Gdz lit reading 3. Small and big secrets of the country of Literature

This page provides a tutorial - literary reading Grade 3 (part 1), authors: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.A. Vinogradskaya. As well as a list of topics covered in the course of literary reading in grade 3, definitions, links to texts of works.

Contents of the textbook - literary reading, grade 3, part 1, authors L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.A. Vinogradskaya

Topic: Books are my friends

Books have been loved and appreciated at all times. “If you diligently search for wisdom in the books, you will find great benefit for your soul,” wrote Grand Duke Ancient Rus' Yaroslav the Wise.

The handwritten books of Ancient Rus' contained instructions for children. These are the words of Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

Beware of lies, because the soul and body perish. *** Do not have pride in your heart and mind. *** Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers. *** Don’t let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him. ***What good you have, do not forget, and what you do not have, learn. *** While doing good, do not be lazy about anything good.

We're going to the book museum

Topic: Life is given for good deeds

The stories of M. Zoshchenko, N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky are very funny. In them, writers talk about their childhood.

Mikhail Zoshchenko openly admitted that when he was little, not everything went well at home and at school. In one of his stories he wrote: “I may not have been able to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for.” A writer, when creating his work, always hopes that he can help someone become better, smarter and kinder.

Proverbs about kindness Smart people learn from the mistakes of others, and stupid people learn from their own. (Old proverb) *** He who helps people gets his wishes come true.(English proverb) *** Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind.

(Russian proverb) *** Don’t judge by the strength of your hands, but judge by the strength of your heart. (Bashkir proverb) *** Listen kind people

- they will lead you on the path.

  • (Russian proverb)
  • Vladimir Ivanov Dahl collected not only fairy tales, but also proverbs of the Russian people. One of the sections of his collection “Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People” is called: “O
  • good deeds
  • and virtues."
  • Goodness cannot resist goodness.
  • There are many kind people in the world.
  • A good deed does not drown in water.
  • He who overcomes his anger becomes strong.
  • A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
- V. Dragunsky, L. Kaminsky, V. Medvedev, - Yu. Koval. Funny stories about school. - V. Dragunsky. Deniska's stories. - V. Dragunky. Girls and boys. - M. Zoshchenko. Funny stories. - M. Zoshchenko. Stories for children. - N. Nosov. Dunno on the Moon. - N. Nosov. Dunno in the Sunny City.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

Theme: Fairy tale

Folk tales can be divided into:

  • tales about animals,
  • everyday tales,
  • fairy tales.

Fairy tale differs from other types of fairy tales by incredible, magical events and wonderful, amazing transformations! There are always unusual heroes in fairy tales, magic items and wonderful helpers. The construction of a fairy tale and its language are also distinctive features.

Signs of a fairy tale

  • Saying,
  • triple repetitions,
  • wonderful transformations,
  • incredible, fantastic events
  • fabulous helpers.

We learn to tell stories from a picture using the example of a painting by V. Vasnetsov
1. Why is the picture called that? Justify your answer.
2. How else can you call a painting by V. Vasnetsov? Suggest your name options.
3. Choose words to describe the picture. What colors and shades do you see?
4. Choose words (verbs) that convey the movement of the characters: rushing, flying, rushing, jumping.
5. Determine the character of the characters by their appearance, pose, facial expression, clothing.
6. Imagine that you are one of the heroes of the picture. Tell him on his behalf what you see and feel.

We're going to the library - We recommend reading - Collections of fairy tales - Fairy tales peoples of the world. - Russian folk tales. - Russian fairy tales. - The magical world of Eastern fairy tales. - Magic chest. Tales of the peoples of Europe. - Tales of the peoples of India. - Tales of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Oceania. - A long time ago... Tales of the peoples of Russia.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

A saying is short story, a joke before the beginning of a fairy tale.

Examples of sayings

  • On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a tree - golden domes. A bayun cat walks along this tree: it goes up, starts a song, it goes down, it tells fairy tales. This is not a fairy tale yet, but a saying, and the whole fairy tale lies ahead.
  • Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.
  • Three distant lands, in the thirtieth state.

