The process of personalization of a person. What is personalization of search results Personalization as a process of personality development

(from Latin persona - personality) - a process, as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the life of other people and can act in public life as a person. The essence of P. lies in the effective transformations of the intellectual and affective-need sphere of the personality of another person, which occur as a result of the individual’s activities. The concept of P. in this meaning was introduced by V.A. Petrovsky. The need for P. (the need to be a person) is a not always realized deep basis of many forms of communication between people (altruism, affiliation, the desire for self-determination and public recognition, etc.). The only effective way to satisfy the need for P. is activity, since it is through his activity that a person continues himself in other people, transmits his individuality to others. The ability to P. is a combination of individual- psychological characteristics a person, which allow him to carry out socially significant actions that transform other people. The ability for P. is ensured by the richness of the subject’s individuality, a variety of means, with the help of which he can exercise a personalizing influence in communication and activity. In many experimental work It has been revealed that the subject’s love occurs under the condition of its significance for another, referentiality and emotional attractiveness. Under other conditions, P. is absent. It has been experimentally shown (see the principle of reflected subjectivity) that a full-fledged and socially positive manifestation of the ability to perform is found in communities of this type, such as a collective, while in groups low level P. development of one person (leader) may be the cause of depersonalization of other people.

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Productive manifestations of individuality

1) those activity processes in which a person has to choose between different motives, positions and roles, find and sometimes create techniques and means for mastering his behavior, use various protective means and mechanisms to resolve and restructure situations that lead to deviations from the normatively specified line of behavior. The product is self-transformation.

2) to productive processes also include those transformations, “personal contributions”, cat. a person, through his actions, introduces other people and culture into the semantic context. Product-transformation of others.

As a rule. These two manifestations are one: a person changes himself through changing others.


Self-actualization (from the Latin actualis - actual, real) is a person’s desire for the most complete identification and development of his personal capabilities. In some areas of modern Western psychology, self-actualization is put forward (as opposed to behaviorism and Freudianism, which believes that personal behavior is driven by biological forces, and its meaning lies in defusing the tension they create and adapting to the environment) to the role of the main motivational factor. True self-actualization presupposes the presence of favorable social factors. historical conditions.

Maslow: Self-actualization as a capacity may be present in most people, but only in a small minority is it accomplished to some extent. Such people are self-actualizing individuals, being an example of normal development, and embody the human essence as fully as possible.

At the human level, A. Maslow defines self-actualization “as such personality development that frees a person from the deficit of growth problems and from neurotic (or infantile, or imaginary, or “unnecessary” or “false”) problems of life. So that he can address to the “real” problems of life (essentially and ultimately human problems, intractable “existential” problems that have no final solution) - and not only address them, but also resist them, and take on them. That is, self-actualization is not an absence. problems, but a movement from temporary or unreal problems to real problems."

Self-actualizing personality(from lat. actualis - active).

In the development of an individual, after satisfying his basic needs (physiological, safety, belonging, respect), the opportunity arises to reach new level development, to the level of self-actualization. A self-actualizing personality is characterized by the following qualities: - better perception of reality; - better acceptance of yourself, others, the world around you; - increased spontaneity of behavior; - ability to concentrate on a problem; - emotional independence, rich inner life; - autonomy and ability to withstand social pressure; - maturity of feelings; - experience of transpersonal experiences; - better understanding of a person as a person (beyond social clichés); - improvement of interpersonal relationships; - democratic characteristics in one’s own character; - strengthening creativity; - a more objective rating system.

The process of human self-actualization should be considered and described “from within” a person’s life, from his point of view, as a specific, conscious choice of life goals and ways to achieve them. And from this point it is seen as a certain sequence of episodes, situations, in each of which “I” encounter certain problems, accept the challenge, and, making my own efforts, as I solve problems, I improve, develop, and consciously choose even more difficult ones for myself ( but corresponding to my strengths and capabilities, my “self”), realistic problems. Or I degrade, not accepting challenges, refusing to apply my own efforts in solving problems, or choosing those that do not correspond to my strengths and capabilities, my “self.” In this case, not finding a solution in a timely manner, “I” also inevitably end up encountering more difficult problems, but of a different, “neurotic” quality, the solution of which will be forced, will narrow the possibilities of my self-determination, and will require psychological, social or medical assistance . Maslow emphasizes that the choice in favor of growth, in the direction of self-actualization, must be made by a person in every situation of choice.

