Summary of a lesson in mathematics for children of the senior group (5–6 years old) “Journey to the city of Mathematics. Summary of a mathematics lesson for children of the senior group (5–6 years old) “Travel to the city Mathematics Interactive game - learning figures

Elena Vasilievna Sheina
Summary of a mathematics lesson for children of the senior group (5–6 years old) “Travel to the city of Mathematics”

Program content:


Summarize the acquired knowledge;

To consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting within 6, formation of the number 6, counting skills within 6;

Strengthen counting skills;

Strengthen the ability to write down the named numbers in the form of number cards;

Strengthen the ability to correlate a number with the designated figure;

Exercise in establishing the equality or inequality of two groups of objects, transforming inequality into equality;

Practice solving arithmetic problems, consolidate knowledge about geometric figures;

Continue to form spatial temporal submissions: left, right, behind, before, after.


Develop perceptions and ideas children through the accumulation and expansion of sensory experience;

Develop visually effective and visually imaginative thinking by teaching methods of mental action (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships);

Develop communication skills children(help each other, express their actions in speech);

Develop visual attention, memory, hand-eye coordination;

Continue to develop skills of self-control and self-analysis (evaluate work results, correct mistakes).


Continue to develop interest in mathematics, desire to work in a team.

Material for the lesson:

dispensing: sheets with tasks for each child, simple pencils, marker, cards with geometric shapes;

demonstration: a sheet of A-3 paper for drawing a rocket by numbers, 5 houses with numbers (from 5 to 9, a letter in an envelope, a bag with gifts, a disk with tasks, an audio recording of a rocket takeoff;

TSO: multimedia equipment.

Guys, today I want to invite you to something unusual journey. We'll go to city ​​of Mathematics. Do you want it? (Answers children)

Many obstacles and puzzles await us there. But I think you can handle them! How can you go to journey? (Answers children)

Look, in front of you is an encrypted mode of transport.

Showing it on an easel.

By connecting the numbers in order, we will find out what we will go to journey. What number should we start with? (Answers children)

And what number will we connect it with? (Answers children)

Dictation children I draw with a marker and connect the numbers with lines.

So what will we fly today? What did we get? (Rocket)

Well, well, sit down more comfortably. Let's start the reverse countdown: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Start!

Music is playing.

1. Under a bush by the river 2. Little Red Riding Hood found it in the forest

May beetles lived. mushrooms: 5 boletus and 1 chanterelle.

Daughter, son, father and mother. How many mushrooms did you find?

So we arrived. Get up guys, look around. Oh, I see something interesting. Let's get closer. There's an envelope here. "Guys senior group of kindergarten"Sunny Bunny". Guys, did the letter come to the right address? (Answers children)

Then let's read his: “Dear guys, we know that you love adventure very much. Therefore, we invite you to take a walk around our city. Small tasks await you guys on its streets. Be attentive. If you solve them correctly, then at the end of your traveling around the city you will find gifts from us. But more on that later! In the meantime, we wish you good luck! Residents cities of Mathematics»

Oh, how interesting. Guys, here is the first task. Go to the tables.

What a beautiful street it's called "Street of Our Little Brothers". Who do you guys think lives on this street? (Animals)

That's right, look at how interesting their houses are. Which two? groups can you separate the animals? (For domestic and wild animals)

How many animals do you see in total? (6)

How many wild animals? (2)

List wild animals? (Moose, fox)

Now we need to indicate the number of wild animals with dots. But in which empty number card should this be done, on the right or on the left? (Answers children)

That's right, on the blank number card on the right, put as many dots as there are wild animals.

How many points did Sasha put? Why? (Answers children)

Well done! How many pets do you see? (4)

List your pets? (Cow, goat, cat, sheep)

That's right, on the blank number card on the left, put as many dots as there are pets you see.

How many dots did Nastya put? Why? (Answers children)

Let's check if we completed the task correctly?

The correct answer appears on the screen.