Topic: Love all living things

When reading works, we note for ourselves what makes us happy or sad, makes us cry or laugh. It is so interesting to observe the changes in nature, the life of animals, fish, birds. But you have to learn this. You need to treat all living things with love and care, be patient and attentive. After all, all these changes are so invisible at first glance. It is also very important to be able to talk about it, share your thoughts and feelings.

We're going to the library - We recommend reading - Collections of works about nature - V. Bianchi. Stories and stories about nature. - V. Bianchi. Forest newspaper. - V. Chaplin. Zoo pets. - E. Charushin. Big and small. - M. Prishvin. Tales about animals. - N. Sladkov. Forest calendar. - K. Paustovsky, G. Skreitsky, K. Ushinsky, - V. Bianchi. Stories about nature. - L. Tolstoy. Stories about nature for children. - G. Snegirev. Stories.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

Small and big secrets of the country of Literature

Work review plan
1. Title of the work.
2. Author.
3. Main characters(their description, character, actions, speech)
4. Theme and main idea of ​​the work.
5. Your impression of the work you read.

How to make a plan?
1. Find supporting words in the text.
2. Divide the text into parts.
3. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​each part.
4. Title each part.
5. Write down the names of the parts.
6. Restore the events of the story in order.

Topic: Pictures of Russian nature

Poems with descriptions of nature are needed to learn to be more attentive and observant. The poems use very beautiful words. You read and the world around you becomes magical.

Reading poems about nature, we rejoice and experience together with the poets. In some poems, the lines sound smoothly, melodiously, like beautiful music. In others the rhythm is sharp and tense.

Often poetry and music are combined. It turns out a song. Artists, just like writers and poets, admire nature. They create landscapes.

I. Shishkin. Winter in the forest
  • N. Nekrasov. Glorious Autumn (from the poem “Railroad”)
We're going to the library - We recommend reading "Seasons". Poems by Russian poets about nature. "Four Seasons". Signs, riddles, proverbs, poems. Poems about autumn (Poetry Class series). Poems about winter (Poetry Class series).

Independent reading

Independent reading

  • K. Paustovsky. Autumn has already settled in the garden... (from the story “Gift”)

Autumn had already settled in the garden... The maples were burning dark purple, the euonymus was turning pink, and the wild grapes were drying up on the gazebo. Even here and there on the birch trees in the garden yellow strands appeared, like the first gray hair of a still young person...

One night the first frost came. He breathed cold air onto the windows in the house and they fogged up; sprinkled grainy frost on the roofs, crunched underfoot. Only the stars seemed to rejoice at the first frost and sparkled much brighter than in warm weather. summer nights. That night I woke up from a drawn-out and pleasant sound - a shepherd's horn sang in the darkness. Outside the windows the dawn was barely noticeable blue.

I got dressed and went out into the garden. The harsh air washed over my face cold water– the dream passed immediately. Dawn was breaking. The blue in the east gave way to a crimson haze, similar to the smoke of a fire. This darkness brightened, became more and more transparent, through it distant and gentle lands of golden and pink clouds were already visible.

There was no wind, but the leaves kept falling and falling in the garden. Over that one night, the birches turned yellow to the very tops, and the leaves fell from them in frequent and sad rain.

I. Ostroukhov - Park

A. Savrasov - Winter


    • Drukar- typographer, printer, book printer.
    • Foreign- the same as foreign.
    • Satirist- author or performer of satirical (exposing, ridiculing negative phenomena) works.
    • Emery- a mineral used to clean metal products.
    • Don't close your eyes- stay awake, don’t close your eyes, don’t sleep.
    • Serve with faith and truth- serve faithfully and honestly.
    • Give bad fame- spread a rumor, gossip.
    • Covet- to look at someone or something with envy.
    • More- bigger, stronger.
    • On foot- walking.
    • knowledgeable- knowledgeable about something.
    • Don't let it pass by ears- not to be ignored.
    • Kul- a big bag.
    • Shameful- shameful, reprehensible.
    • Blame yourself- have only yourself to blame.
    • accomplish- to perform, to carry out.
    • Stepmother- stepmother.
    • Stepdaughter- stepdaughter of one of the spouses.
    • Just now- recently.
    • Canoe- a boat made of wood.
    • Big guy- that's what they say about someone tall and awkward.
    • My soul has sunk into my heels- get scared.
    • Polynya- an unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river, lake, or sea.
    • Arrogant- arrogant, arrogant.
    • Too much- too much.
    • Swagger- to be vain, proud, important.

