Presentation on the topic "human character." Presentation on the topic "character" Presentation on the topic human character

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Character and temperament. Performed by the life safety teacher of the MKOU "Naryshkinskaya Secondary School" of the Teplo-Ogarevsky district of the Tula region, Yuri Dmitrievich Kozyr.

Characteristics of a person. You've probably noticed that you and your school friends react differently to the school bell. Some drop everything and run headlong to class. Others, if they were busy talking, will finish finishing first and only then run to class. Still others, slowly, gradually return to class.

Characteristics of a person are a feature of the nervous system. These characteristics of a person - fast or slow, impulsive or sedate, alone or always in company, completing a task or giving up in the middle of a task - depend on the characteristics of his nervous system.

Temperament. The characteristics of the human nervous system are called temperament. In psychology, temperament is understood as a characteristic of a person in terms of intensity, speed, tempo, rhythm of mental processes and states that depend on the properties of the nervous system of this person: strength, mobility and excitability.

Types of temperament. Conventionally, there are four types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic.

Sagvinik. A sanguine person is a balanced, active, agile person who easily experiences troubles and failures, and is practical.

Phlegmatic person. A phlegmatic person is a person with slow reactions, unperturbed, constant in his feelings, measured in actions and speech.

Choleric. Choleric is an excitable, impetuous, unrestrained in emotions, with frequent mood swings, a fast-talking person.

Melancholic. A melancholic person is a person with a weak type of nervous system, very impressionable, touchy, deeply worried about everything, but capable of subtly feeling and perceiving more information than others, which is why he gets tired faster.

Remember that in life the same people can behave differently depending on the situation. For example, when you are an enthusiastic fan of your favorite sports team, you may behave like a choleric person, that is, jumping, jumping up from your seat, screaming, hugging a neighbor, or desperately scolding an unlucky player.

Remember that in life the same people can behave differently depending on the situation. When you prepare your homework, knowing that it is important to you, you may appear phlegmatic.

However! It has been experimentally proven that in extreme situations or when you have to do one thing for a long time, the prevailing type of temperament necessarily begins to play a major role.

For example, in the face of the approach of any natural disaster, a choleric person will begin to frantically rush and fuss, and if he cannot control the manifestations of his temperament, he will most likely succumb to panic.

For example, in the face of the approach of any natural disaster, a melancholic person will probably fall into deep despondency and begin to imagine possible terrible pictures of what could happen. This may prevent him from making the right decision.

For example, when any natural disaster is approaching, phlegmatic people, due to their lethargy, most often underestimate the danger, which is also harmful to ensuring safety.

For example, in the face of any natural disaster approaching, a sanguine person will most likely be able to quickly overcome their fear and even find the strength to make fun of what is happening. But he may lack sensitivity to others.

In a natural emergency, you will be able to overcome the peculiarities of your nervous system. If you train your will (decisiveness, perseverance, control of your emotions, mood). If you train your mental processes (attention, sensations, perception, memory, thinking, speech, imagination).

To psychologically prepare for a meeting with danger: you need to pay attention to your character.

Who determines the formation of our character? The basis of a person’s character is his temperament, which is given to us by nature, and character is what we ourselves are responsible for. The older we are, the more the formation of our character depends on ourselves.

Dependent character. If, in any situation, even the most insignificant danger, you are accustomed to constantly hiding behind someone’s back (father’s, mother’s, brother, sister, friend), then it means that you are developing a non-independent character.

Remember! In case of danger, when no one is around, your dependent character may let you down. Learn to make decisions and act wisely yourself, first consulting with more experienced and knowledgeable people.

Remember! Any emergency situations of a natural or man-made nature are scary primarily because they are, as a rule, sudden. The twenty-first century is rich in such incidents in different parts of the planet and our country.

Remember! However, you can greatly help yourself survive if you match emergency situations with your knowledge, skills, willpower, character and abilities.

Sources. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade : textbook for general education. institutions / S.N.Vangorodsky, M.I.Kuznetsov, V.N.Latchuk, V.V.Markov. – 13th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. http://

Thank you for your attention! See you again!



Character (from the Greek charakter -
imprint, sign, distinctive
trait) - a set of stable
individual characteristics
a person's personality, his "character",
manifested in activity
communication, behavior, as well as in its
manners, habits, mentality and
his own circle
emotional life.
It's called character
set of essential
core personality traits,
which distinguish a person as
member of society.

A person's character is what
determines his significant actions, not
random reactions to certain things
incentives or established

Character cannot be defined by any one trait; it is always
multifaceted and is a collection of many mutually related
personality traits, which include:
Personality traits that express a person’s most general attitude towards
the surrounding world, to social phenomena and events, for example
principled or unprincipled, optimistic or pessimistic.
Traits that express a person’s attitude to his social and labor
activities, such as hard work, enthusiasm, persistence,
neatness or, on the contrary, laziness, sloppiness, sloppiness.
Traits that express a person's attitude towards other people, e.g.
sociability or isolation, comradely sensitivity or
callousness, gullibility or suspicion, frankness or
Traits that express a person's attitude towards himself, for example
modesty or conceit, self-criticism or arrogance.

There is a division of human personality traits into motivational and
Motivational encourages, directs activities, supports
her, and the instrumentals give her a certain style. Character
can be classified as instrumental personal properties. From him
It’s not the content that matters, but the manner in which the activity is performed.

