Five new Russian Bibles. A Brief History of the Russian Bible Russian Bible


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“The burden of Jehovah's word to Israel through Malachi. I have loved you, says Jehovah. You say: “In what ways have You shown love for us?” Isn't Esau Jacob's brother? Jehovah says, but I loved Jacob; and he hated Esau. And I made his mountains desolate, and his portion region steppe jackals. True, Edom says: “even though we are ruined, we will build again what was destroyed,” but Jehovah of armies says this: they will build, but I will destroy; and they will be called a region of wickedness, a people against whom Jehovah from time immemorial he is angry forever. Your eyes will see this and you will say: “Great is Jehovah even beyond the borders of Israel.” A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If I am the Father, then where is the respect for Me? And if I am the Lord; then where is the reverence for Me? Jehovah of armies says to you, priests, that you dishonor my name. You say: “how do we dishonor Your name"? Laying My unclean bread on the altar, you say: “How can I defame You?” Because you regard Jehovah's table as something unimportant. For when you sacrifice something blind, think: “there is no bad thing in this”; and when you bring the lame and the sick, think: “There is no bad thing in this.” Bring this to the ruler; Will he be supportive and will he receive you kindly? says Jehovah of armies..." ( "Orthodox Review". M., 1862) more...


Ch. 13, art. 1-9“Let brotherly love remain among you. Do not forget about the love of strangers: it happened that, when receiving strangers, people, without expecting it, received Angels as guests. Remember the prisoners, as if you yourself were in bonds with them; Remember those who suffer, just as you yourself still walk in the body. Let everyone’s marriage be honest and the bed undefiled; But fornicators and adulterers God judges. Do not be money-loving in disposition, be content with what you have. The Lord Himself said: “I will not leave you nor forsake you” (Gen. 28. Deut. 31), so we say boldly: “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man does to me” (Psalm 117). Remember your teachers, who preached the word of God to you, and, looking at the end of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is yesterday and today, the same forever. Do not be carried away by alien and different teachings: it is good to strengthen hearts with grace, and not resolutions about dishes - those who followed them did not benefit from them...” ( St. Petersburg, 1905) more...


Ch. 3, art. 1-11“Know this, that in the last days there will come times of trouble. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unkind, treacherous, slanderers, intemperate, cruel, enemies of good, traitors, insolent, pompous, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness. , but his powers have been denied. Stay away from such people. It is from them that they creep into houses and deceive women who are drowning in sins, led by various lusts, who are always learning, but can never reach the knowledge of the truth. Just as John and Jambre resisted Moses, so these too resist the truth, men of depraved minds, ignorant of the faith. But they will not have much time: for their madness will be revealed before everyone, as happened to them. And you followed me in teaching, life, disposition, faith, generosity, love, patience, in persecutions, sufferings that happened to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and the Lord delivered me from them all..." ( St. Petersburg, 1823) more...


“The Holy Synod on March 12, 1859 instructed the St. Petersburg Theological Academy to complete the begun translation of the Gospel of Matthew and then translate the book of the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Apostle Paul - both to Thessalonians, both to Timothy, to Titus and Philemon. - Board of the Academy of Translation Acts of the Apostles was entrusted to professors Chistovich And Cheltsov and bachelor's degrees Osinina, Nilsky, Parvov, Shalfeeva, Koyalovich And Gloriantov; 1st Epistle to Thessalonians - Mishin, 2nd [to Thessalonians] - Archimandrite Epiphanius, 1st Epistle to Timothy - Luchitsky, 2nd [to Timothy] - Dolotsky; Epistles to Titus - Karpov And Epistles to Philemon - Predtechensky. In October 1859, on the occasion of Archimandrite Epiphanius’s departure from the academy, inspector Archimandrite Pavel Lebedev was appointed in his place, and to strengthen the committee, Professor Karpov was also appointed to its composition. In 1860, a translation of the Four Gospels was published in Russian “with the blessing of the Holy Synod,” and all the academy mentors who worked in the preparation of this translation were sent by the Holy Synod as a gift a copy of this publication...” ( St. Petersburg, 1889) more...