A person’s refusal to make efforts to realize his potential is fraught with the emergence of pathology: nervous or mental disorders, somatic diseases or, in the most severe cases, the development of metapathology, the “collapse” of individual abilities, involution, degradation. The absence in a particular region, country, or community of conditions for human self-actualization leads to phenomena of stagnation, social and economic crisis. The implementation of policies by the power elites aimed at impeding the processes of self-actualization is fraught with antisocial manifestations of extremism and terrorism. The growth of involutionary tendencies, the involvement of large groups of people in the processes of involution, the marginalization of individual regions and countries are fraught with a serious threat to the development of civilization and culture as a whole.

Self-actualization in the broad sense of the word can be discussed at every age stage of human development. The act of self-actualization can be seen, for example, in a child mastering a certain skill (say, riding a bicycle), in a teenager mastering the technique of playing the guitar, in a schoolchild mastering a certain amount of knowledge sufficient for successful admission to a university. In every case we're talking about that more and more prolonged efforts of a person at some point lead to the realization: I can do it! I know! Quantitative changes accumulated over a long period of time through hard work bring an instantaneously manifested new quality, which characterizes itself in the practice of life as a certain social or personal competence. This kind of awareness, complemented by positive assessments from friends, examiners, and adults, brings peak experiences that reflect a state of happiness.

In the strict sense of the term, self-actualization is the behavioral manifestation of the ability to self-regulate. Therefore, when talking about a child’s self-actualization, we must remember that his behavioral acts are determined mostly by unconscious motives, and are regulated by basic emotions directly related to the satisfaction of biological needs and external control factors. The lower age limit for the possible observation of full-fledged acts of self-actualization refers to adolescence and is associated with (1) the teenager’s acquisition of a conceptual level of thinking; (2) the presence of a certain maturity of the mechanisms of central inhibition; (3) the experience accumulated in the previous period of development in positively solving situationally determined problems; (4) the presence of a tendency towards self-development in the motivational sphere. In this case, it is possible, but not inevitable, for a teenager to transition from fantasizing, dreams and play motives that dominate childhood to drawing up realistic life plans and attempts to implement them through multi-step strategies and self-regulation. It is in these first attempts at self-actualization that the “docking” and coordination of the motivational sphere, the mechanisms of cognitive analysis and the volitional aspects necessary to fulfill the plan occur. Success in attempts at self-actualization allows a teenager to form a hierarchical structure of motives, acquire higher forms of emotions and personal meanings.


Let us clarify the relationship between the concepts of self-actualization and self-realization. Realization, as interpreted by the Oxford Dictionary of Modern English for Students (1984), is, first of all, awareness, mental (cognitive) activity. Actualization - has the meaning of activity as a process, an expenditure of energy (from the Latin root actus - action), which has a material result. The concept of “self-realization” thus means the mental, cognitive aspect of activity, theoretical activity, work on the internal plane. Self-realization is manifested in the construction and adjustment, restructuring of the “concept of self”, including the “ideal self”, picture of the world and life plan, awareness of the results of previous activities (formation of the concept of the past). Self-actualization and self-realization thus turn out to be two inseparable sides of one process, the process of development and growth, the result of which is a person who has maximally revealed and used his human potential, a self-actualized personality.

An act of self-actualization is a certain finite number of actions performed by a subject on the basis of the goals consciously set for oneself in the course of self-realization and the developed strategy for achieving them. Each act of self-actualization ends with a specific emotional reaction - a “peak experience”, positive in case of success, and negative (pain, disappointment) in case of failure.


