How easy it is to learn to speak English. How to overcome the language barrier and start speaking English? Recording your voice

Fluent spoken English implies the ability to communicate quickly, easily, and without difficulty. Many people believe that fluency is equivalent to perfect knowledge of a language, but this is not entirely true. If you think about it and listen to the speech of native speakers, you will notice that they also make mistakes in grammar, choice of appropriate words, and sometimes in pronunciation.

Below are some tips to help you speak fluently - quickly and easily, but not without error.
“I want to learn to speak English fluently. What needs to be done for this?

Many of my friends ask this question. After discussing what is meant by “fluent,” I ask how often they speak English. Naturally, the most common answers are “only in class” or “only with a tutor.” This is clearly not enough.

If you need to learn how to do something well, the only way to achieve it is through practice. In relation to English, this statement is completely true. The best thing you can do to achieve smooth, free speech is only practice: talking with friends, classmates, foreigners on Skype, live meetings with native speakers, and so on. The more you practice, the better your speech becomes, that's obvious.

Continuing communication, you find out that typical emotions in relation to speaking in English are “scared”, “worried”, “embarrassed”. Therefore, the second advice is to relax, there is nothing to be afraid of. There were, are and will be mistakes. Pauses in speech initial stages inevitable. If you don’t know which word is more suitable or which tense to choose, don’t be silent and don’t worry, say at least something, express your thoughts as best you can.

To achieve fluency, in addition to speaking, listening comprehension is also important. WITH educational materials There are no problems, there are a huge number of them for every taste. Simply play an audiobook or movie in the background during your daily routine. Even if you don’t concentrate on the narration, unbeknownst to yourself, you will still record some turns of phrase, pronunciation, variations in the use of words, and gradually begin to automatically use all this in your speech.

If you are studying in study group, then the game “Just a minute” is good for developing fluency. The rules are simple - any topics are written on pieces of paper, for example: holodays, Michael Jackson, being rich, dogs, my favorite movie. Everyone takes turns taking a piece of paper and talking non-stop for a minute on the topic they come across. Moreover, you cannot repeat the same thing several times and you cannot change the topic. Yes, it is not easy at first, but the more you practice, the easier and easier this game will become. A monologue on a certain topic can be difficult even for a native speaker, so mistakes and pauses should not confuse you at all.


Elena Dzizinskaya

live among native speakers - then you will speak fluently))

Kaleria Erina

To learn to speak fluently
You have to face the circumstances where you have to speak

Nastya Khaydukova

Hello everyone) I`m looking for native speaker for chatting in English on skype) Will be happy to find new friends) Have a good time

Maxim Vladimirovich

Why does she have that rectangle on her boobs? Can't stop looking at it!

Conversational English is precisely the skill that most language learners lack. Today we will look at how to learn to speak English.

Many students complain that they know grammar well and can accurately determine when to use what tense, can write good essays and even understand English by ear - but they find it difficult to express their thoughts in English.

Let's figure out how to finally learn to speak English fluently and competently.

We competently approach the issue of vocabulary replenishment

It is worth understanding that there are countless words in English. Even the “natives” don’t know everything english words. First of all, you should concentrate on learning the vocabulary that is used most often.

For example, when reading a book or watching a movie, write down for study those words and phrases that you often use in Russian.

Learn vocabulary from textbooks, special dictionaries aimed specifically at expanding your vocabulary - these manuals, as a rule, provide exactly the vocabulary that those who learn English as a foreign language need to know. The fact is that if we learn words that we do not use, they will be forgotten very quickly. It turns out that we will simply waste our time studying them.

Having reached a solid level Upper-Intermediate, or better yet, Advanced, you should begin to learn those words that are not used too often. At these levels, frequently used vocabulary will have already been practiced and you are unlikely to forget it. Then you need to move on to the next stage, delving deeper into the language.

Be sure to learn colloquial expressions

Most polyglots advise: in order to learn to speak quickly in the target language, you should first learn frequently used cliché phrases, phrasal verbs and idioms that are used in colloquial speech. There is logic to this advice. After all, if we try to select words to say something verbatim, it will take us a lot of time. As a result, our speech will sound very unnatural. Besides, learning one phrase is much easier than large number words These phrases will help you speak fluently and competently.