A workbook on literary reading (textbook 3rd grade by Boykin, Vinogradskaya) consists of a list of tasks for each work of the textbook.

In this way, schoolchildren better remember a particular topic, learn to analyze texts and express their opinions, and develop creative thinking.

Much attention is also paid to the ability to work in pairs and involve various sources information.

In the workbook after each topic there is a final work “Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements.”

It contains questions on all works of the covered topic. Thanks to this, long-term memory develops.

It is worth noting that the 3rd grade program is quite complex.

This is a kind of preparatory stage for secondary school.

Therefore, children increasingly suffer from powerlessness in the face of workbook questions.

This quite often contributes to the emergence of a dislike for literature and learning in general.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to facilitate the learning process.

And they will help with this GDZ working notebook literary reading grade 3 Boykin's answers.

Ready-made answers for the workbook on literary reading, grade 3

Ready-made homework for 3rd grade (GDZ workbook by Boykin, Vinogradskaya) is a wonderful opportunity to easily improve your performance at school, free up time for relaxation and better assimilate the world’s literary heritage.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the GDZ workbook on literary reading, grade 3 (answers) Boykina, Vinogradskaya is a breath of air for parents.

After all, you free up a huge period of time that was spent on fantasizing, rereading works and analyzing them.

Agree, after a busy day at work this is especially difficult.

And a ready-made workbook on literary reading can free you from these obligations.

GDZ workbook literary reading grade 3 Boykin's answers from "GDZ Gramota" are especially useful.

Firstly, the site’s convenient navigation system makes it possible to find necessary information in a matter of seconds.

All works in the GDZ are listed in the same order as in the workbook.

Additionally, page numbers are also written.

Secondly, our ready-made answers (workbook on literary reading grade 3 by Boykin):

1. Unique

All answers on literary reading are developed individually for our website. No typical options. Therefore, the similarity of answers with classmates is minimized. And this is quite an important point.

2. High quality

We pay due attention to such indicators as correctness and literacy. No artificial shortcuts or errors.

3. Easy to understand

The answers are developed in accordance with the age category of third graders.

Therefore, there will be no difficulties with the interpretation of this or that word.

Everything is clear and accessible.

In addition, we pay due attention to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3rd grade.

Therefore, we write answers (GDZ) that correspond to the features school curriculum one class or another.

With GDZ Certificate, walking along the educational path is easy and interesting!

Ready-made homework literary reading grade 3 workbook by Boykin and Vinogradskaya.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


  • Workbook on literary reading grade 3. Part 1, 2 Malakhovskaya Academic Book
  • Kubasova Association 21st century
  • Workbook on literary reading grade 3 Buneev Balass
  • Workbook on literary reading grade 3. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Efrosinina Ventana-Graf
  • Notebook for tests on literary reading, grade 3. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Efrosinina Ventana-Graf

Worksheets for literary reading grade 3

  • Primary school not only provides the basics of knowledge in basic disciplines, but also teaches systematic, systematic work to obtain a given result. It is at the first stage that the student’s attitude, ability to work independently and be responsible for the results of his work are extremely important. To practice such skills, self-training using workbooks for educational literature. You can start it as early as the second or third grade. For third graders, it is important to teach them to understand the material of those disciplines that will subsequently help in the study of other sciences. For example, literary reading - for practicing:
    - reading speed;
    - analyzing and remembering what you read;
    - the ability to highlight the main idea and the text that supports it.
  • Practice according to GDZ should be done on an ongoing basis. It is advisable not only according to those textbooks that are determined by the school curriculum, chosen by the teaching and learning teacher. But also use materials on literary reading for grade 3 from other authors. These can be classic textbooks, as well as all kinds of workshops, collections of tests, and workbooks. Having practiced useful skills, third graders will be more confident in their knowledge, will write better tests and diagnostic work at the end of the year in the discipline of literary reading.

On our website you will find an online literary reading guide -

GDZ literary reading grade 3, part 1 textbook by Klimanov Goretsky (answers).

He is an excellent assistant in the educational process.

GDZ in literary reading grade 3 is an opportunity to easily master the material covered, independently study missed topics, easily complete homework and receive praise from the teacher for their quality.

