Scenario of the ceremonial school-wide assembly Day of Knowledge ideas. Scenario of the festive lineup dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The national anthem of the Russian Federation is played

Leading. Good afternoon, students and parents!

Presenter. Good afternoon, teachers, administration and guests!

Leading. We have been waiting for this day for three long months. We have already had time to relax, gain strength and, of course, get bored!

Presenter. Well, you came to school for a reason. And today is a holiday.

Presenters. Holiday of the first of September.

Presenter. It seems like an ordinary autumn day. What makes him different from others?

Leading. Firstly, it is the first day of autumn.

Presenter. Secondly, there are no classes yet, so we can think that the holidays are continuing.

Leading. Thirdly, a new beginning academic year. We've gotten older.

Presenter. Finally, a holiday is always a holiday. And we love them very much!

Leading. Let's see what you remember about school everyday life and why you go to school after all.

Presenter. Learning is light, but ignorance...

All. Darkness.

Leading. We go on a hike for knowledge. This dark forest...

All. Academic year.

Presenter. They greet you based on their clothes and see you off...

All. According to the mind.

Leading. We can do as much as we know. Knowledge is great...

All. Strength.

Presenter. Do you remember your very first September? There are guys in our hall for whom today’s holiday is the very first of September. It is about them that they say: “For the first time in first grade.”

Performance by first-graders on the line on September 1

First student.

The school opened its doors.

I don't believe my luck.

I learn a lot at school

I understand now.

Second student.

Even though we are still children,

Everyone has been at school since morning.

We waste our time;

We want to go to class soon.

Third student.

We can draw and sing,

And we will help each other.

Everyone is glad to have such students,

The school opened its doors to us.

Fourth student.

We will study hard

Write cleanly, strive for A's.

And we don’t know which ones yet.

Fifth student.

We will respect our elders

We will not forget teachers

When we finish school,

Even though we are still first graders.

Sixth student.

We will overcome all obstacles

Because we know the word “must”.

We will study day and night,

Driving boredom away.

Seventh student.

They don't like parasites here,

Laziness will be killed in the bud here.

We're ready for the first time

Enter primary school.

Eighth student.

We will be faithful to our studies,

Let's not forget our oath.

We laugh at difficulties.

We are in this together...

All. We swear!

Leading. A fascinating world of knowledge awaits these children within the walls of our school. All the world around us we learn with the help of the knowledge that we received in the lessons. But how often we keep silent about those people who led us along the path of knowledge.

Presenter. We say thank you very much, dear teachers! Without you, we would definitely have gotten lost in this dark forest, but you, like a light, led us and continue to lead us today. We have prepared a festive number for you.

A dance group is performing.

Dunno appears.

Dunno. Oh, so many people! Where did I end up?

Presenter. To school, on the First of September holiday.

Dunno. To school? What are you doing here?

Leading. We are learning, of course. We also make friends, organize holidays, like today.

Dunno. What kind of holiday is this? Well, think about it, the first of September, what’s special? There is a second September and a third. Or there is the first of October, the first of November. Why did you suddenly decide to have fun today?

Leading. Dear Dunno, now we will tell you everything. Previously, before Peter the Great, the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and since all schools were initially located at churches, the new school year also began on this day. Later, by royal decree, the New Year was moved to the first of January, and the tradition of starting school on the first day of autumn has been preserved to this day.

Dunno. Ah, now it’s clear! But I still don’t understand why you are happy. After all, studying is such a tedious task.

Leading. But no.

Dunno. Why not? I know you will tell all sorts of miracles now. I saw how Malvina taught Pinocchio, and then hid him in the closet. Do you do the same here?

Presenter. If you stick your nose into the inkwell and give up your primer for a movie ticket, then we will put you in the closet.

Dunno(backs away). I won't go to study. I won't go for anything!

Presenter. We're joking, Dunno. We have very kind teachers who give their whole soul to children. They are masters of their craft.

Dunno. But it is still difficult to study.

Leading. You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

Presenter. Patience and work will grind everything down.

Leading. All speech requires the mind.

Presenter. Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Dunno. Enough is enough! I realized that I need to make an effort. But what exactly should you do?

Shapoklyak appears.

Shapoklyak. There is nothing you need to do. And we don't need to study. It's all terribly boring.

Presenter. Who are you? Where did it come from?

Shapoklyak. In the morning I was called Shapoklyak.

Dunno. Her arguments are more convincing.

Leading. Don't listen to her, be vigilant.


Let's get out of here, it's so crowded here.

Let's leave. It's not interesting here.

I'll show you what you can do without school,

There is nothing to strive for here.


How is this not useful?

Look what our guys can do

What awards did they receive?


Behind them are competitions and Olympics.

They are the best everywhere, they are welcome everywhere.


Let's go, Dunno. They will be deceived.

Let's go have fun until dawn.

Six days to study and one to rest.

It will take you a year to get used to this.

As soon as you get used to it, it will be summer again,

And you will forget about it again.

Is it worth torturing yourself for a whole year?

I don't think this will work.


You're right, Shapoklyak.

Only a fool would suffer like this.

Why such tests?

What other punishments are there?


Every day the bell rings

From class to class.

Change is five minutes.

What will you have time to do here?

Sitting at a desk for a very long time,

They'll give you a D in your diary,

They'll lock you in a dark closet,

They won't give you food

Hanging from a tree on one leg,

In general, everything is like a bad dream.


She scares you with stupid things

This doesn't happen at school.

Watch our performances

What if enlightenment comes?


Prove that you're right

What kind of work there is a reward.

Dance group performance.

Shapoklyak. They dance beautifully. I can do that too.

Jumps, stumbles, falls.

Help, I can't get up.


You are funny and I like you

You can just relax with me.

Shapoklyak. What about me? I'm your friend.

Dunno. I don't need friends like that.


And okay, as you wish.

You will suffer a lot here.

Shapoklyak leaves.

Dunno. I'm ready to start classes. What exactly should I do?

The teacher comes out.


To study diligently,

You shouldn't be lazy.