Bring passive vocabulary into active vocabulary

In order to be able to speak beautifully, you need not only to know vocabulary and recognize it in someone else’s speech, but also to be able to use it when expressing your own thoughts. To do this, you need to not only learn phrases and words, but also use them as often as possible. See examples of using the vocabulary you are studying and come up with your own. Learn more about how to activate vocabulary, we looked at in this article: .

Study with a special allowance

There are special textbooks for developing spoken English. They give various topics for conversation, useful colloquial vocabulary and exercises to sharpen communication skills.

Work on your pronunciation

Read aloud

By reading aloud, you subconsciously remember how to pronounce phrases, as well as useful expressions will be etched in your memory. Most importantly, do not forget to do preliminary work by looking at the text for the presence of unfamiliar vocabulary, as well as its meaning and transcription. Reading aloud helps you develop a sense of speech, so you can speak automatically and even “give” to your interlocutor phrases that you didn’t expect from yourself.

Find yourself a speech proofreader

Often, even those who can write quite competently in English make mistakes during live communication. What does it have to do with those that would not have been allowed when written. The reason for the problem is very banal - the lack of practice that would help bring the speaking skill to automaticity. While writing, a person has time to think about how to express himself better, how to say something correctly. There is practically no time for communication. To quickly get rid of this problem, ask a teacher or someone you know to help you. Let your “proofreader” listen to what you say and note your mistakes. When you finish your thought, let him tell you where you went wrong. Then try to repeat the same thing, but this time correctly.

Talk as often as possible

Of course, if you don't practice, you won't learn. This truth is very banal. However, you should not forget about it. Talk a little every day and don't wait until you learn a hundred more words or a few more grammar structures. You need to start speaking from the very first lessons. If you can’t talk to someone, talk to yourself (no matter how strange it may sound). Try, when you come home, talk in English about your day, or express your thoughts about the movie you watched. You can also try to think in English, for example, on the way to work, think about your plans for the day.

Record your voice

Say something in English and record it on a tape recorder. Then listen to the recording and try to catch what mistakes you made: grammatical errors, errors in the use of words, errors in pronunciation, etc. Try to repeat the same thing, but this time correctly.

If you are still wondering on how to learn to speak English - don’t be lazy to put these tips into practice. After all, only with regular practice can you enjoy achieving success. Knowing the theory is good, but being able to speak is even more important. This is why you learn a language, isn’t it? 🙂

Some tips from my personal experience of learning English. So how do you learn to speak English on one's own? I will describe all this further.

About learning English from personal experience

And the last, most important thing is PRACTICE! If you want to speak English, you must speak! I found very good pen pals and we talked a lot. It was difficult at the beginning, but week after week it got better and better. Try to talk as often as possible and it will serve you well! Try to practice your speaking skill every day. It doesn't have to be face-to-face communication, you can also just chat, this is quite useful too. Just remember “If you want to talk, you have to talk”!

So after 3 months of studying I started speaking slowly, after 4 months it was better, and after 5-6 months I could speak English and understand people very well!

You may say that you don't have free time for all this, but I didn't either. I also worked and studied at the university. Surround yourself with English, immerse yourself in it! Try to combine English with your everyday life! It's not difficult and if you really want to succeed in studying, then you will definitely succeed!

Try hard, friends! Study hard and never give up! Just remember that “If you only speak one language, you cannot speak” (c)!

Read my articles, they will help you in your study! Subscribe to blog updates in the form on the right, as more than 3,000 people have already done! Download for free. In it I have collected all the most valuable knowledge and recommendations that will help you speak English as quickly as possible! Now you know how to start speaking English, the main thing is not to be lazy.

Keep learning English and take care of yourself!


Have you ever been jealous of chameleons?

Well, you understand what we’re talking about – these colorful reptiles that know how to blend into any background.

