b sign to indicate softness of consonants examples. Soft sign before a consonant. Non-separating soft sign

Spelling ъ and ь

A. Use of the separative ъ.

1. Separating b is written:

1) before letters e, e, yu, i after a prefix ending in a consonant: entry, rise, pre-anniversary, internuclear;

2) before letters e, e, yu, i V foreign words, in which there is a prefix ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter, ob-, sub, trans-), or a compound particle pan-: adjutant, injection, conjunctivitis, counter-Jacobin, object, subject, trans-Japanese, pan-European;

3) in difficult words, the first part of which is formed by the numerals two-, three-, four-: two-tier, quadrilingual.

2. Separating b not written:

1) in compound words before letters e, e, yu, i : kids;

2) before vowels a, oh, uh, uh : peremptory, cloudless, to examine.

B. Use of the separator b.

Separating b is written:

1) before e, e, i, yu, i inside the word, not after prefixes: career, curious, passerine, blizzard, monkey, clerk(from the word clerk, i.e. b at the root);

2) in some foreign words before O : broth, companion, champignon.

B. Use ь to indicate in writing the softness of consonants.

1. The letter b is written:

1) at the end of a word after any soft consonant: horse, coal, lantern;

2) after a soft l, standing before any consonant (hard or soft): sick, herring, boy, sawyer;

3) after a soft consonant standing before a hard consonant: Kuzma, less, fight;

4) between two soft consonants only if, when the word is changed, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first remains soft: in the request(request), Kuzmich(Kuzma), about the struggle(struggle);

5) in numerals ending in -ten, -hundred, after the first root: fifty, five hundred, eighty, eight hundred; in numerals ending in -twenty at the end of a word: fifteen, nineteen, twenty.

2. The letter ь is not written:

1) inside combinations chk, chn, nch, nsch, rsh, rch : river, river, nurse, mason, lamplighter, spoiled;

2) between soft ll : illusion, illumination, illustration.

D. Use ь to denote grammatical forms.

Note: hissing letters include letters f, w, sch, h .

1. After hissing b is written:

1) in feminine singular nouns: speech, silence, rye(not to be mixed with clouds, groves, thousands, since these are genitive forms plural);

2) in the imperative mood of verbs: prescribe, cut, eat, prescribe, cut, eat;

3) in the indefinite form of verbs: take care, cut, take care, cut;

4) in the 2nd person singular of verbs of the present and future tense: you carry, you carry, you throw, you rush, you rush, you fiddle;

5) in adverbs: unbearably, completely. Exceptions: I can't bear to get married;

6) in particles: look, look, just, look.

2. Use ь in some other case and verbal forms:

1) in the instrumental case of the plural of some nouns and numerals: children, people, four, as well as in other cases of numeral eight: eight, eight And eight;

2) in the indefinite form of verbs: to tinker - to tinker, to shave - to shave;

3) in the imperative mood: get ready, get ready, get ready. Exceptions: lie down, lie down.

Exercises on the topic “Spelling ъ and ь"

Exercise 1. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. At that moment the drunken screams of the guests were heard.
2. Chichikov himself decided to compose fortresses, write and rewrite, so as not to pay anything to his subordinates.

3. She sat down at the piano and played several of his favorite songs.

4. The lackey imitates their manners and habits.

5. A tall green bush grew in the place where there once was a yard.

6. The upholstery on the seats of the first rows and on the bars of the boxes... has long faded.

7. The angry river foamed and whipped the granite parapets of the embankment in waves.
8. Sometimes a group of...examined high school students came out, talking cheerfully about luck or worriedly about the possibility of failure.

9. The cook gave them [the sailors] boiled bouillon meat.
10. In the middle of a large clean area on a high pedestal stood a cast of the mighty figure of David.
11. Here we have another picnic companion.
12. Nearby, behind the trees, an immense azure expanse opened up.

13. If there is the slightest flaw in a suit, if buttons are torn off, the suit must be handed in for repairs, cleaning, etc.

14. My father and I already had dinner.

15. We retreated to the north, hiding behind strong rearguards all the time.

16. Andrey's letters have become an integral part of my life.

17. Aksinya narrowed her eyes, moving her black eyebrows.

18. The day has come for the premiere, which had been prepared for over six months.

19. We presented Fokin with a number of demands, and first of all for an increase in wages.

Exercise 2. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. Several infantry battalions were concentrated in the town.

