Correspondence physics and mathematics schools for schoolchildren. Open Lyceum VMSH - “All-Russian correspondence multi-subject school” at Moscow State University. Ivanov Sergey Georgievich - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor and deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Informatics, Leti

For 6th grade students:

· mathematics, Russian language (course of 2 subjects) - covers material for grades 5-6.

For students in grades 7–11, three lines of courses are offered:

· mathematics, physics, Russian language (course of 3 subjects)- For planning to enter a university in the future to study engineering, technology and physics and mathematics. We recommend this particular course, since when entering universities, the sum of points scored in three subjects, including the Russian language, is taken into account.

· mathematics, physics (course of 2 subjects)- For planning to enter a university in the future to study engineering, technology and physics and mathematics. This course is for those who are confident in independently achieving the highest possible level of knowledge in the Russian language and do not consider it necessary to exercise control achieved level independent experts.

· mathematics, Russian language (course of 2 subjects)- For planning to enter a university in the future for specialties economic profile.

Separate courses in chemistry are also offered:

· "Inorganic Chemistry"(covers material for grades 8-9) - designed for study by students in grades 9 or starting from the second half of grade 8.

· « Organic Chemistry" (based on grade 10 material) - designed for study by 10th grade students.

Correspondence school services are available to students living anywhere in Russia and abroad.

You can enroll in courses at any time during the year without entrance exams. You can start studying the chosen course of the current academic year even in April-May. If students do not have time to complete the assignments before the end of the current school year, then they can continue to complete the assignments in the summer and in September-October of the next academic year.

Sets of manuals and assignments are sent to students by registered parcels.

The assignments completed by students are accepted for checking and returned from checking by email.

For each subject of the chosen course, students receive training kit, designed specifically for correspondence distance learning, which includes:

  • manuals developed by teachers of MEPhI and its lyceums. These manuals contain more intelligible explanations than in school textbooks; in every chapter on large number Examples discuss in detail various types of problems and possible ways to solve them. Manuals can serve as a good addition to textbooks, and in some cases, completely replace them. In addition to the set with basic manuals, students in grades 9 and 11 are sent additional manuals specially designed to prepare for successful passing the OGE(GIA) and Unified State Exam. These manuals take into account the changes that have appeared in the structure and content of the State Exam (GIA) and the Unified State Exam and are published at the beginning of each academic year.
  • collections of assignments on main topics school course.

    Students in grades 7-11 are asked to complete and submit for testing to the Correspondence School 6 assignments during the course of the year in each subject (except Russian language) of the course chosen for study (in the Russian language - 4 assignments); 6th grade students receive 4 assignments each in mathematics and the Russian language.

    Each task in mathematics, physics, chemistry consists of 20-30 problems of varying levels of complexity. Students must solve and submit solutions to any 10 problems for verification. Depending on the level of initial preparation, schoolchildren can choose various personal educational trajectories. This makes it possible for lagging students to improve their performance, and for excellent students to deepen their knowledge; systematically receive an independent expert assessment of your knowledge, as well as prepare for the successful passing of the State Exam (GIA) and the Unified State Exam.

After self-execution Students submit the corresponding assignment for review by email. Assignments are completed in the traditional handwritten way (solutions are written on sheets of paper). After this, all sheets are scanned and attached to an email (you will receive a detailed description of the procedure for completing and sending work for verification in a parcel along with the manuals; it is also posted in your personal account on the website).

Along with the set of manuals and assignments, you will be sent approximate deadlines for completing and submitting assignments for verification. You can change the order and timing of tasks (depending on the timing of studying the corresponding educational material at your secondary school). You can complete assignments during the holidays. If you do not have time to complete the assignments before the end of the school year, you can continue to complete the assignments both in the summer and in September-October of the next academic year. Students have the opportunity to address any questions they may have by email.

The assignments completed by schoolchildren are checked by qualified teachers using a tablet with an electronic pen and sent to the student’s email address. You will receive a verified work with an assessment, comments and recommendations from the teacher, as well as a brochure file with detailed solutions all task tasks (all levels). We recommend that you carefully read the solutions sent and analyze the tasks that you have not started to solve or that you have not been able to cope with.