Ch. 1, art. 1-9:“In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah the son of Barachiah, the son of Adda, the prophet, as follows: The Lord was greatly angry with your fathers. Therefore say to them: This is what the Lord of hosts says: Turn to me, said the Lord of hosts; Then I will turn to you, says the Lord of hosts. Do not be like your fathers, to whom the former prophets called, saying: Thus says the Lord of hosts: finally leave behind your evil ways and from your evil deeds; but they did not listen and did not pay attention to Me, said the Lord. Your ancestors - where are they? And can prophets live forever? However, did not My words and My decrees, which I commanded My servants the prophets, comprehend your fathers? and they repented and said: as the Lord of hosts thought to do with us for our ways and for our deeds, so he did with us! On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month - this is the month of Shebath - in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, the son of Barahiah, the son of Add, the prophet, as follows: I saw at night, behold, a man sitting on a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees. who are in the tabernacle of heaven, and behind him are red, bay and white horses. And I said: Who are they, my Lord? The Angel who spoke to me said to me: I will show you who they are...” ( London, 1868) more...


Ch. 30, art. 11-19“This commandment, which I command you today, is not hidden from you or removed; she's not in heaven to need it was say: who would ascend to heaven for us, and take it for us, and let us hear it, and we would fulfill it? And she’s not overseas, so you need was say: who would go over the sea for us, and take it for us, and let us hear it, and we would do it? But this word is very close to you; it in your mouth and in your heart, so that you do it. Look! Today I offered you life and good, death and evil. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to do His commandments, and His statutes, and His laws: then you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land where you you are going to receive it as an inheritance. If he turns away your heart and you will not listen, and you will go astray, and you will worship other gods and serve them: then I declare to you today that you will perish, and you will not remain long in the land into which you are crossing the Jordan to go and take it as an inheritance. I call heaven and earth today as a witness against you; I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse: choose life, that you and your descendants may live...” ( M., 1863) more...


Ch. 1, art. 1-11“Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God whenever I remember you, always in every prayer I offer for all of you with joy, for your participation in the Gospel from the first day even until now; being confident that He who began a good work in you will complete [it] even until the day of Jesus Christ. This is how I should think about all of you, because I have you in my heart, in my bonds, in the defense and establishment of the gospel, all of you, as my partners in grace. God is my witness that I love all of you with the love of Jesus Christ. And I pray that your love may increase even more and more in knowledge and in every feeling, so that, knowing the best, you will be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruits of righteousness by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God...” ( St. Petersburg, 1823) more...


Ch. 1, art. 1-11“Jacob, the servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is of the tenth generation, even those who are in dispersion, rejoice. Have all joy, my brother, whenever you fall into various temptations, knowing that the temptation of your faith results in endurance; patience is a perfect thing to have, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If anyone lacks wisdom from you, let him ask God who gives all things without reproaching, and it will be given to him. Let him ask with faith, without hesitation, without hesitation to become like the turbulence of the sea, tossed and tossed by the winds. Let no man imagine that he will receive anything from God. The double-minded husband is unsettled in all his ways. Let the humble brother boast in his height, but the rich one in his humility, even as the flower of grass passes by: for the sun has risen with the heat, and the grass has withered , and her flower fell away, and her good-natured countenance perished; the rich man fades in his walk...” ( M., 1784) more...


Art. 1-12“Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy the brother, Philemon, our beloved and fellow worker, and Apphia, our beloved sister, and Archippus, our companion, and your home church. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God, always remembering you in my prayers, hearing about your love and faith that you show to the Lord Jesus and to all the saints. I pray that the fellowship of your faith may result in every good work, leading to the revelation of all that is good in you in Christ Jesus. And I have great joy and consolation in your love, knowing that the hearts of the saints, brother, were comforted by you. So, having great boldness in Christ to command you what you should do, out of love I wish to ask you better, none other than I, Paul the Elder, and now a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I pray to you for my son Onesimus, whom I gave birth to in my bonds. It was once of no use to you, but now it is very useful to both you and me, and I return it to you; You accept it as my heart..." ( St. Petersburg, 1905) more...


Ch. 12, art. 1-8"Sii essence decrees and laws which you shall endeavor to observe in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you as an inheritance all the days that you shall live in that land: you shall destroy all the places where the nations which you shall possess served their gods. , on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every green tree. Destroy their altars, crush their pillars, burn their groves with fire, smash the images of their gods, destroy their name from that place. This is not what you should do for the Lord your God. But in the place that the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to place His name there and to dwell in it, there seek Him and come there, and there offer your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the offerings of your hands, and your vows, and the offerings of your earnestness, and the firstborn of your herds, and your flocks, and eat there before the Lord. , your God, and rejoice, you and your families, in everything that has passed through your hands, with which the Lord your God has blessed you...” ( M., 1863) more...