In its formation, development and functioning
a person's character is closely related to
temperament. The latter represents
dynamic side of character. Character, like
temperament is quite stable and
little changeable.
Character is manifested in those goals that a person
puts himself in life, and in typical features
behavior aimed at achieving these goals. AND
in both respects the leading party
character are the volitional manifestations of a person.

Character, as a set of socially determined
personality traits, always receives from society
or other moral assessment. As for temperament
moral assessment is applicable only when it
seen as an integral part of character.
Temperament itself, being defined mainly
physiological characteristics of the individual, cannot
be assessed as bad or good. Only to the extent
since manifestations of temperament affect
human social relations, they
characterized as acceptable or unacceptable,
worthy or unworthy.


All typologies of human characters were based on
a number of general ideas.
A person's character is formed quite early in life.
ontogenesis and throughout the rest of his life
appears to be more or less stable.
Those combinations of personality traits that are included in
a person's character is not accidental. They
form clearly distinguishable types allowing
identify and build a typology of characters.
Most people agree with this
typology can be divided into groups

E. Kretschmer identified and described three
most common type
body structure or constitution
person: asthenic,
athletic and picnic.
He associated each of them with a special
type of character (later
it turned out that proper scientific
The author has no reason for this

The type of body structure, as was shown by Kretschmer and
partly confirmed by the latest research in
the field of psychogenetics, in a certain way
correlates with a tendency to have mental disorders
diseases. For example, manic-depressive
psychosis most often affects people with extreme
pronounced features of a picnic. To schizophrenic
Asthenics and athletes are more prone to diseases.

1. The asthenic type, according to Kretschmer, characterizes
small body thickness in profile with average or
above average height. Asthenic is usually thin and
a thin person, because of his thinness he seems
slightly higher than it actually is.
An asthenic person has thin skin on the face and body, narrow shoulders,
thin arms, elongated and flat chest with
underdeveloped muscles and weak fat
savings. This is basically the characteristic
asthenic men. Women of this type, in addition,
often undersized.

2. The athletic type is characterized by a highly developed
skeleton and musculature. Such a person is usually average
or tall, with broad shoulders, powerful
chest. He has a dense, high head.
3. The picnic type is characterized by highly developed
internal body cavities (head, chest, abdomen),
tendency to obesity with underdeveloped muscles and
musculoskeletal system. Such an average person
tall with a short neck sitting between the shoulders.

Diseases, according to Kretschmer, are
"caricatures of certain normal personality types." That guy
normal people who, according to their psychological
characteristics reminiscent of schizophrenics, Kretschmer called
"schizothymic"; those who resemble patients with manic-depressive psychosis are called “cyclothymics.”
“Schizothymics” are characterized by such character traits as
aristocracy and subtlety of feelings, a tendency to abstract
brooding and aloofness, coldness, selfishness and
imperiousness, dryness and lack of emotion.
“Cyclothymics” are described by him as people who have
cheerfulness, talkativeness, carelessness, sincerity,
energy, a penchant for humor and easy-to-understand

The classification of character accentuations in adolescents, which was proposed by A.E. Lichko, is as follows:

1. Hyperthymic type. Teenagers of this type are different
mobility, sociability, tendency to mischief.
They always contribute a lot to the events happening around them.
noise, love restless companies of peers. At
they show good general abilities
restlessness, lack of discipline,
study unevenly.
Their mood is always good and upbeat. Co
adults - parents and teachers - they often
conflicts arise. Such teenagers have a lot
various hobbies, but these hobbies, as a rule,
superficial and pass quickly.
Adolescents of the hyperthymic type often overestimate
their abilities, they are too self-confident,
strive to show off, to boast, to impress
surrounding impression.

2. Cycloid type. Characterized by increased
irritability and a tendency to apathy.
Teenagers of this type prefer to stay at home
alone, instead of going somewhere with peers.
They have a hard time with even minor things.
troubles, they react extremely to comments
irritable. Their mood is periodic
changes from elated to depressed (hence
name of this type) with periods of approximately two to three

3. Labile type. This type is extremely variable in
mood, and it is often unpredictable. Reasons
for unexpected mood changes may be
the most insignificant, for example, someone by chance
a dropped word, someone’s unfriendly glance. All of them
"capable of falling into despondency and gloomy disposition
spirit in the absence of any serious troubles
and failures."
The behavior of these adolescents largely depends on
momentary mood. Present and future
according to the mood it can be colored
rainbow, then gloomy colors. Such teenagers
being in a depressed mood, they are in dire need of
help and support from those who can fix
their mood, can distract, cheer up and entertain.
They understand well and feel the attitude towards them
surrounding people.

4. Asthenoneurotic type. This type
characterized by increased suspiciousness and
moodiness, fatigue and irritability.
Fatigue is especially common when
performing difficult mental work.

5. Sensitive type. It is characterized by increased
sensitivity to everything: to what makes you happy and to what makes you sad
or scary. These teenagers don't like big companies, too
gambling, active and mischievous games.
They are usually shy and timid around strangers and therefore
often give the impression of isolation. In adolescence
such adolescents may have difficulties adapting to the circle
peers, as well as an “inferiority complex.”
At the same time, these same adolescents develop quite early
sense of duty, high moral requirements for
to yourself and to the people around you. They have shortcomings in their abilities
often compensate by choosing challenging activities and
increased zeal.
These teenagers are picky about making friends and
friends, show great affection in friendship,
They adore friends who are older than them.

6. Psychasthenic type. Such teenagers are characterized
accelerated and early intellectual development,
a tendency to think and reason, to introspection and
assessments of other people's behavior. Such teenagers, however,
They are often stronger in words than in deeds.
Their self-confidence is combined with indecision, and
categorical judgments - with haste
actions taken precisely at those moments when
caution and discretion are required.