IN personal accounts students, specially prepared educational video materials, interactive educational resources and additional text materials on the topics being studied and for preparing for the Olympiads. A student’s electronic diary with grades for submitted assignments is also kept in personal accounts.

Studying the course material will allow you not only to prepare for passing the OGE (GIA) and the Unified State Exam, but also to successfully study in higher education in the future. educational institutions, first of all - at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The cost of the services provided is given in the “Cost” section. No other additional payments due to inflation, changes in the tax system, etc. will be required. A discount is provided for each previously completed course. There is a cumulative system of discounts: schoolchildren who have used the services of the school from grades 6-7 receive the largest discounts for grades 10-11.

To enroll in courses, follow the steps described in the “What you need to enroll” section.

Welcome to the page Center for Distance Training of the ITMM Institute in mathematics!


Dear students of the correspondence mathematics school!

We invite you, your parents, teachers to a meeting-seminar with teachers of the correspondence mathematics school at the Institute information technology, Mathematics and Mechanics, UNN. N.I. Lobachevsky.

The seminar will discuss interesting tasks and certificates of completion of the Correspondence School of Mathematics will be issued.

Teachers will talk about the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics. There will be a lot of other interesting information.

And also, in 11.00 May 19 at the address N.Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, building 2, 3rd floor, the assembly hall will be held Day open doors . We invite you!

A meeting on the math school will take place May 19(Sunday) at 12.00 at the address: N. Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, building 6, room. 513.

Have an identification document with you.

In 2018–2019 academic year On the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics, the Correspondence Mathematics School (CMS) continues to operate. Students study at ZMSH 7–9 grades. Classes are conducted by correspondence. Education FREE, everyone is welcome. To enroll, you must fill out an application. The student downloads 5 assignments from here (each consists of five problems), the solutions of which he must send to the ZMS within the following deadlines:

  • 1st task – until December 15;
  • 2nd task – until January 15;
  • 3rd task – until February 15;
  • 4th task – until March 15;
  • 5th task – until April 15.

Letters with decisions should be sent to the address: 603950, GSP-20, N. Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, bldg. 6, room 416, Nizhny Novgorod State University, IITMM, ZMSH. The completed application can be sent along with the solution to the first assignment. Along with the completed assignment, you must send an envelope filled in with your address. After acceptance and verification of work, solutions to problems are published on the website (after the 20th of the corresponding month). Solutions to assignments are checked by ZMS staff and sent back to students. All students who successfully complete the training receive a certificate of completion of the ZMS.


1st task

2nd task

3rd task

4th task

5th task


Solution of the 1st task

Solution to the 2nd task

Solution to the 3rd task

Solution to the 4th task

Solution to the 5th task

- is part of the training system of the Intellect Center and is one of the most important areas of activity.

Correspondence mathematics school– this is the brand of our center, this is the history of the development of several generations of children and teachers. After all, ZMSH was created back in 1966 through the efforts of a group of innovative teachers from Leningrad.

Correspondence mathematics school is a dynamically developing area of ​​the Intellect Center, where a well-thought-out and efficient system working with gifted children.

Along with various educational programs The center for the part-time cycle of education at the ZMSH implements in-depth programs not only in mathematics, but also in biology and chemistry in absentia using distance learning educational technologies, using new forms of telecommunications and Internet resources.

Today ZMSH is the organizer of the Regional Mathematical Tournament “Step into Mathematics” for grades 6-8, conducts seminars, master classes, online meetings and other events.

The winners of mathematical events become active participants in the Southern and Northern mathematical tournaments, mathematical sessions at the Sirius Educational Center, and All-Russian level olympiads. More than 11 thousand people have already graduated from ZMSH, and as experience shows, students receive an excellent education, they do not have difficulties in passing the Unified State Exam and entrance exams in mathematics, biology and chemistry to any university. ZMSH teachers are teachers high school, doctors and candidates of science, teachers of the highest category, methodologists.