Learn all letters and numbers

And forget about games.

You see, the children are standing in a row,

Count them all in a row.



It's bad, but it doesn't matter

That's what teachers are for.

Number one looks like a stick

We will repeat it again.

Start studying quickly

You will find intelligence and friends,

You will receive beautiful books,

You will learn a lot from them.

Treat them carefully

Give it back to the library.


You persuaded me

I'll go study with them.

And even sing and draw.

teacher. Are you ready to get up early to the bird's song?

Dunno. Ready. I want to study, no matter what.

teacher. Ready to take your studies seriously?

Dunno. Ready. I'll memorize the alphabet to the blisters on my palate!

teacher. Are you ready to write neatly in your notebook?

Dunno. Ready. I will write in such a way that it will be clear!

teacher. We'll start tomorrow

Try not to be late.

The teacher leaves.

Dunno. What does your school have?

Presenter. An assembly hall, a library, a sports ground, a dining room, large biology classrooms with exhibits, chemistry classrooms with reactors, and physics classrooms with various mechanisms.

Leading. In literature lessons you will get acquainted with the works of great writers, and in Russian language lessons you will be able to speak the language competently both in speech and in writing.

Presenter. In mathematics lessons you will immerse yourself in the secrets of algebra and geometry. Our teachers will help you sort through the huge sea of ​​numbers.

Leading. In chemistry lessons you will perform various experiments with chemicals, and in physics lessons - study mechanisms and various laws: attraction, rejection, gravity. Believe me, it's very interesting.

Presenter. Of course, you can’t do without physical education either. Or maybe you want to go to some section. Everyone will only rejoice at your success. In general, a lot of interesting things.

Leading. And then also life safety, economics, psychology, history, biology, ecology, drawing, computer science. You will learn about things that you had no idea about before.

Dunno. So you say that school is important, that learning is necessary, you praise your teachers, their subjects, even their classrooms. Show me a person who graduated from your school. What has he achieved?

Presenter. And we can provide this to you. For you, Dunno, anything.

Speech by a school graduate.

Dunno. Apparently, you really teach something that will be useful in life, since such people studied at your school.

Leading. It's not just about people. Once upon a time they were just like you, and they went to class for the first time. They were afraid and worried. There is nothing complicated about this. Every year the school will become more and more dear to you. That’s why our graduates are so worried when they graduate. They leave their second home, they begin to new life.

Presenter. In the meantime, a new life begins for you. Knowledge attracts everything around. The world is very interesting, and at school you learn a lot of new things about it.

Dunno. This is very interesting. I really liked your place. I will definitely come to my first lesson tomorrow.

Shapoklyak appears.


I changed my mind. I also want to study

I have something to strive for.

I want to go to class, even if school is harsh,

I'll behave. Honestly.


Of course, no jokes now.

We won't tolerate quitters, believe me.

Leading. How wonderful it is when students themselves strive for knowledge. Education is built on curiosity. And our school is maintained thanks to a friendly team of teachers and the most important person - our director. The floor is given to the director...

Director's speech.


We are starting a new school year

May he bring joy

New discoveries, many adventures

And, of course, new friends!


The teachers are already waiting for us,

Waiting for class time

Happy holiday to you!


Now freeze, student.

A solemn moment arrives.

Today for class

Calling you...

Presenters. First call!

The bell rings.


At this minute and at this hour

The school doors let you in!

Time: September 1 at 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Rural Palace of Culture

Participants: 1st – 9th grades

Invited: Veterans pedagogical work;
Representatives of the region.
Fanfare sounds.

1 ved: Good afternoon, students!
2 ved: Good afternoon, parents!
1 ved: Good afternoon, teachers!
It was not in vain that you came to visit,
After all, today is a holiday at school,
Holiday September 1st!
2 leads: Our school opened its doors.
Come in, we welcome students.
Golden autumn greets you again
And the path to knowledge will open for you.
1 ved:
On the first day of autumn,
Clear, golden,
School, we are so happy
Meet you!
2 ved. Welcome to 9th grade students. and cl. manager Demeneva Maria Petrovna
1 ved We welcome students of grades 8-7. and cl. head Filimonova Valentina Petrovna
2 ved Welcome to 6th grade students. and cl. head Istomina Galina Ivanovna
1 ved We welcome 5th grade students. and cl. manager Demeneva Maria Petrovna
2 ved Welcome students primary school and their class. leaders Melekhin Natalya Pavlovna and Marina Olga Aleksandrovna

1 ved:
It all starts with school bell,
And everyone needs this holiday.
The beginning of knowledge is the holiday of September,
When we rush to school for the first time.
For a first grader there is no day more important
When he enters the classroom smiling,
And he looks bolder today
And he is becoming an adult now.
For the first time mom is on the sidelines today,
Looks with love at his own baby,
And he, like a real schoolboy,
Today he enters our hall slowly.

2 leads: We are very happy to see all guests!
The holiday has knocked on our door!
First graders, come in!
We are looking forward to seeing you!

1 ved: Meet the first-graders of 2015. And the first teacher Marina Olga Alexandrovna

The song “They teach at school” plays
first graders enter.
1 ved: Kids, you are like our hope,
We will teach you diligently,
We will, of course, educate you.
And like your own children, love them all!
2 ved: Kids, September opens up for you
There is an invisible door to the magical world,
Where anyone learns a lot
Outside the school now.
1 ved: We heartily congratulate the kids,
The first bell will ring soon...
We wish you success in your studies - without mistakes, losses and insults!

1 student: Yellow leaves are flying, the day is cheerful,
The mothers accompany all the children to school.
The gardens have already bloomed, the birds are flying away.
You are going to first grade for the first time to study!

2nd student: Sad dolls sit on an empty terrace,
After all, the kids have no time for them in the bright new class.
You went to school today, please don’t be lazy,
We wish you guys good studies.
1 student: We wish happiness to our school,
To her dear teachers!
Grow, get smarter, be the best in class,
We wish the students.
2 leads: Allow the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge to be considered open.
The Russian Anthem is playing
1 ved: School is a special world! School is a unique state! School is a place of joy and sorrow. School is a place of wonders and traditions.
By tradition, the floor for congratulations on the beginning of the school year is given to the school director Maria Nikolaevna Kvasova
Speech by the school principal.