Personalization (from the Latin persona - personality) is a process as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the life of other people and can act in public life as a person. The essence of personalization lies in the effective transformations of the intellectual and affective-need sphere of the personality of another person, which occur as a result of the individual’s activities. The concept of personalization in this meaning was introduced by V. A. Petrovsky. The need for personalization (the need to be an individual) is a not always realized deep basis of many forms of communication between people (altruism, affiliation, the desire for self-determination and public recognition, etc.). The only effective way to satisfy the need for personalization is activity, since it is through his activity that a person continues himself in other people, transmits his individuality to others. The ability to personalize is a set of individual psychological characteristics of a person that allow him to carry out socially significant actions that transform other people. The ability to personalize is ensured by the richness of the subject’s individuality, the variety of means by which he can exercise a personalizing effect in communication and activity. Many experimental works have revealed that personalization of a subject occurs under the condition of its significance for another, referentiality and emotional attractiveness. Under other conditions, there is no personalization. It has been experimentally shown that a full-fledged and socially positive manifestation of the ability to personalize is found in communities of this type, such as a team, while in groups with a low level of development, the personalization of one person (the leader) can be the cause of depersonalization of other people.

(from Latin persona - personality) - a process, as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the life activities of other people and can act in public life as a person. The essence of P. lies in the effective transformations of the intellectual and affective-need sphere of the personality of another person, which occur as a result of the individual’s activities. The concept of P. in this meaning was introduced by V.A. Petrovsky. The need for P. (the need to be a person) is the not always realized deep basis of many forms of communication between people (altruism, affiliation, desire for self-determination and public recognition, etc.). The only effective way to satisfy the need for P. is activity, since it is through his activity that a person continues himself in other people, broadcasts his individuality. The ability to perform is a set of individual psychological characteristics of a person, which allow him to carry out socially significant actions that transform other people. The ability for P. is ensured by the richness of the subject’s individuality, a variety of means, with the help of which he can exercise a personalizing effect in communication and activity. Many experimental studies have revealed that the subject’s love occurs under the condition of its significance for another, referentiality, and emotional attractiveness. Under other conditions, P. is absent. It has been experimentally shown (see the principle of reflected subjectivity) that a full-fledged and socially positive manifestation of the ability to practice is found in communities of this type, such as a team, while in groups with a low level of development of behavior, one person (leader) may be the cause depersonalization other people.

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  1. assimilation, appropriation, interiorization, internalization or, in other words, processes or mechanisms of transformation of external, social motivations, requirements, restrictions and social experience into elements of the structure of one’s own personality (into needs, aspirations, skills, knowledge, etc.). Personalization processes function implicitly, automatically and, hypothetically, on the basis of an innate ability that ensures the self-development of the individual (the term self-development in this case emphasizes that favorable external conditions alone for the formation of a personality are completely insufficient; innate or hereditarily determined readiness is necessary for their assimilation).
    Specific manifestations of personalization can be imitation, suggestibility, the formation of habits, character traits, assimilation of knowledge and skills, which are later recognized as natural, initially characteristic of the individual. Personalization is carried out most intensively in the childhood and puberty periods of ontogenesis; it is this age that is critical for damage to the mechanisms of appropriation and, consequently, disruption of the maturation of character and personality. It is in this age interval that disturbances in self-awareness occur especially often (see). To learn something, in addition to repeated repetition of certain actions and behavior patterns, it is very important that the relevant information is of interest, makes sense, that is, stimulates certain emotions (surprise, pleasure, fear, etc.). This may mean that personalization processes in their functioning are closely related to the affective sphere. The reverse, dangerous and even harmful side of personalization, some researchers point out, is the internal destructuring penetration of inadequate social influence, in particular, “mirages” of mass consciousness into personal consciousness. Thus, according to Hawking, “the habit of gathering in crowds and belonging to the crowd has become a threat to civilization and should be defined as a specific disease of modern society.”
    The reverse of personalization is the process of alienation, alienation, due to which fragments that have become useless, threatening or unacceptable are eliminated from the personality structure. This process can be quite painful. For example, this is devaluation, forgetting, repression, loss of the meaning of something, elimination of something familiar, disappointment. In the pathological version, this reverse process represents a violation of self-awareness in the form of depersonalization (see). Alienation processes also occur more intensely in the first third of an individual’s life. This probably explains why such a violation of self-awareness as depersonalization is most often observed in children, adolescents, and especially young adults. A painful intensification of the personalization process is manifested by a violation of self-awareness in the form of personalization (see), a painful weakening is manifested by personal underdevelopment, for example, infantilism, juvenileism, moral deficiency, deficiency of legal consciousness, and other signs of personality immaturity;
  2. the process as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the life of other people and can act in public life as an individual;
  3. according to V.A. Petrovsky, the essence of personalization lies in the effective transformations of the intellectual and affective-need sphere of the personality of another person, which occur as a result of the individual’s activities

