Origin of the word turtle etymological dictionary. Turtle origin, etymology. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikephoros

And, well. 1. A reptile covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. Land turtle. Swamp turtle. Sea turtle. Small academic dictionary

  • turtle - Derived from skull. The name is given by the similarity of the shell with the shell (that’s exactly what it was original meaning words skull). Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • turtle - 1. turtle w. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. 2. decompression Horny plates of the shell of such animals, used for crafts. 3. decomposition Dictionary Efremova
  • turtle - turtle Derived from cherep (see) and replaced the more ancient *jelly "turtle" (see nodule), based on a taboo, according to Zelenin (Taboo 2, 53). Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • turtle - See skull Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - Old Russian - skull (shard, fragment). Old Slavonic - chrap. Indo-European – (s)ker-t-s- (cut, separate). The word “turtle” appeared in Russian no later than the end of the 17th century. In R. James we find the word “cherapak” in 1618... Etymological Dictionary of Semenov
  • turtle - TURTLE, -i, f. A urinal, less often a toilet. Wed. ug. “turtle” - basin in the chamber. Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  • Turtle - (Lev 11:29; Hebrew Tzab). In the Russian and Slavic Bible there is a lizard (perhaps Dabb) with its breed. According to the Law of Moses, he is classified as unclean. Bible Encyclopedia archim. Nikephoros
  • turtle - TURTLE -and; and. 1. A reptile whose body is covered with a bony or leathery shell, convex on top and flat below, moving very slowly on short legs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. Land part. Swamp... Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - spelling turtle, -and Spelling dictionary Lopatina
  • turtle - Lazy (Karenin). Dictionary of literary epithets
  • turtle - TURTLE, turtles, female. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony armor (consisting of upper and lower shields, the surface of which is covered with horny plates), moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - TURTLE, and, f. A slow-moving reptile on short limbs, covered (except for the leatherback turtle) with a bony shell. Sea piece. Products made from turtle (from the horny plates of the shell). To drag (crawl) like a h. (very slowly; colloquial disapproved). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - Turtle/a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • turtle - 1. turtle, turtles, turtles, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles 2. turtle, turtles, turtles, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtle , turtles, turtle, turtles Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • turtle - noun, number of synonyms: 18 hawksbill 2 hydromedusa 4 gopher 6 nodule 2 nodule 5 amphibian 36 caretta 2 loot 3 matamata 1 parareptile 1 pelomedusa 1 urinal 2 reptile 63 elephant tortoise 2 sfarkins 1 cynicus 2 cynosternus 1 turtle 3 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • And, well. 1. A reptile covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. Land turtle. Swamp turtle. Sea turtle. Small academic dictionary

  • turtle - 1. turtle w. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. 2. decompression Horny plates of the shell of such animals, used for crafts. 3. decomposition Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • turtle - turtle Derived from cherep (see) and replaced the more ancient *jelly "turtle" (see nodule), based on a taboo, according to Zelenin (Taboo 2, 53). Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • turtle - See skull Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - Old Russian - skull (shard, fragment). Old Slavonic - chrap. Indo-European – (s)ker-t-s- (cut, separate). The word “turtle” appeared in Russian no later than the end of the 17th century. In R. James we find the word “cherapak” in 1618... Etymological Dictionary of Semenov
  • turtle - TURTLE, -i, f. A urinal, less often a toilet. Wed. ug. “turtle” - basin in the chamber. Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  • Turtle - (Lev 11:29; Hebrew Tzab). In the Russian and Slavic Bible there is a lizard (perhaps Dabb) with its breed. According to the Law of Moses, he is classified as unclean. Archimandrite Biblical Encyclopedia. Nikephoros
  • turtle - Original Suf. derived from skull. The turtle gets its name from its hard, skull-like covering. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  • turtle - TURTLE -and; and. 1. A reptile whose body is covered with a bony or leathery shell, convex on top and flat below, moving very slowly on short legs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. Land part. Swamp... Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - spelling turtle, -and Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • turtle - Lazy (Karenin). Dictionary of literary epithets
  • turtle - TURTLE, turtles, female. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony armor (consisting of upper and lower shields, the surface of which is covered with horny plates), moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - TURTLE, and, f. A slow-moving reptile on short limbs, covered (except for the leatherback turtle) with a bony shell. Sea piece. Products made from turtle (from the horny plates of the shell). To drag (crawl) like a h. (very slowly; colloquial disapproved). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • turtle - Turtle/a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • turtle - 1. turtle, turtles, turtles, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles 2. turtle, turtles, turtles, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtles, turtle, turtle , turtles, turtle, turtles Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • turtle - noun, number of synonyms: 18 hawksbill 2 hydromedusa 4 gopher 6 nodule 2 nodule 5 amphibian 36 caretta 2 loot 3 matamata 1 parareptile 1 pelomedusa 1 urinal 2 reptile 63 elephant tortoise 2 sfarkins 1 cynicus 2 cynosternus 1 turtle 3 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • The turtle gets its name from its hard, skull-like covering.