2 leads: The floor for reading the order to enroll students in 1st grade is given to the deputy. Director for SD Alikina Galina Ivanovna

Speech by Deputy director for sustainable development.
1 ved:
Dear, our first graders!
Everyone has their first in life school holiday. This is your holiday today and it’s called: Day of Knowledge. You and your parents have now heard the order to enroll you in school, which means:
Yesterday I was just a child,
Nothing can be done here
They called you a preschooler
And now they call me a first-grader!
2 ved: Look, guys,
How many guests came to us,
To congratulate you on the holiday
You, talented children!
1 ved: Today our school is hosting guests: (list the guests who arrived for the ceremony)

1 ved: Head of the district education department Kataeva Svetlana Nikolaevna - .....

2 leads: Assistant to the head of the Karagai rural settlement for social issues Terekhina Natalya Nikolaevna

1 ved: Our young friends want to prove that they can already be considered schoolchildren. They prepared a short performance for everyone present.
The song “Hello 1st grade!” plays
Performance by first graders:
1. Make way for honest people!
First grader in front of you!
I have a big bouquet
New backpack on your back!

2. I turned seven years old this year,
Now I'm big, I'm going to study.
Mom worked, cut, hurried,
And my mother sewed a skirt with frills for me.

3. They bought me a beautiful, shiny backpack.
Not a toy at all, but real.

I will try, I will not be lazy,
I am very pleased that I am a student.

4. I woke up this night
I must have done it ten times!
It always seemed to me
That I'm late for class.

5. My mother braided my hair,
I wove white bows.
I went to kindergarten yesterday
Today I went to first grade!

6. Are uncles, aunts,
What are the flowers worth?
Will go to this school
Also with us?

7. My older sister
I painted my eyes in the morning.
Maybe I should buy some lipstick?
Or is it not necessary to go to first grade?

8. Everyone calls us kids,
Moms are somewhere near us.
Eleven years will pass -
We will become adults.

9. You all rely on us,
We will be a very friendly class.
We promise not to be lazy
Learn to read and write together!

10. Hello, school! First time
We are crossing your threshold.
Be exemplary in everything
We promise today!
The song “Hello, hello 1st grade!” is playing.
1 led. Attention: The solemn moment has come when the first-graders will take an oath, after which they will become members of our large and friendly school family.

2 ved. To pronounce the oath, all first-graders should repeat after us loudly!

We are first graders
Girls, boys. We swear!
Be obedient
Cheerful, not boring, we swear!
Help mom and dad
Don't hurt kids, we swear!
Always be diligent
And faithful to our friendship, We swear!
Discover a world of knowledge for yourself,
Serve for the good of the homeland.
We swear! We swear! We swear!
1 led. On the Day of Knowledge for first-graders, the school students hear the following instruction:

The song “Wider Circle” is playing
1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We give you an order:

2. Work out, don’t be lazy,
Strive for knowledge with all your might,
Try to be good
And follow us in everything!

3. We also tried in everything,
We were not afraid of difficulties,
We looked at the big ones
And they tried to catch up with them.

4. Tell everyone about the school;
Cherish the honor of the school!
Always keep it in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!

6. If the program is difficult,
There is a teacher, a mother at home.
You ask and don’t be shy,
Do your best!

7. To make your class friendly,
Save your feelings.
Love everyone, respect everyone,
Never offend
If you carry out the order -
Prepare for the second class.

8. We wish you success -
You will achieve them, we know!

9. That's all our advice,
They are wiser and simpler.
Don't forget them, my friend!
All: Goodbye, good journey!
The song “Wider Circle” is playing
2 ved. For the last time we are present at the Day of Knowledge holiday
9th graders. Applause to 9th grade and their class teacher
Word to 9th grade students.
1. We are a little older than you, Katya
And we are burning with desire
Convey your order
And our wishes!
2. “Chew” science for later Matvey
Don't leave.
Then there is soup with a cat!
And read the classics!
3. So that conversations “on the carpet” Vova
Were very rare
Don't fight in the yard
Don't "pull" your neighbor!

4. Be polite to everyone, Maxim
Don't be rude to your elders
Hurry up everyone for recess
Don't rush!

5. Love physical education - Sasha
Useful in life
Correct your figure
Pump up your muscles.

6. Wake up early in the morning, Katya
Wash yourself well
Dress carefully
Get ready for school quickly!
7. Don’t fidget in class, Matvey
And study hard
Answer the questions
And get A's.
8. And you all need to remember: Vova
Mind strength is more important!
Faith, friendship – that’s what’s sacred!
You are stronger with them!
9. Smile more often, wider, Maxim
Laugh loudly.
Respond to misfortune
With my kindness.

10. Well, be brave on the long journey Sasha
school, interesting!
And don’t forget on the road
Home, friends and song!
(MUSIC “Road of Good”)
1st speaker: Congratulates everyone present on the beginning of the new school year
Kataeva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Terekhina Natalya Nikolaevna_____________________.
There are still people who want to congratulate the children and teachers __________________________
1 ved: Today we ask all students
Be a host at school, not a guest.
There are many schools in the area, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to open
Love, cherish, keep longer.
2 ved: So, the solemn moment comes.
Just a minute!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring, your first call,
You will be invited to your first lesson.
The music "Pinocchio" is playing!
Buratino appears to the music.
Pinocchio: I'm against it! Against!!!

1 ved. Guys, do you recognize this boy? Yes, this is Pinocchio.
Pinocchio. Of course, Pinocchio. Who else am I? Just think, you guessed right! Experts for me too!
2 ved
Pinocchio, how ill-mannered you are! I'm ashamed of you in front of the guys. Can’t even Malvina re-educate you?

Pinocchio. Re-educate, re-educate! Be polite! Thank you very much, hello, please! Tired of it!

