Department of Postgraduate Studies of the World Research Institute. Postgraduate studies. Interesting student life

Information about the university

MIREA - Russian university of technology


General information:

MIREA - Russian Technological University - a leading state university, which was formed as a result of the merger MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT im. M. V. Lomonosova and a number scientific institutes. The university today provides training in the most popular educational programs in the areas of:

  • IT and automation
  • Electronics and nanotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Radio engineering and telecommunications
  • Safety
  • Equipment and technology
  • Cartography and geoinformatics
  • Design
  • Jurisprudence
  • Economics and management

MIREA - Russian Technological University in ratings

  • TOP-10 among metropolitan engineering universities in the ranking of demand for universities in the Russian Federation - 2017, which was presented by the “Social Navigator” project of the MIA “Russia Today”.
  • TOP-3 by quantity budget places among Moscow universities (according to the portal). RTU MIREA traditionally ranks 2-3 in various ratings for this indicator.
  • 37th place out of 1100 in Russia International ranking Webometrics (universities are compared by the level of content of their official websites).

20 facts aboutMIREA - Russian Technological University

Potential of 3 universities

MIREA - Russian Technological University - was created as a result of the merger of MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov and a number of large educational, scientific, design and production organizations. Restructuring increased the university's potential several times.

State university

Upon completion of RTU MIREA, graduates receive a state diploma recognized both in Russia and abroad. License to exercise educational activities No. 1987 dated March 10, 2016 (valid indefinitely). Certificate of state accreditation of MIREA No. 2545 March 17, 2017 (valid until March 17, 2023).

Alumni income

The university is in the TOP 10 in terms of the average monthly salary of graduates based on the results of monitoring the employment of university graduates by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

3rd place in the number of budget places among Russian universities

Every year, more than 4,000 budget places are allocated for first-year applicants. The university provides discounts and installment payments for those who study on a paid basis. If you have good academic performance and there are places available, transfer to a budget program is possible.

6 hostels in Moscow

The RTU MIREA campus accommodates more than 4,000 non-resident students, graduate students and doctoral students. When it is necessary to provide additional places, the university accommodates its students in the dormitories of partner universities.

Military department and deferment from the army

RTU MIREA is one of 15 Moscow universities where military department. Classes are held for all students educational programs. Upon successful completion of the university, graduates are transferred to the reserve. Full-time (full-time) students are provided with a deferment from military service.

Preparation for work in knowledge-intensive fields

Knowledge-intensive industries require skills research activities, therefore, students of RTU MIREA participate in R&D and design work, including being involved in the implementation of international scientific projects. All conditions have been created for students’ scientific work. Only for last year new high-tech equipment was purchased with a total cost of about 3 million rubles, a competition was held to receive a “University” grant for young scientists (3 grants in the amount of 1 million rubles each).

Current educational programs

The university has more than 500 educational programs. For each of them, the university offers only obviously relevant knowledge and skills that allow you to be guaranteed to get a job.

In-demand secondary vocational education

The University has a College of Instrument Engineering and information technology. Its training programs are included in the TOP 50 most popular specialties of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

More than 50 partner companies

RTU MIREA works closely with high-tech enterprises: Rostec, Rosatom, Roscosmos corporations, etc. Thanks to a unique program continuing education“College → university → basic department → basic enterprise” students are provided with guaranteed employment.


In 2017, MIREA - Russian Technological University became the only university that was awarded the UNESCO medal “For contribution to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology,” including for teaching students in this field.

State awards

More than 40 university employees have state awards, including:

  • Honorary title"Honored Worker high school Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation"
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree
  • USSR State Prize
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • Laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education
  • Honorary title "Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Worker" higher education Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation"

Teachers of the Institute of Subtle chemical technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov were awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2017 for a set of textbooks on analytical chemistry.

Demand for graduates

75% of university graduates are employed, according to the latest monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The figure reflects students who received their first higher education in full-time(with the exception of graduates working in law enforcement agencies and continuing their studies in graduate school). All graduates are in high demand in partner companies and among industry enterprises in general.

More than 45 additional education programs

The university implements joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix, Samsung, etc.) and VGTRK (TV Academy), MBA, foreign language courses, training in a car and motorcycle school. Training takes place on the territory of the university. Prices are an order of magnitude lower than in commercial structures.