ZMSH is the organizer

Ivanov Sergey Georgievich - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor and deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Informatics LETI

Structure of the Correspondence Mathematics School:

Learning Objectives:

  • provide an opportunity for schoolchildren who are interested in the subject to strengthen and deepen their knowledge of sections of the school curriculum, help in preparing for Olympiads and vocational guidance, create the prerequisites for further successful studies at universities;
  • teach schoolchildren the basics scientific thinking;

    give impetus to independent studies;

    help teachers and parents work with gifted children.

Programs and benefits: ZMSh programs and teaching aids were developed by experienced methodologists and employees of universities in St. Petersburg. ZMS programs for groups “Collective student” of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses are recommended as elective courses, group work in mathematics, biology, chemistry. Each ZMS manual contains theoretical material, tasks, examples of their solutions and a test task. ZMS programs include Unified State Exam options and university applicant Olympiads.

The most successful students may be invited to participate in in-person ZMS events and training sessions at the Intellect Center.

Two forms of training are practiced - individual and in groups “Collective student” (“CU”). A KU group is a group of students or a circle who, under the guidance of a teacher, work together methodological manual and perform a single control task.

VZMSH – government agency additional education. Year of foundation – 1964. Founders – Russian Academy of Education (RAE) and Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU).
Currently, VZMSH is part of the Second School Lyceum as a structural unit.
VZMS is a modern form of distance learning, widely known in Russia. There are 9 branches: mathematicians, physicists, chemistry, biology, economy, rights, philology, history, social studies.
MATHEMATICS In-depth study of the main sections of the school course; Olympiad problems; preparation for competitive university exams; development of mathematical culture. Courses - from 1-year to 5-year (based on 6th grade).
PHYSICS The program includes the main sections of an in-depth school course, non-standard tasks, and tasks of a competitive exam. The duration of training is from 1 to 3 years, based on 8 classes. There is a one-year stream based on 10 classes.
CHEMISTRY A complete systematic course, including the basics of general organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as chemistry environment. For 9th grade students –
10th grade.
BIOLOGY Topics rarely covered in the school curriculum are studied: molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, biophysics, etc. Duration of training is 2 and 3 years.
ECONOMY The training program at Moscow State University and economic universities is “Economics PLUS”. Fundamentals of economic theory - programs “Applied Economics”, “Economics and Geography”. Introduction to business practices in business game by correspondence.
PHILOLOGY Practical literacy, the basics of literary criticism and linguistics, a little about journalism and “English for beginners.” 20 curricula They allow you to choose a course both for your soul and for preparing for university.
RIGHT, MORAL, LAW One-year course “Conversations on human rights, morality, law, law and state.” 2nd year of study – “Fundamentals of legal knowledge.”
STORY Course "History of Russia". In the program: archeology, paleography, historical game... Unique reference materials for preparation for universities. An interesting and modern methodological block set for distance learning has been created.
SOCIAL SCIENCE The course includes the following disciplines: philosophy, sociology, political science, theory of state, government system Russia, law, economics. The course program lasts 1 year. The training aims to give school graduates in-depth knowledge of social disciplines and prepare them for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.
IntroductoryassignmentsonAllsubjectdepartmentspostedonwebsitewww. vzmsh. ru
In the 2012–2013 academic year, VZMSH conducts face-to-face classes prepared specifically for schoolchildren who want to expand their knowledge and learn what is often left behind the pages of school textbooks. Classes are taught by teachers who have extensive experience in additional education programs: graduate students, teachers from Moscow State University and the Second School Lyceum.
We invite students in grades 5–11 to participate in the following clubs: “Physics”, “Social Studies”, “Poetry”. Algebra and Harmony”, “Practical Literacy”, “Biology”, “Ancient Civilizations”.
For those wishing to visit evening school VZMSH record by email [email protected] Classes are held in the building of the Second School Lyceum at the address: st. Fotieva, 18
Ourwebsite: www. vzmsh. ru
Telephone: 8 (495 ) 939 - 39 - 30 .
TelephoneeveningschoolsVZMSH: 8 (925) 039-66-13 (Tatyana Yuryevna).