Smart girls. Are there equal numbers of domestic and wild animals? (Answers children)

Which animals are there more? (Answers children)

How many fewer wild animals are there than domestic ones? (Answers children)

Which animals are there more? (Answers children)

How many more domestic animals are there than wild ones? (Answers children)

How to make sure that there are equal numbers of animals? (Answers children)

Who is the fox's neighbor on the right? (Answers children)

Who is the goat's neighbor on the left? (Answers children)

Look, the houses have numbers. Are the houses in order? (Answers children)

Which houses are positioned incorrectly? (Answers children)

Let's check if we completed the task correctly?

The correct answer appears on the screen.

What number comes after the number 2? (Answers children)

And before the number 5? (Answers children)

What are the neighbors of the number 4? (Answers children)

Name a number less than 3 by one? (Answers children)

What great guys. Outdoor task "Our Little Brothers" we have successfully completed it. Now let's go to another street.

Children move to the carpet, where houses with numbers are placed.

And this street is called "Geometric". Why do you think? (Answers children)

Right. Geometric shapes live on this street. What geometric shapes do you know? (Answers children)

Look how many houses there are, they are all different and marked with numbers. Now we will play a game with you "Find your house". You will take one card each, look at them carefully, count the geometric shapes on it and find the house you need. Do you understand the task? (Answers children)

Then let's begin!

Children look for houses with the correct number and stand next to them.

Pick up the card. See if you have found your house correctly? (Answers children)

Exchange cards.

The game repeats itself.

Then, go to the tables.

Children go to equipped tables. The task is displayed on the screen.

And there are still houses here. This street is called "Mysterious". Be attentive. Guys, take a look at the houses. What house do you think is the odd one out here? Why? (Answers children)

Well done guys. How many tasks we have completed! Were the tasks difficult? (Answers children)

What helped you? (Answers children)

Guys, we completed all the tasks correctly. I think the residents cities of Mathematics We have already prepared something for you. Let's look.

I show you the chest. Children go out onto the carpet.

And now we need to return home. But in order to do this and fly to our garden, we need to count down and launch our rocket. Are you ready? (Answers children)

So, sit down more comfortably. Let's start the reverse countdown: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Start!

Music is playing.

In the meantime, while you and I are flying, so that it doesn’t get boring, let’s solve some riddles.

1. Two rings, two ends, and a stud in the middle? (Scissors)

2. 4 brothers under one roof? (Table)

3. Continue the phrase: “7 one... (Don't wait)

“Measure 7 times... (Cut once)

Here you and I have landed. Did you like our journey? (Answers children)

Where have we been? (Answers children)

What did you like? (Answers children)

Where would you like to go next time? (Answers children)

Tell us about our traveling at home.

Summary of a game lesson at the Zanimatika association for children 5-6 years old

Game lesson on the subject "Activities"

"Journey along mathematical paths"

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of a game lesson for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic: “Journey along mathematical paths.” This is an open session for parents for the first half of the year.

This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of kindergartens and teachers of additional education of early development schools of the Central Children's Center. This summary develops attention, memory, and thinking. Expands spatial understanding.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Theme of the game lesson: Quantity and counting.

Lesson objectives:

Fix the count within ten (direct, reverse);

To develop the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflexive method, the experience of self-control.


Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Practice solving logical problems and ingenuity problems;

To develop in children an interest in mathematics and a sense of confidence in their knowledge.

Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction.


Develop attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity, initiative;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate positive motivation for learning and interest in mathematics;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Demonstration material – signs with the names of rest stops; a painting with the image of eight butterflies and nine flowers, a toy Old Man - Forester, cards with numbers for the game “Numbers Got Lost”, an image of numbers from 1 to 10 on sheets of A4 size paper for physical education, typesetting canvas, geometric figures, magnetic board, tray, red and green apples made of cardboard, poster with a drawing of an apple tree.

Handouts - number cards from 1 to 10; sets of geometric planar figures, album sheets according to the number of children.

Methods and techniques: explanation, instructions, clarification, questions, demonstration, game technique, encouragement, pedagogical assessment

Ι. Introductory part:

Organizational moment.

a) greeting children;

b) check according to the list;

c) explanation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

ΙΙ. Main part.