Ch. 7, art. 1-12“A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. It is better to go to a house of mourning for someone who has died, than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will add This to your heart. Lamentation is better than laughter; because when the face is sad, the heart becomes better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, and the heart of fools is in the house of joy. It is better to listen to the reproofs of a wise man than to listen to the songs of fools; because the laughter of fools is the same as the crackling of thorn brush under a cauldron. And this is vanity! By oppressing others, the wise become foolish, and gifts spoil the heart. The end of the matter better start his; the patient is better than the arrogant. Do not be hasty in your spirit to anger, because anger dwells in the hearts of fools. Don’t say: “Why were the old days better than these days?” because you are not asking this out of wisdom. Good is wisdom with an inheritance, and especially for those who see the sun, because under its shadow the same as under the shadow of silver; but the superiority of knowledge in volume, What wisdom gives life to those who possess it..." ( St. Petersburg, 1900) more...


« Destroy the ships of Tarsh with a stormy spirit(Psalm 47:8). - There is no sufficient basis to assert that by Tarsis one should mean Spain, and in particular the city of Tartessus in Andalusia, from where gold and precious stones were exported in ancient times. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amathiah: Arise, go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach therein, for his wickedness has come before Me. And Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and came to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; paid the fare for the carriage, and entered it to sail with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord(John 1, 1-2). It is believed that the prophet Jonah, hiding from the face of the Lord, sailed to Spain! What did the Promised Land and Spain have in common at that distant time?! There were no religious, political, or even trade relations between these two opposing countries...” ( “Additions to the Church Gazette.” St. Petersburg, 1902) more...


“David had many strong, great men under his authority. The names and deeds of some of them are as follows: Jonathan, son of Semesse, brother of David; he killed a certain man from Ramessa, who was slandering Israel, and who had six fingers on his hands and feet. Adinon Azoneanin; he alone drew his sword against 800 warriors. Iessevada, son of Ahamani; and this one also drew his sword against 300, and struck them down. Eleazar son of Sosi; When the foreigners gathered, he alone attacked them and destroyed them, so that the sword froze in his hand, and the people collected booty after him. Samaiah, son of Asa, Saruhean; When foreigners came and wanted to plunder a plot of land sown with lentils, while the people fled, he was left alone, drove out the foreigners and saved the plot of land. Three strong out of thirty; They are famous for the fact that in order to quench David’s thirst, they broke through the camp of foreigners, drew water from the ditch and brought the water to David. David, surprised at their courage, took the water, but did not want to drink, but poured it out to the Lord, saying: It is merciful to me, O Lord, to do this, or the blood of men who went to drink in their souls the imam(2 Kings 23:17)..." ( ) more...


Ch. 4, art. 1-10“For this, brethren, we ask you and pray in Christ Jesus: you have received from us how you should lead your life and please God - so you have lived, continue to live, and in this continue to prosper. You know what commandments we gave you from the Lord Jesus. This is the will of God for your holiness, so that you keep yourself from fornication; so that everyone knows how to guard his own vessel ( his wife?) in holiness and honor, and not in passionate lust, like the pagans who do not know God. And let none of you be a criminal or a predator against his brother in such a matter: for the Lord is the avenger of all this, as we told you before and testified. God called us not to an unclean life, but to holiness. So who despises this word, does not despise man, but God, who gave us His Holy Spirit. There is no need to write to you about brotherly love: you yourself have been taught by God to love one another. This is what you observe with all your brothers throughout Macedonia. We pray you, brothers, to continue to succeed in this...” ( St. Petersburg, 1905) more...


Ch. 22, art. 1-8“After these events, God tempted Abraham and said to him: Abraham! [Abraham!] He answered: here I am. God He said: Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac; and go to the land of Moriah, and there offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will show you. Abraham got up early, saddled his donkey, took with him two of his servants and Isaac his son; He chopped wood for the burnt offering, and got up and went to the place that God had shown him. On the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar. Then Abraham said to his servants: Stay here with the donkey; and my son and I will go there and, having bowed, return to you. And Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son; and he himself took fire and a knife in his hands, and they both went together. And Isaac began to speak to Abraham his father, and said: Father! He answered: what about my son? He said: here is fire and wood; where is the lamb for the burnt offering? Abraham said: God will provide for Himself a lamb for a burnt offering, my son. And they walked further both together..." ( London, 1861) more...


Ch. 11, art. 16-21. 26-28“Beware lest your heart be deceived, and you turn away and serve other gods and worship them; otherwise the wrath of the Lord will kindle against you and He will shut up the heavens, there will be no rain and the earth will not bring forth its produce: and you will soon lose this good land which the Lord gives you. So put these words of Mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and let them be instead of a blindfold over your eyes. And teach them to your sons, speaking about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you stand. And write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your sons may be as many in the land that the Lord swore to give to your fathers as the days of heaven. worth it over the earth... Behold, I offer you today a blessing and a curse: a blessing if you listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and a curse if you do not listen to the commandments of the Lord your God and turn away from the way that I I command you today, and you will follow other gods whom you have not known...” ( M., 1863) more...