7. Schizoid type. The most significant feature of this type is
isolation. These teenagers are not very attracted to their peers,
prefer to be alone, to be in the company of adults.
They often demonstrate outward indifference to
surrounding people, lack of interest in them, poorly understand
states of other people, their experiences, cannot
sympathize. Their inner world is often filled
various fantasies, any special hobbies.
In the external manifestations of their feelings, they are quite
reserved, not always clear to others, first of all
for their peers, who, as a rule, do not like them very much.

8. Epileptoid type. These teenagers cry often
harass others, especially in early childhood. Such
children, writes A.E. Lichko, they love to torture animals, tease them
younger ones, to mock the helpless. In children's
In companies they behave like dictators.
Their typical traits are cruelty, power, and selfishness.
In the group of children they manage, there are such teenagers
establish their strict, almost terrorist
orders, and their personal power in such groups
rests mainly on the voluntary submission of others
children or fear.
Under conditions of a strict disciplinary regime, they
often feel at their best and try to please
superiors, to achieve certain advantages over
peers, gain power, establish your dictatorship over
those around you.

9. Hysterical type. The main feature of this type is egocentrism,
thirst for constant attention to one's own person. In teenagers
This type often shows a tendency towards theatricality,
posing, panache. Such children have great difficulty in enduring
in their presence, someone praises their comrade, when others
pay more attention than to themselves.
For them, the urgent need is to strive
attract the attention of others, listen in your
address admiration and praise. These teenagers are characterized by
claims to an exceptional position among peers, and,
to influence others, to attract them to oneself
attention, they often act in groups as instigators and
started it up.
At the same time, being unable to become real leaders
and organizers of the case, to gain informal authority,
they fail often and quickly.

10. Unstable type. It's sometimes wrong
characterized as weak-willed, floating on
flow. Teenagers of this type find
increased inclination and craving for entertainment, and
indiscriminately, as well as to idleness and idleness.
They do not have any serious problems, including
professional, interests, they are almost not at all
think about their future.

11. Conformal type. This type demonstrates
thoughtless, and often simply opportunistic, submission
any authorities, the majority in the group. Such
teenagers are usually prone to moralizing and
conservatism, and their main life credo is “to be
like everyone else."
This is the type of opportunist who, for the sake of his own
ready to betray his own interests to a comrade,
leave him in difficult times, but no matter what he
committed, he will always find a “moral” justification
to one’s own actions, and often more than one.

Close to classifications
A.E.Lichko is a typology
characters proposed
German scientist Karl
Leonhard. This
classification is based on
communication style assessment
person with others
people and imagines how
independent types

1. Hyperthymic type. He is characterized by extreme contact,
talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes. He
often spontaneously deviates from the original topic of conversation.
Such a person has occasional conflicts with
surrounding people due to a lack of seriousness towards
their professional and family responsibilities. People of this type
Often they themselves are the initiators of conflicts, but they are upset if
those around them make comments to them about this.
Among the positive features that are attractive to communication partners are:
people of this type are characterized by energy, thirst
activity, optimism, initiative.
At the same time, they also have some repulsive features:
frivolity, a tendency to immoral acts, increased
irritability, projectism, insufficiently serious
attitude towards their responsibilities. They find it difficult to tolerate conditions
strict discipline, monotonous activity, forced

2. Dysthymic type. It is characterized by low
contact, taciturnity, dominant
pessimistic mood. Such people are
usually homebodies, burdened by noisy society,
rarely enter into conflicts with others, lead
closed lifestyle.
They highly value those who are friends with them and are ready for them
submit. They have the following features
personality attractive to partners
communication: seriousness, conscientiousness,
a heightened sense of justice. They also have
repulsive features. This is passivity
slowness of thinking, clumsiness,

3. Cycloid type. He is characterized by quite frequent
periodic mood swings, resulting in
their manner of communicating with others often changes
people. During periods of high mood they
are sociable, and in times of depression -
During times of elation, they behave like people with
hyperthymic accentuation of character, and during the period of decline
- with dysthymia.

4. Excitable type. This type is characterized by low
contact in communication, slowness of verbal and
non-verbal reactions. They are often boring and
gloomy, prone to rudeness and abuse, to conflicts, in
which themselves are active, provoking
side. They are quarrelsome in a team, domineering in
In an emotionally calm state, people of this
type are often conscientious, neat, love
animals and small children. However, able
there are emotional arousal
irritable, hot-tempered, bad
control their behavior.

5. Stuck type. It is characterized by moderate
sociability, boringness, tendency to
moralizing, taciturnity. In conflicts
usually acts as an initiator, an active party.
Strives to achieve high performance in any business he undertakes, demands increased
requirements for yourself.
Particularly sensitive to social justice,
at the same time, he is touchy, vulnerable, suspicious, and vindictive.
Sometimes overly arrogant, ambitious, jealous,
makes unreasonable demands on loved ones and
subordinates at work.

6. Pedantic type. Rarely enters into conflicts
acting more passive than active in them
side. At work he behaves like a bureaucrat,
presenting others with a lot of formal
requirements. At the same time, he willingly gives up leadership
to other people.
Sometimes harasses family members with excessive claims
for accuracy. Its attractive features:
conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness,
reliability in business, and repulsive and
contributing to the emergence of conflicts -
formalism, boringness, grumbling.

