Boris Akunin - Between Europe and Asia. Seventeenth century. History of the Russian state. Seventeenth century Akunin when will the 4th volume of history be released

Boris Akunin

Between Europe and Asia. Story Russian state. Seventeenth century

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© B. Akunin, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

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K. A. Kochegarov

(Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)

Yu. M. Eskin

(Russian state archive ancient acts)

S. Yu. Shokarev

(Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities)


The movement of history is uneven. Incidents memorable for posterity - usually some kind of epoch-making changes or upheavals - alternate with periods about which in ancient chronicles it is briefly reported that “nothing happened” (that is, everything was not bad and there is nothing special to talk about). The pace of events either speeds up or slows down; quick “inhalations” are replaced by long “exhalations”; sometimes the state begins to develop jerkily - as a rule, this happens when a purposeful leader appears who implements a certain program; There are equally rapid crises - for reasons both internal and external.

That is why it is more convenient to talk about different periods in different ways, adapting the presentation method to the characteristics and “importance” of the era. Russian seventeenth century, to which it is dedicated this volume, in this sense difficult to describe. In a relatively small segment of history, both “fatal minutes” are compressed, requiring detailed study, and entire decades of unhurried development, when it is more interesting to talk not about events, but about phenomena and trends.

This explains the asymmetrical structure of the book. Its first part is devoted to a detailed account of just a few years, and the next three parts are much more lapidary. However, the same proportion is observed in the entire body of historical research about the Russian seventeenth century: much more has been written about its dramatic beginning than about subsequent events - right up to the very end of the century, when Russia seemed to wake up or switch from slow walking to fast running.

However, the reforms of Peter I will be the topic of the fifth volume, while the fourth will end in 1689. The tightest knot of this era is the Troubles - the experience of the collapse of the state. A crisis of comparable scale in Russia would repeat itself only three hundred years later, at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Russian state, destroyed by the Time of Troubles, was second in historical continuity. The first - the Grand Duchy of Kiev - arose in the 9th century, when the Rurik family took control trade route"from the Varangians to the Greeks." Early Russian state persisted until river transit in the 11th–12th centuries lost its former significance. After that central government weakened and the country began to split into separate principalities, which became easy prey for Mongol invasion.

The second centralization was carried out by the Moscow prince Ivan III (1462–1505), who took as a model the structure of Genghis Khan's empire, the greatest state known to the Russian people of that time. The fortress of the Horde was based on a pyramidal hierarchy of power, the only bearer of which was the great khan. The country was governed not according to laws common to all, but according to the khan's decrees, which were issued taking into account specific situation and could change the previous “rules of the game” at any time. Morally and religiously, the principle of such unlimited power was supported by the sacralization of the person of the monarch, the intercessor and mediator for the people before God.

The “second” Russian state was architecturally a very simple structure. Anyhow important decisions were accepted exclusively by the sovereign, who not only was in charge of all directions of policy, but also sought to completely control life in the regions of his rather large country. At the same time, the central government and regional administration were in their infancy. The country was governed as the personal fiefdom of one master.

In the conditions of the Middle Ages, such a structure certainly had its advantages, which included good controllability, accumulation of resources and high mobilization ability. The main rivals of the Moscow autocrats - the Polish-Lithuanian kings - for the war needed to secure the consent of the aristocracy and obtain permission to collect finances, so the western neighbor was always late in starting hostilities, and then often found himself unable to take advantage of the fruits of victories due to lack of money. It was enough for the Russian sovereign to simply order - all the human and material resources of the country were in his complete will.

The main weakness of the “second” state, as usual, was reverse side his strength. Under an active and capable ruler, the country grew stronger and stronger; under a ruler of average ability, it found itself in a state of stagnation; a bad ruler led the country to decline. And the absence of an autocrat became a complete disaster; it led the state to paralysis.

This is exactly what happened in April 1605, which was described in the previous volume and to which we will return again, looking at the same events from the other side - the side of the Pretender. We will see that his adventure was poorly organized and would undoubtedly have ended in defeat if Tsar Boris had not suddenly died in Moscow. Two fatal factors coincided here. Firstly, Boris's heir was a teenager and could not rule on his own. Secondly, the new dynasty, which arose only seven years ago, had not yet acquired the aura of sacredness (a circumstance that preserved the country during the childhood of Ivan the Terrible).