    School etymological dictionary Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard. N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova. 2004 .


    See what “turtle” is in other dictionaries:

      Turtle- Totoys Turtle... Encyclopedia of technology

      turtle- elephant tortoise, loot, gopher, turtle, hydromedusa, cynic, pelomedusa, cynostern, urinal, reptile, carriage, hawksbill Dictionary of Russian synonyms. turtle noun, number of synonyms: 18 hawksbill (2) ... Dictionary of synonyms

      TURTLE- TURTLE, turtles, women. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony armor (consisting of upper and lower shields, the surface of which is covered with horny plates), moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      turtle- TURTLE, and, w. A urinal, less often a toilet. Wed. ug. “turtle” basin in the chamber... Dictionary of Russian argot

      TURTLE- TURTLE, and, female. A slow-moving reptile on short limbs, covered (except for the leatherback turtle) with a bony shell. Sea piece. Products made from turtle (from the horny plates of the shell). Plod (crawl) like a h. (very slowly; collapsing... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      TURTLE- Tortilla (Tartilla). Jarg. school Joking. 1. Librarian. (Recorded 2003). 2. An elderly teacher. (Recorded 2003) ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

      turtle- lazy (Karenin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913… Dictionary of epithets

      Turtle- ? Turtles Scientific classification Kingdom: Animals Type: Chordata Subtype ... Wikipedia

      Turtle- Represents water, the Moon, Mother Earth, the beginning of creation, time, immortality, fertility, procreation. The turtle is often depicted as keeping the peace. The beginning of creation is associated with it and it is considered to support the whole world. In China they believed that she... ... Dictionary of symbols

      TURTLE- a symbol of material existence: the tortoise shell is seen as the vault of heaven that arose on flat earth; a direct mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of everything universal. The turtle symbolizes the slowness of life, its smooth... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia

      TURTLE- Dreaming of a turtle means standing in lines for a long time, being late and a failed meeting. Riding a giant turtle means ridiculous accusations against you from your husband. Lying on her back, she is unable to turn over and get to her feet... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation


    • Turtle Tarazi. Floating Eurasia, Timur Pulatov. Timur Pulatov is the author of widely known prose works. His novel “The Turtle of Tarazi” is about the life and amazing adventures of a medieval scientist from Bukhara, who dared to do great things...

    Byzantine Military Historical Dictionary


    a leather-covered wooden canopy, under the cover of which the besiegers would dig or break through the wall.

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


    Like a turtle or turtle (go, go etc.) - very slowly

    Efremova's Dictionary


    1. and.
      1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell.
      2. :
        1. decomposition Horny plates of the shell of such animals, used for crafts.
        2. Products made from such plates.

    Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikephoros


    (Lev 11:29; Hebrew Tzab). In the Russian and Slavic Bible there is a lizard (perhaps Dabb) with its breed. According to the Law of Moses, he is classified as unclean. However, it is believed that what is meant here is one of the species of a large lizard, and not the actual reptile animal, known to us from zoology as a turtle.