Ch. 4, art. 1-10“For this reason, brethren, we ask and plead with you by the Lord Jesus, that you, as you received from us, how you should act and please God, and how you act, so and they were more successful in that. For you know what commandments we gave you from the Lord Jesus. For the will of God is your sanctification, so that you abstain from fornication, so that each of you knows how to maintain his vessel in holiness and honesty, and not in the passion of lust, like the pagans who do not know God; so that you do not treat your brother in any way illegally or selfishly; for the Lord is the avenger of all these things, as we told you before and testified. Because God did not call us to uncleanness, But to holiness. And so the disobedient is disobedient not before man, but before God, Who gave us His Holy Spirit. There is no need to write to you about brotherly love: for you yourself have been taught by God to love one another. For this is what you are doing to all the brothers in all Macedonia; we beg you, brothers, to prosper more. in that...» ( St. Petersburg, 1823) more...


Ch. 2, art. 18-26:“Children! the last time has come. And as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and now many antichrists have already appeared, then we know from this that the time is the last. They came out of us, but they were not ours; if ours had been there, they would have stayed with us; but they left us, and it became so obvious that they were not all ours. But you have anointing from the Holy One and know everything. And I wrote to you not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and you know that every lie is not from the truth. Who is a liar if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, rejecting both the Father and the Son. He who denies the Son does not have the Father, but he who confesses the Son does not have the Father. So, whatever you heard from the beginning, let it remain in you; If that which you have heard from the beginning remains in you, you also will remain in both the Son and the Father. The promise that He promised you is eternal life. I wrote all this to you because there are people who deceive you..." ( St. Petersburg, 1905) more...


Ch. 3, art. 5-11:“I conjure you, maidens of Jerusalem, with chamois or deer of the field: do not awaken or arouse love until it comes. Who is it that rises from the desert, as if in columns of smoke, fumigated with myrrh and incense, with all sorts of powders from the seller of aromas? Here is Solomon's bed: sixty warriors around it, warriors of Israel. They all hold a sword and are experienced in combat; Each one has his sword at his hip for protection from the horrors of the night. King Solomon made himself a carrying bed from the trees of Lebanon; He made its pillars of silver, its elbows of gold, its seat of purple cloth; inside it is decorated with the love of the maidens of Jerusalem. Come, look, maidens of Zion, at King Solomon in the wreath with which his mother crowned him on the day of his marriage, a joyful day for the heart...” ( "Christian Reading". St. Petersburg, 1871) more...


“And before Hosea there were prophets: under David - Samuel, Nathan and Gad; under Rehoboam, Abijah and Asa - Ahijah the Silonite, Samey, Addo, Azariah and Amenaeus; under Jehoshaphat and Achaav - Elijah and Elisha, who prophesied to Achaav about Syria and denounced him. But there are no works of their own, except for their words placed in the books of Kings and Chronicles. Of the writers of whom we have the scriptures, the first were: Hosea and Isaiah. They prophesied under the same kings, that is, the Judahs - Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, and under Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel. The word came to Hosea, and he prophesied against the priests, against Israel, against the house of kings, and about the destruction of Samaria. And having denounced and imprisoned them in opposition, he predicted the conversion of the pagans, presenting the pagan church under the image of a harlot's wife, whom he took and, taking, made her chaste, raising her to the height on which he himself stood. He also prophesies about the coming of the Savior..." ( "Christian reading". St. Petersburg, 1841) more...


“The second psalm, from which the Apostle borrows the quotation in the Epistle to the Hebrews, confirming that the Messiah belongs to the κατ’ εθοχην title - son, was recognized as Messianic by both Christians and Jews of antiquity. In the book of Acts we find in chapter 4 the Messianic interpretation of Psalm 2 by the believers of the original Jerusalem community, with the origin of the psalm attributed to David (25-29), we find a similar understanding of Psalm 2 in the speech of the Apostle Paul, delivered in Saturday afternoon in the synagogue of Antioch Pissidia (Acts 13:33). We find the same trace of the Messianic interpretation of Psalm 2 in the primal church in the Apocalypse (2, 27 and 19, 15 after the addition of Psalm 2, 9), and in relation to the Jews during the earthly life of the Lord, the Messianic understanding of this psalm is revealed from the words of fanaila (John 1:49) and the high priest (Matthew 26:63), converted to Christ (υιος του θεου - obviously became a designation of the Messiah under the influence of the psalm saying - My son you)...» ( "Faith and Reason." Kharkov, 1907) more...


