State University of Infrastructure and Technology (GUIT). Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after. Hetman Peter Konashevich-Sagaidachny (kgavt) Kyiv Water Academy named after Sagaidachny

The State University of Infrastructure and Technology was created by combining two universities in Kyiv - the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after Hetman Petro Konashevich-Sagaidachny and the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Currently, GUIT has eight faculties (six in Kiev, one in Nikolaev and one in Izmail, Odessa region), which train bachelors and masters for water and railway transport not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries . In three colleges of the University (two in Kyiv and one in Kiliya, Odessa region), junior specialists in transport infrastructure are trained. At the Kiev Training Center, water transport specialists undergo training, retraining and advanced training. The University prepares scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through its own postgraduate and doctoral studies and provides them with the opportunity to defend candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Type of educational institution:University
Form of ownership:state
Accreditation level:III-IV
Tuition fee per year (UAH):from 7596 to 9339
Form of study:full-time, part-time
Qualification level:junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master
Number of students:n.d.
University ranking "TOP-200 Ukraine" (2017) : 172nd place
University ranking "TOP-200 Ukraine" (2018) : 177th place

The State University of Infrastructure and Technology (SUIT) provides training in the following areas:

  • Information Technology

  • Software Engineering
  • Management and administration

  • Accounting and taxation Management
  • Right

  • Right
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Economy
  • Transport
  • Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after. P. Konashevich-Sagaidachny (KGAVT) - additional information about the higher educational institution

    General information

    Kiev State Academy of Water Transport (KSAVT) was created in 1998 as a new university of III and IV levels of accreditation. This completes the long and painstaking process of establishing an independent modern educational institution for training specialists with higher education for the maritime and river transport industry.

    The process of creating the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport made it possible to organically combine the best traditions in the field of training water specialists, which were laid down by the old higher school. Over the years, the educational institution absorbed the methodological, material, technical and scientific achievements of such glorious predecessors as the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport (LIVT), founded in 1930, in Kyiv carried out educational activities from 1962 to 1992 (Kiev Correspondence Faculty LIVT ); Odessa State Maritime Academy (OGMA), founded in 1944, carried out educational activities in Kyiv from 1992 to 1998 (Kiev branch of OGMA), since 1997, Kiev Institute of Water Transport (KIVT OGMA); Kiev River School (KRU), founded in 1912, became part of the Kyiv Branch of OGMA in 1996; Kiev Shipbuilding College (KSS), founded in 1940, joined KSAVT in 1998.

    Today, the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport trains bachelors, specialists and masters in 6 and junior specialists in 4 specialties.

    The Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport operates a pre-university training center for admission to full-time and part-time forms of study, recruitment of students for graduate school is carried out, and there is an opportunity to obtain a second higher education.

    The Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport has contacts with foreign higher educational institutions of a similar profile. Graduates have the opportunity to receive postgraduate education abroad.

    The Kiev State Academy of Water Transport has three faculties:

    • Faculty of Navigation,
    • Faculty of Transport Economics,
    • Faculty of Law.


    Given University of Ukraine has the following material and technical base: 3 buildings, over 50 educational laboratories, a retraining and advanced training center with the most modern information and training equipment, a network of computer classes, the Internet, a library, a gym, etc.

    The Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport (KSAVT) was created by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1970 dated December 14, 1998, as a new higher educational institution of III and IV levels of accreditation. This completes the long and painstaking process of creating an independent modern educational institution for training specialists with higher education for the maritime and river transport industry.

    The process of creating KDAVT made it possible to organically combine the best traditions in the field of training water specialists, which were laid down by the old higher school. For many years, the educational institution absorbed the methodological, material, technical and scientific achievements of such glorious predecessors as the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport (LIVT), founded in 1930, conducted educational activities in Kyiv from 1962 to 1992 (Kiev correspondence faculty of LIVT; Odessa State Maritime Academy (OGMA), founded in 1944 in Kyiv, carried out educational activities from 1992 to 1998 (Kiev branch of OGMA), since 1997, Kiev Institute of Water Transport (KIVT OGMA) Kiev River School (KRU), founded in 1912, joined the KF OGMA in 1996; Kiev Shipbuilding College (KSB), founded in 1940, joined the KDAVT in 1998.

    Today, the Academy trains bachelors, specialists and masters in 6 and junior specialists in 4 specialties. The Academy operates a pre-university training center for admission to full-time and part-time forms of study, recruits students for graduate school, and has the opportunity to obtain a second higher education. The Academy has contacts with foreign higher education institutions of a similar profile. Graduates have the opportunity to receive postgraduate education abroad.

    Among the training specialties are the traditionally basic ones for the fleet: “Navigation” and “Operation of ship power plants.” Students of these specialties in the future, having gained practical experience, become captains and chief engineers of ships. The Academy enrolls third-year students who have an associate's degree in the relevant profile.

    Practical training at the Academy for all specialties without exception plays a very important role. Among the types of such training, swimming practice ranks first, because the concept of training at the Academy is based on the postulate - there cannot be a full-fledged water specialist who does not imagine all the features of the everyday work of the ship’s crew. So, every year, cadets and students of the Academy travel by rivers and seas, gaining knowledge and experience, as well as having the opportunity to acquire the profession of a sailor, mechanic, helmsman, flight attendant, personal computer operator and some others, to obtain a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma.

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