The most famous collection about Tyutchev's love. Tyutchev love thunderstorms in early May. Oh, how murderously we love

One of the most popular, famous and recognizable works of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is the poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May...”. This masterpiece, like most of the poet’s works, is distinguished by a special, unique style.

The author gave the title “Spring Thunderstorm” to his poem, but readers like to identify it precisely by the first line. This is not surprising. It is with rains, thunderstorms, and floods that the time of year comes that is associated with rebirth.

Tyutchev very subtly sensed all the changes in nature, its mood, and could describe it interestingly. The poet loved spring; he devoted many of his lyrical poetic creations to this topic. For the poet-philosopher, spring symbolizes youth and youth, beauty and charm, renewal and freshness. Therefore, his poem “Spring Storm” is a work that shows that hope and love can be reborn with a new, unknown force, with a force capable of more than just renewal.

A little about the poet

It is known that the poet-philosopher was born in November 1803 in Ovstug, where he spent his childhood. But the entire youth of the popular poet was spent in the capital. At first he received only home education, and then successfully passed the exams at the capital’s institute, where he studied well, and then graduated with a candidate’s degree in literary sciences. At the same time, in his youth, Fyodor Tyutchev began to become interested in literature and began making his first experiments in writing.

The diplomat was fascinated by his interest in poetry and literary life for the rest of his life. Despite the fact that Tyutchev lived far outside his homeland for 22 long years, he wrote poetry only in Russian. Fyodor Ivanovich for a long time held one of the official positions in the diplomatic mission, which at that time was in Munich. But this did not stop the lyricist from describing Russian nature in his poetic works. And when the reader delves into each of Tyutchev’s poems, he understands that this was written by a man who, with all his soul and heart, is always with his homeland, despite the kilometers.

Throughout his life, the poet wrote about four hundred poetic works. He was not only a diplomat and a poet. Fyodor Ivanovich translated works of poets and writers from Germany absolutely free of charge. Any of his works, whether his own or translated, struck me every time with its harmony and integrity. Each time, with his works, the author argued that man should always remember that he is also a part of nature.

The history of writing Tyutchev’s poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May...”

Tyutchev's poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May...” has several options. So, its first version was written by the poet in 1828, when he lived in Germany. Russian nature was constantly before the eyes of the most subtle lyricist, so he could not help but write about it.

And when spring began in Germany, according to the author himself, not much different from spring in his native places, he began to compare the climate and weather, and all this resulted in poetry. The lyricist recalled the sweetest details: the murmuring of a stream, which was attractive to a person who was far from his native land, heavy torrential rain, after which puddles formed on the roads, and, of course, a rainbow after the rain, which appeared with the first rays of the sun. Rainbow as a symbol of rebirth and victory.

When the lyric poet first wrote the spring poem “I Love a Thunderstorm in Early May...”, it was published in the small magazine “Galatea” already this year. But something confused the poet, and so he returned to him again after twenty-six years. He slightly changes the first stanza of the poem, and also adds the second stanza. Therefore, in our time, it is the second edition of Tyutchev’s poem that is popular.

I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May,
When spring, the first thunder,
as if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder,
The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,
The noise of birds is never silent in the forest,
And the din of the forest and the noise of the mountains -
Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.

You will say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus's eagle,
A thunderous goblet from the sky,
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

The plot of Tyutchev's poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May...”

The author chooses a thunderstorm, which often happens in the spring, as the main theme of his poem. For the lyricist, it is associated with a certain movement forward, the transformation of life, its changes, the birth of something new and long-awaited, new and unexpected thoughts and views. Now there is no room for stagnation and decline.

The poet-philosopher does not go only into the natural world, since this unusual and beautiful world always interconnected with a person, they cannot exist without each other. Tyutchev finds in these two worlds - human and nature - a lot general provisions. For the poet, spring is a flight of feelings, emotions, and the whole general mood of a person. These feelings are trembling and incredibly beautiful, because for the author spring is youth and strength, it is youth and necessary renewal. This is openly stated by the poet, who shows how sweetly the birds sing, how wonderfully thunder rumbles, how magnificently the rain makes noise. In the same way, a person grows up who, growing up, enters into adult life and openly and boldly declares itself.

