The theme is not your love I'm asking for. I'm not asking for your love. There is a cherished quality in the closeness of people

A. Akhmatova’s poetic work “I’m not asking for your love...” saw the world in 1914. This creation combines the real, sincere feelings of the poetess, which are harmoniously intertwined with poetic creativity.

Already from the first lines, the reader feels the sadness, the sadness that the heroine of the poem experiences. She broke up with her loved one on his initiative. He found himself another woman. According to the heroine, it is clear that that other person is a completely narrow-minded and incomprehensible person. Akhmatova calls her a fool.

In her poetic work, Akhmatova pays attention specifically to the image of the main character. The reader gets a double impression of her. On the one hand, this is an unhappy, abandoned woman who is overwhelmed with sadness. On the other hand, Akhmatova describes the heroine as a wise, strong woman who did not hide behind a curtain of grievances and disappointments.

The poetic gift that the heroine was awarded helps her rethink and cope with the disaster that happened. And now she has decided that the severance of the relationship is final. Even if her beloved comes to his senses and returns, she will no longer accept him. After all, once before dear person abandoned her true love, why return everything now! After the end of the relationship, the heroine was able to look at it from the other side, reevaluate and rethink it.

When writing this poem, Anna Akhmatova uses an extraordinary variety of metaphors and epithets. They enhance the emotional load of rhymed lines. Also, the reader pays attention to the presence of rhetorical questions to which the poetess is looking for answers.

This poem is so expressive that it leaves a long memory of itself in the hearts of readers and lovers of Akhmatova’s work.

Analysis of Akhmatova’s poem “I’m not asking for your love...”

In 1914, the famous poetess Anna Akhmatova wrote the poem “I’m not asking for your love...”. Compared to a number of his other works, the lines of this poem look somewhat unassuming. However, the area of ​​sincere feelings, as well as the theme of poetic creativity - both of these directions are clearly manifested in this work of the poetess.

Reading the first lines, it becomes clear that before us is a personal drama: the heroine of the poem was abandoned by her loved one. At the same time, her lover himself decided to leave, deciding to leave for another woman. One feels that the “other” is a narrow-minded and limited person. This is suggested by the epithet used by the poetess: “fool.”

Despite the tragedy of the situation, the main attention in this work is paid to the image of the main character. He is clearly ambiguous. On the one hand, readers are presented with an abandoned woman who is lonely and sad. However, not everything is so obvious: from the individual “strokes” skillfully created by Akhmatova, the image of a poetess with the gift of expressing deep feelings is clearly visible.

The impression gradually intensifies that before us is a wise woman who does not close herself off from the world and the people around her with a veil of grievances and claims. The separation that happened only more clearly highlights the strength of internal feelings and the integrity of creative nature. The poetic gift becomes precisely that saving grace that helps the heroine not only gain deep understanding of the event, but also gives new meaning to her work.

Some readers may think: “What will happen if a former lover realizes his mistake and decides to return to the main character of the poem?” The poetess brilliantly anticipated such a question - the answer becomes clear from the following lines. In fact, if a loved one turned out to be unfaithful, deciding to leave a woman who loved him very much, then why try to change what has already happened before?

From the further lines of the poem it becomes clear that the gap that has occurred is final. The heroine makes no complaints: now she has the opportunity to see the situation from another, much more high level. It is in this state that one can express those feelings, the depth of which is difficult to convey in ordinary words.

The entire poem is permeated with the indescribable expressiveness of epithets and metaphors. In addition, in the text of the work there are both a rhetorical question and an exclamation of a similar kind. However, even the so-called “vernacular” used occasionally by the poetess does not at all reduce the feeling of the vivid imagery of the heroes of this work. And it is quite natural that all these means of artistic expression make the poem “I am not asking for your love...” memorable for a long time.

The work belongs to numerous love lyrics poetess with intertwined themes of poetic creativity.

The narrative in the poem is conducted on behalf of the lyrical heroine in the form of a monologue, around which storyline, concluded in the personal drama of a girl abandoned by her lover for another woman, distinguished by her small intelligence, unlike the heroine.

The lyrical heroine is presented as a poetess in the image of a wise woman who, despite the pain she has suffered, does not harbor resentment and anger towards the man she loved in the past and does not feel abandoned, lonely and sad; on the contrary, through her own suffering and experiences, the woman finds a state of humility and peace .

As a means of artistic expression that allows one to clearly illustrate the mental state of the lyrical heroine, the poetess uses numerous metaphors interspersed with infrequent epithets, used in a clear, unique form. In addition, the poem contains anaphors and inversions in combination with syntactic expressive methods and figures of speech in the form of rhetorical questions, exclamations and innuendos.

Thanks to the sensuality and emotionality of the author's intention, the poem demonstrates the integrity and spiritual strength of the lyrical heroine, who, with the help of her own poetic gift, gains a deep awareness of the situation that has developed with her, realizing that the break with her lover is final. At the same time, the girl has no complaints or resentments towards her former loved one, since she is a strong sensual person.