7. Anxious type. People of this type are characterized by
low communication, timidity, lack of self-confidence,
minor mood. They rarely get into conflicts
with others, playing them mostly passive
role, in conflict situations seek support and
They often have the following attractive
traits: friendliness, self-criticism,
diligence. Due to his defenselessness
also often serve as “scapegoats”, targets
for jokes.

8. Emotive type. These people prefer to communicate in
a narrow circle of select people with whom they establish
good contacts whom they understand "with
half words." Rarely do they themselves enter into conflicts when playing
them a passive role. They carry grievances within themselves, not
"spill" out.
Attractive traits: kindness, compassion,
rejoicing at other people's successes, heightened feeling
duty, diligence. Repulsive features:
excessive sensitivity, tearfulness.

9. Demonstrative type. This type of people is characterized
ease of establishing contacts, desire for leadership,
thirst for power and praise. He demonstrates high
adaptability to people and at the same time a tendency to intrigue
(with external softness of manner of communication).
Such people irritate others with their self-confidence and high
claims, systematically provoke conflicts themselves, but
while actively defending themselves. They have the following features,
attractive to communication partners: courtesy,
artistry, the ability to captivate others, originality
thinking and actions. Their repulsive traits: selfishness,
hypocrisy, boasting, shirking from work.

10. Exalted type. He is characterized by high
sociability, talkativeness, amorousness. Such
people often argue, but do not bring matters to the open
conflicts. In conflict situations they are like
active and passive side. At the same time
attached and attentive to friends and loved ones.
They are altruistic, have a sense of compassion,
good taste, show brightness and sincerity of feelings.
Repulsive traits: alarmism, susceptibility
momentary moods.

11. Extroverted type. Characterized by high contact,
Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances, they are talkative to the point of
talkative, open to any information. Rarely enter into
conflicts with others and usually play a passive role in them. IN
when communicating with friends, at work and in family, they often give in to leadership
others prefer to obey and be in the shadows.
They have attractive traits such as willingness
listen carefully to the other, do what is asked,
diligence. Repulsive Features: Susceptibility
influence, frivolity, thoughtlessness of actions, passion for
entertainment, participation in the spread of gossip and rumors.

12. Introverted type. His, unlike the previous one,
characterized by very low contact, isolation, isolation from
reality, a penchant for philosophizing. Such people love
loneliness; rarely enter into conflicts with others, only when
attempts to unceremoniously interfere in their personal lives. Often
are emotionally cold idealists, relatively
weakly attached to people.
They have such attractive features as restraint, presence
strong convictions, integrity. They also have repulsive
traits. This is stubbornness, rigidity of thinking, stubborn insistence
your ideas. They all have their own point of view, which may turn out to be
erroneous, differ sharply from the opinions of other people, and yet they
continue to defend it no matter what.

Another interesting try
representation of the typology
characters, based on
a person's attitude towards life,
society and moral
values. She was brought out by E. Fromm and
designated as social
typology of characters.
“Social character,” writes
author, - contains... a selection of features,
essential core structure
character of most members
group that formed in
as a result of basic experience and
way of life common to this

1. “Masochist-sadist.” This is the type of person who tends to see the reasons for his
life successes and failures, as well as the causes of observed social events are not
in the circumstances, but in people. In an effort to eliminate these causes, he
directs his aggression towards a person who seems to be the cause
If we are talking about himself, then his aggressive actions are directed towards himself; If
other people act as the cause, then they become victims of it
Such a person does a lot of self-education, self-improvement,
“remaking” people “for the better.” By his persistent actions,
with exorbitant demands and claims, he sometimes drives himself and those around him
people to the point of exhaustion. This type is especially dangerous for others
when he gains power over them: he begins to terrorize them, based on
"good intentions"
E. Fromm showed that similar personal qualities were inherent in many
known despots in history, and included among them Hitler, Stalin, and a number of others
famous historical figures.

2. “Destroyer.” Characterized by pronounced
aggressiveness and active desire to eliminate,
destruction of the object that caused frustration,
the collapse of a person's hopes.
“Destructiveness,” writes Fromm, “is a means
getting rid of the unbearable feeling of powerlessness.” TO
destructiveness as a means of resolving one’s
life problems are usually addressed by people who
experience feelings of anxiety and powerlessness, are limited in
realization of their intellectual and emotional
opportunities. During periods of great social
shocks, revolutions, coups, they act in
as the main force destroying the old, including
including culture.

3. “Conformist automaton.” Such an individual
faced with intractable social and
personal life problems, ceases to “be
by yourself, by yourself."
He unquestioningly submits to circumstances,
society of any type, the requirements of a social group,
quickly mastering that type of thinking and way of behavior,
which is typical for most people in this situation.
Such a person almost never has anything of his own
opinion, nor an expressed social position.
Such a person is always ready to submit to any new
authorities, quickly and easily changes his beliefs if
circumstances require it without much thought
over the moral side of such behavior. This is the type
conscious or unconscious opportunist.





One of the character traits of a person that reveals a special
age and time stability,
is sociability or a trait related to it -
isolation, as well as more general character traits, are part of
of which the two named are included as components -
extroversion and introversion.

Extraversion and introversion as personality traits express
accordingly, a person’s openness or closedness in
attitude towards the world, towards other people. In the case of an extrovert we
We are dealing with a sociable person who always shows
Everywhere there is a special interest in what is happening around.
In the case of an introvert, on the contrary, we notice that all the attention
a person is directed towards himself and he becomes the center
own interests.