That is why Tyutchev’s images are so bright and rich:

➥ Water.
➥ Sky.
➥ Sun.

The poet needs them in order to more fully show the idea of ​​the unity of man with the world around him. All natural phenomena are shown by Fyodor Ivanovich as if they were people. The lyricist attributes to them traits that are usually inherent only to people. This is how the talented and original lyricist demonstrates the unity of man, who is the divine principle, with the natural world. Thus, the author in his works compares thunder with a baby who plays briskly and makes noise. The cloud also has fun and laughs, especially when it spills water and makes it rain.

Tyutchev’s poem is also interesting in that it represents a kind of monologue of the main character, the composition of which consists of four stanzas. The story begins with what is easily and naturally described spring thunderstorm, and only then a detailed description of all the main events is given. At the end of his monologue, the author also turns to mythology Ancient Greece, which allows him to unite nature and man, showing that nature and human life have their own life cycle.

Artistic and expressive means of Tyutchev's poem

In his simple poem the poet uses iambic tetrameter and pyrrhichiums, which convey all the melody. The lyricist uses cross rhyme, which helps to give expressiveness to the entire work. Male and female rhyme alternate in Tyutchev's poem. To more fully reveal the created poetic image, the author uses a wide variety of artistic media speech.

The lyricist uses alliteration for the melodic and sonorous structure of his work, since he often sounds “r” and “r”. In addition, a huge number of sonorant consonants are used. It is also noteworthy that the poet resorts to gerunds and personal verbs, which help to show the movement and how it gradually develops. The author manages to achieve that the reader sees a rapid change of frames, where the thunderstorm is presented in its most varied manifestations. All this is achieved by the skillful use of metaphors, epithets, inversion and personification.

All this gives expressiveness and brightness to Tyutchev’s entire work.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May...”

It is best to consider Tyutchev's poem from a philosophical point of view. The author tried to accurately depict one of life’s moments, of which there are countless in the life of nature and man. The lyricist made him not discouraged, but very cheerful and full of energy.

The poet shows only one spring day in May, when there is a downpour and a thunderstorm rumbles. But this is only a superficial perception of Tyutchev’s work. After all, in it the lyricist showed the entire emotional palette and sensuality of what is happening in nature. Thunderstorm is not easy natural phenomenon, but also the state of a person who strives for freedom, tries to hurry to live, strives forward, where new and unexplored horizons. If it rains, it cleanses the earth, awakens it from hibernation and renews it. Not everything in life goes away forever; much comes back, such as the May thunderstorm, the sound of rain and streams of water that will always appear in the spring.

Some young people will now be replaced by others who are just as brave and open. They do not yet know the bitterness of suffering and disappointment and dream of conquering the whole world. This inner freedom is very similar to a thunderstorm.

The sensual world of Tyutchev's poem

This work contains a huge sensory and emotional world. The author's thunder is like a young man who, with his shoulders squared, is rushing towards freedom. Just recently he was dependent on his parents, but now new life and new feelings take him into a completely different world. A stream of water quickly runs down the mountain, and the poet-philosopher compares it with young people who already understand what awaits them in life, their goal is high, and they strive for it. Now they will always stubbornly go to her.

But someday, youth will pass, and the time will come to remember, think, and rethink. The author is already at the age when he regrets some of the actions of his youth, but for him this time, free and bright, rich in its emotional terms, always remains the best. Tyutchev's poem is a small work that has deep meaning and emotional richness.

Last love

Oh, how in our declining years

Shine, shine, farewell light

Half the sky was covered in shadow,

Let the blood in your veins run low,

O you, last love!
You are both bliss and hopelessness.