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. S.Yu. Golovin

Personalization- a process as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the life of other people and can act in public life as an individual. The essence of personalization is in the effective transformations of the sphere of intellectual and affective-needs of another person, occurring as a result of the individual’s activities. The concept in this meaning was introduced by V.A. Petrovsky.

Since the unity of the concepts “individual” and “personality” does not mean their identity, various paradoxes of personalization arise:

  1. it is theoretically possible for the existence of an individual who has not realized himself as a person (for example, a person who, due to some circumstances, found himself excluded from social interaction); on the other hand, it is possible for a “personality” (in this case a quasipersonality) to exist outside (without) the individual (for example, some mythical or literary characters), and the transformative influence of a historical quasipersonality may be no less effective than the influence of another really living person;
  2. both depersonalization of the creator (architect, inventor, etc.) is possible as a result of the alienation of the product of labor from its creator, and personalization through the appropriation of the fruits of someone else’s labor; personalization is possible not only as a consequence of attributing to oneself other people’s merits, but also as a “broadcast” of one’s shortcomings and mistakes to someone else;
  3. the third paradox is associated with the problem of personal immortality (from the standpoint of materialism): if personality is not reduced to its representation in a specific individual and continues in other people, then with the death of the individual it does not disappear completely.

With the help of the phenomenon of personalization, it is possible to explain many of the experiences of people caused by the tragic gap between the personalization of the individual that remains in them and his material non-existence. In such a situation, the integral structure of the personality is destroyed, only one link is preserved - the reflected subjectivity of the individual as a result of his personalization.

A person is characterized by varying degrees of expression of needs and ability to personalize. The need for personalization - the need to be an individual - is not always the realized deep basis of many forms of communication between people (altruism, affiliation, the desire for self-determination and recognition, etc.). The only effective way to satisfy the need for personalization is activity, because it is through activity that a person continues himself, “transmits” his individuality to others. The ability to personalize is a set of individual psychological characteristics of a person, which allow him to perform socially significant actions that transform other people. It is ensured by the richness of the subject’s individuality, the variety of means through which he can carry out a personalizing effect in communication and activity. Many experiments have revealed that personalization of a subject occurs under the condition of its significance for another, referentiality and emotional attractiveness. In other conditions, there is no personalization.

It has been experimentally shown (-> the principle of reflected subjectivity) that a full-fledged and socially positive manifestation of the ability to personalize is found in communities of this type, such as a collective; in groups of a low level of development, the personalization of one person (the leader) can cause depersonalization of others.

A brief dictionary of psychological terms.

Personalization (lat. persona - personality)- the process of transforming a person into a person, acquiring individuality.

Oxford explanatory dictionary in psychology

no meaning or interpretation of the word

subject area of ​​the term

Dedicated to the problem of personalization of the subject of labor. In psychology, personalization is understood as a complex and multidimensional process, as a result of which the subject receives an ideal representation in the living space of other people and can act in public life as an individual. The author considers this process in the context of the social space of the subject of labor and temporary relationships with significant others.

Key words: personalization, subject of labor, social space, time in psychology.