The introverted personality puts himself and
individual inner world is higher than what
happening around. An extrovert, on the contrary, is external
the world puts above its own internal subjective
experiences. This is the most general characteristic of these
the two most common personality types,
based on different character traits. Let's consider
read more about their other psychological characteristics

Certain accentuations are associated with extraversion
characters, in particular exaltation,
demonstrativeness, excitability, hyperthymia
(accentuated character trait, manifested in almost
always in a person’s elevated mood, in his energy,
activity, fairly high vitality.
The most common character traits can be arranged
diametrically: strength - weakness, hardness - softness,
breadth - narrowness, integrity - inconsistency.
The versatility of character lies in the fact that
In different situations, a person may experience different
it is possible that the opposite properties are also
the unity of his character is not only preserved, but in this
it manifests itself.

Accentuation of character

Accentuation of character - excessive expression
individual character traits manifested in
selective vulnerability of a person in relation to
certain situations and stimuli.

Character accentuations

Excessive expression of character traits and their
the combination in extreme manifestations of the norm is called
accentuation of character. Character accentuations are
vulnerability to psychotraumatic effects on
weak link (place of least resistance)
of this type of character with resistance to others
Accentuations can be identified when testing with
using the Smishek questionnaire.

The manifestation of character accentuations occurs in those situations
when it is precisely this vulnerable point of character that is involved, in others
In cases, a person behaves adequately, without breakdowns or shocks.
Explicit and hidden accentuations of character are revealed. Explicit
accentuations belong to the extreme limit of the norm and differ
permanent traits of a certain type of character.
Character accentuations are on the border of psychopathic
disorders. Many accentuations are formed already in adolescence.
age and can already manifest themselves quite strongly, their identification with
using the Shmishek questionnaire for children can help determine
clear manifestation of accentuations for further adjustment
raising a child, honing his character traits.

Questions to check

1.What is
2.When it happens
character formation?
What is character accentuation?


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Imagine that we accidentally heard two people arguing on public transport. A representative of the older generation spoke very negatively about the market economy. He gave examples of the impoverishment of the population, exorbitantly high prices, and uncertainty about the future. His words sounded bitter about the change in the moral character of people who only think about money... He was objected to by a young man who argued that only the market is capable of satisfying human needs and that the future of the country lies in a market economy. Which of them is right? Who would you support in this debate? Or maybe you have a different opinion on this matter? These are the questions that will be discussed in our lesson. Lesson No. 10. Lesson topic: “Market” Goals and objectives: Explain the concepts of “market”, “trade”, “money”, “banks”, “market price”, “contribution”. Find out the role and importance of the market in the development of the economy; show with examples how trade helps production, and money serves people; get acquainted with the history of the emergence of banks, discuss their role in the development of the economy. Continue learning to do comparative analysis, solve problems, participate in discussions, evaluate events and phenomena from different points of view. During the lesson, try to express your attitude towards capital and think about the relationship between material and moral interests in the field of market relations. Plan for studying new material: 1. What is a market?2. Money in the economy.3. Banks in the economy. Introduction to New Material Until recently, we did not have a market economy. How did production develop? Why did our state have to switch to a market economy? What are the pros and cons of such a step? Let's discuss these questions in our lesson. 1. Market Today we quite often hear this concept “market”. When did it appear? What were the first markets like? What do they look like today? Let's summarize the reasoning... Thus, the market is a system of economic relations associated with the exchange of goods and services between sellers and buyers. The market is a meeting place between sellers and buyers, where their interests collide and bargaining occurs. The subject of dispute between them is the price. What does it depend on? The market price is determined by the quantity of goods produced by the demand for goods produced i.e. desire and ability to purchase goods. We analyze the diagram. A market economy has a number of features: Based on private ownership. Based on the initiative, freedom and entrepreneurship of the producer. Prices for goods and services are determined depending on supply and demand in the market. Planning and forecasting are advisory in nature only. The manufacturer himself bears responsibility for the results of production activities. ȁǀࠀǿȁࠀȿ? Home ҀдਂЈ ? Home ІਂЈ Home Ġɀ͠ҀdਂЈ

Attached files

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Presentation on the topic:

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

“How many people - so many characters” A person’s character determines his actions, which make up his life. Human personality is extremely complex and unique. You can always tell one person from another. But at the same time, you can always find similarities between several people.

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In the modern world, people never cease to be interested in a person’s personality; moreover, this problem becomes relevant due to the development of PR technologies, the need for new specialties and professions related to knowledge of psychology, the ability to determine a person’s character, and most importantly, the ability to communicate with people. any personality type. These are such specialties as management, public relations, social workers, etc. Human character - what is it? What does it depend on? Is it possible to change it? And how can you determine at first glance what kind of person he is?

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What is character? Scientists psychologists call character an individual combination of those personality traits that are manifested in a person’s actions and determine his attitude towards the environment. Translated from Greek, the word “character” - Charakter - means “imprint”, “minting”. Already from the name itself it is clear that in all centuries character has been considered as a stable system of human personality traits, such a kind of internal core on which other properties are strung like rings.

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Classification of character traits according to Kretschmer (German psychiatrist) Kretschmer classified people according to their build and hypothesized that people of a certain constitution also have certain character traits. Asthenics, people of thin build, with thin hands and weak muscles, are characterized by weak emotionality, love of philosophy and introspection, a tendency to loneliness. People of the athletic type (medium or tall height, wide chest, excellent muscles) are characterized by such traits as strong will, perseverance and even stubbornness. The third type of constitution is pyknic, it is distinguished by average height, well-developed adipose tissue, weak muscles. People of this type are emotional and strive to enjoy life.