What did you pray with love

What did you pray with love,
That she took care of it like a shrine,
Fate for human idleness
She betrayed me to reproach.
The crowd came in, the crowd broke in
In the sanctuary of your soul,
And you involuntarily felt ashamed
And the secrets and sacrifices available to her.
Oh, if only there were living wings
Souls hovering above the crowd
She was saved from violence
Immortal human vulgarity!


Love, love - says the legend -
Union of the soul with the dear soul -
Their union, combination,
And their fatal merger.
And... the fatal duel...
And which one is more tender?
In the unequal struggle of two hearts,
The more inevitable and more certain,
Loving, suffering, sadly melting,
It will finally wear out...

Last love

Oh, how in our declining years
We love more tenderly and more superstitiously...
Shine, shine, farewell light
Last love, dawn of evening!
Half the sky was covered in shadow,
Only there, in the west, does the radiance wander, -
Slow down, slow down, evening day,
Last, last, charm.
Let the blood in your veins run low,
But there is no shortage of tenderness in the heart...
O you, last love!
You are both bliss and hopelessness

More than once have you heard a confession

More than once you have heard the confession:
"I'm not worth your love."
Let her be my creation -
But how poor I am in front of her...
Before your love
It hurts me to remember myself -
I stand, silent, in awe
And I bow to you...
When, sometimes, so tenderly,
With such faith and prayer
You involuntarily bend your knee
Before the dear cradle,
Where she sleeps - your birth -
Your nameless cherub, -
You too understand my humility
Before your loving heart.

I met you - and everything is gone

I met you - and everything is gone
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...
Like late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are times,
When suddenly it starts to feel like spring
And something will stir within us, -
So, all covered in perfume
Those years of spiritual fullness,
With a long-forgotten rapture
I look at the cute features...
Like after a century of separation,
I look at you as if in a dream, -
And now the sounds became louder,
Not silent in me...
There is more than one memory here,
Here life spoke again, -
And we have the same charm,
And that love is in my soul!..

Don’t say: he loves me as before...

Don’t say: he loves me as before,
As before, he values ​​me...
Oh no! He is inhumanly ruining my life,
At least I see the knife in his hand is shaking.
Now in anger, now in tears, sad, indignant,
Carried away, wounded in my soul,
I suffer, I don’t live... by them, by them alone I live -
But this life!.. Oh, how bitter it is!
He measures the air for me so carefully and sparingly...
They don’t measure this against a fierce enemy...
Oh, I’m still breathing painfully and difficultly,
I can breathe, but I can’t live.

Oh, don’t bother me with a fair reproach!
Believe me, of the two of us, yours is the enviable part:
You love sincerely and passionately, and I -
I look at you with jealous annoyance.
And, pathetic sorcerer, before the magical world,
Created by me myself, without faith I stand -
And myself, blushing, I recognize
Your living soul is a lifeless idol.

I knew the eyes - oh, those eyes...

I knew the eyes - oh, those eyes!
How I loved them, God knows!
From their magical, passionate night
I couldn't tear my soul away.
In this incomprehensible gaze,
Life stripped to the bottom,
It sounded like grief,
Such depth of passion!
He breathed sadly, deeply
In the shadow of her thick eyelash,
Like pleasure, tired
And, like suffering, fatal.
And in these wonderful moments
I have never had a chance
Meet him without worry
And admire it without tears.

I remember the golden time...

I remember the golden time
I remember the dear land to my heart.
The day was getting dark; there were two of us;
Below, in the shadows, the Danube roared.
And on the hill, where, turning white,
The ruins of the castle look into the distance,
There you stood, young fairy,
Leaning on mossy granite.
Touching baby's foot
A century-old pile of rubble;
And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye
With the hill and the castle and you.
And the quiet wind passes by
Played with your clothes
And from the wild apple trees, color after color
There was light on the young shoulders.
You looked carefree into the distance...
The edge of the sky was smoky in the rays;
The day was dying out; sounded sang
A river with darkened banks.
And you with carefree joy
Happy day spent;
And sweet is fleeting life
A shadow flew over us.