Social guarantees for students

Students receive a basic scholarship, the amount of which increases with good academic performance, and can apply for an additional personalized scholarship. They are provided with benefits for travel around Moscow, medical and psychological services, vouchers to recreation centers. Those in need can receive financial assistance.

Study abroad

Students annually participate in double degree and exchange programs. Our partners include leading educational institutions from more than 30 countries, where you can study for free. The university provides its students scholarship support and helps you find affordable housing abroad.

Qualified teaching staff

Among the university teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, professors and doctors of science. To give some lectures and training courses Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited. The basic departments are taught by practitioners - leading employees of enterprises.

Sports opportunities

The university has 3 modern sports complexes, where numerous sports sections operate. The complexes have indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and even a climbing wall.

Interesting student life

The university has a Student Union, there are free classes in theater, vocal and dance studios, and a guitar school. KVN, the OpenAir festival, and the School of Survival take place regularly. There are a photo club and a mountaineering club, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams.

Comfortable conditions

Studying takes place on 8 campuses, which are located close to metro stations. All of them are equipped with modern equipment, multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi. There are cafes, libraries, and conference rooms on site.


Address: 119454, Central Federal District, Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 78

Contact phone: +7 499 215-65-65

Rector: Kudzh Stanislav Alekseevich


Institute of Information Technologies

Institute of Cybernetics

Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov

Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems

Institute innovative technologies And public administration

Institute of Physics and Technology

Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation

Institute of Economics and Law

According to Federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” a three-level system of higher education was introduced: bachelor's - master's - postgraduate.

Postgraduate studies- this is the third level of a three-level system of higher education, where the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out with a training period of:

Admission to graduate school on the basis of a specialist or master's degree is possible both on a budgetary and on a contract basis.

Applications for graduate school in all specialties are accepted from June 17, 2019 to September 6, 2019.

The “Guide to specialties and areas of training” will help you decide on the choice of specialty. In addition, we invite you to visit the University Open Days.

Applicants to graduate school take competitive entrance exams.

Contact information:

Postgraduate school phone number: +7 499 215-65-65 ext. 5123, 5214.
E-mail: This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Document acceptance address: Vernadskogo Ave., 78, room D-308.

Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday - from 10:00 to 18:00,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - from 10:00 to 17:00

Benefits of postgraduate study:

  • Upon completion of your studies, you receive a state diploma of a “higher” level (compared to a specialist or master’s diploma).
  • Postgraduate study provides the opportunity to gain knowledge in a new direction, which may differ radically from previous education (that is, for example, it is possible to enter a technical graduate school on the basis of an economics diploma and vice versa).

Frequently asked questions:

Admission to graduate school is possible on the basis of a higher education diploma (specialist or master's degree). The university, year of graduation and previously obtained specialty do not matter - you can choose any program

As practice shows, the majority of applicants to graduate school are graduates of previous years. It's difficult to do, but possible.

Entrance tests for all postgraduate programs in 2019 are held in September (exams in the specialty, foreign language and philosophy).

You can apply for several areas of graduate school (no more than 3), including several forms of study (full-time/part-time, budgetary and contractual basis), subject to an agreed supervisor for each area.

One of the key universities in Europe that trains highly qualified specialists in the field of technology is MIREA University. Reviews from students and graduates show that the old name does not want to give way to the new one: since 2014 it has been the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI). Apparently, for this reason, the abbreviation that belonged to the predecessors was retained. This university joined the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (Top Industrial Managers for Europe).


This wonderful university was founded in 1947 and was not the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, but the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute - VZEI - until 1967, after which it was renamed, and students began to study not only part-time, but also full-time. VZEI had powerful branches in Kyiv, Leningrad, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and Tashkent, where they also trained engineers highly qualified and improved their knowledge by retraining.

In the image and likeness of the VZEI, other technical universities USSR: its educational and consulting departments and branches often became the basis for the creation of new polytechnic institutes in Kemerovo, Omsk, Kirov and some other cities. That is, VZEI was considered the leading institute in the entire system of training in radio engineering and energy, where there was a real source of personnel for many new industries national economy, including for the defense industry.

