Time of Troubles is a period of struggle for power, accompanied by a change of dynasties, intervention and other upheavals. Presentation - Time of Troubles Presentations on the topic of Time of Troubles

Time of Troubles

Prudskikh Sergey Borisovich history teacher

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At the beginning of the 17th century, the Russian state was engulfed in the fire of civil war and a deep crisis. Contemporaries called this time the Time of Troubles and Hard Times, “the great devastation of the Moscow state,” and foreign contemporaries called it “the Moscow tragedy.”

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Main stages of the Troubles

Stage I - 1598-1605. – DYNASTIC

  • 1598 - Tsar Fedor died;
  • 1598-1605 - reign of Boris Godunov;
  • 1604 – appearance of False Dmitry I

Stage II - 1605-1610. -SOCIAL

  • 1606-1607 – uprising of I. Bolotnikov;
  • 1607 – appearance of False Dmitry II

Stage III - 1610 – 1613 –NATIONAL LIBERATION

  • Spring 1611 - performance of the first militia under the leadership of governor Prokopiy Lyapunov;
  • Autumn 1611 - performance of the second militia led by D. Pozharsky and K. Minin
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    After the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a historical era began in Rus', called the Time of Troubles.

    The eldest son, the sick and weak-minded Fyodor, became the Tsar of Muscovite Rus'.

    But the actual ruler of the state was Fyodor’s guardian, boyar Boris Godunov.

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    The sudden death of eight-year-old Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich in 1591 gave the boyars a reason to accuse Godunov of killing the Tsarevich on his orders. The rumor spread throughout the country, but there was no evidence. Only recently have historians begun to doubt his guilt, considering the cause of Dmitry’s death to be an accident, as was announced from the very beginning.

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    In 1598, the childless Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich died. The direct line of descendants of Ivan Kalita on the Moscow throne was cut short.

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    The Zemsky Sobor, under the leadership of Patriarch Job, elected Boris Godunov to the kingdom.

    He refused to take the throne for a long time and was crowned only in September 1598.

    In 1601 he had to face a terrible famine. Cannibalism began in a number of areas.

    People began to think that this was God's punishment. The conviction arose that Boris's reign was not blessed by God, because it was lawless, achieved through untruth. Therefore, it cannot end well.

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    The rebels moved towards Moscow, but were defeated near Tula. However, it was not possible to calm the country; all these events contributed to the decline of Godunov’s authority. The people began to dream of a legitimate, just king.

    False Dmitry I appeared on the historical arena.

    General discontent and weak legal validity of the king's power led to an explosion of the social world.

    In 1603, a major uprising of serfs broke out under the leadership of Cotton Crooked. Peasants and Cossacks joined him.

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    Rumors spread throughout the country that Dmitry the prince did not die, but was miraculously saved and forced to hide. Godunov realized the threat looming over him, because in comparison with the born sovereign he was nothing.

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    Imposture was new to the Russian political tradition and clearly had an “author’s” character. Many historians believe that the creators of this idea were Godunov’s enemies - the Romanov boyars, in whose house the leading actor lived for some time - the poor Galician nobleman Grigory Otrepiev, who called himself Dmitry.

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    In Poland, False Dmitry secretly converted to the Catholic faith, promised to introduce Catholicism in Russia, give the Chernigov lands to King Sigismund III, and give Novgorod, Pskov, and other lands to the governor Mnishek with whose daughter he was in love.

    In October 1604, the army of False Dmitry, supported by Polish magnates, moved towards Moscow.

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    On December 18, 1604, the first major clash near Novgorod-Seversky between Dmitry and the army of Prince F.I. Mstislavsky, in which the impostor won.

    The impostor chose the path through Chernigov, where many people dissatisfied with Godunov had accumulated. They saw in False Dmitry the legitimate heir to the throne, the “good king”...

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    The Moscow army overtook False Dmitry in the village of Dobrynichi.