I am still tormented by the longing of desires...

I still languish with the longing of desires,
I still strive for you with my soul -
And in the twilight of memories
I still catch your image...
Your sweet image, unforgettable,
He is in front of me everywhere, always,
Unattainable, unchangeable,
Like a star in the sky at night...

No matter how much separation oppresses us

No matter how much separation oppresses us,
We do not submit to her -
There is another torment for the heart,
More unbearable and more painful.
The time of separation has passed,
And from her in our hands
There's only one blanket left
Translucent for the eyes.
And we know: under this haze
Everything that hurts the soul
Some strange invisible thing
It hides from us and is silent.
Where is the purpose of such temptations?
The soul is involuntarily confused,
And in a rut of bewilderment
She turns around reluctantly.
The time of separation has passed,
And we don't dare, in good time
Touch and pull off the blanket,
So hateful to us!

Russian woman

Far from the sun and nature,
Far from light and art,
Far from life and love
Your younger years will flash by
Living feelings die
Your dreams will be shattered...
And your life will pass unseen,
In a deserted, nameless land,
On an unnoticed land, -
How a cloud of smoke disappears
In a dim and foggy sky,
In the autumn endless darkness...

Love lyrics Tyutcheva



2.Muses of the poet


Tyutchev's love lyrics significantly enriched Russian literature. In life I was a fan of “pure” art an ordinary person, which is characterized by mistakes and hobbies. Tyutchev had serious affairs with several women.

The poet was married twice, but his family and children could not force him to give up his secret “civil” life. Someone may consider the two main misfortunes of Tyutchev a divine punishment. His first wife died a tragic death.

The poet's most serious romance with L. Denisyeva also ended with the death of his beloved at an early age. These losses introduced motifs of sadness and longing into the poet’s love lyrics.

The poet experienced his first strong love for Amalia von Lerchenfeld during his stay in Munich. Tyutchev proposed, but received a decisive refusal from the girl’s parents. During Tyutchev's short departure from Munich, the family married Amalia. At the beginning of his courtship, the poet dedicated the poem “Your sweet gaze, full of innocent passion...” to Amalia, which is a declaration of love.

Much later, he recalled this in his work “I Remember the Golden Time...”. The poem “K.” is also dedicated to Amalia. B.”, which became a widely popular romance “I Met You...”. Tyutchev's first wife was a young widow with three children, Eleanor Peterson. Eleanor was a fragile woman with a sensitive soul. She was very upset by the news of her husband’s betrayal with Ernestina Dernberg. Nervous fatigue had a significant impact on her health. An elementary cold dealt the final blow to the poor woman. Eleanor left the poet two more daughters and a son.

There are two known works of the poet, posthumously dedicated to Eleanor: “I am still languishing with the anguish of desires...” and “In the hours when it happens...”. Soon after the death of his wife, Tyutchev married his longtime lover, Ernestina Dernberg. The happy marriage lasted for a long time, until Tyutchev experienced a new hobby. Ernestina knew very well about her husband’s betrayal, but forgave him for the sake of the children. Love for Ernestine became a rich source of inspiration for the poet. Such beautiful poems as “I love your eyes, my friend...”, “She was sitting on the floor...”, etc. are dedicated to her.

The most popular poems by Tyutchev were works dedicated to the poet’s latest hobby - E. A. Denisyeva. She was significantly younger than Tyutchev, but she loved him with incredible self-sacrifice. They despised her and openly laughed at her mistress's position. Such a life became the cause of rapidly progressing consumption. Denisyeva died at the age of 40. The result of the novel was the “Denisevsky cycle” of poems, including “Oh, how murderously we love,” “More than once have you heard a confession...”, “There is not a day when the soul does not ache...” and others. Shortly before his death, Tyutchev summed up his love relationship by writing the poem “Everything was taken from me by the executing God...”. He dedicated it to his most faithful friend in life, Ernestine Dernberg.