« In the third chapter St. The Apostle gives moral instructions to wives, husbands and all Christians. - The Apostle commands wives to obey their husbands. Here we especially mean Christian wives who were married to Jewish or pagan husbands who did not accept the faith of Christ. The position of such wives was, of course, very difficult. Naturally, they could have a temptation - to be under the special leadership of persons already enlightened by the Christian faith, that is, other people's husbands, to enter into special relations of obedience to other people's husbands, through which misunderstandings and disorder could arise in family life. The Apostle with special care warns such wives against such temptation and instructs them to obey own husbands, even if they were unbelievers, indicating the high purpose of this: “so that those of them who do not obey the word may be won without a word by the life of their wives.”. The Apostle inspires that the true adornment of a Christian woman lies not in external attire, but in inner beautyѣ...» ( Jordanville, 1987) more...


Psalm. 121:“I rejoiced when they said to me: Let’s go to the house of Jehovah! Behold, our feet stand at your gates, Jerusalem! Jerusalem is built like a city merged into one building. The tribes go there, the tribes of Jehovah, according to the law of Israel, to glorify the name of Jehovah. There stand the thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Ask for peace for Jerusalem; May those who love you prosper! May there be peace in your fence, prosperity in your palaces! For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I say: peace be with you! For the sake of the house of Jehovah our God, I wish you well" - Psalm. 125:“When Jehovah returned the captives sons Zion, we were as if we were dreaming. Then your mouth was full of joy, and our tongue was rejoicing. Then they said among the nations: Jehovah is doing a great work on them. Jehovah is doing a great work on them; we rejoiced. Return, Jehovah, our captives, like streams to a dry land. land Those who sow with tears will reap with rejoicing. He goes and weeps, carrying his seeds for sowing; he will go with rejoicing, carrying his sheaves" ( "Soulful reading." M., 1869) more...


“Of all the books of the Holy Scriptures, there is almost no one about which there would be as much talk as about the book of Job. Some argue that Job is a fictitious person, and his book is ranked among the works of sacred Poetry; others, admitting that Job is a historical person, disagree in their opinions regarding the country in which he lived and the time to which he should be attributed. Without going into a detailed examination of these opinions, let us touch upon the essential. - There is no reason to regard Job as a fictitious person. The Prophet Ezekiel speaks of him as a person who actually existed, because he places him next to Noah and Daniel (Ezek. 14:14). The Holy Apostle James expresses himself in a similar way about Job in his epistle (James 5:11). “Further, at the beginning of the book of Job, such details are set out that the writer of a fictional story could avoid himself...” ( "Christian Reading". St. Petersburg, 1833) more...


“Already in ancient times, almost from the middle of the 2nd century, the Gospel of John attracted attention for many of its features in comparison with the first three Gospels. Later researchers of the fourth Gospel, in addition to its historiographical distinctive features, tend to see in the speeches and conversations of Jesus Christ a new world, new concepts; here, in their opinion, different persons seem to appear, a different language dominates characteristic properties presentation. Without turning to evidence of the extent to which the originality of presentation and presentation in the fourth Gospel can be correctly conceived, we will first note only that its peculiarities should not lead us in the least into confusion, if we take into account that every from St. The evangelists depicted the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus in accordance with the known unequal historical conditions of the primacy of the Church and the special goals of his priest. scriptures..." ( "Christian Reading". St. Petersburg, 1907) more...


Ch. 1, art. 1-8:“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses: Moses my servant is dead: therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, the children of Israel. Every place on which your foot sets, I give it to you, as I said to Moses. From the desert and this Lebanon to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites; and to the great sea to the west the suns will be stretch your limits. No one will stand before you all the days of your life; As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not leave you and I will not leave you. Be strong and courageous: for you will divide for this people the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Just be strong and very courageous and carefully fulfill all the law that Moses My servant commanded you; Do not retreat from it either to the right or to the left, so that you can act prudently wherever you go. Let not this book of the law depart from your mouth; but study from it day and night, so that you do exactly everything that is written in it: for then you will be successful in your ways, and then you will act wisely...” ( "Orthodox Review". M., 1865) more...