In modern Russian psychology, the subject is understood as a source of activity associated with the characteristics of people’s activities. Until recently, attempts were made to see the most important characteristics of the subject as a person in a set of immanent qualities of the individual. In the works of V.A. Petrovsky proposes to look for these characteristics not only in the subject himself, but also in other people, that is, it becomes possible to interpret the personality from new positions - the ideal representation of the individual in other people, his personalization.

Personalization is associated with effective transformations in the intellectual and affective sphere of another person’s personality that occur as a result of the individual’s activities. The subject is characterized by varying degrees of expression of the need and ability for personalization - the not always realized deep basis of many forms of communication between people (altruism, affiliation, desire for self-determination and public recognition, etc.). V.A. Petrovsky believes that the only effective way to satisfy the need for personalization is activity, since it is through his activity that a person continues himself in other people, “transmits” his individuality to others. The subject of labor implements professional activity, its psychological characteristics, specificity, and content are studied by labor psychology. It must be remembered that it is included in a broad socio-economic context, and its implementation is connected with the space of other non-professional activities carried out by the subject. Obviously, the set of these activities is quite large and is connected with other people, in whose life the subject is represented, that is, personalized.

Personalization of the subject is a complex and multidimensional process, as a result of which the subject receives ideal representation in the living space of other people and can act in public life as an individual.
V.A. Petrovsky associated the idea of ​​personalization with the presentation of L.S. Vygotsky on interiorization social relations, “through others we become ourselves.” For V. A. Petrovsky, “to specifically characterize a personality means answering not only the question of which of the other people and how is represented (interiorized) in another individual, but also how he and in whom exactly he consists as this “other” “, as if determining someone’s consciousness and behavior from the inside.” Consequently, the subject of labor cannot be considered outside the context of the space of social connections and relationships in which he is included.

In psychology, there is the concept of “social situation of development”, introduced by L.S. Vygotsky, as a unit of analysis of the dynamics of child development. The social situation of development is a system of relations of the subject in social reality, specific for each age period, which is reflected in his experiences and is realized in joint activities with other people. The idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky about the social situation of development seems interesting from the point of view of developing the concept of social space as a space professional activity, as well as social connections and relationships in which the subject of labor is included in the process of his life.

Personalization of the subject of labor is carried out in his social space. The social space of the subject of labor includes, firstly, the professional social space itself, this is the space of joint activity of the subject and his colleagues, as well as the space of specific labor situations, where the subject is included and on the basis of the analysis of which the activities of the professional are studied. That is, as a rule, these social connections and relationships are limited to the range of activities performed by the subject. professional tasks. Secondly, personal social space, family and space of significant others, non-professional space. This space is not directly included in the professional activity of the subject, but has a powerful influence on its implementation.

Of particular interest is the process of personalization of labor subjects working in different time modes. Developing the problem of organizing the life time of specialists working on a shift schedule, O.A. Garanina introduces the concept of “social desynchronosis, which is experienced by specialists working on a shift schedule, as a discrepancy between the general social time concept and the individual one, determined by the peculiarities of the work schedule (“internal” desynchronosis), but also manifests itself in the mismatch between the life time of the specialist himself and the life time of other people. (significant others) working on a regular schedule (“external” desynchronosis).” It is obvious that social desynchronosis is not limited to the psychological problems of a labor subject with an “unusual” (shift, seasonal, rotational, expedition) work schedule. In the conditions of modern production, difficulties may arise in personalizing a subject related to the temporary organization of its activities.

The ability to personalize is a combination individual psychological characteristics of a person that allow him to carry out socially significant actions that transform other people. The ability to personalize is ensured by the richness of the subject’s individuality, the variety of means by which he can exercise a personalizing effect in communication and activity. Many experimental works have revealed that personalization of a subject occurs under the condition of its significance for another, referentiality and emotional attractiveness. Under other conditions, there is no personalization.