2. First, location filming was carried out, then the work was transferred to the pavilions of the film factory.

4. During the renovation of the theater, the inter-tier ceilings were replaced.
5. The newspaper published an interview with the head of the foreign delegation.

6. New working methods have saved a lot of time and money.
7. An active counter...attack by the enemy put the young chess player in a difficult position.

8. The translator’s work was made easier by the recently published trilingual dictionary.

9. On such a... southern night... it was not difficult to lose your way in unfamiliar places.

10. At night there were often frosts, and the leaves on the trees shrank... from the cold.

11. To send urgent and important documents, courier communication was used.
12. The peasants repeatedly rebelled, trying...to get rid of the burden of...the burden of life under the conditions of serfdom.

13. Taking... for any work, you need to objectively assess... your capabilities.
14. Old-style banknotes were withdrawn from circulation.

15. At dawn human life almost any natural phenomenon seemed supernatural and inexplicable to people.

16. The chemist carried out experiments with some four...element compounds.

17. The basis of theories such as pan...Turkism, pan...Japanism are not so much religious as...political goals.

18. A giant Soviet jet plane made a trans...European flight in a few...hours.

Exercise 3. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. My request is as follows.

2. The rain fell smaller and smaller.

3. Frost lay on the ground... .

4. You get dressed near the open il...luminator, into which the April freshness is drawn.

5. He couldn’t sit...

6. He learns how to skate.

7. The short winter day was starting to get dark.

8. Everyone is with him nyan...chilis... .

9. The assistant was diligent and smart.
10. February... on the seventh...11th burst into the city with an icy and...southern wind.

11. The nanny loved to tinker... with the children.

12. The flaxen heads turned white in the darkness.

13. I'm afraid...to get...seriously carried away.

14. And there is nothing to marvel at: how can wood be friends with fire?

15. If you want... - get it...
16. On an early summer morning, go to the forest.

17. Take... care... about food: take... something with you.

18. Don’t cry...those, comfort...tes... .

19. Intercede... for the weak.

20. Stop swearing.


  • Chapter “Difficulties of Russian spelling and punctuation” in the manual Golub I.B. “Russian language and culture of speech”
  • Section “The letters ъ and ь” in the “Russian language manual for those entering universities” by D.E. Rosenthal.

Additionally on Guenon:

Speech therapy session carried out with younger schoolchildren 1 – 3 grades.

Goal: to teach children to hear the hard and soft sounds of consonants.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The bell invites us to the lesson.

Everyone learns something new in class.

2. Consolidation of the material covered.

Task 1. Pairs of words are written on the board.

Horse - horse, camp - stand, steel - steel, corner - coal.

Speech therapist. Guys, read a few words. Say how these words differ in writing.

Students. In each pair of words, three are written with the letter b at the end.

Speech therapist. Are there other differences (lexical, semantic, articulatory) between these pairs of words?

Students. These words differ in meaning.

Speech therapist. This means that we can conclude: the soft sign not only softens the consonant after which it stands, but also changes the meaning of the words.

Task 2.

Speech therapist. Listen to the words and name only those consonants that sound soft.

Bitter, flogging, dawn, crust, Kiryan, hole, weeds, wheatgrass, Veerka.

Students take turns answering.

Task 3.

Speech therapist. Guys, listen to the words. Compare them by meaning, sound and spelling.

Bun - Bulka, shelf - polka, corners - coals.

Students. These words are different in meaning, but similar in spelling and differ only in the b in the middle of the word.

Task 4.

Speech therapist. Listen to the words. Name the consonants in them that sound soft.

Bitter, soapy, painful, coat, polka, slice, dusty.

Task 5.

Speech therapist. Read carefully, copy the sentences into a notebook where necessary, put a soft sign.

There was steam coming from the soup... - My legs weren't steaming for a long time...

Misha ate a pear... - Spruce grows in the forest...

It's time to paint... the roof. - The painter is painting... the roof.

The boat sat on the chalk.. - Here is the board and chalk..

Task 6.

The speech therapist repeats spelling rule b sign:

Soft sign denotes the softness of a consonant: horse, herring, boy.

When hyphenating a word, you cannot separate the soft sign from the letter in front of it: teacher, schoolgirl.

Speech therapist. Now I will dictate the words, and you write them down and divide them into syllables with a vertical line.

The speech therapist writes a few words on the board and divides them into syllables.