A distinctive feature of the poem is its simplicity and unpretentiousness, expressed in the tragedy of what is happening to the heroine and at the same time in the enthusiastic attitude towards the girl who managed to overcome the melancholy and pain of loss. At the same time, the author uses ironic elements in the work, focusing on the rationality and generosity of the heroine.

The poetess, for whom love is a reflection of her own human feelings, in her poem reveals to the reader a whole book telling about the versatility of the female soul, not subject to the laws of life, contained only in her emotional worldview.

Analysis 2

In 1914, A. Akhmetova published a new work, and if we consider it with other works of the poetess, it looks quite simple and unpretentious. But the feelings themselves, as well as the poetic line - here they are intertwined together.

Reading the first lines, it becomes clear that a tragedy is being revealed here: the heroine was abandoned by her loved one. He himself decided to put all the dots in place and go to another girl who is stupider and more naive than her.

But if you do not pay attention to the tragedy of the situation, then the main attention in this poem is given to the image of the heroine herself. There is no exact image here. After all, if you look, on the one hand, this is an abandoned girl who is sad and yearning, and on the other hand, thanks to the strong gift of the poetess, deeper feelings are revealed here.

It’s becoming more and more clear that before us is a smart girl, open to the world and those around her. This spat reveals her fortitude very well.

Someone may wonder what will happen if the young man decides to return, what will happen then? Will the heroine forgive him? And here the author clearly outlined the picture by writing the following lines. After all, if a man turned out to be unfaithful, having decided to leave a girl who could not imagine her life without him, then why change what has already happened?

From the following lines of the work it becomes clear that the disagreement that has arisen is final. The girl does not make any claims. Now she has a chance to look at what happened from a different perspective. Right now you can show those feelings that cannot be shown in another state, when everything is good and calm.

The entire work is imbued with an indescribable clarity of metaphors and comparisons. In addition, in the lines of the poem there is also a rhetorical question. But sometimes, the “vernacular” written by Akhmatova does not at all reduce the feeling of the vivid image of the heroes of this poem.

Analysis of the poem I’m not asking for your love... according to plan

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Analysis of A. Akhmatova’s poem “I’m not asking for your love”

I'm not asking for your love.

She is now in a safe place.

Believe that I am your bride

I don't write jealous letters.

Let her keep my portraits, -

After all, grooms are so kind!

And these fools need it more

Consciousness full of victory,

Than friendship is light talk

And the memory of the first tender days...

When is happiness worth pennies?

You will live with your dear friend

And for the satiated soul

Everything will suddenly become so hateful -

On my special night

Don't come. I don't know you.

And how could I help you?

I don't heal from happiness.

The poem was written in 1914. Compared to a number of other works by A. Akhmatova, the lines of this poem look somewhat unassuming. However, the area of ​​sincere feelings, as well as the theme of poetic creativity - both of these directions are clearly manifested in this work of the poetess.

Reading the first lines, it becomes clear that before us is a personal drama: the heroine of the poem was abandoned by her loved one. At the same time, her lover himself decided to leave, deciding to leave for another woman. One feels that the “other” is a narrow-minded and limited person. This is suggested by the epithet used by the poetess: “fool.”

Despite the tragedy of the situation, the main attention in this work is paid to the image of the main character. He is clearly ambiguous. On the one hand, readers are presented with an abandoned woman who is lonely and sad. However, not everything is so obvious: from the individual “strokes” skillfully created by Akhmatova, the image of a poetess with the gift of expressing deep feelings is clearly visible.

The impression gradually intensifies that before us is a wise woman who does not close herself off from the world and the people around her with a veil of grievances and claims. The separation that happened only more clearly highlights the strength of internal feelings and the integrity of creative nature. we understand that she had to go through a lot and suffer a lot to come to such a state of acceptance and humility:

I'm not asking for your love.

She is now in a safe place.

Believe that I am your bride

I don't write jealous letters.

Keep the feeling self-esteem The heroine is helped by her creative gift, the awareness that she is a Poet. The poetic gift becomes precisely the saving grace that helps the heroine not only gain a deep understanding of the event that happened, but also gives new meaning to her work. It is this that fills her life with meaning, allows her to understand that all the losses in her life are a trifle compared to what she has.

Of course, it is not easy to love a woman poet. However, relationships with her cannot be compared with love for the most ordinary, gray, “like everyone else”:

When is happiness worth pennies?

You will live with your dear friend

And for the satiated soul

everything will suddenly become so hateful...

Some readers may think: “What will happen if a former lover realizes his mistake and decides to return to the main character of the poem?” The poetess brilliantly anticipated such a question - the answer becomes clear from the following lines. In fact, if a loved one turned out to be unfaithful, deciding to leave a woman who loved him very much, then why try to change what has already happened before?

From the further lines of the poem it becomes clear that the gap that has occurred is final. The hero made a choice - towards ordinary, prosaic happiness. So let him be “happily until the end” - lyrical heroine can't help him in any way. Bitterly and ironically she states:

On my special night

Don't come. I don't know you.

