Second higher education in Russia - how to get it for free. Second higher education Which 2nd higher education to get?

Some advice for those who are going to get a second one higher education

Decide on your own motives

Analyze why you need a second higher education. Try to formulate for yourself the goals and objectives of obtaining a second diploma. Is it worth going through entrance examinations at the university, listen to lectures, prepare for sessions and write term papers? Perhaps, to satisfy your desires, it will be enough to educate yourself using special literature or the Internet? Or maybe it will be enough for you to take advanced training courses or professional retraining?

Decide onabout specialty

Think about which direction of second higher education is better to choose if you have finally decided to get a second diploma. How to use your first higher education in combination with your second future with the greatest benefit for yourself? Should you choose a profession that has nothing to do with your first one? After all, no one guarantees that after a certain time you won’t get bored with it and stop inspiring. Study how the specialty you have chosen is paid in your city or region. A second higher education is always paid for, so it would be nice to offset the costs of obtaining a second diploma with a decent salary in the future.

Decide on the form of training

If you have already chosen a direction for your second higher education, choose a convenient form of study. For those who are attracted specifically educational process, there is a full-time course of study. For those who work in a busy schedule, universities may offer to attend classes without compromising work: in the evenings or on weekends. Don’t forget that universities can now also develop individual program specifically for you or offer distance learning. Make the learning process more accessible and convenient!

Decide on a university

Be careful when choosing an educational institution where you are going to receive a second higher education. Before entering a particular university, try to collect as much information as possible about it. Find out if he has a license that is current at the time of your admission. educational activities and whether he has state accreditation for the specialty you have chosen (UGS). Remember that a university can guarantee you a state diploma only if it has the above documents. Therefore, do not buy into dubious offers and protect yourself from unpleasant problems that may arise with unscrupulous higher education institutions.

IN lately The number of job seekers is rapidly increasing various fields with several higher education degrees. This is not surprising, since many reputable companies prefer to cooperate with multidisciplinary specialists. In addition, a second degree helps to successfully reach the top in your career and deepen your knowledge in your chosen profession. However, many people are guided by personal goals and do not intend to stop studying after receiving one diploma.

It is generally accepted that it provides for the student to master higher education programs on the basis of existing or incomplete higher education. As a rule, a significant proportion of applicants have diplomas confirming receipt of a higher education vocational education.

But is it possible to get a second higher education at the same time? This question remains relevant for applicants. Quite often the highest educational institutions provide their students with this opportunity. However, the main difference from obtaining the first higher education is studying at on a commercial basis. In this case, students are considered listeners and can study only in the correspondence department. It is important to emphasize that this status is equal to the status of full-time students.

As for the timing of obtaining a diploma, they are directly influenced by the first diploma and the form of study indicated by the applicant. During the enrollment process, disciplines matching the programs are re-credited. Thus, students who chose a related specialty will have the shortest duration of study. Similarities curricula will guarantee a significant percentage of item matches. On average, a person will have to spend from two to three and a half years to obtain additional higher education.

From what course can you get a second degree?

Students of both primary and advanced courses are capable of obtaining another education at the same time. But most of them prefer to start getting another diploma, having completed the third year in their main specialty. This step will avoid retaking exams in subjects that are common to the curriculum. A person must decide from which course he can obtain a second higher education independently, based on his own capabilities and goals. Statistics show that students studying in their third to fifth year choose to receive a second diploma at the same time as their first.

To begin training for an additional specialty, a student must pass certification tests, represented by a written test of a profile focus. Admissions Committee you need to provide not only the usual package of documents, but also academic certificate issued by the main place of study.

After completing parallel training, graduates, unlike their classmates, receive two state diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education. It should be noted that only universities that have a license for educational activities and state accreditation in a certain specialty can do this. This feature is definitely worth remembering. modern students, considering the possibility of parallel studies at different institutes or universities.