Do you like to travel? Today we will have an unusual journey along mathematical paths. The Old Man will come with us - the forest boy, he knows all the paths in the mathematical forest. We will have to go through a lot today and solve many problems along the way. So, let's go on a fabulous journey. And here is the first stop. And it’s called “Difficult Problems.”

We’ll sit at a rest stop and solve all the problems.

How many fingers are on one hand?

What comes first, morning or evening?

How many early morning eyes

Is it opening here?

You, me, and you and me.

How many of us are there?

Name the seasons. (Spring, summer, autumn and winter).

How many ends do two sticks have?

Grandmother Dasha had a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does she have?

Which figure has neither beginning nor end?

There were 4 birds sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest were crows. How many crows?

Kolya ran home from school first, and Olya second. Who runs faster and who runs slower?

Well done, guys! You have completed the task, and we move on.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to the second stop “Guess it.”

And here all the numbers scattered, they began to play in the clearing.
- I’ll ask all the guys to quickly line up the numbers!

(Children must lay out a number series from cards with numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). Group and individual counting in forward and reverse order.

And now the Old Forest Man invites us to play the game “Guess.”

The teacher calls the number, the children find and show the corresponding card with the number. (The smallest number (1), the largest number (10), the number 3 ... 5 ...; the number living between the numbers: 3 and 5, 6 and 8, 7 and 9; neighbors of the numbers 4, 8, 3, etc. .)

Well done, guys! Let's follow the Old Man - the forester along the path further.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to the third stop. And it's called "Riddles".

Guys, let's try to guess the riddles of the Old Man - the Forester?

1) I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel. (Circle.)

2) My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners.

Who am I? (Triangle.)

3) I’ve been your acquaintance since childhood,

Every angle here is right.

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (Square.)

4) I have no corners,

I have no sides.

And I look like a melon.

Well, who guessed it?

What is my name... (Oval.)

5) There are four sides -

Opposites are equal.

Four more right angles

I look like a refrigerator.

Well, think about it, friends.

What does everyone call me? (Rectangle.)

Well, like the Old Man - the forest boy, did the guys guess everything correctly? Shall we move on?

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fourth rest stop ahead. And it's called "Hide and Seek". The old forest man and his friends, the geometric figures, want to play hide and seek with us.

The teacher attaches geometric shapes to the magnetic board - circle, square, triangle, oval and rectangle, shows them, and the children name

geometric shapes. Then the teacher says: “Night.” The children close their eyes, and he hides one figure. The teacher says: “Day.” Children open their eyes and show a geometric figure that does not exist. And then the teacher returns the figure to its place.

The game of hide and seek is repeated for all geometric shapes. Also, the teacher can simply change the positions of the figures without removing them.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fifth rest stop ahead. And it’s called “Physical Minute”. Look, guys, how many trees there are here. And the wind that has risen is shaking the trees and tearing off leaves. The old forest boy wants to play with you.

Physical education lesson “The wind plays with the leaves...”

“The wind plays with the leaves,

He either picks him up or throws him down.

The falling leaves swirl in a waltz.

Late autumn outfit.

On the branches of a white birch

7 (3,9,4,6...) leaves survived.”

Children run to the number that the teacher calls.

The old forest boy wants each of you to come up with a picture and compose it from geometric shapes on a piece of album paper.

Children complete the task independently.

Now tell the Old Man - the forest boy, from what geometric shapes you made your figures: a boat, a fish, a flag, a tree, etc.

Well done, and now the Old Forester leads us further along the mathematical path and here is our last stop, “The Counting Clearing.”

You have found yourself in a beautiful clearing, where many beautiful flowers grow and many colorful butterflies flutter.

The teacher shows a picture of flowers and butterflies.

How many butterflies?

How many flowers?

What more? Less of what? How long?

The numbers liked this station so much that some of them went for a walk and got lost. Help them get back.

4 , 5 , 6 , 7, …9; 6 , 7 , 8 , … 10; 7 , 6 , 5 , … 3.

Which numbers are missing?

(Children pick up cards.)

Well done guys, you returned all the numbers to their places, our journey is over. We covered all the paths without a hitch.