After all, with them, even the most difficult questions in the textbook Klimanov’s Literary Reading, Grade 3, are not scary.

Plus, with GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 1 of Klimanov Goretsky’s textbook (answers), the student will have much more free time.

It can be spent on useful activities such as walks, sports, hobbies or any other type of recreation.

On our website you can copy off the answers to the textbook on literary reading, grade 3, part 1, Klimanov, Goretsky and be completely calm.

After all, all ready-made answers for grade 3 from "GDZ Gramota":

1. Extremely unique

We do not duplicate other GDZ sites, but write our own answers - the most detailed and competent ones. This feature has a large number of advantages, one of which is the minimal likelihood of classmates having the same answers.

2. High quality and affordable

We are serious about writing ready-made answers for grade 3 literary reading. No mistakes, abbreviations or inappropriate words. Taking into account the age category of third graders, we write sentences of optimal length for them and select words that are understandable to everyone. Therefore, when schoolchildren write homework in literary reading, they don’t even need parental help.

"GDZ Gramota" adheres to the requirements of Federal State Educational Standard 3rd class.

GDZ literary reading grade 3 part 1

GDZ literary reading grade 3, part 1 of the textbook by Klimanova Goretsky answers helps out both schoolchildren and their parents.

With them you will avoid tears and nerves over the pages of a textbook and wasting a lot of time.

A collection of answers for grade 3 literary reading contains solutions, both the simplest and the most difficult tasks, including creative ones.

If you look at the questions in the textbook for grade 3 by Klimanov, Goretsky, it immediately becomes clear that even parents will have a hard time. You can’t do without additional study of the material and reading works. And for this you need to devote a lot of time and effort. But, you must admit, they are not always there after a hard day at work.

GDZ literary reading (ready-made answers, grade 3) comes to the rescue. You can either simply rewrite ready-made answers or use GDZ as hints and to check correctness. Now it will take not 3 hours to prepare for a lesson, but a maximum of an hour. Imagine what a huge time saving this is per week and per month. And the love for literature will grow naturally, and not die under the influence of difficulties in the form of homework.

This is a real helper for parents whose children are unable to cope with homework on their own. And, given the level of complexity of the modern school curriculum, these are the majority.

GDZ Diploma - we walk along the educational path with pleasure!

Ready-made homework literary reading grade 3 part 1 Klimanova, Goretsky.

And it is important to make this stage as easy, enjoyable and accessible as possible.

It may seem that the school curriculum is junior school not at all complicated.

But it is worth noting that children are not always able to solve their homework on their own.

Various examples and tasks, translations and completion printed notebooks become real torture for students.

In addition, there is a misconception that the subject of Literary Reading is one of the simplest.

Therefore, in order not to discourage children from learning, we need to make it easier for them to learn new material.

GDZ literary reading grade 3 (answers to the textbook and workbook) will allow the child to independently understand the assigned homework.

After all, sometimes parents do not have enough time to fully explain to their child the essence of a school assignment.

And hiring a tutor is an additional cost, and children do not always make contact with them.

There is a way out: in this section of our website you will find GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 1 (answers to the questions of the first part of the textbook by Klimanova, Goretsky); GDZ literary reading grade 3, part 2 (answers to questions in the second part of the textbook by Klimanova, Goretsky); GDZ literary reading workbook Boykin, Vinogradskaya 3rd grade (answers to all questions in the workbook).

Thanks to this, the child will be able to do homework independently, master new topics and prepare for final papers.

And most importantly, his work will be error-free.

Our GDZ on literary reading grade 3 are written in accordance with the requirements of the Russian school curriculum.

They have no analogues on other Internet resources and are adapted for a certain school age.

Convenient site navigation allows you to quickly and easily find the necessary material, because everything teaching aids are divided into separate categories: GDZ literary reading 3rd grade textbook Klimanova, Goretsky (answers to student questions) are divided into two categories, which correspond to two parts of the textbook; A workbook based on the workbook by Boykina and Vinograskaya for 3rd grade.

In addition, there are directions to the textbook pages, which makes searching doubly easier.

GDZ literary reading grade 3 Russian school (answers to the textbook and workbook) contain solutions even to creative tasks.

Thanks to this, the child easily understands the purpose of the author of a particular work and is able to develop his own thoughts in this area.