To put it very briefly, main reason The collapse of the “second” Rus' became too strong an autocracy with too weak a state. The combination of the unlimited power of the monarch with the underdevelopment of institutions made political system fragile. As soon as the only rod on which it was held was broken, the state crumbled.

The history of the Troubles (as well as the events of 1917) demonstrates that it seems mighty power can fall apart very quickly. This is truly a scary and exciting sight.

Compared to the Troubles, the next part of the book looks lackluster. The high drama disappears, bright personalities disappear, everything seems to become smaller and discolored. The story about the reign of Mikhail Romanov is less winning - but the story of getting a wound is always more interesting in terms of plot than the description of its treatment. At the same time, from the point of view of the history of the state, the process of healing and restoration of the country’s strength, the process of creating new system instead of the collapsed one is no less important.

The Muscovite kingdom of the seventeenth century, although externally similar, is very different from the Muscovite kingdom of the sixteenth century. I believe that here we're talking about about a slightly different model, and I will explain in detail why I consider this state to be “third”.

Europe has become the center of the development of world civilization, and Russia, politically, technologically, and culturally, is increasingly drifting in a western direction. In the seventeenth century, it was already closer to Europe than to Asia, but the “Horde foundation” remained the same, and it was difficult to build something fundamentally new on it. In just seventy years there will be a need for a new modification.

The book “Between Europe and Asia” consists of four parts that correspond to the stages of life of almost every state: previous chaos; birth and growth; maturity and stagnation; finally – exhaustion and crisis.

Death of the state

Russia entered the seventeenth century, outwardly, as a strong and prosperous power. With fifteen million people, it was one of the most populated countries in Europe, and the first in size. Moscow maintained peace with its neighbors, who respected its power; the treasury was full; trade flourished; cities grew. An experienced ruler, Boris Godunov, sat on the throne, seemingly holding the country with a tight grip: the intimidated aristocracy was afraid to intrigue, the downtrodden peasants did not rebel. It seemed that in Rus', after the difficult trials experienced in the second half of the previous century, calm, peaceful times were established for a long time.

However, this strength was an illusion.

The most important element of the system of autocracy founded by Ivan III was the deification of royal power - only this, from a religious and rational point of view, could justify the undivided power of one person over a huge country, all the inhabitants of which were considered his “slaves.” If such power is established by God himself, there is nothing to grumble about: in heaven is the Lord and all His servants; on earth - the Sovereign and all his servants.

However, Godunov also came out of the “slaves”, as the whole power knew and remembered. He himself perfectly understood this vulnerability of his and compensated for it with some semblance of a “people’s mandate”, for which, upon his accession to the throne, for the first time in Russian history, he organized something like elections - he did not sit on the throne without permission, but was “asked” by the patriarch and the boyars and “shouted out” by the capital crowd, that is, replaced heavenly sacralization with earthly legitimization.

Book 1: From the origins to the Mongol invasion

“The country that we call Ancient Russia was so different from Russia of the post-Mongol era that, through the thickness of the past centuries, it seems to us to have somehow disappeared, legendary Atlantis... Was there really Rurik? Did the Slavs invite the Varangians? Did Oleg nail a shield to the gates of Constantinople?” Boris Akunin addresses his history of the fatherland to a wide readership: people who are interested in knowing (or enthusiastically calculating together with the author) how it really was.
Here is a unique work from one of the best Russian contemporary writers. The author tried to present the history of the Russian state from its very origins to the Tatar-Mongol invasion as accurately and without bias as possible. To work on the book, Akunin compared sources of information from different countries and time periods. The book will help those who want to better know the history of Russia, but do not want to spend a long time studying purely scientific literature.

Book 2: Finger of Fire

In support of the work “History of the Russian State. From the Origins to the Mongol Invasion,” the author decided to release a series of stories dedicated to Ancient Rus'. Here are three stories already published as part of this project. The author describes the ups and downs of one family that has lived on the territory of Russia since very ancient times. The stories associated with this family have stretched over a thousand years and the saga will gradually be supplemented with more and more new materials.