    False Dmitry gave battle to the royal army, but was defeated due to the numerous artillery of the enemy. The horse under the impostor was wounded; he miraculously escaped capture.

    Government troops unleashed brutal terror. The result was general bitterness and division among the Moscow nobility.

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    April 13, 1605 - Boris Godunov suddenly dies. Godunov's son Fyodor Borisovich did not reign for even two months. Knowing that False Dmitry I was approaching Moscow, the Moscow boyars rebelled and brutally dealt with the Godunov family: the Queen Mother Maria was strangled, the desperately resisting Fyodor was strangled, and his sister, the beautiful Ksenia, was imprisoned in a monastery.

    The path of False Dmitry to the “parental throne” was clear.

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    The impostor was recognized by Marfa Nagaya. The new tsar distributed positions to the Poles but did not fulfill the remaining promises. In 1606 he declared himself emperor.

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    Having reigned in Russia, Dmitry was in no hurry to fulfill his promises to the Poles.

    He did not introduce Catholicism, did not agree to be called the Grand Duke, but was called Caesar - Emperor.

    Russian chronicles note the intelligence, education and self-confidence of False Dmitry.

    Attending meetings of the Boyar Duma, he surprised everyone with his subtle and accurate understanding of problems and quick resolution of state affairs.

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    There was a lot of unusual in the behavior of “Dmitry”: he walked freely around the city, did not take into account Russian customs, the orders established at the Russian court. Wears a Polish dress and shaves his beard. Doesn't sleep after lunch. Personally accepts petitions. The Boyar Duma is called the Senate. Criticizes the church for excessive attention to rituals. He destroyed the image of a demigod king and behaved like an ordinary person.

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    The situation became especially tense when False Dmitry’s fiancée, Marina Mnishek, arrived in Moscow with a large retinue. The capital was flooded with many Poles and Lithuanians. The Poles irritated Muscovites.

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    It turned out to be easier to sit on the throne than to stay on it.

    Discontent grew among the boyars, nobles, and ordinary Muscovites. A conspiracy of boyars led by Vasily Shuisky arose.

    False Dmitry was warned, but did not take any measures, he was so confident in himself and the devotion of the people.

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    Queen Nun Martha renounced the one whom she had recently recognized as her son.

    The one who had recently been worshiped now lay in the dust, defeated and humiliated.

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    At the head of the conspiracy that overthrew False Dmitry was Vasily Shuisky

    At the Zemsky Sobor of 1606 he was elected to the throne

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    While different groups of boyars fought for power, a peasant uprising broke out in the country. It was headed by Ivan Bolotnikov. He called on the people to destroy the boyars' houses and promised to abolish serfdom.

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    In the fall of 1606, Bolotnikov approached Moscow, but was defeated and retreated to Kaluga, where he soon defeated Shuisky’s army. The king gathered a huge army and in March 1607. under Kashira gained the upper hand. The peasants went to Tula, where they firmly fortified themselves.

    However, in the summer, tsarist troops approached the city and a siege began. On October 10, 1607, the rebels surrendered.

    Bolotnikov was exiled to a monastery, where he was blinded and drowned.

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    It would seem that Shuisky can breathe freely. But here False Dmitry II already appears.

    Who this impostor really was is unknown, but he went down in history under the nickname: “Tushino thief.” With his troops of Cossacks who want to plunder everything they can, he approaches Moscow and stops in Tushino. The Poles support him.

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    But soon a turning point came in the consciousness of the people - False Dmitry II sent the Poles to take the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The outrages and robberies of the Tush residents alienated the population that initially supported them.

    Tushino became the 2nd capital - orders, the Boyar Duma and Patriarch Filaret - Fyodor Romanov appeared here.

    All dissatisfied with V. Shuisky began to flock to Tushino.

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    The siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery lasted 16 months. This siege became the banner of the struggle of ordinary Russian people.

    The famous cellarer of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Abraham Palitsyn, later wrote a detailed history of this siege.