It is important to have the opportunity to study the topic on your own.

After all, sometimes (due to illness, travel, etc.) you have to miss school.

And here the answers on literary reading grade 3 from "GDZ Gramota" will come in handy.

After all, they are all written in the most detailed and accessible way possible, which allows you to fully master the topic.

In addition, ready-made answers to homework are a real lifesaver when preparing for final papers.

The child will not have to re-read all the works of the covered topic in order to remember their plot.

Remember: GDZ will help young schoolchildren easily absorb the knowledge they have acquired and feel confident in the lessons!

Workbook literary reading grade 3 (Boikina, Vinogradskaya)

A workbook on literary reading (textbook 3rd grade by Boykin, Vinogradskaya) consists of a list of tasks for each work of the textbook.

In this way, schoolchildren better remember a particular topic, learn to analyze texts and express their opinions, and develop creative thinking.

Much attention is also paid to the ability to work in pairs and use various sources of information.

In the workbook after each topic there is a final work “Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements.”

It contains questions on all works of the covered topic. Thanks to this, long-term memory develops.

It is worth noting that the 3rd grade program is quite complex.

This is a kind of preparatory stage for secondary school.

Therefore, children increasingly suffer from powerlessness in the face of workbook questions.

This quite often contributes to the emergence of a dislike for literature and learning in general.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to facilitate the learning process.

And the GDZ workbook, literary reading, grade 3, Boykin’s answers will help with this.

Ready-made answers for the workbook on literary reading, grade 3

Ready-made homework for 3rd grade (GDZ workbook by Boykin, Vinogradskaya) is a wonderful opportunity to easily improve your performance at school, free up time for relaxation and better assimilate the world’s literary heritage.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the GDZ workbook on literary reading, grade 3 (answers) Boykina, Vinogradskaya is a breath of air for parents.

After all, you free up a huge period of time that was spent on fantasizing, rereading works and analyzing them.

Agree, after a busy day at work this is especially difficult.

And a ready-made workbook on literary reading can free you from these obligations.

GDZ workbook literary reading grade 3 Boykin's answers from "GDZ Gramota" are especially useful.

Firstly, the site’s convenient navigation system makes it possible to find the necessary information in a matter of seconds.

All works in the GDZ are listed in the same order as in the workbook.

Additionally, page numbers are also written.

Secondly, our ready-made answers (workbook on literary reading grade 3 by Boykin):

1. Unique

All answers on literary reading are developed individually for our website. No typical options. Therefore, the similarity of answers with classmates is minimized. And this is quite an important point.

2. High quality

We pay due attention to such indicators as correctness and literacy. No artificial shortcuts or errors.

3. Easy to understand

The answers are developed in accordance with the age category of third graders.

Therefore, there will be no difficulties with the interpretation of this or that word.

Everything is clear and accessible.

In addition, we pay due attention to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3rd grade.

Therefore, we write answers (GDZ) that correspond to the features of the school curriculum of a particular class.

With GDZ Certificate, walking along the educational path is easy and interesting!

Ready-made homework literary reading grade 3 workbook by Boykin and Vinogradskaya.

Class: 3rd grade

"GDZ Gramota": Ready-made answers on literary reading for grade 3

On our website you will find an online literary reading guide -

GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 1, textbook by Klimanov Goretsky (answers).

He is an excellent assistant in the educational process.

GDZ in literary reading grade 3 is an opportunity to easily master the material covered, independently study missed topics, easily complete homework and receive praise from the teacher for their quality.

After all, with them, even the most difficult questions in the textbook Klimanov’s Literary Reading, Grade 3, are not scary.

Plus, with GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 1 of Klimanov Goretsky’s textbook (answers), the student will have much more free time.

It can be spent on useful activities such as walks, sports, hobbies or any other type of recreation.

On our website you can copy off the answers to the textbook on literary reading, grade 3, part 1, Klimanov, Goretsky and be completely calm.

After all, all ready-made answers for grade 3 from "GDZ Gramota":

1. Extremely unique

We do not duplicate other GDZ sites, but write our own answers - the most detailed and competent ones. This feature has a large number of advantages, one of which is the minimal likelihood of classmates having the same answers.