Carrying out labor activity in an “unusual” time schedule, the subject has to negotiate with significant others about how to communicate and joint activities not only in the same space, but also in the same time, to synchronize their time of work and rest. Otherwise, there is a high probability of depersonalization, that is, a pronounced, to a certain extent, objective loss of the opportunity to be ideally represented in the life activities of other people. Depersonalization can also occur if personalization tools are not effective enough.

Currently, research is being conducted on the specifics of the image of the world and the lifestyle of a specialist working on a rotational, seasonal and expeditionary basis, that is, in an “unusual” temporary mode. V.P. Serkin notes that these types of professional activities affect the lifestyle of the family and family relationships, which is most clearly manifested in the violation of family functions - primary social control, the formation of cultural and social skills, household - satisfying the need for love, psychotherapeutic, social responsibility, educational, sexual-erotic, protective. From the point of view of personalization of the subject of labor, a violation of the implementation of family functions means the loss of that significance, referentiality and attractiveness, that is, the representation of the subject in the life activities of significant others, which is probably associated with the psychological problems that arise in the subject and the people around him.

Thus, the subject, falling out of the time and space of relationships with significant others, not possessing a sufficient variety of means of personalization, turns out to be not only not presently represented and internalized in the life activity of others. This fact is expressed in the fact that families and significant others, learning to live without the subject, distance themselves from him psychologically, that is, they do not experience the presence of the subject in situations that are significant to them, his ability to contribute something personal and thereby make changes in their systems of relationships to the world. Consequently, even the fact of reflected subjectivity does not remain, which, as a rule, speaks of the personalization of the subject in the life of others.

Time synchronization is difficult psychological problem, not only for specialists who work spatially far from their family’s residence, but also for those who work seemingly in the same space, for example, in a city, but in different time schedules. Thus, time may be the key moment that has a significant impact on the personalization of the subject.


1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Category of activity in Soviet psychology // Psychol. magazine. - 1980. - No. 4. - P. 11-27.
2. Bakhtina N.N. Professional time of the subject as a basis for psychological classification professions // Vestn. North-East state un-ta. - Vol. 10. - Magadan: Publishing house. SVSU, 2008. - pp. 68-71.
3. Vygotsky L.S. Questions of child (age) psychology: collection. op. - M.: Pedagogy, 1984. - T. 4.
4. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. - M., 1960. - 396 p.
5. Garanina O.A. Organization of the life time of specialists working in a shift schedule // Scientific notes department psychol. North international University / ed. V.P. Serkina. - Magadan: Kordis, 2007. - Vol. 6. - pp. 27-39.
6. Petrovsky V.A. Personality in psychology: the paradigm of subjectivity. - Rostov n/d, 1996. - 512 p.
7. Psychology: dictionary / under general. ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 494 p.
8. Serkin V.P. Professional specificity of the image of the world and the way of life of specialists working in shifts, shifts, seasonal and expeditionary methods // Universities of Russia in dialogue with Time: materials of the All-Russian Federation. scientific-practical conf. with international participation (Magadan, November 23-24, 2010). - Magadan: SVGU Publishing House, 2011. - P.127-129.
9. David G. Myers Psychology. - N.Y., Copyright 1992. - 723 p.

Bulletin of Northeastern State University
Magadan 2013. Issue 19

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  • Kozhemyakins: father and son Kozhemyakins: father and son

    | Cadet creativity They looked death in the face | Cadet notes of Suvorov soldier N*** Hero of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sergeevich Kozhemyakin (1977-2000) That’s the guy he was. That’s how he remained in the hearts of the paratroopers. It was the end of April. I...

  • Professor Lopatnikov's observation

    The grave of Stalin's mother in Tbilisi and the Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn Interesting comments on the topic of the confrontation between Ashkenazim and Sephardim to the video by Alexei Menyailov, in which he talks about the common passion of world leaders for ethnology,...

  • Great quotes from great people

    35 353 0 Hello! In the article you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. Here are also affirmations that will help you heal from these...

  • Book monuments of the Pskov region

    The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a must-read for all connoisseurs of Pushkin’s work. This large work plays one of the key roles in the poet’s work. This work had an incredible influence on the entire Russian artistic...