VZEI until 1963

MIREA, reviews of which are so favorable, began long before its birth. VZEI gradually changed in line with the needs of the development of science and technology. At the very beginning of the sixties, specialists in electronic engineering and radio electronics were already trained here. Even then, the institute began to reform and move away from clean energy to high technology. Therefore, some faculties went to MPEI (Moscow Energy Institute): hydropower, thermal power, electric power and electromechanical.

Next to the radio engineering faculty, VZEI opens the faculties of automation, computer technology, measuring equipment and telemechanics, design and production of radio electronics equipment. At the same time, the evening radio engineering faculty opened. Since 1964, the institute has come close to training engineers for the defense industry in cybernetics, electronics, and computer technology.

MIREA (1967)

After the transformation of VZEI into MIREA, reviews of the institute began to note the training of extremely valuable engineering personnel for the radio and electronics industry, for the knowledge-intensive branches of mechanical engineering and instrument making, for control systems and automation equipment. At first, MIREA did not have its own space at all, since it was based on the territory of MPEI, in one of its buildings. Gradually, the institute received and expanded its own premises to six buildings: on Preobrazhenka and on Vernadsky Avenue. The MIREA educational and scientific complex, reviews of which are also positive, is located on Borovskoye Highway. The complex houses an information and computing center building and a scientific and technical library.

During the existence of MIREA, student reviews have not changed their tone: it is interesting to study there, the university cooperates with fifty enterprises from the field of high-tech production, which are the basis for the work of the departments. Educational programs are certified according to international standards, newest scientific laboratories and student design bureaus were created at MIREA. Student reviews cannot be negative about a university that has academies from such iconic manufacturers as Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others.

Military department

MIREA has basic departments at leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, therefore one of educational units is MIREA. Reviews of specialties very often mention this with gratitude.

Personnel are forged here for both law enforcement agencies and the reserves of the RF Armed Forces. This civilian university, but the military department has been preserved, and reserve officers come from here. Here students are taught one day a week from the fourth to the eighth semester, classes last six hours, after which students are given two hours for self-study.


One of the first questions when entering MIREA is the dormitory. There are also plenty of reviews about it, but, unlike reviews about teaching and the quality of university training in general, opinions vary. First of all, because there is simply not enough of it: with a huge number of students, the number of places in the hostel is simply incomparable - there are only 297 of them. There is always competition for a place to live. Naturally, certain categories of students are excluded from the competition: orphans, low-income people, disabled people and others.

Nevertheless, students speak well of the hostel itself: they have created good conditions for relaxation, study, and sports. There is a library, Internet access in computer class, dining room, gym, medical isolation ward and storage room. Security is provided by access control and 24-hour video surveillance. All entrances have fire and alarm buttons, installed


MIREA includes ten institutes that implement higher education programs: master's, specialist's and bachelor's degrees. Institute of High Technologies as structural unit MIREA provides training for bachelors, masters, specialists and graduate students. There is a long range of directions and specialties. Also here, engineering and technical and managerial employees improve their skills and undergo retraining. A lot of research work is being carried out. IN teaching staff Institute - more than 75 percent of those with academic degrees and titles.

The university receives the most numerous responses MIREA Faculty cybernetics. Reviews indicate that its graduates are in great demand. (To be precise, it is not a faculty, but an institute of cybernetics.) It is a department in which there is educational department, sixteen departments, educational and scientific centers and laboratories. Of all the areas and specializations of MIREA, software engineering is of particular interest to applicants. Reviews from masters who have received such an education indicate that this specialization is worth spending another two years after a bachelor’s degree for the pleasure of doing science.

Other institutes:

  • innovative technologies and public administration,
  • information technology,
  • integrated safety and special instrumentation,
  • radio engineering and telecommunication systems,
  • fine chemical technologies,
  • technical aesthetics and design,
  • management and economics,
  • electronics.


In the structure of MIREA there are three more institutes of a special warehouse in addition to the ten mentioned above. This international institute computer science with training programs for foreigners, an institute of pre-university training with programs for college and school students, as well as an institute of additional education.