In the mid-60s, at Moscow State University and many other universities in the country, there were many forms of work with schoolchildren interested in mathematics. However, they were mainly adapted for schoolchildren major cities. To help thousands of schoolchildren from remote villages and cities find their way to mathematics, awaken their interest in classes, and teach them how to work with a book, it took new form work. This form has become correspondence, or as they say now, distance learning.

VZMSH became the first correspondence school in our country.

Initially, the school was a math school. Gradually it expanded, departments of biology, physics, philology, chemistry, economics, history and law arose. This is the reason for the change in the name of the school. From a mathematical school it turned into a multi-subject school, receiving the name Open Lyceum “All-Russian Correspondence Multi-Subject School”.

VZMSH is a worthy child of the Khrushchev thaw of the 60s. It was created not for show in reports, but for children. It was created by the initiative, work and talent of extraordinary people of its time, enthusiasts and professionals high class. It is to these people that the school owes its spirit of enthusiasm and initiative, optimism and vitality.

Among the modest people who moved and are moving this great cause, one cannot fail to mention the permanent director of the VZMSH Vladimir Fedorovich Ovchinnikov, members of the scientific council Elena Georgievna Glagoleva, Mikhail Borisovich Berkinblit, the first head teacher Polina Iosifovna Masarskaya.

There are no bells or children's voices heard in this school. There are no classrooms with blackboards and chalk. Instead of all this, a small room in one of the buildings of Moscow State University, filled with tables and littered with mountains of letters and parcels. Teachers, children and their parents who come to us are amazed at how the VZMSh staff navigate all this. And yet, this is the most real school with your program and teachers

It is clear that the correspondence school required manuals adapted specifically for such training (for more details, see the manuals). Israel Moiseevich Gelfand managed to assemble an excellent team of mathematicians and teachers. Among the first authors were A.A. Kirillov (now a world-famous scientist), N.H. Rozov (now dean of the Faculty teacher education Moscow State University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education) E.G. Glagoleva (candidate of pedagogical sciences, scientific secretary of the Scientific Council of the All-Russian Medical School, still actively working).

And to ensure mass enrollment of students, many teachers were required. For these purposes, students, graduate students and young scientists from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, and then from other universities, were involved.

The first competitive enrollment for students from 10 regions nearby Moscow was announced in the spring of 1964. The result exceeded all expectations: more than 6,000 works were sent to the 1st course. About one and a half thousand lucky people were enrolled. In the early 70s, more than 15000 works from different parts of the USSR.

Currently, children study at the school not only from Russia, but also from the CIS countries and abroad. Someone once aptly called VZMSH a school without walls.

Almost from the first year of work, great opportunities inherent in this method of training began to open up. The great interest aroused by correspondence school among school teachers, led to the emergence and implementation of the idea" Collective student"- a school club working under the guidance of a teacher according to the same programs as individual students. (see Collective student)

The successful idea was quickly picked up, and soon dozens of correspondence schools were operating in the country, including branches of VZMSH.

Unlike the well-known physics and mathematics boarding school, created a little earlier in Moscow for out-of-town students, the correspondence form of education did not involve separating students from their family, familiar environment, and friends, but it provided the opportunity to try their hand and reasonably decide how serious their passion for a particular subject is.

This form of training undoubtedly serves as a powerful means of leveling starting opportunities children, no matter where and in what environment they grow up. Thus, the school was initially focused on the provinces, which, of course, did not prevent schoolchildren from large cities from studying there.

Many guys who experienced difficulties in the first year of study later became quite successful. high level, which helped them decide on future profession and enter the university.

Now the position of the school has practically not changed, but the school provides the opportunity to study there for Moscow schoolchildren. I would like to note that against the backdrop of many textbooks and programs, VZMSH manuals attract the attention of even Moscow teachers. Remarkable fact!

