Reading what it gives. What gives reading books? List of books that every person should read. Increases vocabulary

Many people wonder: What will I read this book? Why should I read it? After all, this is only a book, and life is life. In life, everything is different. In fact, reading smart books gives a lot. School, university give only basic training, Basics of Knowledge. And often it is not that a person needs to be effective and successful in life. IN modern world, the world of high competition is not only between companies or states, but also between people for a place under the sun, it is necessary to be on the body ahead of their neighbor in the life site. Only in order to keep up with life, and even more so, to succeed, knowledge must be replenished regularly and in a wide spectrum. Friends, colleagues, Internet are the sources of information of the modern average person. But these sources, let's say, are not competent enough. Information from them comes, as a rule, scattered, disordered and often represents information trash. To get useful structured information, you just need to read books! The book is the result of the labor of many people, each of which is a professional in its field. This is the author or authors who share their professional knowledge, editors, designers, illustrators and other experts who make a book not only saturated useful informationbut also "readable". Unlike the Internet, where every day many people drop the mass of their own or someone else's nonsense, the book is the result of labor of many professionals. Each book before getting to your reader, several "filters" passes. After all, to publish a book, you need to find a publisher, which considers it appropriate to print it. As a result, at least some part (and this is most) conventionally speaking "delusional" and / or unreadable books are erected at an early stage. We are delivered from reading different literary garbage. So what gives reading books? Again, it is obvious that the books give knowledge. Fairly structured ordered knowledge. Knowledge that you have been in educational institutions. Knowledge that you lack to solve your life tasks. Smart books are forced to think. After reading some books, I want to exclaim: here it is! In the book you can find such information that makes thinking about what I didn't even think about thinking. One only thought in one the only book May change all life. What else gives reading books? The books often describe examples, on the basis of which can be sought in and in their own situation. Business education is very popular for casing based training. Case is a certain difficult situation, a real example or virtual, most often ambiguous, which requires permission. After working out a significant number of such standard, or not very, situations, the skill of solving complex real problems is produced. Finally, the important role of books is that they inspire us and motivate. Motivate to improve, self-development and achieve more high results. After all, someone was able to achieve all what he wanted and overcame its shortcomings. And I can't do not?

How often do you read books? Most people read about 1,000 books in a lifetime, but there are those who do not read them at all. Statistics state that only 55% of Russians and 51% of Ukrainians read at least 1 book for 2017. Curious fact: According to the results of the survey in the Russian Federation, it turned out that people from the villages read most of all (on average 6-7 books), and the least (on average 5 books) - residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Why read books

The reading person is visible for the mile. It is comprehensively developed by the smart, while being an excellent interlocutor. In life, such people are much easier to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

Finally, almost all successful personalities are given to reading a significant part of their time. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Pavel Durov - they all read from 50 books annually and call for this people in their public speeches and interview. But are the books really helpful, as it is considered?

How books make us smarter

"Knowledge is power," they say to each of us from early childhood, but this statement is not quite true. Knowledge is only a potential forcewhich is not worth it until it is applied in practice. This fact is explained by the fact that from millions of book men only succeeds to achieve any significant heights. Unused knowledge is useless, and the results bring exclusively actions.

Views of reading

However, the books give more than just a set of facts. Distinguish several types of reading.

  • Learning. Slow reading in order to fully explore and understand what is written. It is implied to the application of the knowledge gained in the future. In this way, read the most important literature or its individual fragments.
  • Hardware. So most often read fiction. The reader gets acquainted with the main content of the text, the author's argument. The degree of understanding of information is about 70%.
  • View. The reader quickly browsing the text to determine if it contains the desired information, after which it decides on a deeper study written.
  • Search. The reader is looking for concrete information, without reading the text completely. The fragment in which the necessary data was found is studied in detail.

The use of search and viewing reading is limited to the rapid obtaining the necessary data. Learning and familiarizing reading in this regard is much more productive. A person does not just get dry facts, but also involves the analytical and creative parts of the brain.

Benefit reading

  • Books make people happier. Summary from Liverpool University came to this conclusion. Based on a survey of 4,000 people, it turned out that reading people suffer less from depression, it is easier to cope with problems and have a higher self-esteem.
  • Books protect the memory. The fact was established by researchers from the American Neurology Academy. An experiment was attended by 294 people about 6 years before their death. It turned out that reading is capable of more than 32% slow down the rate of reduced memory as agrees.
  • Reading enhances intelligence. Scientists from the Royal College of London and the University of Edinburgh about 9 years have watched 1890 couples of twins. During the experiment, it was found that a clear dependence was traced between the reading skills and cognitive capabilities. In other words than more man Reads, the better it is developed as a person.

These changes are possible only when studying and reading, when the reader is immersed in a kind of trance, remaining one to one with his mind. That mental condition Most often comes when a person reads something very interesting for some time. The outside world disappears, and bright images created by imagination on the basis of read. This means that the brain is concentrated only on the book and is actively developing by using both hemispheres.