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Book 3: Boch and Shelma

Here are two stories by a cult Russian writer, which are the artistic accompaniment of the second volume of his “History of the Russian State”. One of the stories tells about the times of the Mongol conquest of Russian lands, and the second takes listeners to the period of the liberation struggle, which ultimately led to the formation of statehood in the Middle Ages.

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Book 4: "Widow's Plath"

Ivan IV is known as the Terrible, but a hundred years before him another tsar reigned - Ivan III, who was called by the same name during his lifetime. In the history of the Russian state, both of these rulers played important roles, carrying out a number of reforms that changed political system. Famous modern writer I decided to talk in more detail about the two greatest kings, whose deeds could only be appreciated centuries later. The collection includes a novel and a story, separated by a hundred-year time period.

As a big fan of B. Akunin’s work, I, of course, could not ignore his project “History of the Russian State.” At first there were doubts. You see, Akunin is interesting for his writing, and history requires documentary presentation, dry figures and facts. Besides, there are many other sources - why buy this book? But still I decided to try and bought the first volume “Part of Europe. History of the Russian state. From the origins to the Mongol invasion." To say that the result exceeded all my expectations is to say nothing.

Firstly, I was very glad that even in documentary films there is the unique style of Mr. Akunin, for which I love his works so much. Secondly, this is not just a dry summary of history. The text is replete with many facts from various sources, which are compared with each other, analyzed and give the reader a deeper picture. At the same time, the Author as much as possible avoids giving events and facts any kind of assessment. The truth is, as you can see, this is difficult. And not always. At the end of each chapter, the author tries to summarize summary, which helps to better understand the material. In general, Akunin is at his best as always. His approach to presentation, his original style, his love of history makes this series unique!

I am not a historian, so I can neither support nor condemn the fact that historians have massively branded “History”. But it seems to me that this is simply envy of a person who was able to simply talk about historical events in an accessible, clear, exciting way. I read with pleasure.

History of the Russian state

I read the first two books “Part of Europe” and “Part of Asia”

I am fascinated by the structuring of "History"

I am not a humanist, but I have been interested in the history of our state since childhood. Before Akunin’s books, the initial period of our history fell apart for me into separate plots and details, as in a situation when “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” Now all the previously known “details” easily fit into a single structure, which also includes a picture of the state’s external relations.

Initially, I was somewhat confused by the fact that the author for “History” used a pseudonym, and not his real surname, as if leaving room for artistic fiction as opposed to scientific accuracy. But at the level of knowledge that I have, there are no fantasies or speculations. On the contrary, there is a fairly clearly structured argumentation with quotations from primary sources, explanations of why one or another interpretation is preferred, and if the author’s “additions” to known materials are given, then this is stated quite clearly.

And at the same time it’s easy to read, the story captivates you like in a detective story...

Thanks to Grigory Shalvovich

I am a regular reader of this author’s books and consider him one of the most erudite and deeply thinking writers of our generation. Now I am enjoying reading the third book about the history of Rus'. What to say first?

Firstly, the period of Ivan III and Ivan the Terrible is perhaps one of the most controversial in the history of our state. Because on the one hand, quite a lot is already known about him and much is known almost reliably, and on the other hand, there are still a lot of conjectures and deep-rooted myths, especially, of course, about Ivan the Terrible. That is why I liked how the author, with honor and without going to ideological extremes, simply gives a clear and understandable analysis to the reader of what was happening in the country at that time, explains, so to speak, where the wind is blowing, who controls the ship and why it is sailing there.

Secondly, I am very impressed that all three books are logically linked to each other - it is clear that the author works in great detail on the concept of presenting the material, on the general ideological idea that involuntarily arises in the mind of a thoughtful reader. One can argue endlessly about the history of the Russian state, but one thing is objective and this is a fact - Mongol yoke forever changed our country and it was this that was both evil and good in the historical period that followed it. Therefore, thanks to the author for writing honestly about this and not hiding many points of view and possible interpretations that were previously camouflaged and not very popular among other historians.

