The source of drinking water in Nizhny Tagil was covered with “green sludge”: even worse than that year. Someone tests the water in such sources

The Chernoistochinsky pond, from which drinking water supplies the homes of almost half of Nizhny Tagil residents, has turned green again. According to ecologist and social activist Andrei Volegov, who published photographs and videos of the coastal zone of the pond on social networks, the water looks as if a ton of green paint was poured into it.

In Nizhny Tagil, the Chernoistochinsky pond, from which drinking water flows into the city, has turned green. This reservoir is the source of piped water for two residential areas, where about 43% of the population lives. Photos and videos of green water and coastal pebbles appeared on social networks. According to environmentalist and social activist Andrei Volegov, the water looks as if a ton of green paint was poured into it.

Residents note that a sharp change in the color and transparency of the water in the pond is happening for the second time this summer. At the end of July, a fish death was recorded in the pond area. In August, local environmentalists demanded that the prosecutor's office find out what was causing the water pollution. At the same time, city residents held a rally and collected signatures with a request to provide the city with clean water; the appeal was sent to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

After in 2016 There was a massive death of fish in the pond; Rospotrebnadzor categorically forbade residents of Nizhny Tagil from using water for drinking and cooking. At the same time, on behalf of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, a set of measures was developed to rehabilitate the Chernoistochinsky pond, but so far they have not yielded any results.

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In Nizhny Tagil, a serious problem with drinking water has arisen - the authorities have brushed it aside for a long time.

Poison from the tap

"The problem of poor quality drinking water didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere. The Chernoistochinsky pond has not been cleaned for many years. Abundant flowering appeared last summer. We sounded the alarm. In September, re-blooming occurred - the entire coastline was in blue-green algae. Tired of waiting for help from the authorities, we decided to conduct a water analysis on our own. Biologists took samples of water and coastal soil to conduct an independent quality assessment, which will make it possible to predict the dynamics of algae growth this summer,” says head of the Ecopravo movement Andrey Volegov.

Environmentalists predict that today or tomorrow brown toxic water may start running out of the taps of residents of Nizhny Tagil. The situation with drinking water in the city is extremely difficult. "In May on round table frightening figures were announced to the authorities. According to the environmental prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor, the wear rate of networks is 90%! Even if the water is supplied clean, worn-out pipes provide a source of secondary pollution,” says Andrey Volegov.

The reservoirs of Nizhny Tagil have not been cleaned for decades. Photo: AiF-Ural/

Today Nizhny Tagil is fed by two reservoirs - Chernoistochinsky and Verkhnevyisky ponds. Neither of them had been cleaned for decades. The environmentalist notes that there are no treatment facilities at all on the Verkhnevyisky pond. The water only undergoes disinfection and enters the taps of city residents with a high content of iron and manganese, which has a detrimental effect on the human body.

The situation at Chernoistochinsky Pond is no better. According to local residents, the reservoir is becoming shallow - due to silting, the bottom has become at least two meters higher. The pond is literally filled with blue-green algae (aka cyanobacteria). The danger comes not so much from their color as from their “content.” Algae release toxic substances that not only kill fish, but also pose a danger to people. The person may experience nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset. Moreover, boiling water does not provide 100 percent protection from hazardous substances.

Fuel to the fire

According to Tagil ecologist, candidate of biological sciences Svetlana Gomzhina, the rapid establishment of algae in the Chernoistochinsky pond is due to its pollution, primarily from human waste products. Wastewater from the village and from the coastline, dead rotting fish, trees that have fallen into the water - all this serves as a breeding ground for cyanobacteria.

In addition, the banks of the pond have been chosen by citizens of an undetermined place of residence, who set up settlements there, make fires and multiply landfills. During the inspection, community members discovered a lot of buildings along the coastline - literally a few meters from the reservoir. The specialists did not see any toilets, which means that the citizens living there relieve themselves directly into the water.

This is not the first summer that residents of the village of Chernoistochinsky have been observing “settlers” on the shore of the pond. According to people, they live there all summer long: they set up nets and cook food right there. Naturally, this does not contribute to the cleanliness of the reservoir and shore. Environmentalists wrote a statement to the Nizhny Tagil police, but the letter from law enforcement officers received a refusal. “During the departure, it was not possible to drive up in a service vehicle... and therefore it was not possible to establish the settlement of persons without a fixed place of residence,” the police response says. Now the social activists intend to send their own photographic and video materials to the supervisory authorities.