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    Shuisky has only one hope left - to invite some outside help to fight the Tushins. For this purpose, his nephew Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky is going to Sweden. He negotiates brilliantly, hires professionals, a small Swedish army appears in Novgorod, and the training of Russian volunteers begins. And this army in 1609 begins to move from Novgorod to Moscow

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    March 12, 1610 M. V. Skopin - Shuisky solemnly entered Moscow. He was seen as the heir of V.I. Shuisky.

    Suddenly the governor died. In Moscow it was believed that he was poisoned by the wife of the Tsar’s brother Dmitry Shuisky, the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov.

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    At this time, the Polish army was already moving towards Moscow. It is near Vyazma. The Russian army, led by Dmitry Shuisky, comes out to meet them. In the battle of the village of Klushino, the Russian army was completely defeated, and the Poles approached Moscow.

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    In July 1610, the boyars overthrew V. Shuisky. Power was in the hands of the Boyar Duma. A delegation led by Filaret was sent to Poland, but Sigismund declared his claims to the throne. The ambassadors and Patriarch Filaret were arrested. The period of governing the country begins, which is called the “period of the seven-boyars.”

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    After the death of False Dmitry II and the collapse of the Tushino camp, the convening of a national militia begins to liberate Moscow from the Poles. However, the actions of the militia leadership were indecisive due to contradictions between the Cossacks and the nobles.

    The militia accepts the “Verdict of the Whole Land,” which provided for the future structure of Russia, but infringed on the rights of the Cossacks and also had a serfdom character. After the murder of Lyapunov by the Cossacks, the first militia disintegrated. By this time, the Swedes had captured Novgorod, and the Poles, after a months-long siege, had captured Smolensk.

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    And at this moment the hour of Patriarch Hermogenes comes. The great saint began to send letters to all parts of Russia, in which he called on all people to stand up for the defense of their Motherland, drive out the Poles and choose an Orthodox king for themselves.

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    In fact, he alone opposes the “Seven Boyars,” who want to force him to recognize Vladislav, and those who swore allegiance to Vladislav, and those who simply long for increased anarchy. And it is his voice, his opinion that plays a very special role. The Second Militia approached Moscow in August 1612 and united with the remnants of the First Militia.

    • On August 22, an attempt by Hetman Khodkevich’s troops to break through to Moscow was repulsed.
    • On October 22, the Polish garrison capitulated. Foreigners left the city.
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    After the expulsion of the Poles, the leadership of the militia sends out letters to all cities demanding that they come to Moscow for a council, which should sum up everything.

    This cathedral actually opens at the beginning of 1613, and it is obvious to everyone that the cathedral must immediately resolve the issue of a new Moscow Tsar, starting a new countdown of time.

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    During the pre-election battles, a deep confrontation between the nobles and the Cossacks was revealed. When the candidacy of Mikhail Romanov is proposed, it becomes clear that he suits everyone.

    • Firstly, Patriarch Hermogenes repeatedly pointed to Mikhail Romanov.
    • Secondly, he is the closest relative of Ivan the Terrible through his first wife (Tsarina Anastasia was Romanova).
    • Thirdly, at the age of 13–14, he did not participate in any events of the Time of Troubles and was generally untainted by anything.
    • Fourthly, his father, Metropolitan Philaret of Rostov, is the first and only candidate for the patriarchal throne.

    And indeed, all these factors do their job, and Mikhail Romanov was elected tsar.

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    There is a legend associated with the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne.

    Having learned about the election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar, the Poles tried to prevent him from taking the throne. A small detachment of Poles went to the Ipatiev Monastery with the goal of killing Michael, but got lost along the way.

    A simple peasant Ivan Susanin, having given his “consent” to show the way, led them into a dense forest. After torture, Susanin was hacked to death without showing the way to the monastery; the Poles also died - the attempt failed.