4 more reviews

Regularly on books from Akunin’s “History of the Russian State” series there are comments in the spirit of “Akunin wrote a Russophobic book!” or “Akunin did not write Russophobic books!” I confess, because of such reviews, I at one time began reading this cycle, each volume of which I provide with my own comments.

What can I say about the Russophobia/Russophilia of citizen Chkhartishvili? But nothing, because if hatred of the Russian people is found in his books, then it should be sought in other works. But what many readers cannot understand is that Akunin’s “History” is not at all a historical or even popular science book. There is too much subjectivity, absurdities and unprofessionalism of the author as a historian in it. And vice versa, there is too little direct lies or scorching “TRUTH” in it to classify this cycle as cryptohistory in the style of Bush’s “Russia that never existed.”

To determine the genre in which this cycle is written, it is necessary to understand that Akunin in his books does not talk about real history Russia, but about the history of Russia that he himself WOULD LIKE TO SEE. If we assume that we are dealing with fantasies on themes of Russian history, then everything will fall into place. Princess Olga - Scarlett O'Hara of the 10th century? Why not! Liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke - a national catastrophe? The author sees it that way! Did Ivan III the Great and Ivan IV the Terrible build a totalitarian state (despite the impossibility of it, as even Akunin himself writes about)? Well, for plot intrigue you have to sacrifice historical accuracy!

Thus, we can define Akunin’s “History of the Russian State” as a cycle of fantasy novels in the settings of Ancient Rus', the Principality of Moscow, the Kingdom of Moscow and Russian Empire. And this “History...” has no more relation to historical or popular science literature than, for example, George Martin’s cycle “A Song of Ice and Fire” for the Wars of the Roses.

The trouble is that the author himself presents his work as something claiming to be scientific and plausible. If these were free works on historical topics, like the works of Alexandre Dumas, then the biography of the alternative (in every sense) Peter I would be interesting to follow. However, Akunin’s desire to write the CORRECT history of Russia is so great that it pushes him to deceive his readers. At the very beginning of the first book, he accused historians of bias and subjectivity, and what did he do? With his works, he only multiplied myths and misconceptions.

Bottom line: “The History of the Russian State” provides an excellent opportunity to see how Akunin perceives national history. Watching the cockroaches in the head of a liberal writer can sometimes be very funny (that’s why I didn’t stop reading his books), but it can’t bring any practical benefit. If you're interested in Russian history, look elsewhere.

Rating: 4

I am writing only for the historical part of the project. Despite the author’s historical and philological education, he still did not become a professional historian, which is fully evident. In essence, he rewrote the generally accepted version of history, providing a number of facts and events with his own value judgments. How can we admit that Akunin rightly points out in some places that some data are insufficiently thorough, but he immediately offers his own equally groundless ones (for example, when estimating the number of troops in the Battle of Kulikovo). He questions facts he doesn’t like, and repeats those that fit into his picture of the world. official history without bills. It is clear, for example, how much he does not like Ivan IV, and he repeats and relishes all the trash that has been written about him over the past 150 years: fornication, madness, and the murder of his son that did not actually take place (the tomb was opened in 1963, no no injuries were found on Ivan Ivanovich’s skull that could lead to death, attempts to imagine that they allegedly were completely false). He describes the oprichnina in a marginal version, and does not hesitate to write lies, apparently simply repeating other people’s words without really understanding it. For example, about the complete incapacity of the oprichnina army, which is supposedly unable to defend the country, which is why they returned back to the zemstvo. Apparently, he doesn’t even know the most significant battle of that time (and doesn’t even mention it) - the Battle of Molodi in 1572, when the oprichnina-zemstvo army (and the oprichniki and zemstvos interacted well) defeated a greatly superior enemy. Just like in the battles of the Livonian War (the first part of which proceeded quite successfully) the guardsmen fought both separately and together with the Zemstvo people very well and won. But Akunin’s guardsmen are just vile bastards, capable only of robbing and looting. Well, about the victims of the “Grozny repressions” the author could not resist, and supplemented the false stories based on Kurbsky’s letters with his own fantasies. In general, the historical part of the work is completely weak and in places very deceitful. I encourage those who want to know the history of Russia to read professional historians. The best one professional work on at the moment is a five-volume edition for universities by Evgeniy Spitsyn “History of Russia”.