Fashion trend or life necessity?
Not so long ago, our country literally “went crazy” on second higher education. Having one diploma or studying at only one university was unfashionable and embarrassing. According to the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion(VTsIOM) the number of people receiving a second higher education in 2005 increased by 25% compared to 2004. Now the “tower passions” have subsided a little, and people finally have the opportunity to soberly assess the situation with obtaining a second diploma.
Most often, when going to get a second specialty, people expect that upon graduation they will easily be able to find a new high-paying job or be able to make a brilliant career in their previous place. Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of the Ural State University of Economics conducted a study entitled “Second higher education: motivation for choice”, according to which 71.1% of respondents assume that obtaining a second education will help increase their income. Also, 60.9% of respondents are confident that upon completion of their studies they will occupy a higher position. The vast majority of holders of one diploma are convinced that having a second one will be a treasured lifesaver for them. However, as practice shows, with obtaining a second higher education, only some people experience dramatic changes- long-awaited progress begins in your career, and in life in general. For another part of the would-be students, the second “tower” is just the result of wasted time and money.

Three against...
1. It’s stupid to go get a second “tower” just because, if not everyone, then many are doing it now. You need to clearly understand your motivation - if now you work, say, as a salesman in a shoe store, and for such employment, in fact, you didn’t need a first diploma, why waste effort, time and money on a second one?!
2. Do you want to become a real pro in your field and prove that you are a highly qualified specialist? You don't need a second diploma for this. If you plan to develop within your first specialty, go to graduate school or take advanced training courses. A specialist who has deep knowledge in his field and even work experience will be valued by potential employers much more than an inexperienced university graduate, even if he has two diplomas.
3. It doesn’t matter whether you plan to receive a second higher education simultaneously with the first or want to combine study with work - be prepared for excessive workload. It is always quite difficult to combine getting a degree with anything else, because regardless of your employment, the demand from all students is the same.

...and four pros

1. The desire to radically change the field of their activity can arise both from those who have worked in one place for 15-20 years, and from those who have just started their career and quickly realized that, perhaps, they chose something wrong. It would be nice to do something else, but the lack of previously acquired knowledge does not allow this. It is at this moment that you should think about getting a second higher education.
2. The modern labor market is undergoing active changes. Every day more and more new industries and directions are emerging. And to work in them, highly qualified personnel with the necessary fundamental knowledge are also required. This need is also determined by the need to obtain a second higher education in a number of specialties that were not previously taught at universities at all.
3. Among people already employed locally, the problem of lack of knowledge and level of qualifications is often encountered. This happens when, after graduating from a university, a graduate goes to work outside of his specialty. Having worked for some time, he feels an urgent need to obtain a second education, which will now be related to his current field of activity. And this is also another reasonable reason to get a second degree.
4. The desire to move up the career ladder is highly commendable. A correctly chosen specialization for a second higher education will certainly help its owner move to another position or achieve a long-awaited salary increase.

And yet...
What conclusion can we still draw? Is a second diploma ultimately necessary and why?

Evgenia Gorbunova, SUSU student: "IN present moment I’m getting two higher educations, and in a year I’ll have two diplomas in my hands. One of them is a diploma from the international faculty, specialization - crisis management (this is my “first” education, it is full-time), the second specialty is legal - civil law and process, I receive it in the correspondence department. I believe that I will have a very profitable tandem of economic and legal education, and this will give me the opportunity to be a fairly sought-after specialist in the labor market. Generally in modern world In my opinion, having a second higher education for an employee is a huge plus. Now there are positions that you simply cannot get into without having two diplomas. Of course, I won’t say that getting two degrees at the same time is very easy. You must be present for almost all distance learning classes, which means you have to miss a point. Sometimes it happens that face-to-face sessions correspondence departments coincide, and then in a month you need to pass about 12 exams and 10 tests, which is quite difficult. In addition, you have to carry out many ongoing tasks, which gives additional stress. However, it is worth noting that all these difficulties must be overcome in order to secure a decent future for ourselves in the future.”