Correspondence form training, compared to others, is more flexible. The goal here is not to work only with gifted children; strict specialization is not assumed and is not predetermined. further fate children. Although for many thousands of schoolchildren, studying at VZMSH helped them decide on their choice of profession. (see reviews)

The main thing during distance learning is to instill in the student the ability to work independently with a book, to accustom him to systematic mental work. It is impossible not to mention one more very important aspect of distance learning. Since this form of learning requires written presentation, it helps the student develop a culture of thinking and speech.

Over the more than 40-year history of work at VZMSH, a complex has been created and thoroughly tested teaching aids, a system of special test assignments. Many of our manuals have been repeatedly published in mass circulation (including abroad) and are currently being republished. However correspondence school does not stop in its development. For recent years Many new manuals have been written and published, the authors of which are graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and other faculties of Moscow State University.

IN lately In connection with changes in the programs of secondary schools, ideas arose to use the vast experience and developed infrastructure of correspondence schools to help high school, especially in rural areas and small groups, in the organization of specialized and specialized courses. In this regard, the rich experience of the VZMSH can be of great help to the authorities public education. Our school plans to introduce new interactive technologies in the very near future.

The correspondence school has always taken and continues to take an active part in all areas of life in Russian secondary education. Close contacts have always existed with the university boarding school. A.N. Kolmogorov.

For a number of years, VZMSH employees were members of the methodological commission in mathematics and the jury of the All-Union Olympiad for Schoolchildren.

The cooperation between the OL VZMSH and the Moscow Center for Continuing Education is fruitful. mathematics education(for more details see contacts).

The list is easy to continue, but the main thing is clear - OL VZMSH has firmly fit into the Russian secondary education system, in fact founded and implemented a new direction in it, found its rightful place in it, won recognition as an advanced pedagogical community.

Department of Mathematics: Past. Present. Future

The mathematics department at the Lyceum is the oldest. The history of the school began with him more than 40 years ago. The Scientific Council of the Correspondence Mathematical School (as it was then called) was headed by the largest Russian mathematician Israel Moiseevich Gelfand. The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences undertook to finance the school, now Russian Academy education. The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University provided, albeit more than modest, premises, and most importantly, teachers and students.

The creators of the correspondence school understood that its future fate would largely depend on the quality of benefits that the first students received.

IN as soon as possible I.M. Gelfand managed to organize a mass edition of the first two correspondence school manuals.

These are the now widely known books “Coordinate Method” (authors I.M. Gelfand, E.G. Glagoleva, A.A. Kirillov) and “Functions and Graphs” (authors I.M. Gelfand, E.G. Glagoleva, E. .E.Shnol). These books opened the series of manuals “Library of the Physics and Mathematics School”, published in the Main Editorial Office of Physics and Mathematics Literature of the Nauka Publishing House.

The first book to be published was “The Coordinate Method”. Of course, 40 years ago the authors did not yet know how to write books for such a school. But as Elena Georgievna Glagoleva said, the first “damn” did not come out badly and for many years these manuals (now in a revised form) have been used in the VZMSh program.

This book has been translated into English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages. When the authors wrote this book, they tried to make schoolchildren forget that all this has been known for a long time, and look at familiar and sometimes boring things with a fresh look.

The books in this outstanding series are permanent aids to the mathematics department. Written “in one breath”, after many years they are perceived by schoolchildren with the same interest.

So, in 1964, the first enrollment was announced, and parcels with the completed introductory work began pouring into a small room at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. I can’t help but remember the huge transition from the main building of Moscow State University to the dormitory building, all filled with bags of mail. In the early 70s during admissions campaign about 16 thousand works from different parts of the USSR had to be sorted by address and carefully checked. Teachers and students all worked together to sort mail. Then students and graduate students, under the guidance of full-time ZMSH teachers, had to check all the notebooks, assign scores and select about one and a half thousand lucky students who passed the competition. It is clear that such a number of children interested in mathematics could only be thanks to public policy aimed at increasing the level of scientific and technical education of young people.

A year after the opening of the VZMSH, there were 16 thousand schoolchildren, including those who began to study in the “Collective Student” group under the guidance of their own mathematics teacher. There is no need to prove that leading such a group is a real form of professional development for a teacher.