Rating: 2

There’s something I don’t understand, but why on earth was Akunin so vilified for this episode as a Russophobe? I personally have not seen anything like this. The man was simply trying to figure out how it was. I missed something, yes, but I was completely unbiased, and overall the work turned out to be quite thorough and without any ideological distortions. What I previously calculated regarding history coincides completely with what was written. And the conclusions are approximately the same. After reading, I updated many details in my memory, and added many details for myself. And if for anyone the history of Russia blank book, it is quite possible to recommend Akunin’s “History” as a self-educational book.

Rating: 10

It’s worth making a reservation right away - this is not a historical work. This is a kind of compilation of our old Karamzin, Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, Kostomarov and others, written more modern language. I would call it sci-pop. For a scientific priest - quite good. Despite the really strong subjectivity. However, I don’t understand the barrage of criticism that poured down on Akunin after the writer spoke negatively and allegedly “one-sidedly” about Tsar Ivan 4. There are many arguments for and against Ivan the Terrible, and just as Karamzin once did not like Ivan the Terrible for his cruelty, Akunin also does not like Ivan. I can assume that the legs of such criticism grow from Klim Zhukov and Dmitry Puchkov, and several of their videos where they criticize this work. But, to be honest, while respecting these figures in some way, the criticism of these books is given very weakly. For example, Klim Zhukov seriously reproaches Akunin for the incorrect use of the word “Monarch” in relation to Ivan III. If this were a purely historical work, it would have a certain meaning, but this is science-pop, with ardent and undeniable subjectivity, and in my opinion, for a more accentuated involvement of the reader, a simpler thought, this term can be used in relation to Ivan the Great. And frankly speaking, oddly enough, the historian Zhukov, criticizing Akunin, himself falls into subjectivity, proving that the personality of Ivan the Terrible played a positive role in Russian history, which, to put it mildly, has always been a controversial issue. And I’ll answer the previous review a little - the murder of Ivan Ivanovich is a very debatable issue. Read about Gerasimov, and about what the bones of Ivan Ivanovich tell us. Ivan Ivanovich’s skull has not been preserved, but for example, some historians note a huge increase in the king’s investments in the Church during the agony and death of his son. Therefore, what’s funny is that those who criticize Akunin for his subjectivity are still subjectivists. Subjectivity is not bad. It’s bad to scold something that doesn’t coincide with your opinion just because it’s subjective. Therefore, I will give Akunin a seven - as a scientist. The illustrations are beautiful, the documents are published, and in general, the outline of Russian history is conveyed correctly. Just as housewives once read Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State” and liked it, nothing has changed now. Therefore, I rather recommend it for review. There is no innovation in these books, but there is nothing bad either. Might be of interest.

This article is entirely dedicated to such a legendary writer as Boris Akunin. A list in chronological order of all his works can be found below. This is a complete bibliography of the author and all his most famous books, compiled in order. There is also a History of the Russian State and books about Fandorin.


Spy novel

Events develop in the USSR, in 1941. Great Patriotic War has just begun, but the intrigues around it have reached their peak. Intelligence Soviet Union significantly loses to the German enemy. Agent Wasser arrives in Moscow. His task is to prove to Stalin that the war will begin no earlier than 1943. KGB Major Alexei Oktyabrsky and his assistant Dorin want to understand the real intentions of the enemy. But will they succeed? Further


After a serious accident with a bus, all passengers died, except for two teenagers - Robert and Seryozha. The first was an exemplary student from a disadvantaged family, the second studied at a technical school. Somehow, the accident gave them superpowers: Robert is able to read minds, and Seryozha received super speed. 10 years after this, the guys meet Marianne, a mute girl who controls people's emotions. Further