Olga Vazhenina, lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication at SUSU: “We always support students wishing to obtain a second higher education, since integrated knowledge and an integrated approach to education are currently highly valued. For example, at our department, from the first year we give students the opportunity to obtain a second higher education linguistic education. We are sure that it will be useful for the children to have economic skills and know additional languages. Education is never superfluous.”

Subtleties of the “tower”: where, when and how?
Well, perhaps now we can say with confidence: if you have the strength and time for self-development, you should definitely go for a second diploma. Before this, however, it is necessary to determine correct motive and set yourself specific goals that will be achieved after receiving the next “tower”. If the prospects seem vague, you should not be distracted by getting a second higher education and try to embrace the immensity. In general, the well-known saying “measure twice, cut once” is perfectly suited for determining the need to obtain a second diploma. Well, the following is information for those who have already clearly decided that they will apply a second time.

1. What are our years?

At what age is it best to get a second degree? Specialists of the “2EDU” project from the “Begin Group” company conducted a study, according to the results of which 47% of respondents thought about getting a second education at the age of 20–25. Between the ages of 26 and 30, 23% of those surveyed decided to get a new specialization, and 16% went for new knowledge when they were between 31 and 40 years old. Such data proves that it is never too late to study and you can go get another education at any age.

2. What does the market need?
The demand for specialists of various types in the labor market is now so diverse that it is quite difficult to decide where to apply for a second time. Once again, let's look at the statistics from VTsIOM. According to the latest data, the leaders of the second higher education are majors in the fields of economics and finance (each of them has 32%). Legal education is no less popular - it is chosen by 29% of respondents, and specialization in the field computer technology - 28%.
Another study, also from the already mentioned Begin Group, indicates considerable interest among students in management; 42% of workers with higher education want to study this specialty. In second place in the ranking is “finance,” which, according to researchers, is of interest to 29%; third place goes to marketing, with 19%.
Be attentive to all-Russian trends, and think again about which specialty you should choose. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have to go for a third diploma later.

3. Time is money
All universities offer a second education on a commercial basis. Yes, and article 5 federal law“On Education” dated July 10, 1992 stipulates that “a citizen has the right to receive higher education free of charge if it (education) is obtained for the first time.” This means that it will not be possible to enroll “on a budget” at the second “tower”. Working people will be in a doubly losing position, since, according to Article 177 of the Labor Code, employers do not provide employees receiving a second higher education with leave during the session while maintaining average earnings.

Typically, the duration of obtaining a second higher education is about 2-3 years, and although general education subjects most often omitted, the duration of the course in any case should not be less than 500 hours. However, if the content academic disciplines The first and second specialties are radically different; training can last as long as 5 years. Also, students receiving their first higher education in a number of universities have the opportunity to simultaneously study a second specialty.

Anna Ivanchikova
especially for

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Duration of study for a second higher education

Over time, some holders of a higher education diploma think about getting a second specialty. This may be due to the most for various reasons, for example, the emergence of good prospects when mastering another profession. Today you can get a second education by correspondence, but many people are interested in the duration of the study.

How long do you need to study?

The peculiarity of obtaining on the basis of the first is that you can only study on by correspondence. The period is determined at each university independently, but taking into account the norms that are prescribed in State Standards and the Law on Education. On average it ranges from 3.5 to 4 years.

For training, there are usually two forms of correspondence available: classical and weekend group. The latter is optimal because you only need to attend classes on Saturdays or Sundays - on weekdays you can go to work. The cost will be slightly higher.

Is it possible to shorten or increase the duration of training?

If you want to speed up graduation and quickly get a second higher education, then do the following:

  • Compare the disciplines that are included in the insert for your existing diploma with the training program for the new specialty.
  • Provide the dean's office with a list of accepted subjects.
  • Follow the transfer of points.