The “settlers” live on the shore of the Chernoistochinsky pond all summer long: they set up nets and cook food right there. Photo: AiF-Ural/ provided by Andrey Volegov

Vodokanal-NT is also adding fuel to the fire. “On the pond in the area of ​​the sludge reservoir, dirt accumulates in a special sump. At the same time, the water that is collected and settled from above is considered “clean” according to the project and is discharged directly into the reservoir. When we approached the sludge storage dam, in the drainage area the water was gushing like a fountain, and bubbles of hydrogen sulfide were rising from the bottom. The smell is simply terrible - the pond is rotting,” says Andrey Volegov.

Fire pits, cars on the banks, motor boats, fishing nets - all this can be seen every day on the Chernoistoichisnsky pond, which, naturally, does not make the water cleaner. At the same time, the “Water Code,” which prohibits the above-described “pleasures” on drinking water bodies, seems to be unwritten for violators.

Is it possible to find a spring with clean drinking water in Nizhny Tagil? Does anyone test the water in such sources? The news agency “Between the Lines” sought answers to these questions in the relevant departments of the mayor’s office and supervisory departments. Let us note right away that there was not much, but useful information For those looking for an alternative to dirty tap water, there definitely is.

Why did they suddenly start talking about springs?

In the year of ecology, Nizhny Tagil is among the most dirty cities countries. One of the most pressing problems is dirty drinking water; the centralized water supply of Nizhny Tagil has fallen into disrepair. In August last year, because of the Chernoistochinsky pond, officials and Rospotrebnadzor advised Tagil residents to buy bottled water or make supplies from artesian wells, since what flows from the tap is only suitable for technical needs. At the end of December, Evgeny Kuyvashev signed an action plan for the rehabilitation of the Chernoistochinsky and Verkhne-Vyysky reservoirs in Nizhny Tagil. After this the Ministry natural resources and ecology Sverdlovsk region announced an auction for “the search for reserve underground sources of domestic and drinking water supply in Nizhny Tagil to replace the surface water of the Chernoistochinsky pond.”

Where to look for good sources?

According to the press service of the city administration, since 2002, 122 sources of decentralized water supply have been installed in the city. Of these, 59 are tube wells, 41 are mine wells and 22 are springs. Most full list equipped sources.

Particularly popular among Tagil residents are the Murinsky springs in the area of ​​the Murinsky pond, and the Isinsky springs near the collective gardening partnership “Mercury”. And two more behind the sports and recreational institution “Spartak” - these are the Studeny and Cool springs.

In 2017, at the expense of the regional and city budgets, three mine wells were equipped: “On the Murinskaya Path” near house No. 15 on Murinskaya Street in Nizhny Tagil, as well as “Silver Key” and “Cuckoo Tears” in Serebryanka. Environmentalists at the mayor's office claim that the water in these mine wells meets SanPiN requirements.

Does anyone test the water in such sources?

This is not very good. Analyzes of water quality in non-centralized water supply sources within the framework of a municipal contract last time were carried out in June and November 2016. And the mayor’s office notes that the results of these analyzes have already lost their relevance. “Due to the city budget deficit, studies of water quality in sources of non-centralized water supply were not carried out in January-September 2017,” explained the department of ecology and environmental management.

That is, forget about the springs and drink only bottled water?

Still, it’s not worth giving up springs completely. But if you collect water from one of the popular and proven sources mentioned above, then do not forget to boil it. Long-term studies by Rospotrebnadzor show that the quality of groundwater depends not only on the time of year, but also on the proximity of the sources to industrial or agricultural facilities. For example, an increased content of silicon, manganese and nitrates was noted in spring water near gardening areas.

Perhaps in the near future, specialists will still be able to test the quality of water in developed sources. According to the mayor's office, an application was recently submitted to allocate funds from the city budget in the amount of 500 thousand rubles to carry out appropriate analyzes in sources of non-centralized water supply. This application will be considered when adjusting the city budget by the new composition of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma in October 2017.

News Agency "Between the Lines"

When the interdepartmental commission arrived, we made a proposal. To clean the pond and improve the quality of water in the pond, you need to increase the flow of the pond. That is, to more water came in and, accordingly, went out. Fresh water from the mountains will dissolve harmful substances, reduce their concentration and clean the pondsays Andrei Volegov, a member of the Nizhny Tagil Coordination Council on environmental issues.

He told the website’s journalist that the second visit was organized following a signal from local residents who reported blue-green algae on the shores of the reservoir. The situation was such that those who came to swim people did not find it possible to go into the water. The water was green and smelled bad.

Before our arrival, the wind rose, which mixed the algae, and they floated in flakes in the water. In addition, there were a lot of dead fish along the shore. On one square meter we counted up to 15 dead fish.

One of the factors that caused the development of algae is that the water in the pond was no longer running. There is no discharge from the dam, and in the local river the water, driven by the wind, moves rather in the opposite direction.