And a number of non-specialized faculties exist within MIREA. This is the faculty of general training (physics, chemistry, higher mathematics and much more), the evening faculty with the same higher education programs, the faculty of distance and correspondence education and the college of instrument engineering and information technology.

MIREA also has twelve branches, and the most favorable information about them is also there. Most of them are located near Moscow: in Sergiev Posad, Fryazino, Serpukhov and other cities.

Who writes reviews?

More than seven thousand students, both Russian and foreign, can write reviews at MSTU MIREA. Surely not everything was written, but it is simply impossible to read in full what students and graduates think or remember about MIREA. Because there are a lot, a lot of reviews. Both graduate students and doctoral students showed up there, of whom there are significantly more than two hundred and fifty at the university.

Future applicants who are passing also write pre-university training, and there are also many of them - more than a thousand. And especially a lot of feedback from those receiving additional education, but this is understandable: far more than ten thousand people study at MIREA (MGUPI). There are also reviews about the training of Doctors of Science and Candidates of Science, who are trained and defended in twenty specialties. MIREA constantly operates six dissertation councils, where dissertations are defended and academic degrees are sought.


At MIREA, more than two thousand teachers and professors give their experience and knowledge to the younger generation. From this seemingly huge number one can single out well over 1000 candidates of sciences and associate professors, plus about 3600 professors and doctors of sciences, 5 corresponding members and full members RAS and about 100 members from other academies. There are also about 50 laureates of the State Prize and Government Prize in MIREA.

That's why there are such reviews about MIREA. Moscow, or rather its applicants, with all the abundance of options for obtaining higher education, very often chooses this particular university. There are many advantages and almost no disadvantages, judging by the reviews. There is a developed educational base and excellent technical facilities. Students undergo practical training in design bureaus. For example, in the Scientific and Technical Center "Electronics", a technology park, and the international laboratory LEMAC. The higher mathematics department of the Faculty of Cybernetics is highly praised: both because they teach very well and treat students with tireless attention.

International activities

Cooperation in science and education with foreign universities- the most important component of the strategic line of development of the university, therefore ties with them are very close: joint research projects, practical seminars and conferences are carried out, teaching and student mobility is developing in the form of the exchange of leading teaching staff.

Now MIREA is in close contact with institutions in France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Korea and many others. MIREA is also a member of many international associations and associations.

Academic mobility

Scientific cooperation with foreign countries involves joint scientific research, for which special joint units have been created. The key direction of such work is supporting academic mobility, that is, the implementation with preliminary development of educational programs, training and internship of students abroad, obtaining two diplomas - MIREA and a partner university, exchange of leading teachers and professors for lecturing and conducting scientific research.


These rules are drawn up on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On higher and postgraduate vocational education" and "Regulations on the preparation of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation", approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, and regulate the procedure for admission to graduate school at MIREA.

1. General provisions

1.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation with higher professional education are admitted to MIREA graduate school on a competitive basis. Postgraduate studies can be carried out in full-time and part-time forms. The duration of full-time postgraduate study cannot exceed 3 years, and in correspondence form - 4 years.

1.2. Citizens of foreign countries, including citizens of CIS member states, are admitted to MIREA graduate school on the basis of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements of the Russian Federation, as well as under MIREA agreements that provide for the payment of training costs by legal entities and individuals.

1.3. Stateless persons are admitted to graduate school on a general basis if they have documents confirming the competence of their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.4. For persons enrolled in MIREA graduate school through competition for places within check digits established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, postgraduate education is free.

1.5. Persons who have previously passed full course postgraduate studies do not have the right to secondary education at the expense of the federal budget.

1.6. The training of postgraduate students in excess of the admission quotas can be carried out under direct contracts with payment of the cost of training by individuals and legal entities.