The procedure for recognizing and transferring grades is called re-crediting. The more disciplines you re-credit, the less you will have to take.

An alternative way to shorten the training period is early delivery exams. To do this, prepare a statement in which you should describe the reasons for passing the tests early. Submit it to the dean's office and coordinate there the preparation of an individual class schedule.

Sometimes there is a need to increase the training period. This may be due to the fact that the student is unable to cope with his studies, he is temporarily moving, or other force majeure circumstances. In this case, the student may ask for academic or academic leave for a period of up to 12 months. The differences between them are as follows:

  • Academic leave. Issued if there is a corresponding conclusion from a doctor - it is also possible to take into account force majeure circumstances. You can apply for such leave only once during your studies. At the same time, the student should not have any debts for the session, tests and exams.
  • Study leave. Can be issued by a working student if he is sent for advanced training by his employer. This should be described in the agreement to the employment contract.

Learning process

Distance learning is a specific program, often involving an individual work schedule with educational material. The student independently builds a preparation plan. For example, he can study every day for 2-3 hours or take on mastering the material only 1-2 times a week - it all depends on his busyness and desire.

Also, the training schedule depends on the chosen specialty. Future lawyers have to study a large layer of information that they need to have time to work through - this requires a lot of attention to their studies. It is easier for specialists in areas related to economics to study.

What should I do?

IN recent years Such areas as management, marketing, economics, law, linguistics, programming and others are very popular. Usually they enter a university for the second time in order to get an education in a related field. You need to take your application as seriously as you did the first time. Find out the list necessary documents should be submitted to the university admissions office. It includes the original diploma, annexes, passport and several 3x4 cm photographs.

Most often, admission requires submitting documents and passing an interview. There are exceptions when the university requires passing entrance exam in the main discipline. Upon successful completion of the exam, a training contract is concluded with the student.

Apply for admission to college online!

As a study conducted some time ago by the National Research University Higher School of Economics showed, in almost every federal districts The country has seen an increase in the number of students wishing to obtain a second higher education.

What about them? Education in Italy

“He studied in Italy” - most Russians are familiar with this phrase from the classic novels of the nineteenth century and the biographies of great sculptors, painters and opera singers. The country where Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Verdi, Rossini, Caruso and others lived and worked is traditionally perceived as an alma mater greatest figures arts However, the history of education in Italy is much broader and deeper.

Olga Ivanova

According to Rosstat, the overwhelming majority of students (66.5% of men and 70% of women) re-entered universities before the age of 30, about 20% of people are from 31 to 40 years old and about 6% are over 40 years old.

It is easy to see that a second higher education is becoming increasingly in demand. According to VTsIOM, 66% of respondents today express confidence that it is necessary to constantly improve the level of their qualifications. At the same time, 23% believe that this should be done annually, once every three years – 26% and once every 5 years – 17%.

And most large number of people who are confident in the need to constantly improve their skills, among people with higher education – 86%. What brings already experienced specialists back to the student bench?

1. The labor market’s need for universal specialists

Increasingly, employer vacancies include, among other requirements, two higher education degrees. Some employers have a vague idea of ​​why they need such a specialist, but following the trends of the times, they are looking for such a specialist, which gives rise to jokes about the cleaner-economist-toastmaster-diver-analyst. Others really need a specialist who understands not only economics, but also law, or a marketer with knowledge of psychology.

Ivan, 27: “At work, where there was no architect, I realized that a programmer without the ability to design architecture is weak and dependent. I decided to correct this shortcoming. To some extent it worked. Unfortunately, in addition to the general aspects, there are also a great many small areas. Nobody can teach you everything. You can probably learn programming endlessly.”

2. Desire for career growth

Sometimes more high position requires new knowledge and skills, which becomes an incentive to get another diploma. But if the second education runs counter to the candidate’s professional path, this may even become a disadvantage.