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    Russia emerged from the Troubles extremely exhausted, with huge territorial and human losses. According to some estimates, up to a third of the population died. The country's international position has sharply deteriorated. Russia found itself in political isolation, its military potential weakened, and for a long time its southern borders remained practically defenseless. Anti-Western sentiments intensified in the country, which aggravated its cultural and, ultimately, civilizational isolation. The people managed to defend their independence, but as a result of their victory, autocracy and serfdom were revived in Russia. However, most likely, there was no other way to save and preserve Russian civilization in those extreme conditions.

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    “Lesson Hero of Our Time” - Lifetime portraits of M.Yu. Lermontov. Who gives the portrait of Pechorin? Assignment: Find a portrait of the hero in the text of the novel. Work in pairs. In what meaning does M.Yu. Lermontov use the word “hero”? Let's summarize. M.Yu. Lermontov. Portraits of Pechorin. Who is the “hero of his time” in the novel? What features of appearance does the author highlight?

    “Time of Troubles Minin and Pozharsky” - Boris Godunov. Russia in the 17th century. Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. False Dmitry I. At the end of October 1612, Moscow was liberated from enemies. False Dmitry II. To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky - grateful Russia, in the summer of 1818. Dmitry Pozharsky. The reign of the Romanov dynasty began. Militia.

    “The History of the Time of Troubles” - Author: history teacher Buk Zhanar Zhamalidenovna. 2008 Lesson-presentation “Time of Troubles. The Board of Boris Godunov” (to help history teachers). 3. The appearance of an impostor. (Messages from a student on the topic “False Dmitry I”). Problem: students acquiring their own interested position in relation to the problems of unrest.

    “The Politics of Boris Godunov” - Why was Boris Godunov elected to the throne? With the death of Fedor, the ruling Rurik dynasty was stopped. 1600 - Arrest of the Romanov boyars. 1601-1603 - Famine. (1584-1598). January 6, 1598 - Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich died. Karamzin M.N. about Boris Godunov. Domestic and foreign policy of Boris Godunov. Cotton Rebellion. 1598-1613 - Troubles.

    “Culture of modern times” - E. Remarque. Pretentiousness, elitism. Black square. State control. Architecture – rationality, functionality. Germany - Ministry of Propaganda (J. Goebbels). Documentary. “The Golden Age of Hollywood” – production on stream. Classical, pop, jazz (based on black folk music + improvisation), dance.

    “Unit of time” - Check. Were the heroes late for the festive dinner? In minutes: 600s, 5 hours. Mathematics. In months: 3 years, 8 years and 4 months. In a day: 48 hours, 96 hours. In hours: 2 days, 120 minutes. In years: 60 months, 84 months. Winnie the Pooh was invited to visit the donkey at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After how many days did the cat's patience run out? Second Minute Hour Day Week Month Year Century.

    On the eve of the Troubles

    • history teacher Kurbanadamova D.A.

    What caused the Troubles?

    On the eve of the Troubles.

    Ivan the Terrible

    Fedor Ioannovich

    • Porukhi - the most severe economic crisis of the last years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible
    • (70-80s of the 16th century) which became the consequences of the Livonian War and the oprichnina.

    The concept of Troubles

    Troubles- period of Russian history that came as a result of the end of the dynasty Rurikovich


    Economic (decline of economy)

    Political (end of dynasty)

    Social (cancellation of St. George's Day)

    Foreign policy –(decline in Russian prestige after the Livonian War)

    Ivan the Terrible

    Tsarevich Dmitry

    Tsarevich Fyodor Ioannovich

    • Oprichnaya policy of Ivan the Terrible
    • Ruin of the economy in the country
    • The suppression of the Rurik dynasty and the emergence of impostors
    • The boyars' claims to a privileged position in the state
    • Acute contradictions between the upper and lower strata of Russian society

    After the death of Ivan the Terrible Fyodor Ioannovich was proclaimed tsar

    The actual ruler under him was his brother-in-law Boris Fedorovich Godunov

    (brother of his wife Irina)

    Fyodor Ivanovich “Blessed” 1584-1598.