1 ved You can't do that! You also have to go to first grade, and all the guests came to congratulate you and the guys on the start of the school year.

Pinocchio. Happy start of the school year?! We found something to congratulate! Teaching is torture. Guys, no one wants to buy a wonderful ABC book with pictures? I have some coins. I'll sell the primer and I'll have more of them.
The song “What a Blue Sky” is playing.
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear.

Fox Alice. Hello, dear Pinocchio. I can help you. I know how you can get a lot more money.

Pinocchio. How?

Fox Alice. Very simple. I'll explain everything to you now. In the Land of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles.

Pinocchio. Is this like Yakubovich’s?

K.B. What about Yakubovich with his “Field of Miracles”! This field is cooler! In this field you need to dig a hole, throw coins there, say magic words: “Crack-fex-pex” - and a whole tree will grow with money that can buy everything.

Pinocchio. I haven’t heard of such a country. I saw about the village of Fools on TV, but this is the first time I’ve heard about the Country of Fools.

Fox Alice. Have you ever heard of such a country? (Laughs.) Yes, she is! Ask anyone you want.

Pinocchio. Guys, is there such a country?

Children. No!

Fox Alice. Oh-oh-oh! What little children and such big liars! Children lie! There is such a country!

2 ved. Well, this is too much! Blame the guys when they tell the truth! There is a land of Knowledge to which I invite you. Look what a wonderful holiday! Everyone congratulates the first graders today. Several telegrams have even arrived (reads telegrams).

I wish you health from the bottom of my heart, kids!
So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,
We tempered ourselves every day,
So that bronchitis does not torment you!
Good doctor...

Children. Aibolit.

1 ved I want to wish you only to get A's,
Chocolate, cookies, marmalade, jam.
Eat more cakes and sit down at your desks.
Get thicker, taller! I'm waiting for your answer on the roof.

Children. Carlson.

2 ved Now, Pinocchio, choose who you will stay with - with the lying fox and the lying cat, or with our teachers, who will open the door to the land of Knowledge for you.

Pinocchio. I want to study!

Fox Alice: It went wrong again!
K.B. : Let's quickly go to another school, maybe something will work out there.
The song plays ____ (They leave.)

1 ved Well done, Pinocchio!

2 leads: Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it’s a holiday again, the Day of Knowledge!
Ring, bell, good journey, good hour!
Dear school, welcome each of your classes!

1 ved The right to give the first call is granted to the student
9th grade to Vladimir Demenev
and 1st grade student Kristina Vakhrusheva...

2 ved The cheerful bell rang
We enter the classroom together with excitement
New Year not simple, but educational
The teacher opens for us.
1 ved: This is the start of the new school year. We congratulate all school students, their parents on the holiday - Knowledge Day, and we congratulate teachers.
2 leads: Our holiday is ending, but may the joy of meeting be endless!
The song “What they teach at school” plays.

Scenario for the ceremony on September 1

"The school welcomes the children"

There is music in the school yard. Classes are lined up. The presenters come out to fanfare.

Presenter. Attention school!

Leading. Attention city!

Presenter. Attention, whole people!

An exciting holiday for our entire school

Walking across our site!


September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!


Guys, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends! (S. Novikov)


The summer has blazed away with hot heat,

The happiest days are behind...


And again, as before, you and I

They arrived on an early autumn morning.


And everything will start all over again.

At school from bell to bell...


Again from the September pier

The school river will carry us...


Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

Leading. We welcome our first-graders, the first teacher of new students, Elkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, we invite them to our holiday, and they are accompanied today by graduates of the 11th grade. Meet ! (music – waltz… “School Waltz”)

1 Lead student:

Bright and endless expanses of Russia,The Kremlin stronghold stands majestically.With its beauty and mighty strengthYou are famous in the world, my power!

2nd leading student:

With hope and faith under a free skyWe are sacredly faithful to our beloved Russia.May all peoples live in peace and friendshipUnder the tricolor flag of a mighty country.

Leading adult: - According to established tradition, we begin our holiday by raising the national flag.Honorable right to raise the flag Russian Federation provided to the best student of the school of the 2014-2015 academic year, Stepan Shabdarov and 11th grade graduate Dmitry Kvardakov

Presenter – Attention school! Raise the flag!

At the moment of raising the flag

The Russian anthem sounds. (1 verse and chorus)

Leading: The right to open a ceremonial line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year at the MCOU secondary school. Lazh is provided to the director - Kropachev Nikolai Mikhailovich

Word from the director

Presenter. There are many guests at our holiday.

Leading. a word of congratulations. provided...

Guest performance.


For some this is the last year

In our school fairyland,


And for some, the very, very first,

And they are doubly worried.

Presenter. First teacher

Leading. First call

Presenter. The first letter

Leading. First lesson

Presenter. The first word is lit on the board,

Leading. The first primer and problem book in hand.

Presenter. The orchestras are playing

Leading. Speeches sound -

Presenter. The school welcomes new children. (O. Suvorova)

First graders approach the microphones.

1st first grader.

Make way, honest people

First grader in front of you

I have a big briefcase

I have a new satchel on my back.


Who got up early today?

Did you quickly run to school?

Well of course it's me

And my family is with me.


I'm going to school for the first time.

This is my first time carrying a briefcase.

I boldly open the book -

I'm a student now.

1st first grader.

Whole year I dreamed about school

And I couldn't wait

How do I put books in my briefcase?

And I’ll go to the buffet, friends!

2nd first grader.

I learned letters with diligence

And he brought the score to a shine.

I won't brag too much,

But I read Harry Potter.

3rd grader

Hello, dear school!

Open the door wider!

We have arrived - the people are cheerful

And talented, believe me.

Presenter. After such recognition, all we have to do is welcome the new addition of first-graders to the school family!

Leading. Those in favor, raise your hands!

Brownie Kuzya.

Skip, skip!

Let me pass quickly!

I'm definitely on holiday

Should have come here!

Making his way through the crowd with a huge backpack. He runs up to the microphone and bows.

