makes a person resistant to stress. You can have fun with your children. Play the funny game “On the contrary”: children follow the advice of adults exactly the opposite. Any games will do - the main thing is that it is interesting and fun. This way you can instill in your children a positive outlook on life.

If you can’t find the answer to the question of how to increase stress resistance, start drawing, modeling, etc. Creativity helps overcome stress.

It ensures the development of the emotional sphere. You can choose any direction of creativity. By acting creatively, we unwittingly release inner potential and emotions. This helps increase stress resistance in everyday life. Some people like to write stories or poems, some like to draw, some like to cross-stitch. To each his own. If you practice a little every day, it will be an excellent opportunity to develop creative skills.

Start learning a new good habit every month. In this case, you will not have to change your lifestyle. This will get rid of additional stress. There are no strict deadlines. This makes it easier for you to start exercising or lose weight. You can develop the habit of walking before bed. A bonus from this is increased immunity. Train your ability to finish what you start. Develop self-discipline. If you plan your actions, it will be easier for you to complete all your tasks.

Here are recommendations on how to get rid of bad thoughts and learn to cope with stress. It will take some effort on your part to achieve your goal. At first you will have to force yourself to distract yourself from everything bad. But over time, you will be able to develop the habit of easily coping with any psychological difficulties.

Basically, stress refers to harmful influences that can worsen emotional state a person, increase anxiety, and in especially difficult cases, even lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. In fact, stress can be beneficial to the body, since it moderately stimulates adaptive abilities, mobilizes the psyche and body, and helps direct efforts to the most important areas. True, all this is possible only with high stress resistance. What is it and how to strengthen it?

Stress and stress resistance - what is known about them

In a broad sense, stress refers to almost all external influences that a person experiences. Stress can be emotional or physical. In the first case, they mean phenomena and events that contribute to anxiety, nervousness, and so on. At the same time, emotional stress can also act positively. For example, if you get promoted at work or a nice person shows interest in you, you will also experience stress. But positive content, not negative.

As for physical stress, then it is caused mainly by strong loads to which a person is not accustomed. Intense training or carrying heavy bags stimulates the development of stress. And physical influences indirectly affect the emotional state.

That is, both components are inextricably linked. It is impossible to separate them, so when increasing stress resistance, it is important to remember this point. Stress resistance itself is the body’s ability not only to repel external influences, but also to use them for the benefit of development. If stress resistance is at a high level, you can successfully cope with emotional and physical stress, directing them even to your own benefit.

What causes stress resistance to decrease?

The level of stress tolerance may vary depending on various factors. Normally, protection from stress is at such a level that a person can cope with everyday responsibilities, resist conflicts, and enjoy physical activity. But it happens that stress resistance decreases. Sharply or gradually is not so important. The main thing is to find out why this happens. Stress resistance can be harmed by:

  • improper organization of the daily routine;
  • a pessimistic outlook on life is the inability to enjoy little things;
  • lack of skills of self-control, relaxation, and maintaining calm;
  • lack of understanding of your emotional and physical state;
  • diseases and disorders natural activity body.

As you can see, both psychological and physiological factors can improve protection from stress factors. Accordingly, if we want to give advice on increasing stress resistance, we will have to pay attention to all these points. About the most effective ways and let's talk.

How can you increase stress resistance?

There are many different techniques and methods for protecting against negative stress. Let's start with, perhaps, the most successful ways to strengthen stress resistance through working with your own body. After all, we said above that the physiological and emotional components of stress resistance are very closely related to each other. Taking into account this feature, you can give the following advice on strengthening the adaptive abilities of the body.

  1. Proper nutrition. Oddly enough, the best place to start is by adjusting your diet. To protect against stress, you first need to maintain a high level of vitamin D. It is important because it has the properties of a powerful antioxidant that protects against emotional burnout. This component is found mainly in fatty fish. Be sure to include fish varieties such as mackerel, tuna, and salmon in your menu.
  2. Sunbathing. You can also increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body by taking so-called sunbathing. You need a sufficient dose of ultraviolet radiation, and to obtain it, exposure to the sun is the best method. A solarium is also suitable. But it is associated with unpleasant side effects.
  3. Physical release. Exposure to stress leads to spasms and increased muscle tone. There is nothing useful about this. You will have to form a habit of using energy correctly so that cramps do not occur. To do this, for example, you can run on your own or go to the gym. There is no need to bring yourself to an exhausted state, but a good load will be very useful.
  4. Autogenic training, meditation, relaxation techniques. Here you can find many suitable options to suit your lifestyle, psychological preparation and so on. Let us emphasize that here there is no we're talking about about religious or philosophical content. This refers specifically to the physical side of such activities.

Even if you follow only these tips, your stress tolerance level will gradually return to normal. But you can protect yourself from stress using not only physiology. Psychology will also be useful. Therefore, now it’s worth moving on to the psychological component of increasing stress resistance.

Let's not talk about really deep psychological work, which can only be carried out by a specialist. We will only touch on those points that we can do without the involvement of professionals. Psychologists themselves give a lot of advice regarding strengthening stress resistance. But simple and effective ones, unfortunately, are not found so often. Therefore, we will try to present only those that help especially well.

  1. Discussing problems with others. Any person experiencing stress also feels the need to voice their own problems. That is, he simply needs to speak out. Don't keep strong feelings to yourself. Voice them, consult with relatives and close friends.
  2. Control own life. It sounds too vague, of course. In reality, this means that you are responsible for making your own decisions. There is no need to give the initiative to outsiders. Even if at your workplace you only carry out assignments, whenever possible, make your own useful recommendations and form an individual working style.
  3. Planning. The most powerful fear is the one that arises suddenly. To ensure high stress resistance, try to plan your actions in advance and predict possible obstacles along the way. Then you will be prepared, and troubles will not hit you so hard.
  4. Letting go of an unpleasant past. Often events cause anxiety and prevent you from living normally because you have already failed in the past. Remember that a second chance should always be used taking into account previous mistakes. For example, don't think that a new relationship will necessarily fail because the old one was the same. This is a completely wrong approach that only interferes with life.
  5. Problem solving is consistent. It happens that at the same time a bunch of different problems pile up at once and need to be solved urgently. It is wrong to grab onto everything at once. Take the most difficult task and try to solve it first. Then you will move on to smaller ones.
  6. Visualizing a positive outcome. And finally, optimism brings a lot of benefits to increasing stress resistance. This is exactly what we are talking about here. You need to not only believe in good things, but also imagine a positive outcome of any disturbing event. Then you will immediately set yourself up for success.

You can find an incredible amount of different psychological advice on this topic. We just tried to choose those that, without excess water, allow you to overcome stress and create more pleasant living conditions.

Increasing stress resistance - investing in the future

Abroad, people are accustomed to solving the problem of low stress resistance with the help of tablets. This approach gives quick but very short-lived results. Pills only increase physiological protection against stress, but do not solve the original problem. Don't take the wicked path. Antidepressants are needed only in the most extreme situations, but they are rare. Take care of your emotional and physical well-being. Then stress resistance will be constantly high.

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