    “Theodore Ioannovich...was a kind and brave sovereign, but by weakly entrusting himself to the evil Godunov, he did great harm to Russia in the years that followed...”

    (Historical Dictionary)

    “On the thunderous throne of the fierce tormentor, Russia saw a faster and a man of silence, born more for a cell and a cave than for the power of the sovereign...”

    (N.M. Karamzin)

    On May 15, 1591, in Uglich, Tsarevich Dmitry died from loss of blood as a result of a knife wound.

    Maria Nagaya and Tsarevich Dmitry

    Board Boris Godunov 1598-1605

    "An amazing rise and a tragic end"

    Board of Boris Godunov 1598-1605

    • 1598 Zemsky Sobor proclaimed Boris Godunov Tsar (not by birthright, but by choice)
    • Repressions against the Romanov family (relatives of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich on the maternal side)
    • 1601-1603 crop failure in the country
    • Hunger. High prices for bread. Unrest and unrest throughout Russia
    • The uprising of the Cossacks, serfs, and peasants under the leadership of Ataman Khlopok Kosolap 1603-1604.
    • The people blamed Boris Godunov for all the troubles, since he usurped power, ruined Tsarevich Dmitry, received power not by right of birth, but was elected to the kingdom

    . N.M. Karamzin about the famine during the reign of B. Godunov

    Then the disaster began, and the cry of the hungry alarmed the King. Boris ordered the opening of the Tsar's granaries in Moscow and other cities; convinced the Clergy and Nobles to sell their grain reserves also at a low price; He also opened the treasury: in four fences made near the wooden wall of Moscow, there were heaps of silver for the poor; every day, at one o’clock in the morning, everyone was given two carrots, money or a penny - but hunger was raging: for cunning money-lovers were deceitfully buying cheap bread from the state granaries The treasury distributed several thousand rubles a day, but it was useless: the hunger was getting worse. And he took all other possible measures: not only in nearby cities did he buy up, at a price determined by him, willingly or unwillingly, all the grain reserves of the rich; but he also sent to the most distant, most abundant places to inspect the threshing floor, where there were still huge stacks, untouched and overgrown with trees for half a century: he ordered to immediately thresh and transport grain both to Moscow and to other regions. - Finally, the activity of the supreme power removed all obstacles, and in 1603, little by little, all the signs of the most terrible of evils disappeared: abundance appeared again

    The disaster stopped, but its traces could not be quickly erased: the number of people in Russia and the wealth of many decreased noticeably! Without a doubt, the treasury has also become depleted

    Appearance of the Impostor

    In 1604, an impostor calling himself Dmitry appeared in Lithuania - a fugitive monk of the Chudov Monastery, Grigory Otrepiev.

    Grigory (in the world Yuri) Otrepiev - from a noble family, a slave servant of the Romanovs.

    He became a monk after the disgrace imposed by Godunov on the Romanovs and the tonsure of the head of the family, Fyodor Nikitich Romanov.

    The escape of Grishka Otrepiev from a tavern on the Lithuanian border. Hood. G. Myasoedov

    Political support for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth played a big role in the history of False Dmitry. At the end of 1604, with a small detachment of his supporters, the impostor entered the borders of the Moscow kingdom.

    False Dmitry I

    he solemnly entered the capital, and a month later he was crowned king.

    Soon he married Marina Mnishek

    Marina Mnishek

    False Dmitry's campaign against Moscow

    The shadow of the Terrible adopted me, named me Demetrius from the grave, outraged the nations around me, and condemned Boris as a sacrifice to me.

    A.S. Pushkin

    Explain the reasons for the success of False Dmitry I

    But do you know why we, Basmanov, are strong? Not by army, no, not by Polish help, but by opinion; Yes! popular opinion.

    A.S. Pushkin

    False Dmitry I 1605-1606

    “... False Dmitry’s first enemy was himself, frivolous and hot-tempered by nature, rude from a bad upbringing - arrogant, reckless and careless from happiness. He surprised the boyars with his sharpness and liveliness of mind in matters of state... Poland never left his tongue..."