Brownie Kuzya(sadly).

Oh, I overslept!

Oh, I overslept!

I'm late for the holiday! (Cries.)

Presenter. Where did you come from?


Who are you

Came to the big school holiday?

Brownie Kuzya.

My name is Brownie Kuzya.

Children are friends with me. (Bows.)

Hello guys -

Girls and boys!

Hello viewers -

Guests and parents!

I want to live in your school.

I also want to learn everything!

Presenter. What would you like to learn?

Brownie Kuzya.

During changes - get angry,

During the lessons - sleep sweetly,

Break all the furniture

Paint everything on the walls,

And in the dining room for lunch

Receive one hundred candies.

You won’t find another sweet tooth, no.

Isn't that what they teach you in school?

Leading. Who told you about this?

Brownie Kuzya.

Boy Kolya.

He studies at school no....


I was in a hurry to get to this school.

I put a lot of things in my trunk,

I barely made it to school.

Presenter. Come on, Kuzya, let’s find out what they teach the children at our school. Guys, unanimously answer “yes” or “no”.

Leading. Do you always have to be late for classes?

Presenter. Lessons never need to be learned?

Leading. Can you write on the walls with a felt-tip pen?

Presenter. Are you always working hard to get bad marks?

Leading. How about studying for straight A's?

Presenter. To excel at the Olympics?

Leading. Respect teachers?

Presenter. Love school?

Leading. Keep it clean?

Presenter. And also sing, dance, have fun?

Leading. Do you want to study like this at school, Kuzya?

Brownie Kuzya.

I really want to study!

And now I want to play, have fun!

The music will play loudly

And you must repeat my movements.

Who will excel in the game?

I will go to this class to study.

Brownie Kuzya plays the game “Repeat” to the music. Shows different movements, and children repeat them.

Brownie Kuzya.

You were all good!

The best of all are the kids!

I'll go to first grade,

To learn all sciences!

(Stands next to the first graders.)

Leading: Our 11th grade graduates address their wishes to the first graders.

1st graduate.

Again Day of Knowledge,

First September.

2nd graduate.

This is your first time at school

Take your ABC book.

3rd graduate.

For us it is the last

And the first one is for you.

1st and 2nd graduate.

We wish you happiness

And we give the order:

2nd graduate. We wish to become friends,

1st graduate. Great to study

2nd graduate.

In sports, in clubs -

Be on time everywhere.

3rd graduate.

Take care of our school

Like a piece of home,


Love school

We will remember you!

Keys are handed over to first graders.

Graduate. Dear first graders!

Graduate:. Dear fathers and mothers of first-graders!

Graduate: You will study at our school.

Graduate: At a school where the traditions of strong knowledge are strong.

Graduate:. High sporting achievements.


In a school where there are many singers and dancers,

Talented young actors.

Graduate: At a school where anyone can become a star.


Everyone in our school is just stars!

It's not easy to light them!

Teachers are responsible for them,

We are warmed by their concerns!

Graduate. And our talents develop thanks to the help of the teaching staff.

Graduate: Led by a skilled organizer and experienced teacher...

Graduate. Thanks to which our school is one of best schools our area

Graduate: This is the director of our school, Kropachev N. M.

(11th grade performance)

1 - Rain on the window glass again
He is knocking on our door with a reminder.
That it's the 1st
And it’s time for everyone to sit down at their desks.

1. - We are not joking, brothers, not even one bit,
After all, you yourself were in a hurry for summer,
So that you can see everyone sooner,
It’s public to admit this here.

3- We admit that we really wanted to come to our home school, because this is our last holiday, the first of September.

4- We understand that we are entering the last school start,
and this thought haunts us.

1.- We really want to complete our studies with dignity, correct
all the mistakes that have been made over the years, there is a lot to say
kind words to all our teachers and staff
schools. And we have so little time left for this.

6 - We love you, our dear school. Accept this.

14. Thanks to the school door!
Thanks to all the teachers!
You opened the way for us -
We are grateful to you for everything.

15. And on this holiday we want
I wish you all the blessings of earth,
Give you all the flowers in the world -
You fully deserve them.

Song performed by graduates (Dear, our beloved....)

Graduates give flowers to teachers (music is playing - the song “Teacher’s Waltz” or Teacher’s Smile”?..)

Presenter: Leaves are circling over the school,

Swallows are flying to the south.

And again the call is funny

Calls the kids to class. (L. Zhukova)

Leading. The right to make the first bell for the first lesson is granted...

The named students ring the bell.


Opening the academic year,

Let that first bell ring

Welcoming with the ringing of bells

Everyone who came to the first lesson!

Leading . : According to established tradition, our high school students escort to school those who first cross the threshold of the school building, 1st graders, and I escort them to 11th grade graduates;

Presenter – The first to be invited to school are 1st grade students. Head…….

and the first teacher of our first-graders, Elkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, and our 11th grade graduates saw them off.

Let's go! Good luck! On a glorious journey


First-graders enter the school to the accompaniment of solemn music (the song “My Teacher’s Smile”).

(according to the diagram)

2nd grade hurries to his cozy office by his teacher G.V. Dorofeeva.

3 4 "class. Class teacher Elena Vladimirovna Kvardakova

Students5 class is starting the school year for the first time in a new classroom in a new building and class teacher Marysheva I.N.

6th graders are also in a hurry to go to their favorite office together with the class teacher - teacher G.N. Plotnikova.

The 7th grade is invited to the school building together with their teacher T.B. Lapteva.

8th grade begins the new school year together with class teacher I.A. Pechenkina.

Welcome to school for 9th graders and first graders. hands Polovnikova N.I.

The school is waiting for ours toostudents of grade 10 “a” together with class teacher L.N. Okulova.

Presenter – The ceremonial line dedicated to the “Day of Knowledge” has come to an end! We wish everyone success and excellent studies in the new academic year! Happy holiday!

Natalya Korneeva
Scenario of the ceremonial school assembly, dedicated to the Day knowledge

Scenario of the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, First bell for first graders.