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Throughout a person's life, his character changes. These changes in character most often do not occur consciously, but sometimes a person consciously changes some traits in himself. But the main features, let’s call them basic, are laid down in childhood and we can confidently say that by the age of 5–6 years a child already has his own character. At this age, the child’s character is strongly influenced by adults and how they communicate with the baby. Parents play a big role in character formation. Character formation.

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How to change your character Write down on a separate sheet the character traits that you want to get rid of. Next to each trait, write how it manifests itself. cowardice, insincerity, isolation, ill will, arrogance, laziness, fear of difficulties, lack of initiative

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Eye color and character “Eyes are the mirror of the soul” The most informative source of information about a person is his eyes. All ancient treatises on physiognomy advise starting to study the face with the eyes. Most of the information through which a person develops is perceived through the eyes. In the old days, it was advised to protect your eyes from bad influences: the gaze of an unkind person. Modern psychics recommend that sensitive and vulnerable people wear dark glasses to protect themselves from negative energy.

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Zodiac signs, eye color and character Sagittarius are distinguished by eyes with a “sparkle”, their look is sly and mocking Virgos have a flirtatious look, and their eyes are pure and innocent Scorpios are endowed with dark eyes that simply attract Capricorns - mostly owners of dark eyes with a gaze Aquarius's gaze can be identified by a pensive look or a distracted look from intelligent eyes. Libra has a dreamy, soft gaze, often directed towards the sky.

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Zodiac signs, eye color and character Virgos have a flirtatious look, and their eyes are pure and innocent Sagittarius are distinguished by eyes with a “sparkle”, their look is sly and mocking Scorpios are endowed with dark eyes that simply attract Capricorns - mostly the owners of dark eyes with a gaze Aquarius can be identified by a pensive look or a distracted look from intelligent eyes. Libra has a dreamy, soft gaze, often directed towards the sky.

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Cancers are serious people. In their gaze, as in their head, there are many plans. Pisces have a mainly melancholic or mysterious look. Aries have a piercing “fiery” gaze. Leos have a magical gaze that attracts attention. Taurus by nature have very expressive eyes with a velvety gaze. Geminis are easily recognized by their flirtatious nature. glances combined with loud laughter

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The character of a person by the letters in his name. Natalya N - They are very selective in their heartfelt affections, careful in their words and actions. A - People whose name contains this sound should not be forced to work. Work is their natural need. T - The leitmotif of life is constant variety. L - the craving for bodily comfort outweighs all emotional impulses. I - they like to think, their own thoughts bring pleasure.

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Personal character based on food preferences. Is there a connection between a person's character and what he eats? Until recently, psychologists believed that taste preferences influence our behavior and nature. But it turns out that everything looks a little different. Research shows that we prefer foods that, to some extent, make up for what we are missing in our lives. After all, each product has properties that have a specific effect on our body and nervous system.

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People who are insecure often suffer from excess weight because they like to eat sweets and fatty foods. For example, Turkish psychiatrist Nikhat Hai claims that chocolate is loved by those who are lonely and lack the attention of others. People who consume sweets, cakes, pastries, and candies know how to enjoy life, have a taste for the joys of life, are peace-loving, but are often too soft-bodied. The consistency of the cake is soft and sweet, but it can suddenly fall apart.

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If a person needs someone to take care of him, he eats dairy products - milk, cheese, butter, kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts (by the way, it’s not for nothing that the latter are so popular among children). Cheese – reliability, consistency, softness, tendency to paradoxes. The cheese is cut into thin slices, one after another; cheese is a paradoxical product, both hard and soft at the same time.

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People who have spicy spices in life lack real “spiciness”; existence seems too bland to them. They strive to add “spark” with the help of pepper and seasonings, but such a spark can develop into a destructive force. Sausages and frankfurters are loved by those who have such character traits as perseverance, commitment, a tendency to show sudden carelessness

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Pets and Personality Men who own dogs tend to be aggressive and commanding, while women are caring. Cat lovers are reserved and uncommunicative. Bird lovers are talkative and easily make friends, and women are also aggressive and power-hungry. Turtle owners are slow, like to work alone, methodical, capable of monotonous work. Snake lovers are well versed in difficult situations, great originals .

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The character of a woman and her shoes Shoes for a woman are not just shoes. They can be used to determine character, age, and sometimes even fate. In fact, if for a man shoes are just shoes, then for a woman shoes are the most favorite toys. The storyteller Charles Perrault, who knew very well the magical power of women's shoes, arranged the fate of Cinderella with the help of a crystal slipper. “Women love to change their image,” says the famous shoe designer Manolo Blahnik, “and shoes are the easiest and fastest way to achieve a new look. Moreover, it costs much less than jewelry or outfits from leading couturiers.”

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Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve completion of the work. Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make the square a highly qualified specialist in his field. A temporary form of personality that other stable figures can “wear” during certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. The leading qualities are curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and courage. This figure symbolizes leadership. The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. These are energetic, unstoppable, strong individuals who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them! They are ambitious and pragmatic, and they know how to convey to their superiors the importance of their own work and the work of their subordinates. The most benevolent of the five figures. He has high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, feel, and respond emotionally to the experiences of another person. The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as its own. He is happy when everyone gets along with each other. A figure symbolizing creativity. Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new and original on this basis. They are never satisfied with the way things are done now or have been done in the past. Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, the most excitable of all five figures.