Quest. Novel and codes for the novel

Boris Akunin will show a new point of view on famous historical figures. You have never seen such Resilier, Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler. How did they manage to become leaders? What is needed for this? How were decisions made that later influenced thousands of people and the course of history? The novel consists of two parts. In the first part, events develop in the 30s of the 20th century, and in the second part we find ourselves in 1812. Further

Adventures of the Master


Nicholas Fandorin is the grandson of the English aristocrat Erast Fandorin. This grandson came across a will left by his distant ancestor Cornelius von Dorn, who lived in the 17th century. The latter discovered a secret that was hidden in Muscovy. To understand how to solve the riddle and get to the bottom of the truth, Fandorin goes to Russia - his historical homeland. Over 300 years, a lot has changed in this state, but not everything. Further

Extracurricular reading

The novel intersects two historical lineslast year the reign of Empress Catherine the Great and the beginning of the 20th century. Mithridates was the Empress's favorite - a seven-year-old boy who accidentally learned about plans and conspiracies against Her Majesty. To save Catherine the Second, this boy is ready to do anything. In the second storyline Nikolas Fandorin works as a tutor for the daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur. The girl has to become just a bargaining chip in the great game of business. Further


Nikolas Fandorin has a new business. A certain owner of an agency called “Country of Soviets” received the manuscript of an early and unknown part of Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” Fandorin wants to find the manuscript and the ring that once belonged to the writer. But his opponent will do everything to stop him. Further

Falcon and Swallow

Once upon a time, a treasure was hidden in the Mediterranean Sea. Maybe, countless treasures would have remained untouched, but Nikolas Fandorin’s aunt gave him a gift. He received a letter that is more than 300 years old and contains a family heirloom - a message that can lead the heir to a pirate treasure, and at the same time reveal secrets. At this time, a certain person sets off on the same journey, but for a different reason - she is trying to find her father. Further

The Adventures of Erast Fandorin

Yin and Yang

Millionaire Sigismund Boretsky has died and his will is being read out at his estate. Inga's niece received all his capital and the family estate, and his nephew Jan received only one fan. While Inga dreams of marrying her cousin, Ian thinks exclusively about creating a vaccine. To explain why the fan is so important, Erast Fandorin arrives at the estate. It turned out that this little thing is magical and can change people for the better or for the worse if a special ritual is performed. Further


A young detective police officer, Erast Petrovich Fandorin, has a new case - he needs to investigate the suicide of a wealthy student. Apparently the guy made this decision himself, but if you look at the evidence, it becomes clear that this is a large-scale and unthinkable conspiracy. While Fandorin does not know that the investigation will lead to dozens of deaths, explosions and a completely unpredictable outcome. One question - will the killer get what he deserves, given such sacrifices? Further

Russian-Turkish war. 1877 Varvara Suvorova - brave girl, who was not afraid to go to Turkey in the midst of military events to tell her fiancé that she agreed to marry him. The journey was not easy and it is unknown how it would have ended if Erast Fandorin had not stood in her way. Further

The New Ararat Monastery is experiencing better times. Novices complain that they see the shadow of the Holy Basilisk, and the Black Monk scares people so much that even deaths occur. The brethren ask for help from Mitrofaniy, who in turn sent the non-believer Alyoshka to the monastery. After a while, Alyoshka began sending very strange letters, and later ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Colonel Lagrange goes to understand the circumstances, but trouble also happened to him. Then Pelageya goes to help. Further

The last deed of a pious woman. This time she needs to go to the ship “Sevruga”, where a strange company has gathered: there is a thief, and sodomites, and Jews, and German colonists. Several people on the ship were killed during the voyage and the circumstances of their death were very strange. Is there really mysticism involved here? Or just coincidences? Further

Death to Brudershaft

The baby and the devil

Events before the First World War. German intelligence is doing everything possible to steal master plan placement of Russian troops if they suddenly gather to attack. They almost succeeded, but counterintelligence managed to intercept the documents. An ordinary student Alexey Romanov intervened in big games and completely accidentally disrupted the capture of the German resident. Now he has to help his homeland, since he is the last one to see the object. Further