2015-2016 academic year.

Target: develop cognitive interest, broaden horizons in the field of state interests;

Teach children to help each other, respect and appreciate relationships with each other;

Fostering love, respect, tolerance among students; get the kids ready to study, help them get positive emotions on the first day of school.

Songs about school are played.


Hello! Hello!

We're together again! And the school is ready for the school year!

Today everyone has become more mature and older,

Here your dads and moms are worried.

And the school welcomes happy people

The school year begins today!

School at attention! Prepare to bring in the Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bring in the flag!

School, attention! Ceremonial lineup, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, is declared open.

Holiday of the first of September.

Quietly the maples rustle like banners,

The sun is playing brightly in the window,

And the bugles sound for us today

Anthem to our great country.

Performance by all participants of the holiday of the Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Leading: -Good morning, guys, dear teachers, dear parents and guests!

We are glad to welcome you to the holiday "September 1". The first bell will soon ring and announce the start of the new school year.

The first September morning brings with it something new, leading you along uncharted roads knowledge. This is the beginning of a long school journey for first-graders and the start of the last school year for ninth-graders.

"Roll Call".

How are you doing!

Both girls and boys!

We'll count you now.

And we will know everything about you.

There are countless of us at school now!

Elementary classes, are you guys here? (Here)

Fifth graders, are you here? (Here)

So we will be friends!

Sixth graders, are you with us? (With you)

And the eighths, as always,

We're glad to see you again, right? (Yes)

And the ninth one, why did they get quiet?

Have you lost the habit of studying?

This, brothers, is not a problem!

Do we all want to learn? Yes? (Yes)

9th grade is not easy,

It's almost graduation.

Come on, give us the answer:

Will there be many twos? (No)

All the teachers are here -

Your best friends.

Hey, come on guys

Let's shout to them all "Hooray!" (Hooray)

You are all nice guys!

At our school you will always

Is life good? (Yes)

Dear director! The school is in full force line built!

The word of greeting is given to the director of our school.

Leading: Today at our holiday there are children who will study in the preschool class This:. Congratulations to them on their first school year!

I wish you to bloom and grow

save - improve health

It's for a long journey -

the most important condition

Let every day and every hour

they'll get you something new

may your mind be good,

and the heart will be smart.

On this September morning, the honored guests of our holiday:

The floor is given......

Poems 2nd grade

1. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Right after summer

Whether you want it or not,

For girls and boys

It's time for everyone to learn.

Drive away boredom

Hide under pillows

And keep it all year round

Ears on top of head

2. Hello, dear school!

Open the door wider!

We've arrived! The people are cheerful

And talented, believe me!

3. We’ve just all talked about ourselves!

I'll say a few words about us!

With us, friendship is not a problem!

Come to our class!

So school, don't worry

We are your students!

Knowledge will be found for us.

"Hello" school days.


Here comes the desired one,

A glorious day on the calendar.

National holiday knowledge,

The most important one is in September.

This morning of smiles and light

Dawn put on a scarlet tie.

Hello, happy childhood holiday,

Holiday of the first of September.

Poems 3rd grade

1. There was joy all around the planet,

Refed children go to school.

Girls and boys are back in their dresses,

There are a bunch of notebooks in the backpacks...

Spacious classrooms await them,

Those covered with paint shine again.

2. Even the director is not strict today,

He meets the kids at the door.

Lessons, calls, schedule ready,

From first grade to graduation,

3. Everyone is ready for school, everyone is happy about the holiday,

The children can't wait to sit back at their desks.

Let's start the school year,

The desire to teach and learn coincided.

Let our teaching be joyful,

AND knowledge received a full bowl

Song "Back to School"

1. New notebooks, diary, pencils -

My sister and I are no longer kids.

Autumn has come on a piece of calendar,

Today is the first of September.


Back to school, back to school

For some it's the first time.

Back to school, back to school

I'll go to my new class.

I will see my friends

Let's remember summer.

Back to school, back to school

I'll go to school again.

2. I love to study and learn new things,

At school we will be taught how to divide and multiply.

I'll bring a bouquet to my teacher.

There is no better school than ours.


Leading: Now let us turn

For those who are just starting to learn

We congratulate you, first graders.

We wish you excellent success in your studies

We wish you to find new friends at school

And spend many happy days here

Be friends with the school and teachers

And soon you will become graduates


Dressy! Front doors!

So darling!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

All the girls are great!

So cute

So neat

They carry flowers in their hands!

All former pranksters -

First graders today.

Everyone is good today

They're waiting for people like them at school!

First-graders performing.

1. In a large and bright school

The door is open for us.

We all came to learn

We are schoolchildren now!

2. I can become an excellent student,

After all, I’m not too lazy to study!

I’ll bring high fives

I'm from school every day!

3. Life is different now

It will come for me.

Oh, dear mother!

What an adult I am!

4. Our very first

Ring, ring, bell!

Go home, moms!

It's time for us to go to class!

5. All the girls and boys

Books were folded in September

Prepared briefcases

So they wanted to go to school

Today is my first time

I'm heading to 1st grade!

6. And now, and now...

Open the door for us, school!

Welcome us to school:

Hello, we are -

First class!

Leading: We all congratulate first-graders on September 1 (I give them medals and a bell).

Leading: And now, dear first-graders, you will get to know your first teacher better... She will not only teach you to write correctly, read with expression and count without errors. She will also protect you from any harm and raise you to be good, honest people. This is your new friend - your first teacher! And this (Teacher's full name) (words of congratulations)

**They put the balls and jump ropes in the corner.

Summer has flown by, but I don’t feel sorry for it at all.

Autumn has come, and school greets

Girls and boys, young newcomers.

The school yard was filled with bright bouquets.

The day has come Knowledge is a sure sign.

New events for you, new impressions,

Experience, discoveries, knowledge and skills,

Friendship and fun, laughter and enthusiasm,

Unforgettable days within the bright walls of the school.

**I give the floor of congratulations to the parents.

Today you went to first grade,

I want to wish that they find the way,

They found her, opening the gates to life,

You will become more mature forever.