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What is your character? First type (less than 20 points): you do not like companies, prefer silence, walks in nature, communication with friends in a homely, relaxed atmosphere. All this pleases you more than an evening spent in a noisy cafe. Because of this, your friends think that you are a boring person. Second type (20 – 25): you are quite frivolous and quickly get along with people. But you succumb to too frequent changes in mood, from sad to overly cheerful. Third type (more than 25 points): your friends believe that you are irreplaceable in the company. You have a sense of humor and help others feel good. You can endlessly make people laugh and tell interesting stories.

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Remember that each person is unique, inimitable and unpredictable. L.N. Tolstoy said: “Not only can there not be two identical people, but also no two leaves on a tree are exactly the same.” The English artist Whistler responded to Tolstoy: “We can say with even greater right that nothing is more like a plane tree leaf than another plane tree leaf.” And how wonderful it is that all people are very similar in appearance to each other and at the same time completely different from each other, if you look closely at each one. How beautiful the world around us is and we want it to be even more beautiful and kinder. And so that people are so different from each other, but remain with a kind, shining smile on their face and a cheerful, open soul.

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Objective of the lesson:

  • educational: give students knowledge about character: concept, history of teaching about character, features, classification.
  • developing: develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, clearly and competently express your thoughts.
  • educational: develop the ability to work independently and in small groups.

Lesson format: Heuristic conversation.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Didactic material: supporting notes, handouts.

Visual aids: book exhibition.

Illustrative material: fragments of the cartoons “Cinderella”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “I don’t want to”.

TCO: computer, video projector.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Justification of the relevance of the topic.
  3. Presentation of lecture material with elements of conversation:
    1. Concept of character.
    2. History of teachings about character.
    3. Classification.
  4. Fixing the material:
    1. Fill out the table.
    2. Match.
    3. Game exercise: “Guess who they are talking about.”
  5. Reflection.
  6. Summing up.
  7. Homework.

Lesson progress

We continue to study personality psychology and today the topic of our lesson is “Character”.

First, we will figure out what character is.

2. Let's get acquainted with the history of the doctrine of character.

3. Let's consider its structure, classification and individual characteristics.

– Tell me, why do we need to know what character is?

– Yes, when we try to evaluate or characterize a person, we talk about his character.

At the same time, we most often try to evaluate a person in his activity, in relation to the reality and people around him.

If you accidentally responded rudely to someone, does that mean that rudeness is a trait of your character? Why?

So what is character? I think we need to start with its definition. Maybe there is a crossword puzzle lover among you who can tell us how “character” is translated from Greek.

“Character” is a word of ancient Greek origin and translated means seal, embossing, feature.

Character is a set of stable individual characteristics of a person, which develop and manifest themselves in activity and communication, and determine typical behavior patterns.


  • It is interconnected with aspects of the personality, in particular with temperament, which affects the form of manifestation of character.
  • Thus, the persistence of a choleric person is expressed in vigorous activity; for a phlegmatic person - in concentrated thinking;
  • the choleric person works energetically and passionately;
  • phlegmatic - methodically, slowly.

On the other hand, temperament itself is rebuilt under the influence of character: a person with a strong character can suppress some of the negative aspects of his temperament, controlling its manifestations.

2. Character is a lifetime formation and can change throughout life. Character formation is closely related to a person's thoughts, feelings and motives as his character is formed.

Before moving on to character descriptions and a discussion of the main problems, ………., I would like to turn a little to history.

The study of character - characterology has a long history of development.

The most important problems Characterology for centuries has been the establishment of character types and their definitions, with the aim of analyzing human behavior in various situations.

  • One of the most ancient attempts to analyze human behavior is to explain his character date of birth.

Various ways of predicting the fate and character of a person are called - horoscopes, which are compiled in the same way, each horoscope has its own interpretation.

  • Druid horoscope, which draws a connection between human character and trees. A person born between December 22 and January 1 - apple, and according to the horoscope, the apple tree is rarely tall, there is a lot of cuteness in it, a lot of charm, warmth. Inspires thoughts of love, even when she herself does not think about it.
  • Astrological horoscope – associated with the signs of the Zodiac. A person born from December 22 to January 20 is Capricorn, according to this horoscope - a stubborn character, the most persistent, hardy, secretive, and often proud.
  • Comparisons of the Japanese and Chinese horoscopes are also significantly different - there is reason for discussion and further research.

2. The secret of the name.

No less popular are attempts to connect a person’s character with his name. Recently, this branch of characterology has received a new impetus for development; on the shelves of bookstores there are many books telling about the interpretation of names. Future parents pay special attention to this issue.

For those interested, more detailed information can be found at our book exhibition or in the library.

3. Physiognomy - had a great influence on the development of characterology - this is the doctrine of the connection between a person’s external appearance and his belonging to a certain type of personality.

  • Aristotle and Plato proposed to determine the character of a person by the external similarity of certain traits of humans and animals, and then to identify the character of this animal with the character of a person:
    - thick, like bull nose - meant laziness;
    – wide nose, with large nostrils like pigsstupidity;
    – nose like a lion – importance;
    thin hair like the wool of goats, sheep, hares - timidity;
    – coarse hair like that of a lion and boar – courage.
  • Iogren Lavater - (the most famous system) considered the main way to understand human character to be the structure of the head, the configuration of the skull, facial expressions, etc.

Goethe's "genius", in his opinion, lay in his nose, which “signifies taste and love - in a word, poetry.”

Physiognomists used a wide variety of characteristics as determinants:

For example Delestre noted the degree of pursing of lips directly proportional to strength of character;

  • relaxed lips are a sign of possessing “feminine” character traits (gentleness, courtesy);
  • A stupid person's mouth is completely open.