“Look at the very composition of the Bible in the new translation and make sure that its publishers did not have the idea of ​​​​providing a dogmatically authoritative Bible in it. Such a Bible can only be the Bible after 70, or, if convictions and beliefs have changed in this regard, the Hebrew Bible; and a Russian translation with such a meaning would be either a translation of the Bible according to 70, or a translation of the Hebrew Bible. But is this the intended translation? - No. It represents neither the Hebrew Bible nor the Bible of the 70s, but is composed of a combination of both. The Hebrew text in many places was corrected in it, partly for 70, partly for other reasons, and supplemented from the 70 with those parts that are missing in it. Thus, this is not any genuine Bible, but, how to say, a paraphrased Bible, newly compiled, newly composed, the original of which, in the form in which it was published, is not in either Greek or Hebrew. But can a Bible of this kind have dogmatic authority? - Of course not. Why think that St. The Synod, when publishing it, had in mind to publish it in such a meaning?...” ( "Soulful reading." M., 1876) more...

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We recently talked about the situation with Russian translations of biblical books that developed towards the end of the Soviet period. And during the post-Soviet era, five complete translations of the Bible into Russian were published, but the number of individual books and New Testaments is unknown to anyone. Where and why did all this come from?

So, the beginning of the nineties, Soviet power has dissolved, spirituality is in fashion, there are not enough books... Foreigners come to Russia with suitcases of dollars (I'm not kidding), collected by Western Christians to help their Russian brothers. One of the most urgent tasks is to translate the Bible again so that everything can be understood by everyone.

And how to translate? American biblical scholar B. Metzger once said: “translation is the art of choosing wisely what to lose.” Either we lose clarity or refuse to follow the original literally - this is understandable. There are other forks, as in a fairy tale: if you go to the left, you will lose your horse, and to the right, you will lose your head. For example, how archaic and solemn (and therefore obscure and pompous) should the target language be? Or how unambiguous (and therefore arbitrary) should the translation of ambiguous or difficult-to-understand passages be?

But then they thought little about it. The simplest and quick way create a translation - find the first people you come across, give them dollars from a suitcase and ask them to do the work as soon as possible. The creators of the so-called took approximately this path. " Modern translation Bible”, published in 1993 by the “World Translation Center” on gray paper without much explanation: who, how and why this translation was made. Here are two verses from Psalm 87: “My friends have abandoned me, You have made me a terror to them all, I am imprisoned in the house, I cannot leave. Tears hurt your eyes. Lord, I call upon You, and my hands are raised to You.” Even the size and Shakespearean intonations are felt, but still not the same, not at all the same. There is a strong feeling that they were translated mainly from some English text

In another case, they openly did so, and for reasons of principle. It's about about the “New World Translation” carried out by Jehovah's Witnesses. This religious community once decided that existing Bible translations did not fit well with their beliefs, and they needed to prepare their own. It was done - first English version, and then it was localized in various other languages, and in 2001 a version was released in Russian. This translation is frankly biased, it is enough to give just one example: in Colossians 1:16 it is said about Christ “all things were created”, but in this translation we read “through him all other things were created” » (that is, Christ turns out to be created too). Whatever one may say, it turned out to be a natural heresy if we approach it from the point of view of traditional Christianity - but for Jehovah's Witnesses this is exactly what will be correct.

In a word, these two translations are not worth picking up - but there are others. The most famous, although somewhat scandalous, translations are “semantic” translations, designed to convey to the reader the main meaning of the text. First of all, this is the New Testament translation of “The Good News,” published by the Russian Bible Society since 2001 (the only translator was V.N. Kuznetsova, then her work was edited by an entire commission). This translation deliberately builds on the synodal tradition. This is how the beginning of the 3rd chapter of Matthew sounds: “In those days, John the Baptist appeared in the Judean desert. He proclaims: “Turn to God! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”… They confessed their sins, and he washed those who came in the Jordan River” (3:1-6). From Kuznetsova’s point of view, in modern Russian the words “preach, repent, be baptized, confess” (we find them in the Synodal Bible) mean only church rituals, so other words should be found to convey the inner meaning of these actions: “proclaim, turn to God, wash yourself, confess your sins.” To break the connection with tradition means to convey the meaning, so Kuznetsova decided.

In her translation, many harsh expressions and even rude words appeared (belly, prostitute, etc.). “When you get acquainted with such texts, at times you get the feeling that you are not Scripture you read, but you are present during an altercation in the kitchen of a communal apartment,” this is how Hieromonk (now Metropolitan) Hilarion Alfeev spoke about Kuznetsova’s translations in 1998. Even the name of the translation evokes criticism: indeed, in Russian it would be more natural to say, if not “good news,” then at least “good news.” And at the same time, one cannot help but admit that the translation sounds much clearer and brighter than the Synodal one, it is truly understandable.