ΙΙΙ. Summing up:

Now evaluate your participation in the journey. If you are happy with your successes today and rate your work as “excellent”, take a red apple on a tray and stick it on the apple tree on the poster, and if you think that something didn’t work out for you and you could have done better, take it and stick on a green apple. (Children evaluate their work.)

The lesson is over, thanks to the Old Man forester for our fabulous journey! Let's tell him goodbye.

Natalia Sizintseva

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the number series, the ability to navigate the number series, solving simple arithmetic problems.



To consolidate knowledge about the number series and volumetric geometric shapes. Use your knowledge to solve problems. Updating knowledge children from different subject areas

Using life situations, attracting experience children to solving problematic


Develop logical thinking, memory, speech, fine motor skills. Develop the ability to work independently, with handouts material.


Maintain interest in the subject, ability to interact in a group, in pairs, strengthening interpersonal contacts.

Equipment and materials:

1. Blocks with numbers from 1 to 9 (for two teams).

2. Presentation with tasks on the screen.

3. Cards for individual work for everyone.

Methods: Practical, verbal, visual, elements of problem situation modeling, dialogue, TRIZ (decrease-increase).

Forms of work: individual, group, frontal.

Quantity children: 12.

Time: 30 minutes.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1: Organizational.

Teacher: Hello guys! Our class I would like to start with these lines

Fly-fly petal

Through West to East

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

be in my opinion led.

Teacher: Who knows what work these lines are from? (Flower of seven flowers) . Who wrote this work? (Valentin Kataev). Why that's what the flower is called? (children remember the story and explain why it is called that).

Stage 2: Motivational (goal setting).

Teacher: Guys! Look what happened to our flower of seven flowers(There is a picture on the screen colorless flower)

Children: The flower has become colorless. He can no longer grant wishes.

Teacher: Absolutely right. He was bewitched by the evil sorceress Chernilda (picture of Chernilda with flower on the screen) she took his power.

To disenchant the flower, we need to complete the tasks prepared by the sorceress.

Teacher: Let's try to cope with the tasks?

Children: Yes.

Stage 3: Basic.

Teacher: The sorceress lived in a castle, but during her witchcraft, the towers on her castle flew into pieces. We need to restore them.

Didactic game "Assemble the towers".

Teacher: You have parts of destroyed towers on your tables. What do you think needs to be done?

Children: Make up the pieces in order from 1 to 9 (children are divided into two teams and place blocks with numbers in order on two tables).

Teacher: Look, did the towers turn out the same or different? How are they different? Who remembers the name of the figure they look like?

Children: Different. They differ in size. Parallelepiped figure.

Teacher: Her favorite birds, pigeons, lived on Chernilda’s towers. When the towers flew away, the birds also flew away, and now the sorceress cannot count her pigeons.

Look at the pigeons in the picture? (On the screen there is a slide with doves and an example for this picture.)

Children: White 3 and gray 2.

Teacher: Did the sorceress correctly give an example of how many white and gray doves there were together? (3-2=5)

Children: Wrong.

Teacher: You have checkered pieces of paper on your desks, write down the correct example of how many pigeons Chernilda had in total. (3+2=5, checking with children, working in pairs).

Well done! All pigeons were returned. Let's remember where the evil sorceress lived?

Children: In the castle.

Teacher: It turns out that in her castle there were a lot of magical objects, but during the witchcraft all the objects got mixed up. You need to put all the magical objects in their places. What rule must be followed?

Children: Objects should not be repeated either in lines or in columns. (Children complete the task together at the board.)

Teacher: Well done, I see you are tired of completing Chernilda’s tasks. Let's take a little rest.

Phys. Just a minute.

Let's clap our hands so many times,

We stamp our feet so many times,

We'll jump so many times

We'll bend over now

We will sit down just long enough

Oh yes, the score is a game and that’s all.

Each time the teacher shows a number on the number line, and the children perform the corresponding number of movements.

Teacher: Among the magical objects, Chernilda had a favorite pot for flowers, she wanted all her pots to be the same, but she didn’t know how to draw. You and I know how to draw, and we can help her make all the pots the same, just like her favorite one. (y children pictures with pots, you need to finish drawing patterns on them)

Teacher: Look what's growing in the pots?