    (N.M. Karamzin)

    Reign of False Dmitry I 1605-1606

    • He won over the majority of the Boyar Duma to his side.
    • Instead of Job, he made his protege, the Greek Ignatius, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' instead of Job.
    • He did not live up to Poland’s hopes (he was in no hurry to give up Russian lands and introduce Catholicism, but offered a cash ransom for support)
    • Gradually lost support among the people and the Moscow boyars (wedding with Marina Mnishek and the behavior of the Poles in Moscow)

    Fall of False Dmitry

    violated customs

    Didn't enter Catholicism

    Not restored St. George's day

    Zoomed in Poles and Cossacks

    Pushed away

    clergy and Russians people generally

    Pushed away


    Pushed away


    Pushed away


    No support


    The death of False Dmitry I contributed to the decline in the prestige of the tsarist government. The figure of the monarch no longer inspired people with the same awe and respect. Now the king can be overthrown and killed. Space opened up for subsequent atrocities of the Time of Troubles.

    Adventure of False Dmitry I marked the beginning of the Time of Troubles. The impostor failed to stay on the Russian throne. He became the first Russian Tsar to be killed as a result of a palace coup.

    Causes of the Troubles

    Dynastic crisis, suppression of the Rurik dynasty

    Economic devastation, rising taxes, famine

    Causes of the Troubles

    Peasant struggle against enslavement

    The struggle of boyar groups


    Paragraph No. 1,

    Explore the words sedition and intervention.

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    TIME OF TROUBLES 1598-1613

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    THE TIME OF TROUBLES is an interdynastic period, when 6 rulers were replaced in the struggle for power, a civil war of the masses broke out for the “good king”, a Polish-Swedish intervention arose, which was opposed by the people’s militias, which expelled the invaders.

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    The reign of Boris Godunov was successful until 1601. In 1601–1603. Russia was struck by crop failure. Famine followed, exacerbated by the lack of supplies in the devastated country. Tsar Boris Godunov 1598-1605 “I am not happy. I thought to calm my people in contentment, in glory, to win their love with generosity - But I put aside empty care: They only know how to love the dead... God sent a famine to our land, The people howled, dying in torment; I opened the granaries for them, I scattered gold for them, I found work for them - They went crazy and cursed me!” Godunov turned out to be an unlucky tsar, and therefore illegitimate. 1603 - Cotton's rebellion

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    But who are these? I recognize the clothes they wear as native to the Earth. These are ours. Khrushchov: (hits with his forehead) Yes, our sovereign father. We are your zealous persecuted slaves. We from Moscow, disgraced, fled to you, our king - and for you we are ready to lay down our heads. Let our corpses be your steps to the royal throne. Impostor: Take heart, innocent sufferers - Just let me get to Moscow, And there Boris will pay for everything. Who are you? Cossack: I was sent to you from the Don From the free troops From the brave atamans” Karela Cossack. I was sent to you from the Don From the free troops, from the brave atamans, From the Cossacks, high and low...” sss “Impostor: Who are you? Pole: Sobanski, a free nobleman. Impostor: Praise and honor to you, child of freedom! Give him a third of his salary in advance, -

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    1604-1605 campaign of False Dmitry I against Moscow. He was supported by: slaves; Peasants; Cossacks; Nobles. 1605-1606 - reign of False Dmitry I Grigory Otrepiev “Mosal People! Maria Godunova and her son Theodore poisoned themselves. We saw their corpses. The people are silent in horror. silent in horror. Why are you silent? shout: long live Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich! 1605-1606 – Reign of False Dmitry I.

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    June 1606 - uprising in Moscow. False Dmitry I was killed. “Unfortunately, an impostor, out of nowhere, gave us such a dance that Tsar Boris died. And, having climbed onto Boris’s place, this impudent man chatted with his bride with joy. Although he was a brave guy and not even a fool, But under his power the Pole began to rebel. Otherwise we don’t like it; And then one night We gave them pepper and drove them all away.”