The pain of a broken heart

Alexey Romanov is in grief - his beloved is marrying another man. If not for the debt, Romanov would have committed suicide. At this time the First begins World War. The battlefields are bloody, but intelligence is working hard to end this hellish mess of global proportions. Alexey will have to go to Switzerland to learn important secrets. Further

flying elephant

The Russian Empire gained a great advantage during the First World War when it decided to use super-powerful aircraft"Ilya Muromets" Germany will have to do everything possible to ensure that the imperial observer does not consider new technologies dangerous. Sepp, a spy and saboteur, goes to the enemy's country. Further

Children's book for boys

Reprint of "Children's Book". The descendant of Erast Petrovich Fandorin simply cannot have ordinary life– schoolboy Eraser experiences adventures that are even cooler than those of his ancestor. He will meet Solomka, Shuisky and even see False Dmitry himself, and all this against the backdrop of the search for a huge diamond. Further

Children's book for girls

Continuation of the “Children's Book”, written by Gloria Mu based on the script by B. Akunin. Angelina Fandorina had no one to be friends with. But she had a great brother. Although she also lost him when the boy was sent to a mathematical lyceum. Bored, Gelya unexpectedly learns that she is capable of saving the world. She is a simple schoolgirl from Moscow! However, in order to accomplish this, she will have to go into someone else's past. Further

Love of history

Want to find out what's hidden in the past? What happened at Dyatlov Pass? Or who was the first genius in English criminal investigation? How many treasures have not yet been revealed to the public? You will be immersed in the world of monsters, heroes and warriors, without whom life would not be life. Further

These are stories ordinary people, about which history has forgotten. Ordinary heroes should remain in people's memory, and Akunin talks about them with pleasure. When does beauty come before morality? Is the world really what we imagine it to be? Are there people on the planet whose lives differ from the generally accepted ones? And most importantly - how to improve life in Russia? Further

The collection includes interesting stories about Japan, generals, pilots. You will be immersed in the world of duels and history. The sea is waiting for you interesting facts, myths and anecdotes. After reading, you will know what kind of ideal man and woman he is; Who is our hero and do we need to live forever? Further

Part of Asia. History of the Russian state. Horde period

There is no sadder time in the formation of the Russian state than the Tatar-Mongol invasion. This is an era of great suffering and sadness, when the Russian people lost their identity. However, what destroyed the Russian state created enormous power. Now the country and people could be reborn. This is the history of the 13th – 15th centuries. Further

Between Asia and Europe. History of the Russian state. From Ivan III to Boris Godunov

History does not change immediately, and only after time one can see how seemingly insignificant personalities changed the fate of many nations. 15th – 16th centuries. The time when the Russian land was liberated from foreign influence and the time when the great Troubles began. The state lost its independence under the pressure of enemies and internal crises. Further

Library of B. Akunin’s project “History of the Russian State”

IN this list samples of historical literature are presented in the form of collections, which the writer Boris Akunin recommends for reading and familiarization. He is also the compiler of collections. Monuments and documents reflecting all the main milestones of the country, starting from its origins, are collected here.

  • Voices of time. From the origins to the Mongol invasion (collection)
  • The first Russian tsars: Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov (collection)
  • Horde period. The best historians: Sergei Solovyov, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Sergei Platonov (collection)
  • (collection)
  • Faces of the era. From the origins to the Mongol invasion (collection)

History of the Russian State (collection)

He controls the Moscow guard, protects city order and investigates high-profile crimes. Bye main character hunts for murderers and charlatans, the reader will immerse himself in the history of the 17th century and take part in adventures where riots and robbers are indispensable. Further

13th century A time when Rus' is experiencing fragmentation and decline. Ingvar considers his power a heavy burden, and yet his small principality forces him to accept every day complex solutions. It seems that people have begun to live at least a little better, and the neighbors are supportive bad world. But what if the one whom Ingvar counts on as himself cannot withstand the temptation of power? Further

The collection includes two completely different style features stories that are connected, meanwhile, common theme: one tells about the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, and the second tells about its end. How it was and what happened. Further

More from the series:

  • The fiery finger (collection)
  • Widow's Plat (collection)

Family album


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