Well, what can you wish for? Of course, study

Don't just study, study hard!

Good grades and true friends.

There are a lot of good things in life around!

Leading: Dear first-graders, good luck to the country Knowledge!

Leading: Today is an equally exciting day for our fifth graders. After all, they first came from primary school to the secondary level, where they are received by the class teacher - (Teacher's full name).

Just yesterday in elementary school

With my first teacher.

You have comprehended the wise sciences

And they wanted to become older as quickly as possible.

Now there are probably worries increase:

There are more lessons, the material is more complex.

But together you need to deal with them -

In difficulties you become friends.

Go boldly! Go to new ones knowledge!

Then you will be appreciated for your efforts,

You will remember all your teachers!

Steezy 5th grade

1. Today is a festive hour!

We congratulate you on the holiday

Friends and girlfriends met again,

We'll probably tell each other a lot

About what we will see, where we have been,

And what happened to whom while we were resting

2. To discoveries and knowledge will come sooner

The team of teachers will help us

For them, teachers, the most important milestone

Our guys, success in your studies

3. We send words of congratulations to the parents,

Happy holiday to you, happy first day of school

We hope during the school year

Together we will overcome adversity.


The pages of the diaries are blank

New friends are waiting for you

new discoveries await you

Autumn weaves lace

from golden foliage

Hello, it's another school year!

1. The summer has faded with hot heat,

The happiest days are behind...

And again, as before, you and I

On an early autumn morning they came...

At school from bell to bell.

Again from the September pier.

The school river will carry us...

2. When September is at the school door

Scattering delicate phlox petals,

Our difficult road will begin,

As they say, from an untouched board.

3. To school, to school - the Motherland is calling,

To school, to school - the wind sings to us.

Let it be good, let it be cheerful,

May it be a happy school year!

Song "Hello, school".

1. Oh, how blue the sky is today,

Sunny bunnies scurry about.

Schoolchildren are smart, beautiful,

It's their first day at school.


There will be the first call

There will be a first lesson.

Hello, new school year!

And at the school doors

Glad to see friends

And the smiles of the teachers.

2. It was, it was a carefree summer,

Lake, fishing games, beach.

Even on cold autumn days,

We remember our summer vacation.

3. New textbooks are waiting for us at school,

The spacious classroom got bored without us.

Our high school students are entertainers,

They will be glad to see us too.

Leading: The floor for congratulations goes to the rights inspector childhood: Full name

8th grade poems

1. The children reached out. To school early in the morning

Dima, Viti, Nadya.

Blue notebooks.

Satchels and briefcases,

Paints - watercolors.

Desk, globe.

First class.

Knowledge day - We have it now.

2. Once again, golden autumn will appear exactly on time

In the morning, at exactly eight, the bell will ring again

Hello, teacher, hello!

Look around you -

Do you see how many big-eyed

The surroundings immediately became quiet.

3. Let your studies be bright, stellar,

May you find out more

So that the ringing, hot, late spring

Pass any exam again with an A+!


Now they call you high school students

And they look at us with respect.

Now they tell you "ninth graders"

You have nine times more responsibility.

Leading: The floor for congratulations is given to the class teacher

9th grade. (Teacher's full name).

9th grade poems

1. The first day of autumn, the earliest -

The first leaves are circling from the trees.

Everyone knows this day as Day knowledge:

Get ready for school again.

2. The body didn’t have enough summer, or something?

And for the brain to rest completely?

No: already miss school -

I even dreamed about her in August!

3. Day knowledge- this is a holiday for the whole country!

When all schools open their doors,

And everywhere the happy laughter of children,

And maples in red greet everyone in schools,

We congratulate each of us

Happy autumn holiday and we wish you

To make the class a great start in life,

Where we start studying in the fall.

song "Don't spin the colorful globe"

1. Don’t twist the colorful globe -

You won't find it there

That country, a special country,

Which we sing about.

Our old planet

Everything has been studied for a long time,

But this country is big -

Like a white spot.

Chorus:Let to this country

The trains don't go, the trains don't go,

Us moms for the first time

They bring you here by the hand.

In this ringing, cheerful country

They greet us like new residents.

This country is always in my heart!

2. To a new class, like to a new city,

We come every year -

A tribe of young dreamers,

Restless people.

So we have to fly and sail again

Across that endless country,

To unexpected discoveries,

For graduation in the spring.

3. Here we sometimes hear

In the quiet rustle of pages

The wind of wanderings turns the globe,

Waving its wing to us

In that country, a special country,

Which we sing about.

Leading: Dear guys, we wish you success in your studies and excellent grades. And we wish teachers and parents joy from your successes and victories.

The school annually accepts students. And for them a loud, loud bell rings every day. And today he is waiting in the wings to notify you of the beginning of the school year, of the start of classes.

Today I would like to wish all of us

Always to the top knowledge strive.

And never give up in life

And just have fun learning.

The bell has been ringing for us for many years in a row

People smile when they hear him,

And faces bloom Guys: It's time, lessons begin!

The right to give the first bell in the new 2015-2016 academic year is granted

Ninth grader:

First grader:

(bell rings)

Leading: The bell rang, inviting everyone to class. We congratulate you on the holiday - Happy knowledge- all students of our school, their parents, grandparents. We congratulate the teachers!

School, stand still! Take out the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan (carrying out the flag).

Leading: Ruler, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, is declared closed.

Classes with their own class teachers go to classes for homework hours

Theme of the Day Knowledge: "Meni Otanym-azastan" - “My Motherland is Kazakhstan”.

Line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

(2014 -2015)

Music is playing. (Children are going to line .)- School songs.


Leading: The summer has ceased to make noise.The sun is warming, but it’s no longer scorching hot.It seems like the planet itself is nowIN school uniform- a backpack behind your back.
Leading: This morning, like birdsong, Bells will ring all over the country. Are you rested and tanned? We were fully prepared for school.
Leading: And it’s like book pagesThe maple leaves are rustling now.We will study diligently.Hello school Hello, our squad!