Another type of semantic translation is missionary translation for Muslims. They are based on the idea that Muslim readers should not be immediately put off by a book that looks like a Christian book. In 2003, Istanbul Publishing House published a book with a green cover with golden oriental patterns called “The Holy Scriptures. Meaningful translation of Taurat, Book of Prophets, Zabur and Injil." As you can easily see, this is a Bible in Russian, in which all the names are Arabized (Jesus Christ, for example, is called Isa Masih), and notes of a missionary nature are given to the text. This translation is intended for the Protestant mission among the Muslims of Central Asia. This is how the Apostle Paul addresses the Galatians in this translation: “Foolish Galatians! Who has jinxed you, you to whom the meaning of the sacrificial death of Isa the Messiah was clearly presented? Answer me one question: did you receive the Spirit by observing the laws of Taurat or by believing in the Good News that you heard?”

But other translations could not fail to appear in Russia, which would correspond specifically to our tradition of literary translations, designed to convey not only the meaning of the original, but also its beauty and depth, as far as possible.

Only the people of our tribe are not only self-taught, they are usually also loners. When in 1997 a collection of four books of the New Testament (Mark, John, Romans, Revelation) was published in St. Petersburg, prepared by four different translators (they wished to remain incognito), it turned out that they were based on different basic texts: critical and traditional - and follow different translation principles. As a result, they did not have a team for a complete translation of the New Testament, nor four different New Testaments.

Another complete translation of the Bible that strives for literariness was published in 2009 by the International Bible Society. For the New Testament, they took one of the “semantic” translations of the nineties, “Word of Life”, edited it, got rid of radicalism, and added an independent translation Old Testament. A group of people worked on the translation, but their names are not indicated, and their work is practically unknown and is not distributed anywhere. How is all this in Russian...

Finally, the most famous translation of our days is the translation of the Russian Bible Society, which was published in 2011.

Its New Testament part is a slightly edited “Good News,” but the Old Testament part was prepared by a whole team under the leadership of M.G. Seleznev, and according to different principles - here the translators focused on conveying not only the meaning, but also artistry, and they generally succeeded in this. And then another very Russian history... The creators of the translation did not really want to see it under the same cover as the “Good News,” meaning the creation of a completely different New Testament. As a result of a powerful apparatus struggle in the RBO, most of the board was replaced and its chairman resigned from his post editor-in-chief Seleznev, but the book was published under one cover, as executive director A.A. insisted. Rudenko. It is this publication that is now widely sold and advertised.

But the seams between the two parts are still noticeable. For example, many readers of Kuznetsov’s translations were confused by the word “fool.” In the new edition, this word appears several times in the New Testament: “Don’t take me for a fool! And if you accept, then let me be a fool and boast a little!” (2 Corinthians 11:16). But in the Old it is not even once: “The fool does not know, the ignorant does not understand them” (Psalm 91:7); “A wise man fears and shuns evil, but a fool is violent and fears nothing” (Proverbs 14:16).

If we talk about Western examples, then one could expect another direction of work - revision of the traditional text, i.e. Sional translation, in order to correct its errors and modernize it. But this never happened. The only work of this kind is a translation carried out abroad under the editorship of Bishop Kassian Bezobrazov in 1953. It was published by the British Bible Society only in 1970, stylistically it is very close to the Synodal, but made from modern (at that time ) critical editions of the New Testament text.

It's not hard to guess what the seventh complete Bible will be - although it is not yet known exactly what it will be called. Another translation project started by M.P. Kulakov (we have already mentioned him more than once), is now being carried out on the territory of the Adventist Academy in the city of Zaoksky Tula region(with the participation of translators of other Christian denominations, including mine).

Has been translated into a language that residents can understand ancient Rus'. It was translated by two theologians and missionaries Cyril and Methodius. Some historians of Russia call them “the first teachers and educators of the Slavs.” Their native language was Slavic, they received Greek upbringing and education. Your translation of the Bible into Slavic language they did it using something they invented Slavic alphabet. This alphabet, called “Cyrillic” after one of its creators, marked the beginning of Russian writing.

Over the centuries, the Russian language has evolved and changed, but the ancient Slavic translation of the Bible by Cyril and Methodius remained in use for many centuries. The language of this Bible began to be called Church Slavonic.

With the advent of printing in Rus', first of all, the printing of the book of Holy Scripture in the Church Slavonic language began.

In 1564, the founder of the printing business in Russia, the “first printer” Ivan Fedorov, published the book “Apostle,” which included the Scriptures of the New Testament: the Acts of the Apostles and their Epistles. This book is on Old Slavic language was the first printed in Russia.

And in 1581, the complete Church Slavonic Bible was printed for the first time. However, there were sometimes errors and inaccuracies in the text. In subsequent editions, efforts were made to correct these errors.