The chameleon just changes its colors, and oppa! - he is absolutely indistinguishable from the tree he just climbed, or the stone where he sits.

Wouldn't it be nice to become a lingua chameleon?

Life would be much simpler if we could easily change our accent, vocabulary and grammar and speak just like native English speakers.

Well, there's no harm in dreaming...

In fact, if you want to be indistinguishable from native English speakers in conversation, you will have to put in a lot of effort. But it may not be as difficult as you think.

There are specific practical steps, which you can do so that your speech flows freely, as if native, both in pronunciation and in the vocabulary used.

By applying these tips and adding patience and practice, you'll quickly become a lingua chameleon.

4 Tricks to Help You Speak English Like Your Own Language

1. Learn different English accents

There are many accents among native English speakers. A New Yorker speaks very differently than a Texas native.

And, you've probably heard the Queen's English (British English). Let me tell you the truth: not everyone in Britain speaks like the Queen. There are also Scots, Welsh and Irish, all with their own unique accents.

Here's a fun activity for you: look on YouTube for videos of people trying to imitate different accents of English.

2. Imitate natives in pronunciation

Well, now you have a general idea of ​​the differences in English accents. But in which direction should you go to achieve the desired pronunciation?

A great place to start is to watch authentic videos in English and imitate everything they say. This will reveal to you truly original pronunciation, speech structures and style.

Also, you can watch facial expressions and speech apparatus and copy them.

There are educational videos (such as BBC Pronunciation or ) and programs (such as Tell Me More) that demonstrate the position of the lips and tongue when pronouncing each letter English alphabet and all their combinations.

I know that such activities are tedious, but they will help you pronounce words correctly, especially with those sounds that do not exist in Russian.

Therefore, memorize them and practice in front of the mirror. Rehearse again and again, bringing everything to automaticity. You can even try recording yourself on video so you can measure your progress!

Our site is an excellent source of authentic videos that can be used to learn correct pronunciation. This innovative platform transforms real-life videos like movie trailers, funny YouTube clips, news stories and more into interactive language courses.

3. Use slang in conversation

“Slang” is informal (and sometimes even vulgar) words and expressions. Slang is more common in spoken language than in written language.

Slang tends to be common to different communities, so the slang used in the southern United States is very different from the slang you'll hear among the English. (To understand just how much, watch this funny interview “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” featuring actor Hugh Laurie.)

But there is slang expressions, which are used almost everywhere and need to be known. For example:

Wanna(Want to – want, want)

Hang out(Spend time together - hang out, hang out)

In a friendly atmosphere, an Englishman or an American would say: “Do you wanna hang out? instead of the formal “Do you want to spend some time together?”

The best way to remember slang expressions is to actively use them in conversation. But be sure to take into account the context, since slang is only appropriate in an informal setting.

4. Learn idioms

An idiom in English is a set expression whose meaning is not obvious when translated literally.

The use of idioms is not as common as slang in informal settings. However, there are times when native speakers use idioms that confuse you.

For example, if a colleague tells you: “you can’t see the forest for the trees,” this may even confuse you a little. After all, your conversation had nothing to do with the forest and trees at all!

And all because of the use of a common idiom. “You can’t see the forest for the trees” means that you go too deep into the details and do not perceive the situation more broadly, as a whole.

Also quite useful keep an idiom diary that you have encountered and (possible) equivalents in your native language. This will help you remember them better.

In the end, don’t be afraid to use such allegories! You may not hit the mark right away, but a good native speaker will help you use the appropriate idiom, and you will remember it faster.

It is not an easy task to master English at a native level. To tell the truth, it is even extremely complex.

However, you can start today by improving your pronunciation and practicing speaking at ease.

Don't let slang and idioms slow down your progress. Dive in.

And one day, when you least expect it, you will suddenly speak like a native English speaker.

Learning to speak English is easier than learning to read and write English because you don't have to understand all the rules and nuances of spelling. All learning comes down to the usual memorization by ear of words and sentences through the use of language in everyday life. Now you will find out which methods are the most effective and which ones are not worth wasting your time on.