Home distinctive feature Tyutchev's works about love had a special sincerity. The poet was an “incorrigible” romantic. His poems are very chaste, they do not mention the rough everyday trifles. Tyutchev worships the magical feeling of love. He compares his relationships with women to worshiping a deity. Dedications to a loved one are very pure and full of solemn phrases. Tragic motives appear in the Denisevsky cycle.

“Illegal” love left its mark on Tyutchev’s work. He described what he himself experienced. A great feeling was combined with hopelessness, romance - with misunderstanding and rejection by society, tender relationships - with the impossibility of being together. Tyutchev's love lyrics became an example of Russian poetic classics. It reflected the most intimate movements human soul both in happiness and in suffering.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev - philosopher and lyricist - one of famous poets Russian literature of the 19th century. Many of his poems are the result of personal experiences, written from a pure, deep heart, full of romanticism and reflections on the lives and destinies of people. In his works, Tyutchev exalts love, speaks of its mystery and mystery, magic and transience.

Love, like the bliss of soul and body, is bright, shining, filling with strength and desire to live. Love as a basis, as a gift, as a prism of human existence. His lyrical creations shock with psychological depth, revealing experiences and suffering, fatal passion and the drama of human relationships.

Tyutchev's poems about love are imbued with melancholy and tenderness, conveying on paper the image of a person's split soul, his inner experiences and the extraordinary value of a short moment of happiness. In love poems one feels sincerity and life experience, which make the classic’s work real and tangible. Everyone finds a piece of themselves in him and forever becomes a fan of the famous poet.

It is heartfelt and multifaceted, like love itself in the poet’s life - a riot of feelings, contradictory and inspiring, resulted either in tragedy or drama. Five love stories, five women of the great poet left a mark on his life, in his heart and in his poems.

1. Katyusha Kruglikova

First love famous poet became... a courtyard girl at the estate, Katyusha Kruglikova. It would seem an insignificant, simple and naive story, but... The relationship between the lovers went so far that Tyutchev’s influential parents had to intervene, who, of course, were against such a hobby for their son. Using their connections, they obtained permission for Fyodor to graduate from university early and sent him away from home - to St. Petersburg, and then to Munich, where Tyutchev would spend twenty-two years. Katyusha, after some time, was given her freedom, and then provided with a dowry and married off... She was Tyutchev’s only beloved to whom he did not devote his poems - perhaps because of the brevity and youth of their romance.

In Munich, Tyutchev’s heart was captured by the young and noble Amalia von Lerchenfeld, the illegitimate daughter of the Prussian King Frederick William III and Princess Thurn and Taxis. The beautiful Amalia reciprocated the passionately in love poet and agreed to his proposal, but her relatives were against it. Tyutchev was refused, and when he left Munich for a while, Amalia married his colleague, Baron Kruender. They say this caused a duel between them. Later, I remember walking with Amalia along the banks of the Danube, Tyutchev will write the poem “I Remember the Golden Time.”

I remember the golden time, I remember the dear land to my heart. The day was getting dark; there were two of us; Below, in the shadows, the Danube roared.

And on the hill, where the white ruin of the castle looks into the distance, you stood, young fairy, leaning on the mossy granite.

With an infant's foot touching the fragments of an age-old pile; And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye to the hill, and the castle, and you.

And the quiet wind, passing by, played with Your clothes, And from the wild apple trees, flower after flower, blew onto the shoulders of the young ones.

You looked carefree into the distance... The edge of the sky was smoky in the rays; The day was dying out; The River sang more sonorously in its darkened banks.

And you spent the happy day with carefree joy; And sweet is the fleeting life A shadow flew over us.

The work is dedicated to Amalia, who throughout her life maintained friendly relations with the poet who was once in love with her.