Children: Flower.

Teacher: Are they different or the same flower?

Children: One and the same, but at different periods of its growth.

Teacher: Use the arrows to arrange the pots in increasing order flower.

Guys, look at the board. What happened to our flower of seven flowers? (answers children)

We completed all of Chernilda's tasks, she became kind and disenchanted our flower. Now let's close our eyes and make our wishes. I think they will definitely come true.

Stage 4: Final (reflective).

Teacher: Ours has come to an end Class. Who did we help today? (answers children) Why did we help the evil sorceress?

Children: What would she do? flower of seven flowers and he could again make wishes come true.

Teacher: What was the most difficult thing for you? The most interesting? The simplest? (Answers children.)

Teacher: Class finished, goodbye, guys!

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Image library:

Math lessons for children. Math games for preschoolers.

Developed logical thinking opens the door to the world of mathematics for any child. He will not experience difficulties studying this subject at school if he knows how to compare, generalize, and analyze. Experts say that mechanical teaching (essentially, memorization) of counting and mathematical operations will lead to the fact that a preschooler will be “unviable” in the school curriculum.

Relationship between number and quantity

A child should not simply memorize numbers mechanically, he should learn to find a connection between number and quantity. The easiest way to explain this is with visual mathematical problems. For example: there are three apples on the table, their number is indicated by the number 3. It is known that It's easier for children to count apples, mushrooms, your own fingers, after all, than to operate with numbers. This is due to the fact that abstract and verbal-logical thinking (the basis for mathematics) is just beginning to form. During this period, it is important for children to rely on real objects or pictures.

FORMING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO MATHEMATICS. Many children with a humanitarian mindset, when they come to school, have the impression that mathematics is an uninteresting, boring and difficult science. Teach children to see the “other side” of this object. Problem books are filled with symbols and signs, but they are just a reflection of practical life tasks. Mathematics is the most living of all sciences. And if you play math games, the word “math” will be fixed in his mind as something exciting.

Introduction to mathematical symbols. Start with the simplest symbols: “+”, “-”, “=”. Explain to your child the essence of these signs, which symbolize certain mathematical operations, using examples.

Game “Name as many objects as possible.” The child can name real objects that surround him in space, and those that exist in his memory as images. Offer your child the following tasks:

❀ Name as many objects as possible made of paper, wood, metal, glass, fabric.

❀ Name as many objects of different shapes as possible: triangular, square, round, oval, rectangular.

❀ Name as many heavy and light, narrow and wide, long and short objects as possible.

❀ Name as many objects as possible in red (any other color).

Game "More or Less". Ask your child provocative mathematical questions like: “Guess how many candies are left in the vase? There are fewer than three, but more than one.”

Game "Name the number". This game needs to be played in a group of children. Children and the leader (adult) stand in a circle. The presenter throws a ball to any child and calls any number. The participant calls the next number after the one just named and throws the ball back to the leader. It is advisable that the numbers are not repeated.

Game "Count the Claps". This game develops not only mathematical abilities, but also auditory attention. You clap your hands, and the child counts the number of claps. Clap with different frequencies and strengths.

Game "Hocus Pocus". Take five small objects and hide them in your hands behind your back. Tell your child: “I have only five objects, in my right hand I hold three objects, how many objects are there in my left hand?”

"Find the missing numbers." You will need cards with numbers from 0 to 10 (or 20). The cards are in the child's hands. You name two numbers (for example, 3 and 6), and the child must show cards with missing numbers (4, 5).

"Find the extra figure". For this game you will need colorful geometric shapes. You ask the child to turn away and place identical figures in a row, but one of them will differ in color (size, shape). Then ask them to find the “extra” figure. Change roles, let the child also try to create a task for you.

Developing counting skills

Now the moment has come in a child’s life when he begins to count “everyone and everything”: cars on the street, people at a bus stop, apples in a vase, candy in his stomach. Keep up that mathematical zeal in him!