Based on this, the book is difficult to divide on "useful" and "useless". After all, they are only a clock of information, but personal growth It occurs mainly due to the reading process itself. Thus, when studying fiction It will be more actively working and learn the right, creative hemisphere of the brain, and an unknown - left, analytical.

How to read books correctly: effective reading

1. Install the goal. The benefit from reading will be the maximum only if it has clear goal. For example, if you need to urgently find important information, it makes sense to take advantage of a visit or introductory reading method, and a useful fragment to learn more deeply. If, with the help of the book, you hope to learn anything in all details, the studying method is suitable.

2. Choose a good book. Read everything in a row is a bad idea. Choose only high-quality literature. Read reviews and reviews, carefully review the content. Do not go to read until you make sure that the book contains exactly what you are looking for.

3. Read short sessions. Clearly read badly memorized. If you are going to read the book by studying or introductory ways (completely), divide the process for several days or even weeks. Neh miserable literature is best to read in the morning when the Bodr brain is open for new knowledge, and the artistic is more suitable for evening sessions.

4. Record read. Reading special literature, write down the most important theses. So you will remember them much better and you will be able to quickly find them if necessary.

5. Refuse perfectionism. Do not read simply because "sorry to throw." If the book was useless for you, this makes no sense. Leave it alone and do it really necessary literature. It does not matter how much you will read if you do not remember anything and do not digest.

6. Read regularly. Teach yourself for daily reading and soon you will notice how your life will begin to change for the better. You will become more confident, smarter, more inseparable, and difficulties on life path stop scare you.

Just imagine that you can learn absolutely any skill, chat with great people who deceased millennium back, find out almost any fact known to humanity. Whatever your question, the answer to it is contained in the books, as many hundreds of people asked them to you. In short, in the battle on life fronts of the book - the best weapon. Arm yourself!

When there are some unresolved problems, or you want to just relax, and get a charge of pleasant emotions, a man takes a book and begins to read.

The reader starts increasingly "dive" in history if she is written talented and interesting. It seems to be in a real floating in a huge, with round portholes from the floor to the ceiling, and in the thickness of the water, penetrated by the sunshine, frolic huge coushlots.

Reading the book, you can "merge" into one whole with the hero of the book, which unexpectedly discovered paranormal abilities, and began to travel according to the uncharted. Reading the book, you can doubt, is the world that you live in which you live.

Experience and self-development

You acquire experience reading books. And the more you look like a book's hero, the brighter its mistakes and achievements are remembered. In real life, you involuntarily begin to build your own behavior so as to prevent those missions that he committed.

A good book is like a kind and clever companion. In the process of reading, you seem to communicate and advise. What are the characters of the book? Why? You start thinking how they would have received in the situations described. You develop, trying to understand what could be done. Than more book involves the process of thinking different situationsMoreover, it helps you to realize the reasons for your own behavior.

Books give knowledge. There are cases when people convicted on many years in prison began to constantly read, and with the help of alone books learn foreign languages, Or became outstanding scientists.


And a good book helps forgive yourself. You see that the hero of the book is incorrect. He also sometimes "gets cold", like you in life. But from the story of the story it is clear that the character you so sympathize with, very good manHe sincerely tries to correct the mistakes. And therefore forgive him. And forgive, "let go" and your own sins. At least, stop constantly condemning themselves for them. Become kindness and humane, compassionate to others.

Joy and happiness

Expressive book heroes, the reader is emotionally involved in the plot. When a happy junction comes, he is feeling a sense of relief and happiness. And for some time psychological discharge and peace of mind.

You do not need books, but the fact that once was in them, What could now be in the programs of our living rooms. The same attention to details, the same sensitivity and consciousness could educate our radio and television programs, but, alas, they do not. No, no, the books will not lay out you at once anything you want. Look for it yourself throughout where you can, in old gramophone plates, in old films, in old friends. Look for it in the nature around you, in yourself. Books are only one of the extensions where we store what is afraid to forget. They have no secrecy, no magic. Magic is only that they say, in how they cross the Loskutka of the Universe in a single whole. "

Ray Bradbury, "451 degrees Fahrenheit"

IN lately For many resources, reading is actively promoted. Created in the huge number of books with a note "mandatory for reading", cute pictures "on how cool reading and becoming smarter" and the like. Propaganda is so active that the reading itself is erected into the absolute. But what gives us reading?

Maybe someone will seem strange my next statement, but all this complete nonsense. From reading you do not become either smarter, nor kinder, nor better. We are too romanticizing and exaggerating the possibilities and role of books. We impose on them (as, however, do quite often) responsibility for who we have become and in what world we live. Is not it so? Are we type smart reading, I do not sigh sighing: "Now, if people read more, the world would be better." In one of the interviews, Boris Strugatsky said:

"It's ridiculous and impossible to treat the reader as a kind of pet trees treated on your books, - Mother's life has grown up, and in this life your book is only a small crumb, spark, elementary particle Being capable of, of course, on a lot: to support, strengthen, convince, but by no means able to change, transform, "turn".