Nee Countess Botmer, by her first husband - Peterson, becomes Tyutchev's first wife. The poet meets her in Munich, having arrived there as a freelance attaché of the Russian diplomatic mission. Their marriage was happy: Eleanor fell in love with Tyutchev instantly and loved selflessly, surrounding him with touching care. Tender and fragile, like a beautiful vision, she turned out to be a reliable support for her husband. Having taken over the entire economic part of the marital life, Eleanor, with a very modest income, was able to equip a cozy and hospitable home and ensure cloudless happiness for her family. And when, having moved to Turin, the Tyutchevs found themselves in a difficult financial situation, Eleanor herself went to the auction and took care of home improvement, protecting her mopey husband from these worries. However, Eleanor’s poor health was undermined by overwork and nervous shock: it was caused by the shipwreck of the steamship Nicholas I, on which Eleanor sailed to her husband with her children. The woman refused long-term treatment and never recovered from the disease: soon a cold hit Eleanor, and she died at the age of 37. Tyutchev’s grief was so great that, sitting at his wife’s coffin, he turned gray in a few hours. In 1858, on the anniversary of Eleanor’s death, the poet wrote poems dedicated to her memory:

At the hours when it happens

It's so heavy on my chest

And the heart languishes,

And darkness is only ahead;

Without strength and without movement,

We're so depressed

What even consolation

Friends are not funny to us,

Suddenly a ray of sunshine welcomes you!

He will sneak in to us

And the fire-colored one will splash

Stream, along the walls;

And from the supportive firmament,

From the azure heights

Suddenly the air is fragrant

There's a smell coming through the window...

Lessons and tips

They don't bring us

And from fate slander

They won't save us.

But we feel their strength,

We hear them grace,

And we yearn less

And it's easier for us to breathe...

So sweet and gracious

Airy and light

to my soul a hundredfold

Your love was there.

Tyutchev became interested in Baroness Dernberg while still married to Eleanor: he shared a spiritual closeness with Ernestina, and the poet could not resist. He wrote about her:

I love your eyes, my friend,

With their fiery-wonderful play,

When you suddenly lift them up

And, like lightning from heaven,

Take a quick look around the whole circle...

But there is a stronger charm:

Eyes downcast

In moments of passionate kissing,

And through lowered eyelashes

A gloomy, dim fire of desire.

His frequent meetings with the Baroness led Tyutchev’s legal wife to attempt suicide (albeit unsuccessful), after which Fyodor Ivanovich promised to end his relationship with Ernestina - but was unable to do so. Ernestina followed Tyutchev to Turin, and two years after Eleanor’s death, the poet proposed to the baroness. Ernestina was rich, beautiful, smart - and generous. She will forgive her husband for betrayal, and one day, after a long break, the family will be reunited again.

5. Elena Deniseva

Another dramatic love story of Tyutchev is the young lover Elena Denisyeva, a student of the institute where Tyutchev’s daughters studied. To meet her, the poet took off separate apartment and, when the secret connection became obvious, he practically created a second family. For 14 years, Tyutchev, as had happened once before, was torn between two beloved women - his legal and “common-law” wife - he tried unsuccessfully to make peace with the first and could not part with the second. But Elena suffered much more from this destructive passion: her father and friends abandoned her, she could forget about her career as a maid of honor - all doors were now closed to her. Denisyeva was ready to make such sacrifices, she was ready to remain an illegitimate wife and felt absolutely happy, registering her children with the surname Tyutchev - not understanding that this emphasized their “illegal” origin. She idolized him, believing “that his wife was more important to him than his ex-wives” and, indeed, she lived his entire life. Anyone who could object to the fact that she was the “real Tyutcheva” could become a victim of Denisyeva’s nervous attack, which already signaled her ill health. Constant worries, caring for children, and the birth of her third child completely exhausted her - consumption worsened, and Denisyeva died in the arms of her lover, not even reaching the age of forty... Many of Tyutchev’s most piercing poems, united in “ Denisievsky cycle". One of the most famous among them is “Last Love”.

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