In a river that flows out of a pond, the water does not move. We examined the dam near the former factory; there, too, no water flows out of the pond. In fact, there is no drainage from the pond. The water stagnates and the pond gradually turns into a swamp. This environment is more favorable for the development of blue-green algae.

About two weeks ago, an interdepartmental commission visited the Chernoistochinsky pond, which included Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Region Vyacheslav Tyumentsev. As Andrei Volegov said, the deputy minister concluded that cleaning the pond from bottom sediments without eliminating all the drainage is a waste of money.

If we clean the pond and leave the leaks, then in a few years it will return to its present form. Therefore, his first priority is to restore the dam, timely clean the sludge reservoir, and only then approach cleaning.

The shores of the Chernoistochinsky pond are strewn with mountains of dead fish (PHOTO)

The banks of the Chernoistochinsky pond, which supplies drinking water to a third of Nizhny Tagil, are strewn with dead fish. This is evidenced by photographs taken the day before, on August 26, by environmental activist Andrei Volegov. Tonight, the social activist sent the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika, photographs of dead fish, as well as a letter demanding an inspection and assessment of the damage caused to nature. The document is currently under consideration by the department.

“I’m now back at the Chernoistochinsky pond, filming a video, there are hundreds of kilos of dead fish here, some have already been eaten by birds. Water green, I even found a dead cancer. We are waiting for the police, they must record the death of the fish. At night, I already sent appeals to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, the Nizhny Tagil Environmental Prosecutor's Office, as well as to the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, Evgeny Kuyvashev. Today I will send letters to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and head of the regional government Denis Pasler,” Andrei Volegov, Chairman of the Board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization “Ekopravo”, told the Academy of Sciences “Between the Lines”.

It is noteworthy that the day before, a statement was published on the official website of Nizhny Tagil that the water quality in the Chernoistochinsky pond had returned to normal and that in the near future, employees of Vodokanal-NT LLC would flush the networks.

“The election campaign is underway now. I think that with its statement the mayor’s office simply tried to take the edge off this problem, but it won’t solve itself. We have a number of suggestions: for example, use chlorella to remove heavy metals from the reservoir, to work out the possibility of a concession agreement, since more than half a billion rubles are already needed to replace networks and build filtration stations. And we will approach the administration with these proposals,” Volegov said.

Earlier, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, instructed the administration to develop a document that would allow residents of apartments that received poor-quality water not to pay for this utility service.

Let us remind you that on August 18, Rospotrebnadzor declared the water supplied to residential buildings from the Chernoistochinsky pond (at GGM and Vagonka) unsuitable for drinking; it can only be used “for household needs.” While the problem was being resolved, officials advised Tagil residents to either stock up on water from artesian wells or buy bottled water. They promised that the situation would improve with the onset of rain and after the air temperature dropped. Activists of Nizhny Tagil asked the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region to introduce a state of emergency in the city. Also, Tagil residents began sending applications to the prosecutor’s office and management companies demanding a recalculation or a complete cancellation of utility fees for poor-quality water - it had a putrid smell. On August 24, the environmental prosecutor's office of Nizhny Tagil opened an administrative case against Vodokanal-NT LLC for providing city residents with low-quality cold water.

News Agency "Between the Lines"

Discussion of the article

Anomaly in the city of Catherine
Aug 28 2016 5:52PM

A journalist from Yekaterinburg was killed in Kyiv on the 40th day of Sheremet’s death. The KVN guy died in the station hotel. The fish washed ashore.

The governor and mayors are being asked to check their mental health.

Can the Yeltsin Center be converted into a special health resort?

Revealed to the fishermen
Aug 28 2016 4:35PM

Until the 14th century, the icon was in Constantinople, until in 1383 it unexpectedly disappeared from Blachernae Temple. According to the chronicle, in the same year in Rus' the icon appeared before the fishermen on Lake Ladoga near the city of Tikhvin.

Ancient chronicles describe how in 1383 an icon of the Mother of God with the Child of God in her arms appeared over the waters of the lake in a radiant light, carried by an unknown force through the air. Several times the icon sank to the ground, but after the construction of the temple began at this place, the icon miraculously moved again until it stopped in a swampy place near Tikhvin.

Aug 28 2016 2:43PM

So the fish couldn’t look at the icon and all died? If so, then I’m already scared of the coming “victory”.

There is no victory without water.
Aug 27 2016 10:54PM

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is revealed over the waters.

And during the war they turned to icons.

Aug 27 2016 9:59PM

Karelia NLP

Poisoned water flows into the taps of residents of Nizhny Tagil.
Aug 27 2016 9:37PM

Brothers and sisters. Dear Russians and Russian women, This is not the time to think about some kind of water when the country is at war with fascism in Ukraine. Everything is for the front! Everything is for victory!!! The enemy will not pass, victory will be ours.

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