By decree of Empress Elizabeth, a carefully corrected Church Slavonic book was published in 1751. Bible, the so-called “Elizabethan”, the text of which was verified with the ancient Greek translation– The Septuagint, the Elizabethan Bible, almost unchanged, is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church.

However, it is clear that only those who know well can read and understand the text of this Bible. Church Slavonic language. Over the centuries, this language has become more and more different from the developing Russian language and is becoming more and more incomprehensible to the people. Therefore, already starting from the 16th century, attempts were made to translate the Bible into the Russian language used in life.

In the first half of the 16th century, a native of Polotsk, doctor of medicine Francis Skorina, translated all the Scriptures of the Old Testament into the contemporary language of southwestern Russia. The translation he made from Jerome's Latin Bible was published in 1517-1525. in Prague and Vilna (now Vilnius).

In 1703, Tsar Peter I decided to publish New Testament in Russian. He entrusts its translation to the German pastor Gluck, known for his philological works. Working in Moscow, Pastor Gluck completes the translation. But in 1705, Pastor Gluck died, and after his death the translation he left behind disappeared. Some historians believe that this translation was stolen and destroyed by opponents of the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures in a language understandable to the people, who were afraid that this would cause a reformation in Russia.

In 1813, an important event took place in the spiritual life of Russia: the Russian Bible Society was founded, which set as its goal the printing and distribution of books of Holy Scripture among the peoples of the country. It was decided to sell them at a low price and distribute them free of charge to the poor. In 1815, after returning from abroad, Emperor Alexander I ordered “to provide Russians with a way to read the Word of God in their natural language.” Russian language" The question of the Russian translation of the Bible was raised again.

The Russian Bible Society took responsibility for publishing the books of Holy Scripture in Russian, and the translation was entrusted to members of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Finally, in 1818, the first edition of the four Gospels, in parallel in Russian and Slavic, came out of print, and in 1822 the Russian New Testament was printed in its entirety for the first time. Then they began to translate and print the books of the Old Testament. At the same time, translations of the Holy Scriptures were made into the languages ​​of other peoples of Russia.

But some representatives of the highest church authorities had a negative attitude towards the activities of the Bible Society. They believed that the Bible should be in the hands of the clergy and that the people should not be allowed to read and study it on their own. In 1824, Metropolitan Seraphim asked the Tsar to ban the Bible Society. In April 1826, by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, the activities of the Society were terminated. By this time, the printing house of the Russian Bible Society had managed to print about a million copies of the books of the Holy Scriptures in 26 languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.

After the Society's activities were banned, work on the Russian translation of the Bible was suspended. In 1825 the sale of the Russian New Testament was stopped.

However, supporters of the publication of the Russian Bible, despite the oppression, did everything possible to achieve their goal, believing that another day would come. favorable time, and the people will receive the Holy Scriptures on native language.

Only in 1858, thirty-two years after the prohibition of the activities of the Bible Society, did the hopes of the publication’s advocates Russian Bible came true: Emperor Alexander II allowed the translation and printing of the Holy Scriptures in Russian. The translation was to be carried out under the direction of the Synod ( senior management Orthodox Church).

A lot of work has been done to ensure that the Russian translation of the books of the Holy Scriptures corresponds as closely as possible to the texts of the ancient originals, and also has literary merits.

In 1862, forty years after the first edition of the Russian New Testament, its second edition, somewhat improved, was published in more modern Russian.

It was decided to re-carefully prepare a translation of all the books of the Old Testament. For this purpose, in 1860, a special committee was elected at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. The translation of the Old Testament was done by professors of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy: M. A. Golubev, E. I. Lovyatin, P. I. Savvaitov - a famous archaeologist and historian, D. A. Khvolson - a Christian of Jewish origin, Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Leipzig. Professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy M. S. Gulyaev also worked hard on the translation.

The translation of the Old Testament was done from the Hebrew original. The translators were also guided by the Greek text of the Septuagint, used the Latin translation of Jerome and the previously made Russian translation.

Finally, in 1876, the complete Russian Bible came out of print for the first time. Its text is sometimes called “synodal”, since it was published under the leadership of the Synod. This happened almost three centuries after the appearance of the original Church Slavonic Bible.

The language of the Russian Bible, accurate in its rendering of the sacred original, has undoubted literary merits. Thanks to its emotionality and rhythm, the Russian translation is close in form to prose poems.

The publication of the Russian Bible was important event in the history of Russian Christianity and Russian culture. Reading the Holy Scriptures in their native language, millions of people found genuine spiritual values ​​in it, gained faith and peace with God.

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