Olesya, 37: “I worked in my specialty for quite a long time, but at one point I decided to change my profession to a more “feminine” one due to dissatisfaction with my career, and left production to become a lawyer.”

3. The desire to change profession

About 40% of students re-enter the university in order to change their qualifications. This is often due to disappointment in the first specialty acquired. After all, at the age of 17–18, most applicants find it difficult to choose a profession for life, and parents, guided by ideas about what is best, force their children to enroll in “prestigious” faculties. In addition, the acquired specialty may lose its relevance and attractiveness and encourage a person to acquire new knowledge.

Alla, 42: “There was no work in my specialty at my new place of residence. An interesting vacancy was offered, but in a completely different field of activity. I was interested in learning again.”

4. Expectations of a higher salary

Many students have high hopes for a second diploma, since, in their opinion, it guarantees a more substantial reward for their work. If you have truly gained the necessary knowledge and are ready to take on more responsibility at work, then this is your option. Otherwise, the second crust will go to the stack of other documents.

Egor, 31: “I worked for six years as a design engineer at a large enterprise, but at some point I realized that the current salary did not suit me and I wanted to use my communication skills. I moved to the sales department for a much higher salary, however, with the condition that I would get a second degree at the Faculty of Economics.”

5. The pursuit of knowledge

Knowledge may become outdated and lose relevance, and some specialists want to understand related issues. Sometimes a person develops a hobby that becomes his life’s work, and he goes back to study to master necessary knowledge. And in the end, there are people who want to constantly improve themselves. And it doesn’t matter to them whether they can apply the acquired knowledge in practice or not, the main thing is to broaden their horizons.

Yulia, 46: “For as long as I can remember, learning something, seeing or learning something new has always attracted me. Working on yourself and being satisfied with the results of this work... It’s like a love of travel.”

6. Prestige in society

Some people go for a second higher education or a Ph.D. because it is fashionable. They think that having a lot of regalia on a business card will automatically raise their authority and make others listen to them. One of my classmates defended his degree and even worked for some time in a low-paid but high-profile position at a university solely in order to have every right to write all his regalia on a business card. Indeed, some people are influenced by such an impressive list of professional advantages.

7. The desire to earn praise

If a child in the family was constantly told that love must be earned, especially by academic success, then at school he will study with only “A” grades, worry seriously about the slightest “B”, and then enter college. good university, upon completion will receive a red diploma. But this turns out to be not enough. The need to prove to family, friends and friends that one is needed, important and the desire to earn praise motivates such a person to receive a second or third higher education, and to attend all kinds of courses.

8. Infantilism

It's certainly nice to be a lifelong student. In this case, the thirst for knowledge is replaced by the desire to be in this special atmosphere, and studying is perceived as a get-together or communication based on interests. Such a student learns without much effort and is quite happy with “C” grades. He wants to push back the moment of going to work as far as possible and, in response to justified complaints, say that he is studying! This is some kind of attempt to escape responsibility when you need to make decisions on your own.

9. The desire to arrange your personal life

Not like that common reason for obtaining a second higher education, but still has a place to be. Enrolling in another university or taking new courses is another way to get acquainted, since the student environment involves communication, and, in addition, you can take a closer look at the person you like. Often this path is chosen by those who studied at traditionally “youthful” or “girlish” faculties, for example, in aviation or pedagogy.

Obtaining a second higher education is quite an important step. Ask yourself honestly what you will gain after graduating from a second university besides a diploma. If you have decided on your goals, then consider several universities, the best accredited ones, and programs in the chosen specialty in each of them.

Don’t forget to look at the subjects included in the program and the number of hours of training, otherwise, instead of new knowledge, you risk taking the same discipline for the second round. If you are interested in several universities, collect feedback on the quality of education in your chosen specialty, teaching staff and the learning process. This will narrow your search and help you better determine your priorities. And whatever you choose, let it open up new horizons for you!

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