Tulle/pan, as/falt, wing/tso, letter, bitter, struggle, steel, perches, before, less, more, bathhouse, pebbles.

4. Summary of the lesson

Summary conversation

Speech therapist. What do consonants sound like? How is the softness of consonants at the end of a word indicated? What consonant is in the words - coat, slice, dusty– sounds soft? Why?

Students. Because the consonants in the middle of the word were softened by a soft sign.

Game task “Bells” (to develop the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound and syllabic composition of a word).

The speech therapist pronounces a series of sounds, having agreed in advance with the students that they will only respond by clapping their hands (the sound of a bell) to the pronunciation of voiced consonant sounds. The one who correctly completes the game task wins.

) and performs several service functions:

  • separation function,
  • designation of softness of a consonant in writing,
  • indicator of grammatical forms.

Separating soft sign.

  • b as separator used after consonants before letters e, e, yu, i, i.:
    seven b I [s'em 'th' A], l b ot [l 'th' from], to b south [in 'th' uh-huh], Solov b and [salav’y’i], ant b I [ant 'th' a], rye [rOzh y'u].

    b is never written after prefixes

    b separates the preceding consonant and the consonant sound [th’](- always sonorous, always soft), suggesting the appearance of sound [th'].
    I salt[sal’U] cabbage soup salt[sal'y'U].
    Dust with dust.
    Kolya carries stakes.
    At first field, Then I'll water.

    Non-separating soft sign.

    A designation for the softness of a consonant (except for a hissing one).

    • b denotes the softness of consonants (except hissing ones) at the end of a word:
      they say b, roll b, heel b, lantern b.
      At the same time, the softness or hardness of the consonant at the end of a word determines words that have different meanings:
      tol - roofing felt, corner - coal, weight - whole, clear - ash, ate - spruce, dan - tribute.
    • in the middle of the word b means:
      • softness of a consonant before a hard consonant:
        Kuz b ma, kos b bah, piss b mo, fell b ma;
      • b is written between two soft consonants only if, when the word is changed, the second consonant becomes hard and the first remains soft:

        Kuz b me (they changed the word - Kuzma, so that m became hard), braid b be (mowing), in pis b me (letter), na pal b me (palm);

        For example, gwo building and [gvoz’d’i] the soft sign is not written - gvo building oder, where z is a hard sound.

      • softness of consonant L before any other consonants (not L):
        ma l chick, bo l shoy, bo l Nice, mo l Bert.

    The soft sign is written (orth. No. 9):

    • at the end of words to indicate the softness of consonants: horse, five;
    • Soft sign in numerals (№41)
      • In the Nominative and accusative cases numerals denoting round tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, a soft sign b is written after the first root: seventy, seven hundred.
      • in numeral cases eight :eight (gen., dat., pr. cases), eight or eight (tv. case);
    • in the instrumental case of the plural of some nouns and numerals: children, people, four;
    • in a combination of consonants after l , before m, b, d, k : prayer, letter, carving, I'll take it;
    • in the middle of a word between two soft consonants: slide;
    • at reflexive verbs in the imperative mood and most verbs in the indefinite form: dress - dress, run, wash - wash; prepare, get ready, get ready (imperative); appoint;
    • in adjectives formed from the names of months (except January ): June, September.

    Soft sign not written

    • within combinations chk, chn, nch, nsch, rshch, rch, shchn, st, nt, nn :
      But chk ah, but chn ik, co LF ik, baraba nsch ik, spo rshch ik, ispo RF assisted schn ik, mo st ik, ban you to, ose nn yy.
    • between two soft L:And ll Yuzia, co ll lecture.
    • for numerals from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 at the end of the word: fifty, five hundred.

    b is an indicator of grammatical forms.

      • b is written after hissing words (spellings 8,20,22,48, 64)

        • in feminine singular nouns (3rd declension):
          daughter b, mouse b, night b, hush b.
          Compare singular numbers with masculine nouns: ball, hut, hedgehog.
        • in verb forms (in all forms after sibilants):
          • in the 2nd person singular verbs of present and future tense: are you coming b, eat b, you decide b, sleeping b, teach b hey, quit b, quit b Xia;
          • in the infinitive (indefinite form of the verb): berech b, berech b Xia, sterech b, treat b, burn b, burn b Xia;
          • in verbs imperative mood:hide b, cut b, cut b those you eat b, eat b those.
        • in adverbs with a sibilant stem: gallop b, backhand b, supine b.
          Exception : I can't bear to get married.
        • V : whish b, only b, ish b, bish b .
      • b is not written after hissing words:

        • for nouns not of the 3rd declension:
          • in nouns 2 declension ( masculine singular, zero ):rook, beam, hut.
          • in nouns in the genitive plural form: (no) tasks, clouds, puddles, groves.
        • V short adjectives: hot, viscous.
        • in adverbs on - and(except wide open ):I can't bear to get married .
    • -TSYA and -TSYA in verbs (No. 23)

      • If the verb na -tsya, -tsya answers questions of the present or future tense (there is no b in the question), then a soft sign is not written before -sya: Bathing (what is he doing? present day). If the verb answers questions indeterminate form(there is a b in the question), then the soft sign is written: swim (what to do? - undefined form).

A soft sign is a tricky sign.

Don't call him anything.

It's not pronounced

but he is often asked to speak.

The soft sign does not indicate a sound. The soft sign shows that the consonant sound before it is pronounced softly: coal


1.Write it off. Insert where appropriate.

Our family is friendly. Here's the cucumber family. The antlers of the deer are beautiful..i. Deer...and the antlers of the road. Soon it will rain.. it will rain.. it will rain. The birds gathered... to fly. Salt..yu soup salt..yu.

2.Read. Divide the words into two groups. Write the words in a column in pairs. How do the words in the left column differ from the words in the right?

Chalk, take, eat, stranded, spruce, eats, ate, corner, choir, coal, polecat, brother. Sample: chalk - stranded.

3.Make a chain of words in which each subsequent word begins with the last letter indicating the sound of the previous word. All words must have fewer sounds than letters.

Underline all letters indicating soft consonants. Source words:October, deer, notebook.

Sample: detail - swan - day - zero - horse - dolphin - thread - seal.

4.Read the chains of words. Eliminate unnecessary things from them. Justify your answer. Write the remaining words in the chains from memory. Underline the spellings.

oak, tree, alder, poplar, birch; rain, snow, precipitation, frost, hail; second, hour, year, day, week.

6.Read. Write sentences in order of increasing number of words with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of the word. Fill in the missing letters.

The boys ski..l..son on the ice on the k..n..kah. The squirrel... disappeared... in the dense spruce. In the snow..gu in..dnelis..sl..dy small..whom the beast..ka.

Test "Test yourself."

1. In which line are all the words in which ь (soft sign) indicates only the softness of consonant sounds:

a) stump, nightingales, blizzard, carrots;

b) coals, animals, skates, beans;

c) blizzard, happiness, ants, housing.

2. In which line are all words written with a separating soft sign:

a) days, porch, take, miller;

c) friends, streams, foxes, jam.

3. Change the words according to the given example. Sonya - Sophia.

Natasha - ... Dasha - ... Tanya - ... Lusha - ... Ilyusha - ... Ulya - ...

4. Put the words in the plural.

Friend - ... brother - ... link - ...

Tree - ... branch - ... feather - ...

Leaf - ... ear - ... twig - ...

5. Change the highlighted words so that they indicate the attribute of the object.

Horns deer - …

skin squirrels- …

paw hare- …

den bear - …

6. Compose and write down a proverb from these words.

Without, learned...I, smart...I, no.

7. Match these words with opposite meanings.

Work - idleness disease - ... boredom - ... enemies - ... harm - ...

8. Choose words that are close in meaning to these words.

Friends - friends blizzard - ... house - ... grief - ... blizzard - ...

Test "Soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants".

1. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) step
2) kan...tik
3) be sad
4) girl

2. Indicate the word that does not contain b.
1) slide...slide
2) chick...chick
3) bell...chick
4) letter

3. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) with...it gets dark
2) floor...behind
3) predator
4) clean...clean

4. Indicate the word that does not contain b.
1) bridge...tik
2) Ol...ha
3) big...
4) eight...my

5. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) news
2) woman
3) postal
4) quit...those

6. Indicate the word that does not contain b.
1) maybe
2) distant
3) thinner
4) daughter

7. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) tail...tick
2) lights...ki
3) accurate
4) screw...tick

8. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) sandy
2) guests
3) finger
4) on the train

9. Indicate the word that does not contain b.
1) appel...syn
2) Kostya
3) days
4) stand up

10. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) thunder...di
2) vegetable
3) here...here
4) l...dy

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