2. The procedure for accepting documents from applicants to MIREA graduate school

2.1. Applicants submit the following documents to the postgraduate department:

a) an application addressed to the rector of MIREA indicating the form of study (full-time/part-time), specialty (scientific), department, endorsed by the dean and the proposed supervisor;

b) personal personnel record sheet (certified at the place of work);

c) autobiography;

d) list of published scientific works, inventions and reports on research work if the applicant has scientific works and inventions, reprints of scientific works or an abstract on the chosen specialty with a visa of the proposed scientific supervisor;

e) recommendation of the Academic Council of the faculty, and in its absence - recommendation of the State Attestation Committee, supported by the dean of the faculty (for MIREA graduates of the current year), or recommendation of the department where the graduate student is expected to study (for graduates of other universities or MIREA graduates with work experience);

f) a copy of a state-issued diploma of higher professional education and an appendix to it (for persons who received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS member states - a copy of the corresponding diploma, as well as a copy of the certificate of equivalence of documents of foreign countries on education with a diploma of higher professional education education of the Russian Federation, issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

g) copy work book(certified at the place of work) - for workers;

h) a certificate of passing candidate exams if the applicant has passed candidate exams (for persons who have passed candidate exams abroad - a certificate confirming the validity of the presented document on passing candidate exams, issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

An identity document and a state-issued diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution (for persons educated abroad - a diploma and a copy of the certificate of equivalence) are presented in person by applicants to graduate school.

2.2. Acceptance of documents for graduate school is carried out annually from 01.03. to 01.04. and from 01.09. to 01.10., and entrance exams take place from 01.04. until 31.05. and from 01.10. until 30.11. To conduct admission to graduate school, an admissions committee is organized under the chairmanship of the rector of MIREA. Members of the selection committee are appointed by its chairman from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel, including supervisors of postgraduate students.

2.3. The admissions committee reviews the documents of applicants to graduate school.

2.4. Applicants to graduate school undergo an interview with the dean of the faculty and the proposed supervisor, who reports the result of the interview to the admissions committee.

2.5. The admission committee makes a decision on admission to the entrance exams to graduate school taking into account the results of the applicant’s interview with the prospective supervisor and informs the applicant within a week.

3. The procedure for conducting entrance tests

3.1. Admission to graduate school entrance exams is carried out by commissions appointed by the rector of MIREA. The commission includes a professor or doctor of science in the specialty in which the exam is being conducted.

In the absence of doctors of science, the commission may include candidates of science, associate professors, and in foreign languages, qualified teachers who do not have scientific degree and academic title, sufficiently proficient in the relevant foreign language.

3.2. Applicants to graduate school take the following competitive entrance exams in accordance with state educational standards higher professional education:

  • special discipline;
  • philosophy;
  • foreign language determined by higher education educational institution and necessary for a graduate student to complete dissertation research.

The results of all competitive exams are graded “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

Persons who fail to appear for the exam at the scheduled time without good reason or who receive an unsatisfactory grade are not allowed to take further exams.

Persons who do not appear for the exam for a valid reason are allowed to take them in parallel groups or individually until they are fully completed.

Retaking entrance exams is not permitted. Passed entrance exams for graduate school are valid for a calendar year.

3.3. Persons who have passed the candidate exams in full or in part are exempt from the corresponding entrance exams upon admission to graduate school.

3.4. The results of final master's exams in philosophy and a foreign language are counted as entrance exams to graduate school, if in an individual curriculum Master's degrees included master's exams in these subjects.

3.5. Persons admitted to entrance examinations for graduate school are granted leave of thirty calendar days to prepare for the exams and pass them, while maintaining the average salary at the place of work.

3.6. Entrance examination programs prepared by departments are approved by the vice-rector for scientific work no later than a month before the start of accepting documents.

4. Procedure for competitive selection

4.1. Admission to MIREA graduate school is based on a competition based on the following parameters:

a) availability of scientific works in the chosen specialty;

b) availability of partially passed candidate exams;

c) the amount of points scored by the applicant entrance exams. If the score is equal, the grade in the special discipline is taken into account;

c) availability of a diploma with honors of higher professional education;

G) GPA diploma of higher professional education.

4.2. With all indicators being equal, people with skills have an advantage practical work in the chosen specialty.

4.3. Enrollment in MIREA graduate school is made no later than June 10. and 10.12.

5. Admission procedure contract form training

5.1. Persons who do not qualify for competition for places paid for from the budget can study in graduate school on a paid (compensatory) basis.

5.2. The training of postgraduate students is carried out under direct contracts with payment of the cost of training by individuals and legal entities.

5.3. Admission to graduate school is subject to obtaining positive marks in three competitive examinations.

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