    Military-historical dictionary of Antiquity and the Middle Ages


    (lat. testudo) a closed Roman battle formation, in which the first row of legionnaires holds shields in front of them, and the next rows hold their shields above their heads; thereby forming a kind of continuous protective shell of shields, protecting the “turtle” legionnaires from enemy projectiles falling from above

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


    Old Russian - skull (shard, splinter).

    Old Slavonic - chrap.

    Indo-European – (s)ker-t-s- (cut, separate).

    The word “turtle” appeared in Russian no later than the end of the 17th century. In R. James we find the word “cherapak” in 1618. The nickname “turtle” has been known since 1686.

    Etymologically, it belongs to the group of words “skull”, “shard”, “tile”. The common Slavic name of the animal, apparently, was zely, the outdated name of the earthly turtle (colloquial) is “zhelv”, “zhelvets”.

    Derivatives: turtle, tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell.

    Ushakov's Dictionary


    turtle, turtles, wives

    1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony armor (consisting of upper and lower shields, the surface of which is covered with horny plates), moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted under the armor; serves as a symbol of slowness, laziness. The train crawls like a turtle. “It was spring, and we had to drag ourselves like a turtle through the river floods.” Nekrasov.

    2. only units Horny shell plates of some turtles, used for crafts. Turtle products.

    Ozhegov's Dictionary

    SCULL A HA, And, and. A slow-moving reptile on short limbs, covered (except for the leatherback turtle) with a bony shell. Sea part. Turtle products (from the horny plates of the shell). To drag (crawl) like h. (very slowly; colloquial disapproved).

    A leather-covered wooden canopy, under the cover of which the besiegers would dig or break through the wall.

    View value Turtle in other dictionaries

    Turtle- turtles, w. 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony armor (consisting of upper and lower shields, the surface of which is covered with horny plates), very slowly......
    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Turtle J.— 1. A reptile with a body covered with a bony shell, moving very slowly on short limbs, which, like the head, can be retracted into the shell. 2. unwind.........
    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

    Turtle— Educated from. The name is given by the similarity of the shell to the shell (this was the original meaning of the word skull).
    Krylov's etymological dictionary

    Turtle- -And; and.
    1. A reptile whose body is covered with a bony or leathery shell, convex at the top and flat at the bottom, moving very slowly on short legs that......
    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Leatherback Turtle- a reptile of the order of sea turtles. The largest modern turtle is up to 2 m long and weighs up to 600 kg. It lives in tropical seas and also swims into subtropical ones. Body........
    Big encyclopedic dictionary

    Swamp Turtle- marsh turtle
    reptile fam. freshwater turtles. Lives in North-West Africa, West and South Eastern Europe, in Asia Minor and the Middle........

    Red-eared Turtle- red-eared turtle
    reptile fam. freshwater turtles. It lives in the eastern part of the North American continent, in small ponds and lakes with low........
    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Achilles and the Tortoise- - the famous sophism of the Eleatic Zeno, with which he wanted to prove that there is no real movement. Swift-footed Achilles would never have been able to catch up with the tortoise if it........
    Philosophical Dictionary

    Turtle- "Totoys" - "
    In 1942, the British General Staff, which was responsible for developing the concept for the development of armored vehicles, showed interest in the so-called "assault......
    Encyclopedia of technology

    Sea Turtle- Means water, Moon, Mother Earth, the beginning of creation, time, immortality, fertility, procreation. The turtle is often depicted as keeping the peace; the beginning is associated with it......
    Dictionary of symbols

    Turtle- Represents water, the Moon, Mother Earth, the beginning of creation, time, immortality, fertility, procreation. The turtle is often depicted as keeping the peace. The beginning is associated with it........
    Dictionary of symbols

    TURTLE— TURTLE, -i, f. A slow-moving reptile on short limbs, covered (except for the leatherback turtle) with a bony shell. Sea part. Turtle products........
    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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