Program content:

Develop memory, logical thinking, reaction speed;

Counting forward and backward from 0-9, ordinal counting, counting by ear;

Orientation on a sheet of paper;

Recognition and naming of geometric shapes;

Ability to increase and decrease a number by 1 unit, call neighbors of numbers, problem solving;

Days of the week, parts of the day;



Program content:

Develop memory, logical thinking, reaction speed;

Counting forward and backward from 0-9, ordinal counting, counting by ear;

Orientation on a sheet of paper;

Recognition and naming of geometric shapes;

Ability to increase and decrease a number by 1 unit, call neighbors of numbers, problem solving;

Days of the week, parts of the day;

Progress of the lesson : Children greet each other and guests, accompanying the words with hand movements:

“I love you, I love everyone and I send warm greetings to everyone!”

Guys, let's play math? (Children's answer). In the middle of the group there is a “Drum” (table), with an arrow on it for tasks. The teacher turns the arrow, it points to the task, and the children complete it.

Task No. 1

Children approach the “Drum”. “Warm-up for mental flexibility”, Children sit on benches.

1. House for fish on the table (Aquarium)

2. What day of the week is it today, what is it, what was it yesterday, list all the days of the week in order.

3. How many angles does a triangle have (three)

4.Which geometric shapes do not have angles (circle, oval)

5. What parts of the day do you know (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

6. What number does the number 6(9) resemble?

7. Raise your right hand, grab your right ear, place your left hand on your belt

8. What seasons do you know (spring, summer, autumn, winter)

9. How many legs does an octopus have (eight)

10. What season has passed (winter)

11. How many trunks do 4 elephants have (four)

12. Dad picked 4 apples, divided them equally between his son and daughter, sk. Did the children get apples?

13. How many rays does a star have (five)

14. What is the name of the country in which we live (Russia)

15. What are these signs: “+,-,=” (plus, minus, equal)

16. “Mom bought 5 candies. How to divide them between brother and sister? »

17. They check the time (clock).

Well done, the guys completed the task.

Task No. 2 Children approach the number line:

Counting forward and backward;

- “The number is lost”;

Name the neighbors of the number;

- “Count by ear”;

Increase the number by 1 unit and decrease by 1 unit.

Well done, guys, now let's play the game: “Find a mate.” The children are given numbers and geometric shapes while the music is playing, the children move around the group, as soon as the music stops, each of the children looks for a mate (the game is repeated twice).

Game: "Guess it"

Masha has already lived 4 springs, 4 summers, 4 autumns, 4 winters. And Grisha is 4 years old. Which child is older?

Well done.

We approach the “Drum”

We turn the arrow.

Task No. 3 Work at the table.

There are 3 different tasks given:

Color as many cells as indicated by the number;

Examples for addition and subtraction;

Color in the card with the correct number.

Orientation on a sheet of paper.

1. Find the middle of the sheet, draw a circle;

2. In the upper right corner write the number 1;

3. In the lower right corner write the number 5;

4. In the upper left corner write the number 4;

5. In the lower left corner write the number - o.

Well done and you completed this task.

The children get up from the tables.

Physical education moment. Children show the value with their hands.

"We're flying high - hands up

We fly - low - hands down

We fly far - hands away

We fly - close - hands to ourselves

We will need to fly, we will go where we want.

A very complex man - index finger to forehead

Two eyes and two eyelids – indicate eyes and eyelids

And look carefully

Two ears and two nostrils

But there are five fingers to hold everything with them - they spread the fingers on both hands and show grasping movements.


Guys, you did great today, you answered well and correctly.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

In this lesson, children consolidate their knowledge of ordinal counting, geometric shapes (identify them by touch, build geometric shapes from sticks). Through play, children develop a cognitive interest...

Summary of a mathematics lesson for middle preschool children "A Journey to Visit the Numbers"

The class is held in the second half of the year. Recommended for children who have a solid knowledge of geometric shapes, numbers and figures within 4...

summary of an open lesson in mathematics in the middle group. Goal:1. Introduce the formation of the number 3 based on a comparison of two groups of objects containing 2 and 3 elements; count to three.2...

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