And how could I help you?

I don't heal from happiness.

After the breakup, the heroine wanted only one thing from her ex-lover - “friendship, light conversations And the memory of the first tender days...” But this did not happen. Who is to blame for this? Or the hero’s bride, for whom “a consciousness full of victory is more necessary” than anything else. Or the hero himself, who does not allow his future wife to read the heroine’s poems or keep her portraits. One thing is clear - the breakup happened forever, much of what is dear to both the lyrical heroine and her lover is a thing of the past, forgotten, betrayed. This is the most offensive and terrible thing for the heroine, which is why the poem is filled with a mood of sadness, bitterness, and resentment.

Means of artistic expression help create such a mood, as well as convey the state of her heroine Akhmatova. This poem, like all the poet’s lyrics, is simple and strict in form, rather poor lexical means expressiveness. This poem contains quite a few metaphors: “friendship, bright conversations”, “memory of the first tender days”, “happiness is pennies”, “on my gala night”, “I do not heal from happiness”. There are a small number of epithets here (“satiated soul”).

Among the syntactic means of expressiveness in this poem there are a rhetorical question (“And how could I help you?”), rhetorical exclamation(“After all, suitors are so kind”), reticence (“And these fools need a consciousness full of victory, Than friendship, light conversations And the memory of the first tender days...”). In addition, there are quite a lot of inversions (“I don’t know you”, “Consciousness full of victory”, “you will live with pennies of happiness”, and so on). There is anaphora (“Let her read my poems, Let her keep my portraits”).

In lexical terms, Akhmatova uses colloquial words (“everything will immediately become so hateful”) to more accurately and strongly convey the mood and state of the hero.

Thus, the poem “I’m not asking for your love” is a typical work for Akhmatova, in which the theme of love and creativity, the mood of pain and despair are closely intertwined with the understanding of chosenness and happiness from this. Means of artistic expression, the main of which are metaphors and various syntactic means, help convey the mood of the poem and the emotions of the main character.

And it is quite natural that all these means of artistic expression make the poem “I am not asking for your love...” memorable for a long time.

“I’m not asking for your love...” Anna Akhmatova

I'm not asking for your love.
She is now in a safe place.
Believe that I am your bride
I don't write jealous letters.
But take the advice of the wise:
Let her read my poems
Let her keep my portraits, -
After all, grooms are so kind!
And these fools need it more
Consciousness full of victory,
Than friendship is light talk
And the memory of the first tender days...
When is happiness worth pennies?
You will live with your dear friend
And for the satiated soul
Everything will suddenly become so hateful -
On my special night
Don't come. I don't know you.
And how could I help you?
I don't heal from happiness.

Analysis of Akhmatova’s poem “I’m not asking for your love...”

In 1914, the famous poetess Anna Akhmatova wrote the poem “I’m not asking for your love...”. Compared to a number of his other works, the lines of this poem look somewhat unassuming. However, the area of ​​sincere feelings, as well as the theme of poetic creativity - both of these directions are clearly manifested in this work of the poetess.

Reading the first lines, it becomes clear that before us is a personal drama: the heroine of the poem was abandoned by her loved one. At the same time, her lover himself decided to leave, deciding to leave for another woman. One feels that the “other” is a narrow-minded and limited person. This is suggested by the epithet used by the poetess: “fool.”

Despite the tragedy of the situation, the main attention in this work is paid to the image of the main character. He is clearly ambiguous. On the one hand, readers are presented with an abandoned woman who is lonely and sad. However, not everything is so obvious: from the individual “strokes” skillfully created by Akhmatova, the image of a poetess with the gift of expressing deep feelings is clearly visible.

The impression gradually intensifies that before us is a wise woman who does not close herself off from the world and the people around her with a veil of grievances and claims. The separation that happened only more clearly highlights the strength of internal feelings and the integrity of creative nature. The poetic gift becomes precisely the saving grace that helps the heroine not only gain a deep understanding of the event that happened, but also gives new meaning to her work.

Some readers may think: “What will happen if a former lover realizes his mistake and decides to return to the main character of the poem?” The poetess brilliantly anticipated such a question - the answer becomes clear from the following lines. In fact, if a loved one turned out to be unfaithful, deciding to leave a woman who loved him very much, then why try to change what has already happened before?

From the further lines of the poem it becomes clear that the gap that has occurred is final. The heroine makes no complaints: now she has the opportunity to see the situation from a different, much higher level. It is in this state that one can express those feelings, the depth of which is difficult to convey in ordinary words.

The entire poem is permeated with the indescribable expressiveness of epithets and metaphors. In addition, in the text of the work there are both a rhetorical question and an exclamation of a similar kind. However, even the so-called “vernacular” used occasionally by the poetess does not at all reduce the feeling of the vivid imagery of the heroes of this work. And it is quite natural that all these means of artistic expression make the poem “I am not asking for your love...” memorable for a long time.

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