However, the most important indicator of character was a person’s eyes.

Aristotle pointed out that large, good-natured, but bulging eyes are a sign of stupidity.

Tolstoy L.N. wrote: “There are people whose only eyes laugh - these people are cunning and selfish. There are people whose mouth laughs without eyes - these people are weak, indecisive, and both of these laughter are unpleasant.”

  • This view is still relevant today.

American psychologists Glaive and Klern conducted many experiments, after a five-year study (10 thousand children), they proved the huge influence of eye color on a person’s character: children with dark eyes– have great initiative, a more restless character than children with light eyes;

In adults, some deviations are possible. The authors claim people:

  • with dark blue eyes they are very persistent, but prone to sentimentality, easily susceptible to mood, remember insults for a long time, are capricious, sometimes their actions are unpredictable;
  • with dark gray eyes, they are stubborn and courageous, persistent and achieve their goals, despite various difficulties. They can be quick-tempered and vindictive. Jealous, mostly monogamous.
  • dark brown eyes are cheerful, witty, quick-tempered, but easy-going. They are amorous, but not very constant. As a rule, they are sociable, love humor, and get along with people easily;
  • light brown
  • blue
  • green and gray-green eyes.

4. As a separate area of ​​characterology, one can distinguish the determination of a person’s character by his posture, how he stands, how he walks, how he walks, and even in what position he falls asleep.

5. Palmistry - has an equally famous and rich history. is a system of predicting a person’s character traits and his fate based on each palm relief.

Palmistry has been known since ancient times, but its greatest flourishing occurred in the 16th-18th centuries, when many European universities had palmistry departments.

See the book for more details.

6. Graphology is a science that considers handwriting as a type of expressive movements that reflect the psychological properties of the writer.

Graphological information has been accumulated for centuries, scientists have established a connection between the features of handwriting and character.

You can also check yourself by looking at the painting.

Of course, it is not worth judging the history of teachings about character, because what we have now is the merit of the past. And as you can see, these approaches to the study of character are still relevant today.

For those who are interested in this topic and who want to study this problem more fully, I have prepared a memo with a list of necessary literature, which is available both in our library and in our office (Appendix No. 1).

  1. Constitutional-biological (Kretschmer), character is the sum of constitution and temperament.
  2. Psychoanalytic (Sigmund Freud, C. Jung) – character is explained by the unconscious influence of a person.
  3. Ideological (Rebeca) – character lies in the inhibition of instincts, which are determined by ethical and logical sanctions.
  4. According to Pavlov's teaching, character is a habitual, firmly established reaction to repeatedly repeated environmental influences.

Character is what determines his typical forms of behavior and activity, his significant actions, and not random situational reactions to certain circumstances.

Character is a unique spiritual structure of a person’s life.

The basis of character is made up of leading and stable orientations, its attitudes, needs, motivations, goals, interests.

Character is an inextricable whole, which is very difficult to study and understand without highlighting individual aspects or typical manifestations in it.

Under character traits understand the individual habitual manifestations of a person’s form, in which his attitude to reality is realized.

There are many character traits or personality qualities, but they are divided into several groups that are closely related to each other, influence each other and are a reflection of a person in different aspects of life.

Character is manifested in the following features (diagram).

  1. Attitude towards other people.

1. I suggest you complete the following task “Fill out table No. 1”(Appendix No. 2).

Now your attention will be shown fragments of cartoons - characters that are familiar to you from childhood.

Attention, task: Select heroes who have the character traits indicated in the table and indicate (explain, reveal, clarify) how they are manifested (expressed).

We work independently - time 15 minutes

Attention to the screen!

Mutual verification – evaluation criteria, correctness, reasoning, quantity.

Why, when analyzing fairy tales, can we safely talk about character traits, and not about the temporary actions of the heroes?

2. Often we use folk wisdom to more comprehensively define character, i.e. proverbs and sayings.

Listen to the following task:

– analyze the proverbs and determine what character traits they are talking about:

  1. Attitude towards other people.
  2. A person's attitude towards himself.
  3. Man's attitude to the world of things.
  4. A person’s attitude to business, to his work.

When can we be most confident about a person's character?

Yes, if we know him well enough.

You have known each other for almost six months, and your relationship is not limited only to studies - many spend their free time together, and some live side by side in the same room. And, I hope, during this time you got to know each other well enough.

I suggest playing a game: “Guess who they are talking about.”

Conditions: One of the participants will leave the audience. The remaining students must decide which student they will talk about. But, we can only talk about good (qualities) character traits. Nothing negative can be said. After that, we invite the person who left back. The guesser listens to all the statements and names the name of the intended student who is being spoken about.

Are you ready? Let's start!

Questions for participants. Tell me which is more difficult:

  1. Highlight and list the main character traits or by description.
  2. Or find out from the description of someone who has these traits.

Questions for the guesser:

What is the most striking character trait inherent in this particular person that you would highlight so that there is no doubt that this is exactly this person.


  1. Tell me, what new did you learn today?
  2. What surprised you?
  3. What will you take note of?
  4. What was the most interesting?

Summing up.


  1. Textbook. Slastenina. Section "Personality Psychology". Ch. 9, p. 15. read and learn the volume “Character”.
  2. Creative task. I suggest you analyze your actions and relationships at home and fill out the table. No. 2 (Appendix No. 3).
    1. Determine the main traits of my character (the qualities that I have).
    2. Qualities you want to change.
    3. What do you need for this?

And in the next lesson we will discuss what difficulties you have and how to overcome them.

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