Good morning guys!


Good morning, dear teachers!


Good morning, dear guests, fathers, mothers, grandparents!


Today is really, really Good morning, which is a harbinger of a good day!


And the day, of course, will be good. It cannot be otherwise.


It has already been September 1st more than once in my life. But every time my heart beats tremulously, and for some reason I worry. During the summer holidays, we all really missed each other:

Let's greet each other with applause.


We are sincerely glad to meet again! And we hasten to declare the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

THE ANTHEM OF THE Russian Federation SOUNDS.


Everything in this heavenly world is compensated, Everything is compensated in the world, without a doubt.In June everyone says goodbye to school graduations,And in September they accept new arrivals again.


Today, there is a new addition to our large school family. _________ first-graders will cross the threshold of our school for the first time, as its full-fledged owners.

Leading: From my mother's tender palms into my own hands Preschool teachers takeAnd into the wonderful world of discoveries and scienceThey are led slowly and wisely.


And wonderful teachers Titova Larisa Aleksandrovna, Kozlova Olga Anatolyevna, Panova Nadezhda Nikolaevna will lead them to the magical land of knowledge

And every year with special excitementWe invite them to the lineup.This holiday was invented for them, without a doubt,For first-graders and graduate classes.


But eleventh graders will do it today at last time. After all, they will never have a school first of September again. Now they will meet: those who are starting their school journey, and those who have already reached the finish line towards its end.

Meet our heroes of the occasion!

Music is playing (first graders are the first to enter through the arch, graduates follow them in pairs) construction diagram on a ruler (school yard)


It is with great pleasure that I greet our first-graders, the smallest and most elegant ones. Today they will have to cross the threshold of school for the first time and go on a fascinating, interesting, although sometimes difficult, journey through the land of knowledge.


We are glad to welcome you, highly experienced graduates! Both fortunately and unfortunately, your school youth will last only one year. But don’t be too upset, because schools Your early years are just the beginning of your long journey in life.


We are sincerely glad that we are together today. That our entire school class group is assembled.

Song "Cool company"


School is a special world!

The school is a unique state!

School is joy and sorrow.

School is a place of wonders and traditions.


And according to tradition, the floor for congratulations is given to the school director.


Our school has many friends, like-minded people whom we are always glad to see. And today, September 1, they are with us to congratulate us on the beginning of the school year.


Greetings are given ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Congratulations accepted, speeches heard. It’s time for you, heroes of the occasion, to keep your word in return.
Performance by first graders 1. Make way for honest people!
First grader in front of you!
I have a big bouquet
New backpack on your back!
2. Look at me:
That's how happy I am!
I’m already in first grade and I’m friends with the guys.
3. I can do anything, I can do anything.
And I will solve the problem,
Essay - I’ll write it,
I will surprise everyone with my knowledge!
4. We will raise our hands
Answer without hesitation.
Feel free to gnaw on the granite of science
And get straight A's.
5. Let's play sports
To avoid getting sick often,
So that our teacher
There was no need to blush for us!
6. Soon the song will fill
School happy bell
And it will begin solemnly
Our very first lesson.
7. We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​knowledge
To an unknown land.
8. We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage

11th grade

    We congratulate you on this event!

And from the bottom of our hearts, we wish only the best for you.

Once upon a time we were

Just like you.

We are also by the hand

Brought here.

But school years

They fly like birds.

Listen to us

This will come in handy!

    We wish you

Try harder

Study hard

Study in clubs.

Strengthen your health

Don't get sick

Don't litter anywhere

Don't scream

Don't creak

Don't fight, don't fight,

Don't moan, don't whine

Know all the rules

And everyone should be friends together.

    We will be an example

For you in behavior!

Always contact

Feel free to come to us.

We will always help you

We will always protect

We offend you

We won't give it to anyone!

1st class

And we wish you

More patience

So that with high honor

Finish your studies!

11th grade

Thank you, friends,

For frank advice

We will take note


Song 11th grade (to the tune of “Heroes of Sports”)

    This year will be hot
We'll compose songs about himLet's live it brightlyAnd we'll tell everything honestlyWe know that we'll end up with bonesBut we believe in one thing sacredlyThat we will say thank you to everyone,Receiving certificatesChorus We'll say it loudWhat can we doAnd victory is destined for us allAmong the best of the bestOur names will sound
2. Children's path to the top is difficultIt's difficult for leaders todayWe know we can winIf we perform a miracleLet the teachers be strictBut luck will be with usOur last year schoolOur last Stand examChorus


Friends, good luck May it be the last yearWill bring you success and victoriesAs a symbol of passing school daysLet your balloons fly into the sky.
Music is playing ( graduates release balloons)
Music is playing ( The academic year is coming out)

Academic year

Hey guys, hello everyone

Did you recognize me?


I am new to the school year.

I'm just getting started.

I have a lot of worries, but I’m not afraid of work.

What will I be this time?

It depends, schoolchildren, on you!

After all, if you are lazy,

I can get hard

And if you try,

I'm glad to be happy!

I did not come to you empty-handedI brought you guys a giftWhat calls you every day at school Well, guess what, or is the question difficult?
All Call


From holiday celebrations to school routines

Just one moment separates us.

May this year not be too difficult,

Although there are no simple paths in science.


May the path be easy and the teacher kind -

So be it.

And in our lives for now

A harbinger of achievements and discoveries

The school year raises the bell, rings


Well, that's a start...And on time according to plan from the pierWe're going sailing for the whole year!May he bring pleasant discoveries!Dictation for "five", solved problems,May everything be successful for everyone!


Dear participants of the holiday, the ceremonial line dedicated to the holiday of the First Bell is considered closed.

The Russian anthem plays


The right to be the first to enter the school is given to the first and eleventh grades with their class teachers.

Music is playing (Grades 1 and 11 take a lap of honor and leave the school yard)


Happy school year everyone!

municipal budget educational institution

average secondary school No. 2 Dobrinka village


festive line

“Happy Knowledge Day, school!

Happy first of September!”

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