All the books of the world are not capable of it - otherwise, why the scoundrels, cuddles, cheals, liars, moral freaks are safely growing among us. All of them are magnificently literate. Most of them had to read. Books that learn to be a liar, a crook and a moral freak, does not exist. All of them are taught in reverse. And yet…

So what then gives reading?

In my opinion, you do not get smarter from reading - yes, the horizons are expanding, erudition, but you don't get smarter from reading. Thinking process, starting mechanism for which can Allow the book, after all, the process is optional and depends entirely and completely from the desire of the reading. Let's not forget about such a tiny factor (about which completely forget the ranting about the importance of reading) - what bookswe read, and What thoughts We think after reading if, of course, we think.

Agree, there is some difference between Dostoevsky and the same Coelho (no matter what they say that for each autumn your reader is that value in the manifold, "that Russian is good, then the German death", etc.)

I am guilty here on the popular video blogs on YouTube about books nominated no more, no less than the Ozone Prize "Best Bookline 2014" (Ulielie, Olya Monday, [Alya] and Badmaestrovs.). The video clusters of girls, in my opinion, confirm the idea that you do not become smarter from reading. And video blog Badmaestrovs confirms the hypothesis that, firstly, the average men smartly women in the ratio of at least 1 to 3, and secondly, that the mind is not yet a guarantee. The mind cannot act synonymous with decency, kindness, depths and other virtues of human.

One of the main advantages that good books give (and I am convinced that the meaning has reading precisely good books), they are we translate our view of your loved ones for truly important things.. Sometimes we even make the discovery - it turns out you are not at all PUP of the Earth, and there is something much more important in the world more important and more of us: our desires, our feelings, our pain ...

Good books ask questions. These questions from the category of hard, uncomfortable, but if you think about them, then this will lead to something. Such questions make our soul misunderstand, make it slip from a comfortable sofa of pleasures, make her move, work. Although, of course, as Ray Bradbury wrote, it is not necessary to read books at all ... even good.

And what gives me to read?

For me, it is still the best, because I am a terrible egoist, and the good books literally pull me out of snot-about-like-like me no matter, and affectionately, but firmly shake and make the brains in place. They wipe my swovers of eyepieces, I translate my eyes to the night sky, in which the myriad of the stars are shining, raise the tops of the mountains, where the clean and cool wind blows (by the way, in this way I define for myself, what books are good and what no books) .

So reading good books I save yourself from myself. Perhaps the authors of good books themselves saved themselves from themselves when they wrote books ... who knows? ..

Now reading is the most used way to transfer information, and the book is its carrier. However, it was always, at all times. Therefore, reading is important and even need to be carried away, because there is no wonder: "We own information - you have a situation." But what is the benefit of reading, and is it at all? First, constantly reading trains the brain. When you read, the way of perception of the world changes: you are starting to fantasize, create certain "books" images (places, people, events). In addition, the books improve memory, expand the horizons, change the spelling. Yes, yes, it's all right: when you read, a visual memory works, which will not give a mistake in the text in the future. And also, frequent reading teaches to concentrate on the book, and in any way, increases the perishability, mood. Secondly, with reading books, your vocabulary increases, a special way of thinking appears, due to which the thoughts are clearly expressed and easily formulated. In this you can make sure yourself: it is enough to just read any classic work. After that, anyone (even one who used to associate two words ") would notice how simpler it became with the help of words to express their own thoughts. Noticed how it became easier to express, select words. It will notice that different words-parasites leave his lexicon. Third, reading is simple interesting activity. It is thanks to him that he can find new interlocutors, friends, like-minded people or topics for conversation with them. And the booklers are very friendly, it is always easy to communicate with them. It is possible to spend your free time, while improving the mood and inspiring. On the extreme case - Just enjoy a conversation with the author or his story, the story. Reading is not bored, does not become fresh: there are a lot of books, and each of them is unique in its own way. And finally, the fourth: every reading process, in fact - a small journey, in time or distance. The book simply breaks various time frames, restrictions. Only with its help you can feel, understand the thoughts of thousands of writers from different eras and times. Isn't it striking? One reading only will understand how the defo thought, which horizon was at Wells, and what puzzled the Jansson. Just reading will allow us to feel, understand, feel the writer, even if he is already dead. It is for this reason that any, even not quite an old book - a real "time machine", the use of which can change the whole life. In general, reading is an integral process at the stages of the formation of an adult personality. The process starting with infancy when his parents, relatives read out loud. And ending with mature age, while the experience of personal problems and spiritual growth, when literature saves depressions, asks morality and ideals. Books and readings have a huge influence on all of us, form us. They make us people. This is all their benefits!

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