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    1606-1610 reign of Vasily Shuisky. "Boyar Tsar". He gave a record of the cross: for the first time, the king swore allegiance to his subjects. But in practice, Shuisky often broke his oath.

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    Bolotnikov's goal: to liberate Moscow for the rightful king 1606-1607 uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov Bolotnikov's army: Cossacks, nobles, princes, townspeople.

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    The Tushino camp became the center of an alternative state with a separate government, church hierarchy, and administrative government bodies - orders. The existence of two equally legal (or equally illegal) states on the same territory was a source of decline in public morality: people “had lunch with Tsar Vasily and dined in Tushino,” receiving positions, ranks and estates here and there. 1607-1608 campaign of False Dmitry II against Moscow. "Tushinsky thief"

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    Tushino Patriarch Filaret 1608-1610 – reign of False Dmitry II in Tushino False Dmitry II

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    Vasily Shuisky was forced to turn to the Swedes for help. According to the agreement, the Swedes sent a detachment of 5,000 to fight the Poles in exchange for lands on the Baltic coast (the Korelu fortress). The command of the detachment was taken over by the Tsar’s relative M.V. Skopin-Shuisky.

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    BEGINNING OF THE INTERVENTION Siege of Smolensk by Polish troops. The thumbnail has begun. XVII century The Polish king Sigismund III declared war on Russia and besieged Smolensk. The king recalled the Poles from Tushino and the camp collapsed.

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    1610-1613 - seven-boyar Korolevich Vladislav 1610 - Vasily Shuisky was forcibly tonsured a monk. The boyars invited the Polish prince Vladislav to the kingdom. But Sigismund III did not allow him to come to Moscow. WHY? The boyars secretly allowed Hetman Zholkiewski into Moscow. A delegation led by Filaret was sent to Poland, but Sigismund declared his claims to the throne. The ambassadors and Patriarch Filaret were arrested.

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    THE SEVEN BOYARS M.P. Klodt. Marina Mnishek with her father in custody. False Dmitry was unable to take advantage of the situation. A conflict arose in his camp and he was killed. Soon M. Mnishek gave birth to a “crow” Ivan. Some areas decided to swear allegiance to him. In the north, the Swedes also began intervention, and the Poles in Moscow. The independence and territorial integrity of the country were under threat.

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    The first militia - 1611 Plan of Moscow 1610 Leaders: nobleman Prokopiy Lyapunov, Prince Trubetskoy; Cossack I. Zarutsky. Goal: Liberate Moscow from the Poles.

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    1611 – Smolensk surrendered to the Poles; 1611 – the Swedes took Novgorod, Smolensk Kremlin. On Lyapunov’s initiative, the “Sentence of the Whole Land” was adopted, which prohibited Cossacks from holding positions of nobility, and 28 Cossacks were executed. The others invited Lyapunov to the circle and killed him. The militia disintegrated.

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    Second militia - 1612 K. Makovsky. Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square, calling on people for donations. In Nizhny Novgorod, on the initiative of Kuzma Minin, the formation of the II militia began. D. Pozharsky became its military leader. Bring all your goods, everything that you have saved up for many years! And whoever does not have wealth - Loving the Fatherland, loving the homeland, take off your pectoral cross!
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      Specifics of biological drawing for middle school students Biological drawing is one of the generally accepted tools for studying biological objects and structures. There are many good tutorials that address this issue....

    • Amino acids necessary for humans How to remember all the amino acids

      1. Amino acids Scarlet Waltz. Flies (from the log) Copper of Farewells, Grass of the Final. Clay Gray, Anxiety, Ceremony, Silence. Slate Depths of Falling Leaves (Fall into) Giant Arcades. That is: Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Proline,...

    • Independent reproduction of Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor in Russia

      Owners know firsthand how much it costs to provide a private home with electricity and heat. In this article I want to share the latest news about the development of a new type of heat generator. The likelihood of an energy revolution when...