In those years, about one and a half thousand schoolchildren’s works came to the ZMSH every month to check them. A tiny full-time team naturally could not check such a huge number of notebooks. This is where students from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and then from the newly formed Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, came to the rescue. Students united in teams (now this name sounds strange, but let’s not forget what years these were) of 6-7 people, among them a foreman was elected, who came to the ZMSH to get notebooks for his inspectors, and also monitored the quality of checking the work. But the students, yesterday’s schoolchildren themselves, needed guidance. Therefore one of most important tasks ZMSH teachers were to teach students to check and review the work of schoolchildren. What the students lacked in experience, they made up for with enthusiasm and a desire to be useful. A few years after the founding of the VZMSH, student teachers were often themselves graduates of the correspondence school and knew its specifics.

For students, correspondence with schoolchildren has become excellent pedagogical practice. The first mentors of the students were P.I. Masarskaya, G.B. Yusina, N.Yu. Vaisman, who came together with their director Vladimir Fedorovich Ovchinnikov from the famous 2nd Moscow School of Physics and Mathematics.

Vladimir Fedorovich still heads both of these unique schools. An innovative teacher, he always, without caring about his own comforts, is actively involved in practical work for the implementation of progressive ideas.

Students had to learn not only to find errors in solutions, but to briefly and clearly explain to their distant students the mistakes made during the solution, and learn to praise for successes, even the most modest ones. Among the students checking the work of schoolchildren, there were such in the future famous mathematicians and teachers such as Joseph Mikhailovich Rabbot, Viktor Lvovich Gutenmacher, Andrey Leonovich Toom, Nikolai Borisovich Vasiliev. A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, a mathematics teacher at Moscow School No. 710, and now a well-known deputy of the Moscow City Duma, Evgeniy Bunimovich was also once a ZMSH teacher.

Note that in those years, a quarter of those entering the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University were graduates of the correspondence school, and the VZMSH diploma was highly valued by the admissions committees of universities.

Constant work was carried out with the teachers of the correspondence school: the authors of manuals and activists, and often “I.M. Gelfand himself,” gathered teachers of all “ranks” for detailed instructions. At such seminars, the main ideas contained in this or that manual, the basic principles of their implementation, typical mistakes schoolchildren and ways to find and comment on them.

It is difficult to tell on a small website page about everyone who started and continues to work at VZMSH. More detailed information You can look in the section "authors of VZMSH".

The mathematics department remains faithful to the traditions laid down by its founders to this day.

Of course, over the forty years of existence there have been changes in the structure and organization educational process. First of all, this is reaching children earlier and earlier distance learning mathematics.

So in 1972, three-year education was introduced, then in 1997 the opportunity to study for four years became available. But this turned out to be not enough. Requests from teachers and parents led us to the fact that since 2004, 7th grade students could enroll in our department, so the full cycle is now five years.

However, for those who for some reason learned about the existence of VZMS later, the opportunity to study under an accelerated program is provided. Students are admitted to four-year, three-year, etc. respectively. up to one year of study inclusive. At the same time, students in an accelerated program study all the main topics of the course.

In the introductory test work, published in the press, indicates which classes students must solve this or that problem.

It turned out that the idea of ​​a correspondence school is unusually viable: despite the difficult conditions of existence in the absence of funding from the state and forced measures to introduce partial payment for additional fees in the 90s educational services, the number of people wanting to study mathematics has been growing since the mid-90s. Currently every year individual training in the Moscow group there are about 1000 students and about 200-300 “Collective Pupil” groups.

The teaching staff also gradually changed. For a number of years, the course leaders were the now famous authors of manuals S.L. Tabachnikov and S.M. Lvovsky. Along with such experienced teachers as N.E. Sokhor, N.V. Antonova, E.Z. Skvortsova, young graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University E.E. Pushkar and E.A. Bernstein work. They also became the authors of several VZMSH manuals, successfully used in our program.

Currently, in the context of a possible transition to specialized training in high school, correspondence school in the broad sense of the word can play an active role in life secondary school.

First of all, we see great prospects in helping rural schools, which are currently experiencing a shortage of qualified teaching staff.

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