First you need to determine what character traits a person must have in order to learn spoken English.

The principles on which self-learning English is built:

  • Regularity. It must be remembered that any training should be taken seriously, which means that you need to determine convenient days for training, as well as establish regularity (ten times a month or three times a week, or once a day). Regular classes will allow you to remember new words and phrases, without forgetting the old ones. If you study at will and rarely, you risk wasting time without even learning the basics.
  • Honesty. Not every person is capable of learning on their own, so if you are sure that you cannot cope, then it is better to hire a tutor who will help you learn English more efficiently and quickly.
  • Perseverance. This is one of the most important character traits that a person needs to learn to speak English. Learning a language is not as easy as it might seem to someone, because what it takes to remember the translation of words, not to mention their correct pronunciation, consumption and so on.
  • Motivation. Even those people who don't have positive characteristics, there is a great chance of success if they really want to learn to speak foreign language. A great desire can overshadow any negative aspects of a person, since a person who craves can always overcome everything and achieve his goals.
  • Self-control. Of course for effective learning, you must be able to objectively evaluate achievements and control yourself. The conclusions will allow you to decide whether you can move further in learning the language or whether you need to repeat the material you have covered.

None of the listed points mentions that a person needs to have any abilities or knowledge in relation to the language - this suggests that anyone can learn to speak English if they have the desire...

8 ways to learn to speak English quickly

  1. Visit an English speaking school. Most effective method– this is direct communication with residents of English-speaking countries. It's better to go for a couple of months to a country where everyone speaks English. You will inevitably learn this language quickly due to constant use. Naturally, this training is the most expensive, but it has the maximum effect, since it will be relaxed and natural.
  2. Watch movies only in English. In life modern people cinema plays a big role. It is hard to imagine a woman or man who would not like to watch comedies, horrors and other genres of cinema. This means that you can benefit from watching any film for one and a half or two hours. Just watch films with Russian subtitles and English dubbing, this will help you perceive words and different expressions by ear, and the subtitles will help you understand the meaning of the lines. Over time, you won't even need subtitles. This way you can combine business with pleasure.
  3. Read literature in English. If you have basic knowledge of English, then you should try reading comics, magazines and books. Of course, you will need an online translator or English-Russian dictionary, which can be found on the Internet. Literature from foreign authors will help you learn how to correctly formulate phrases when speaking. But this method is not suitable for those who do not read much in Russian, since it will not be interesting and boring for them.
  4. Communicate with acquaintances, relatives, and friends in English. Among your friends, I think there is a person who speaks English well. If there is, then just agree to communicate with him only in English. Communication is much more interesting than simply repeating learned phrases or listening to a certain text to yourself.
  5. Convert your home into an English classroom. This is one of the most famous methods, which is recommended by most teachers in English courses: on each subject there should be a sticker with English name this item. This is quite effective, but only helps during the first week. Because you stop paying attention to these stickers, and even more so you stop saying out loud the words written on them. Therefore, this method is considered controversial, but as an experiment, it is quite feasible, in case it helps you...
  6. Listen to audio books on learning English. Nowadays, there are many audio books that help you learn spoken English. An audio book is a recording of a speaker teaching correct translation and pronunciation of individual words and phrases. These courses are quite effective and are enough to master the correct pronunciation of sounds and basic phrases. After listening to such books, of course, it is necessary further development in this direction.
  7. Communicate on English forums and chat rooms. This method is popular among young people because young people often surf the Internet and can easily find English form and chats. But the important thing about this method is that with the help of ordinary virtual communication you can improve your knowledge of the English language quite well. To communicate quickly, you may also need to quickly type on the keyboard, which you can read about in one of the articles on our site. Think in English. Finally, I would like to add that you should translate your thoughts into English, this will allow you to better assimilate new words, phrases and concepts, and this is the most important task in learning English - typing quickly on the keyboard, which you can read about in one of our articles site.
  8. Think in English. Finally, I would like to add that you should translate your thoughts into English, this will allow you to better assimilate new words, phrases and concepts, and this is the most important task in learning English.

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