2. High quality and affordable

We are serious about writing ready-made answers for grade 3 literary reading. No mistakes, abbreviations or inappropriate words. Taking into account the age category of third graders, we write sentences of optimal length for them and select words that are understandable to everyone. Therefore, schoolchildren do not even need the help of their parents when writing homework on literary reading.

"GDZ Gramota" adheres to the requirements of Federal State Educational Standard 3rd class.

GDZ literary reading grade 3 part 1

GDZ literary reading grade 3, part 1 of the textbook by Klimanova Goretsky answers helps out both schoolchildren and their parents.

With them you will avoid tears and nerves over the pages of a textbook and wasting a lot of time.

The collection of answers for 3rd grade literary reading contains solutions to both the simplest and most complex tasks, including creative ones.

If you look at the questions in the textbook for grade 3 by Klimanov, Goretsky, it immediately becomes clear that even parents will have a hard time. You can’t do without additional study of the material and reading works. And for this you need to devote a lot of time and effort. But, you must admit, they are not always there after a hard day at work.

GDZ literary reading (ready-made answers, grade 3) comes to the rescue. You can either simply rewrite ready-made answers or use GDZ as hints and to check correctness. Now it will take not 3 hours to prepare for a lesson, but a maximum of an hour. Imagine what a huge time saving this is per week and per month. And the love for literature will grow naturally, and not die under the influence of difficulties in the form of homework.

This is a real helper for parents whose children are unable to cope with homework on their own. And, given the level of complexity of the modern school curriculum, these are the majority.

GDZ Diploma - we walk along the educational path with pleasure!

Ready-made homework literary reading grade 3 part 1 Klimanova, Goretsky.

Class: 3 part 1

Textbook "Literary reading. Grade 3. Part 2" Klimanova, Goretsky

A textbook on literary reading for grade 3 (authors: Klimanova, Goretsky) is a collection of works, general educational texts, various types of questions on a specific topic and final works. At the end of the textbook there is information on its contents.

Thereby educational material third graders develop into various areas and engage different types brain activity.

The textbook "Literary reading. Grade 3. Part 2" by Klimanova, Goretsky is intended for training in secondary schools Russia and fully meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3rd class.

The school curriculum assumes that at the end of 3rd grade the student will have the following knowledge and skills in literary reading:

Analyze texts of different types;

Compare works;

Divide works into groups according to their types;

Discuss texts with a friend;

Make up questions about the plot and theme of the works;

Find missing words;

Look for information in other sources;

Compose stories on various topics;

Make various book lists;

Characterize the heroes of the works.

The above is just a minimum. But even from this it can be understood that in the modern rhythm of study, children do not always have time to consciously complete these tasks. As a result, both academic performance and love for literature decrease.

But there is a way out - GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 2, textbook by Klimanov Goretsky (ready-made answers). Thanks to them, you can quickly, easily and most importantly do your homework correctly, get highly appreciated and praise from the teacher. If a lesson was missed for any reason, the available GDs based on the textbook by Klimanov and Goretsky help you independently and fully study the new topic.

In addition, ready-made answers for literary reading grade 3 (textbook by Klimanov, Goretsky) are a real find for moms and dads. After all, a lot of time has to be devoted to helping the child prepare for lessons. And the approach using ready-made answers for grade 3 significantly reduces such time costs. It is worth noting that homework on literary reading sometimes involves a fairly large period of time. After all, you need to meaningfully re-read this or that work. And in 3rd grade they are usually quite voluminous. But, again, GDZ literary reading, grade 3, part 2, textbook by Klimanov Goretsky (correct answers) saves you from such a fate.

Why "GDZ Gramota" and our ready-made answers for grade 3?

We write unique answers and do not duplicate other GDZ services.

We take our answers seriously and do not contain any kind of errors. All GDZ material literary reading grade 3, part 2 textbook Klimanova, Goretsky (correct answers) meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the age category of third graders.

"GDZ Gramota" saves your time. Convenient site navigation allows you to find the necessary answer in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is copy off the ready-made answers for grade 3 or compare your answers with them. For added convenience, we list the topics in the same order as they appear in the textbook.

GDZ Diploma - saving time for schoolchildren and their parents!

Ready-made homework on literary reading, grade 3, part 2 Klimanova, Goretsky.

Class: 3rd grade part 2

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